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C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Gaia ert AW AMW/To be filled by the candidate) vttat BT ATH/Name of Examination : ayfat FT ATETH/Medium of the Exam + STAT HTT wert GENERAL STUDIES Paper—I i Pratt ana: ft ae ornate : 250 Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 art GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS . jee reear-aae (raga) fier s6i4 ge Ey yftrer wer AAR aoe are Foe we wie ae a AE TT agi FR ge ea glee ear yer Gar aeaT HE Ges sera we Ma a AT Ry Ber aT A Pea Sone we agg are ee ‘This Question-eum-Answer (QCA) Booklet contains S6+4 pages. Imm check that this QCA booklet does not have any misprint or torn or mi replaced by a fresh QCA booklet. Saiere wat me sue WS, Wye et ame get we Re we sgh a enamine a1 Candidates must read the instructions on’ this page and the following pages carefully before attempting the paper. ately on receipt of the booklet, please Pages or items, ete. If so, get it anit weit & see satrart wr a Prater orgeei ® organ, yd yPRerer Hwee er FAR weer fe are ars ah Peek) arate earn ae Farah are are fore aHE ote wert ae Roar a wae BL Candidates should attempt all questions striely in accordance with the specified instructions and in the space prescribed under each question in the booklet Any answer written outside the space allotted may not be given credit. Serna, wahie pferer afer HF ators @ ite Ge ater fee ar meme (Perit) By ae weer seca, WaT ware BF & sect oreo we TT ATF oT THT FI Guest Paper in detachable form ts avalable atthe end ofthe QCA booklet and can be removed and then by 1e candidates after conclusion of the exam. (saticare arr wt a & fe) (To be filled by candidates) agente seregferet wr dear ROLL NO. Anewer Book Seriat No, P9482 fer 1 an [ safer we eer aot Har oa NAME OF EXAMINATION yferar % sera at ferar ore | [ Above SL. No. should not be written in the Table or SUBJECT/PAPER anywhere else in the Answer Book | (often ara at art & fat) (To be filled by Supervisor) safeafa a: fProe we. Attendance No. Invigilator’s Sign, qn ' (SPECIMEN) fant Instructions sofeare Previfir stat at orngie a1 Pee of sgt or sedar AA A RaW es fe aT wear a1 HOULD READ MENTIONED INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PENALTY. waa et 1 gftear tee ef aw a gaat seers oer weT-ae-oee yt FT wera 3 faq my ‘waa! BAT feet oh am Beemer 7 aT at 1 WeT-Ae-THC Geter S here a A we Fo anafan wee F afar |e 7 fe orth sr-aeaee gaa YF eT az we) aR oat on ef a ys ae ea we aA aftern/Prterr a aftr FEL Peter ee A game ger-or seer Bee oe qe a RA gee aw Prater wre HF Pee seh verano goa Zar oC 7 OR shen wre AFF are we Pree A ate ZI NT Do not write your name or roll number or St. No. of Question-cum-Answer booklet anywhere inside this Booklet. Do not sign the “Letter Writing” questions, if set in any paper by name, nor append your roll number to it. Do not write anything other than the actual answers to the questions anywhere inside your Question-cum-Ancwer Booklet. Do not tear off any leaves from your Question-cum-Answer Booklet, if you find any page missing, do not fail the Supervisor/Invigilator. Do not write anything on the question paper available in detachable form or admission certificate and write answers at the specified space only. Do not leave behind your Question-cum-Answer Bocket on you able matznded, it shoul! be handed over to the invigilator after conclusion of the exam. C-AVZ-O-FTTZ ae aa are yer ys ve Ree age wer we yam Foe PS Te aT eae & Rae Re me ts wat at orgie ste ere sega wt 2, seraesae Rom F ge pe ge ve Ae Me GT oer orga cer arr Rarer Pre 3. rere AR gere TA gene aeeT WA Ree aT wa a we A ver Ton wPL 4. Fed Real (ow ae) oer tera (Forgan) Bre ee gf Fifer Sere ge wr wor fer arr afte) Fah Rewhat at ate Home FI 5. aR ary awd Rea sere AE CT aR at wR Aa Te atte ge ae ee" Ker Bare SRT EAT fear ar wear 1 6. ser wer TIT A ed see were grr ae eT A Peer A ey BH Do's 1. _ Read the instructions on the cover page and the instructions specific to this question paper and mentioned on next page of this booklet carefully and strictly follow them. 2. Write your roll number and other particulars, in the space provided on the cover of the Question-cum-Answer Booklet. 3. Write legibly and neatly. Do not write in bad/illegible handwriting. 4. For rough notes or calculations the last two blank pages of this booklet should be used. The rough notes should be crossed through afterwards. 5. Ifyou wish to cancel any work, draw your pen through it or write “Cancelled” across it, otherwise it may be valued. 