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Medical Play dalam Menurunkan Respon Kecemasan Anak Usia

Prasekolah yang mengalami Hospitalisasi di Ruang Rawat Inap


Roby Suhendra



Ns. Andre Fernandes M.Kep, SP, An


Medical Play dalam Menurunkan Respon Kecemasan Anak Usia
Prasekolah yang mengalami Hospitalisasi di Ruang Rawat Inap Anak

Nurmashitah1 , Agus Purnama


Medical play is one of the play therapies that can be given to children by being given the opportunity
to play and explore medical equipment such as stethoscope, penlight, thermometer, and others on the
actions they experience while in hospital. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness
of the application of atraumatic care with medical play on the anxiety response of preschoolerswho
underwent hospitalization. This research is an experimental study with a pre-experimental design
approach with a pre and posttest design approach without control using the t-test. The population in
this study were all pediatric patients with hospitalization in the pediatric ward of RSU Adhyaksa. The
sample used is 26 respondents using a sampling technique is consecutive sampling. Collecting data
using the ZSAS (Zung Self Rating Anxiety) questionnaire Scale) The results of the data obtained that
the average score of children's anxiety before the intervention was 50.346, the average score of
children's anxiety was after the intervention was 47.3846. The test results with the paired sample t-test
obtained p-value = <0.05 in

ZSAS score, which means at 5% alpha, shows that medical play is effective in reducing
children'sanxiety preschoolers who are hospitalized. It is expected that nurses as nursing care
providers can Pay attention to the needs of the child in the nursing process. Because preschoolers can
be invited communicate well, then perform therapeutic communication and various interventions to
reduce impact of hospitalization on children.

The purpose of the research is to find out effectiveness of the application of atraumatic care with
medical play on children's anxiety response preschool age who experienced hospitalization. But the
specific purpose of knowing characteristics of the demographic data of children aged hospitalized
preschool including gender, knowing the average preschool-aged children's anxiety response before
being given the Medical Play that experiencing hospitalization, knowing the average – average
anxiety response of pre-school age children after being given Medical Play which experiencing
hospitalization, knowing Effectiveness of Atraumatic Care Application with Medical Play on
children's anxiety response pre-school age who experienced hospitalization.
Method Research design used in this study is by Pre-experimental design approach with pre and
posttest research design scheme without control. The population in this study is all pediatric patients
with hospitalization in child care room at Adhyaksa General Hospital. Sample on This study
amounted to 26 patients, time research from May to July 2018. Sampling technique in research This is
with consecutive sampling technique.

This research data collection using the ZSAS scale (Zung Self Anxiety Rating Scale) which consists
of 20 items There are 15 questions towards improvement anxiety and 5 questions towards decreased
anxiety. Rating range 20- 80, with the grouping including Score 20-44 (mild anxiety), score 45-59
(moderate anxiety), Score 60-80 (anxiety heavy). In this study the questionnaire scale ZSAS is given
directly to patients for directly filled in, and immediately submitted to researchers. Type of scale used
is a closed scale where the answer of each statement is provided. Univariate Analysis to analyze using
the frequency distribution and percentage includes, Gender, experience in care, also analyze an
overview of the average measurement of anxiety scores preschoolers before and after intervention
(medical play) Bivariate analysis to find out know the effectiveness of the application of atraumatic
care with medical play on response preschool age anxiety experiencing hospitalization. Where is the
analysis this research using software statistics.

Based on the results of data analysis Univariate then the data obtained as following : Table 1.
Characteristic Frequency Distribution Respondents by Gender, the experience of being treated in the
respondent in Ruang General Hospital Pediatric Care Adhyaksa Year 2018 (n: 26) The results of the
analysis of the characteristics of the respondents shows, out of 15 respondents in the ER of the RSU
The majority of Adhyaksa are male (53.8%), Never been treated (92.3%),

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that from the analysis of the
characteristics of the majority of respondents male, experience in take care. Test results with paired
sample t-test ZSAS scores were obtained before and after intervention has been shown to be effective
meaningful, so that in this study it can be concluded Ho is rejected which means the effectiveness of
the application of atraumatic care with medical Play on response Yang . preschool age anxiety
experiencing hospitalization
key word
Traumatic treatment, medical games, anxiety

No kriteria jawab Pembenaran dan critical thinking

1. P YA Problem yang terjadinya stress pada anak karena perubahan
lingkungan dan status kesehatan yang dialaminya. Cemas yang dialami
anak merupakan perasaan tidak nyaman atau ketakutan yang tidak
jelas dan gelisah disertai dengan respon otonom, sumber terkadang
tidak spesifik atau tidak diketahui oleh individu, perasaan yang was-
was untuk mengatasi bahaya

2. I YA Intervensi ialah Pentingnya atraumatic care bermanfaat untuk

mencegah masalah psikologis (kecemasan) dan mengoptimalkan
pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak yang di hospitalisasi 9

3. C TIDAK _

4. O YA Hasil uji dengan paired sample t-test didapatkan skor ZSAS sebelum
dan sesudah intervensi terlihat adanya keefektifan yang bermakna,
sehingga pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan Ho ditolak yang berarti
adalah adanya efektivitas penerapan atraumatic care dengan medical
Play terhadap respon kecemasan anak usia prasekolah Yang
mengalami hospitalisasi

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari analisis
karakteristik responden mayoritas berjenis kelamin laki-laki, pengalaman di rawat. Hasil uji dengan
paired sample t-test didapatkan skor ZSAS sebelum dan sesudah intervensi terlihat adanya keefektifan
yang bermakna, sehingga pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan Ho ditolak yang berarti adalah adanya
efektivitas penerapan atraumatic care dengan medical Play terhadap respon kecemasan anak usia
prasekolah Yang mengalami hospitalisasi
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