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Submitted to madam


By arif aman.sec A
semester 1st,MBA,ID

About World Bank:

The World Bank, established in 1944, is headquartered in Washington, D.C. We have more than
10,000 employees in more than 100 offices worldwide.

The World Bank was originally established to support reconstruction in Europe after World War
II, but has since reframed its mission and expanded its operations both geographically and
substantively. Today, the Bank's mission is to reduce poverty. It has over 184 member countries
and provides over $24 billion annually for activities ranging from agriculture to trade policy,
from health and education to energy and mining. The World Bank provides funding for bricks-
and-mortar projects, as well to promote economic and policy prescriptions it believes will
promote economic growth. For example, part of the over $300 million the Bank is currently
providing the West African country of Niger funds health programs addressing HIV/AIDS and
irrigation. However, the Bank also promotes more controversial projects in the country, like
privatization of state enterprises.

The World Bank is not a bank in the common sense of the word. A single person cannot open an
account or ask for a loan. Rather, the Bank provides loans, grants and technical assistance to
countries and the private sector to reduce poverty in developing and transition countries.

The World Bank Group is actually comprised of five separate arms. Two of those arms - the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International
Development Association (IDA) work primarily with governments and together are commonly
known as "the World Bank". Two other branches - the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) - directly support private businesses
investing in developing countries. The fifth arm is the International Center for Settlement of

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Investment Disputes (ICSID), which arbitrates disagreements between foreign investors and

How the World Bank’s works in Pakistan?

The World Bank does not work alone, but in cooperation with various groups including,
communities, and civil society, government, and donor agencies. The joint effort of these groups
is required to significantly reduce poverty. The World Bank provides technical expertise and
funding in areas such as health, education, public administration, environmental protection,
agriculture, and basic infrastructure.


Working with the government and civil society, the World Bank has developed an action plan
known as the Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy which describes what kind of support and
how much could be provided to the country beginning June, 2002 and covering a period two
years . The strategy was designed to directly support the government's Poverty Reduction
Strategy and focuses on three key areas:

1) Strengthening economic stability and government effectiveness;

2) Strengthening the investment climate;

3) Supporting pro-poor and pro-gender equity policies.

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The World Bank also produces studies and reports based upon its own analysis of a given issue.
Topics of research come from the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy.

Additional studies include reviews of economic policies (Country Economic Memoranda), fiscal
spending (Public Expenditure Review), environmental reviews (Environmental Action Plan), and
other specific topics.

Further discussion of development issues is promoted though workshops and other events. These
events bring together groups such as government, media, and civil society organizations to
discuss how best to move forward on a given issue.


As outlined in the support strategy, Pakistan develops its own projects with World Bank
financing and technical support. The project cycle outlines the process of identifying, financing,
implementing, and evaluating projects. Various financing options are available based upon the
type of assistance needed.

Loans or credits (interest-free loans) for these projects are then submitted for approval to the
Executive Directors, the World Bank's decision-making body which represents all member

It is important to note that the implementation of projects is managed by the government itself.
The government designates an office, referred to as the Implementing Agency, which is
responsible for aspects such as procurement and selection of consultants and day to day work,
monitoring and evaluation.

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Operational Policies set guidelines to ensure that projects meet the World Bank's own criteria
such as social and environmental standards. Project evaluations are conducted to capture and
share lessons for future reference.

Aid to Pakistan:
WASHINGTON, October 25, 2005 – The World Bank today announced a package totaling
US$470 million to assist the Government of Pakistan in the reconstruction of areas devastated by
the massive earthquake of October 8.

The package comprises US$200 million in quick disbursing credits from the Bank’s concessional
International Development Association (IDA), a US$100 million loan for highway
reconstruction, US$130 million in additional credit financing for community infrastructure and
US$40 million, announced last week, in reallocated IDA funding.

The World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and a multi-donor team began work in Pakistan
this week on a needs assessment that will help the government refine its initial estimates of
damage and loss. The World Bank has also lent its support to an innovative web portal designed
to share as much information as possible that can be gathered from the 4,000 villages in the
affected areas (LINK).

Apart from budget support, the Bank’s financial support will target infrastructure large and
small. The US$100 million loan will be channeled to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the
highway connecting Muzaffarabad, Kajan Valley and Northern Areas with the rest of the

The Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, which the Bank has supported across Pakistan for
several years, has 61 partner organizations. These local-level non-governmental organizations
are already mobilized and delivering relief. As the operation moves into rehabilitation and
reconstruction, US$100 million from the Bank will support the rebuilding of devastated

Similarly, Bank-supported community infrastructure projects in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and
North West Frontier Province will also receive funds to rebuild community works, as will
irrigation works.

The World Bank has agreed to provide a $900 million loan to flood-hit Pakistan, saying the
economic impact of the disaster on the country's economy is expected to be "huge."

The funding will come from the International Development Association, the World Bank's arm
for low-income countries, a bank statement said on Monday.

"The government of Pakistan has requested around $900 million of financial support from the
World Bank, which we have committed to provide," the statement said.
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Described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today, the floods over the last three
weeks have affected 20 million people, and destroyed crops, infrastructure, towns and villages in


According to UNAIDS estimates, about 97,000 people were living with HIV in Pakistan at the
end of 2009. Officially reported cases are, however, much lower. As in many countries,
underreporting is due mainly to the social stigma attached to HIV, limited surveillance and

Voluntary counseling and testing systems, and the lack of knowledge among the general
population and health practitioners.

