CH13 Assignment

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CH13 Assignment

1. Would you ever want to be president? Why or why not? Is being the president the hardest job
in the world? Why or why not? Personally I would not ever want to be a president, because there
is a lot of responsibilities, It can be a great experience but an stressful job. Being a president is
one of the main hardest jobs in the world because president’s work is to be a commander in chief
of the armed forces, the country's top legislator, and the leader of his political party. His
decisions can inspire peace, can trigger war and change the fate of every nation on earth. Being a
president can change a lot our country, they have to deal with laws every day.

5. Consider the War Powers Act. What are its major components? Is it a good idea; why or why
not? This Federal law provides the President to send US military armed forces into action abroad
by authorization of congress or if the US is under attack or serious threat. I think is a good idea if
there is a serious and big problem in our country.

6. What powers does the vice president have? If you were president, how would you use your
vice president? Would you ever want to be vice president? The vice president presides over
senate and can tie break if there is a tie. Serve as presiding officer of the senate, to vote in the
senate only if the senators be equally divided. If I were a vice president I would Communicate
my ideas clearly, present new concepts or directions, and lead the company with clarity and
transparency. Maybe I would want to be a vice president to help the presidency be better.

7. In what ways can the First Spouse/First Lady help the president? How could the First
Spouse/First Lady hurt the president? What role did Michelle Obama play in the Obama White
House? The first lady help the president by organizing and attending official ceremonies and
functions of state either along with, or in place of, the president. I think that the First lady can
hurt the president by using her influence to affect legislation in some way Michelle Obama take
particular social projects, she spent a lot of time working on the issues of childhood obesity,
girls' education, and military families.

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