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Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263

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Self-organized microporous cellulose-nylon membranes

Evie L. Papadopoulou a, *, 1, Jose
 Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero a, **, 1, Maria Isabel Va
zquez b,
b a a
Juana Benavente , Athanassia Athanassiou , Ilker S. Bayer
Smart Materials, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, 16163 Genoa, Italy
Departamento de Física Aplicada I, Grupo de Caracterizacion Electrocin
etica y de Transporte en Membranas e Interfases, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad
laga, E-29071 Ma
de Ma laga, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and polyamide 66 (PA66) have been separately dissolved in solutions
Received 12 April 2017 containing trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as a common solvent, mixed after their dissolution and cast. After
Received in revised form solvent evaporation, self-organized membranes have been formed with three dimensional (3D) porous,
1 June 2017
interconnected morphology, the porosity of which depends on the relative ratio of cellulose and PA66,
Accepted 2 June 2017
Available online 5 June 2017
and is lost when the initial MCC content exceeds 50% by weight. Thermal and chemical analysis and X-
ray diffraction results indicate that the addition of cellulose induces the amorphisation of PA66, while
possible chemical interaction exists between the amorphous parts of PA66 and the cellulose. The various
Polyamides 66
membranes produced with different 3D porosities have been characterized in terms of dielectric con-
Microcrystalline cellulose stant and salt permeability and their relation to cellulose-PA66 ratio has been determined.
TFA © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processes, could be time consuming and expensive. Recently, a

more approachable method is being explored, namely the self-
Three dimensional (3D) porous materials of various composi- assembly [10], defined as the spontaneous method of organiza-
tions like bones, wood, or mycelia are common building blocks of tion of various components into structures, without external
most of the living organisms, and provide a source of increasing intervention. It has been used to fabricate porous, PCL-based
inspiration in materials engineering. In addition, the use of natural membrane films [11,12], polyethylene membranes [13] or cellu-
or synthetic polymeric materials and especially their composites, lose nanocrystals [14].
provides a wide range of possibilities to manipulate and finally Microporous polymer networks constructed from polymer
tailor their physical properties, offering materials with various blends constitute a relatively new state-of-the-art in materials
functionalities [1]. It is, thus, accepted that biomimicry offers engineering [15,16]. Combining polymers with dissimilar proper-
meaningful solutions in fabricating porous, 3D structures of poly- ties, such as hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity, rigidity/softness,
meric composites that are used in a wide range of applications, chemical inertness/controlled solubility, to form 3D porous struc-
spanning from tissue engineering [2], to water purification [3] or tures, offer many advantages over single polymer systems, such as
sensor applications [4]. enhancement in affinity or repellency towards a specific liquid
The fabrication methods for porous, 3D polymeric structures (wetting properties), gas adsorption, or ionic conductivity (power
include solvent inversion [5], phase separation [6], gas foaming [7], devices). In the present work, we have used a simple solution
rapid prototyping [8], use of supercritical CO2 [9], etc. These processing method, with consequent self-assembly during evapo-
methods often require specific equipment or post-fabrication ration, similar to the one presented in Ref. [12], to fabricate porous
films with tuned 3D interconnectivity, from cellulose (MCC) and
polyamide (PA66). The technological importance of both materials
* Corresponding author. is enormous, since cellulose is the most abundant natural polymer,
** Corresponding author. widely used in biodegradable polymer structures [17,18] and
E-mail addresses: (E.L. Papadopoulou), Jose.
membrane applications [19], while polyamides are synthetic ther- (J.A. Heredia-Guerrero).
Authors have contributed equally to the research presented in the article.
moplastic polymers extensively used in many technological
0032-3861/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
256 E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263

