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2 | Opinion

September 1, 2010 The Rambler |

Hold the politics, please Staff Editorial

Barry Grubbs
“Why don’t we demand the same accountability from
politicians we expect from our dry cleaners or our trash Student body
grows, resources
Opinion editor collector?”

must keep pace

and social quagmire we are in. for Westerners that cannot be ignored.
Neither conservatives nor liberals in Still, we seem intent on taking sides
Partisan politics is a deadly weapon government should take pride in their with either the liberals or the conserva-
that is destroying the fabric of one of the efforts unless that effort results in some tives. I wonder if Americans are simply
greatest societies in history. It’s frustrat- measure of progress for the nation they afraid they aren’t strong enough to stand More good news—Wes- sizes offered here. Instead of
ing to watch Americans slowly losing serve. It is well past time for our leaders up to the politics. leyan received national eliminating their access to a
their grip on true freedom. It seems that at every level of government to abandon Polls taken on issues ranging from recognition in a U.S. News computer lab, why not cre-
we’re either free to be liberal or free to political partisanship and begin to look Social Security to natural disaster relief & World Report list that ate a larger and more com-
be conservative. How does choosing be- at our population as one group. indicate that we are generally unified excluded comparable plete resource with the latest
tween these two failed ideologies give us It is time for Americans to set aside against our government. Still, we split state schools. Wesleyan technology. Our students
real freedom at all? their Democratic or Republican loyal- up into our little groups and scurry into was ranked no. 71. With- must have access to the tools
Plenty of people are protesting the par- ties so that our nation can rebuild its the shadows to wait out the storm. out question, The Rambler they need to compete in a
tisan politics we see in government. As identity at home and abroad. While we Desire, courage and creativity were the knows the school is getting changing job market.
usual, liberals complain about conserva- have struggled to pick the right side, we building blocks of this country from the better in many areas. Speaking of competition,
tive and vice versa. Yes, we need choices. have slowly lost sight of the notion that early days of the revolution through the However, a question does if the university savors the
Neither of these choices is the right one we were once all on the same side. struggle of two world wars. Americans remain. Can the university taste of being listed in the
for a Superpower in decline. Why don‘t New faces in government don’t change have won almost every battle fought in retain and accommodate U.S. News & World Report—
we demand the same accountability from anything if the motivation stays the same. our short history, but only because we the increasing student body? why not strive to move
politicians we expect from our dry clean- We are not cognizant of how swiftly were united in our cause. The preliminary enroll- higher? Why not shoot for
er or our trash collector? our so-called American dream can be Perhaps not since the Civil War has ment numbers show an 35 instead of 71?
You only need to read a few news- wrestled away from us in a “Clash of our population been so polarized. influx in freshmen, which Reaching that goal won’t
paper editorials or Internet blogs on Civilizations.” I think that many Ameri- Health care, immigration and economic is not surprising. Higher be quick or easy. The best
politics to see the deep and frightening cans believe the strength of our Ameri- recession are real issues facing Ameri- enrollment is expected con- way to reach it, though, is
divisions that have been created in our can civilization is permanent. It is not cans and our politicians. sidering the props Wesleyan simple.
population by political in-fighting indestructible. There is no time for choosing sides. is receiving for strengthen- Listen to us.
Problem solving is no longer the is- The world is changing constantly and It’s time for our politicians to abandon ing the quality of the school, The students trust the ad-
sue. It almost seems like our politicians America is no longer in the lead. The ris- their affiliations and work together as little by little. ministrators to handle the
abandoned the problems altogether in ing economies in the Pacific Rim already American leaders to prop up a very un- To strengthen the student executive and financial busi-
the quest to find blame for their politi- cast a shadow on their western competi- stable society that was once the model body, with both quantity ness of the university. Like-
cal opponents. The blame game is not tors. The penetration of the Muslim reli- of freedom and prosperity around the and quality, Wesleyan must wise, the university needs to
getting this country out of the economic gion worldwide has serious implications world. focus on retention by deliv- trust its students when they
ering adequate resources to say things like, “We need
its students. more modern resources.”
Resources like park- It may seem like students
ing, residential housing are all squandering our lives
and technology centers on Facebook and other
equipped to support a grow- mindless Internet-related
ing student body will be activities, but the truth is
critical. For every reason some of us can use those
a student chooses to enroll tools to make life easier and
here, three more should be better for others—which is
discovered that make that an appropriate collegiate as-
student want to stay. piration as far as we’re con-
You get the picture. It’s cerned.
not a case of outgrowing our We’re aware the changes
real estate; it’s about giving take time. And we’re aware
the best students the best of our constant pleading for
experience in higher educa- “more, more and more.”
tion. Let’s surprise people and
Wesleyan students ap- see how far “more” can take
preciate the intimate class- us.

