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Course: CLC_19DMA04
Course code: 2031702031204



Student name Student code

Nguyễn Thị Minh


Lê Đức Thành Vinh 1921005780

Trần Thị Xuân Nhi 1921005592

Ho Chi Minh City, 2021




Student name Student code

Trương Thị Tố My 1921005533

Nguyễn Thị Minh


Lê Đức Thành Vinh 1921005780

Trần Thị Xuân Nhi 1921005592

Course: CLC_19DMA04
Course code: 2021702006004

Ho Chi Minh City, 2021


Abbreviation Full text

EU European Union

EVFTA European Union – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement

ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

WWII The Second World War

CAGR Compounded Annual Growth rate

ITC International Trade Center

GDP Gross Domestic Product

IMF International Monetary Fund

AIC Actual Index of Personal Consumption

PR Public Relation


Table 3.1: SWOT matrix...........................................................................................................23


Figure 2.1: The average consumption of coffee in some EU countries......................................6

Figure 2.2: Positioning map......................................................................................................13

Figure 3.1: Growth forecast for GDP in Finland from 2020 to 2025.......................................24


CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 MARKETING PLAN FOR INSTANT COFFEE C+..........................................2

2.1. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS..............................................................................................2

2.1.1. Company Analysis............................................................................................................2

2.1.2. Customer Environment.....................................................................................................2

2.1.3. Market Analysis................................................................................................................4 Trade relations between Vietnam and Finland...............................................................4 Coffee Finland Market Size...........................................................................................5 Coffee consumption in Finland......................................................................................5

2.2. ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT........................................................7

2.2.1. Company...........................................................................................................................7

2.2.2. Customer...........................................................................................................................7

2.2.3. Supplier.............................................................................................................................7

2.2.4. Public................................................................................................................................7

2.2.5. Marketing Intermediaries..................................................................................................8

2.2.6. Competitor........................................................................................................................8 Direct competitor...........................................................................................................8 Indirect competitor.........................................................................................................9

2.3. ANALYSIS OF THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT.......................................................9

2.3.1. Political/Legal/Institutional Factors..................................................................................9

2.3.2. Economic Conditions......................................................................................................10

2.3.3. Social and Cultural Factors.............................................................................................10

2.3.4. Demographic Trends.......................................................................................................11

2.3.5. Technological Environment and Trends.........................................................................11

2.3.6. Natural Environment.......................................................................................................12

2.3.7. Physical Environment.....................................................................................................12

2.4. TARGET MARKET DESCRIPTION...............................................................................12

2.4.1. Segmentation strategy.....................................................................................................12

2.4.2. Target market..................................................................................................................13

2.4.3. Market positioning..........................................................................................................13

2.5. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES..................................14

2.6. MARKETING PROGRAM...............................................................................................14

2.6.1. Product strategy...............................................................................................................14 Product lines.................................................................................................................14 Packaging.....................................................................................................................15 Labeling.......................................................................................................................15 International support services......................................................................................15 The product life cycle...................................................................................................16

2.6.2. Distribution strategy........................................................................................................16 Distribution method.....................................................................................................16 International distribution strategy................................................................................17 Logistics and Managing International Distribution Channels.....................................17 Physical distribution.....................................................................................................18

2.6.3. Pricing strategy...............................................................................................................19 Pricing method.............................................................................................................19 International pricing discounts.....................................................................................19

2.6.4. Promotion strategy..........................................................................................................19 Advertising...................................................................................................................20 Personal selling............................................................................................................21 Sales promotions..........................................................................................................21

CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION, MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL....................................23

3.1. INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING...............................................................23

3.1.1. Mission Statements.........................................................................................................23

3.1.2. Environmental Assessment.............................................................................................23

3.2. FORECAST FUTURE EVENTS......................................................................................24

3.2.1. Economic conditions.......................................................................................................24

3.2.2. Sales projections.............................................................................................................24

3.2.3. Changes in technology....................................................................................................24

3.2.4. Determination of Goals...................................................................................................25

3.2.5. Allocation of Resources in Pursuit of the Plan...............................................................25

3.3. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ORGANIZATION...................................................25

3.4. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CONTROL..............................................................25


Coffee has always been the most popular drink in Europe, especially Finland. They create
their own distinct coffee drinking styles and make the world recognized for their coffee madness,
which makes coffee drinking as an integral part of Finnish culture. With the desire to bring
Vietnamese coffee culture to the world and target the Western market, Finland is an ideal market to
target and change their coffee drinking habits with the taste of Vietnamese coffee.

Currently, Cong Coffee is currently a Vietnamese coffee chain brand and has been present in
other countries around the world, but to enter a completely new market and compete with the
already dominant brands over the years, risks are unavoidable.

Faced with these realities, it is essential to research products and understand the market and
basic solutions to maintain and develop products in new markets. Coffee community assesses
internal environmental factors and external environmental factors of the business, identifies targets
in the process of marketing and promoting products, evaluates and measures influencing factors in
the process product business. To propose useful solutions for bringing C+ Instant Coffee of Cong
Coffee product to the Finnish market in the most effective way.



2.1.1. Company analysis

Cong Coffee (also known as Cong) is a coffee shop established in 2007. The first store is a
small refreshment shop on the old coffee street in Hanoi – Trieu Viet Vuong street. Currently Cong
Coffee has been present everywhere in Vietnam and has opened branches in Korea and Malaysia.

The simple Cong is inspired by the first letter of the National Anthem: “CONG HOÀ XÃ

Not only famous for its quiet space, enthusiastic service, but partly thanks to the design style
through the display of “rubbish” items from the old subsidy period, which is extremely unique and
fancy. In addition to serving drinks at the bar, Cong also produces souvenirs such as shirts, bags,
coffee filters, packaged coffee, etc. so that customers can enjoy the taste and style of Cong at home.

2.1.2. Customer environment

Applying the 6W model of customer analysis, thereby showing who the current customers
and potential customers are and what those customers do with the company's products. It also
explains that the company should know where, when, and why customers buy the product or why
potential customers don't choose the company's product.

Who are the current and potential customers?

Analyze demographic factors, psychological characteristics, and geography of current and

potential customers for the company's products. Besides, it also analyzes the people who influence
the customer's decision to buy products:

Current customers: Age 18–35 with average income and above, mainly students and office
workers living in urban areas in Vietnam, South Korea and Malaysia. Often busy and do not have
time to go to cafes to enjoy. Have a hobby of using coffee in work and life. They are often
influenced by friends, relatives or co-workers in their decision to buy and use products.

Potential customers: Age 18–35 and low-middle income or higher, mainly living in urban
areas of European countries. In particular, they have the habit of using a lot of coffee in daily
activities and work. They share a common interest in the culture of enjoying coffee, enjoying life
and artistic and nostalgic values. Their purchases are often influenced by relatives, children, and

What do customers do with our products?