applications [20e22]. For the solution processing, TFA is used as a 2.3. Sample characterization
common solvent. The solution cast films exhibit a porous, 3D
interconnected structure, the porosity of which depends on the 2.3.1. Morphological characterization and porosity
relative ratio of the two components. Solution processing of cel- The surface and cross-section morphology of the films were
lulose and polyamide composites is difficult because it is difficult to studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM-6490LA),
find a common solvent for both materials. To the best of our with an acceleration voltage of 10 kV.
knowledge, only Garcia-Ramirez [23,24] used a solution process in The porosity (or void fraction) of the membranes was calculated
order to dissolve cellulose and PA66, to fabricate composite fibres as follows. A round disc (diameter of 1 cm) of specific volume is cut
or films of PA66 and study their chemical and mechanical proper- out of the films, it is weighed and its density, dpristine, is calculated.
ties, using a mixture of N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO) and Subsequently, the disc is pressed (10 tons, 10 min) in order to
phenol. Recently, however, it was shown that trifluoroacetic acid remove all the air from the membrane and its density, dpressed, is
(TFA) is a common solvent for both MCC [25,26] and PA66 [27]. calculated again. Then, the relative density is calculated by
Chemical analysis of the porous films indicates that at least part Ref. [30]:
of the PA66 is homogeneously mixed with the cellulose. The me-
chanical properties of the blends are not found to deviate from the dpristine
drelative ¼ (1)
mechanical properties of pure PA66 or cellulose films prepared dpressed
with the same method. Finally, the porous structures are charac-
terized by impedance spectroscopy and salt permeation and and the porosity, or volume fraction, Vf, is given by:
compared with existing membranes. Impedance spectroscopy is a
widely used technique to study the electrical properties of poly- Vf ¼ 1  drelative (2)
meric membranes. It is particularly used to assess the behaviour of
synthetic membranes during separation processes and carry out
fundamental studies on membrane-based sensors [28]. Further-
2.3.2. Thermal characterization
more, permeability of salts (Ps) through polymer membranes is an
Thermal studies were carried out using thermogravimetric
important phenomenon studied for desalination processes. It
analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The
strongly depends on the polymer structure (i.e. the presence of
degradation temperature of the materials was evaluated by TGA.
pores and free volume elements in the polymer matrix) and the
During TGA measurements, samples were heated from 30  C to
hydrophilicity of the membrane [29]. It is found that both transport
600  C at a heating rate of 10  C/min under nitrogen atmosphere set
and permeation properties are tuned by the concentration of cel-
at a flow rate of 50 ml/min. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
lulose in the composite, and that our composite cellulose-PA66
was performed using a Q-20 TA-Instruments, calibrated with an
films can potentially be used as membranes for controlled salt
indium standard, at a heating rate of 20  C/min. Dry samples
diffusion, with tunable surface morphology and porosity.
weighing ca. 10 mg were placed in aluminum pans and tested
under an inert N2 atmosphere. The samples were first heated
2. Experimental from 60  C to 110  C, kept at this temperature for 10 min and
cooled back to 60  C. Subsequently, during the second scan the
2.1. Materials samples were heated to 271  C (above the melting point of PA66),
cooled to 60  C, followed by a final third scan to 300  C. The
Microcrystalline cellulose powder (MCC), polyamide 6.6 (PA66), calorimetric melting temperature (Tm) and the enthalpy of fusion
trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and acetone were purchased from Sigma- (DHm) of each sample were calculated from the maximum and the
Aldrich. All the chemicals were analytical grade and used as area of the melting peak of the third scan, respectively.
received, without any further purification. Regenerated cellulose
(0.04 kg/m2) was purchased from Cellophane Espan ~ ola, S.A. (Spain). 2.3.3. Crystallinity and chemical structure
Porous Nylon 66 (PA66) membrane was purchased from Sartorious The crystal structure was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
AG (Germany). using a Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray diffractometer, equipped with a
9 kW Cu Ka (l ¼ 1.542 Å) rotating anode, operating at 40 kV and
150 mA. A Go € bel mirror was used to convert the divergent X-ray
2.2. Sample preparation beam into a parallel beam and to suppress the Cu Kb radiation
(l ¼ 1.392 Å). The diffraction patterns were collected at room
MCC was dissolved in TFA (3% w/v) and PA66 was dissolved temperature, over an angular range of 5 e40 , with a step size of
separately in 1:1 mixture of TFA:acetone (7% w/v). The dissolution 0.05 and scan speed of 1.2 /min.
of the materials took place in ambience, for 48 h for the MCC and Infrared spectra were obtained with Fourier Transform Infrared
24 h for the PA66. Subsequently, the two polymer solutions were Spectrometer (FTIR; Equinox 70 FT-IR, Bruker) equipped with an
mixed at appropriate volume ratios, resulting in clear and homo- attenuated total reflectance accessory (ATR; MIRacle ATR, PIKE
geneous solutions, for all cellulose/PA66 ratios, from 100:0 to 0:100. Technologies). All spectra were recorded in the range from 4000 to
The mixtures were cast into plastic petri dishes, covered and left to 600 cm1 with a resolution of 4 cm1, accumulating 128 scans. For
dry slowly at ambient conditions, and thus free standing films were the evaluation of the shift for Amide I and II bands, three spectra
obtained. The films were left under the hood for at least one week, per sample were collected in the range 1700 to 1500 cm1, with a
in order to ensure that all TFA was released, prior to any experi- resolution of 1 cm1, accumulating 128 scans.
ment. Following these evaporation conditions resulted in repro-
ducible structures for all cellulose-PA66 ratios. The samples were 2.3.4. Mechanical properties
named according to both concentrations. For example, M50P50 Mechanical properties were investigated by tensile stress
means the sample contains 50% MCC and 50% PA66 by weight. measurements using an dual column tabletop universal testing
E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263 257

