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Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Muhamad Zaenal Abidin____________________________________ Class No.: IF_____

Section: Evening Class_______ Schedule: _________________________ Date: 18/10/2021__

Lesson title: Making, Accepting and Declining Requests Materials:

Learning Targets:
In the end of the module, students are able to: References:
● Use modal verbs to make, accept, and decline requests.



I. Preparation

1. Before Reading: What are three things you have to do that you need help with?
(e.g., Carrying a heavy bag, homework, doing housework, etc)

1. ask someone to help me carrying together a heavy bag

2. ask my friend for help me to teach me and solve the homework
3. ask my brother to help me for foing housework together

2. Read and listen to the following conversation.

You can access the transcript and audio file at

This document is the property of HORIZON EDUCATION

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Muhamad Zaenal Abidin____________________________________ Class No.: IF_____

Section: Evening Class_______ Schedule: _________________________ Date: 18/10/2021__

A Request from Your Boss

Susanne : Hi, Mario. Can you help me prepare some things for the next month?
Mario : OK, sure. What can I help you with?
Susanne : I need to visit the customer in Germany. It's important.
Mario : What can I do to help?
Susanne : Can you send an email to the customer? Ask them when I can visit them next week.
Please do this first. It's a priority and very urgent.
Mario : Right. I'll do it today.
Susanne : Thanks. This next task is also important. Can you invite everyone to the next team
Mario : Yes, I will.
Susanne : But first you need to book a meeting room. After that, please send everyone an email
about it.
Mario : Yes, of course.
Susanne : And finally, can you write a short report about our new project? I have to give a
presentation to our managers next month. Please do it when you have time – sometime in the next
two or three weeks. It's not too urgent.
Mario : Sure, no problem. I can do it this week.
Susanne : There's no hurry. Take your time.

Play the recording again and read it out loud as you listen.

3. Check for Understanding

Put Mario’s Tasks in order. What does he have to do first? Next? Last?

Book a meeting room Write a report email the customer email about the meeting

1. email the customer

2. email about the meeting

3. book a meeting room

4.write a report

This document is the property of HORIZON EDUCATION

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Muhamad Zaenal Abidin____________________________________ Class No.: IF_____

Section: Evening Class_______ Schedule: _________________________ Date: 18/10/2021__


I. Content and Skill Building:

1. We have used modal verbs (“can” and “cannot”) for making invitations. You can also use
modal verbs to make requests.

There are many different ways of making polite requests in English. If you don't want to sound
rude when speaking English, then you need to know how to make a request in a polite way.

Requests in English are usually made in the form of questions. Use:

“Would you mind if I...? / Could I possibly...? / Could you possibly...? / Do you think you could...?”

to sound more polite, especially for demanding requests. If it is an urgent request that you
cannot accept, we usually say, “Sorry” before saying no.

Look at the phrases:

This document is the property of HORIZON EDUCATION

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Muhamad Zaenal Abidin____________________________________ Class No.: IF_____

Section: Evening Class_______ Schedule: _________________________ Date: 18/10/2021__

II. Practice

1. (Individually) Write your own to-do list of 5 things you do on a very busy day.
1. Make daily covid data report

2. Upload daily documentation of Video Conference

3. Sorting documents

4. make daily design for instagram content

5. Check internet device in office

2. Go to your partner/group. Practice using the phrases with your to-do list, and accepting or
saying no to requests that you make.

1. a. Can you make daily report data covid for me ?.

b. Well i’am afraid today i’ll go to town with my mom.
2. a. is it all right if you upload my daily documentation of vidio conference today ?.
b. well the problem is my laptop off and i dorget to bring the charger.
3. a. will you sorting my document ?.
b. Yes, of course.
4. a. would you mind making my daily design for instagram ?.
b. yes sure.
5. could you check device internet in office today for me ?
sorry, well the problem is my car broken

This document is the property of HORIZON EDUCATION

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Muhamad Zaenal Abidin____________________________________ Class No.: IF_____

Section: Evening Class_______ Schedule: _________________________ Date: 18/10/2021__

3. Show the class how you use the phrases for asking for and accepting or declining


I. Thinking About Learning

What is one useful thing you learned?

II. Review
What is one big task that you would always say yes to? What is one task you would
say no to? Write short dialogues for them below (2 to 3 lines).

A. I will yes ye if :
a. Can i borrow your laptop ?
b. yes, sure i lend my laptop to you
B. I will yes no if :
a. Could i borrow your handphone ?
b. wll the problem is for me my phone are privecy

This document is the property of HORIZON EDUCATION

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