Consumers often buy products with ceramic cups designed in the same color as the product's
packaging made by Cong, increasing the excitement when enjoying coffee.

They buy C+ instant coffee for regular use in daily life, when they are too busy they do not
have time to go to cafes to enjoy coffee at the coffee shop.

For some companies, they buy products in large quantities to serve the drinking needs of all
employees while working at the company.

The majority of customers continue to buy and trust the product and in more quantity than the
first purchase and reviews on e-commerce sites or on social networking sites have been well
received from customers.

Where do customers purchase our products?

C+ instant coffee products are now distributed at all Cong stores across the country or on e-
commerce sites such as Shopee, Lazada, and Cong Coffee's official website. Particularly in South
Korea and Malaysia, the product has only been sold to customers at Cong's official store. Overall, it
is very convenient and easy to buy products from customers, especially in the situation of the
ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, when people limit their travel, buying goods on e-commerce
platforms is also very popular and growing. At the same time, e-commerce has also had a
significant impact on the sales product of Cong Coffee. And currently, the product has not been
distributed through any other retailers or agents other than at official stores of Cong.

When do customers purchase our products?

On holidays, anniversaries, or promotional occasions, customers often buy coffee products

more mainly as gifts for friends and relatives.

Especially on the days of creating discount codes for customers to cooperate with e-commerce
platforms, the number of products sold is even more than on weekdays.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, when work had to shift to “work from home”, customers
tended to order more online to use and enjoy products at home. But at the same time, due to the
impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, all Cong stores nationwide had to close according to the
government's directive, so it also affected a part of the revenue from selling products directly at the

Why (and how) do customers select our products?

Customers today tend to prefer products or spaces that are nostalgic, reminiscent of the past.
For Cong's C+ instant coffee product, everything from the taste of the drink to the packaging is

always meticulously cared for, recalling the beauty of Vietnam during the subsidy period. That also
partly helps C+ instant coffee products attract more and more attention from customers, especially
young people.

Compared to instant coffee products on the market today, C+ instant coffee products are
priced lower or equal to competitors' coffees such as Nescafe or G7 Coffee, but the product
packaging or taste of Cong is very special, not inferior to competitors, so it is becoming more and
more popular.

Paying at the store or on the Cong product distribution sites is very convenient for customers
to pay by card or cash.

The use of instant coffee will be more and more popular as the economy is growing, people
become busier at work, and using instant coffee will help them save preparation time but still help
them enjoy the quality coffee taste.

2.1.3. Market analysis Trade relations between Vietnam and Finland

In order for the Cong to exist in the Finnish market, the politics there and the cooperation
relationship between the two sides are very important.

Finland is a parliamentary presidential republic. Finland has always pursued an active foreign-
neutral line; maintaining balance in relations with other countries. The political stability level of
Finland in the period 2015–2019 fluctuated at 0.9–1.

With the commitment to eliminate tariffs under European Union (EU) – Vietnam Free Trade
Agreement (EVFTA), coffee exported to the EU will have 93% of tariff lines to 0% as soon as the
Agreement comes into effect. To enjoy tariff preferences under the EVFTA, coffee must be of pure
origin, i.e. grown in Vietnam. For coffee products: not re-manufactured from non-originating
products in the same group as the output; and the weight of sugar used in the product must not
exceed 40% of the product weight. The labeling and marking requirements in Finland are based on
the Act on Product Safety which is in force together with the EU directive on food safety.

Finland established diplomatic relations with Vietnam on January 25, 1973. Finland attaches
great importance to Vietnam's role in Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – the
United Nations Security Council today. The two sides signed a Framework Agreement between the
two Governments on projects funded under the Finnish Public Investment Program, creating a
framework for the implementation of projects using official development assistance (ODA) and
concessional loans provided by the Government. Finland sponsors and contributes to promoting

socio-economic development in Vietnam. Finland also approved the Report on the assessment of
the transition in Vietnam in June 2021, marking the transition of the cooperation model between the
two countries from development cooperation to a stage of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Vietnam's exports to Finland include: coffee, rubber, shoes of all kinds, textiles, handicrafts,
wooden products, bicycles and bicycle parts... In the relationship between Vietnam and Finland.
Vietnam and the EU and Finland support the EU's grant of Vietnam's Market Economy Regulation. Coffee Finland market size

In particular, Finland is the country with the highest per capita coffee consumption in the
world, about 12 kg per year. Eight or nine cups a day is the norm in this Nordic country, with some
locals consuming as many as 30, which isn't recommended.

During the Second World War (WWII), coffee came extinct and locals turned to substitutes of
organic origin (sugar beet, beetroot, etc.). After the war, coffee came back and Finland can be
considered the world capital of coffee, way more than Italy or Spain.

The tough times of Finnish history played a role in making coffee big in the country. Until
2025, the coffee market in Finland is forecast to reach $208.68 million (in retail prices), thus
increasing at a Compounded Annual Growth rate (CAGR) of 1.74% per annum for the period
2020–2025. This is a decrease, compared to the growth of about 3.07% per year, registered in

According to the International Trade Center (ITC), coffee is a potential commodity of

Vietnam in the Nordic region. Finland imported 213 million USD of coffee, but imported from
Vietnam only 2 million USD, the export potential is calculated at 47.6 million USD for Vietnamese
coffee, so there is still about 45 million USD of coffee that has not yet been exported mined. Coffee consumption in Finland

The EU is the largest coffee consuming market in the world, with a turnover of imports from
foreign countries of about 10 billion USD/year, accounting for 66% imports and about 30% of
global consumption.

Coffee import volume of the EU market has continuously grown in the past 3 years. The EU
is one of the places where coffee consumption per capita is the highest in the world, over
5kg/person/year, in which the leading is Finland.

Figure 2.1: The average consumption of coffee in some EU countries
Source: International Coffee Organization

Although it is forecast that in 2020, the EU economy will slow down due to the impact of the
COVID-19 epidemic, the demand for coffee in this market is still large. In particular, the demand
for processed and specialty coffee is increasing. In Finland, Per capita consumption by value
reached 31.02 USD/person (in retail price) in 2015. Over the next 5 years, the CAGR is 2.67%/year.
In the medium term (until 2025), this index is forecast to slow down and increase at a CAGR of
1.41% per year.

Finland has the highest per capita coffee consumption rates in the world, at around 12 kg
annually. Finns are the heaviest coffee drinkers in the world with more than 3 cups per day (around
9 cups is still considered totally normal). The Finns also love to eat sweets along with coffee.

It’s thought the trend came about because of the extreme cold here – temperatures dip as low
as -40C (-40F) in northern Finland. This makes a warm Thermos, or coming home to a cup of
coffee, inviting. Meanwhile, during the short but hot summers, iced coffee steps in to satiate the
cravings for caffeine.