Factor involving in HIV:

Uses of non disposable injection in blood, pregnancy case in mothers during which child born.
Not using condoms in female and male sex orientation. Using razor or blades of a HIV patient in
barber shops.

World Bank involvement: World Bank has work a lot to remove the HIV virus from
Pakistan .with this different campus has been arranged for the patient and also remedies have
been under process. Provide facilities of medicine like disposable things. Also giving education
to the HIV patients and non patients that how they should control each other from spreading this
disease. Like uses of disposable injection and blades. Also there should be family planning
because it can also spread from sex orientation. So such kind of education is given by world
organizations and also giving fund to these organizations. The HIV is rapidly growing among
group workers male and female. So Pakistan has to take action on this.

IS World Bank good for the Pakistan: The answer is yes. There are many
reasons to follow this.

1. The first reason is to provide the basic need for the people that food shelter and clothes. In
case of disaster these things are the basic needs.exmple is front of us, the earth quack and flood
disaster. When earth came in Pakistan then it affect the major portion of north areas of
Pakistan .so World Bank provide 470 million $ to Pakistan for reconstruction and other
necessary things.similarrly is the case in flood affected area which happened in 2010.

2. The other reason is the education level of Pakistan. Which is not much affective? The female
education level is low as compared to male .in all the four provinces including Azad Jammu
Kashmir. World Bank is helping to establish the schools for the girls and boys in Fata and other
far distant areas like village and towns. They are also providing text books and scholarships for
the students. This provides the quality education to face the world competitions.

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The very scale of Pakistan’s education sector -- more than 150,000 public education institutions
serving over 21 million students and a huge private sector that serves another 12 million –
presents formidable challenges. As the population is growing daily so it can produce a lot of
pressure on these two sectors of Pakistan. Because the institutions are not growing with the speed
of population of the people.

Supporting Sectoral Reform: Since 2004, the World Bank has supported education sector
reforms through development policy credit operations in Pakistan's four provinces (Baluchistan,
Punjab, Sindh and the North-West Frontier Province, NWFP). Development policy credits
promote public financial reforms and devolution of roles to local communities, making service
providers more accountable. The operations also assist provincial governments with teacher
recruitment, monitoring of teacher’s presence, targeted stipends and free textbooks to increase
girl’s enrolment, infrastructure improvements, and opening up textbook development to the
private sector to improve the quality of learning materials.

3. The third reason is the poverty level of the country. One-third of Pakistan’s population
continues to live in poverty, corresponding to some 50 million poor individuals. Women and
children (out-of-school/working), disabled, and potentially the elderly, are the most vulnerable
groups of poor.

The poor live mainly in rural areas, are unskilled, and work in the informal sector. Employment
opportunities are scarce and real earnings have declined in the last decade. The poor also lack in
all of the basic human, physical and productive assets and have limited or no access to essential
social services.

World Bank is providing the basic necessities to fulfill their requirements .they are constructing
houses for the needy poor people. Employment is arranging for the young people. Young poor
students and jobless have been given opportunities to enter the industry sector. Similarly the poor
old people and disabled one are also provided with funds and monthly salaries. We have to
overcome this level of poorness which is 50 million and World Bank is helping us a lot in this

Suggestion for improving without the World Bank finance:

1. This is a very good question asked. Pakistan is that country which has everything. It has
natural gas, coal, gipsem, valuable Stone Mountain, cotton, arigations and fertile lands. It has a
huge and wide river flowing from Kashmir to sindh and fall down into the Indian Ocean. With
this river all the land of Pakistan is arigated.i means that has much his own natural resources’ and
it can be used as raw materials(ware houses) for the industries to produce finished good called
inventories and products. So it means that there will be no need of importing the material and
products from outside the countries. So this Pakistan will become self productive in its product
and its economy will rise and also people will be provide with jobs and opportunities. Every

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family will be happy and enjoying the life with the new products. They will also export it to the
other countries if the product is good in quality and its use full life is long. So there will be no
need of World Bank to invest or provide loan to Pakistan. Because Pakistan will produce its own
assets and capital and its owner equity will increase every year.

2. The other point is that there should be awareness among the people to motivate them about the
price of the country .it is price where it is situated and geography around the world. Because it
has huge two ports one is in Karachi and the other is in Baluchistan and that is port Qasim.Now
days about 90 to 95 % trade is done through ocean. So Pakistan also has this plus point.

3. The third point is that if remove our laziness and work hard in education sector. So we can
beat up Indians. Because India and Pakistan came into being together. That is 1947. A.D. But the
Indians are now far ahead from us in many fields either communication or technology or
agriculture. The reason is that they are educated in every field and sectors. And they know how
to run our country.becasuse knowledge and education is the only thing which can take you to
high postion.this is also in our religion!

4. The other reason to leave the hands of World Bank is to bring revolution in our country about
the self respect or industrial or defense or poverty or education. With this our currency value will
be stronger and what have done in the past will be removed properly.

The principal of Accounting

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