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SVKM'S NMIMS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Academic Year: 2019-2020 Program: Post Graduate Diploma in Managément-—— > Year: 1 Trimester: 1 Subject: Organizational Behaviour Batch: 2019-21 Date: 04 September, 2019 ) Time: 14:00 am to 01:00 pm(2 hrs) Marks: 40 << No.of Pages:_02- LIBRARY ANSWEIL ALL QUESTIONS 1 Case: J. K. Steels Ltd. 16 Jai Kapoor is a man of high morals and ethics and does not allow any malpractice in his organization. Kapish Kapadia is the General Manager, Production and Vikas Khanna is the General Manager, Marketing, Both have been with the company for a long time are very competent, hard-working, and loyal employees. But this time, it has not been easy for both of them to deliver on time because of many hurdles in procuring various licenses required to run the business smoothly. In 2012, Vikas was able to get a huge order from USA and UK. He discussed it with Kapish and told him that he anticipated a huge profit and if parties concerned were satisfied, J.K. Steels would become regular suppliers to those organizations. Vikas requested Kapish to make his production team work harder to help him complete this order. Kapish told him that it was not possible for him to produce such a huge quantity, as they still have not got the licence from the department of environment. Vikas was also aware that J. K Steels still had not got the export licence for 2012 till now. Both of them loved their organization and did not want to lose this, opportunity and were also aware that the delays were due to the fact that J.K. Steels was not ready to oat a single penny to any government official as bribe. They both decided to do somethings on their own discretely and organized some funds to pay to the various government officials to hasten the process to issue the licences. The licences came within two days and they were able to complete the order on time. J. K. Steels earned huge profits that year. Jai Kapoor was very pleased and proud of his two general managers. He called his HR manager and asked him to organize a function to celebrate the good news. At the function, Jai Kapoor praised Kapish and Vikas, and awarded them ‘Certificates of Outstanding Performance’. He also urged all his employees to follow the example of the two star performers. After some time, Jai Kapoor got to know from some source how the two general managers had managed to get the required licences. He was furious and suspended both of them with immediate effect. Both Kapish and Vikas were very annoyed and went to the labour court, pleading that whatever they did was in the interest of the organization and the suspension order should be withdrawn. Questions: a. Comment on the personality styles of the General Managers. What made them behave so? (8 marks) , How can the Act of General Managers be justified to the Managing Director? What will you do if you were Jai Kapoor? (8 marks) 2 Explain how managers and employees can be made to learn through observation and 12 direct experience. Is social learning an extension of operant conditioning? Point out the major differences by comparing both the theories. 3 Mayor Sam Small is nearing completion of his first term in office. He feels his record has been 12 pretty good, except for the controversial issue ofhusing He has been able to avoid doing y a anything about housing so far and feels very strongly that this issue must not come to a head before the next election. ‘The voters are too evenly divided on the issue, and he would lose a substantial number of votes no matter what stand he took. Yet with pressure increasing from both sides, he has to do something, After much distress and vacillation, he has finally come upon what he thinks is an ideal solution to bis dilemma. He has appointed a committee to study the problem and make some recommendations. To make sure that the committee’s work will not be completed before the election comes up, it was important to pick the right people. Specifically, Sam has selected his “blue-ribbon” committee from a wide cross section of the community so that, in Sam’s words, “all concemed parties will be represented’, He has made the committee very large, and the members range from Ph.D.s in urban planning to real estate agents to local ward committee persons fo minority group leaders, He has taken particular care in selecting people who have widely divergent, outspoken, public views on the housing issue. Questions- L What are some of the important dynamics of this group? Do you think the group will arrive at a good solution to the housing problems facing this city? (6) 2, Officials of a large manufacturing company are concerned about the stagnant productivi they've scen in the past year, Although sales have been good, employees in the company’s manufacturing plant are having a hard time keeping up with demand. Right now, they are working on an assembly line, requiring each individual to perform only one or two highly specific tasks. To remedy the situation, they are considering moving to self-managed reams. You have been asked to give your advice on this matter. Do you think self-managed teams would be effective in this situation? Why? What advice would you give to belp the teams work as effectively as possible? ©

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