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Nama Prodi, Fakultas,

No. Nama Penulis Judul Skripsi
The Shadow And Persona Of An
Anti-Hero: An Archetypal English Department, Faculty Of
Moch Wahyu Ksatria
1 Reading On Garth Ennis’s Humanities, Universitas
Graphic Novel Entitled Welcome Airlangga
Back, Frank
2 Tiffani Kintan Umami OF RACIAL PREJUDICE
1) Metode penelitian ditulis secara lengkap kualitatis/kuantitatif dan metode lainnya yang digunakan termasuk tek
2) Konsep/Teori/Pendekatan penelitian: ditulis semuanya jika menggunakan lebih dari satu konsep/teori/pendekat
3) Hasil penelitian dapat dilihat di abstrak dan bab kesimpulan skripsi.

a kutip dua diawal dan diakhir kalimat/paragraf, misal: ". . . "

Judul Corpus/ Objek

Tahun Sinopsis / Penjelasan Singkat
penelitian/ Unit Analisis Rumusan Masalah (Copas)
Publikasi Corpus (Copas/ rangkuman)
for a resolution. In the end, The
Punisher succeeds in avenging
his family, but at that point also,
he realizes his true aim as an
anti-hero is to protect civilians
from the hands of evil. Despite
his aim to eradicate evil, The
Punisher does not have a full
support from the law
enforcement. NYPD designates a
timid detective, Martin Soap to
pursue The Punisher. Even
though The Punisher received
injustice treatments from the
NYPD, The Punisher still
considered them as his ally
because he was once a member
of law enforcement. Soon after "1. How does the persona and
Frank Castle concluded his the shadow of The Punisher as an
revenge to the Gnuccis, he gave anti-hero portrayed in Ennis’s
evidences of fraud inside the Welcome Back Frank?
2020 "Welcome Back, Frank" body of NYPD to soap. Such 2. How do the shadow and the
decisions successfully cements persona of The Punisher affect his
The Punisher’s alliance with the progress in achieving the
NYPD. individuation?"
Later on, New York was shocked
by the news that there was a
new criminal group in town. This
group of criminals named
themselves as The Vigilante
Squad, in accordance to their
name they are a group of people
who are not reluctant to create
chaos to achieve their goals.
However, The Punisher was not
silent after hearing this news, he
immediately sought information
about who was behind the
group. The Punisher was
surprised to find the fact that
members of this group have
different backgrounds. In this
group there is a priest, a
bourgeoisie, and also a recently
unemployed man. Not long after
getting that information, The
Punisher moved to the church
where one of its members
settled. At that time also, the
priest said that this group would
follow The Punisher forever.
However, The Punisher said
differently, he assumed that the
group was just a bunch of
imitators and he immediately
executed them on the spot.
After dealing with The Vigilante
Squad, The Punisher visited the
apartment where he hid during
his quest of revenge. However,
The Punisher did not meet with
the three neighbors, he only put
a stack of money in his room
that was divided equally for the
three neighbors. The Punisher
smiled at the sight of their
happiness from outside his
apartment as he promises not to
involve civilians in his duties as
anti-hero ever again. His
resolution also marked the end
topic. In the author's note part
in the novel, the author explains
that she has wanted to
write stories about racism
against black people that occur
in the United States. She
discouraged it. She was afraid
that she could not be fair in
writing stories about
racism against black people in
America because she was white.
As a white person,
she felt that she didn't know
what it was like to grow as a
black person in America.
Writing about black people is
1) How are racial prejudice and
considered different because
racial discrimination described in
racism is a difficult topic
to talk about. Then, one day, she the novel?
2020 Small Great Things 2) How does racial prejudice lead
saw the news about an African to racial discrimination and serve
American nurse who as American‘s
got an unpleasant treatment. A world vision?
father who turned out to be a
white supremacist asked
the hospital where the nurse
worked at so that black nurses
like the nurse and
hospital staff who seem like her
to not touch their children. From
here, the author
believes that she can write a
story about racism from the
point of view of a black
nurse, a skin-head father, and a
public-defender white woman.
She wanted to show
how white people seemed to be
digunakan termasuk teknik analisis/teknik pengumpulan datanya apa saja (misal survei, angket, wawancara, focus group discussion, obse
u konsep/teori/pendekatan.
Metode Penelitian Teori/Pendekatan
Tujuan Masalah (Copas)
(Copas/rangkuman) (Copas/rangkuman)
"Based on the research
"This study applied qualitative
statements above, the
method, with close reading being
objectives of this study are:
emphasized in order to analyze
1. To provide clearer
formal elements inside the literary "To analyze the issue, the writer
understandings regarding the
work and its relations towards employs archetype theory initiated by
characteristics and the villains
persona or shadow archetype.
Moreover, the writer also employ Carl Jung and mainly focuses on the
of The Punisher as an anti-hero.
2. To elaborate the influence phenomenon of persona and its
non- narrative elements analysis for
from both persona and shadow counterpart, shadow."
