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Recognition of Wonderful Bali Culture and The Government Role in Preserving it

Dosen Pengampu :
Tiarnita M.S. br.Saragi,S.pd. , M.Hum


Mutiara Wahyu Daniella

Disusun Oleh :
Kelompok 7 Kelas A DIK 21

Anastasia Lumban Tobing 2213321057

Devi Maharani 2211121037
Dhea Ani Clarissa Sitohang 2213121070
D.Trisha Laxmi 2211121002
Putri Lestari Sihombing 2212121002






Anastasia Lumban Tobing 1 Devi Maharani2

Dhea Ani Clarissa Sitohang3 D . Trisha Laxmi 4 Putri Lestari Sihombing5

Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni



I. INTRODUCTION Bali has various aspects that are

A. Background Of Study very beautiful both in terms of
Bali is one of the islands in art consisting of dance and
Indonesia which is famous for music that are well known.
its natural and cultural wealth. Then, in terms of culture, there
Bali is a tourism area that has are historical buildings such as
many destinations so that temples and temples, then
visitors are not only from within culture about traditional
the country, but also from Balinese clothing and religious
abroad. Although many visitors events. Then in terms of
from abroad, the culture is well geography, Bali has a variety of
maintained and preserved by the very beautiful beaches. As has
Balinese people and passed on been known, namely Kute
from generation to generation. beach, Bali. Cultural diversity is
Bali is often referred to as a custom that is owned by each
heaven on earth. This is because particular region, especially in

2 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
Indonesia, where the culture is culture as its existence is
always evolving or something increasingly invisible in
that has become a habit that is society's social life. Of course
difficult to change and cannot be the circumstances are
denied. Here we want to explain indisputable because they
about the cultural diversity that actually happen that way. Like
is owned by the Bali region. Balinese (including Balinese)
though it is the mother tongue of
The diversity that is owned by young Balinese, many do not
the Bali region is very rich and speak Balinese. The same is the
numerous, ranging from the case with other local cultures,
traditional culture that is owned which are becoming
by each resident in Bali, the increasingly unknown to
religion adopted, the arts that are members of the ruling class.
owned, the special foods owned Thus, conservation efforts are
by the Dali area, traditional vital, as hilmar farid (in
Balinese houses, Balinese, accessed July
traditional clothes, and places to 25, 2019) that "advancing that
visit. to worship in the area of culture above conservation is
Bali. actually an investment." It
The growing disappearance of means that if you want to
Indonesian culture is about advance a culture you must
hilmar farid/minister of culture. never forget or be uprooted from
(in https://.com, accessed July the cultural roots. It is suggested
25, 2019) says that "Indonesian that advancing the culture must
culture is rated increasingly lost be by keeping the cultural
in its visible way by the preservation that is inherited
increasingly driven values of from the ancestors. Therefore,
national character." If it is said our group will explain more
that Indonesian culture is clearly about the Balinese
increasingly lost, it should culture.
reflect local culture or regional B. Problems Of Study

3 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
1. How is Bali's cultural it appears that mountains stretch
history? from the western to the eastern
2. How was Bali's hemisphere, among which there
neighborhood cleanliness? are still volcanoes, namely
3. How are the traditions and Mount Agung and Mount Batur.
caste systems in Bali? While the non-volcanic
4. What are some traditional mountains are Mount Serayu,
Balinese foods? Mount Patas and Mount
5. How did the role and efforts Merbuk. There are four lakes
of the government preserve that beautify the religious nature
the Balinese culture? of Bali, namely Lake Beratan,
Lake Buyan, Lake Tamblingan
& Lake Batur.
A. Balinese History and Culture
2. Cultural System
They are a mob one who is
bound by the enlightenment
North side: Bali Sea
of oneness culture, which is
East : Lombok Strait / West
integrated into Hindu
Nusa Tenggara Province
beliefs. It can be said that
South : Indonesian Ocean
there was a kind of mutual
West : Bali Strait / East Java
symbiosis between Hindu
beliefs and Balinese culture,
The astronomical location of
as a result, Balinese Hindu
the island of Bali is 80 3' 40” –
beliefs were born as we
80 50' 48” south latitude and
know them today.
1140 25'53” – 1150 42' 40” east
3. Social System
The stratification system of
The astronomical position
the people is based on
above is relatively good for
patrilineal lines. The
Balinese farmers to cultivate
stratification/caste is divided
crops, because the rainfall is
into four levels according to
relatively adequate. As for the
topography of the island of Bali,

