Dentistry, Dental Practice, and The Community, 6th Edition (PDFDrive)

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To Lizzie and Sue

and to the memory of Dr. Keith Heller, a dear friend and

dedicated colleague
11830 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63146


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Dentistry is an ever-changing field. Standard safety precautions must be followed, but as new research
and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy become nec-
essary or appropriate. Readers are advised to check the product information currently provided by the
manufacturer of each drug to be administered to verify the recommended dose, the method and
duration of administration, and the contradictions. It is the responsibility of the treating physican,
relying on experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine dosages and the best treatment for
the patient. Neither the publisher nor the editor assumes any responsibility for any injury and/or
damage to persons or property.

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Change is the only true constant in our uncertain world, and this sixth edition comes into a world
that is very different from that which greeted the fifth edition in 1999. The budget surpluses of that
time have plunged to become record deficits, and as a nation we are ambivalent about a war that may
bring democracy to a troubled land or may drag us into a morass. Most of all, our national mindset
is dominated by the horrors and heroism of September 11, 2001. And what has unpredictable social
change got to do with dentistry? The answer is a great deal, for the dental world, like any other insti-
tution, is part of the overall pattern. If the world is an ecosystem, then changes in population,
income, employment, inflation, and just about everything else will affect dentistry to some extent.

The purpose of this book is to present dentistry and dental practice against the backdrop of social
events: economic, technological, and demographic trends, as well as the distribution of the oral dis-
eases that dental professionals treat and prevent. The pace of change in these areas can be bewilder-
ing, and substantial rewriting of many parts of this book has thus been required. Since the 1999
edition came out, we have seen our health system, based on something called managed care, become
less and less workable. Dentistry in Medicaid is barely visible, “access” has emerged as a major health
issue, and the corporate burden of providing health care for employees is threatening our national
economy. Dentistry cannot be a bystander as these issues continue to demand public attention.
Rather, dentistry needs to understand them as best we can and take its place at the table as a leader in
setting health care policy.

Our guiding principle in this sixth edition is that we lay out the facts on all matters discussed and
interpret them as we see them. We express our opinions, taking care to distinguish opinion from fact,
and leave the reader to develop his or her own views. We subscribe to the view that health is a major
contributor to a higher quality of life rather than an end in itself. We have no doubt that good oral
health significantly improves the quality of life and that the constant improvement of the public’s
oral health is a worthy goal.

The lineage of this book can be traced from the landmark work of Pelton and Wisan’s Dentistry in
Public Health, first published in 1949, up to our fifth edition in 1999. We carry on the tradition in
this sixth edition, which has 30 chapters in five parts, more than ever before. That growth reflects the
expansion of the issues with which dentistry is involved. The first part looks at the dental professions
and the public they serve and deals with ethics, the public-private partnership, public health prac-
tice, and health promotion. Part II deals with the structure and financing of dental practice, types of
personnel in the dental workforce, infection control and mercury safety, and a new chapter on access
to dental care. The chapter on reading the literature is now joined by a new chapter on evidence-
based dentistry. Part III is the nitty-gritty of oral epidemiology, from research designs and survey
methods to the various indexes used to measure oral disease, and Part IV looks at the distribution of
these diseases in the population and the various risk factors associated with them. In conclusion,
Part V deals with the prevention of oral diseases and conditions.

In matters of style, we favor liberal referencing. This gives readers a chance to pursue further the
issues that interest them, and the references give the basis for our interpretation of the more con-
tentious issues. We list more references with potentially contentious issues than with the more
straightforward ones. Although most references reflect current work, we have retained a lot of older
ones to illustrate how issues have developed over time and to show the richness of the dental litera-
ture. We should never forget our roots. As would be expected, a growing number of references are to
sites on the Internet, although we all have mixed feelings about the growing dominance of the
Internet as a source of basic information. On the one hand, it makes information more immediately
available than ever: if knowledge is power, we are all more powerful. On the other hand, Internet
material can be startlingly temporary. Even during the production of this edition, a number of
viii Preface to the Sixth Edition

websites we were using as reference sources simply disappeared. Citing full websites can be
extremely awkward, with URLs running on for two or three lines. When just the home page or sec-
ond-level main page is cited in the quest for a stable reference, readers need enough familiarity with
the Internet to be able to go to the other one or two levels to find the precise table or text statement.
We know the Internet will continue to develop rapidly, although what it will look like in 10 years’
time is anybody’s guess.

We have continued our method of dealing with the gender-specific personal pronoun by making it
feminine in the odd-numbered chapters, masculine in the even-numbered. The “her” of Chapter 1
thus becomes the “his” of Chapter 2. In our frequent use of the term dental professionals, we include
both dental hygienists and dentists as colleagues working together.

Contrasts have to be made at times between how things are done in the richer parts of the world
compared to the poorer. We use the term developed countries, or sometimes industrialized or the
World Bank term of high-income countries, to refer to nations such as the United States, Canada,
most European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan, which have industrial and service-
based economies, high levels of literacy, a large middle class, sophisticated transport systems, and
mass distribution of goods far from their point of origin. By contrast, the developing or low-income
nations are those in which those factors are just beginning to be seen or in which they do not exist at
all. In addition, there are many nations that don’t clearly fit either category but lie somewhere
between the two: well-developed in some areas and less so in others. Without going into details of
world economics, we occasionally use those oversimplified categories of “developed” and “develop-
ing” to illustrate broad differences.

We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have helped us with materials and other information for
this book. In alphabetical order, we thank Patricia Anderson, Pilar Baca, Eugenio Beltrán-Aguilar,
Robert (Skip) Collins, Steve Levy, Thom Marthaler, Kevin O’Brien, Jim Pittman, Scott Presson,
Woosung Sohn, Scott Tomar, and Helen Whelton. All of these people made our task a little easier,
although we emphasize that responsibility for every word in this book lies with us, and with us

So who knows what lies ahead for the twenty-first century? We certainly don’t pretend to have the
answers, other than to state the obvious: it will be a challenging and exciting time for dentistry. To
thrive and progress, dental professionals require a mindset that permits them to adapt to changing
circumstances. We hope that this book will help readers to develop that mindset.
Brian A. Burt, BDS, MPH, PhD

Stephen A. Eklund, DDS, MHSA, DrPH

1 The Professions of Dentistry
and Dental Hygiene

DEVELOPMENT OF THE DENTAL Other Groups in Dentistry

PROFESSIONS FDI World Dental Federation
Dentistry American Dental Hygienists’ Association
Dentistry in the Twentieth Century CAREERS IN DENTISTRY AND DENTAL
Dental Hygiene HYGIENE
American Dental Association U.S. Public Health Service
National Dental Association Academia: Dental Education and Research
Hispanic Dental Association

Dental practice has existed in some form since may do so. The first is the commercial model, in
the dawn of time, but it is only in comparatively which dental care is viewed as a commodity
recent years that its practitioners in the econom- sold by the practitioner. The services are thus
ically developed nations have achieved the sta- not based primarily on the client’s needs, but
tus of a profession. In most of the low-income rather on what the client is able or willing to
world, dental practice is still more of a craft. In buy. This rather crass view is distasteful to many,
countries with a moderate level of economic although there are aspects of it in dental prac-
development, dentistry exhibits some aspects of tice. The second is the guild model, in which
a profession, but not all. dental care is seen as a privilege with the profes-
Webster’s dictionary defines a profession as “a sional dominant in practitioner-patient rela-
calling requiring specialized knowledge and tions. In the guild model the professional is the
often long and intensive academic preparation” repository of all knowledge and wisdom, the
and “the whole body of persons engaged in a patient is a passive recipient, and the practi-
calling.” The definition of professionalism is “the tioner has an ethical trust to provide the best-
conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or quality care. This model has probably been
mark a profession or professional person.” dominant in the United States, although it may
These terse dictionary definitions, however, do be slowly merging with the third model, the
not fully capture the essence of a profession or interactive model, in which dental care is consid-
of professionalism: commitment to patient ered a partnership of equals. In this model,
welfare, ethics, and other professional ideals practitioner and patient jointly determine care
are not included. Nor are all aspects of profes- provided through a combination of profes-
sionalism necessarily high-minded or noble. sional expertise and patient values.
Admission to some professional groups can be What are the criteria that characterize a pro-
based on self-perpetuation rather than public fession, and how can a profession be distin-
good, and aspects of “closed shop” practices in guished from, say, a trade union? The first is the
professions have not been uncommon.30 criterion given in the dictionary definition, a
Three models of professionalism have been substantial body of knowledge, a corollary of
described,25 none of which by itself fully char- which is the obligation to keep that knowledge
acterizes dentistry, although collectively they up to date through continuing education. The
4 Dentistry and the Community

