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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)


Prior to and during the practicum sessions, student needs to understand the
following rules:
1. Rules and Regulation
1. Plagiarism, Cheating, Collusion and Abuse of Resource Materials Definition:
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and inadequately
or inappropriately acknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own
written, oral, visual, or original performativity work that is offered for credit.
Plagiarism definition according to article 1 Regulation of Indonesian
National Education Ministry No 17 of 2010:

“Plagiarism is a intentional or unintentional act to obtain or trying to obtain

creditor score for a scientific work, by citing some or all other scientific work
that acknowledged as his/her scientific work, without declaring the source
properly and adequately.”

The Important aspects:

1. Intentionally or unintentionally done,
2. Citing some or all of the scientific work, and
3. Without mentioning the source properly and adequately.

Cheating is not allowed. Cheating means engaging in any of the following

1. Copying another student’s test, report, paper, computer files or from any
electronic device or equipment.
2. Using, during a test, unauthorized printed audio or electronic materials.
3. Collaborating, without authorization, with another person during a test,
examination or preparing academic work.
4. Substituting for another student or permitting another person to substitute for
oneself in taking an examination or preparing academic work.
5. Bribing or coercing another person to obtain administered information.
6. Acquiring and submitting as one’s own work on assignment prepared by
another individual or a firm.
7. Falsifying data.

Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in

preparing any work offered for credit.

Abuse of resource materials means the mutilation, destruction,

concealment, theft or alteration of materials provided to assist students in the
mastery of course content.
Source: Texas State University Honor Code

Cheating, Collusion, Plagiarism, or Abuse of resource material done

by any student or group will bear consequence of: DROP OUT from BINUS

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department ii
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

b. Practicum comprises 13 sessions @ 100 minutes. Group member composition,

rules, grade distribution and practicum’s final project will be socialized during
the first session only.
c. Any student’s lateness exceeding 5 minutes, according to the laboratory’s time,
is considered “absent”. Furthermore, student is not allowed to participate in the
practicum exams (mid and final exam), if he/she has more than two absences.
i. Student is obliged to bring the Technical Drawing module and the required
ii. Only student wearing white laboratory coat is allowed to attend the
iii. Student is not allowed to bring into practicum room other than the
following items: Technical Drawing module, writing note, practicum
equipment, and writing tools.
iv. No eating, drinking or smoking inside the laboratory.
v. A mobile phone must be switched off in the practicum room. Any
misconduct will be penalized as “absent”.
vi. Student is responsible for any damage or loss during the usage of
practicum equipment.
vii. The Practicum Rules must be printed and attached before the content of

2. Practicum
1. Task
i. The duration of the assignment given is for 1 week.
ii. Hardcopy of the assignment is required to be printed on 80 grams A4 paper.
iii. Assignment’s sketch from object measurement task shall be made and
attached on the assignment.
iv. Hardcopy of the assignment shall be submitted at the beginning of each
session. The status of “No assignment submission” is applied, for hardcopy
assignment submitted more than five minutes after the class started.
v. Softcopy of the assignment shall be submitted via e-mail.
vi. The e-mail submission must be properly written, with the format of e-mail
Subject: IA#_Class_NIM_Name
Example: IA1_BA41_2001001000_Admin
vii. The submission shall be no more than 1 day prior each session. The status
of “No assignment submission” is applied, for softcopy assignment
submitted more the predetermined time.
viii. If the soft copy contains virus, will result in ZERO SCORE.
ix. Failure to follow any instruction will result in ZERO SCORE.

b. Object Measurement Task

i. Redraw the measurement result in the form of a sketch on an A4 paper.
ii. The sketch result must be checked by the Lab Assistant.
iii. After review, the Lab Assistant will give his/her signature and date of
inspection on the sketch.

c. Quiz
i. Quiz will be conducted for 15 minutes.
ii. There is no time extension to submit quiz.
Industrial Engineering Laboratory
Industrial Engineering Department iii
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

iii. The file must store/save on the hard-drive with format name of file is:
Example: Q1_BA41_2001001000_Admin
iv. Failure to follow the format name of quiz will result in ZERO SCORE.

d. Mid and Final Examinations

i. The exams will be conducted for 100 minutes.
ii. There is no time extension to submit the exams.
iii. All files must be store/save on the hard-drive and entered in one folder with
format name of folder is:
Example: UTP_BA41_2001001000_Admin

3. Grade Distribution
Assessment Weight (%)

• Weekly Assignment
Quiz 20
UTP 30
UAP 30

Prepared by, Checked by,

Calvin Hartono Dendhy Indra Wijaya, S.T., M.T.

Technical Drawing Laboratory Coordinator Cognizant Faculty

Approved and Acknowledged by,

Taufik, S.T., M.M., Ph.D.

Head of Industrial Engineering Department

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department iv
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)



SO1: An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by
applying pinciples of engineering, science and mathematics
SO3: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering
SO4: situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of
engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal
SO6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

Student Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
1 3 4 6

Read an extract information from a technical drawing.

 

Produce a technical drawing of a machine component.  

Produce 3D isometric view of a component.  

Use computer-aided design to produce 3D solid modelling.  

Module Description
1 Introduction to CAD
2 CAD Drawing
3 CAD Drawing Part 2
4 CAD Modeling
5 3D – Properties and Editing Part 2
6 Inventor Modeling
7 Advanced Part Modeling Technique
8 Inventor Assembly
9 Inventor Projection and Presentation

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Industrial Engineering Department v
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Read an extract information from a
technical drawing.         
Produce a technical drawing
of a machine component.
      
Produce 3D isometric view of a
component.      
Use computer-aided design to
produce 3D solid modelling.    
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Assessment WR1 WR2 WR3 WR4 WR5


Q = Quiz
WR = Weekly Report

Assignment Quiz UTP UAP

LO 1    
LO 2    
LO 3    
LO 4   
Weight 20% 20% 30% 30%

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department vi
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

MODULE..................................................................................................................... v
CONTENT ................................................................................................................. vii
DOWNLOAD INFORMATION ................................................................................ ix
TITLE BLOCK FORMAT ........................................................................................ xii
ETIQUETTE AUTOCAD ........................................................................................ xiii
ETIQUETTE INVENTOR ...................................................................................... xxii
BRIEFING ............................................................................................................... xxx
SESSION 1 INTRODUCTION TO CAD................................................................... 1`
1.1 Use and Function ............................................................................... 1
1.2 Setting AutoCAD ............................................................................... 3
1.3 Utility AutoCAD* .............................................................................. 4
SESSION 2 2D - CAD Drawing .................................................................................. 5
2.1 2D - Basic Drawing ............................................................................ 5
2.2 2D – Properties and Editing (Part 1) .................................................. 8
2.3 2D - Example ..................................................................................... 9
2.4 2D - Exercise .................................................................................... 12
SESSION 3 2D - CAD DRAWING PART 2 ............................................................ 13
3.1 2D – Properties and Editing (Part 2) ................................................ 13
3.2 2D – Advanced Drawing .................................................................. 17
3.3 2D – Example................................................................................... 18
3.4 2D – Exercise (Geometrical Construction) ...................................... 25
SESSION 4 3D – CAD MODELING ........................................................................ 29
4.1 3D – Setting Workspace................................................................... 29
4.2 3D - Basic Drawing and Modeling .................................................. 30
4.3 3D Properties and Editing (Part 1) ................................................... 31
4.4 3D CAD MODELING – Example ................................................... 36
4.5 3D CAD MODELING – Exercise ................................................... 43
SESSION 5 3D – PROPERTIES AND EDITING PART 2 ...................................... 46
5.1 3D – Properties and Editing (Part 2) ................................................ 46
5.2 Surface and Solid Modeling ............................................................. 48
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BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