4 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
the scriptures of Hindu influenced by the
belief: Javanese language. Alus
a. Brahmin (in Bali as Balinese language
Brahmin) which is claimed to be
b. Ksatrya (in Bali as Alus Mider's Balinese
Satria) language is like using
c. Vaisya (in Bali as Javanese Krama.
Vaisya) b. Social Organization
d. Sudhra (in Balinese as System
Sudra) • Social Institution
It can be divided into
The top three castes namely
several groups that are
Brahmin, Satria, Vaisya are
institutionalized in
claimed to be "Tri Wangsa".
traditional forums,
While the lowest caste
namely villages,
claimed by Jaba.
banjars, subaks,
saka/sekaha, gotong
4. Physical Culture royong. The village is
a. Language based on the unity of
Balinese is an place. Banjar is a
Austronesian language traditional village.
according to the Sundik Seka/Sekaha is an
branch & more organization working in
specifically according to a special biological
the Balinese - Sasak field. Gotong Royong is
branch. In Bali itself, cooperation with the
the Balinese language village people.
has levels of use, for • Kinship system
example: Bali Alus, Clan (Clan) which is
Bali Madya & Bali often also called "broad
Rough. The Balinese relatives" or "big
language is heavily family". A clan is a unit

5 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
of descent fisheries, and tourism. Economic
(genealogical), unity of development in Bali is
belief (religious) and attempted to empower existing
unity of adat (tradition), natural resources.
is a social system based • Religious System
on ties of blood or In Bali 95% of the population
descent both through adheres to the Hindu Dharma
the father's line religion, while 5% adheres to
(patrilineal) and the Islam, Christianity, Catholicism,
mother's line Buddhism and Confucianism.
(matrilineal). The purpose of life in Hinduism
• Marriage System is to achieve balance and inner
In the old custom of marriage, and outer peace. In an effort to
the clan system (dadia) and caste achieve that goal.
system (wangsa) were B. Caste System in Bali
determined. Marriage as far as Balinese caste is a system that
possible is carried out between is closely related to Hinduism in
people of the same clan or at everything from believers to
least between people who are those related to the gift of God,
believed to be equal in caste. inherited, sturdy and binding,
This is claimed to be Indogamy. difficult to change, because it is
• Technology System considered. The caste system
Traditional Balinese architecture divides entire Hindu society into
and buildings are based on endogamy groups with genetic
kosala kosali rules which affiliations that simultaneously
contain rules about building separate and connect people
houses and building places of with three characteristics.
worship Separation is related to marriage
• Economic System and contact. The division of
The economic system in labor of each group represents a
Balinese society is based on particular profession and the
agriculture, animal husbandry, scale that divides the group into

6 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
high castes and lower castes those who work as servants of
(Eriksen 1998: 242). the state or kingdom and of the
descendants of a king. Waisya
As a location or social caste is the same as caste related
classification based on ancestry, to trade, entrepreneurs /
the Balinese caste is divided into entrepreneurs and craftsmen. In
four castes: Brahmin, Knight, this case, the Sudra caste is the
Vesya, and Sudra. When the lowest caste, laborer or peasant,
brahmin caste is associated with without property (Karepun
the priesthood and occupies the 2007: 6).
highest position in the caste In the Vedic scriptures, the
structure. Knight caste refers to term caste is unknown, but has
those who work as servants of color. In the Bhagavad Gita, the
the state or kingdom and term Varna Chess is used. In
descendants of a king. Waisya other words, it is the division of
caste is the same as caste in society according to the field of
trade, entrepreneurs/ self-sufficiency (profession) or
entrepreneurs, and craftsmen. In their respective jobs. There is a
this case the Sudra caste is a Wansa system in life in Bali,
laborer or peasant, has no which is a family system based
ownership and is the lowest on genealogy. The use of this
caste (Karepun 2007: 6). term became a problem for
Balinese people when the
Balinese castes are divided concept of caste was used to
into four castes, Brahmins, understand the concept of color
Knights, Vesyas, and Sudra, as in Hindu society. It was
ancestral locations or social introduced by Europeans during
classifications. When the the colonial era. The names used
Brahmin caste is associated with in color chess (Brahmin, Knight,
the priesthood and occupies the Wesha, Sudra) have been
highest position in the caste changed according to caste,
structure. Caste knights refer to including titles. Ironically, the

