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2 | February 2, 2011

Opinion The Rambler |

Pets on campus would require compromise

mum, and pets spayed or Manson also worked for Loui-
neutered. siana State University in Shreve-
Stephan Moritz Also, students who plan port, where they do allow pets in
Staff writer to bring their pets should on-campus housing. have to agree to complete a She said there, the dogs could
formal training course, and be no more than 20 pounds and
a new pet-friendly dorm there is a $300 pet deposit.
would have to be used only There are some students who
by students who wish to oppose the idea of having pets in
Fort Worth is quickly becoming live with or around cats and dogs. the dorms.
one of the biggest dog-friendly “I would do it, but it’s more im- Phillip Blocklinger, senior ex-
communities in the country. portant just to have the option,” ercise science major, said he is
Texas Wesleyan University said Lynsay Buell, freshman busi- against it.
could join the forefront of this ness and mass communications “I think dogs are noisy, espe-
movement by changing its poli- major. cially when students leave for
cy regarding dogs in on-campus Buell, who also plays on the class or to go out,” Blocklinger
housing. volleyball team, has five dogs at said. “I think they would tear up
According to their websites, her home in Ponder, Texas but the room.”
Texas Christian Universiy and would like her youngest puppy Dogs can certainly have this
the University of Texas at Arling- to come live with her in the West reputation follow them because
ton do not allow pets other than Village apartments. proper dog training is still an
fish. “I love living with my team, but emerging concept.
Not only would allowing pets I’d love just as much to have my The average dog owner does
in the residence halls at Wesley- puppy,” Buell said. not sign up for a training class on
an make living on campus more Sharon Manson, director of res- the first trip home with the pup.
comfortable for some students, idence life, lives on campus with If more owners were aware of
the policy could generate more her two dogs, Max and Mollie. the need for proper training,
popularity for the school and Each of her dogs is a Canine Good dogs would have a much better
thus, more revenue. Citizen as well as a Therapy Dog. reputation.
However, there are certain as- They have completed extensive Requiring students to take a for-
pects of the potential policy that formal training, and are an im- mal training class will reduce the
would need to be included. portant part of Manson’s life. amount of damage the pets cause.
The best situation would in- “If there was a choice between It would also get the dogs on track
clude a $500 pet deposit, weight the dogs and the job, I would’ve to becoming Canine Good Citi- Stephan Moritz | Rambler Staff
limitations of 30 pound maxi- chosen the dogs,” Manson said. zens just like Max and Mollie.

Super Bowl more about money than football

Hotel rates are criminal another $325 to $380 for four days
and the cost of parking and use of a full-size car.
Barry Grubbs game tickets made me furi- There may be some other miscel-
Opinion editor ous. laneous expenses for the average In the past five super super bowl fan, but my budget was
bowls, hotel rates on aver- busted as soon as I arrived at the
age have more than doubled $500 a night hotel.
from the same week in the The economy is down right? Obvi-
previous year, and generally ously, not everyone is suffering equally.
So, you think you want to go to averaged more than $300 a night. Let’s face it — the super bowl is not
the super bowl this year. You better With just a little online research, I available to the average hard-working
be loaded, because Super Bowl XLV was able to discover the average rate sports fan. The NFL does not remem-
is projected to be the most expensive for rooms available since the match- Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff ber how loyal you were during the
football game in history to attend. up was set on conference champion- regular season.
What I am really saying is that it ship weekend is more like $512. Most Cowboys Stadium. these are for one seat to see two teams The league and the local greedy
will be the biggest rip-off in NFL his- of the rates will have doubled or tri- If you still have money in your play one football game. If money is hoteliers will make sure that only the
tory. pled by the time this newspaper goes pocket after you get parked, you not an issue, you can get a suite for elite can see it live. Next season the
There will still be 11 men on each to print. might be surprised to learn that avail- yourself and your friends. The suites prices will rise again, and there is no
side of the football at kick-off. As a Once you swallow the high price able tickets will cost you between range from $165,900 for field suites to telling how high.
matter of fact, the only difference of the room, you will be sickened to $2,435 for nose bleed seats to $9,500 $603,900 for VIP suites. Wow. This situation is an insult to the av-
between this game and any random learn that game parking can range in section C-134. I have said nothing about the cost of erage fan on a budget.
NFL contest you might have attended from $105 minimum to $1,250 for To put the prices in perspective, airfare, meals and extras. Maybe visi- The good news is you still have
before is the price you pay to be a part tail-gaters. Yes that is what it will cost you should know that tickets to the tors will rent a car while they are here. time to get your new flat screen up
of it in person. to park your car for three hours at first Super Bowl in 1967 cost $6. Yes, If so, you can count on spending and running before kick-off.

Vending customers What do you think about

Keorah Strain
Opinion editor
should read labels allowing pets in the dorms?
before snacking “ I think pets should be in the dorms because it teach-
es a good sense of responsibility”
Most of the time when we it or do a taste test before eat- date of February, 2007. - Kayla Mason, junior,psychology
buy food from restaurants, ing the whole thing. I have This is why I cannot stress
grocery stores and fast-food a very weak immune system, enough how important it is to
places we don’t take the time so I am careful to make sure be careful what you eat. Ob- “ I think that small pets in the dorm are O. K.
out to examine or view expi- that I am giving my body the viously, the university needs I can definitely see why they wont let dogs in.”
ration dates on the items we proper nutrition in order to to take the responsibility - Ashlie Sivley, freshman ,religion
buy or eat. remain healthy. for making sure all vending
We are so trusting that we Although I make the effort machines on campus have
put our health in the hands to check my foods, I some- snacks that are safe to eat.
of the manufacturer, believ- times forget. Two weeks ago This was not such an iso- “ I don’t think you should be allowed to have pets in
ing what we are consuming I bought donuts and a bag lated case on campus. About the dorms. I have really bad allergies.”
is safe. of Cheetos from the vending a week after I had this expe- - Ben Tatner, freshman,theatre
So many are clueless and machine on the third floor rience, I learned that another
need to open their eyes and of Wesleyan’s administration student bought the same ex-
realize that the food market is building. pired donuts from the same “ I think pets aren’t allowed in the dorms because they
not as safe as we want it to be. I just wanted a quick snack vending machine. are loud, and they might be distracting to roommates”
We must take responsibil- to relieve my hunger. When How many more incidents - Arturo Calderon, freshman,chemistry
ity for our own health and I first bit into one of the do- will we have before university
be more cautious of what we nuts, it had a bitter taste, so I officials realize that expired
consume. I guess the question quickly spit it out. food in their vending ma-
“ I think pets should be allowed because people have
is whether we are concerned I bit into a second donut chines is not acceptable?
really special relationships with their pets.”
enough with contaminated and that same bitter taste This issue needs to be han-
- Brittany Adelstein, freshman,theatre
and expired food products conquered my mouth. I then dled immediately. As a stu-
and our lives. noticed the donuts had what dent at Wesleyan, I admit this
After personal experiences appeared to be spider webs is a great campus with only
with bad foods, I have found on them. a few errors that need to be “ Pets should not be allowed in the dorms because
myself constantly checking If that was not shocking corrected. The vending ma- they tend to be destructive.”
every single thing I consume. enough, I found that my bag chine issue is one of them. - Lisa Wilks, Payroll specialist
I will either smell it, examine of Cheetos had an expiration

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