second is self-regulation, a tradition whereby Frenchman, is looked upon as a seminal figure

society delegates to professional groups the in the evolution of the dental profession. His
legal responsibility for determining who shall work was the first complete treatise on dentistry
join them in serving the public and for disci- published in the Western world, and it remained
plining those members who do not meet the an authoritative document for over 100 years.
profession’s requirements. A third and perhaps Fauchard, despite the lack of formal training,
the main distinguishing criterion of a profes- was clearly a first-class empiricist with keen
sion is a code of ethics, guidelines for profes- powers of observation.
sional conduct that are rooted in a moral Aspiring dentists of the time served as
imperative rather than in law or regulation (see apprentices. It is worth noting that even the
Chapter 3). A profession sets its own code of formal education of G. V. Black, one of the pro-
ethics and its own procedures for dealing with fession’s most notable nineteenth-century
infringements. Taking the various criteria men- pioneers, did not exceed 20 months. His intro-
tioned, one can distinguish a profession by the duction to dentistry consisted of “a few weeks”
features listed in Box 1-1. with one Dr. Speers, who was not considered a
A health profession can then be defined by particularly good dentist and whose dental
paraphrasing Webster’s definition given earlier: library consisted of one book.9 Fortunately,
a calling in the health sciences requiring special- Dr. Black was a true professional and followed
ized knowledge, and one that meets the other cri- the precept that “a professional person has no
teria listed. Dentistry meets all the requirements choice other than to be a continuous student.”
of a profession. Dental hygiene is usually consid- The first American dental school was the
ered a profession within dentistry, although for Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, later part
the most part it is not self-regulating. of the University of Maryland, established in
1840. The course was 16 weeks in length after a
year or more of apprenticeship. The initial
enrollment was five, of whom two graduated. At
about the same time, the first national profes-
Dentistry sional dental journal appeared, the American
Dental diseases have afflicted the human race Journal of Dental Science, and the first national
since the dawn of recorded history.22,29 dental organization, the American Society of
Dentistry, however, has existed as a vocation Dental Surgeons, was established. The genesis
only in recent years, historically speaking, and it of the dental profession in the United States can
was not until modern times that any sort of sci- thus be dated fairly precisely to the 1840
entific basis was developed for the care of oral period. The path of professional progress was
diseases. One landmark event was the 1728 not entirely smooth, however, for the emer-
publication of Pierre Fauchard, Le Chirurgien gence of dentistry as a fledgling profession was
Dentiste, ou Traite des Dents, a two-volume followed by an undignified scramble to open
book of more than 800 pages. Fauchard, a proprietary dental schools. In the best American

BOX 1-1 Characteristics of a Profession

A body of knowledge exists that is constantly being ●
Society awards the profession the privilege of self-
expanded, updated, and archived in a literature record. regulation, which means determining the requirements
The purpose is constant improvement of the quality of for entering and remaining in the profession, and dealing
the profession’s service to individuals and to the with those members who do not meet the requirements.
public. ●
Its members subscribe to a code of ethics drawn up

Academic preparation is required, carried out in by the profession itself.
specialized institutions. ●
The members form organized societies to enhance the

The profession and its members accept a lifelong development of the group and its societal mission,
commitment to continuing education. and to serve its individual members.
1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 5

traditions of free enterprise and entrepreneur- largely a matter of survival, with few patients
ship, most of these places were run strictly for able to afford dental care. World War II fol-
profit. In the years before public and profes- lowed, during which dentists, along with other
sional regulation, the proprietary schools health professionals, were drafted into the
turned out thousands of graduates whose pro- armed forces. As part of the national mobiliza-
fessional abilities covered the spectrum from tion for the war effort, American dental schools
respectable to dreadful. compressed the curriculum of four academic
The anarchic events of the time, however, led years into three calendar years. This expedient
to dentistry’s development in the United States was dropped when the war ended in 1945,
as a profession separate from medicine, a posi- although it was flirted with again for a short
tion that has been maintained to the present time in the 1970s.
day. This separate development actually occurred The 1930s and 1940s were a hard time for
more by chance than by deliberate policy, for it dental education. The teaching of basic science
was originally intended that the Baltimore den- was often perfunctory and the emphasis in the
tal school be established within the medical clinical sciences was almost entirely on restora-
school. It was not, but only because of lack of tive dentistry and prosthetics. Subjects such as
space and internal friction among medical radiology, oral diagnosis, endodontics, peri-
school faculty. The separation of dentistry from odontics, and pediatric dentistry were neglected
medicine was standard in the English-speaking in many dental schools, and full-time faculty
world, Scandinavia, and some other European were the exception rather than the rule. There
countries, but in central and southern Europe, were few educational programs for the prepara-
by contrast, there was a division between stom- tion of specialists, and the few that did exist var-
atologists (physicians with specialty training in ied in quality and length.20 One of the few
clinical dentistry) and dentists, who in this con- bright spots during this difficult period was the
text were second-level providers. This division beginning of the first controlled water fluorida-
of labor is thought not to have benefited oral tion projects in 1945 (see Chapter 25).
health in most of the countries concerned13 and With a rapidly expanding postwar economy
has been abandoned in most of them as the and population, added to accelerating techno-
European Community moves toward standardi- logic growth and a spirit of optimism, dentistry
zation of professional training. On the other entered what some saw as a golden age during
hand, whether American dentistry benefited the 1950s. New dental materials expanded
from its evolution on a branch that grew out of treatment horizons, and the arrival of the high-
the main medical trunk, rather than being more speed air-turbine engine in 1957 revolutionized
closely allied to medicine during its formative dental practice. Dental research, stimulated by
years, can be debated. By the early twenty-first the establishment of the National Institute of
century, there were signs that dentistry might be Dental Research (now the National Institute
evolving into something closer to the medical of Dental and Craniofacial Research) in 1948,
model. grew rapidly, and the publication of The Survey
of Dentistry in 196118 led to improvements in
Dentistry in the Twentieth Century education and practice. Stagnating dental
The era of modern dentistry could be said to schools were revitalized with the passage of the
date from the closing of the last proprietary Health Professions Educational Assistance Act
school in 1929, which came shortly after the in 1963. This act authorized federal funds for
landmark Gies report on dental education. Gies construction and student aid. Later renewals in
collected information from the dental schools 1971 and 1976 included per capita funding to
of the time and concluded that the dental pro- support the basic instructional program. In the
fession would only progress when dental educa- 15 years from 1963 to 1978, the addition of fed-
tion became university based and subject to the eral monies to state, local, and private sources
maintenance of high standards through accredi- spurred the reconstruction of the entire physical
tation. Despite the adoption of Gies’s recom- plant of dental education.16 New schools were
mendations, however, dental practice during built too; the 39 dental schools in 1930 had
the economic depression of the 1930s was increased to 59 by 1980.1
6 Dentistry and the Community