5.3 Shading and Rendering .................................................................... 49

5.4 3D – Example................................................................................... 49
5.5 3D – Exercises (Isometric) ............................................................... 60
SESSION 6 INVENTOR MODELING ..................................................................... 68
6.1 Introduction, Sketching, and Dimension.......................................... 68
6.2 Creating and Editing Sketched Features and Drawing ................... 74
6.3 Advanced Part Modeling Technique ................................................ 76
SESSION 7 ADVANCED PART MODELING TECHNIQUE................................ 77
7.1 Advanced Part Modeling Technique (cont.) .................................... 77
SESSION 8 INVENTOR ASSEMBLY ..................................................................... 88
8.1 Advanced Assembly Modeling Technique ...................................... 88
8.2 Assembly Example........................................................................... 92
8.3 Bolted Connection Example* .......................................................... 96
9.1 Advanced Projection Technique ...................................................... 99
9.2 Several types of ribbon on .idw file ............................................... 100
9.3 Advanced Exploded Technique ..................................................... 102
9.4 Drawing Step.................................................................................. 103
9.5 Inventor – Presentation .................................................................. 110
9.6 Inventor – Exercises ....................................................................... 113
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 123

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BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

1. Open your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE)

2. Go to

3. Scroll down and click on Create an Autodesk Account, then sign in to your
Autodesk account. Create an account if you haven’t. After you create an account,
a verification mail will be sent to your email.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

4. After successful sign in, click on “Get Started”, enter email and password you
used when you create the Autodesk account.

5. Fill in the required personal data, then choose “Verify”.

6. Check your personal data, then you should upload one of these documents below
(it is recommended to use school-issued confirmation letter). Then, wait until
you get an email indicating successful verification.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

How to get school-issued confirmation letter:

Go to → support → letter request

7. After the verification is complete, go to “free student software” then select the
software that instructed by the lab assistant.

8. Select the software version (2022), Windows bit, and language.

9. Run the installer and log-in to you verified Autodesk account.

10. Restart your computer.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)


• The font has to be Times New Roman.
• “A” Filled with type of image (2D or 3D) and must be typed with the text height
of 5.
• “B” Filled with Attachments (For example 1 / 10, that means this image is an
image in attachment 1of 10 images).
• “C” Filled with type of Paper (For Example A4, A3, etc).
• “BINUS UNIVERSITY”, “TITLE”, “B”, “C” must be typed with the text height
of 3.
• “DATE” Filled with the date of tasks submitted. (Example, 1 JANUARY 2014)
• “SCALE”, “UNIT”, “DATE”, “NAME”, “NIM”, “CLASS”, and “DEF”, must
be typed with the text height of 2.5 and capitalized.
• For every 2D Projection tasks, the “DEF” should be filled with the Symbol of
Projection such as:

Third Angle Projection First Angle Projection

Notes: The 2D Projection symbol should suit the size of the “DEF” Box

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Industrial Engineering Department xii
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

1. Click Application button, then choose New.

2. Click the arrow next to Open, then select Open with no Template - Metric units.

AutoCAD Templates
• acad -Named Plot Styles.dwt (dwt - 30.7 Kb).
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, and named
plot styles.
• acad -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (dwt - 31.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, named plot
styles, and an initial isometric view.
• acad.dwt (dwt - 30.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, and color-
based plot styles.
• acad3D.dwt (dwt - 32.3 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, color-based
plot styles, and an initial isometric view.
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BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

• acadISO -Named Plot Styles.dwt (dwt - 30.9 Kb)

Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, and named plot
• acadISO -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (dwt - 31.8 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, named plot
styles, and an initial isometric view.
• acadiso.dwt (dwt - 30.8 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, and color-based
plot styles.
• acadiso3D.dwt (dwt - 32.2 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, named plot
styles, and an initial isometric view.
• Tutorial-iArch.dwt (dwt - 38.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for architecture.
• Tutorial-iMfg.dwt (dwt - 39.4 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for mechanical design.
• Tutorial-mArch.dwt (dwt - 42.0 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for architecture.
• Tutorial-mMfg.dwt (dwt - 49.1 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for mechanical design.

3. On the left bottom corner, click Layout1 tab to switch from Model.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

4. Right click on Layout1 tab in left bottom corner, then select Page Setup Manager
to open the dialog box.

5. In the Page Setup Manager dialog box, select (click) Modify… to modifies an
existing page setup.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

In the Page Setup - Layout1 dialog box, set custom of Printer/plotter, Paper Size,
Plot area, and Plot offset as shown in figure below. Then, click OK.

!!! Make sure the Page Setup Setting is correct !!!

7. On the Home tab, click Rectangle command.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

8. Locate the endpoint on bottom left corner model space and click on endpoint to
specify the first corner of the rectangle.

9. Drag to top right corner and edit the dimension to specify the other corner of the
rectangle. [277 mm (length); 190 mm (width)]

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

10. Click on top right corner of model space and drag to top right corner (locate
the endpoint) of the rectangle already created before.

11. Finish

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

12. To create the title block, click Rectangle and then select the first point at the
endpoint as shown below.

13. Insert the dimension of rectangle (-180;25), then press enter. The negative sign
indicates the direction of the dimension inserted, as applied in the Cartesian

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BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

14. The box should appear like the picture shown below.

15. Make another rectangle with the first point on the upper-left endpoint of the box
you made previously. Insert the dimension of (30;-15), then press enter.

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Industrial Engineering Department xx
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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

16. It should appear like the picture shown below. Continue to make rectangles with
the dimension given at the “ETIQUETTE CAD” session.

17. After the box is finished, you have to insert texts. Click Multiline Text in the
Annotate bar.

Click and drag to make a textbox that fits to the etiquette box you have made.

18. Change the text type, size and arrangement according to the etiquette rules. Repeat
the steps given to finish the etiquette.

19. Your etiquette is done.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)


1. Open Autodesk Inventor Professional 2019.

2. Select New.

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Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

3. Select Metric and choose ISO.idw.

4. Press button.

5. Right click Sheet:1

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Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

6. Select Edit Sheet.

7. Change to paper size to A4.

8. Press button.

9. Delete Default Border and ISO.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

10. Click the + button on Drawing Resources.

11. Right click on Borders.

12. Choose Define New Border.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

13. Make two rectangles the size of 10 mm x 10 mm just like the picture.

14. Make one big rectangle from the top left square to the bottom right square.

15. Block the small squares and press delete.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

16. When finish, click Finish Sketch.

17. Give any name for the border then click Save.

18. Right click on Title Blocks.

19. Choose Define New Title Block.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

20. Make the Title Block using rectangle command and multiline text just like the

21. When finish, click Finish Sketch.

22. Give any name for the Title Block then click Save.

23. Click + button on Borders and Title Block.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

24. Double click on the name of the Borders that have been made.

25. Finish (Title block font must be in Times New Roman)

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department xxix
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

• Technical Drawing Laboratory Assistant:
1. Alda Aini Putri (IN047)
2. Azure Kamul (IN048)
3. Matteuw Andrew (IN049)
4. Nico Hananda (IN050)
5. Shalsya Putri Desria (IN051)
6. Noviando Yulio (IN054)
7. Julian Try Handoko (TD1866)
8. Calvin Hartono (TD1867)
9. Eliezer Yeremi Soeprianto (TD1868)
10. Jessica Valencia (TD1869)
11. Zoyya Amira Mahmudin (TD1870)
12. Defina Puspita Sari (TD1871)

• Practicum Session
1. Practicum consists of 13 sessions with 100 minutes of each session.
2. Students are assigned to do self-learning of commands that are noted with ‘*’.

• Assignment
1. Written Task: The task given by assistant.
2. Object Measurement Task:
 Redrawn measurement the results in the form of a sketch on A4 paper.
 The results of sketch must be checked by the Assistant Lab.
 After review, Assistant Lab will give a signature and date of inspection
on the sketch.

• Safety Rules
• In the event of an earthquake:
1. Keep Calm.
2. Immediately looking for shelter
3. Stay away from object that can break or falling over.
4. Move & shelter
5. Does not using the lift.
6. Following instructions for emergency response personnel.