The customer is not always right these daysbusinessman and an entrepreneur. when the customer desires to return it clear that I had found nothing in the corporate office, the man was frus-
A businessman/woman wants to an item or has a complaint about it, store’s inventory that interested me, trated to learn he would have to be
develop a relationship with the cus- they often discover a time limit or but she suggested I give it to someone satisfied with “store credit.”
Dwight Conerway tomer, his immediate family, rela- some other condition. Recently, it who could use it. That, according to Should we, as consumers, be
College life editor tives and friends so that the original seems that many so-called business- the store’s policy, was my only option. forced to accept this kind of treat- customer will serve as a marketing men have adopted the attitude and I didn’t even get an apology. ment from retailers just because the
tool via word of mouth. work ethic of the entrepreneur. In a similar incident I learned of a economy has forced them to ride a
On the other hand, the entrepre- My first experience was with a na- consumer who took the same issue financial rollercoaster?
neur does not care if you are satis- tional clothing retailer. I attempted up to the corporate level and was I personally see it as a form of pi-
The old adage “The customer is fied with the product you purchased to exchange a Christmas gift but was denied satisfaction. After purchas- racy that is apparently being ignored
always right” seems to be a thing of from him. He doesn’t care if your unable to find anything in the store ing a Global Positioning System, the by agencies such as the Better Busi-
the past in some parts of the business family and friends make a purchase I was interested in. After standing man received the same item as a gift. ness Bureau or the Consumer Pro-
world today. I recently had an expe- or if you go away and complain to in line for nearly half an hour, I re- Obviously, he had no need for two of tection Agency.
rience with a couple of well known everyone you meet about a bad ex- quested a refund on the item. I was the same items so he went to the re- Aren’t we all suffering enough in
retailers that gives credence to my perience. The entrepreneur has ac- asked for a receipt, and I gave it to tailer to obtain a refund. this current economic crisis? Why
theory. It has come to the point complished his mission once he or the clerk. After providing the sales receipt does the consumer have to suffer the
where some retailers are so desper- she has your hard-earned dollar in She scanned the barcode, returned to the customer service representa- loss?
ate for profits that they are willing to his pocket. the item to stock, swiped a card and tive, he was informed that he could In times of economic prosperity,
compromise their professional in- I find this practice particularly handed it to me. After asking what not receive a refund, but would be we consumers faithfully supported
tegrity to make a dollar. suspicious when subliminal return the card was for, I was informed it given a store credit gift card instead. these same merchants and kept
As a business student years ago, I policies are discovered only after the was a store credit gift card that could Although he pleaded his case for a them in the black. Now they repay
was taught the difference between a purchase has been finalized. If and be used for a future purchase. I made refund to the store manager and the us by putting us in the red.

The Rambler
Founded in 1917 as The Handout
What could our leaders do if they
abandoned party politics?
Publisher: Lamar Smith

Jonathan Resendez, editor-in-chief Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly

Barry Grubbs, opinion editor publication welcomes all letters. All submis-
Eliana Mijangos, sports editor sions must have a full printed name, phone
Chuck Fain, arts & entertainment editor number and signature. Confidentiality will be
Dwight Conerway, college life editor granted if requested. While every consider-
Meisa Keivani Najafabadi, photo editor ation is made to publish letters, publication is
Lara Hartman, multimedia editor limited by time and space.
Erica Estrada, graphic designer/cartoonist The editors reserve the right to edit all submis- Sammy Max, Blake Dunson, Braylon Watkins,
Wendy Moore, faculty adviser sions for space, grammar, clarity and style. freshman education freshman exercise science freshman management
Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison Letters to the editor may be subject to response “They could do what we “They could do more for “They are not focusing
from editors and students on the opinion page. want instead of what the those people who don’t on the suffering people in
Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press As- party wants them to do.” have it as good as they do.” this country.”
sociation, Associated Collegiate Press, Student
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Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of Address all correspondence to:
the individual authors only and do not neces- Texas Wesleyan University
sarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan The Rambler
community as a whole. 1201 Wesleyan St.
Fort Worth, TX 76105
R ambler Contribution Jessica Watton, Nolan Barbee,
Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ To contact T he R ambler sophomore exercise science sophomore undecided Submissions due by noon Friday to (817) 531-7552 “They could stop worrying “There could be more unity
see brief in the following week’s issue. Advertising Inquiries: about getting re-elected and in the country. We could be
(817) 532-7582 do their jobs.” a better community.”

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