The 1960s and 1970s saw the emergence of practice dental hygiene, and in 1907 he was
comprehensive care, growth in use of auxil- instrumental in having dental hygiene legally
iaries, the beginnings of prepaid dental insur- recognized in Connecticut as an adjunct to den-
ance, and the development of a community tal practice. Fones went on to establish the first
outlook in dentistry. Growth in the number school of dental hygiene in 1913. Accepting
of dentists and in dental business was sharp, in only “young ladies of good character,” the
retrospect perhaps too sharp. The economic school was located in a carriage house on the
downturn following the Vietnam War (1964–75), grounds of the Fones residence.23 Connecticut
added to the decline in dental caries among passed legislation specifically describing the
children (see Chapter 20), led to a growing per- practice of dental hygiene in 1916. Ten states
ception of an oversupply of dentists, despite had similar legislation in place by 1920, and the
increasing public utilization of services (see total rose to 34 in 1935. Not until 1951, how-
Chapter 2) and continued growth of dental ever, did the practice acts of all states, the
insurance (see Chapter 7). During the 1980s, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth
enrollment in dental schools dropped substan- of Puerto Rico include provisions for the prac-
tially from its peak during 1977–79 and rose tice of dental hygiene.14
only a little from these levels through the mid- This leisurely development of dental hygiene
1990s (see Chapter 8). In response, seven dental was largely tied to the development of dental
schools closed during this period (Emory, schools. In 1945, of the 16 dental hygiene pro-
Fairleigh Dickinson, Georgetown, Loyola of grams then in existence, 13 were associated with
Chicago, Northwestern, Oral Roberts, Washington schools of dentistry. By 1974, however, only 37
University). Applications to dental schools of 158 were so affiliated. The explosive growth
picked up again in the late 1990s, and new den- after 1960 mostly took place in junior and com-
tal schools opened in Arizona, Florida, and munity colleges,14 stimulated by federal funds
Nevada. In the early twenty-first century there for vocational-technical education in health
were 56 dental schools in the United States.6 occupation training centers. The numbers of
In the new century, the major oral diseases training programs, especially the 2-year pro-
are better controlled than ever, and dental prac- grams, fluctuated with demand for hygienists
tice will evolve accordingly. Research in molecu- and the availability of federal funding. By 1980
lar biology is promising a new understanding of the number of programs was 204; it was down to
many diseases, including those oral diseases 190 by the end of the 1980s and back over 250
that currently are poorly understood and that to again early in the new century (see Chapter 8).
date have not been treated in dental practice. During the first 30 years of dental hygiene
Other features that will shape dental practice in education, there was no uniformity in either
the new century are the changing demographic prerequisites or curriculum. These variations
profile (see Chapter 2), disease patterns (see were due to differences in state licensing acts,
Chapters 19-23), developments in dental problems of integrating a 2-year clinical pro-
insurance (see Chapter 7), and new restorative gram into a 4-year baccalaureate degree curricu-
materials. Infection-control procedures and lum, and the lack of nationally approved
their associated regulations had become stan- standards. The latter problem was remedied in
dard practice by the 1990s (see Chapter 10). 1947, when the Council on Dental Education
of the American Dental Association (ADA)
Dental Hygiene adopted the first accreditation requirements for
Dr. Alfred Fones, an 1890 graduate of the New dental hygiene schools. In 1952, the council
York College of Dentistry, developed a tech- began an active program in accreditation of
nique for scaling and polishing teeth and also dental hygiene schools. The requirements
taught his patients to carry out home-care developed then still essentially stand today.
procedures. By 1906, acting under the preven- For training in dental hygiene, a 2-year
tive dictum that “a clean tooth never decays,” curriculum must meet the standards of the
Dr. Fones was sure that the oral health of ADA’s Commission on Dental Accreditation. In
his patients was improved through his oral pro- all states except Alabama, which recognizes
phylactic practices. He trained his assistant to preceptorship, the completion of an accredited
1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 7

2-year curriculum is the minimum requirement the American Medical Association. The purpose
for admittance to licensure examination by a of adopting the tripartite structure was to unify
state dental board. An individual enrolled in a a profession that at the time was highly frag-
4-year baccalaureate degree program must also mented and to improve efficiency through
meet university standards for that degree. Many avoiding duplication of effort. The tripartite
dental hygienists earn advanced degrees (MS, structure was challenged in 1972 by four
MPH, PhD, DrPH), for which the requirements Arizona dentists, who argued that by requiring
of the university’s graduate school also must be membership at all levels the ADA had instituted
met. an illegal arrangement. The district court ruled
against the dentists in 1980, stating that the
membership requirement did not suppress
competition between dentists, and it also dis-
agreed with the charge that the associations or
their members held a monopoly on the practice
The legal basis for dental practice in the United of dentistry in Arizona. The decision was
States is the dental practice act in each state. It is upheld in the court of appeals in 1982,21 and
not a federal matter. The effect of these acts on subsequent challenges to the tripartite structure
dental practice is discussed more fully in have been similarly unsuccessful.
Chapter 8. Here we look at the professional Dentists apply for membership in a compo-
organizations in dentistry. nent society, which represents a county, a group
of counties, or a large city. If accepted at this
American Dental Association local level, the dentist automatically becomes a
The ADA was founded in 1859 by 26 dentists member of the state dental society and of the
meeting at Niagara Falls. Today it claims some ADA. Traditionally membership standards have
147,000 members,2 about 70% of the nation’s included graduation from an accredited dental
dentists. It is easily the largest and most influen- school, a license to practice in the jurisdiction,
tial dental organization in the country. It and “good moral standing,” a vague term that
operates on a tripartite basis, meaning that mem- has been interpreted in various ways.
bers must join the local society (a component), ADA membership provides access to a num-
the state or territorial society (a constituent), and ber of fringe benefits that are important to a self-
the national ADA; they cannot be members of employed practitioner, such as group insurance
just one or two (with the exception of students plans and the availability of expert consultative
and dentists in the federal services). There are 53 services. It also serves its members, and indirectly
constituent societies and 545 components.3 the public, by the activities shown in Box 1-2.
The tripartite system has been in place since The ADA is cohesive and well organized. Its
1913, when it was modeled on the structure of ultimate governing body is the 427-member

BOX 1-2 Three Primary Areas in Which the American Dental Association Serves Its Members and, Indirectly,
the Public

1. Facilitating the growth and dissemination of scientific Standards are also established for materials, drugs, and
information. This is done by holding scientific devices used by dentists in practice and for some
meetings at the local, state, and national levels and is products offered for sale to the public. These standards
enhanced by the publication of a variety of scientific are established by having experts in specialized fields
journals. The Internet continues to emerge as an ever serve as members of reviewing councils and committees.
more important medium of information exchange. 3. Obtaining a consensus among the profession on
2. Establishing standards, such as accreditation of major issues and transmitting this consensus to
professional schools for dentists, dental hygienists, government agencies and others concerned with
dental assistants, and dental laboratory technicians. establishing policies for public health.
8 Dentistry and the Community