It is also mandatory by law, to have two 10–15 minute coffee breaks at work, every day. On
top of the 30 min long lunch break. So, employees gather to take their break at the office kitchen or
other common places or even at a nearby cafe. Drinking coffee is considered more of a social
activity here. Coffee shops make ideal meeting spots, and coffee is almost always served during a
visit to someone else’s home. Whenever you visit someone in Finland, for long or short (even
unexpected), you will be offered a cup of coffee.

According to the ITC, coffee is a potential commodity of Vietnam in the Nordic region.
Finland imported 213 million USD of coffee, but imported from Vietnam only 2 million USD, the
export potential is calculated at 47.6 million USD for Vietnamese coffee, so there is still about 45
million USD of coffee that has not yet been mined.


2.2.1. Company

Regarding the company objectives, Cong is constantly innovating with the goal of going
further to bring Cong to the world; spread and inspire with each member's heart.

Currently, Cong has experience in producing packaged coffee in Vietnam and international
business experience gained in franchising in countries such as Korea and Malaysia. This will be a
great advantage in exporting packaged products to European countries like Finland.

2.2.2. Customer

Customers are an important factor to the success of businesses in general and Cong Coffee in
particular. Especially for food and beverage businesses, customers are considered the most
important factor in all decisions related to production and business.

Cong Coffee's customers are usually young people aged 18–35, living in big cities, preferring
comfort and relaxation while sipping coffee and watching the busy streets.

In addition to liking the space of the restaurant, Cong Coffee's customers come to the shop
through the unique coffee flavor combined with “Vietnamese” ingredients such as coconut milk,
green beans, vietnamese rice nuggets, etc.

2.2.3. Supplier

The ingredients before production are carefully selected from reputable gardeners in Vietnam,
especially coffee and coconut.

Packaging is also used by Cong Coffee using environmentally friendly paper sources, safe for
consumers' health.

Finland is famous as a country with a large number of Finncattle cows famous for high
productivity and quality, which can be a potential source of raw materials for coffee production in

2.2.4. Public

Almost all of the coffee consumed in Finland is being consumed at home or at work. Starts
the day with a cup of coffee and for most people the first thing when they get back home from work
is to brew a cup of afternoon coffee. Also Finland is the only country in the world where it is stated
in some collective labor agreement that there should be two 15 minute coffee breaks in a workday.

2.2.5. Marketing intermediaries

Diverse distribution channels available in Finland allow for a variety of market strategies.
Consumer goods and similar merchandise can be sold directly to retail chains, department stores,
and other retail outlets, but are more often imported through wholesalers and distributors.

There are many major distribution centers located around Finland. The largest commercial
airport in Finland is Helsinki Airport in Vantaa. The largest commercial sea ports in Finland are
HaminaKotka, Helsinki, and Naantali. There are no major ports of entry for road or rail. Inside
Finland, most cargo is transported throughout the country by truck, with the major distribution hubs
in Helsinki, Tampere, and Joensuu.

The Finnish grocery trade is largely dominated by two retail trade groups: S Group and K
Group. According to the latest figures from Statista, in 2019 the S Group (brands Prisma, S-Market,
Alepa) held the largest market share with around 46.2% of Finnish grocery retail, closely followed
by K Group (also known as Kesko, active with the K-citymarket, K-market, and K-Supermarket
brands) who recorded a market share of 36.5%. As of 2019, S Group counts 1,055 stores, while K
Group had 1,243.

2.2.6. Competitor Direct competitor

Original Butter Coffee – Warrior Coffee

Warrior Coffee, is a company involved in the production of different types of coffee and Tea
offers different and unique instant coffees within its diverse product portfolio, offering a wide range
of products Uniquely called “Warrior Coffee Original Butter Coffee”.

Warrior Coffee Original Butter Coffee is a normal flavored butter coffee made from freeze-
dried and certified organic Arabica coffee beans. The coffee is Warrior Coffee's proprietary blend
of delicious and toxin-free coffee from South America. Original Butter Coffee makes it very simple
and fast. Granted Design mark from Finland. Warrior Coffee is a double iced coffee on top of the
caffeinated coffee – of regular mochas.

Nescafé Original 3in1 – Nescafé

The Nescafé Original 3in1 is ideal to enjoy anywhere: on the go, while studying, at work or
even while hiking. It is packaged in convenient individual packages to help customers make the best
coffee with little effort.

Roasted from high-quality robusta beans, Nescafé Original is prepared with creamer and
sugar in separate packages, ensuring the same full flavor while the consumer consumes the coffee. Indirect competitor

Kulta Katriina Coffee – Meira

According to Nielsen’s latest consumer panel data analysis, Meira, part of Massimo Zanetti
Beverage Group, ranked first in coffee volume production share in Finland for Q1–2020, with Kulta
Katrina coffee as the number one brand in the market.

Meira has experienced stable growth over the last five years with the introduction of
innovative, certified, and sustainable products to meet the consumers’ increasing demand.

Café Parisien – Paulig

In Finland, it is rare to find such a “French” coffee. The characteristic taste of the drink gives
to its composition – robusta-based espresso. However, a Finnish powdered coffee, which can be
found in pictures at coffee shops, is not only drunk, but with milk added: it turns the French cafe
into a classic.

Café Parisien is a French style, very dark roasted coffee blend, inspired by lazy mornings in
Paris. If customers are interested in Café au lait, they will love this roast.

Juhla Mokka Coffee – Paulig

Juhla Mokka, the most popular brand of coffee in Finland, is made from the best coffee
varieties from Brazil, Colombia, Central America and Africa, honoring traditions and premium

Paulig's Juhla Mokka is a medium-bodied coffee with berry notes, fresh acidity and a nuanced
aroma. Juhla Mokka sachets ensure that the quality and taste remain consistent every time.


2.3.1. Political/Legal/Institutional factors

The political system in Finland is extremely efficient. Thanks to the policies of the leaders,
Finland is known as the second least corrupt country in the world, considered the ideal country for
doing business.

Finland is the only country in the world where the government has approved the decision to
have two 15-minute coffee breaks in a working day. So the consumption of coffee products will
always be higher than in other parts of the world.

Currently, the Finnish government is also focusing on developing relations with Asian
countries, including Vietnam, especially with emerging economies to create conditions for Finnish
businesses to cooperate and develop in the region. business investment activities.

2.3.2. Economic conditions

Finland is an industrialized country in the Nordic bloc, with a developed market economy and
the strongest competitiveness in the world. However, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have
hit the national economy, causing gross domestic product (GDP) to shrink by 2.9% in 2020
(International Monetary Fund – despite the national Finance Ministry's estimate of 3.3%), mainly
due to a sharp contraction in consumption. However, Finland performs better than most other EU
countries and is expected to start growing again at a rate of 2.5% in 2022, as consumers increase
discretionary spending, depending on post-pandemic global economic recovery.