7 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
title is passed down from celebrations including many
generation to generation, special foods prepared as
regardless of whether he carries offerings, as well as other dishes
out the characteristics and consumed communally during
teachings of Color Chess or not celebrations.
(Kerepun 2007: 1216). Caste Rice is almost always
naming is still used in consumed as a staple food
Kertoraharjo. Caste identity is accompanied by vegetables,
not displayed by name (Bagus meat and seafood. Pork,
1980) because people born in chicken, fruit, vegetables and
Sudracaste but the rich seafood are widely used, but like
("Sudrakaya") tend to ignore it. most Hindus, beef is never or
rarely consumed.
C. Traditional Food from Bali Examples of Balinese dishes,
Balinese cuisine is a traditional such as satay lilit, yellow rice,
Balinese cuisine from the island lawar, and a complement in the
of Bali. Balinese cuisine is one form of sweet lala sauce; Babi
of the most complex cuisines in guling Bali; Betutu duck;
the world. It uses an incredible Balinese mixed rice with meat
variety of spices, mixed with and fish version of satay wrap;
fresh vegetables, meat and fish. Seasoned eggs from Bali.
This cuisine is part of A special Balinese treat that is
Indonesian cuisine, it shows the widely available, is black rice
original traditions, as well as pudding (Bubuh Injin). This is a
influences from other regional desert made from natural black
Indonesian, Chinese and Indian glutinous rice, served hot, in a
cuisines. The island's sweet sauce of palm sugar and
predominantly Hindu population thick coconut cream. For those
and culinary traditions are with a sweet-tooth, this is the
somewhat different from those best of local cuisine.
of the rest of Indonesia, with Indonesians prefer to eat
religious festivals and snacks, which can be bought

8 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
everywhere on the streets at the problem. In fact, Bali has
small three wheeled carts, often declared a 'garbage emergency'
pushed by young boys (the status because the piles of
mobile stalls are called kaki garbage on the beach continue to
lima, which means five legs - increase from time to time.
the three wheels of the cart, and
the two legs of the boy - a kind As one of the most popular
of joke). Popular snacks include tourist destinations in the world,
bakmie (rice flour noodle soup), Bali should be a comfortable
sate (grilled meat on a skewer place for tourists to vacation and
served with peanut or soy relax with beautiful and amazing
sauce), bakso (meatball soup), beach views. However, the
lemper (sticky rice), lumpia beauty of the island of Bali now
(fried spring rolls with seems to have faded, covered by
vegetables and meat), sop (clear piles of garbage, most of which
soup), soto (a meat and are plastic waste thrown away
vegetable broth with rice), nasi by humans. Lack of public
goreng (fried rice) and mie awareness to maintain beach
goreng (fried noodles). cleanliness is a major factor that
Sweet offerings include pisang is difficult to eliminate. In
goreng (fried bananas), peanuts addition to public awareness, the
in palm sugar, cooked peanuts, garbage problem in Bali also
jaja (multi-coloured coconut gets worse during the rainy
confectionary) and ice-cream, as season because the strong winds
well as cool drinks and coffee. during the rainy season push the
garbage in the sea to the shore.
D. Bali Regional Cleanliness This condition deserves our
The low level of public attention. As one of the most
awareness is also one of the popular tourist destinations in
factors that exacerbates this the world, maintaining and
condition. Even the island of preserving the cleanliness of
Bali cannot avoid the waste Bali's beaches is the

9 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
responsibility of all of us as and hygiene protection which is
citizens. In addition to the authority of the region.
continuing to make Bali a tourist To carry out these main tasks,
attraction, maintaining the the Department of Environment
cleanliness of the beach also and Cleanliness has the
needs to be done to maintain the following functions:
marine ecosystem. Polluted 1) Formulation of technical
beaches can also damage the policy on environmental affairs;
ecosystem of living creatures in 2) Implementation of technical
the sea, increase the risk of policies on environmental
catastrophic flooding, and can affairs;
even injure and kill marine 3) Implementation of
animals trapped by plastic waste evaluation and reporting of
that reaches the ocean. environmental affairs;
Based on Government 4) Implementation of service
Regulation Number 18 of 2016, administration;
the Denpasar City Government 5) Implementation of other
stipulates Denpasar City functions given by the Mayor
Regional Regulation Number 8 related to his duties and
of 2016 concerning "Formation functions.
and Composition of Denpasar And now Bali is heading as a
City Regional Apparatus" and green island driven by the
Denpasar Mayor Regulation Governor of Bali. So that this
Number 13 of 2017 concerning place which is famous for the
"Description of Regional Office world of tourists is even better
Positions". The Denpasar City and increasingly peaks in
Environmental and Hygiene various countries other than a
Service is to assist the Mayor in beautiful place, Bali will
carrying out regional become a clean and green place.
government affairs in the field
of environmental management