• If you hear the fire alarm:

1. Keep Calm.
2. Gathered at lift lobby area floor.
3. Do not use elevator.
4. Follow instructions for emergency response personnel.
5. Emergency evacuation through the stairs.
6. Walk properly, do not run.
7. Walk to assembly point.
8. Declare yourself when people counting (HEAD COUNT).
9. Stay at assembly point.

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department xxx
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)


Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department xxxi
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

1.1 Use and Function
AutoCAD is a Computer Aided Design Program to design 3D or 2D technical
drawings. AutoCAD in industrial world is used in many disciplines: industrial
engineering, civil engineering, architectural engineering, and mechanical
engineering. AutoCAD has the capability to present a precise model which
later can be used in manufacturing.

The following are brief description of the basic features commonly used in
1. Unit type (inch/millimeter)
In AutoCAD there are two kinds of unit type which should be decided:
• Imperial : To set the unit into inches.
• Metric : To set the unit into millimeter.
Steps that you have to do to set the unit type are:
• Click on the NEW icon which located at the higher left corner of
the AutoCAD windows.
• Then, click on the black triangle symbol beside the open button.
• Now you can see the choices like the following picture below.
• Click on the unit type that you need between imperial and metric.

2. Setting Interface
In AutoCAD 2016, the default color of background is black. In order to
change the background color, we could set it such as:
• Use right click of the mouse, and select
• In the menu, press button.
• Set the color as can be seen on following the picture.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

• Press button.

3. Command line/prompt

Command line/prompt is used to input a command with a keyboard. This

command line is located at the lower left corner of the AutoCAD

4. Ribbon

This part is located at the upper part of the AutoCAD window. For
example, if we want to draw an object, then we can choose the icon
associated with drawing from the toolbar (ribbon).

5. History
History is used to show the commands that had been inputted in command
line. To view history PRESS F2 on keyboard.

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Industrial Engineering Department 2
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

1.2 Setting AutoCAD

In this module, you will be shown how to do some basic instructions by using
either the command line or the toolbar:

Command: Grid Press F10 or click the polar icon in the toolbar.
Function: To show or hide Function: To help us drawing a vertical or
a grid in the working area. horizontal line.

OSNAP (Object Snap)

Command: Osnap
Function: To get a certain point from an object.
The command “Osnap” will show a menu as can be seen on the following picture:

The “✔” on some of the “Object Snap modes” represent are being activated.
(The picture shows some “Object Snap modes” that are commonly used)

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Command: Pan
Function: To move the active
windows around during sketches.

Command: Zoom or Z
Scroll mouse up or down.
Function: To zoom in/out the sketches.

1.3 Utility AutoCAD*

In AutoCAD, there are some workspace and methods that we use to arrange
the showed layout. There are three (3) methods you can use to make a new
a. New layout: to make a new layout.
b. Layout from template: to choose a new layout from a pre-existing
c. Layout Wizard: tomake a new template by using alayout wizard.
There are two kinds of workspace:
a. Model Space: an area where the sketch can be edited.
Command: mspace
b. Plot Space: an area where the sketch will be printed out.
Command: pspace

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Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

2D - CAD Drawing
2.1 2D - Basic Drawing

 Command: Type “line” or  Command: Type “pline”
“line”  Function: To create more
 Function: To create a than one line that connected
straight line each other

 Command: Type “circle”
 Function: To create a circle. It can be done with
several methods.

Function: to make a circle using a center point and

Function: to make a circle using a center point and

Function: to make a circle with two (2) points of

Function: to make a circle with three (3) points of

Function: to make a circle with reference to two other

Function: to create a circle with three tangent points.

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Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

 Command: Type “hatch”
 Function: To fill an enclosed area or selected
objects with a hatch pattern or gradient fill.

 Command: Type “arc”
 Function: To create an arc object.

Function: to creates an arc using three points.

Function: creates an arc using the start point,

center, and end point.
Function: creates an arc using the start point,
center, and an included angle.
Function: creates an arc using the start point,
center, and the length of a chord.

Function: creates an arc using the start point,

endpoint, and an included angle.
Function: creates an arc using the start point,
endpoint, and a tangent direction at the start
Function: creates an arc using the start point,
endpoint, and radius of arc.

Function: creates an arc using the center point,

start point, and endpoint.
Function: creates an arc using the center point,
start point, and an included angle.
Function: creates an arc using the center point,
start point, and the length of a chord.

Function: creates an arc tangent to the last line or

arc drawn.

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Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

 Command: Type “rec” or “rectang”
 Function: To create a rectangular
 Command extension:
• Corner: draw a rectangle using a
close polyline.
• Chamfer: draw a rectangle that has
chamfer on its edges.
• Elevation: draw a rectangle that is
elevated from the drawing plane.
• Fillet: draw a rectangle with fillet
on its edges.
• Thickness: draw a rectangle with
line thickness.
POLYGON • Width: draw a rectangle with width
 Command: Type “polygon” (like box).
 Function: To create • Center: To create a rectangle by
polygon object, equilateral using the center of rectangle.
closed polyline.
 Command extension:
o Inscribed in Circle: to
create a polygon with
radius in the corner
between the side.
o Circumscribed in
Circle: to create a
polygon with a radius
located on the side.

 Command: Type “spline”
or “spl”
 Function: To create a
smooth curve object.
 Command extension:
• Spline Fit: draws a spline
with fix points.
• Spline CV: draws a
spline with control

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2.2 2D – Properties and Editing (Part 1)

Function: to change the color of the
line or selected object.

Function: to change the thickness of
the line or selected object.
Function: to change the type of line
or selected object (continuous or
with dash).

 Command: Layer or DDL modes
 Function: Layers area place where each layer can be filled with an object,
either a line or text. Users can organize the objects according to a specific
type of object. Layers can be enabled or disabled as needed.

• The line types editing menu:

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 Command: Type “rotate” or
MOVE “ro”
 Command: Type “move”  To rotate an object with
 Function: To move an object's clockwise or counterclockwise
position in the drawing area. direction.


 Command: Type “copy” or  Command: Type “mirror” or
“co” “mi”
 To create a duplicate of an  To produce a mirror field that
object, either individually will be used to reflect an
(single copy), or mass object. Object that will be
(multiple copies). You can reflected have to be put facing
also specify the distance of the mirror field.
the duplicate object(s).

2.3 2D - Example

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

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1. START POINT. Draw a circle with radius of 10.

2. ADDING CIRCLE. Draw 2 circle inside the circle of step 1 with a radius
of 8 and 5.

3. ADDING LINE. Draw a line from the center of circles (Part 1) into the left
with a length of 50.

4. ADD CIRCLES TO LINE. At the end of this new line, draw a circle with
a radius of 10 and 5.

5. ADDING LINE. Draw a line from the center of circle (Part 1) into the top
with length of 50.

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6. ADD CIRCLES TO LINE. At the end of this new line, draw a circle with
a radius of 10 and 5.

7. ADD LINE. Draw a line like the following image.

8. ADD LINE. Draw a line like the following image.

9. ADD CIRCLE. Add a circle with radius of 40 like the following image

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10. TRIMMING. Trim circle and line until you get the following image

2.4 2D - Exercise

Source: (myautocadexercise)

Source: (myautocadexercise)

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3.1 2D – Properties and Editing (Part 2)
 Command: Type “erase” or “e”
 Function: To erase an object.