House of Delegates, which comprises elected original 1-week campaign and is held in
representatives from the 50 states, the District of February each year, is the oldest annual public
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, relations exercise. The ADA notes that on its
the Virgin Islands, five federal dental services Give Kids a Smile! Day in February 2003 thou-
(Air Force, Army, Navy, U.S. Public Health sands of children received needed dental treat-
Service, Department of Veterans Affairs), and ment from dentists who donated their services.4
the American Student Dental Association.3 As The impact of these campaigns is discussed in
in the U.S. House of Representatives, state dele- Chapter 5.
gations are proportional to state dental popula- Dentistry just might be a bit overly preoccu-
tions; they range from 1 delegate (the Virgin pied with its image, for many public opinion
Islands) to California’s 47. polls show that the public consistently ranks
The Board of Trustees, charged with day-to- dentists high in terms of professional trust.12
day responsibility for the ADA’s operations, is The sometimes prickly sensitivity of dentistry to
made up of a trustee from each of 17 geographic its image is seen in the chorus of complaints
districts of roughly equal numbers of dentists, when dentists are portrayed in movies or TV as
plus the president, president-elect, and first and bumbling, obsessive, or sadistic, or when news-
second vice-presidents. The Board reports on its casters refer to “doctors and dentists.” (One that
activities to the House of Delegates. It also gets under our skin is reference to “medical
reviews most resolutions on their way to the treatment” and “dental work.”) These things
House and recommends what action should be can grate at times, but they seem to be part of
taken on them.7 the territory. When they are viewed in the per-
The House of Delegates conducts business spective of how all professions are treated in the
once a year for 5 days during the annual session. media, it is doubtful if any real harm is done by
Resolutions may be introduced by the Board of media imagery.
Trustees, the ADA’s commissions and councils,
the trustee districts, constituent and component National Dental Association
societies, or directly by delegates. Resolutions, In past years, rigid attitudes on racial separation
along with supporting documentation, are meant that most component dental societies of
referred for hearing to one of seven reference the ADA did not accept dentists of African-
committees. Depending on the issues in any American origin. African-American dentists
given year, special (generally single-issue) com- therefore went their own way and in 1913 estab-
mittees may be established to study particular lished the National Dental Association (NDA).
questions in depth. The hearings of the refer- Those days of nonacceptance are now happily
ence committees are open to all members of the gone; in recent years both the ADA and the NDA
association. At these meetings members are have stated that their objective is complete inte-
encouraged to speak their minds and advise the gration of the dental profession. White dentists
House of Delegates of their positions on now belong to the NDA and African-American
specific issues or on the status of the association dentists belong to the ADA, and there is a good
as a whole. The reference committees prepare cooperative relationship between the two
reports that are transmitted to the House of organizations. They continue to exist separately,
Delegates. As the House considers the issues, however, for traditional reasons. Today the NDA
it usually has the original resolution and has some 7000 dentist members, and it also has
background report, the comments and recom- acted as the umbrella organization for the
mendations of the Board of Trustees, and the National Dental Hygienists’ Association since
report and recommendations of the reference 1963.24
committee. On the basis of this information, Perhaps more so than the ADA, the NDA
the House acts to adopt, defeat, amend, substi- has been a consistent champion of efforts to
tute, or refer. improve the health status of those in our society
The ADA has long been keenly aware of the who are most often underserved by the health
public image of dentistry and has conducted care system. Such groups include racial and eth-
many campaigns to promote it. Children’s nic minorities, children, the indigent, the eld-
Dental Health Month, which grew from an erly, and the disabled.
1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 9

over 150 national dental organizations and

Hispanic Dental Association 35 other international organizations, encom-
Established in 1990, the Hispanic Dental passing altogether over 700,000 dentists.15
Association (HDA) represents the interests of Headquartered in London for years, the FDI is
both Hispanic professionals and patients.17 now based at Ferney-Voltaire, France, the
This active organization already has some same city where the World Medical Association31
15,000 members, a well-established organiza- is located and close to the World Health
tional structure, and a number of affiliated Organization’s home in Geneva, Switzerland.
groups throughout the country. The mission of The FDI has a full-time executive secretary, a
the HDA is to improve the oral health of the large staff, and a structure that resembles that of
Hispanic community, and to that end it spon- the United Nations. Its work is both scientific
sors continuing education and oral health pro- and political. Its technical committees bring
motional activities directed at the Hispanic international experts together to develop state-
population. Since Hispanics are the fastest- of-the-art reports and recommendations for fur-
growing ethnic minority in the United States ther action. Politically, the FDI has been helpful
(see Chapter 2), the HDA is confidently looking in the development of the dental professions
forward to increased growth. and dental care services in many countries where
the local profession has little political clout. It
Other Groups in Dentistry publishes the International Dental Journal, a
Beyond the major national organizations and respected journal in the dental literature.
their constituent and component societies, each
specialty group has its own organization: American Dental Hygienists’ Association
the American Academy of Periodontology, the In 1923, 46 dental hygienists from 11 states met
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial in Cleveland, Ohio, to organize the American
Surgeons, the American Association of Public Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA). They
Health Dentistry, and so on. These specialty received strong support from the dental profes-
organizations serve as sponsors of the specialty- sion. While early growth was not spectacular, in
certifying bodies whose role is discussed in the 1925–45 period, active membership went
Chapter 8. At another level still, there are myr- from several hundred to about 2000. In the next
iad study clubs and groups of dentists brought 10 years (1945–55) membership more than
together by common interests. doubled to nearly 4400, and growth has been
spectacular since then. In 2003 the ADHA repre-
FDI World Dental Federation sented the interests of more than 120,000 regis-
Practically every country with a recognizable tered dental hygienists.8
dental profession has a working national organi- The organization of the ADHA closely paral-
zation, an equivalent of the ADA, although lels that of the ADA. There are seven classifica-
no other national dental association has tions of membership (including student
resources as extensive as those of the ADA. On membership for a modest fee), but the basic
the international scene, the FDI World Dental category of “active” membership must be held
Federation is an organization of national dental through constituent and component associa-
associations. The name needs some explanation. tions if such exist. There are 375 component
Formed in the early twentieth century as a loose (local) associations. The House of Delegates
grouping of several European national associa- meets once a year and has all legislative and
tions, the organization was first known as the policy-making powers for the association. The
Fédération Dentaire Internationale (French for Board of Trustees is composed of the elective
International Dental Federation, hence the officers (except the Speaker of the House), 12
acronym FDI). In its early years it was a distinctly trustees, and the immediate past president, and
European organization, but with global expan- has responsibility for supervising the day-to-day
sion it changed its name to the World Dental operations. It reviews reports and makes recom-
Federation. The acronym FDI was so well known mendations and relates all of its activities to the
by that time, however, that it was kept as part of House. The Journal of the American Dental
the title of the organization. FDI now represents Hygienists’ Association was established in 1927
10 Dentistry and the Community

and became the Journal of Dental Hygiene in that they are of the right temperament to make
1988. joint decisions and that the personalities
involved are mutually compatible. An unhappy
business partnership can be as emotionally
traumatic and financially devastating as a bro-
ken marriage.
Private Practice Dental specialists generally earn higher
Private practice, in which the dentist invests incomes than generalists. Achievement of spe-
capital into land, buildings, equipment, and cialist status requires at least an extra 2 years of
furnishings and in turn seeks to attract patients education beyond dental school, followed by
who will pay for dental services, is the primary specialty board examinations (see Chapter 8).
career choice for most dentists in the United For specialists, the process of choosing a prac-
States. Private practice is a small business, and tice location parallels that for general practi-
so from the career perspective it has all the tioners, with two important exceptions. First,
advantages and disadvantages of small business the choice usually is limited to the larger popu-
operation. lation centers; second, the referral potential of
The advantages are considerable. A dentist the practitioners in the area, as well as the num-
has an almost unlimited choice of where to ber of specialists located there, must be
locate a practice (provided of course that she is assessed. In a specialty practice, the supply of
licensed to practice in the chosen state). Other patients is dependent primarily on referrals
advantages are usually a good income, high sta- from general practitioners. When the general
tus in the community, and the freedom that practitioners are all mature dentists with busy,
comes from being one’s own boss. Autonomy, established practices, they will usually refer
in work practices as well as in selection of treat- patients more readily than will younger general-
ment options, continues to be the bedrock ists attempting to establish their own practices.
value of private practice.10 This is to be expected, In the latter instance, referrals may be few and
since it fits well with American cultural values.11 limited to the most extreme problems. The
Private practice also brings the satisfaction of choices for the two types of specialists who usu-
knowing that the profession is generally held in ally work only in salaried positions, oral pathol-
high esteem by the public. ogists and public health dentists, are limited by
Disadvantages of private practice also relate positions available.
to the small business aspects: overhead costs for Colorado is the only state that permits inde-
utilities, malpractice insurance, disability insur- pendent practice of dental hygiene, although
ance, staff benefits, equipment maintenance; only a few hygienists established their own
retirement planning. The need to adhere to vari- practices there after the 1986 law that permitted
ous government regulations also absorbs some independent practice. Most hygienists, in
effort. Dental practice is highly physical in Colorado as elsewhere, begin their careers treat-
nature, and conditions that are only an incon- ing patients in the offices of private dental prac-
venience in many occupations, such as mild titioners. They are either reimbursed on a
arthritis, a bad back, or failing eyesight, can be straight salaried basis or paid a combination of
career threatening for a dental practitioner. salary and commission.
An associate in an established practice is
usually paid by salary, or salary plus percentage Salaried Practice
of gross production. These arrangements allow The advantages and disadvantages of salaried
skills to be sharpened before the practitioner practice, like those of private practice, are most
establishes her own practice and can lead to related to whether the dentist is temperamentally
buying into an established practice. Partnership comfortable in an organization as opposed to
too can ease the financial burden of starting being a private entrepreneur. Even if a new gradu-
practice, and so can entering a group practice. ate does not wish to stay in salaried service
Partnerships can provide more flexibility in permanently, it is often a good place to start.
practice patterns than does solo practice, but Advantages include the opportunity to reduce
partners setting out together should be sure dental school debts before incurring more,
1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 11

