Oral Presentation Engllish SBA

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My Group’s theme is based on Social Media, and my topic is the negative effects of
cyber bullying. My oral presentation is about Cyberbullying, what it is, how it affects the
youths, why do some people bully others and what can we do to prevent it. 
Many people may have been bullied online. It is said that eighty percent of the
population are victims of Cyber bullying and the next twenty percent are suspects. Just in
case you didn’t know much about Cyber bullying you’re going to learn about it today.
So, what is Cyber bullying? According to the web, cyber bullying is a form of
bullying or harassment by using electronic devices, it is also known as online bullying. Cyber
bullying has become a very common action among teens. This is when teens go on their
Social Media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook, to bully others. Some of
these actions are posting rumours, threats, sexual remarks, spreading victim’s personal
information and also labelling others. 
How does Cyber bullying affect the young teens? Most teens experience anger,
humiliation, depression, isolation, and disinterest in school or even life. One reason for this
are remarks such as, “She very ugly”, “I don’t know why she feel she better than everybody”
“She need to organize that weight”, might make the victims feel as if they did something
Why do some people bully others online? Some victims who have been bullied
already, may seek revenge instead of dealing with it in a mature way. Some may think others
deserve it. Some may be bored and looking for entertainment. But none of these examples are
excuses for bullying others.
In order for us to stop or prevent Cyber bullying we need to come together. So, I pose
the question to you. What can we do to prevent Cyber bullying?  Don’t respond. Sometimes a
reaction is what the suspect is looking for because it may give them the power to bully you
even more. Save the hurtful remarks people are saying and show it someone who can help
you, it can be a teacher, an adult or a friend. Tell the person to stop, you don’t have to if you
don’t want to, but when you are comfortable to do so, make it clear that you won’t be treated
like that.
If someone you know is being bullied, take action, don’t let them get treated that way.
If you can’t stop it, be there for them, listen to what they have to say and see if you can help
in any way, or reach out to an adult, teacher or even a Cyber bullying campaign online to get
necessary help. Bullying is never the right answer. Stop the bullying while you can.

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