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Name: Gwyneth Beatx C.


1. How do you react to the speaker’s tips on the video? Are they helpful?

Effective public speaking skills can help with  career advancement, as they indicate
creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities
which are very valuable for the job market. Speaking at events and conferences is a
good way of building credibility.

2. Based on what you have seen in the video, make a list of the DO’s and
DONT’S in public speaking. Explain them
Organized and concise- Speeches that needed to be organized into three main parts
introduction, body, and conclusion in order to deliver topic correctly.

Direct eye contact- Eye contact is a speaker's ability to have visual contact with
everyone in the audience. Your audience should feel that you're speaking to them, not
simply uttering main and supporting points.

Simplified notes- First, write and refine your speech. Pick out keywords that represent
the main ideas of your speech and  write them on notecards. Finish filling out the
notecards with important talking points. Good notes make you sound natural as a
speaker while having a safety net in case you get lost.

Complex slide- A well-designed slide show serves as a visual aid and helps keep an
audience's attention. On the other hand, small mistakes that people commonly make
with PowerPoint can cause it to be distracting rather than helpful. The content of any
presentation should be geared toward the audience and setting in which it's given.

Clear and simple- It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate
change. Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in
life, itself, would be nearly impossible. Public speaking is one of the most important and
most dreaded forms of communication.

Confident posture and gesture- Keep a good posture, stand straight with shoulders
back, relaxed and feet shoulder width apart . Do not cross your arms, put your hands in
your pocket or slouch. Face the audience as much as possible and keep your body
Rambling- The next time you're concerned about talking too much in a conversation or
meeting, pause. Before you speak, take a breath, count to five, and gather your
thoughts. Experts say a three to five second pause is enough to help you reframe,
refocus, and dim the excitement that inspires you to over-talk.

Bad eye contact- One of the worst things you can do as a speaker is to avoid eye
contact with your audience. Avoiding eye contact  makes you look nervous or aloof and
prevents you from making a genuine connection with your audience

Cluttered notes- Cluttering is a fluency disorder that  involves disorganized, irregular,

rapid, and unclear speaking, which is called cluttered speech. ... As a listener to a
cluttering speech, you may hear excessive, unnecessary breaks that sound like the
person is using fillers, unsure of what to say, or did not plan what to say.

Fidget- Nervousness. Public speaking is consistently one of the top fears people have,
so it's no wonder that we fidget when we present. Being in front of an audience might
cause a stress response. We then use fidgeting as a way to  cope with that stress,
meaning we fidget to self-soothe.

In this activity you are required to answer the following questions

1. Recall and describe the first you ever made a speech in front of many

I can recall my first ever in front of many people when I was in grade 11 when we are
going to defense our research title with the panel of judges and the other students in our
school I got very nervous at that time I can’t explain what is the feeling when you are the
next defender to talk in front of the students and the panel of the judges.

2. Identify the gestures you normally use when you speak in front and
explain you use them.

The gesture that I always use is waving my hand, sometimes I am using by snapping my hand
to control my nervous and by using this gestures helps me to deliver the message properly.
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of integrating
technology in public speaking?

The advantage is It’s easy to overwhelm your audience with a bunch of slides
of being constantly on the move. It’s also easy to overwhelm your audience
with too many gimics. A good rule of thumb is that unless a transition definitely
add something to the communication, leave it out. You don’t want your
transitions distracting from the main message.  the disadvantages of
integrating technology in any field has become far more advanced, costly and
complex requiring professional audio visual equipment and the technical
ability employ them professionally.

4. Enumarate some technological tools that can be used in public speaking.

Vocal Delivery. Vocal delivery refers to how you use your voice to communicate
your message in a public speech. Body Language. Your body is a valuable tool in
a public speech, Visual Aids. Audience Engagement, Method of Delivery.

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