System 3365 with 5 mm/min cross-head speed. The Young's where u is the angular frequency (u ¼ 2pf). In the case of non-
modulus, maximum stress and elongation at break were calculated homogeneous systems, a non-ideal capacitor or constant phase
for each sample and average values are reported. The tensile element, Q ðuÞ ¼ Y0 ðjuÞn is considered instead of C [31,32], where
measurements were conducted on five different specimens for Y0 is the inverse of the impedance (Y0 ¼ 1/Z) and n is an experi-
each film according to ASTM D 882 Standard Test Methods for mental parameter (0  n  1).
Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting.
2.3.7. Salt diffusion measurements
2.3.5. Water uptake NaCl diffusion measurements were performed in dead-end test
Water uptake, Wu, was measured by immersing a small piece of cells, similar to that described in Ref. [33]. The membrane is placed
the films into nanopure water and weigh it repeatedly, until no in the middle of two symmetric half-cells, separating a feed solu-
change in the weight was measured. The water absorption is then tion (Cf ¼ 0.01 M) from a receiving solution (Cr, initially distilled
calculated by: water), which are stirred at a rate of 540 rpm by two magnetic
stirrers in order to minimize concentration-polarization at the
Wwet  Wdry
Wu ¼  100 (3) membrane/solution interface. Time variation of feed and receiving
Wdry solutions conductivities are recorded with two conductivity cells
connected to a digital conductivity meter (Crison GLP 31), each one
where Wwet and Wdry are the weight of the dry sample and the placed in each half-cell. Measurements were carried out at room
wetted one, respectively. temperature and solutions standard pH (5.8 ± 0.3). A calibration
curve (NaCl solution conductivity versus concentration) was used
2.3.6. Impedance spectroscopy measurements to determine the solution concentration. The calculation of the salt
The cell used for impedance spectroscopy (IS) measurements permeability is shown in the SI.
consists of a Teflon support on which two Pt electrodes are placed,
forming a Pt-electrode/membrane/Pt-electrode system. The elec- 3. Results and discussion
trodes are connected to a Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA,
Solartron 1260, UK). The measurements were recorded for 80 data 3.1. Morphology of the composite films
points for frequency (f) ranging between 100 Hz and 107 Hz, at a
maximum voltage of 0.01 V, in ambience (23  C, 55% RH). The SEM images of the different polymer blends are shown in
The impedance of a system is a complex number, Fig. 1. While pure cellulose presents a flat surface (as shown in
Z ¼ Zreal þ jZimg , where Zreal and Zimg are the real and imaginary Ref. [25]) and pure PA66 a rough, dense surface morphology (SEM
parts of the impedance, Z, respectively. For simple systems (one image of PA66 films, at SI), the surface morphology of the blends is
time constant), Zreal and Zimg are related to the electrical resistance different. In Fig. 1(a) and (b) the blends with 25 wt% and 50 wt%
(R) and the capacitance (C) by the following expressions: cellulose, respectively, display 3D structures with different poros-
ities. The porosity is calculated using Equations (1) and (2) and is
R uR2 C 22% for M50P50 and 8% for M25P75. For higher cellulose content,
Zreal ¼ h i and Zimg ¼ h i (4)
1 þ ðuRCÞ2 1 þ ðuRCÞ2 the porosity is lost, as seen in Fig. 1(c), where a rough surface is
present, without, however, porous structure. In Fig. 1(d), the
membrane formation is confirmed by cross-section SEM images,

