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TOPIC: Depression

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Main Idea A Lifetime Risk of Are the Obese at Risk of depression in At Risk for
Depression Greater Risk for patients with chronic Depression: A Study
Depression? obstructive pulmonary of Young Mothers
Risk Over the past disease and its
decade, major When obesity and determinants
A sample of 75
epidemiological depression were
Although it has been mothers between 15
studies have been examined
repeatedly suggested that and 19 years of age
conducted to prospectively,
chronic obstructive was used to
determine the controlling for other
pulmonary disease investigate the
prevalence of variables, obesity in
(COPD) is associated with relationship between
depressive 1994 predicted
depression, no conclusion depression and the
syndromes, depression in 1995
has so far been reached. maternal behavior of
primarily major (odds ratio (OR) =
A study was undertaken to young mothers.
depression or 1.73, 95%
dysthymia. confidence interval investigate whether
(CI): 1.04, 2.87). depression occurs more
often in patients with
COPD than in controls.
The demographic and
clinical variables
associated with
depression were also
Main Idea B Symptoms of Symptoms of Rates of symptoms of Sleep disorder as
depression in two Anxiety and depression in a National core symptoms of
communities Symptoms of Sample depression
Symptoms Depression Same
Depressed Genes, Different Comparison of result is Links between sleep
persons were Environments? made with earlier work and depression are
slightly more that use the identical strong. About three
common in Multivariate genetic measure of depression in quarters of depressed
Kansas City than analysis shows that two separate locales. patients have
in Washington genes act largely in insomnia symptoms,
County but within a nonspecific way to and hypersomnia is
the latter area no influence the overall present in about 40%
urban–rural level of psychiatric of young depressed
differences were symptoms. adults and 10% of
observed. More older patients, with a
depressed preponderance in
persons were females.
found among
blacks than among
Main Idea C Long-term Current advances The Behavioral Study and A component
treatment of and trends in the Treatment of Depression analysis of cognitive-
depression treatment of behavioral treatment
depression During the past decade, for depression
Treatment Recurrent there has been an
depression The upsurge in the number of Attribution style was
represents a major pathophysiology of biologically focused highly predictive of both
public health major affective studies of depression. short- and long-term
problem, and the illness is poorly outcomes in the BA
successful long-term condition, but not in the
treatment of CT condition.
individuals who However, several
develop repeated lines of preclinical
episodes of and clinical
depression has evidence indicate
become a high that an
clinical priority. enhancement of 5-
might underlie the
therapeutic effect of
most antidepressant

My Review

Depression is characterized by feelings of extreme despondency and dejection. According to

Wittchen, Knauper, Kessler (2018), over the past decade, major epidemiological studies have
been conducted to determine the prevalence of depressive syndromes, primarily major
depression or dysthymia. . As Robert, Kaplan, Shema, Strawbridge (2000) said that When
obesity and depression were examined prospectively, controlling for other variables, obesity in
1994 predicted depression in 1995 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.73, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.04,
2.87). It is concluded by Manen, Bindels, Dekker, Ijzermans, Zee, Sched (2002) although it has
been repeatedly suggested that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated
with depression, no conclusion has so far been reached. A study was undertaken to investigate
whether depression occurs more often in patients with COPD than in controls. The demographic
and clinical variables associated with depression were also determined. Colleta (1982) A sample
of 75 mothers between 15 and 19 years of age was used to investigate the relationship between
depression and the maternal behavior of young mothers. Comstock, Helsing (2009) argue that
the depressed persons were slightly more common in Kansas City than in Washington County
but within the latter area no urban–rural differences were observed. More depressed persons
were found among blacks than among whites. Kendler, Heath, Martin (1987), says that
the Multivariate genetic analysis shows that genes act largely in a nonspecific way to influence
the overall level of psychiatric symptoms. As Eaton, Kessler (1981) comparison of result is made
with earlier work that use the identical measure of depression in two separate
locales.determinants of the anxiety experienced during nightmares. Nutt, Wilson, Patterson
(2008) links between sleep and depression are strong. About three quarters of depressed
patients have insomnia symptoms, and hypersomnia is present in about 40% of young
depressed adults and 10% of older patients, with a preponderance in females. And Kupfer
(1991) stated that Recurrent depression represents a major public health problem, and the
successful long-term treatment of individuals who develop repeated episodes of depression has
become a high clinical priority. Blier, Montigny (1994) The pathophysiology of major affective
illness is poorly understood. However, several lines of preclinical and clinical evidence indicate
that an enhancement of 5-HT-mediated neurotransmission might underlie the therapeutic effect
of most antidepressant treatments. Then, Lewinsohn (1975) confirmed that during the past
decade, there has been an upsurge in the number of biologically focused studies of depression.

Finally, Gacobson, Dobson, Truax, Addis, Koerner, Gollan, Gortner, Prince (1996) concluded
that attribution style was highly predictive of both short- and long-term outcomes in the BA
condition, but not in the CT condition.

Answer each question intelligently and concisely

1. Describe the behavior of one writing a conceptual framework of the research.

A conceptual framework represents the researchers synthesis of literature on how to

explain a phenomenon.

2. Why should a research be given a conceptual framework?

Conceptual frameworks are particularly useful as organizing devices in empirical

research. They define a conceptual framework as “the way ideas are organized to
achieve a research project purpose”

3. Suppose the research has no conceptual framework, what would the consequences

A research that has no conceptual framework would be a disaster. The purpose of a

conceptual framework is to create a comprehensive understanding of the research
problem and its general objectives.

4. Compare and contrast conceptual and theoretical framework.

The conceptual framework describes the relationship between specific variables

identified in the study.

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