 Command: Type “lengthen”  Command: Type “pedit”
 Command extension:  To edit polylines and
o Delta: increase the length of multilines.
the object according to the  Usually uses for joining 2D
given input. polylines, converting lines and
o Percent: increase/decrease arcs into polylines.
the length according to the
given percentage. Note:
o Total: change the length of The command PEDIT is usually used
objects to a total length that in order to join 2 lines or more into a
is inputted. polyline. However, PEDIT only
o Dynamic: change the length works when lines are touches one to
of objects by moving the another and while in the XY-Plane.
cursor or change it using the
• Extend, shortening, or edit
the object line, arc or

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The steps of using PEDIT:

1. Type PEDIT in command line and ENTER.

2. Select one of the line and type Y (Yes) and ⮠

3. Select JOIN

4. Select all of the line that wanted to be combined.

5. Press ENTER twice.

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 Command: Type “trim”
 Function: To cut an object with another object
as a barrier.

 Command: Type “extend”
 Function: To extend the object line, arc or polyline
until the specified object point of intersection.

 Function: To make a writing. There are two
(2) ways of doing this:
 Command: Type “text”
 Command: Type “mtext”
 To change font size or font type of the text,
there are some steps:
• Click the annotation icon
below the icon
of text.
• Click the text style

• Then you can choose the text

style that you need or can create
new text style by clicking

• And the box will be shown

which you can change the font
size, type and height.

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 Function: To identify the size of
an object.
 Command:
o Command: DimLinear
o Command: DimAligned
o Command: DimArc
o Command: DimOrdinate
o Command: DimRadius
o Command: DimDiameter
o Command: DimAngular

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3.2 2D – Advanced Drawing

 Command: Type “offset”
 Function: To make a
duplicate of an object
parallel to the original
object with a certain

 Command: Type  Command: Type
“chamfer” or “cha” “fillet” or “f”
 Function: To  Function: To
create a fault or round off the end
fracture on the side of the meeting of
of an object. two lines with a
 Command certain radius. It
extension: could also be said
o Undo to make a basin at
o Polyline the end of the line
o Distance or edge ( ).
o Angle  Command
o Trim extension:
o Method o Undo
o Polyline
 Function: To creates a tangent o Radius
or smooth spline between the o Multiple
endpoints of two open curves.

 Command: Type “array” or “ar”
 Function: To create a mass duplicate object
quickly and irregular with Rectangular or
Polar method.
o Polar: Produces object duplication
with a circular pattern.
o Rectangular: Produces object
duplication with a square pattern.

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3.3 2D – Example

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

1. Draw a circle anywhere on the workspace with a radius of 8.

2. Draw a circle with a radius of 24 on the same center point with the first

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3. Draw an auxiliary line, with a length of 190 as in the instruction

drawing. Then press "esc" on the keyboard.

4. Do step 1 and step 2 again at the end of the auxiliary line.

5. Draw second auxiliary line as shown (at the top & at the bottom end of
the first auxiliary line). This will be the center of a large circle.

6. Draw two circles with a radius of 35 as in the instruction picture, with

the center of the circle at the second auxiliary line.
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7. Delete all the auxiliary lines.

8. Draw two circles with a radius of 50.

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9. Trim all unused lines.

10. Draw two circles with a radius of 8, then delete the auxiliary lines.

11. Draw two circles with a radius of 28.

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12. Trim all unused lines as shown.

13. Click "Circle (C)", and select "Tan, Tan, Radius". Then click on the line
side as shown.

14. Click on the other side, as shown.

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15. Enter dimension with a radius of 28, then press enter.

16. Do the same instructions to all four sides as shown.

17. Trim all unused lines as shown.

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18. Do “Tan, Tan, Radius” as in the picture with the same step as before.
Insert dimension with radius 24.

19. Trim all unused lines and this is the result

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3.4 2D – Exercise (Geometrical Construction)

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985) Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

Figure 1. Plate A Figure 2. Plate B

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985) Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

Figure 3. Idler Plate Figure 4. Cheek Plate

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Source: (Jay D. Helsel, 2002)

Figure 7: Reel Side

Source: (Jay D. Helsel, 2002)

Figure 8: Steel Plate

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Source: (Jay D. Helsel, 2002)

Figure 9: Hole Plate

Source: (Jay D. Helsel, 2002)

Source: (Jay D. Helsel, 2002)
Figure 10: Carburetor Gasket
Figure 11: Support

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4.1 3D – Setting Workspace

In AutoCAD 2016, there are two types of 3D Workspace which could modify
the toolbar:
1. 3D Basics: the toolbar contains basic commands in making 3D objects.
2. 3D Modeling: the toolbar contains advance commands in making and
editing 3D objects.
There are some of the commands that included in both 3D Basics and 3D
Modeling, and some of the commands are not.

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4.2 3D - Basic Drawing and Modeling


Box Command: Cylinder or cyl
Command: Box Function: To create a
Function: To create cylinder with an oval base
a box by that serves to make a tube.
determining the Command extension:
length, width, and 1. 3P: make a cylinder
height. For a cube, with 3 reference points.
just by specifying 2. 2P: make a cylinder
the length. with 2 reference points.
Cone RADIUS): make a
Command: Cone cylinder with 2 other circle
Function: To create as references.
a cone. Apex states
the location of the
center point with
certain height to the
base of the cone- Sphere
shaped area of a Command: Sphere
circle or ellipse. Function: To create a
sphere (ball).
Command: Pyramid Wedge
Function: To create Command: Wedge or we
a pyramid. Apex Function: The same
states the location of creating process as a box,
the center point with but with only a triangular
Torus shape and a specified
certain height to the
Command: Torus or tor thickness that we want.
base of the pyramid-
Function: To create a
shaped area of a
shaped like a donut.
square or rectangle.


Command: Extrude or ext

Function: Extrude can be used to thicken (height
of extrusion) two-dimensional object that has
been selected. The angle of taper for extrusion
can also be specified. Extrude can only be used
in a closed polyline, polygon, circle, ellipse,
regions but not for the line or arc. Option Path
is used to provide the thickening part a specific

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Command: Pline or pl
Function: To create a line in
one construction.

Command: Helix
Function: To create a spiral
that can be applied to make
a thread.

4.3 3D Properties and Editing (Part 1)


Command: View.
Function: To view
objects from 2D and 3D
view. You can use a
command or choose
"view" from the toolbar.

Click the scroll mouse +

shift button, then drag
the mouse to changes the
object position.

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Function: To change the appearance of images of 3D object.

1. 2D Wireframe
To display a 2 Dimensional framework.
2. 3D Wireframe
To display a 3 Dimensional object.
3. 3D Hidden
To hide the background line of 3D object.
4. Realistic Visual Style
To show a realistic view of the object.
5. Conceptual Visual Style
To show a conceptual view of the object.

Command: Rotate3d
Function: To rotate objects based on 3 dimensional axis.


• Command: UCS
• Function: UCS (User Coordinate System) is used to relocate or rotate user
coordinate system for convenient coordinate entry, grid display, grid snap,
ortho mode, and other drawing tools.
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• Command extension:
1. World
2. Face
3. X, Y, Z Axis
4. Named
5. Object
6. Previous
7. View

The most common UCS that are being used are UCS World, UCS Face, and UCS
X,Y,Z Axis. The UCS World helps us to return the UCS into its default position. The
UCS Face helps us to adjust the coordinate system based on a flat-surface. The UCS
X, Y, Z Axis helps us to adjust the coordinate system by rotating the X, Y, or Z Axis
by a certain angle.
In order to make a 3D Object based on a 2D Sketch, the 2D Sketch must be on
theXY-Plane (X-Axis and Y-Axis). Some features like PEDIT and REGION in 2D
Sketch that helps the making of a 3D Object only works at XY-Plane. Therefore, to
make a 3D Object with different orientations, we should use the UCS to turn the XY-
Plane before making the 2D Sketch. Example:

Notice that, in order to make the 3D Object (Left), we can sketch a RECTANGLE
and then use EXTRUDE with the UCS at its default position, where the XY-Plane
facing TOP of the ViewCube.

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The next step is to sketch a CIRCLE at the top and then use EXTRUDE, with different
orientations. In order to do so, we should change the UCS first. We should notice that
the ViewCube at the right top will help us to show our current UCS. We need to place
the XY-Plane facing to the RIGHT of the ViewCube.

