Proiettietal JHortSciBiotech 2004

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The effect of growing spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) at two light intensities on
the amounts of oxalate, ascorbate and nitrate in their leaves

Article  in  Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology · July 2004

DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2004.11511814


58 1,557

5 authors, including:

Simona Proietti Stefano Moscatello

Italian National Research Council Italian National Research Council


Giuseppe Colla Alberto Battistelli

Tuscia University Italian National Research Council


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Vegetable grafting for abiotic stress tolerance View project

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Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology (2004) 79 (4) 606–609

The effect of growing spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) at two light

intensities on the amounts of oxalate, ascorbate and nitrate in their


Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Viale Marconi,
2, 05010 Porano (TR) Italy
Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Via S. Camillo de Lellis,
01100 Viterbo (VT) Italy
(e-mail: (Accepted 14 March 2004)

The effect of growing spinach at two light intensities on the content of oxalate, ascorbate and nitrate in their leaves
was determined. Plants were grown for five weeks in a growth cabinet under a 10 h light/14 h dark photoperiod and a
photon flux density of either 800 or 200 µmol quanta m–2 s–1. The content of oxalate, ascorbate and nitrate in the fourth
and fifth fully expanded true leaves was then determined at three times during the photoperiod. Spinach plants grown
at the lower light intensity showed decreased growth, a decreased leaf area per plant and an increased shoot to root
ratio. Leaves from plants grown under low light contained less ascorbate but more oxalate and nitrate. Our data show
that the nutritional quality of spinach is thereby decreased by growth in low light intensities and suggest that the
content of oxalic acid in leaves may depend on the rate of its catabolism.

S pinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a widely grown

commercial crop used both fresh and after
processing. In terms of nutritional value, spinach is a
content (Zimmermann, 1966; Kawazu et al., 2003). In
commercial production the light intensity under which
spinach is grown differs because it is cultivated in a wide
good source of minerals and vitamins, especially ascorbic range of geographic regions, at different times of the year
acid (vitamin C) (Kawazu et al., 2003), however, it can and both in the field and greenhouse.
contain harmful substances such as nitrate (Gangolli Although the effect of growing plants at different light
et al., 1994) and oxalate (Kawazu et al., 2003) amounts of intensities on their content of ascorbate and nitrate has
which are altered by growth conditions. Dietary oxalate been subject to much study (Gaudreau et al., 1995;
is a health hazard for humans (Holmes and Kennedy, Dapoigny et al., 2000; Toledo et al., 2003, and references
2000; Stevenson et al., 2003) since it can lead to the therein), less is known about how this affects oxalate
formation of calcium oxalate urinary stones (Siener content (Zimmermann, 1966; Franceschi and Horner,
et al., 2002; Siener et al., 2003) and it can impair the 1980; Libert and Franceschi, 1987).
uptake of iron and calcium from food in the gut (Kawazu The aims of this work were, first, to evaluate how
et al., 2003; Hodgkinson, 1981). These effects of oxalate growing spinach at different light intensities alters the
can be partially counteracted by the presence of leaf content of oxalate, ascorbate and nitrate. This was
ascorbate in foodstuffs (Siener et al., 2003). done in growth cabinets to reduce the effect of variables
In plants, oxalic acid is synthesized from ascorbic acid, such as temperature. Secondly, to evaluate whether the
which in turn, is made from glucose (Smirnoff, 1996; oxalate content of leaves is linked to their nitrate and
Loewus, 1999). Oxalic acid synthesis is also associated ascorbate contents.
with the reduction of nitrate to ammonium in leaves, to
counteract the alkalinity produced by this process
(Davies, 1986). Rinallo and Modi (2002) found this to MATERIALS AND METHODS
occur in kiwifruit. Oxalic acid can be catabolized in Plant material and growth conditions
plants by oxalate oxidase (EC which oxidizes it Spinach seeds (‘Gigante d’Inverno’) were sown in
to 2CO2 and H2O2 (Loewus, 1999). perlite in 1 l plastic pots (three seeds per pot). Pots were
The content of oxalate in vegetables can be affected placed in a growth cabinet (Fitotron SGD170 Sanyo
by cultivation practices. For example, nitrate-based Gallenkamp UK) under a 10 h light/14 h dark
fertilizers often lead to an higher oxalate content in crops photoperiod. Photon flux density was 200 µmol quanta
than ammonium-based fertilizers (Libert and m–2 s–1 (at a wavelength of 400–700 nm). Temperature
Franceschi, 1987; Rinallo and Modi, 2002). In Tetragonia was 25 ± 0.5°C during the light period and 20 ± 0.5°C
tetragonioides both plant age and salinity affect oxalate during the dark period. Relative humidity was 70% and
content (Ahmed and Johnson, 2000). In spinach, both the CO2 concentration 360 ppm. After expansion of the
time of sowing and variety were found to affect oxalate cotyledons, pots were placed at either 800 µmol quanta
m–2 s–1 or 200 µmol quanta m–2 s–1 for the high and low
*Author for correspondence. light treatment respectively. Plants were supplied with a