10 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
E. The role of the Provincial with the government in seeking
Government of Bali in the the welfare and happiness of
preservation of local culture balinese life in particular. The
efforts of the Bali Provincial
There are several roles that can
Government are intended, is an
and are being carried out by the
effort that should be supported
Provincial Government of Bali,
by all components of the
to keep the culture of the Bali
community in the Bali area,
area so as not to be eroded by
because this effort is a sacred
the rapid flow of globalization,
and noble ideal, in accordance
among others:
with the expectations of the
1) As a mover. ancestors of the Balinese
The Provincial Government of people. This is implied from
Bali can invite people in Bali the Hindu teachings of Sad
to love the local culture, Krtih which is 6 (six) kinds of
especially Balinese culture. efforts to obtain prosperity,
After loving certainly invites safety and tranquility in life
the community to maintain by (Anom Swastika, 1987: 101). .
preserving various cultures. In addition to inviting the
This role has been carried out community, the vision is
by establishing the vision certainly indirectly ordering
"Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka all balinese provincial
Bali", which has the meaning government apparatus to make
of maintaining the sanctity and the vision "Nangun Sat Kerthi
harmony of Bali's nature and Loka Bali" as a guideline. in
its contents,to realize krama preparing program activities.
and gumi Bali is prosperous All government activities
and happy. should lead to efforts to achieve
Through this vision certainly the vision, because only by
implies the desire of the Bali focusing on carrying out the
Provincial Government to activities of the government
invite the community together apparatus, the achievement of

11 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
the vision will be Can be culture (Bali) can be
achieved as expected. sustainable is reflected in
2) As an initiative taker. several missions of the Bali
Given the attitudes and provincial government,
behaviors of some people including:
today who tend to appreciate a) The fifth mission of the Bali
foreign culture more than Provincial Government is;
local culture, then in efforts develop a Hindu religious-
to preserve local culture, based primary and secondary
especially Balinese culture, Of education system in the form of
course, the government must Pasraman in Pakramanvillage/
take the initiative to invite the indigenous village. This
community to preserve the mission illustrates how the
culture that became its provincial government of Bali,
ancestral heritage. If observed wants children in Pakraman
there are enough initiatives village to actually get an
carried out by the Provincial education based on religious
Government of Bali in the teachings, especially
preservation of local culture Hinduism. The spirit of this
(Bali). Various programs both mission is very much in line
already and underway. One with the Law of the Republic of
of the efforts made by the Indonesia Number 56 of 2014
local government today is to on Hindu Religious Education.
pour in the vision and Thus it is expected that these
mission of the Bali provincial children have a sense of care
government. By pouring in and a sense of belonging to the
such vision and mission, it local culture (Bali) because
reflects the goodwill of the Bali between culture and Hinduism
provincial government in the can not be separated.
preservation of local culture. b) The sixth mission that reads
The desire of the Bali provincial "developing high competitive
government so that local human resources is quality and

12 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
integrity: quality, professional Culture,ofcourse, Balinese
and moral and has a strong culture that breathes the
identity. developed based on teachings of Hinduism in
the values of local wisdom particular.
krama Bali". This mission d) The eleventhmission,
contains the meaning that the "developing balinese manners
Provincial Government of Bali of life on a regular basis and
wants that in the development niskala based on the
of human resources Bali philosophical values of Sat
always based on balinese Kertih, namely atma kertih,
cultural values and norms. danu kertih, wana kertih,
This certainly indirectly segara kertih , jana kertih
reflects that balinese cultural and jagat kertih". The meaning
values and norms imbued with of this mission is none other
Hinduism are values and than the role of the government
norms that are so noble that to invite the people of Bali to
they should be used as maintain the sanctity of the
guidelines in life. society. universe and its contents.
c) The tenth mission reads Trying to make Bhuwana
"advancing Balinese culture Agung and Bhuwana Alit to
through the improvement of maintain cleanliness and
protection, construction, sanctity is a very noble
development and utilization of activity. Atma kertih and jana
indigenous values,religions, kertih is a way or effort to
traditions, arts and cultures of maintain the sanctity of
Balinese krama". This mission bhuwana alit, while danu
expressly and clearly kertih, wana kertih, segara
contains a meaning that wants kertih and kertih universe is
to preserve Balinese culture the way to keep the great
comprehensively, thoroughly bhuwana awake its sanctity. If
be it cultural system, social the great bhuwana and
system and objects. bhuwana alit are not able to