In the 3D Modeling, we can easily change the UCS to the RIGHT.

We will notice the UCS will be changed, including the XY-Plane and the ViewCube.
In order to change to another view and orientation, firstly we must change back the
UCS to its default position by using UCS World.
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Command: Union or uni
Function: To combine
two or more objects into

Command: Subtract or su Command: Slice
Function: To reduce a or sl
specific area from a total Function: To slice
solid. a 3D solid object.

Command: Intersect or in
Function: To form a new 3D solid, surface,
or 2D region from overlapping solids,
surfaces, or regions (Pinem, 2010).

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4.4 3D CAD MODELING – Example

1. Create a circle with a diameter of 1.50 using the circle command

2. Create a circle 1.75 in diameter with a center point in the first circle using
the circle command

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3. Create a circle 2.45 in diameter with the same center point in the step
above using the circle command.

4. Make a circle 0.30 in diameter on the right using the circle command, as
seen in the following image.

5. Create a circle with a radius of 0.25 on the right using the circle
command, as seen in the following image.

6. Duplicate the two circles on the right to the top, bottom and right as seen
in the image below by using the copy command.

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7. Rotate 45 degrees all objects that have been created using the rotate

8. Make a horizontal line in the middle like the following image. Use line

9. Duplicate the horizontal line as far as 1 up and down with the copy

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10. Rotate the 90-degree line in the middle with the rotate command.

11. Duplicate the line 1 to the right and left by using the copy command.

12. Remove the 2.45 diameter circle and the line in the middle with the erase

13. Cut circles and lines on each corner with trim commands. The results of
this step will be seen in the image below.

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14. Use the region command to create a surface on an object that has been
created. Change visual style> Conceptual to see the results of the change.

15. Change the point of view from view >3d views> isometric. Then give
heights of 1 to circles 1.50 and 1.75 in diameter to the bottom with the
extrude command.

16. Give the height to other objects as high as 0.25 with the extrude

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17. Hole the top object with all four circles in each corner with subtract

18. Give the union command to combine the upper object with a circle 1.75
in diameter at the bottom.

19. Use subtract commands to perforate the upper and lower objects with a
circle 1.50 in diameter in the middle.

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20. Give the fillet command at each corner meeting so that it looks like the
following image.

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4.5 3D CAD MODELING – Exercise



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5.1 3D – Properties and Editing (Part 2)

Command : Type “region” or “reg”
Function : Convert an object that encloses an area into a region
object (Pinem, 2010).

The command REGION only works if there are lines or polylines that
form a geometry or a closed loop. The steps of using REGION:
1. Type REGION in command line and enter

2. Select all the lines or polylines of the geometry or the closed loop,
and press enter

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Command : Type “loft”
Function : Loft creates a PRESSPULL
3D solid or Command: Type “presspull”
surface in the Function : To pull or press an
object or cross
space between
sectional of an
several cross object. It is
sections performed to
(Pinem, 2010). deform an object.
There are 2 types of LOFT:
a. Guide: creates a 3D REVOLVE
solid or surface based Command: Type “revolve”
on the quadrant. or “rev”
b. Path: creates a 3D solid Function : To create a 3D
or surface based on the solid object by
axis. rotating a closed
form 2D object
SWEEP around a
specified axis.
Command: Type “sweep”
Function : To form a solid image
by combining a flat
object and a path or
The commands EXTRUDE, LOFT, REVOLVE, and SWEEP are used
to make both 3D Solid and 3D Surface. In order to make a 3D Solid
from a 2D Sketch, the sketch should be either treated by PEDIT
command or REGION command. These are the examples:


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Command : Type “Explode”
Function : To remove a
series of object
that we have been
“region”. See
“region” section.

5.2 Surface and Solid Modeling

Command : Type “revsurf”
Function : To create an object based on the axis of rotation. Choose the
objects that you want to revolve, then select the axis of rotation.

Command : Type “surftab1 and surftab2”
Function : To adjust the density of the wireframe.


Command : Type “3Dorbit or 3Dcorbit”
Function : To rotate the view in 3D space, but constrained to horizontal
and vertical orbit only (Pinem, 2010).

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5.3 Shading and Rendering

Command : Type “render” or “rr”
Function : Rendering process can be used to
view the final appearances of 3D
objects. It will give a realistic view of

Command : Type “rmat”
Function : To provide different panels of controls
and settings to create, modify, and apply
materials (Pinem, 2010).

5.4 3D – Example
1. Example steps of making 3D objects in 3D AutoCAD from a 3D model.

Make a new drawing with “acadiso 3D” and IMPERIAL setting because
the dimension shown in the picture above is in inch.

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2. First thing to do is imagine how you will draw the object.

Will you separate the plate into three parts as shown in Figure 1?
or will you draw the surface of the plate and extrude it later?
You may take different steps to draw an object, depending on your
imagination and which you find it easier.

3. In this example, we will follow the Figure 1 separation. Start drawing “Part
1” by creating a box.

Figure 3

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4. Dimension of the first box is (2.76, 2.84, 0.38). You have to do lots of
practice to be able to find out the dimension quickly.

Figure 4

After you have entered the dimension of a rectangle, DO NOT PRESS

You have to click your mouse because the AutoCAD says “Specify other
After that, the AutoCAD asks you to specify the height of the box which
is 0.38. Then press Enter.

Figure 5

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5. You have made the box. But you can only see a rectangle. It is because
your monitor view is showing the “TOP VIEW” of your object. Imagine
having a standing cylinder and viewing it from the top. You can only see
the circle without the height.

In order to view the 3D view of your object, you have to press both
SHIFT and the SCROLL WHEEL of your mouse together while you
are moving your mouse to change the perspective.

You should be able to see the box as shown below.

Figure 6

6. Next step is to make the 4 holes in the box. You cannot directly make a
circle, which is 2D, in a 3D objects. You have to select the “base” or the
“face” where you will draw that circle. In order to do so, you have to use
the UCS – Face. Just type “UCS” on your keyboard and press enter, then
type “F” and enter again.

The AutoCAD will ask you to select your surface as shown below:

Figure 7

Point your pointer to the face of the box where you want to draw a circle
on it. The face will show bolder color when you do so. Click your mouse
to select the face.

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To draw a circle, you have to know the center point of the circle. You
should be able to find it in the picture.

Figure 8

Use line as a guideline to find the four of center points of the circles.

Figure 9

From the edge of the face, you make horizontal line to the right with length
0.7, then vertical line downwards with length 0.7, continue with horizontal
line of 1.2, and so on.

Your scratch to find the center point should look like this:

Figure 10

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Make 4 circles on the face with the center points you have found by the
help of lines.

You may use the command COPY after you create one circle or you may
create all the 4 circles using the command CIRCLE.

Figure 11

After you finish sketching the circles, you HAVE TO REMEMBER to set
the UCS setting back to UCS – W, this is UCS World for 3D.

7. Now, you have to EXTRUDE those circles to make them 3D. Use the
command extrude, then select all the four circles. Click enter, and then
specify the height of 0.38.

Figure 12

Extruding the circles DOES NOT MEAN you have holes on your box.
You have to SUBTRACT the box and the circles to make holes.

Figure 13

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In subtract, you have to select the object you want to make holes on, or the
“base” (in this case the box).
Then you press enter, and select the objects you use to make holes (in this
case cylinder).

Here is the tip to do it right

After you subtract the box and the cylinders successfully, you cannot see
any difference between before and after you subtract them. It is because
the 3D is in “Wireframe” view. To see that the box already have holes,
you have to change the view to “conceptual”.

Figure 16

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You should then be able to see the solid form of the box as shown below:

Figure 17
8. Do not forget to erase the lines we use as guide before, click then to
select. Then right click on the mouse and select erase.

Figure 18
9. The part “1” is done. Now make the part “2” using line with length of
0.62 and angle of 30°.

Figure 19

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Continue to make the area of part “2” using lines.