GDP per capita is about 51,320 USD in 2020 (World Bank) – is among the highest in the
world and is 11% higher than the EU – 27 average (Eurostat), allowing the country to have a high
standard of living.

The Actual Index of Personal Consumption (AIC) is a measure of the material well-being of
households published by the European Union's statistics office, placing Finnish households in
seventh place, with The value is about 12% higher than the EU average. Consequently, income and
product demand also increase, this is one of the advantages when choosing to expand product
distribution in this country.

Free trade may restrain the power of the state and empower individuals, bring people together
across distances and cultures leading to peace, make everyone wealthier and encourage basic human
rights. In particular, the “Free Trade Agreement” is an agreement between two or more members to
remove barriers, mainly tax cuts for the majority of trade between members. Specifically, most
recently, the EVFTA took effect from August 1, 2020, in which the tax rate of coffee is reduced to
0%. This will help Vietnamese coffee have a competitive advantage over competitors in this region.
This is a favorable development opportunity for Vietnamese businesses, including Cong Coffee's

2.3.3. Social and cultural factors

Cultural factors

For Finland, buying and drinking coffee every day seems to have become the country's coffee
culture, unchanged. This is the leading country in terms of the largest coffee consumption in the
world and coffee is always used in all activities of daily life and work, especially art activities,

exhibitions or meetings. So the demand for Coffee consumption will certainly not decrease in the
coming years.

However, that is also part of the obstacle because Finns mainly use roasted and ground coffee,
so Cong Coffee should have appropriate advertising and distribution strategies about C+ instant
coffee for customers to easily easy to accept.

Social factors

The population in Finland is not large, it is relatively homogeneous, and most of the
population has a fairly affluent standard of living. Finland ranks high in international rankings for
education, economic competitiveness, democratic freedoms, quality of life, and human
development. According to Reuters, the annual World Happiness Report has awarded Finland the
happiest country in the world after analyzing factors including GDP per capita, social support,
people's health, freedom, generosity. Finnish people are considered the most honest and humble
people in the world, so hiring or training sales staff when distributing products here will be very
reassuring and convenient.

2.3.4. Demographic trends

The population in Finland is aging, the average age is 42.8 years old in 2020. The population
growth rate is 0.3%, with 27.3% of the population under 24 years old and 35.3% over 55 age (CIA,
2020). About 85.5% of Finland's population (about 4.7 million people) live in urban areas. The
main city is Helsinki, with a population of 1.279 million. According to the United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs' forecast, the number of urban population in Finland
will continue to increase in the coming years. Consequently, that’s favorable for the distribution of
Cong Coffee's products to the target customer.

Most people can be financially self-sufficient and can afford to buy coffee products to meet
their daily needs because the age of majority in Finland today is 16–62 years old, about 3.7 million
people. Wages increased by 4.6% in 2018 and the average monthly salary was 3,140 EUR in 2019
(Statistics Finland).

However, the unemployment rate in this country has been increasing since 2019. This has the
potential to affect customers' income and product demand in the coming years. Consequently, Cong
Coffee needs to consider carefully when deciding how much budget to allocate for the production
and marketing of C+ instant coffee products in this country.

2.3.5. Technological environment and trends

Finnish researchers are at the forefront of several fields such as forest enrichment, new
materials, environment, nervous system, low-temperature physics, intellectual research,
biotechnology, genetic engineering/genetics, and of course contact information. Their achievements
speak for themselves. For example, the idea of the nervous system put forth by Professor Teuvo
Kohonen/Professor Teuvo Kohonen may be the most widely popular Finnish scientific achievement

International assessments of innovation, research and development, technology and

competitiveness have recognized Finland as leaders in these fields.

2.3.6. Natural environment

Finland is one of the closest countries to the Arctic in the world – and one of the coldest. The
climate is so cold that it is completely unsuitable for the conditions needed to grow coffee, but it is
quite common. The Finnish habit of drinking coffee stems from the fact that the weather here is
extremely cold. With temperatures down to minus 40 degrees in Northern Finland, making it a treat
is to sip a warm cup of coffee to relax after a hard day's work. In the dense winter, it is dark and
foggy, making people always need hot and strong drinks to wake up the body from “hibernation”.
When going to the forest to hunt animals, pick fruit, a sip of hot coffee seems to dispel fatigue. In
the short but hot summer, iced coffee brings an unexpected refreshing and cooling feeling.

Winter is long, and the east and north of Finland always have a lot of snow. However, in all
weather conditions, roads and public transport still operate normally and do not interfere with the
operation of Cong.

2.3.7. Physical environment

Infrastructure and roads are constantly being deployed by the Finnish Government to help
investors receive useful advice, find business ideas, support market research, calculate profits
Profitability, financial research with the goal of turning ideas into action and creating profitable
businesses. And of course it's completely free.

Logistics: Indochina is a leading company in transportation, forwarding, logistics. Providing

transportation services with all modes of transport: sea, air, rail from Vietnam to Finland.


2.4.1. Segmentation strategy

Finland is considered the world's largest coffee consumer. But each person will have a
different taste in coffee, some people like to drink tasty, sweet or fatty, depending on their own
preferences. Capturing that mentality, Cong divides the Finnish coffee market into 3 segments
according to taste so that it can easily identify the target customers that they want to target.

Segment 1: Customers who prefer to drink fatty coffee, prefer to use coffee in combination
with ingredients to add fat and to reduce the bitterness of coffee and stimulate more taste. The
added ingredients are usually milk, butter, cheese, or a cup of coffee with cakes, etc. The rich and
aromatic taste combined with a gentle coffee taste will be suitable for those who are just starting to
drink coffee or women who cannot drink the bitter taste of coffee.

Segment 2: Subject is a person who likes to drink sweet coffee. Likes the original strong
aroma of coffee but does not like its bitter taste. Therefore, when using coffee, it is mixed with
sugar to reduce the bitterness of coffee. They are people who know how to enjoy coffee, they will
consider very carefully in choosing the aroma of coffee, especially the sweetness that is right for

Segment 3: Customers who prefer to drink tasty coffee or strong coffee. They need to enjoy
delicious coffee and full of the pure aroma of natural coffee beans. Besides, this is a group of
customers who often work a lot, they need a strong cup of coffee to stay awake when working.
They always want to experience the thrills and especially those who have experience in enjoying
coffee. This group of customers often prefers roasted and ground coffee to instant coffee.

2.4.2. Target market

After segmenting the Finnish coffee market, Cong identified the target market as middle-
income customers between the ages of 18 and 35, living in urban areas of Finland with a habit of
consuming lots of coffee and fatty drinks in daily activities and work.