6. Hand over your Question-cum-Answer Booklet personally to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall (a etre arr wer ae) (For filling by Examiners only) we) gee] ae a renee Be) yee | ae a 1Q.No. | Pageno. | starts | Total Signature | No. | Page No. | Marks | Tota! 1 5 u | 30 2 7 2 {| 32 3 10 B | 35 4 12 a . a7 | 4s a | 2 13 | 47, 9 | 2s : 9 | 50 10 [27 fo] ara at GRAND TOTAL C-AVZ-O-FTTZ GENERAL STUDIES Paper—I Pratta aaa: dt ae aT HF : 250 Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 wees & fem faire ager rar weit ar gee 23 & yk Presi ante ogter a erage WF: sat de ver & cer Ree ote aide att H ot #y wot wea aPranf &1 che ver Baim sad arate me oad & aere aah mromn FARA art ae war arte ae waer-we fran mar 8 athe ee ATE ar ane aed ver-as-sere (aqehe,) gra # geese oe sifer Pree: eat oe fear ara TeCY after remy % fafa ara Preh aromor Y-RAY Me gee Te ATE si oF AR weit ¥ wer din, wel ffir 8 ar agro fra ar aeT) ser-ae-sae-gftrer # ari gist gar yes ar awe on ene wT A wer WTA TT) QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are TWENTY questions printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. All the questions are compulsory. The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given ‘for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. COAVZ-O-FTTZ Prafatat wate wer wr See 200 wrod & sew ae Star The) wee faeare A ater write fo aarhg after weep 81 wt yet B sie wat FI Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. All questions carry equal marks. 12%x20=250 Qi [are a weit wean, Pra, fetter ote fe at wera a, ar are A Ara fe areca someday A veer rer cen vier Ee Ar oReRert wT re BY Rec A ‘The ancient civilization in Indian sub-continent differed from those of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece in that its culture and traditions have been preserved without a breakdown [SPECIMEN nanan * (SPECIMEN jester a jer ite, Jae freer jst, Candidates must not write on this margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ ee af Ree [Canduates must not write on this margin Q2 apa AR comment, C-AVZ-O-FTTZ ‘erat # nom Rrarwer a Aaa ga aS alepite ler A, an oryhte Rracao & qartia oftepe died-adia a of, VARS wed 817 xe Roh an rants Mesolithic rock cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a fine aesthetic sense comparable to modern painting. Critically evaluate this on this margin 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Candidates C-AVZ-O-FTIZ - [SPECIMEN {SPECIMEN} le Rea 3 |aeremr ai & Rear rer A eaetzaT a sa Porth fer ge at 7 aah AAR [stent voting, How different would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma {ya tren Gandhi ? Discuss. 12% ete Candidates must not write on this margin C-AVZ-O-FTIZ = G-AVZ-O-FTTZ seta ar es rg % et Fe Candidates must not write on this margin SPECIMEN Q.4 [smard garni site corfita & HAS sage, wera widh oe BT. ane, weasHT FT aed A tend a GH aA wer oT) ee FT had a common goal of amelioration of the downtrodden. Elucidate. C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, despite having divergent approaches and strategies, 12% sotert a fer i, 3 [ae freer Candidates must not write on this marin Candidates a nat write on this marsin ol [SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Feces Q.5 fea are & faq afters ar ater dae at at H dae aA F Crete ah a wef wer aera & fq wer Aer, wR sak wa aa acare SBA, 1935 F aret args aa star at aA It would have been difficult for the Constituent Assembly to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India in just three years but for the experience gained with the Government of India Act, 1935. Discuss. 12% (SPECIMEN SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ saheat ee er rg [att fee Candicates ust not write on this marsia C-AVZ-O-FTIZ SPECIMEN ro ae, [Candidates nus not write on this margin Q.6 fam aren oT fe stents aft adver Gave Huet ht? stehfee F che wel F aot a Sear ae wat aaa) area A afar Fo ster-qoer F ara ae fa ga gata 2? Why did the industrial revolution first occur in England ? Discuss the quality of life of the people there during the industrialization. How does it compare with that in India at present ? 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ ! C-AVZ-O-FTTZ sein a fx tig, a fer candidates must not write om this margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ SPECIMEN Q.7 [fer ater ee oe A at ee Gat wr ere wT aT Rare See oT AHT BP [ete waritarers af 81 fa ter To what extent can Germany be held responsible for causing the two World Wars ? |=ite Discuss critically. 18 | asta st ot write oan = C-AVZ-O-FTIZ 20 jae a few wire, Jae fer had on this margin SPECIMEN eee, C-AVZ-O-FITZ a Q.8 [area # faftuer F at are aiepite aca wm at ABA stk ww ude weary Prafr 3 garde afte weca ar qa Prefer afifeet Describe any four cultural elements of diversity in India and rate their relative significance in building a national identity. 