an immediate specified income, a chance to from Point Barrow, Alaska (the farthest north-
improve clinical skills, and time to think about ern point of the United States above the Arctic
careers before becoming “locked in” to a practice. Circle), to Arizona just north of the Mexican
However, for some dentists salaried practice border. Although the USPHS is the oldest
appeals as a life career. A reasonably good salary health service of the federal government, begin-
(although not as high as peak earnings in pri- ning as the Marine Hospital Service in 1798 and
vate practice), fringe benefits such as health and with its Commissioned Corps dating from
disability insurance, liability coverage, a retire- 1873, it remained relatively unknown to the
ment plan, paid vacation time, and freedom public before Surgeon General C. Everett Koop
from the overhead costs and day-to-day worries gave it high visibility during his campaigns
of private practice can combine to make against smoking and in favor of education on
the long-term financial prospects of salaried acquired immunodeficiency syndrome during
employment attractive. Some organizations the 1980s.19 In more recent years, the release of
employing dentists provide opportunities for the Surgeon General’s report on oral health in
continuing education. America26 and the subsequent call to action27
For the new dentist interested in general has thrust the USPHS into an unaccustomed
practice, a general practice residency offers a position of prominence in dentistry.
form of short-term salaried practice that com- Other major federal dental services are the
bines advanced educational opportunities with dental corps of the Army, Navy (which also
the ability to earn. There are over 300 general serves the Marine Corps), and Air Force.
practice residencies and advanced general den- Availability of positions varies with the degree of
tistry programs accredited by the ADA, all last- military activity, although some openings are
ing 12 or 24 months and offering adequate usually present at any given time. The dentist in
stipends. They generally include rotations the armed services receives all the advantages of
through such areas as medicine, emergency a service career: a reasonably good income, gen-
care, anesthesia, and various special areas of erous fringe benefits, usually excellent clinical
clinical dentistry. This excellent clinical experi- facilities, and a chance to receive graduate educa-
ence is broadened even further when general tion funded by the service. Dentists serve on mil-
practice residencies include some public health itary bases in the United States and overseas. In
perspectives (see Chapter 4). the Navy, duty is also available on some ships.
Another major federal dental service, that in
U.S. Public Health Service the Department of Veterans Affairs (previously
Dentists in the U.S. Public Health Service the Veterans Administration, and hence still
(USPHS), a component of the Department of referred to as the VA), was established in 1920
Health and Human Services, serve as commis- to improve services to veterans of American
sioned officers of the federal government and wars. It is a major participant in postdoctoral
enjoy essentially the same pay, rank, and privi- dental education and it offers, in addition to
leges as their counterparts in the armed services. specialty programs, more than half of the gen-
The USPHS’s broad mission relates to the eral practice residencies available in the federal
health of the entire nation, in recognition of services. Many VA institutions are affiliated with
which its chief officer is commissioned as dental schools. Care is provided in VA hospitals
Surgeon General of the United States. The and outpatient clinics. Occasionally it is pur-
USPHS carries out major responsibilities in chased from private practitioners. Like all fed-
health research (principally through the eral dental programs, the VA program offers
National Institutes of Health) and in the pro- equal employment opportunities for male and
motion of health through public health efforts. female dentists. Sometimes the VA has been
Clinical care is provided primarily to merchant able to accommodate married couples when
seamen, the Coast Guard, American Indians both are health professionals.
and Alaska Natives, and residents of federal For hygienists, expanded opportunities in
prisons. USPHS dental officers serve in a wide the federal service are available for those with a
variety of assignments in all states. The clinics of degree of MPH (Master of Public Health).
the Indian Health Service, for example, extend A number of hygienists with this degree have
12 Dentistry and the Community

advanced into leadership positions. Civilian Academic positions for dental professionals
hygienists are employed in the Army, Navy, and with advanced degrees have attractive salaries
Air Force, although a major share of clinical and fringe benefits. They can be intellectually
procedures ordinarily performed by hygienists demanding, and university politics can be
are carried out by specially trained enlisted just as vigorous as politics anywhere else.
personnel. The future of dentistry rests with its dental
Outside of the federal dental services there education institutions and research institutes,
are other opportunities for salaried employ- and in the early twenty-first century the short-
ment. Although the number of state dental age of dental faculty was becoming an issue of
directorships has declined in the twenty-first some concern.5 Those employed in these insti-
century, usually falling victim to state budget tutions have the rewards and challenges of
crunches, most states still maintain this post. being on the cutting edge of new developments,
Most are filled by a dentist or hygienist with of interacting with talented fellow faculty
advanced training in public health, most com- members, and of relating to students who
monly the MPH degree. Dentists and dental represent the future.
hygienists without advanced training are also
employed by state and local health depart-
ments, group dental practices, prepaid dental
1. American Dental Association. Summary of the
programs, industry-sponsored clinics, and insti- 1979–1980 annual report on dental education. J Am
tutions such as hospitals, prisons, schools for Dent Assoc 1980;100:926-30.
the mentally retarded, and homes for the men- 2. American Dental Association. About the ADA, website:
tally ill. These positions may involve public Accessed
health and administrative activities, clinical October 26, 2003.
3. American Dental Association. Background on the
practice, or a combination of both. American Dental Association, website: http://www.ada.
org/ada/about/ada_background.asp. Accessed October
Academia: Dental Education 26, 2003.
and Research 4. American Dental Association. Give Kids a Smile!, web-
Dental schools, as noted earlier in this chapter,
gkas_background.asp. Accessed October 26, 2003.
used to be staffed largely by part-time faculty 5. American Dental Education Association. Faculty short-
whose primary task was to grade students’ clini- ages challenge dental education, and, thus, dentistry:
cal treatment. Academic careers have evolved, What is being done?, website:
however, and the emphasis now is on full-time adcn/FacultyShortages.pdf. Accessed October 26,
teachers and researchers. The ability to conduct
6. American Dental Education Association. Links to dental
independent research has become a major crite- schools and allied education programs, website:
rion for an academic career because research Accessed October
grant funds increasingly form an important part 26, 2003.
of a school’s budget. 7. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
Structure and function of the ADA’s policy-making
An advanced degree is more or less mandatory
body. J Am Dent Assoc 1976;93:708-12.
for the new dentist or hygienist who is thinking 8. American Dental Hygienists’ Association, website:
of an academic career. The most common is the Accessed
MS (Master of Science), the usual 2-year degree September 5, 2003.
taken to fulfill specialty training requirements, 9. Bremner MDK. The story of dentistry; from the dawn of
which mixes advanced clinical training with civilization to the present. 3rd ed. Brooklyn NY: Dental
Items of Interest, 1954.
some research training. Those who want to make 10. Burgess K, Ruesch JD, Mikkelsen MC, Wagner KS. ADA
their careers in research need doctoral-level train- members weigh in on critical issues. J Am Dent Assoc
ing in the philosophy and methods of research 2003;134:103-7.
through the degrees of PhD (Doctor of 11. Chambers DW. Work. J Am Coll Dentists 2002;
Philosophy), DrPH (Doctor of Public Health), or 69:38-41.
12. DiMatteo MR, McBride CA, Shugars DA, O’Neill EH.
ScD (Doctor of Science). The National Institute Public attitudes towards dentists: A U.S. household sur-
of Dental and Craniofacial Research in Bethesda, vey. J Am Dent Assoc 1995;126:1563-70.
Maryland, has information on research training 13. Ennis J. The story of the Fédération Dentaire Inter-
programs that it supports.28 nationale. London: The Federation, 1967.
1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 13