Fig. 1. SEM images of the surface of (a) M25P75, (b) M50P50, (c) M75P25 are shown. In (d) the cross section of M50P50 is shown.
258 E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263

where it is seen that the porous structure is present throughout the the amorphous phase and the consequent weakening of the H-
bulk of the M50P50 film. bonds. This leads to the assumption that the addition of cellulose in
the blend, results in the amorphisation of PA66, as will be shown in
3.2. Chemical analysis a later section.
In the present case, it is also possible that PA66 and cellulose
FTIR measurements were performed in order to chemically interact via the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide and the
characterize the blends, as depicted in Fig. 2(a). Pure cellulose and amine and carbonyl groups of the polyamide, as shown in Fig. 2(c).
pure PA66 films show the respective typical absorption bands of
cellulose (OH stretching at 3354 cm1, CH stretching at 2889 cm1, 3.3. Thermal and structural characterization
adsorbed water at 1643 cm1, ring breathing at 1155 cm1, and CeO
stretching at 1016 cm1) [25] and PA66 (amide A at 3296 cm1, The thermal degradation of the blends characterized by TGA is
amide B at 3082 cm1, asymmetric and symmetric CH2 stretching at shown in Fig. 3(a). The degradation temperature of PA66 starts at
2934 cm1 and 2860 cm1, respectively, amide I at 1632 cm1, ca. 360  C (~2 wt% material remaining at 600  C), while the
amide II at 1537 cm1, amide III at 1198 cm1 and amide V at degradation of cellulose starts at a lower temperature, ca. 280  C
689 cm1) [34]. Characteristic infrared vibrations of the solvents (~20 wt% material remaining at 600  C). The curves of the blends
are not observed, indicating no residual polymer bound surface. fall between these two extremes and the remaining material at
Absorption spectra of the blends are characterized by the presence 600  C increases with the increasing content of cellulose in the
of both cellulose and PA66. Interestingly, as the cellulose concen- blends. In Fig. 3(b), the temperature of the maximum degradation
tration increases, both amides I and II shift to higher wavenumbers of the PA66 and cellulose, taken from the derivatives of the ther-
(blueshift), as depicted in Fig. 2(b) and (c). Amide I is conforma- mographs (shown in SI), is plotted as a function of cellulose con-
tional sensitive [35], meaning that conformational differences, centration. It is seen that the peak position of PA66 moves ca. 13 to
caused by the addition of another material like cellulose, between higher temperature with increasing cellulose content, whereas the
different nylon structures will result in a shift of the amide I peak. peak position of cellulose moves ca. 14 to lower temperature, with
Furthermore, the blue shift of amide I is also associated to the increasing cellulose content. The shift of the PA66 degradation
weakening of the H-bond to the carbonyl group [36e38]. The temperature to higher temperatures can be explained by the
weakening of the H-bond will manifest itself as a blueshift, because presence of new bonds that result in increased thermal stability.
the frequency of the amide I is related to vibrations of the H-bonded This interaction should take place via H-bonds, between PA66 and
C]O from both the amorphous and the crystalline phases of PA66. cellulose, and is expected to disrupt the crystalline order of PA66,
As it has been shown by Lu et al. [38], the vibrational frequency of and lead to its amorphisation.
the amide I in PA66, is lower for the crystalline domains, and higher This finding is further supported by DSC studies. The DSC
for the amorphous domains. It is thus understood that shifting of thermographs of pure PA66 and PA66/cellulose blends are depicted
the amide I to higher frequencies (blueshift) indicates an increase of in Fig. 4(a). The endothermic peaks observed correspond to the

Fig. 2. (a)ATR-FTIR spectra of cellulose, nylon and their corresponding blends. Main assignations of cellulose and nylon peaks are shown. (b) Amide I and amide II vibrations of PA66
and blends. (c) The blueshift of amide I (black) and amide II (red) vibrations as a function of cellulose concentration. The insets represent different secondary interactions by H-
bonds for nylon, cellulose and their blends. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263 259

Fig. 3. (a) TGA thermographs for PA66, cellulose films and their corresponding blends. (b) The position of the cellulose and PA66 peaks with respect to cellulose concentration of the