Figure 20

After you create this area, you have to JOIN the lines first before you
extrude it.
Joining line that parallel to the box may be tricky, you have to zoom in
and have patience to carefully select the line.

Figure 21

Figure 22

You should be able to see the difference between the thickness of line in
Figure 21 and Figure 22. You have to select the line when you see it
seems like the Figure 22.

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Then, extrude it with height of 0.38 as shown below.

Figure 23
Your top view will look like this.

Figure 24

10. The part 2 is done. You should find the dimension of part 3 using the
help of line again as the length of the box is unknown and only the whole
length of the object is known.

Figure 25
Line 1 and 3 is not specified, so just choose random length that will help
you connect the lines later. However, line 2 is specified. Its length is 6.4.

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You have to CHECK and CHECK again if your lines is only in the x and
y direction and not to z direction. Use the SHIFT+SCROLL WHEEL to
check that.
The picture below show the FRONT view of the object. As you can see,
the line is straight and fine. This is correct.

Figure 26

If you see your line is like the red line below, it is WRONG. You have to
remake your line with the correct first point.

Figure 27

11. Now you can meet the line from the edge of your object to the guide

Figure 28

Create a rectangle again as the procedure in number 10 and extrude it.

12. Your object should seem like this from the top.

Figure 29

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13. Now you have to create another hole in the part 3. Use procedure number
7-9 as guide to make another hole. Your final object should look like this.

Figure 30

5.5 3D – Exercises (Isometric)

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Source: retrieve Source: retrieve

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Source: retrieve

Source: retrieve

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6.1 Introduction, Sketching, and Dimension

Autodesk Inventor® is a comprehensive and flexible program for designing

mechanical 3D tools, product simulation, CAD prototyping, and communication
design. Inventor have 3 characteristics:
• Design = Integrating all data design into one digital model.
• Visualize = Creating a visual representation of a product before it is
• Simulate = Simulation of a product that has been created.

1. Launch

 New
There are two units of measurement that can be selected in Autodesk
Inventor, metric (mm) and US unit (inch) .
Click the:
to use millimeter unit, or
to use inch unit
Type of files used:
• IPT : inventor part's file, can be in 2D or 3D shape.
• IAM : inventor assembly's file, combine different inventor
part's files
• IPN : inventor presentation's file, can be used to do
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• IDW : a final print view that includes projection image,

 Open
To open inventor files
Example: .idw, .ipt, .iam, .ipn, .ide, .dxf, .CATProduct, .CATPart, etc.
 Projects
To create, open, organize, or choose projects.

2. Drawing

Before draw in 2D, click then, select plane to create sketch or

an existing sketch to edit.

There are 3 types of plane according to the axis: XY-Plane, XZ-Plane,
and YZ-Plane.


To create a To create arc at an To create chamfer
line object in intersection at an intersection
accordance to between two lines of two lines or at
user cursor. or at the edge of a the edge of a
square/rectangle. square/rectangle.

To add a text.
To add a text
following a

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 Circle (C)

To create a circle
started from the
midpoint of the
To create an ellipse
using a center point,
TANGENT and major and minor
To create a circle axes (Pinem, 2010).
using three lines

 Arc (A)

To create an arc using
three reference points.
To create an arc
using one
reference point.
TANGENT The point becomes
To create an arc using the center point of
two reference points the arc and the
each in the begining length of the arc is
and the end. determined by the

 Rectangle

To create a square/
rectangle using two TWO POINT
reference points. CENTER
To create a
THREE POINT square/rectangle
To create a using two reference
square/rectangle using points, center point
three reference points. of square/rectangle
and edge point of


To create a square/rectangle using three reference points, center point of square
/ triangle, side point of square/triangle, and edge point of square/triangle.

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To create a linear
slot defined by
placement and
distance of slot arc POLYGON
centers, and by slot To create polygonal
width. shapes with up to 120
sides (Pinem, 2010).
There are two methods:
1. Circumscribed and
2. Inscribed.

 Spline*
To create a spline curve through selected points (Pinem, 2010).
 Point
To create either a sketch point or a center point depending on the
setting of the center point switch (Pinem, 2010).

3. Dimensioning
 Manual Dimensioning (D)

Create a dimension according to the type of object (2D/3D. Dimension

has 2 characteristic: “Normal” and “Driven” Dimension. “Normal”
if relevant dimension doesn’t disturb other dimension. “Driven”
Dimension happened when there is a duplicate of two dimensions or
there are dimensions have occupied that object. Marked with ().

 Automatic Dimensioning*

Fill all dimensions in sketch/work plane automatically.

While making a sketch in the 2D Sketch, using a Dimension at an
object could change the dimension of the object easily by double
clicking and editing the dimension. Example:

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Also, while making a sketch in the 2D Sketch, using a Dimension at

an object could change the dimension of the object’s position easily
by double clicking and editing the distance. Example:

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4. Measure*

 Measure
To Measure Distance, Length, Angle, Loop, or Area in model.
 Region Properties
Calculate detailed information on closed objects one and another.

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6.2 Creating and Editing Sketched Features and Drawing

5. Constraint (F8: ON and F9: OFF)

1. Coincident*
Set up 2 objects according to the reference point.
2. Parallel
Set up straight line object become paralel to other line.
3. Tangent
Make circle object tangent with other objects.
4. Smooth (G2) *
Applies a continuous curvature on a spline.
5. Symmetric*
Constraint selected line or curved to be symmetric about a
selected line.
6. Equal (=)*
Set up the length of two lines and radius from two circle become
exactly the same.
7. Vertical (I) *
Set up specified line become identical with first vertical axis.
8. Fix
Lock the choosen object on a specified coordinate.
9. Concentric*
Set up ellipse, arc, circle to have one identical center point.
10. Collinear*
Arrange some straight line/ellipse objects into one identical
straight line.
11. Perpendicular*
Set up two lines become perpendicular.
12. Horizontal*
Set up specified line become identical with first horizontal axis.

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6. Work Features
AXIS (/)
PLANE (]) Create plane
Create a planar / construction that
surface construction parametric related
that parametric with other objects.
related with other

Create a construction point that
parametric related with other

7. Pattern
Duplicates selected sketch Creates a mirror copy of
and arranges it in rows and the sketch across an


Duplicates selected sketch Creates duplicate
and arranges it in arcs and features, solids, or bodies
circular pattern. and arranges them on 2D
or 3D sketch points.

8. Modify

• Move
Move the selected object.
• Copy
Copy the selected object.
• Rotate
Rotate the selected object.
• Trim
Remove objects to the nearest intersecting curves or a boundary
• Extend
Extend a line or an arc object until the intersection of specified
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• Split*
Split objects into 2 parts.
• Scale*
Increase or decrease the selected object proportionally.
• Stretch*
Increasing the size of object using specified point.
• Offset
Duplicate selected objects with an offset pattern.

6.3 Advanced Part Modeling Technique

1. Sketching in Part Modeling

Create a sketch on part model two ways: 2D sketch on planar surface or on

selected object surface and a 3D sketch.

2. Extrude (E)
Create an object by adding the thickness of the object using an open/closed
characteristic sketch. Extrude taper can be used as an alternative way to
create an object using loft.
Types of extrude:
1. Join: Result of extrude combined with nearby solid object.
2. Cut: Result of extrude cut a solid object in the same area.
3. Intersect: Take the intersect object from two objects.
4. New: Result of extrude become a new object without combined with
nearby solid.
Two types of outputs:
a. Solid: The result will be solid.
b. Surface: The resulted object will be a thin surface.
3. Revolve (R)
Create an object from sketches that turned according to specified rotary axis.
Types of Revolve:
1. Join: Result of Revolve combined with nearby solid object.
2. Cut: Result of Revolve cut the solid object in the same area.
3. Intersect: Take the intersect object between the revolve object and the
solid object.
4. New: Result of revolve become a new object without combined with
nearby solid.
Two types of output:
a. Solid: The result will be solid.
b. Surface: The resulted object will be a thin surface.