14. Fales MJH. History of dental hygiene education in the 23. Motley WE. Ethics, jurisprudence, and history for the
United States, 1913 to 1975 [dissertation]. Ann Arbor dental hygienist. 3rd ed. Philadelphia PA: Lea and
MI: University of Michigan, 1975. Febiger, 1976.
15. FDI World Dental Federation, website: http://www. 24. National Dental Association. About us, website: Accessed September 5, 2003. Accessed
16. Galagan DJ. Back from the brink: How and why September 4, 2003.
U.S. dental schools were rebuilt. Dent Surv 1978;54: 25. Ozar DT. Three models of professionalism and profes-
14-8. sional obligation in dentistry. J Am Dent Assoc
17. Hispanic Dental Association, website: http:// 1985;110:173-7. Accessed 26. US Public Health Service. Oral health in America:
September 4, 2003. A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville MD:
18. Hollinshead BS. The survey of dentistry: The final National Institutes of Health, 2000.
report. Washington DC: American Council on 27. US Public Health Service. A national call to action to
Education, 1961. promote oral health. NIH Publication No. 03-5303.
19. Koop CE, Ginzburg HM. The revitalization of the Rockville MD: National Institutes of Health, 2003.
Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Public 28. US Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental
Health Rep 1989;104:105-10. and Craniofacial Research. Research, website: http://
20. Mann WR. Dental education. In: Hollinshead BS. Accessed October 26,
The survey of dentistry; the final report. Washington 2003.
DC: American Council on Education, 1961: 29. Weinberger BH. An introduction to the history of den-
239–422. tistry, with medical and dental chronology and biblio-
21. McCann D. Tripartite system: Working together for a graphic data. St. Louis: Mosby, 1948.
common goal. J Am Dent Assoc 1989;119:241–7. 30. Wolfenden. What makes a profession? Br Dent J
22. Moore WJ, Corbett ME. The distribution of dental 1975;139:61-5.
caries in ancient British populations. II. Iron Age, 31. World Medical Association. Policy: Introduction and
Romano-British and mediaeval periods. Caries Res history, website:
1973;7:139-53. htm. Accessed November 6, 2003.
2 The Public Served by Dentistry


Population Size and Growth Socioeconomic Status
Age Distribution Race and Ethnicity
Geographic Distribution Geographic Location
Racial and Ethnic Composition General Health
Economic Distribution Dental Insurance
Summary of Population Trends FUTURE USE OF DENTAL SERVICES
Annual Dental Attendance

Dentistry exists to serve the public. Many aspects increasing, although the disparities between
of that broad statement will be examined whites and African-Americans are likely to per-
throughout this book, and in this chapter we sist. Those interracial disparities reflect social
start by looking at the structure of the U.S. pop- problems, whereas the fact that women usually
ulation. The age distribution of the population, live longer than men is likely to be genetically
its ethnic makeup, and its geographic distribu- determined.
tion within the country all profoundly affect the Fig. 2-1 features the population pyramid, a
practice of dentistry. We then look at the pub- graphic method of showing age distribution, to
lic’s use of dental services and the factors that demonstrate some population dynamics in the
affect that use. United States. The pyramid in Fig. 2-1, A, is from
the 1990 census14 and the pyramid in Fig. 2-1, B,
is from the 2000 census.15 The bulge of the
baby-boomer generation, the large number of
Population Size and Growth children born between 1946 and 1964 in the
In the decennial census of 2000, the population aftermath of World War II (1939–45), is clearly
of the United States was over 281 million, about evident in the 25-39 age-groups in 1990 and
4.6% of the world’s population. By 2004 the the 35-49 age-groups in 2000. Of interest to
population had exceeded 292 million.10 dental practitioners is the aging of the popula-
Life expectancy around the beginning of the tion and the predominance of women in the
twenty-first century reached 76.5 years. Women oldest age-groups. As time goes by, the popula-
live longer than men on average, and the high- tion pyramid for the United States will come to
est life expectancy was among white women, at look more like a rectangle. Average age will con-
79.9 years. They were followed by African- tinue to increase for the foreseeable future, and
American women at 74.7 years, white men an ever-increasing proportion of the population
at 74.3 years, and African-American men at will be in the older age-groups.
67.2 years.12 Life expectancy continues to Fig. 2-1 illustrates two areas of important
increase steadily and is expected to keep on population change. One is the growth in the
2 The Public Served by Dentistry 15

Age-group Age-group
85+ 85+
80-84 80-84
1990 75-79 2000 75-79
70-74 70-74
65-69 65-69
60-64 60-64
55-59 55-59
50-54 50-54
45-49 45-49
40-44 40-44
35-39 35-39
30-34 30-34
25-29 25-29
20-24 20-24
15-19 15-19
10-14 10-14
5-9 5-9
4 and under 4 and under
15 10 5 5 10 15 15 10 5 5 10 15
A Population in millions B Population in millions

Fig. 2-1 Population pyramids for the United States, 1990 (A) and 2000 (B).14,15

middle years, the inexorable upward movement and 12.6% in 2000,12 and are estimated to be
of the baby-boomer bulge toward the older 13.4% by 2010 and 18.5% by 2025 as the last of
years. Less obvious, and less publicized, is the the baby boomers approach 65 years.12 Fig. 2-3
increase in the population 10-24 years old shows the change in age distribution of the U.S.
between 1990 and 2000. These bars are notice- population between 1980 and 2000, with
ably longer in 2000 than in 1990, and the fact Census Bureau projections to the year 2020. The
that the numbers were not present in the birth main points to note are the continuing shrink-
to 14 years groups in 1990 means that immigra- age of the 29 years and under group as a propor-
tion is making its mark. tion of the total and the continuing growth in
The Census Bureau estimates that the total the 65 years and older group. The elderly popu-
population of the United States in the year lation is not spread evenly around the country.
2020, when many of today’s dental students Although the proportion of persons aged 65
will be practicing, will be 325 million.16 The years and older in the United States was 12.6%
rate of population increase during the 1980-95 in 2000, it ranged from 18.1% in Florida to
period was generally around 0.9% per year, 5.1% in Alaska.
which does not sound a lot but is still more As noted, the U.S. population will continue
than 2 million people per year. To provide a to get older in future years, with profound social
global perspective, the contrast between current ramifications (e.g., for Social Security, housing,
and projected population growth rates in some medical care). This aging trend, already well rec-
high-income countries and low-income coun- ognized in dentistry by greater attention to geri-
tries is shown in Fig. 2-2. The highest rates of atric dentistry, will clearly affect the types and
population growth are clearly occurring in the distribution of dental services in future years.
low-income world. In the year 2000, the popu- For example, population trends alone indicate
lation of the high-income countries was about that there is likely to be a greater emphasis on
one-fifth of the world’s total. periodontic and maintenance care than on
treatment for children, even apart from trends
Age Distribution in the oral diseases (see Chapters 19-23).
Low fertility rates since the late 1960s have com-
bined with increasing life expectancy to pro- Geographic Distribution
duce the “graying of America,” the term often Extensive migration of people from one region
used to describe to the nation’s constantly to another has long been a characteristic of the
increasing average age. Those ages 65 years and United States. It still is, with 15% of the popula-
older were 11.2% of the population in 19796 tion changing their address in 1998-99.13
16 Dentistry and the Community


Annual growth rate



United States

1950-60 1960-70 1970-80 1980-90 1990-2000 2000-10 2010-20

Growth period: years

Fig. 2-2 Rates of population growth, actual and projected, in six countries, 1950–60 to 2010–20.11