Fig. 4. (a) DSC thermograms of PA66/cellulose blends. (b) Variation of melting temperature (black circles), and the enthalpy of fusion (red, open circles) with the content of
cellulose. (c) Variation of the thickness of nylon crystallites with the content of cellulose. The insets show two models at molecular level of samples of pure nylon (left) and high
cellulose content (right). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

melt of the PA66. As expected, the PA66 films formed after the cellulose concentration indicate an amorphisation of PA66.
dissolution of PA66 and solvent evaporation, show two melting The amorphisation of PA66 in the blend, with increasing cellu-
peaks at approximately 250  C (Tm1) and 260  C (Tm2), attributed to lose content, is expected to lead to the size reduction of the PA66
less crystalline and more crystalline lamellae, respectively, formed crystallites. Hence, the crystallite size has been calculated using the
during re-crystallization [27]. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the increase of Thompson equation:
cellulose concentration (with the concomitant decrease of PA66
concentration in the blend), results in a shift of Tm2 to lower tem-  
peratures. Furthermore, the heat of fusion, DHm, which equals the Tm ¼ Tmo 1  (5)
rDHm l
area under the peak and is directly proportional to the degree of
crystallinity, is estimated from the DSC curves and is also shown in
where Tm and Tmo are the melting temperatures of the sample and
Fig. 4(b). Both the depression of melting point and the amorph-
the perfect crystals (301  C), respectively, s is the interfacial energy
isation of nylon can be explained by a decreasing size of nylon
of crystallites (69  103 J/m2), DHm and r are the heat of fusion
crystallites and/or an increasing dissolution of cellulose in nylon
(190 J/g) and the density (1.22  106 g/m3), respectively, of crys-
[39,40]. In order to account for the different PA66 concentrations,
talline PA66 and l is the thickness of crystallites [23]. In Fig. 4(c) it is
the calculated heat of fusion is normalized for the PA66 concen-
seen that the size of the PA66 crystallites decreases, though not
tration by DHm norm¼(DHm/PA66 wt%)  100. The DHm is seen to
significantly, with cellulose concentration, except for M75P25.
decrease with increasing cellulose concentration. Both the shift of
Similar results have been observed also by Garcia-Ramirez [23]
Tm2 to lower temperatures and the decrease of DHm with increasing
in cellulose-PA66 composites, in which PA66 domains are well
260 E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263

Fig. 5. (a) XRD diffractograms of the PA66 and cellulose films, and their blends. (b) The d spacing for (100) and (010) planes, as a function of the cellulose content.

