Video Overlay Analytics: Visual

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VisualOn Video Overlay Analytics

Video Overlay Analytics

VisualOn, Inc.
VisualOn Video Overlay Analytics

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VisualOn Video Overlay Analytics

Table of Contents

1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................. 3

1.1 Audience ................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Conventions ............................................................................................... 3
1.3 Terminology ............................................................................................... 3
1.4 Product life cycle ........................................................................................ 4

2 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 5

3 KPI ................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 Player KPI for Android and iOS ..................................................................... 6

3.2 Player KPI for HTML5 .................................................................................. 7
3.3 Data Source KPI ......................................................................................... 9
3.4 Media Framework KPI................................................................................ 10

4 PAGE VIEW ................................................................................................... 11

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VisualOn Video Overlay Analytics

1 About This Document

This document describes the following information about Analytics Overlay in detail:


 Page view

1.1 Audience
This document is designed mainly for Analytics designers.

1.2 Conventions
The following typographic conventions are applied to this document:

Typography Description

Italic It is use for labels, parameters, etc

Bold It is used for UI elements like button, field name, menu

items, etc

Courier It is used for filenames, inputs/outputs, codes, etc

<> It is used for variable names that must be substituted by

real values or strings

1.3 Terminology
The following terms are used in this document:

Term Definition

VOA Video Overlay Analytics

KPI Key Performance Indicators

Analytic Item Measurable event and action in the SDK

Interval After the interval that UI refreshes, the first screen

appears and shows the contents based on the selected
category. Interval can be set by users.

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1.4 Product life cycle

Product life cycle defines time duration in which a given production released version of licensed
technology is supported for maintenance.

VisualOn product life cycle starts at the first production release date, and general availability of
the base release version ends 18 months afterwards. Maintenance support is not available for
backport to released versions that have reached end of life cycle. Update or migration to a
newer version of licensed technology is recommended prior to the end of life cycle.

Table 1 lists the product life cycle.

Table 1: Product life cycle

OMSP+ base release Production Delivery Start Date Support End Date

V3.29.x 30-Nov-18 30-Jun-20

V3.28.x 30-Jun-18 30-Dec-19

V3.27.x 30-Mar-18 30-Sep-19

v3.26.x 30-Dec-17 30-Jun-19

v3.25.x 30-Sep-17 30-Mar-19

v3.24.x 30-Jun-17 31-Dec-18

v3.23.x 7-Apr-17 8-Oct-18

v3.22.x 9-Jan-17 11-Jul-18

v3.21.x 17-Oct-16 18-Apr-18

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2 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of Analytics Overlay and describes how to enable it.

To enable Analytics Overlay, set the value of enableAnalyticsDisplay(int time) to any numeral
equal to or greater than 3. Refer to the sample player project in your installation package for
more information about the Analytics Overlay API.

Note: enableAnalyticsDisplay() must be set BEFORE starting to play the content.

The following table describes categories used in VOA.

Table 2: VOA categories

Category name Description

Player General information about the playback of asset

Data Source Specific information regarding the streaming behavior for data source

Media Framework Specific information regarding the media framework, decoder, and

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This chapter describes player, data source and media framework KPIs.

3.1 Player KPI for Android and iOS

The player KPI includes the following attributes:
 Player Version: Version number of the player

 Startup time: The time when the first frame is rendered after invoking the playback or
channel switch. Refer to AVPlayerItem if AVPlayer is being used.

 Seek time: The time when the first frame is rendered after invoking the seeking

 Play time: The accumulated time that the player plays the asset, excluding buffering,
seeking time, pausing and so on.