Percent Years Rhode Island grew by only 4.5% and that of

100 Pennsylvania by 3.4%.17 Since interregional
migrants tend to be younger people, the median
80 age in the South, the mountains, and the West is
already lower than it is in the Northeast, and the
interregional differences are expected to remain
or even increase in the years ahead.
Reasons for the “Sun Belt” migration since
1970 are primarily economic. The nation’s eco-
<30 nomic base, once concentrated in the industries
20 of the Northeast and Midwest, has become
more spread out, and businesses in the com-
0 puter age have greater flexibility in choice of
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 location than they used to have. The importance
Year of the Pacific Rim nations in the American
Fig. 2-3 Projected population distribution by age-group in
the United States, 1980–2020.7

A major trend since 1970 has been population 22.9% 19.0%

movement from the Northeastern, North 22.5%
Central, and Midwest regions to the South and
West, with the rate of population growth in
recent years being most pronounced in the 35.6%
mountain states. Fig. 2-4 shows the percentage
of total population by region for 2000. In the
decade of the 1990s, Nevada’s population
grew by 66%, Arizona’s by 40%, and Colorado’s Fig. 2-4 Population distribution by geographic regions in
by 30%. By comparison, the population of the United States, 2000.17
2 The Public Served by Dentistry 17

Percent of the Asian–Pacific Islander population from

100 Asian-Pacific Islanders 4% to 7%, the growth in the Hispanic popula-
Native American tion from 12% to 19%, and the decrease in the
80 proportion of non-Hispanic whites from 71%
to 60% of all Americans.
60 By 2003 Hispanics had become the largest
minority group in the United States. Hispanic is
40 a generic term for Spanish-speaking persons
White non-Hispanic and covers a variety of cultures and even races.
20 Most of the Hispanic population is of Mexican
heritage, and many live in the Southwest. The
0 large New York Hispanic population is predom-
2000 2010 2020 2030 inantly Puerto Rican, and Cubans are centered
Year in Miami. One third of the Hispanic population
Fig. 2-5 Distribution of the U.S. population by race and eth- in the 2000 census was from other countries in
nicity, 2000–30. (*In these data, Hispanics can be of any South or Central America or the Caribbean.17
Economic Distribution
The federal definition of poverty changes with
economy ensures that the West Coast will inflation and in 2003 was set as an annual
remain a leading business area, as well as a stop- income of $18,400 for a nonfarm four-person
ping place for immigrants from Asia. However, family in the contiguous United States. It is
some potential constraints to this pattern of higher in Alaska and Hawaii.18
growth could change things. The main one con- A disturbing trend that became evident dur-
cerns access to limited water supplies, already a ing the 1980s, and has continued into the new
major political issue in California. If the rapidly century, is the increase in the proportion of
growing cities in the region also develop the Americans living in poverty. The proportion
social problems of the older northern cities, of Americans in poverty through the 1980s was
they could become less attractive places to live. 13%-15%.8 There was some improvement dur-
At a different level, big cities continue to lose ing the 1990s, but by 2002 the poverty rate was
population to suburbs and small towns and 12.1%, up from 11.7% in 2001.9 The problem
are financially troubled as job opportunities of poverty is especially pronounced among
move out. The provision of dental services in America’s children and minority populations.
these inner city areas is one of many functions The proportion of the nation’s children ages
that are adversely affected by these population 5-17 years living in poverty was 16.7% in 2002,
movements. higher than the overall rate. Poverty is also
far more pronounced in minority groups: 8%
Racial and Ethnic Composition of the non-Hispanic white population, 24% of
The 2000 census of the United States listed 35.3 African-Americans, and 22% of Hispanics were
million African-Americans, which is 12.8% of in poverty in 2002.9
the total population. Persons of Hispanic This heavy burden of poverty has implica-
descent numbered 32.4 million, 11.8% of the tions for the provision of dental care, because
total, and the number is increasing rapidly.17 the problem of untreated oral disease is consid-
Because the racial and ethnic groups now erably greater among people of low income and
considered “minorities” are growing rapidly, education. This issue will be touched on fre-
the term minority groups will lose much of its quently throughout the book.
current meaning during the twenty-first century.
Fig. 2-5 shows the percentages of various racial Summary of Population Trends
and ethnic groups in the United States in 2000 The American population is aging, and the
and compares that distribution with the pro- so-called minority groups comprise an ever-
jected distribution over the next three decades. growing proportion of it. The polarization
The main features of Fig. 2-5 are the expansion between richer and poorer segments is showing
18 Dentistry and the Community

no signs of ending, and the population contin- to receive dental care. Utilization is expressed as
ues to shift south and west. Some implications (1) the proportion of a population who visited
for dentistry are that patients in their eighties a dentist within a given time, usually a year, or
and nineties, and even some over 100 years of (2) the average number of visits per person
age, will become common in dental practice, made during a year. The latter measure gener-
and all dental personnel will need training in ally uses the whole population as denominator,
the special needs of the older patient. The den- so it is weighted by people who did not visit the
tal professions will need to face the problems of dentist at all over the time in question.
providing care for the 35 million people in
poverty, because the lack of access to dental care Annual Dental Attendance
among these groups is already a major public Information on the use of dental services, in
health problem and will only grow further in addition to a lot of other health-related infor-
the absence of programmatic action. Adequate mation, comes from the continuing series
provision of dental care for the growing minor- of household interviews conducted by the
ity populations may require more dentists from National Center for Health Statistics, an agency
those groups, and all dental professionals will within the U.S. Department of Health and
need to be culturally competent if they are to be Human Services. In 2001, 65.6% of people in
both effective and comfortable working with the United States reported that they had visited
minorities. These adaptations will all be basic a dentist within the previous year, the highest
necessities if dental care for minorities is ever to proportion ever to do so.19 By way of contrast
achieve the status in their lives that it has in the with utilization some 30 years earlier, only 37%
lives of the majority. reported visiting a dentist within the previous
year in 1957-58.22
Utilization of dental services in the United
States, as measured by those who reported mak-
The need for dental care can be defined as that ing at least one dental visit over the previous
quantity of dental treatment that expert opin- year, rose modestly during the 1960s, plateaued
ion judges ought to be consumed over a certain at about 50% during the 1970s, and then rose
period for people to achieve the status of being noticeably during the 1980s. The upward trend
dentally healthy.4 This professionally deter- continues. At all times, more women than men
mined dental need is sometimes called norma- reported visiting the dentist. The trend of
tive need. Need for an individual or population increasing annual utilization over recent years,
can be expressed as (1) individual items of care for both men and women, is shown in Fig. 2-6.
required, such as those entered on a patient’s
chart; (2) total professional time needed for
treatment; (3) the numbers of professionals
needed for a particular time; or (4) the total cost
of such care. Perceived need, also referred to as The profile of the most frequent user of dental
subjective or felt need, is need for dental care as services is a white, female, college-educated sub-
determined by a patient or the public. Perceived urbanite in a higher income bracket, who
need can often differ considerably from norma- enjoys good general health and has dental
tive need. For example, a dentist might judge insurance. The profile of the chronic nonuser is
that a patient needs a root canal treatment fol- a minority male, poorly educated, with little
lowed by a crown whereas the patient wants the money and certainly no dental insurance. The
tooth extracted. Demand for dental care is the variations in dental service utilization by demo-
expression by a patient or the public of a desire graphic and other variables provide some basis
to receive dental care to attend to their per- for predicting how dental services may be used
ceived needs.3 Related terms are potential or in the future.
latent demand, meaning a desire for care that is
not being met for some reason. Gender
Utilization is the actual attendance by mem- As seen in Fig. 2-6, women report using dental
bers of the public at dental treatment facilities services more than men do. This finding is so
2 The Public Served by Dentistry 19