2.4.3. Market positioning

Unlike other coffee brands currently on the market, C+ Instant Coffee will bring the rich taste
of coffee combined with the rich aroma of coconut milk, a special plant of the tropical region. hot
and humid zone. A new and bold taste.

Unlike other coffee brands currently on the market, C+ Instant Coffee will bring the rich taste
of coffee combined with the rich aroma of coconut milk, a special plant of the tropical region. hot
and humid zone. A new and bold taste.

Figure 2.2: Positioning map
Source: Authors


Finland has become a fertile ground for “giants” in the coffee business. However, the
opportunity is still great for those who know how to take advantage of today's globalization trend,
when Finns want to experience different and new coffee flavors. Therefore, the goal that Cong
wants to aim at:

Achieved expected sales and profits, changed and increased about 5% of the domestic coffee
market share in Finland, thereby enhancing the position of Vietnamese coffee in the international

Because the potential for coffee consumption in the country is still small, it is still dependent
on foreign countries. The orientation of Cong will be to expand the existing market, develop new
markets targeting low-middle income customers and above, successfully penetrate and stand firmly
in the Finnish coffee market.

Cong brings the product Instant Coffee C+, especially the coconut flavor, which is typical in
Vietnam and does not appear in the cold temperate climate in Finland. Cong wants to build a new
enjoyable coffee culture for Vietnamese as well as foreigners. Instead of just drinking according to
habits, needs, entertainment, chatting, coffee drinkers can also feel the quintessential dissolution of
light coffee with greasy coconut milk.

Keeping safe during business is also the ultimate goal that Cong wants to aim for.


2.6.1. Product strategy Product lines

The products that Cong will launch in the Finnish market will be products of the C+ instant
coffee line:

Coffee with Coconut and Condensed Milk C+: Wishing to bring Cong's favorite drink
closer to customers, Cong researched, developed and introduced the product Coffee with Coconut
and Condensed Milk C+. If the sweet taste of milk coffee, mixed with the characteristic coconut
milk aroma, is what makes the believers who “fall in love” with coffee, then try Coffee with
Coconut and Condensed Milk C+ to experience the “cafe at home”.

Instant Coconut Coffee C+: Inspired by Coconut Coffee – one of the famous drinks of
Cong, C+ is the perfect combination of light coffee taste with greasy coconut milk, creating an
outstanding delicate flavor. Packaging

Packaging of the products (Appendix 1) will include the following elements:

Protective element: Coffee when produced will be packed with metalized bags (aluminum
plated), which helps the packaging to enhance its ability to resist oxygen, moisture, light and
obstruct the elements from the environment. The external impact degrades the quality of the coffee
product inside. Then will be packed in paper boxes and cartons for convenient transportation.

Visual elements: With the typical main colors of C+ are soldier green, red and white, creating
a harmony in color and evoking the distinctive old colors of the streets of Vietnam during the
subsidy period. This is also the color tone that has made the distinctive characteristics of Cong in

Informational element: On each paper box containing coffee packets will be information
about ingredients, production place, standards to be met when producing, the Cong brand logo as
well as the kind words that Cong wants to convey to each customer when using C+ instant coffee
products. The specification of each paper box is 1 box consisting of 12 packs x 20g.

Symbolic element: The packaging is designed with a flat rectangular bag shape with a
serrated border at the top of each bag to facilitate tearing the package and making it easier to use.

17 Labeling

Before exporting to Finland, Cong's products will be tested for quality so that “CE Mark” can
be used on product packaging. For labeling in the European Union (EU), the “CE Mark” signifies
that a product has met EU health, environmental, and safety requirements.

Markings, such as “coffee extract”, “soluble coffee extract”, “soluble coffee” or “instant
coffee”, mean that the package contains concentrated products obtained by extraction from roasted
coffee beans using only water as medium of extraction and excluding any process of hydrolysis
involving the addition of an acid or a base.

Finland complies with the EU general food labeling requirements applicable to all foodstuffs.
The label should include e.g. the name of the product (coffee variety), details of producers (name
and address), batch number, weight of contents, grade. International support services

In addition to providing C+ instant coffee, Cong also provides telecommunication support

services such as phone numbers, contact emails, facebook and instagram pages so that customers
can contact Cong directly. The product life cycle

It can be seen that C+ instant coffee is a new product launched in the Finnish market. Here,
Cong Coffee brand is not popular with all consumers. Therefore, after exporting to Finland, C+
instant coffee is at the Introduction stage of the product life cycle.

The initial stage of the product life cycle is all about building the demand for the product with
the consumer, and establishing the market for the product. The key emphasis will be on promoting
the new product, as well as making production more cost-effective and developing the right
distribution channels to get the product to market.

2.6.2. Distribution strategy

Requirements for selecting suitable distributors in Finland: Having the ability to develop the
market besides having a good relationship to combine long-term work. Partners provide regular
market information and sales data. Strictly follow Marketing strategies to ensure long-term
cooperation. Distribution method

Direct channels

The method of distributing goods from producer to consumer without intermediaries.

Website: Finnish customers can order Instant Coffee C+ directly on the website Finns place a high value on exchange, based on trust. So the product
description and support team on the Cong website will be more focused.

The Finnish bussiness to customer e-commerce: About 94% of the Finnish population uses
the Internet, more than 4 million people shop online. The top sites for online shopping in Finland
are,, eBay,, and

Indirect channels

When distributing indirectly, the company does not have to worry about capital for
distribution activities. Through that, Cong takes advantage of the experience and knowledge to help
products easily penetrate into new markets, taking advantage of the existing relationships of
intermediaries. Minimize business risks.

Cong distributes goods through agents such as:

Convenience Store: Pentik Oy, R-kioski, Shell Helmisimpukka

Supermarkets: S-Market, Siwa. K-Mart, Alepa, Valintatalo are small supermarkets that sell
food and essentials as well.

Hypermarkets: Prisma, K-citymarket are very large supermarkets that sell almost all essential
items, a wide variety of all items.

Bakery: Coffee in Finland is almost always served with cake. There is even a Finnish word
“kakkukahvi” which means “coffee and cake”. Therefore, the display of products on the shelves at
the bakery will reach more customers. Ekberg has been the oldest and most popular bakery in
Helsinki for decades, and the chain stores Gateau, Patisserie Teemu and Markus, etc.

Online retailing: Besides, most stores and supermarkets in Finland close very early around 4–
5pm, so we apply bussiness to business e-commerce in both direct distribution so that consumers
can feel comfortable. and be more proactive in ordering products. International distribution strategy

Cong aims to sell products in as many stores as possible. Because coffee is a familiar part of
Finns. The level of use per person is very high. To ensure that their needs are met, Cong chooses an
Intensive distribution strategy.