full nutrient solution (Edward and Walker, 1983) Statistical analysis

containing: 5 mM NH4NO3, 4 mM CaCl2, 1 mM K2SO4, Statistical analysis was done by ANOVA using the
1.3 mM NaH2PO4.H2O, 1.5 mM MgSO4.H2O and 2 µM STATISTICA software package (StatSoft for Windows,
Mn SO4, Zn SO4, Cu SO4, 1 µM NaMoO4, 100 µM H3BO3, 1998). Growth characteristics were analysed by one-way
0.4 µM Co(NO3).6H2O, 200 µM NaCl and 1 µM EDTA, analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data on oxalate,
with pH of 6.5 and EC 1.7 mS cm–1. EC was maintained ascorbate and nitrate content were analysed using two-
at 1.7 ± 0.1 mS cm–1 by watering daily each pot with 1 l of way ANOVA, with the TIME of sampling and LIGHT
distilled water, which was allowed to drain off, and then intensity as factors. Differences between averages were
with 1 l of nutrient solution, which was also allowed to tested by a LSD test for a significance level of P = 0.05.
drain away.

Sampling and analysis RESULTS

Five weeks after germination, 12 plants from each Growing spinach plants at different light intensities
treatment were used for analysis. Leaf area was measured had a marked effect on their development. At the lower
using an area meter (Delta-T Devices Ltd, UK). Shoots light intensity both dry and fresh weight and leaf area
and roots were separated and fresh weights measured. were reduced (Table I). This is probably because at low
The tissues were then placed in an oven at 80°C until dry light, photosynthesis was reduced (data not shown). The
and the dry weights were then noted. The nitrate, structure of the plants was also different. Under low
ascorbate and oxalate content of the fourth and fifth fully light, leaves were thinner as shown by a decrease in
expanded leaves were determined for freshly harvested specific leaf dry weight (SLDW, Table I). In addition,
material. This was done for leaves collected at the end of plants grown under low light possessed a higher shoot:
the dark period and after 4 h and 8 h of the light period. root ratio (Table I).
To determine nitrate content, five leaves from different The amounts of ascorbate, oxalate and nitrate in
plants were harvested, and after measurement of fresh leaves were also affected by the intensity of light the
weight, were freeze-dried to constant weight. The dry
material was then ground to a fine powder in a mortar
and 10 mg of the powder was extracted by placing in 2 ml
of water at 70°C for 40 min. After centrifugation at 12000
g for 5 min, the supernatant was used for determination
of nitrate content by an enzymatic assay (Beutler and
Wurst, 1986). Ascorbic acid content was determined using
four leaf discs each of area 1.3 cm2. Each disc was taken
from a different plant, immediately frozen and then
stored in liquid nitrogen until required. Discs were
ground using a glass-glass homogenizer containing 1.5 ml
of 10% (w/v) TCA, and then centrifuged at 12000 g for 15
min. Reduced ascorbate (AsA), oxidized ascorbate
(dehydroascorbate, DAsA) and total ascorbate (AsA +
DAsA), in the supernatant were measured using a
colorimetric assay (Kampfenkel et al., 1995). For each
sample, DAsA was calculated as the difference between
total ascorbate (after reduction of DAsA with 2 mM
dithiothreitol) and reduced ascorbate. For the
determination of oxalic acid, four spinach leaves, each
from a different plant, were harvested and reduced to a
fine powder by grinding in liquid nitrogen using a mortar
and pestle. Then, 150 mg of powder was mixed with 1.5 ml
of distilled water and the pH adjusted to 2.8 with 1 N
HCl. The mixture was then placed at 50°C for 15 min.
Further extraction steps, and the determination of oxalic
acid content by enzymatic assay, were as described by
Beutler et al. (1980).

Characteristics of spinach plants grown at high and low light. Each value
is the mean of 12 replicates (for 12 different plants). For all variables the
F test (ANOVA) was statistically significant (P=0.05) FIG. l
Ascorbate (A, B), oxalate (C, D) and nitrate (E, F) contents of spinach
Light intensity leaves. Leaves were sampled three times during the photoperiod and
(µmol quanta m–2 s–1) under two light intensities (see Materials and Methods). The F tests
200 800 (ANOVA) for the interaction TIME of the day  LIGHT intensity and
Plant fresh weight (g plant–1) 3.7 11.2 for the factor TIME were not statistically significant, hence averages of
Plant dry weight (g plant–1) 0.5 1.2 the factor TIME (panel A, C and E) and of the factor LIGHT intensity
Leaf area (LA) (cm2 plant–1) 52 123 (panels B, D and F) are reported separately. The F test (ANOVA) for
Specific leaf dry weight (SLDW)(mg cm–2) 5.3 6.6 the factor LIGHT intensity was statistically significant for all three
Shoot to root ratio 5.6 3.2 compounds. Differences between averages were tested by LSD test
for P = 0.05.
608 Light and oxalate content of spinach