dispersed in the cellulose matrix. The small variation of PA66 have to take under consideration both the blending of the two
crystallites, for low cellulose content, indicates that the amorphous polymers, as well as the porosity.
part of PA66 does not depend on the cellulose content. The Here, the stress-strain (SeS) curves of the blends lie between
exception is sample M75P25, where the thickness of the PA66 the two extreme curves of cellulose and PA66, revealing that the
crystallite is almost half, indicating the expansion of the amorphous blended films are less ductile than the pure ones. As shown in
PA66 at high concentrations of cellulose. Fig. 6(b), the Young modulus of the blended films, increases only
In Fig. 5(a) the X-ray diffractograms are shown for the different slightly as the cellulose content is increased, with respect to the
blends. PA66 exhibits two peaks at approximately 20 and value of the pure PA66 films, however it does not reach the high
24 corresponding to (100) and (010)/(110) doublet, respectively, value of the cellulose film. The Young's moduli of the pure films, i.e.
while cellulose has the characteristic pattern for the cellulose II PA66 and cellulose, are very different, with that of cellulose almost
polymorph, as expected for the solvent used for the preparation of an order of magnitude higher than that of PA66. The stiffness of the
the films [27,41,42]. Strong and sharp reflection peaks indicate blends then, lie between the two extremes, however they are very
crystalline, well-ordered structures, whereas weaker, wider close to the value of the PA66 film, even for high cellulose content.
reflection peaks indicate less ordered or smaller structures. Here, as This can be interpreted by considering that the stiffness of the
the cellulose content increases, the polyamide reflection peaks blends depends mostly on the moduli of the two polymers
become wider, indicating loss of crystallinity, while they move constituting the blend, specifically on that of PA66, and not on the
closer to one another. The (100) reflection in PA66 arises from structure, in accordance with previous results [45,46].
intrasheet scattering, while the (010) and (110) reflections arise The tensile strain of the pure PA66 and cellulose, shown in
from intersheet scattering. The d spacing for (100) and (010) planes Fig. 6(c), are very different and that of the porous blends follow are
has been calculated from the diffractograms (software PDXL very close to that of cellulose. However, the strain of the porous
(version, split Pearson VII peak shape function) and is blends is lower than that of cellulose, and we attribute this decrease
shown in Fig. 5(b). Interestingly, the d100-spacing is seen to to the porosity of the materials, that makes materials more sus-
decrease with the addition of cellulose, meaning that the intrasheet ceptible to break at less elongation [44]. Similarly, despite the
periodicity of the PA66 molecular chains decreases with increasing similar values of the tensile stress of the pure PA66 and cellulose
cellulose. On the other hand, the d010-spacing increases with blends, that of the porous blends decrease with increasing cellulose
increasing cellulose concentration, indicating that the intersheet content. This is attributed as much to porosity as to blending. It is
periodicity, i.e. the distance between the H-bonded chains, in- known that the fracture in porous films originates from local con-
creases. The above indicate a change in size of the crystallites, with centrations of stress at flaws or notches and it propagates easier
the addition of cellulose, more specifically the PA66 lamellae when pores are present [44]. In addition, it has been shown that
become narrower with more space between the sheets, with polymer blends with some degree of miscibility present monot-
increasing cellulose. Since DSC does not give significant variation of onical change in tensile stress [45]. We can therefore conclude that
the crystallite size, the above means that the PA66 crystallites the mechanical properties of the PA66/cellulose porous blends
comprise of fewer sheets, as the cellulose is increasing. presented here are controlled from both their miscibility and their
It should be mentioned that amorphous cellulose chains ho- porous structure.
mogeneously distributed inside the amorphous part of PA66 will
result in a decrease of the melting point of the crystalline part,
especially when H-bonds are involved in the interactions [23,43], 3.5. Impedance spectroscopy
further explaining the findings of DSC.
Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the Nyquist plots (-Zimg vs Zreal) of the
different polymer blend membranes, the pure cellulose, the PA66,
3.4. Mechanical performance as well as two additional commercial porous materials (regener-
ated cellulose (RC) and PA66 membranes), used as references. Pure
The mechanical properties of the blends were also characterized cellulose, M75P25 and commercial RC membrane are presented in
and they are summarized in Fig. 6. The stress-strain curves are Fig. 7(a) as obtained from the analysis of the impedance spectros-
presented in Fig. 6(a) and the data extracted from these curves are copy data [28]. It is seen that the collected data form semi-circles,
shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c). Mechanical properties depend on both according to IS models [47,48], with pure cellulose film and
the structure [44], as well as on any kind of interaction that might M75P25 membrane having similar values. Similarly, in Fig. 7(b), the
exist between the two polymers [45], so in order to understand the Nyquist plots for M50P50, M25P75, PA66 and commercial PA66
mechanical properties of the porous blends presented here, we membrane are shown as suppressed semi-circles, with similar
E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263 261

Fig. 6. (a) Stress-strain curves, (b) the Young modulus and (c) the strain and stress of
cellulose, PA66 and blends as a function of the PA66 concentration.

values among them. Values of polyamide-rich materials are higher

than those of cellulose-rich ones. Hence, the chemical nature of the
Fig. 7. Nyquist plots for different samples. (a): Pure cellulose (,), M75P25 (*) and
main component of the blends, i.e. cellulose or polyamide, controls
regenerated cellulose (-); (b): M50P50 (D), M25P75 (V), pure PA 66 (◊) and com-
the response of the impedance with practically no intermediate mercial PA 66 (A), (c) dielectric constant of cellulose, M50P50 and PA 66 samples (red)
behaviour. Specifically, M50P50 is closer to PA66 than to MCC. in comparison to other conventional plastics and polymers (black). Inset: dielectric
The dielectric constant or relative permittivity (εm) defines the constant of cellulose-PA 66 blends as a function of the cellulose content. (For inter-
ability of a material to polarise in response to an applied electric pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
field in comparison to the vacuum. Even though common plastics
show low values of εm [49], both low and high dielectric constant
polymers are necessary in electronic industries. Assuming homo-
geneous conductors and plane-plate capacitors [50], the following Cm DXm
εm ¼ (6)
expression gives us the dielectric constant, εm: Sm ε0
262 E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263