Using a lot of intermediaries, many distribution channels, organizing a wide distribution

network of goods to disseminate the product's availability widely in order to penetrate the market as

much as possible. By using this method, Cong takes advantage of being constantly present in the
daily life of customers as the product is likely to be available at retail stores, supermarkets,
wholesalers, small shops, kiosks, restaurants and many other establishments. Logistics and managing international distribution channels


The process of moving a product from the 'originator' to the 'end consumer' across the country
in order to achieve the business's goals and at the lowest cost. It includes all activities related to the
movement of products and materials, exports and imports.

In logistics activities, the two main stages of the migration process are:

 The first stage – Raw material management comes to Cong company.

 The next stage – Product distribution organization, bringing products to customers in the
chain including transportation, storage, customs services, order entry and sales management.

Managing International Distribution Channels

Selecting Intermediary Arrangements

Vertical Integration (according to distribution channel width) (number of distribution

intermediaries in each channel level). The more distribution intermediaries involved, the wider the
distribution channel (strong selective monopoly), the relationship between channel width and
product range and the degree of market control.

The contractual channel agreement includes a binding contract that defines all the tasks
performed by each channel member in relation to production distribution, grading, pricing, and
promotional support. A managed channel arrangement consists of a dominant member in the
distribution channel. Collaborative channel agreements allow channel members to work
collaboratively for the benefit of all companies involved.

International Marketing Channel Functions International Marketing Channel


Market demand research

Promote the product: Cong promotes products to other channel members, at the retail level,
and for the end user, intermediaries can provide a lot of support.

Order processing: Order processing includes all activities involved in completing a customer
order, including order entry, order fulfillment, and order delivery.

Communicate with channel members: Cong headquarters staff is in constant contact with
other members of the international marketing channel.

Warehousing, inventory control and material handling

Storage: Cong store products until they are sold

Marketing channel members also focus on inventory control. Maintain an optimal inventory
of products that will satisfy consumer demand without burdening the system with too much
inventory creating a challenge for logistics management.

Material handling includes all activities related to moving products in production and
warehousing systems. Physical distribution

Distribution methods

Transport by sea: Vietnam International Seaport: Cat Lai, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Cai Mep.

Transport by air: Airports in Vietnam: Tan Son Nhat Airport, Da Nang Airport, Noi Bai
Airport. Airports in Finland: Helsinki Airport (HEL), Turku Airport (TKU), Kokkola Airport
(KOK), Kuusamo Airport (KAO).

2.6.3. Pricing strategy Pricing method

Because it is a new and strange product in the Finnish market, it is absolutely necessary to
adopt a strategy that can set the price of the product below the industry average to increase
customer attraction in the market.

Applying Penetration pricing strategy to help the company be more competitive than domestic
and foreign companies. In addition, penetration pricing helps a company quickly build a brand
name in new markets and establish a larger market share in order to build a loyal customer base.

Although it was difficult at first when entering because it was limited by profit maximization
and spending, but after having market share and loyal customers of Cong's own. The company will
gradually raise the price level slowly quarterly.

Currently, the average price of products ranges from about 7€ to more than 15€ (Appendix 2).
From the survey it can be seen that the market average is 12.28€. Cong actively sets the price below
the average to ensure it is in line with the set pricing direction, with a price of 11.5€.

21 International pricing discounts

Plus coffee will offer volume discounts to entice customers. Discounts for buyers when
buying in larger quantities. Specifically, when customers buy 4 boxes of C+ instant coffee products,
they will get 1 extra box for free. This can be charged once or accrued over a specific period
(purchases of previous products less than 1 month).

With the addition of such a discount, it will help encourage buyers to buy in bulk, increasing
the total units sold per transaction. Attracting customers and giving them an incentive to buy and
continue using products from Cong and limit switching to other suppliers, that can take advantage
of the opportunity to scale customers.

2.6.4. Promotion strategy

Media message: Bringing a drink full of “nostalgia” about Vietnam during the subsidy period.
C+ instant coffee with ingredients from coffee and coconut milk – typical ingredients in the hot and
humid tropics of Vietnam, will be a coffee product that helps consumers easily prepare and enjoy,
suitable with all extreme weather conditions in Finland.

22 Advertising

Establish international advertising objectives:

 Build product and brand image.

 Increase brand and product awareness.
 Persuade customers to try product, provide information about products to customers.

Create an international advertising budget: due to the increasing market share of instant
coffee and high average profits, Cong will choose the main budgeting method as “percentage of
sales”, budgeting for advertising about 15%.

Choose an advertising agency: Cong Coffee choose “in-house advertising”. Due to

differences in language and culture, to avoid creating “noise” in the communication process from
“sender” to “receiver”, Cong needs to properly encode information so that customers do not
misunderstand. The advantage of “in-house advertising” is that employees – local people, will
understand the culture in Finland better than anyone and will be the people most familiar with the
company's products. Consequently, that convey the most accurate message to the target customer.

Choose the advertising program:

Choose advertising appeal: the company will combine rational approach and moral

For rational approach: Finland is a low context culture country, so it is necessary to use words
to express advertising information clearly, clearly stating the benefits and uses of instant coffee
products to customers. The habit of drinking coffee originates from the harsh weather in Finland, so
the C+ instant coffee product will make it easy for Finns to use in both winter and summer.

For moral approach: drinking coffee is an integral part of the day for Finns. Especially during
the Covid-19 outbreak, implementation of advertisements that encourages customers to buy and
consume coffee instant coffee at home is especially necessary because it is very convenient and
easy to use instead of going out to drink at coffee shops, which will impact customer consciousness
and increase the consumption of instant coffee products as well as contribute to the call to limit go
out for the health of themselves and the community.

Choose advertising media: when choosing the right advertising media, it will help reduce
“noise” in the communication process.

TV: Run advertisements on television in prime time to build an image in the minds of

LCD & frame design for advertising in shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets
Kesko, S-group, S-market, office buildings, buildings

Invite famous influencers in Finland such as Virpi Mikkonen, Jenni Pupulandia to review
products and post on their personal instagram and website. They are known as one of the most
popular influencers living in Finland, their instagram posts and website are in the style of enjoying
life, sharing and recommending useful products from nature to everyone. .

Social media: run ads on facebook, instagram, whatsapp

Email marketing: customers can directly send their questions or comments about the
company's products via mail or website Personal selling

Set up direct sales consulting points with customers in major city centers such as Helsinki,
Espoo for customers to conveniently move to and learn through the sales team to understand the use
and see product quality in the best way.