13 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
maintain cleanliness and homogin, namely most ethnic
sanctity, it can certainly cause Balinese who are religious.
various problems, or various Hindu. With the increasing
diseases. Conversely, with the heteroginnya of the population
maintenance of cleanliness and in the village of adat/pakraman,
sanctity both bhuwana agung then the problem faced
and bhuwana alit, then the becomes more complex. This
happiness of people's lives certainly demands the ability of
will be further improved. indigenous villages that are
e) The twelfth mission is getting bigger so that they are
"strengthening the position, adequate to face the
duties and functions of increasingly complex problems
pakramanvillages / indigenous of community life.
villages in organizing balinese
krama life, which includes 3) As a bridge of promotion to the
parhyangan, pawongan and national and international level.
palemahan". Through this As is well known that the
mission, the Government of economy of Balinese society is
Bali Province invites the supported by three main
community to strengthen the pillars, namely agriculture,
existence or existence of small industry and tourism.
pakraman villages / indigenous These three pillars are
villages in Bali Province, interrelated and mutually
especially in relation to With supportive, although in reality
Tri Hita Karana. Indeed, the the tourism sector is
task of indigenous villages experiencing a very rapid
today is very heavy when development. Tourism
compared to in the past. The developed in Bali is cultural
people in some traditional tourism. This means that the
villages /pakraman today are development of tourism in Bali
very heterogin, in contrast to because of the culture owned
the past whose people are by the people of Bali. In order

14 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
for Balinese culture to be the culture itself. In order for
better known at the national this cultural preservation action
and international level, the to be carried out continuously,
local government should invite it is needed to support
more cultural actors to financing funds. In this case,
participate in exhibitions or the role of local government is
exhibitions. promotion or needed, because local
cultural performance at events governments can prepare
in regional or abroad. By cultural preservation funds
introducing local culture (Bali) through the Regional Revenue
to the national and and Spending Budget (APBD)
international level, it is expected in accordance with the needs,
that there will be no more and of course still pay attention
Balinese culture that is trying to to the capabilities of the area.
be multiplied by other regions 5) Drafting laws and regulations
or countries. This role has In general, inviting the wider
certainly been implemented by community through appeals to
the Provincial Government of do cultural preservation is
Bali through various programs often not ignored. Therefore,
implemented by the Tourism local governments can invite
Office, Prindustrian and Trade the community more
Office and Community Work forcefully, namely by making
Unit. Other areas (SKPD). laws and regulations. This has
been done by the Provincial
4) As a source of financing Government of Bali, among
(capital) others by issuing Regional
Efforts to preserve culture Regulation (Perda) Number 1
certainly cannot only be of 2018 on Balinese language,
pronounced, but must be script and literature as well as
accompanied by action. The act the implementation of the
in question is to perform or month. Balinese language. In
carry out various activities of addition, it also issued

15 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
Regulation No. 5 of 2019 on support in the form of
Indigenous Villages, so that the facilitation in the form of
existence of indigenous facilities and infrastructure,
villages in Bali has a legal providing funds for the
umbrella. For the implementation of activities.
implementation of the Culture, giving space to work
Regional Regulation,the and giving opportunities to
Regulation of the Governor anyone who wants to preserve
(Pergub)of Bali is issued such Balinese culture. This role has
as The Governor of Bali certainly long been
Regulation No. 80 of 2018 on implemented by the Provincial
Protection and Use Balinese Government of Bali, among
Language, Script and Literature others by building a Cultural
and the implementation of Bali Park also known as the Art
Language Month. Regulation Centre. In addition, the
of the Governor (Pergub)of Bali Provincial Government of Bali,
Number 79 of 2018 concerning quite a lot of support in the
the Day of Use of Balinese preservation of local culture
Traditional Clothing. Bali such as facilitating Small and
Governor Regulation(Pergub) Medium Micro Enterprises to
Number 97 of 2018 exhibit at home and abroad,
concerning Restrictions on the assistance to indigenous
emergence of single-use plastic villages, construction
waste. Of course, many more assistance to the arts and so
regulations are published by on.
local governments that aim to 7) Do a data collection
preserve local culture, Bali has many forms of
especially Balinese culture. culture, both in the form of
6) As a support giver cultural systems, social systems,
In the management of culture, and in the form of cultural
the support that must be given objects. Of the many forms of
by the local government is full local culture in question, many