 Type Live or VOD: Live(<sliding window time>) or VOD (<duration>)

 Playlist bitrate: The bitrate indicated in the playlist, including audio and video

 Buffering events, time: <#BA, accumulated time>

 Buffer length: The effective duration of the data in buffer that can be played

 Adaptations: <#BA, previous resolution, previous bitrate>

 Bytes used vs downloaded: <Used Bytes, vs downloaded Bytes (percentage used)>

The video resolution (extracted from the video stream), stream bitrate (size of stream played
during an interval), and frame rate in fps (number of frames rendered) appear on the top right
corner. For frame rate in AVPlayer, refer to IOS AVPlayer get fps as the starting point. Figure
1 shows an example of player KPI.

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Figure 1: Player KPI for Android and iOS.

Note: You have to start the download again if you get an error during the download. The
percentage of the used bytes and downloaded bytes explains the efficiency of the player. For
example, you have 1M bit stream for video and 64k bit for audio, this percentage should be
more than 80%.

3.2 Player KPI for HTML5

The player KPI includes the following attributes:

• Player Version: Version number of the player

• Startup time: The time when the first frame is rendered after invoking the playback or
channel switch.
• Seek time: The time when the first frame is rendered after invoking the seeking

• Play time: The accumulated time that the player plays the asset, excluding buffering,
seeking time, pausing and so on.

• Buffering time: Accumulated buffering time

• Resolution: The selected bitrate

• Bandwidth: The selected bitrate --- real-time updating

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• Streaming Bitrate: Load bytes / load duration
• Frame Rate: The frame rate of streaming

• Adaptations: Bit rate adaptation up count and down count

• Type Live or VOD: Live or VOD (<duration>)

• Total Frames: The total frames count

• Dropped Frames: The dropped frames count

Please refer to the screenshot in Figure 2

Figure 2: Player KPI for HTML5

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3.3 Data Source KPI

The data source KPI includes the following attributes:
 Segments downloaded: This attribute is available for both videos and audios.

 Total segment (#, time, size) downloaded: muxed Audio+Video #, separate: video #,
audio #

o Download time: The aggregated time cost for downloading the data
o Download bytes: Total downloaded bytes

 Last segment time to download and size: muxed Audio+Video #, separate: video #,
audio #

 Average Bandwidth (kbps): The average bandwidth during the playback (total
download size/total time of downloading the content)

 Last URI downloaded (separate audio and video if needed)

 Last Download Error recorded: If the error of chunk dropped occurs, the message
“HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found” appears on the screen.

The connection type, including WIFI and Cellular, is available on the status bar. Ensure that all
information is included in one view. Figure 3 shows an example of the data source HLS API on
iPad mini.

Figure 3: Example of data source HLS API on iPad mini

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3.4 Media Framework KPI

The media framework KPI includes the following attributes:
 Frames rendered: number of rendered frames. Value in parenthesis is the realtime
frame rate in the certain interval.
 Frames average: average number of rendered frames in previous 10 intervals

 Worst render time: Worst rendering time in previous 10 intervals. Value in parenthesis
is the average number.

 Frames dropped: number of dropped frames

 Frames errors: number of frames with errors that are mainly the encoded bit stream
 Frames exceeds: number of frames that exceed the AV sync time

 Device: <#number of cores, frequency, and screen resolution>

 CPU load: total load of the application CPU

 CPU frequency: the maximum frequency

Figure 4 shows an example of the rendering API on iPad mini.

Figure 4: Example of rendering API on iPad mini

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4 Page view
Page view settings are implemented through the following APIs:

Table 3: Page view setting APIs

API Description

enableAnalyticsDisplay(int time) Enable or disable Analytics display.

Set time value to 0 to disable Analytics display. Valid

time value must be greater than or equal to 3.

setAnalyticsDisplayType(VO_OSMP_DI Set display type of Analytics.

Analytics Overlay only displays in the following valid

- Initialization
- Opening

- Ready

- Playback

- Pause
Default display type is VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_NULL.

The following values of VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_TYPE can be used for page view setting:

Table 4: Page view setting options

Option Description

VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_NULL Disable Analytics display

VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_PLAYER Display player KPI information

VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_SOURCE Display source KPI information

VO_OSMP_DISPLAY_RENDER Display render KPI information

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