graphic novel coined by Karin
archetype in helping Frank
Kukkonen in order to find supporting
Castle to discover his true
arguments that will enhance the
purpose of living."
writer’s arguments more."
I use sociological approach by
Goldmann to analyze Small Great
The data was gathered by reading
novel. Not only analyzing the intrinsic
literature books, journals and other
sources related elements of the novel such as theme,
to the topic. Therefore, I used some
Based on the problems, the theories relevant to my study to character and characterization, the
objectives of this study are: researcher also analyzed the extrinsic
analyze the data
1) To analyze the racial elements of
and answer the problem statement
prejudice and the racial the novel such as the historical
discrimination expressed in of this study. The author used the context of when the novel was
theory of
story. written. Through the
prejudice and discrimination in the
2) To explain how racial sociology perspective to analyze analysis of the intrinsic of novel such
prejudice leads to racial racial as settings, plot, character and
discrimination as a social characterization
discrimination as a result of racial
phenomenon in America and the extrinsic of the novel such as
prejudice. A novel was written by the society at the place and the time
Jodi Picoult
when the
entitled Small Great Things is used novel was written, the researcher
as the object of the study
shows how the novel reflects the
ideology of Small
Great Things‘s writer
us group discussion, observasi, studi dokumen, analisis isi, dll).
Hasil Penelitian (Copas/rangkuman) *Bisa
dilihat di abstrak/ bab kesimpulan
"This study finds the characteristics that
distinguish anti-heroes from heroes as well as
the roles of persona and shadow archetype
towards his resolution as the result of
individuation in forms of descriptive analysis."
Based on the discussion in chapter four, the
researcher concluded that the novel Small
Great Things portrayed racial discrimination as
a result of racial prejudice. It started
by finding racial prejudice and racial
discrimination that portrayed in the novel.
Racial prejudice carried out by a dominant
group namely can cause racial
discrimination to the subordinate group. Racial
discrimination occurs is
discrimination in terms of housing, education,
employment, and drug use. The racial
segregation of housing led to school
segregation between blacks and whites. The
education quality between the two is also
Key word Abstrak
ABSTRAK penelitian (Copas)
"This study aims to elaborate the qualities of an anti-hero as
depicted in form of The Punisher throughout the graphic novel
and to explain about the significance of persona and shadow
archetype towards The Punisher’s progress to achieve
individuation. The Punisher considered as an anti-hero mainly
because of his belief that bad guys deserve to be killed in order
to reach absolution. Anti-hero is often dubbed as a vigilante.
However, it is not entirely correct. To analyze the issue, the
writer employs archetype theory initiated by Carl Jung and
mainly focuses on the phenomenon of persona and its
"Keywords: anti-hero,
counterpart, shadow. Therefore, this study applied qualitative
the punisher, rebel."
method, with close reading being emphasized in order to
analyze formal elements inside the literary work and its relations
towards persona or shadow archetype. Moreover, the writer
also employ non- narrative elements analysis for graphic novel
coined by Karin Kukkonen in order to find supporting arguments
that will enhance the writer’s arguments more. This study finds
the characteristics that distinguish anti-heroes from heroes as
well as the roles of persona and shadow archetype towards his
resolution as the result of individuation in forms of descriptive
Umami, Tiffani Kintan. 2020. Racial discrimination as the
Consequence of Racial
Prejudice Portrayed in Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things. A final
project.English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
Negeri Semarang. Advisor I: Maria Johana Ari Widayanti, S.S,
In a multicultural society consisting of two or more groups of
people, problems in
society are very likely to occur. Racial prejudice or what is
commonly referred to as
racism and racial discrimination are one of them. Related to this
matter, the Small
Great Things novel by Jodi Picoult also illustrates racial prejudice
and racial
discrimination. This research was conducted to analyze racial
prejudice and racial
discrimination and also the influence of racial prejudice
on racial
Racial Discrimination, Racial Prejudice, Racism
which was portrayed in the novel Small Great Things. The
method used in this study
is a qualitative method where the data collected is in the form of
words, not in the
form of numbers. The researcher used Goldmann‘s sociological
approach to analyze
the data. Furthermore, the researcher found that racial
prejudice can cause someone to
do racial discrimination. Racial discrimination caused by racial
prejudice can create
racial prejudice and will further create racial discrimination.
These recurring events
indicate that there is a vicious circle in the relationship between
racial prejudice and
racial discrimination. Knowing that racial prejudice can cause
racial discrimination;
we must abolish them all
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