Example: "Have You Heard About The Rising Covid-19 Cases in Our Community?"

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Name: __________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Subject: Oral Communication 11 Teacher: ________________________ Score: ____

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 1 LAS 2

Learning Target(s) : Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies
Reference(s) : SLM Oral Communication 11 – Module 1
LAS Writer : Lara Edenel R. Valdez

Communicative strategies are techniques on how to deal with difficulties encountered when
communicating. It can be a vehicle to employ verbal and non-verbal cues for communicating an idea.
Here are the seven communicative strategies:
1. Nomination - collaboratively and productively establishing a topic with the people you are talking
to. The act of putting forward or suggesting a topic for conversation.
Example: “Have you heard about the rising Covid-19 cases in our community?”
2. Restriction - refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker. This is the act of limiting what
will be said about the topic.
Example: “Let us discuss about the topic Consumer Health”
3. Turn-Taking – this is the way people engaged in a conversation manage their turns to speak.
Example: Can we all listen to the one who talks in front of us?
4. Topic Control – this is the ability to maintain the focus of the discussion on the current topic. This
only means that when a topic is initiated, it should be collectively developed by avoiding
unnecessary interruptions and topic shifts.
Example: Can we go back to the topic about Covid-19?
Directions: Give two examples of each type of communicative strategies. Write your answers on the blank after
each item.
Topic Control

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