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1. Is the Social Media decreasing the productivity of young generation?

 Very often
 Seldom
 Not at all
2. What social media channels are young generation most active on? Choose as many as are
 Facebook
 Twitter
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
 Pinterest
 Reddit
 Likee
3. Have you ever been harassed in social media?
 Yes
 No
4. In your opinion, what platforms have the least anti-discrimination laws?
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Reddit
 Linkedin
5. Has social media had any effect on your mental health?
 Yes
 No
6. Do you have a different personality on your social media pages?
 Yes
 No
7. How many hours do you spend on social media every day?
 1 hour
 2-3 hours
 3-5 hours
 More than 5 hours

8. Which social media channels are you most active on?

 Facebook
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Twitter
9. How useful is social media for learning?
 Very useful
 Somewhat Useful
 Not useful
10. What do you use social media for?
 Networking
 Business
 Learning
 Others. Please specify.
11. How often do you post on social media?
 Very often
 Somewhat often
 Rarely
12. Is social media the first thing you check in the morning?

 Yes
 No
13. Do you filter the content you consume online?
 Yes
 No
14. Kindly indicate your employment status?
 Unemployed
 Self-employed
 Employed
15. Have you ever been bullied in social media?
 Yes
 No
16. Do you experience any form of anxiety while using social media platforms?
 Yes
 No
17. Do you have a different personality on your social media pages?
 Yes
 No
18. To what extent does social media influence your behaviors and actions?
 To a large extent
 Seldomly
 Never
19. Is social media decreasing communication?
 Very often
 Seldom
 Not at all
20. Do you think social media is an appropriate platform for expressing yourself?
 Very often
 Seldom
 Not at all

21. Do you think your social media using has increased in the pandemic situation?
 Yes
 No

22. Have social platforms become essential in our daily lives to adapt to activities in the modern age?

 Yes
 No

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