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Name : Dandy Yunus Hutabarat

NIM : 221241007

A. Tiger
Tiger can reach up to3.5 meters in length and way up to 300 kilos. Tigers have a
distinctive orange and black stripped coat, and long tails. They can reach speeds of
up to 65 kilometers an hour, but only in short bursts
B. Shark
The smallest of this animal is about 17 centimeter long. While the biggest can be up
to 12 meters long. They live for about 20 to 30 years and this animal has very strong
tales that help them swim.
C. Komodo
This animal is world’s heaviest lizards,they can grow up to three meters long and
weigh up to 136 kilograms. They have long flat heads with rounded snouts, scaly
skin and huge muscular tails. They eat meat and have sharps teeth.
D. Cenderawasih/ Birds of paradise
This animal can be found in the forest of Papua. The male of the species has long-
colored feathers. The female bird has plain brownies. They like to eat fruit and
berry, but with also more lizards and frogs. This species is hunted for their feather.
They are an endangered species

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