where DXm is the membrane thickness, Sm is the membrane area

used, Rm and Cm and the corresponding resistance and capacitance,
and ε0 is the vacuum permittivity. The calculated εm values for each
membrane are shown in the inset of Fig. 7(c). Pure PA66 and the
blends with low cellulose content, i.e. up to 50 wt% cellulose, have
similar εm values, close to 7.8. However, for pure cellulose mem-
branes, εm is increased up to almost four-fold (~30.0), while
M75P25 has an intermediate value of ca. 12.0. Fig. 7(c) also exhibits
a comparison of the dielectric constants of pure cellulose, M50P50
and pure PA66 samples with several conventional synthetic and
natural polymers such as polyethylene, ABS, PVC, Kapton, PDMS,
PVDF, neoprene, and regenerated cellulose [49]. Cellulose presents
the highest value of relative permittivity close to regenerated cel-
lulose. The dielectric constants of M50P50 and PA66 samples are
relatively low, with values between those of PVDF and neoprene.

3.6. Water uptake and salt permeability

Water uptake by a polymer membrane is a critical parameter in

water and salt transport properties. In Fig. 8, the water uptake is
depicted for the pure and the blended films. It is immediately seen
that water uptake is higher for the films with 3D porosity. Espe-
cially for the M50P50 film, which exhibits the highest porosity, the
water uptake is twice as high as for the rest of the samples, while
PA66 film presents the lower water uptake.
Fig. 9(a) depicts the salt permeability as a function of cellulose
content, where it is seen that with increasing cellulose content, Ps is
increased. This can be understood in terms of membrane structure.
Dense membranes, such as pure cellulose and M75P25, induce ion
transport through the polymeric chains, so the ions follow a
straight path between the two sides of the membrane. On the other
hand, in the case of porous membranes, such as M50P50 and
M25P75, the distance the ions have to travel is much longer due to
the 3D, non-continuous structure of the membrane, thus, reducing
the value of Ps. The two cases are depicted in the insets of Fig. 9(a).
Despite the lower porosity of M25P75 than M50P50, the salt Fig. 9. (a) Salt permeability as a function of the cellulose content. (b) Salt permeability
data of pure cellulose and M50P50 where other materials are showed for comparison
permeability is higher in M50P50. This is related to the higher reasons. The membranes described in the present article, are denoted with red. (For
hydrophilicity of cellulose, in comparison to that of PA66, since interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
hydrophilicity facilitates the flux of water and ions. Furthermore, as the web version of this article.)
seen in Fig. 8, M50P50 films uptakes 50% more water than M25P75,
and membranes that absorb more water are often more permeable
to water and salt [51]. cellulose and M50P50 with common materials currently used as
Fig. 9(b) presents a comparison of the salt permeability of membranes, such as hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) [52],
polyethersulfone [53], regenerated cellulose [54] and cellulose
diacetate [55]. Cellulose is close to membranes with high Ps, such as
regenerated cellulose and cellulose diacetate, while M50P50 can be
compared with membranes with low Ps, such as polyethersulfones.
This makes our PA66/cellulose porous blends potentially useful in
different membrane applications, since by tailoring the porosity of
the blends, one can tune the permeability to low values, useful
mainly in reverse osmosis for separation processes [56], or high
values, useful mainly in dialysis [57].

4. Conclusion

Cellulose-PA66 composites were fabricated, using TFA as com-

mon solvent for the microcrystalline cellulose and the PA66. The
composites exhibit a 3D, porous structure when the cellulose
concentration is lower than 50 wt%, which however disappears for
cellulose concentration higher than 50 wt%. Chemical analysis in-
dicates that the increase of cellulose content leads to the higher
amorphisation of PA66 and that possible interaction exists between
the amorphous part of the PA66 and the cellulose, via the H-bonds.
Fig. 8. Water uptake for the different blends. The mechanical properties of the PA66/cellulose porous blends
E.L. Papadopoulou et al. / Polymer 120 (2017) 255e263 263

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