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7.1 Advanced Part Modeling Technique (cont.)

1. Loft (CTRL + SHIFT + L)

Creating a transitional object from 2 or more sketches.

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Types of Loft:
1. Join: Result of Loft combined with nearby solid object.
2. Cut: Result of Loft cut the solid object in the same area.
3. Intersect: Take the intersect object between the loft object and the solid
4. New: Result of loft become a new object without combined with nearby

Two types of output:

a. Solid : The result will be solid.

b. Surface : The resulted object will be a thin surface. If the object is cut
down, the object will be more visible by using this type.

- The order of sketch selection will affect the shape of the result.
- ‘Join’, ‘Cut’, ‘Intersect’ will be useable if there is at least one shape

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2. Sweep (CTRL + SHIFT + S)

Create a sequel object according to the predetermined line.

Type of Sweep:
1. Join: Result of Sweep combined with nearby
solid object.
2. Cut: Result of Sweep cut the solid object in
the same area.
3. Intersect: Take the intersect object between
the sweep object and the solid object.
4. New: Result of sweep become a new object
without combined with other solid object.

Two types of output:

a. Solid: The result will be solid.
b. Surface: The resulted object will be a thin

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3. Rib*
Create a bone (closed, thin-walled support shapes) or a web (open, thin-
walled support shapes) on the surface of the object with an existing
Two types of Rib: to next and finite.

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4. Coil
Create a spiral circle that is useful in making spring and screw.
Types of Coil:
a. Join: Result of Coil combined with nearby solid object.
b. Cut: Result of Coil cut the solid object in the same area.
c. Intersect: Take the intersect object between the coil object and the
solid object.
d. New: Result of coil become a new object without combined with
other solid object.

5. Emboss
Emboss the selected surface with the prepared sketch.

Types of Emboss:
• Emboss from face: Result of Emboss is arising from selected surface.
• Engrave from face: Result of Emboss is etched from selected surface.
• Emboss/engrave from face: Result of emboss has thickness appropriate
with the distance between sketch and selected surface.

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6. Decal*
Applies an image to a sketch.

7. Modify

a. Hole (H)
To make a hole with specified types and variations. The position of the
hole can use the existing placement options.

Types of placement:
1. From Sketch: Placement of holes should be based on a point that
already specified in sketch. Cannot be directly on the object, must
be through an existing sketch.
2. Linear: Placement of holes customized on axis x and axis y of the
object. For scale of x and y axis can be determined manually.
3. Concentric: The hole must be place on circle or curve surface.
4. On point: Placement of holes based on point of object. The
difference with “From Sketch” type is laying of points can be done
directly on the object not based on sketch.

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b. Fillet (F)
Create a curve on the end of side or round the end if the meeting of two
lines. The making of fillets can be based on the determined radius.

Types of fillet:
1. Edge fillet: Create fillet based on end of
sides or meeting between two lines.
2. Face fillet: Create fillet based on meeting
of two determined surfaces.
3. Full round fillet: Create fillet based on three
surfaces. To make this fillet, three surfaces
that will be fillet must be determined.

c. Chamfer (CTRL + SHIFT + K)

Creating facture on the end of sides. Different with fillet which is
curving ends of sides, while chamfer create a facture on the end of two
determined sides.

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Types of chamfer:
1. Distance: Create Chamfer by determining the same distance or size
of facture between both ends of sides.
2. Distance and angle: Create chamfer by determining distance of
facture and facture angle.
3. Two distance: Create chamfer by specifying two distances or size
on the end of the sides. Thus, the end of each sidewill have different
distance or measurement according to input and become more

d. Shell*
Create a room within a 3D object with determined thickness.

Three types of shell:

1. Inside: Create a room without adding total thickness of 3D object,
but using first thickness of the object.
2. Outside: Create a room with increase total thickness of the 3D
object itself.
3. Both: Create a room with increase total thickness and using first
thickness of the

e. Face Draft (D)*

Create an additional object on the surface of 3D object using the
adjusted slope.

f. Combine*
Performs a cut, join, intersect operation on two or more solid bodies.

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g. Thread
Create a screw profile on the tube or hole with selected certain

Which are commonly using:

1. ANSI Metric M Profile
2. ANSI Unified Screw Threads
The type of screw will be explained in the Technical Drawing Class.

h. Thicken/Offset*
Adds or removes thickness to faces of a part or a quilt, creates an
offset surface from a part face or surface, or creates a new solid.

i. Split*
Split part faces, trims and removes a selection of the part, or splits the
part into multiple bodies.

j. Direct*
Edits imported data and parametric models.

k. Delete Face
Deletes a part face, lump, or void that selected.

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8. Pattern

a. Rectangular
Duplicates selected sketch and arranges it in rows and columns

b. Circular
Duplicate selected sketch and arranges it in arcs and circular pattern.

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c. Mirror
Create a mirror copy of the sketch.

d. Sketch Driven*
Creates duplicate features, solids, or bodies and arranges them on 2D
or 3D sketch points.

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Assembly (.iam) serves to combine the parts of a tool / object (.ipt) that has been made
before. This merger will make a functional whole system.

8.1 Advanced Assembly Modeling Technique

There are several ribbons in .iam file type:
1. Assemble

A. Place Component (P)

• Place
To take parts (.ipt) in your project folder that will be assembled in
assembly modeling. Make sure you know where the file part is.
• Place from Content Center
Opens Content Center and places a part that selected into the assembly.
• Place Imported CAD Files*
Place a file from various CAD system and neutral file format into an
Inventory assembly file.
• Place iLogic Component*
Take another assembly part in another project folder that will be used
in assembly modelling.
• Elecctrical Catalog Browser*
Opens the Catalog Browser window where you can insert a part by
selecting a catalog value, or editing the catalog database.

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B. Assembly Constrain

Types of constraint:
1. Mate: Its function is to assemble 2 components that will parallel with
the reference field.

2. Angle: Its function is to assemble 2 components that will form a certain


3. Tangent: Its function is to assemble 2 components that will intersect

with the radius surface. At least one of them has a radius surface.

4. Insert: Its function is to insert a component into another component.

Commonly used to insert bolts and such.

5. Symmetry: The Symmetry constraint positions two objects

symmetrically according to a plane or planar face.

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To be more advanced :

Use to provide restrictions/rules in each section so the collection

of these rules will make the components arranged into a
structure of the whole machine.

Types of Assemble:
1. Mate – Mate
2. Mate – Flush
3. Angle – Directed
4. Tangent – Outside
5. Tangent – Inside
6. Insert – Opposed
7. Insert – Aligned
8. UCS to UCS

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2. Design*

1. Bolded Connection
Designs and calculates pre-tensed bolted connections
and performs a strength check.

2. Clevis Pin
Calculates, designs, and checks clevis pin joints.

3. Secure Pin
Designs and calculates secure pins loaded with

4. Cross Pin
Designs and calculates cross pins loaded in a
draw rod and a sleeve.

5. Joint Pin
Designs and calculates joint pins loaded with

6. Radial Pin
Design and calculates radial pins loaded with torque.

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8.2 Assembly Example


Step to assembly:

1. Click New (Ctrl + New)

2. Click Standard (mm).iam, then Create.

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3. Click Place (P).

4. Choose all parts that you’ve made before, then Open.

5. Put them anywhere.

6. Decide one part as the ground part of this assembled part. Left click on it,
then right click, and choose Grounded.

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7. Click Constrain (C).

8. Choose Insert, then for the first selection, click one side of the first part
you want to constraint to the grounded part.

9. For the second selection, click one side of the grounded part where you
want to put the first selection part in.

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10. Edit the offset, and then click Apply. Offset is usually used if another
part that matches the diameter does not have the same length with the
object you offset.
Imagine a lock and key. If the key is too long, it cannot be inserted fully
into the lock. Thus, you need to offset them.

