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Numerology (Chapter 1)/Date numbers - numerology numbers derived from the date of

Our birth date has a special vibration and power; it is no chance that we were born on a specific day,
month and year. Ancient numerologists believed that our birth date is aligned with cosmic forces that
help us in our embodiment and throughout our life path. By using a numerological system, we can
derive our "destiny numbers" or "personal lucky numbers" from our birth date. These numbers tell us
a lot about our place in this world and the trials that await us in life. The most important among them
is the Life Path number - a sum total of the entire birth date. As its names suggest, it shows our
mission in life, our life work and what the universe intends for us. It indicates the main lesson we have
come to learn in this world. It shows the opportunities we must utilize in order to make the most of our
innate abilities. By the vibration of Life Path number we usually choose our career, or else this
vibration is expressed in our other interests. Different features of this number are also reflected in the
people and experiences that we attract into our life in order to develop all our potentials. But we are
not always happy with our life lessons. We may even strongly dislike the characteristics of our Life
Path number that are reflected in others, whilst we can act in complete opposition to them. If,
however, we walk by the life path that has been assigned to us, we can avoid the inner conflicts and
frustrations and gradually develop in a way that is best for our nature. When we find our true place in
the world, we feel at home. The influence of Life Path number is usually stronger after thirty-fifth year
in one's life. Calculation: In numerology, the meanings from birth day, month and year are derived by
adding up their digits. In most cases, the sum is a two- or more digits number. By adding-up its digits
the sum is then reduced to a single digit. Whenever a total turns out to be a master number 11 or 22,
however, it is left as-is. These doubled numbers have a special significance, and are given special
interpretations. In calculations we use the actual date of birth - even if by mistake it is written
differently on one's birth certificate. Let's take the date 11th of May 2001 for an example. First we
reduce the year number: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3. Now we add up the numbers of day, month and year: 11 +
5 + 3 = 19. By reducing this sum to one-digit number we get the Life Path number: 1 + 9 = 10. Since
10 is a two-digit number, we reduce again into one-digit number: 1+0=1 (Exception: If the sum of day,
month and year turns out to be a master number 11 or 22, it is not reduced. We interpret it instead as
number 11 or 22.) Then, click on the number under numerology for the meaning (Faragher, 2020).

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