plants were grown under (Figure 1). Leaves of plants degradation on the control of oxalate content in spinach.
grown at high light contained more ascorbate but less Oxalate can be produced by non-enzymatic cleavage of
nitrate than those from plants grown under low light. ascorbic acid in the presence of free radicals (Saito, 1995;
These differences were maintained throughout the Keats et al., 2000). It is unlikely that this pathway of
photoperiod (Figure 1). In low-light grown plants, oxalate production was increased under low light. First,
ascorbate content was about half that of leaves from because the amount of free radicals is expected to be low
plants grown under high light (Figure 1B). On the other in light limited leaves (Horemans et al., 2000). Secondly,
hand, the content of oxalate was about 25% lower in because the redox state of the ascorbate pool, which
leaves of plants grown under high light (Figure 1D), and decreases when ascorbic acid is rapidly oxidized by free
nitrate was about 65% lower (Figure 1F). The average radicals (Potters et al., 2002, Luwe et al., 1993 and
redox state of the ascorbate pool (AsA/DAsA+AsA) in Takahama, 1993), was high and similar in leaves grown
all leaves was about 89% and there was no significant under the two light intensities. It has been proposed that
difference between the treatments (data not shown). one reason that oxalic acid is synthesized in leaves is that
Statistical analysis showed no significant interaction this neutralizes alkalinity produced by the reduction of
between the two factors TIME and LIGHT intensity nitrate into amino acids (Davies, 1986; Rinallo and Modi,
(Figure 1A, 1C, 1E), and no significant effects of the 2002). However, in low light, nitrate reduction rate is
factor TIME for the content of ascorbate, oxalate and lower than in high light (Gaudreau et al., 1995; Dapoigny
nitrate in leaves. et al., 2000; Lillo, 1994). In accordance, nitrate content
was higher in low light grown leaves than in high light
grown ones. Furthemore, Sugiyama and Okutani (1996)
DISCUSSION did not find a link between nitrate reduction and oxalate
Other authors have reported the effect of light synthesis in the short term in spinach leaves. It is then
intensity on oxalate accumulation in plants (Loewus, unlikely that the high content of oxalic acid found in low
1999). However, studies such as this one, in which light light grown spinach leaves was determined by an
intensity is carefully controlled throughout growth, and increase of its production linked to ascorbate or nitrate
interactions with other factors such as nutrition or metabolism. In the past it was assumed that oxalic acid
temperature are reduced, have not been done. was an end product of metabolism with little turnover
Zimmermann (1966), for example, found a variation of (Franceschi and Horner, 1980), but it is now known that
oxalate content in spinach sown at different times during it can be degraded by oxalate oxidase, whose activity is
the year and fed different amounts and types of enhanced by high light (Loewus, 1999). It is then possible
nitrogenous fertilizer. However, he could not separate that growth under low light can influence the content of
clearly the effects of all the factors that changed during oxalic acid by affecting the control of its degradation
the experiment such as temperature, photoperiod and more than that of its synthesis.
water availability. Sugiyama and Okutani (1996) found a Our results establish a direct and unequivocal effect
decrease of oxalate in leaves of spinach kept in the light of growth light intensity on the amount of oxalic acid in
with respect to leaves kept in the dark. However their spinach, and emphasize the importance of the growth
experiments were done with detached leaves over a light intensity on the nutritional quality of spinach with
short period of 4 h. respect not only to the amount of ascorbate and nitrate
The results obtained in this study show that growing but also to the content of oxalate. Our data also suggest
spinach plants at different light intensities alters the that more studies are required to investigate the role of
plants in a physiological way. The light intensities were the physiological, biochemical and molecular control of
chosen so as to be in the range not too far from that oxalate catabolism in regulating oxalate accumulation
likely to be encountered by plants grown commercially, in leaves.
then our results are applicable to plant produced in the
field or greenhouse. This is confirmed by the fact that The authors are indebted to Dr. Rob Walker and to
spinach plants acclimated to the low light intensity by Prof. Francesco Saccardo for critical revision of the
altering their structure as expected in response to light manuscript, and to Giovanni De Simone for excellent
limited photosynthesis (Poorter and Nagel, 2000). technical assistance. This work was supported by a PhD
Contents of ascorbic acid, nitrate and oxalate under studentship award to Simona Proietti by the Università
the two light regime suggest a role for the oxalate degli Studi della Tuscia-Viterbo, Italy.

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