16 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
have not been recorded, 8) Forming an institution
especially those that are oral The Provincial Government of
cultures or that can be referred Bali is very aware of the
to as folklors. Unreseed importance of culture managed
forms of culture certainly by special institutions, because
give opportunities to foreign Balinese culture is an
or foreign parties to claim it. important factor supporting
To avoid the occurrence of the tourism sector in Bali.
claims to local culture (Bali), Therefore, the Government
the local government is of Bali Province formed an
expected to continue to institution that handles culture,
record carefully, complete and namely the Bali Provincial
detailed, so that the culture Cultural Office, which is not
Local (Bali) cannot be merged with the Education
claimed by outside parties office, although the existence
either outside the region or of culture with Education is
abroad. This data collection interrelated. With the special
certainly cannot be done only institution, namely the Bali
by the government, but must Provincial Cultural Office, it is
be done by all stakeholders, expected that development,
including the community. development and no less
However, the leading sector is important is the preservation of
the government, considering local culture gets more
that thegovernment, especially attention. Seriously.
local governments, has 9) As an organizer of the art
adequate facilities to conduct performance regularly every
the data collection. Local year.
governments have funds, This role has been carried out
facilities and infrastructure, by the Provincial Government
have data collection personnel, of Bali, such as organizing the
also have other access such as Bali Arts Festival which is held
mobility and so on. every year for 1(one) month

17 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
in June - July. After the art
festival the Provincial
Government of Bali also
organized a Balinese cultural
stage that is associated with the
anniversary of the Bali
Provincial Government and the
anniversary of Indonesian
independence. This activity
takes on a different theme
every year and has been held
since the lastfew years.
10) Optimizing the utilization of
public spaces.
Local governments can also
utilize as optimal as possible
public facilities such as
terminals, airports, city parks
and so on as a promotional
event that is at the same time
the preservation of local culture
(Bali), which of course by still
referring to the rules, values
and norms that apply and do
not forget the aesthetic value.

18 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
III. CONCLUSION able to develop and teach Balinese
Balinese culture has a lot of history culture to their children and
in it , be it the history of the grandchildren.
buildings , the history of the
religion they follow , and so on .
Anom Swastika, I Gusti Nyoman. 1987.
Balinese culture also has various
Catatan Singkat Istilah-istilah dalam
levels of their caste, the caste is a
system that is closely related to Agama Hindu. Tabanan: Sastra Mas.

Hinduism. Not only that, Bali, Gorda, I Gusti Ngurah. 2004.

which is famous for its natural Membudayakan Kerja Berdasarkan

beauty, does not guarantee Dharma. EdisiPertama. Denpasar:

cleanliness in its environment. Pelawa Sari Offset. Geriya, I Wayan.
Thus, the Balinese people should 2000. Transformasi Kebudayaan Bali
pay more attention to the memasuki abad XXI. Denpasar. Dinas
cleanliness that is there, so that Kebudayaan Propinsi Bali Gunarta, I
visitors who come do not feel Made. 2014. Kearifan Bali Bicara
disturbed by the existing garbage. Melalui Tindakan. Gianyar: Yayasan
And also Bali has food
Kryasta Guna. Jalaludin, 2002. Psikologi
characteristics that are second to
Agama, Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo
none, they cook it using spices that
Persada Paramita, I. B. G. (2020).
are in the area, therefore the food
Pendidikan Etika Dan Gender Dalam
has its own characteristics in Bali.
Teks Satua I Tuung Kuning. Jurnal
Bali also has a government system
Inovasi Penelitian, 1(2), 91- 98
that plays a role in defending their
culture so as not to be eroded by NUSANTARA CULTURE TEACHING
the swift currents of globalization. MATERIALS book By: WORO

Thus Indonesia has a lot of ARYANDINI AND TEAM

cultural diversity in it, especially
Bali. To be able to maintain a very
strong culture in Bali, as a
community in Bali, we must be

19 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it
20 | R e c o g n i ti o n o f W o n d e r f u l B a l i C u l t u r e a n d T h e
Government Role in Preserving it

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