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F. Convertino et al.

Building and Environment 177 (2020) 106875

Fig. 1. Experimental set up: south facing wall with relevant dimensions (in meters) and sensors positions (red crosses). From left to right: bare wall, covered wall
with plants in pots and covered wall with plants rooted directly into the ground. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

Among the detailed models, the following were applied. Based on considering two different envelope solutions: the green façade system
these, εsky was evaluated and Rsky was calculated by Eq. (2): and the bare wall used as control. Three different layers were considered
for the radiative exchange: the bare wall (BW), the green layer (GL) and
Dilley and O’Brien model the covered wall (CW) behind the plants in the GF system (Fig. 1). LWIR
A parametrization of the downward clear sky LWIR radiation in radiation at the external surface of the BW and of the CW and on both the
terms of temperature and precipitable water was provided by Dilley and surfaces of the GL were analysed. Incoming and outgoing energy fluxes
O’Brien [46] (Eq. (A.6) - Appendix A). This model includes the dominant were evaluated. For the external surface of BW and GL the sources of
emission processes by water vapour and carbon dioxide. Because the incoming LWIR radiation are the sky and the ground. The external
dominant contribution to the irradiance comes from the water vapour surface of the CW exchanges energy only with the internal surface of the
and with smaller and constant contributions from carbon dioxide and GL.
ozone, the authors introduced the grey optical thickness (τ). In this paper, attention was focused on the definition of each single
Prata model contribution to the LWIR exchanges occurring on the vertical surfaces.
A simple exponential model to calculate the clear εsky, depending on The main difficulties in quantification of LWIR radiations on these
the air temperature and on the water vapour pressure, was proposed by surfaces are the configuration factors calculation and the sky radiation
Prata [47] (Eq. (A.9) – Appendix A). The formula (Eq. (A.9)) was modelling.
extensively tested using a set of long-wave observations gleaned from Calculations were carried out to determine the configuration factor
the literature, considering a large range of environmental temperatures. related to the radiation from the ground to the vertical surfaces.
Prata [47] highlighted that it would be desirable a model taking into Nine sky models, which quantify LWIR sky radiation, were applied
consideration the absorption by the main gases in the long-wave band, and assessed. The calculated data were compared with the LWIR radi­
such as water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone, and the effects of other ation data measured by a pyrgeometer. Statistical indices were used to
trace gases and aerosols. However, in order to obtain an expression easy find out the best fitting model.
to use, he preferred that it relies only on conventional estimates of
temperature and humidity. It was also believed that assuming a constant
mixing ratio of carbon dioxide did not affect the accuracy of the 3.1. Experimental set up
Brutsaert model Experimental data concerning the bare and the covered wall were
A simple equation to compute downward LWIR radiation under clear collected and implemented in calculation and model assessment.
skies was derived analytically by Brutsaert [48] (Eq. (A.10) - Appendix The experimental data were collected during a measurement
A). This formulation was obtained by a direct solution of the governing campaign started in 2018 and still in progress at the experimental centre
Schwarzschild transfer equation, under nearly standard atmospheric of the University of Bari, in Valenzano (Italy). The experimental site has
conditions. It does not require empirical parameters to be applied and latitude 41� 010 N, longitude 16� 540 E and altitude 124 m a.s.l. The site
can be simply adjusted to account for changes in climatic and atmo­ is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, classified as Cfa (mild
spheric conditions. temperate with humid and hot summer) according to Ko €ppen-Geiger
ISO 52016-1 model climate classification. The experimental set up consists of a block, with a
When the sky temperature is not available from climatic data, EN ISO 4.20 m � 1.50 m rectangular plan, simulating a real building equipped
52016–1 [36] suggests calculating it depending on the climatic area in with a green façade. The energy behaviour of the south facing wall of the
which the building is located. The Standard allows to distinguish be­ block was studied. It was realized in order to simulate the most wide­
tween sub-polar, tropical and temperate or intermediate areas. For each spread type of buildings external envelope in the Mediterranean region
climatic area, the difference between the external air temperature and [49]. It is 2.00 m high and was made of hollow bricks, arranged with
the sky temperature is defined. Eq. (A.11) (Appendix A) is used in case of horizontal holes and held together with cement mortar. It was
temperate areas. completed with a white plaster external finishing.
The south-facing wall was divided into three parts with embedded
3. Materials and methods extruded polystyrene panels between the three wall sections; two of
these three parts were equipped with vertical greening, the third was left
LWIR energy exchange outside the building was studied by bare as control (Fig. 1). The double-skin green façade was chosen as
technological green solution. It was realized by putting in front of the

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