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How to calculate Driver Number (Moolank)…?

Sum total of DATE on which you are born. Reduce to a single digit.

For Example :

Amit’s Date of birth (DOB) is – 23/04/1988

The Sum of birthdate – 2+3 = 5, So Driver no of amit is - 5

How to calculate Conductor Number (Bhagyank)…?

Sum total of whole Date of birth (Date+Month+Year)

For Example :

Amit’s Date of birth (DOB) is – 23/04/1988

Date: 2+3 = 5

Month: 0+4 = 4

Year: 1+9+8+8 = 26, 2+6= 8

Conductor is 5+4+8= 17, 1+7= 8

How to calculate Kua Number…?

For Male – (11-) Elevan minus Sum total Year of the birth to a single digit.

For Females – (4+) Four Plus Sum total Year of the birth to a single digit.

Amit’s Kua no is – 1+9+8+8 = 26, 2+6= 8

11 – (8) = 3

Amit’s Kua No is 3

There is a grid, called Loshu-Grid, The general placement of number in

the grid is –

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

There are 8 Planes (YOGAS) in the Grid.

4, 9, 2 – Mental Plane

- (Very Sharp Memory and Very Intelligent)

4, 3, 8 – Thought Plane

- (Visualisation Power is very strong)

- Prudent

9, 5, 1 – Will Plane

- Will power is very strong

- Can adjust with any situation

2, 7, 6 – Action Plane

- A person with action

- Quick approch

8, 1, 6 – Practical Plane

- A man with practical approach towards anything.

- Going into the depth of anything
3, 5, 7 – Emotional Plane

- Very Emotional
- Heart rules over the head.

4, 5, 6 – Success Plane 1st (Raj Yog)

- Progress after the birth of a child

2, 5, 8 – Success Plane 2nd (Raj Yog) Earth Element

- Property Line , Real State Property

- Stability

On the basis of loshu grid we prepare the Numeroscope of Amit.

D – 5 (Driver)

C – 8 (Conductor)

K – 3 (Kua)

4 9 2

33 5

8 1

Note: Don’t Place the driver number again when it is an outcome of any single
digit LIKE: *1, 2…, 9] OR [10, 20, 30]

For example: 05/04/2009



K = 11-2 = 9

4 99 22

Here 5, once Placed has not been placed again as a driver number.
The important lotteries in a date of birth are Driver & Conductor number.

When they are compatible Favourabe and Auspicious life becomes successful.

But sometimes when they are unfavourable / incompatible / inauspicious the

track of life gets weak.


The key role is played by driver and conductor, but sometimes Kua no becomes a
game changer.

For Example :

Anil Kohli


D=4 4 9 2

C=2 3 5

K=5 8 11 6

Here kua no is ‘5’ is a game

Changer because it is completing [ 4, 5, 6] Plane – Success Plane 1st (Raj

Numero Class 1 .pdf



[2, 5, 8] Plane - Success Plane 2nd (Earth Element)

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