The element of “individual difference”, namely the “level of education” will sometimes
become a barrier in the process of communication and implementation of advertising plans in
Finland. For Finland, which has one of the highest education systems worldwide, the language in
advertising also needs to be used to sound complicated, which will contribute to attracting them
more. In addition, the “mechanical problem” related to “language and slang” for the company's
sales staff, requires the use of technology and terminology elements about C+ instant coffee
products, then employees can understand and communicate with their products. Sales promotions

Consumer promotions

Discount: 5-10% of products to encourage consumers to buy goods on special occasions

holidays such as Christmas and New Year, May Day, Juhannus – the day with the longest sun
shining and the shortest night of the year; 5% discount on “happy time” like 9–12 pm on Fridays,
Saturdays, and Sundays; 10–20% for customers celebrating the birthday of the C+ instant coffee
product (January 3rd).

Bonus pack: Finnish people are very focused on enjoying coffee and will have a variety of
cups they use to drink coffee on different occasions and situations. Consequently, free products
such as Cong Coffee when buying combos of 2 boxes of instant coffee on Black Friday when
purchased both offline and online.

Coupon: Currently nearly 4 million Finns are using and shopping on e-commerce sites.
Consequently, Cong coffee will link to popular online sites like,, eBay,, and to generate discount codes on holidays or in winter when the weather is quite
severe, making people less likely to go out to shop and the trend of online shopping becomes more

Sampling: Set up sampling booths for customers to try coffee inside shopping malls,

Premium: Create membership card and loyalty program.

Trade promotions

Trade contest: Create sales contests between members in the distribution channel and
organize tourist gift-giving, diamond, gold, and silver prizes to retailers to encourage sales.

Trade allowances: Cong coffee will finance shipping costs for distributors, door retail goods
when the quantity of goods sold exceeds the set monthly target.

Cooperative advertising: gifting products to famous KOLs and influencers in Finland, and let
them make promotional videos or post on their social networking sites introducing C+ instant
coffee products.

Training programs: Deduct 1% of revenue for retailer relationship programs such as opening
retailer conferences, training new retailers and distributors to understand more about products.

POP materials: Put C+ instant coffee display items at places distribution and retail stores

Public relations (PR)

Sponsorship: Financial sponsorship for major festivals taking place every year in Finland:
Flow Festival, Helsinki Pride – a big festival for the LGBT community

Coffee is a drink loved by Finnish people and used in all activities especially in art and music
festival activities. Consequently, that combine sponsoring coffee and free coffee bar for participants
of Helsinki festival (Helsingin Juhlaviikot) – one of the art festivals, the biggest and most
anticipated music of the year with the participation of both foreign and local tourists in Finland.

In the process of performing public relations activities that will accidentally encounter
“negative publicity”, what company need to do at this time is “damage control” by methods such as
crisis management, apology strategy, partial guilt. Depending on the situation, Cong will consider
and apply appropriate measures.



3.1.1. Mission statements

For customers who have experienced Cong's products and services, Cong's mission is to spark
their imaginations and bring customers different emotional experiences about Vietnam.

3.1.2. Environmental assessment

Table 3.1: SWOT matrix

Source: Authors

Strengths  Weaknesses 

 Taste and convenience : Still with the rich  No market share: as a new company
traditional coffee flavor combined with the entering the Finnish market, Cong
taste of coconut milk, C+ Instant Coffee, currently does not have a market share of
customers can enjoy anywhere, at the office, its own.
away or at home. Instant drink can be mixed  Special style: While this has been
hot and cold depending on taste. mentioned as one of plus's strengths, it
 Technology: Cong has its own website, also effectively to its weaknesses.
helping customers to quickly search for Because the style is so unique (nostalgia
products and display necessary information for Vietnamese war time, with signature
about products. This reduces search time for features and old stuff together), it can not
customers. be preferred by customers of all ages.

Opportunities Threats

 Customer psychology: like to try new  Many competitors enter the market:
things. Today, most customers tend to like There are already many popular brands
change. They don't tend to stay in one place for with distinct advantages and strengths.
long. Initially, customers like to go to a place, They already have a certain market share.
but once they get used to it, they will not In particular, that brand immediately
continue to maintain this preference anymore. received customer satisfaction from
Instead, they will experience other cafes and several patrons.
this is very easy.  Customer Habits: There are a number
 Market expansion: Finland is a prosperous of customers who will maintain a
Northern European country. It has a strategic preference for roasted coffee rather than
location as the interface between the markets instant coffee, because it gives a richer
of Russia, the Baltic and Nordic countries. coffee flavor.


3.2.1. Economic conditions

According to a forecast, the GDP growth is expected at 2.6% by the end of 2021. The Finnish
economy already weakened by the end of 2019, and the economic crisis caused by COVID-19
pandemic resulted in a fall of 2.8 percent in 2020. However, the preliminary figures indicate that the
contraction in the Finnish economy was less severe than in most other European countries. The
GDP growth is projected at 2.5 percent in 2022 and at 1.5 percent in 2023 after the economic
recovery from the current crisis. The budget deficit is expected to reach 2.8% by the end of 2021
and then decrease to 2.4% in 2022. (IMF). Inflation is forecast to increase only slightly in 2022,
about 1.5%. The unemployment rate in 2022 is forecasted to decrease to 7.9% compared to 8.6% in
2021 due to the impact of the covid epidemic on consumers' income and purchasing power. The
Finnish economy is expected to return normal in 2022.

Figure 3.3: Growth forecast for GDP in Finland from 2020 to 2025
Source: J.Clausnitzer (2021)

3.2.2. Sales projections

Sales is always an unpredictable variable for businesses appearing on the market, especially
foreign businesses like Cong Coffee. Deciding whether to invest further in the Finnish market
depends on sales in the future (Appendix 3)

3.2.3. Changes in technology

Artificial intelligence: helps to assist in search engines, identify target customers for Cong,
create relationships with customers, further support automatic advertising.

AR & VR technology: virtual reality technology can enhance the experience for customers via
social networks. Can help customers have a better experience if they want to feel the space of Cong,

in addition to enjoying the taste of coffee at home, customers can also look at the space of the shop
in Vietnam to understand better. about the “subsidized” culture that Cong wants to bring. This is a
feature that Cong may develop later.

3D printing technology: helps to design new products and packaging based on the individual
needs of customers. Create a special ownership of customers but still bring the characteristics of

5G network: brings fast download and upload speeds to Cong's website, as well as more
stable connections, helping to quickly support customer inquiries.

Big Data: Collect, process, and store big data over a period of time, helping Cong more
productive in better financial management. In addition, they can analyze the market, competitive
advantage, etc.

3.2.4. Determination of goals

Increased brand recognition by 20%

Increased brand awareness by 15%

Improved company image worldwide by 5%

3.2.5. Allocation of resources in pursuit of the plan

In addition to the regular meetings within the branch in Finland, Cong will organize more
discussions between key personnel at the Finnish branch and the main company in Vietnam to
understand the business situation as well as assisting in the creation of an effective business strategy
in Finland.