Do the same thing to the other parts until all part assembled.

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8.3 Bolted Connection Example*

1. On the ribbon, click Design tab Fasten panel Bolted

2. In the Bolted Connection Component Generator dialog box, select
the Through All hole type.

3. Select Concentric from the drop-down menu in the Placement box.

The Start Plane command enables.
4. Select the start plane.

The Circular references command is enabled.

5. Select the Hole.

6. The holes preview.

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7. Above the hole thumbnails and descriptions, select the Click to add a
fastener text. The available bolts display.

8. Select ISO from the Standard menu to filter the selection.

9. Select ISO 4016.

Notice also that the program selects a length long enough to pass through
the chosen components automatically.

10. Next for the washer, Select the Click to add a fastener text, located directly
under the bolt thumbnail, and then select ISO 7092.

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The generator logically filters the available selections. For example, when
you add fastener hardware between the bolt and the top hole, the program
presents only washers for selection.

11. Click the Click to add a fastener text located below the lower washer
thumbnail, and then select ISO 4032. The fastener stack is complete.

12. Click Apply

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9.1 Advanced Projection Technique
Things to be noted:
1. Projection Types
There are two types of Projections:
a. First Angle Projection (Europe Projection)

b. Third Angle Projection (American Projection)

2. Dimensional Precision
Precision is used to set the level of accuracy of the size (dimension) in the

3. Dimensional Preference

This preference is used to set the offset line dimension base on the technical
drawing regulation, etc.

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9.2 Several types of ribbon on .idw file

1. Place Views

BASE PROJECTED Constructs a single view
Create the first view Create projection of from multiple positional
of the object image the object image that representations to
on the worksheet. has been placed on show an assembly in
the previous various position.

Auxiliary view is used Section is used to
Detail is used to enlarge
to show the actual make the element
the part of object image
shape and size of the fit with the line that
that we specify.
selected surface. we define on a

2. Break*
Create a fore shortened view with a section of the part removed.

3. Break Out*
Removes a defined area of material to expose obscured parts or features in
an existing drawing view.

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4. Start Sketch
Creates 2D sketch on a drawing sheet or active view.

5. New Sheet*
Adds a new page to a sheet.

6. Annotate

Used to give
THREAD Place a chamfer note
dimensions of the
Add a hole or thread on selected edges or
object image in general,
note with a leader. sketched edges
either linear, angular,
radius, or diameter.

Create a general note TEXT*
at a point specified in Create a note with
the drawing. a leader.

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f. Parts List
Create a part list and place it in the drawing.

g. Balloon
Used to provide numbering on assembly parts.

h. Axis Lines
Used to give the axis of the projected image. The types:

• Centerline
Used to make the axis or symetry line of an object.
• Centerline Bisector
Used to create an axis or symmetry line of an object with two
reference line.
• Center Mark
Used to make a center line from a circle object.
• Centered Pattern
Used to make the center line of the circle that forms a circular

9.3 Advanced Exploded Technique

1. Presentation
1. Insert Model
Used to insert the model into the current scene.
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b. New Storyboard
To add a storyboard into the presentation file.
c. New Snapshot View
To save the current state of the model and camera as a snapshot view.
d. Tweak Components
Specify distance, direction, and other settings for an exploded view of
selected components or group of components.
e. Opacity
To set opacity for the selected component.
f. Capture Camera
To save the current position of camera.
g. Create Drawing View
To create a drawing view based on the snapshot view stored in the
IPN file.
h. Video
To create a video file based on animation storyboards included in the
presentation file.
i. Raster
To create image files based on snapshot views.

9.4 Drawing Step

1. New standard (mm).ipt -> create

2. Start 2D sketch -> XZ
plan n this Autodesk Inventor Tutorial, Cartesian Coordinates for s are
going to be displayed like this: X/Y, polar coordinates by length/angle.
The center of the coordinate system is called CenterPoint.

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You can select objects by clicking on them and unselect by holding Shift
and clicking them again.

3. Click on the “Circle” command, set the center point of the circle at 5/10
with a diameter of 10.

4. Click on the “Circle” command, set the center point of the circle at 5/10
with a radius of 5

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5. Click on the “line” command, with a 20mm

6. Click on the “Circle” command, with a radius of 5

7. Click on the “Circle” command, with a radius of 2.5

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8. Click on the “line” command, connect with two circles like the picture

9. Click on the “finish sketch” command

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10. Click on the “extrude” command click the green line column as shown
3mm “enter”

11. Click the field like the image and choose create sketch

12. Click on the “Circle” command, with a diameter of 10mm

13. Click on the “Circle” command with a radius of 5 mm

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14. Click on the “finish sketch” command

15. Click on the “extrude” command click the green line column as shown 10
mm “enter”

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16. Click line like picture

17. Click fillet with size 10 mm then enter

18. Done.

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9.5 Inventor – Presentation

1. From the application menu: Click New. In the Create New File Tab,
select the default IPN template or locate and select other IPN template,
and click Create.

2. Find and select your Assemble file, then click Open

3. Click Tweak Components.

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Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

4. Click on the surface of the part you want to move.

5. Put in the values for the distance you want the part to move.

6. This is just the same steps as above only with a different part this time.

7. After you finish all your part, click on new snapshot view.

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 111
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

8. After you complete your presentation file (.ipn) the snapshot view will be
the view for your (.idw).

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 112
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

9.6 Inventor – Exercises

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985) Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

Figure 1. CS Bracket Figure 2. MS Bracket

Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985) Source: (Giesecke et al, 1985)

Figure 3. MS Sleeve Bracket Figure 4. Crank Arm

Source: (Boundy, 1998) Source: (Boundy, 1998)

Figure 5. Swing Bracket Figure 6. Bearing Housing Engineering

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 113
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Boundy, 1998)

Figure 7. Bracket Bearing

Source: (Boundy, 1998)

Figure 8. Cl Forked End

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 114
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Boundy, 1998)

Figure 9. Cl Pulley Guide

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 115
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Boundy, 1998)

Figure 10. Cl Pulley Guide

Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008)

Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008)
Figure 12. Bearing Support
Figure 11. Bearing Cap

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 116
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008) Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008)
Figure 13. Bracket Figure 14. Fork

Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008) Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008)
Figure 15. Dovetailed Block Figure 16. Flywheel

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 117
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008) Source: (Leake & Borgerson, 2008)
Figure 17. Dovetailed Block Figure 18. Shaft

Source: (Luzadder, 1976) Source: (Luzadder, 1976)

Figure 19. Shifter Figure 20. Arm Connector

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 118
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Luzadder, 1976) Source: (Luzadder, 1976)

Figure 21. Arm Guide Figure 22. Ejector Support

Source: (Luzadder, 1976)

Figure 23. Tap Guide

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 119
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Source: (Luzadder, 1976) Source: (Luzadder, 1976)

Figure 24. Wedge Guide Figure 25. Fork Auxiliary

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 120
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 121
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 122
BINUS University
Practicum Module
Technical Drawing (ENGR6093011)

Boundy, A. (1998). Engineering Drawing. New York: McGraw Hill.
Giesecke et al. (1985). Technical Drawing with Computer Graphics (7th ed.). New
York: Macmillan Pub. Co, Inc.\
Autodesk. (2014, February 13). Bolted Connection. Retrieved from Knowledge
Autodesk Website:
Leake, J., & Borgerson, J. (2008). Engineering Design Graphics: Sketching,
Modeling, and Visualization (2nd ed.). USA: Thomson Digital Inc.
Luzadder, W. (1976). Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing (7th ed.). USA: Prentice
Pinem, M. (2010). AutoCAD 2 Dimensi dan 3 Dimensi (Rev.1). Bandung: Informatika.
Pinem, M. (2010). AutoCAD 2010 Langkah Ringkas. Yogyakarta: Andi.

Industrial Engineering Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Department 123
BINUS University

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