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F. Convertino et al.

Building and Environment 177 (2020) 106875

Fig. B.3. Scheme for the calculation of the configuration factor for the “rectangle to rectangle” case.

The criteria to find the searched d value was the convergence of the term Fg-vs⋅Ag/Avs calculated as a function of d. The configuration factor was
calculated for the case of “rectangle to rectangle”, where all boundaries are parallel or perpendicular to x and ξ boundaries (Fig. B3) [66,67]. From the
definition of the configuration factor we have:
cos θ1 cos θ2
Ag Fg vs ¼ dAg dAvs (B.5)
π s2
Avs Ag

where: Ag and Avs [m2] are the two perpendicular rectangles, ϑ1 and ϑ2 [� ] are the angles relative to surfaces normal and s [m] is the distance between
the two surfaces.
In the case of perpendicular plates:

s2 ¼ x2 þ ðy ηÞ2 þ ξ2 (B.6)

cos θ1 ¼ ξ=s (B.7)

cos θ2 ¼ x=s (B.8)

where: x, y, η and ξ [m] are the Cartesian coordinates of the two surfaces.
Substituting Eqs. (B.6), (B.7) and (B.8) in Eq. (B.5):
1 xξ
Gðx; y; η; ξÞ ¼ dxdyd ηdξ (B.9)
π ½x2 þ ξ2 þ ðy ηÞ2 �2
ξ η y x

The four integrations allow to write the integration function as:

� �
1 �1=2 1 2 � � � � ��
G¼ ðy ηÞ x2 þ ξ2 tan 1 ðKÞ x þ ξ2 1 K 2 ln x2 þ ξ2 1 þ K 2 (B.10)
2π 4
. �1=2
where K ¼ ðy ηÞ x 2 þ ξ2 (B.11)

The evaluation of the configuration factor can be obtained by performing a series of additions:

1 2 X
X 2 X
2 X
� ��
Fg vs ¼ ð 1ÞðiþjþkþlÞ G xi ; yj ; ηk ; ξl (B.12)
ðx2 x1 Þðy2 y1 Þ l¼1 k¼1 j¼1 i¼1

Eq. (B.12) was applied by making y1 coordinate coincide with η2 position, and varying y2 from y1þ1 m to y1þ50 m, with steps of 1 m, as Ag size
increases. The w value was set equal to 12 m.


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