Cong uses Direct Exporting Organization Structure to manage the business in the Finnish
market. Exports are often looked after by a company’s marketing or sales department in the initial
stages when the volume of exports sales is low. Exports activities are controlled by a company’s
home-based office through a designated head of the export department, i.e. Vice President, Director,
or Manager (Exports). The role of the HR department is primarily confined to planning and
recruiting staff for exports, training and development, and compensation.


After launching the product for a certain time, Cong will consider whether the expected goals
have been achieved, planning needs to be adjusted to consider and adjust accordingly for the
Finnish market.


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1. Coffee with Coconut and Condensed Milk C+

2. Instant Coconut Coffee C+


1. Kulta Katriina coffee – Meira: ~15.22€

2. Café Parisien – Paulig ~14.83€

3. Original Butter Coffee – Warrior ~11,95€


4. Juhla Mokka Coffee – Paulig ~11.89€

5. Nescafe Original 3in1 – Nestle ~7.5€


Sales Forecast (€)

Sales 2022 2023  2024  2025 2026

Segment 1  95425 110231 160692 216864 287742

Segment 2  60725 60126 63564 79516 88536

Segment 3  17350 30063 43564 65060 66402

Total 173500 200420 267820 361440 442680

Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Direct Cost of Sales 39034 42937 54647 70261 81971

Cost of Marketing 17128 18840 20724 22797 25077

Exporting Tax 0 0 0 0 0

Total 56162 61777 75371 93058 107048

Profits from business activities (€)

Profit 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Profit before tax 117338 138643 192449 268382 335632

Profit after tax 105604 124779 173204 241544 302689


Research Q4
ITEMS (09/08 – 22/08) 2021
Content Cost Content Cost
RESEARCH €480 €200
Desk Research Brand Review €260
Field Research
Process Conclusions, Research and evaluation €200
Evaluation reviews
– Product Description *7
– Product introduction
Writing – Policy *2
Content – System of agents and
– Article for news item *9
Advertisement Google Adwords €187
Facebook €1.775
Design – Brand identity kit: Cover, €950
Banner, Avatar for Instagram
Facebook, WhatsApp
– Policy for distributor customers
for social networks and Website
– Images for Instagram,
Facebook, WhatsApp Website:
product images
– Inforgaphic process of
formation and development for
social network and Website
– Template for FAQs and

– Brand identity: Cover, Banner,
Avatar for Instagram, WhatsApp,
– Policy for distributor customers
for social networks and Website
– Images for Instagram,
Photograph WhatsApp, Facebook, Website: €200
product images
– Inforgaphic process of
formation and development for
social network and Website
– Template for FAQs and
Take a video introducing Instant
Video €145
Coffee C+
– Bio, pinned post at the top of
the page
– System of agents, distributors €220
– Daily post
– Feedback compilation album
– Ads to increase interaction and
Advertisement likes for C+ Instant Coffee €260
– Christmas promotion
Other €225
Email Email Marketing (including
Marketing design and content)
Telesales Telesales €40
Printing Printing €35
Total cost: €480 €2.762

ITEMS 2022
Content Cost
Field Research Research and evaluation €300
Process Evaluation
WEBSITE   €504
– Article for news item *5
Writing Content €56
– Introduce, describe new products
Advertisement Google Adwords €448
Facebook   €3.806
– Redesigning the list of products,
adding more product categories
– Designing media images focusing on
new products
– Design banners for the workshop and
related media images: invitation, thank
Design €1.700
you letter, agenda, instruction sheet,
– Design images for promotions,
freeship, etc.
– Summary of outstanding activities of
Instant Coffee C+ in 2021
– Take pictures of new products being
distributed in stores and in the hands of
Photograph consumers €673
– Take photos and videos of activities
at the workshop
– New product introduction video
Video – Video recording of activities at the €200
– Edit bio, introduce new products
Writing Content – Daily post (with new product €822
promotion), New Year's promotion
Advertisement – Run ads for focus articles: €411
+ General introduction of the product
+ Detailed introduction of each product
+ Introduce incentives to stimulate
+ Perceptions of consumers about new

+ Gratitude for International Coffee
Day, New Year's Day
KOLs   €559
Jenni Pupulandia Jenni Pupulandia €559
PR   €2.090
– Electronic newspaper yle, Helsingin
Electronic media €1.496
Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat
– Location €187
– MC €74
– Speaker (gift) €74
– Decoration, publications (standee,
Event banner, brochure, etc.)
– Event logistics €74
– Material €74
– Gifts for attendees €74
Other   €90
Telesales Telesales €40
Printing Printing €50
Total cost:   €7.349

2022 2022

Content Cost Content Cost

RESEARCH   €300   €300

Field Research
Research and evaluation €300 Research and evaluation €300
WEBSITE   €299   €299
Writing Article for news item Article for news item
€112 €112
Content *13 *13
Advertisement Google Adwords €187 Google Adwords €187
Facebook   €2.657   €2.158

– Images for the column – Media images on

Design €1.300 €1.150
“Cong's story” environmental
– Images for posts,
protection knowledge
flyers for promotions
for Website, social
– Template for separate
images and videos for
– Pictures, flyers for
the category “Back to
the subsidy period”
– Product images along
– Images for articles on
with consumer reactions
Website, social networks
– Pictures of products,
– Pictures of product
promotions at points of
packaging at distribution
points and in the hands
Photograph – Images for articles on €523 €344
of consumers
Website, social networks
– Product
– Product
communication image
communication image
for Website, social
for Website, social
– Short video (15s) for
the category “Back to Video about birthday
Video the subsidy period” €165 summary of Instant €145
– Video for Cong's Story Coffee C+
– Scheduled daily posts
(with new product
promotion) – Scheduled daily posts
– Edit bio, update (with new product
Facebook Shop section €385 promotion) €351
– Introducing new – Update the Shop item
products, promoting (Shop)
Vietnamese New Year,
MayDay, Juhannus

– Run ads for focus – Run ads for focus

Advertisement €284 €168
articles: articles:

+ Introduce new
products + Inspiring articles to
+ Introduce Vietnam protect the environment,
Tet, MayDay, Juhannus save electrical energy
PR   €37   €37
Fairs, points of Media publications Media publications
€37 €37
sale (Banner, Poster, Flyer) (Banner, Poster, Flyer)
Other   €225   €225
Email Marketing Email Marketing
(including design and €150 (including design and €150
content) content)
Telesales Telesales €40 Telesales €40
Printing Printing €35 Printing €35
Total cost:   €3.518   €3.019

ITEMS Total cost per item

WEBSITE €1.664
Facebook €10.396
KOLs €559
PR €2.164
Other €765
Total cost: €17.128


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