Pertanyaan/ Questions: Answer: Them Refers To Horrific Car Crash. Them Refers To The Children

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NIM : 043306922

Kode/ Nama Mata Kuliah : MKW14201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ :

Masa Ujian : 2021/22.1 (2021.2)


a. Those children saw many accidents recently, among others was a horrific car crash. Seeing that
with their own eyes makes them very traumatic.
b. My close friends, Annie and Jhon, love everything that I cook. They just cannot stop eating them
, especially for him who always cleans every crumble on the plate.
c. At first, I could not belive my perents for giving me a free time this weekend. Usually , they
didn’t even give it a thought, and just direcly said no.

Pertanyaan/ Questions

a. Tentukan acuan kata ganti ‘that’ dan ‘them’ padaparagraf A.

Determine what ‘that’ and ‘them’ refer to in paragrf A.
Answer : them refers to horrific car crash. Them refers to the children.
b. Tentukan acuan kata ganti ‘them’ dan ‘him’ pada paragraph B.
Determine what ‘them’ and ‘him’ refer to in paragrf B.
Answer : them refers to foods that I cook. Him refers to free Jhon
c. Tentukan acuan kata ganti ‘they’ dan ‘it’ pada paragraph C.
Determine what ‘they’ and ‘It’ refer to in paragrf C.

Answer : they refers to my parents. It refers to free time to weekend.

2. Tentukanlah Subjek dalam kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini :

Identify the subject of each sentence below:

a. The panda liked to eat a lot bamboo.

Answer : the subject of sentence is the word “PANDA”, The reason why the word “panda” is
subject , because the word panda that is doing the word, meanwhile the word “bamboo” is
the object because is the thing that the action is done.

b. The wildlife needs to be protected.

Answer : the subject of this santace is wildlife because a clause that marks what the speaker
c. How fast can this car run?

Answer : the subject of this santace is “car”, because actors in this study, humans canact as –
apart from being the object of the study.

d. That cat is named Luna.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “cat”

e. Why do those students always prank the teachers?

Answer : the subject of sentence is “those students”

3 Tentukanlah Subjek dalam kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini :

Identify the subject of each sentence below:

a. The dentist whom I met last night was arrested for embezzlement.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “ dentist”

b. The man running away from the police was in fact the dentist.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “ The Dentist”

c. The woman dressing like cinderella look very talented.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “The woman”

d. The class we attended last Friday was very interesting.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “we”

e. The air conditioner you bought last week doesn’t work now.

Answer : the subject of sentence is “You”

4. Asteroid are rocks in space thet never quite made it as planets. (1) astronomers think that our solar
system began as a cloud of gas and dust. Gravity pulled parts of the cloud together to make the sun and
nine planets. Astronomers think that the asteroids formed in that cloud but never grew large enough to
be planets.

There are thousand of asteroids, and they come in all sizes. The biggnest asteroid ever found is called
cares. Cares is more than 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) wide. (2) Astronomers have found about 200
asteroids that are more than 60 miles (100 kilometers) across. All the other asteroids are much smaller.
Some are only a few feet wide.

Astronomers wonder if once there were just a few big asteroids. (3) The big asteroids may have crashed
into each other. The crashes would have broken them into smaller pieces, making all the asteroids we
see today.

Some asteroids are round. Some asteroids are long and bumpy. Some asteroids even have tiny moons
going around them. Asteroids go around, or orbit, the sun just like planets. Most asteroids orbit in the
asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is father out from the sun then eart’s orbit. It lies between the orbits of
the planets mars and Jupiter. (4) Somethimes asteroids change orbit and move out of the asteroid belt.
These asteroid cross the orbit of planets as the planets go around the sun. a few cross Earth’s orbit.

Sumber :Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corprorations . All rights reserved.

Based on the text above, identify:

1. Predicate of the underline santace (1)!

Answer : Predicate of the underline santace (1) Is “think”

2. Predicate of the underline santace (2)!

Answer : Predicate of the underline santace (2) Is “have found”

3. Predicate of the underline santace (3)!

Answer : Predicate of the underline santace (3) Is “my have crashed”

4. Predicate of the underline santace (4)!

Answer : Predicate of the underline santace (4) Is “change”

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