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 2 ar fe mine 3 Jae freer jw, candidates mast not write on tis margin (C-AVZ-O-FTTZ SPECIMEN] z AT at is margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ SPECIMEN ai PAY Bak Q.9 |aateagis stem ABS Pe aa ag gf water Pera ar ger sre 8 om Pe Pda sae gfe a ger wen 81 Critically examine whether growing population is the cause of poverty OR poverty is the main cause of population increase in India, 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 28, setrens a fem flr, ae Fc ste, Candidates must ot write on this margin ou this margin SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 26 SPECIMEN Q 1olary sa siesta fra gare ome aed @, a cafe @ fe art F oranda frgae, C-AVZ-O-FTTZ aafre aise Fade mega F yaaa, wens Btn orpE Fi How do you explain the statistics that show that the sex ratio in Tribes in India is more favourable to women than the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes ? 12% phen ber ei Pet fear [Canaigates must not write on this margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ SPECIMEN [SPECIMEN] 4 C-AVZ-O-FTTZ jahenit a fe fing, 3 ft Fee ae, candisates must not write on this margin Q. [Ree are weet Rarer F shar ate oer F are shee wae at wah F vee ed ac wat aha 1 four decades. SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 4 12% fe fi, faa fer Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last |= Candidates must not write on this margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Q 12) ara F afeersit a teen # aa A TeIEHE yaa a wal AA! G-AVZ-O-4FTIZ Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India. 12% sahert & ee, [ae feet Candidates rust not write on his margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ B C-AVZ-O-FTTZ rc cidates i on his margin 13] ge ve wae AAA Fe gar atte Pre gare after orearT eeit) ara aha [teat cafe fart a for ® anf wea By eee Debate the issue of whether and how contemporary movements for assertion of Dalit |-weq identity work towards annihilation of caste. 124 | anaites me twee ons margin C-AVZ-O-FTIZ 3B C-AVZ-O-FTIZ SPECIMEN SPECTRA a 0. 14fserertt ere a seater & aercendh at A ewe AE) FAR says, ey sat aor ataet at fra vere wont welt 7 Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing and navigation ? 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 1 SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ C-AVZ-O-FTIZ aiaé, ech atte atverar Be Ge Rae tae, aeg Ret F ag ye, oy a [att * amet # gaat ® wel street area Bi gaa gar are? eee Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata are the threé mega cities of the country but the air pollution |= is much more serious problem in Delhi as compared to the other two. Why is this so ? (SPECIMEN! Candidates 12% | must not write on his margin C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 49 (C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 4 Q. 16st sears (he sex) Ta A Gar 21 arse Them wT fe aT rer 2 fi area eat qrayqe wera & ata 21 from water scarcity. prECiMEN C-AVZ-O-FTIZ 2 India is well endowed with fresh water resources. Critically examine why it still suffers 12% [SPECIMEN] C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 8 "‘IMEN ISPEC C-AVZ-O-FTTZ Q.17pafer a ateat & aren omy ote are, eae wee ate gees F wer aft ofan meer armor a atonal wm eae 2 encores aie A ‘The states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are reaching the limits of their ecological carrying capacity due to tourism. Critically evaluate. 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ setts a fe re, af reer aad candidates must not write on eis margin G-AVZ-O-FTIZ SPECIMEN] SPECIME Q 18 ary wet aa wert & A arTaard gery SF preor sehr arTET F sree F wheats ara tet @ 2 wat aA How far do you agree that the behaviour of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes ? Discuss. 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 41 C-AVZ-0-FTTZ [SPECIMEN] C-AVZ-O-FITZ SPECIMEN [SPECIMEN] a ¢ an ‘ora Home are ware vist & fear vie adh we wae BV oftearda usta A youth Foe wer oe wef AA Smart cities in India cannot sustain without smart villages. Discuss this statement in the 12% backdrop of rural urban integration. on einen SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ C-AVZ-O-FTTZ SPECIMEN a sehen ee ry at Ree [Candidates must not write on this margin [enter a Je ees tt reer Candidates must not write on this margin Q 20;snega aa F da A Se Fo aa she wea F ak as daa vafeohy ofr ear ett ? What are the economic significances of discovery of oil in Arctic Sea and its possible environmental consequences ? 12% C-AVZ-O-FTTZ C-AVZ-O-FTIZ Sreommy SPECIMEN] & cansitates C-AVZ-O-FTIZ s4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTIZ Ey SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK SPECIMEN C-AVZ-O-FTTZ 56

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