70 Male







1958 1969 1973 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1997 2000

Fig. 2-6 Proportion of the U.S. population who reported having visited a dentist within the previous
year, by gender, 1958–2000.20,22–25

consistent over time, and so constant in all use has traditionally been low in preschool
countries that have studied the issue,1 that it years, and although it is improving, more than
seems virtually universal—one of the few trends 50% of children aged 2-4 years had still never
of which we can say it “always” happens. No visited a dentist in 1999.26 The distribution of
one really knows why; numerous attempts to dental service use is also the polar opposite of
explore the issue have not come up with con- that for physician services, because use of physi-
vincing explanations. In the past, vanity has cian services is highest among the youngest and
been suggested as a reason, but are women the oldest age-groups, in which use of dental
really more vain than men? Unspecified “cul- services is the lowest. The utilization curve
tural factors” is another suggestion, but the for medical care services has traditionally been
trend is seen across a wide variety of cultures. It U-shaped, although as Fig. 2-7 shows it is
has also been hypothesized that the largely approaching a straight line. The dental services
male composition of the dental profession is utilization curve is still an inverted U shape. The
part of the answer, but that proposition breaks contrast between use of medical and dental
down with evidence from countries such as services is particularly important for adminis-
Finland, where dental professionals are pre- tration of managed care plans (see Chapter 7).
dominantly female.5 Women also make more The traditional tailing off of dental service
physician contacts than do men,21 so perhaps it use with increasing age is changing quite rap-
is just in the nature of things. idly, however, as tooth retention among older
adults increases. Fig. 2-8 shows utilization by
Age age in 1969 compared with that in 1989; the
The peak ages for dental visits have traditionally marked increase in the oldest and youngest age-
been school age and the late teenage years, with groups is obvious. As Fig. 2-6 shows, overall uti-
a gradual tailing off with increasing age. Service lization has increased even further since 1989.
20 Dentistry and the Community

Percent Percent
100 80




0 0
<5 5-17 18-44 45-64 65-74 75+ 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Dental Age-group Age-group

Fig. 2-7 Contrasting patterns in the proportion of the U.S.
population using medical and dental services, by age, Fig. 2-9 Utilization of dental services by dentate and eden-
1999.26,27 tulous persons in the United States, 1989.25

tate people, there was little decrease in use of
dental services with increasing age.2 That analy-
sis showed that 59.5% of dentate persons ages
65-74 years reported a dental visit within the
60 previous year, which was actually more than the
58.4% utilization among dentate persons ages
50 25-34 years. Among edentulous persons of all
ages, however, annual utilization was only
40 12.6%. The distribution of annual dental visits
for American adults ages 35 years or older in the
1989 National Health Interview Survey, by age
and dentate-edentulous status, is shown in
Fig. 2-9. When the data are viewed in this way, it
10 is remarkable how uniform dental utilization
remains with increasing age when people retain
0 their teeth.
<5 5-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+
Socioeconomic Status
1969 Age-group
Socioeconomic status (SES) in the United States
is usually measured by years of education and
Fig. 2-8 Increases in the utilization of dental services in the annual income, which not surprisingly are
United States, 1969–89.23,25
closely correlated. SES is directly related to use
of dental services: the higher the SES, the greater
Low use of dental services by older adults was the use of dental services. As with gender differ-
once thought to be caused by loss of interest in ences, this relationship is found consistently in
dental health with age, but in fact is more all countries, even in those where the cost bar-
related to loss of teeth than loss of interest. The rier for dental care has been reduced by public
difference was first pointed out in an analysis of financing. This pattern is illustrated by data for
1983 data from the National Health Interview the United States from 1989 presented in
Survey, in which it was found that among den- Fig. 2-10, which shows utilization for adults 22
2 The Public Served by Dentistry 21





22-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

13+ Years 9-11 Years Age-group

12 Years <9 Years

Fig. 2-10 Utilization of dental services by U.S. adults, by years of education received, 1999.26,27

years or older, by age, for four different educa- ent income and educational levels. Many lesser-
tional levels. The close association between use educated people are from backgrounds in
of dental services and educational levels is obvi- which dental care was virtually nonexistent, so
ous, and the difference in the older age-groups they have none of the middle-class culture of
is especially marked. The majority of edentu- which dental care is a part. More obviously,
lous people, and those without dental insur- lower SES groups are less able to afford care
ance, are in the lower educational attainment when it does exist, and they are less likely to
groups, so those factors would influence the have dental insurance. There are fewer dentists
data seen in Fig. 2-10. Once again, it is remark- in lower SES areas (see Chapter 8), so dental
able how uniform is the use of dental services care is less available; people just adapt to living
with increasing age among college- without dental care. Dental insurance has made
educated people (13+ years of education). some difference to the problem of affording
Persons with higher incomes also visit the den- care, but experience in a number of countries
tist more frequently than do persons with lower has long shown that even when the cost barrier
incomes, and as noted earlier, income and edu- is completely removed, clear disparities are still
cational level are tightly correlated in the seen in use of dental services among the differ-
United States. ent socioeconomic groups.
The pattern in 1999 was the same: dental visits
within the previous year were reported by 38.2% Race and Ethnicity
of those with less than a high school diploma In 2000 70.2% of white non-Hispanic Americans
and by 80.2% of those with a college degree.27 reported visiting a dentist, compared with
The reasons for this consistent relationship 57.5% of non-Hispanic African-Americans and
between SES and use of dental services are more 51.4% of Hispanic Americans.27 As noted ear-
complicated than they might appear. It is easy lier, utilization data are not easy to interpret
to say that people of lower SES are less inter- because race and ethnicity in the United States
ested in oral health or less aware of the value of are inextricably related to wealth and poverty,
dental care, but that often-heard assertion is education, cultural values, and residential
oversimplified. Values, attitudes, and expecta- location. Hispanics and African-Americans
tions naturally vary among people with differ- have also suffered historically from deliberate
22 Dentistry and the Community

These findings are hardly unexpected,

because people whose mobility is restricted
quite naturally would find getting to a dentist
65.5% 68.2% more difficult. Those in poor general health
63.1% may be too preoccupied, or too restricted gener-
ally, to face going to the dentist. These distribu-
tions also are likely to be related to age and to
58.3% SES.
Dental Insurance
People with dental insurance visit a dentist
United States = 63.0% more often than do people without insurance.
Fig. 2-11 Proportion of the U.S. adult population reporting The 1999 data showed that 71.9% of adults
a dental visit within the previous year, by geographic region, aged 18–64 years with private dental insurance
1999.27 visited a dentist within the previous year, com-
pared with only 38% of those without.27 The
contrast for all age-groups, using 1989 data, is
exclusion from many care facilities, and there shown in Fig. 2-12.
are relatively few dental providers from these These differences are to be expected because
groups. The National Health Interview Survey dental insurance can substantially reduce the
data for 2000 also show that 54.6% of Native financial burden of dental care. It was men-
Americans and Alaskan natives reported a den- tioned earlier that cost is not as much of a bar-
tal visit, as did 66.3% of Asians.27 As noted ear- rier to receiving dental care as is often thought.
lier, race and ethnicity are inextricably bound Even among groups for whom there is no direct
into SES, geographic location, and availability charge for dental treatment, the association
of dental care, so the disparity between whites between utilization of care and SES is still seen.
and minorities in dental visits again reflects all To explain the role of dental insurance, we must
of these factors. look at who has it: professionals, white-collar
workers, and members of the larger labor
Geographic Location unions who receive group dental care as a fringe
There are variations in frequency of dental visits benefit of employment. So again, there is likely
by region of the country, as shown in Fig. 2-11. to be an association with SES as well as some
The Northeast, Midwest, and West show similar financial incentive for these groups.
usage patterns, but the South has a lower level
of utilization. The South has the lowest SES
ranking of the four regions, as well as the most
unfavorable dentist/population ratio, which Should we expect the trend of steadily increas-
probably are major factors in explaining these ing dental utilization to continue? If so, how far
variations. before it hits a ceiling? These questions are of
fundamental importance to students and new
General Health graduates, and the data presented give us a basis
People who consider themselves in excellent for making estimates.
health visit a dentist more often than those who Apart from gender, the data show that the
see themselves as in good or only fair health. most powerful correlates of dental utilization
Among those who considered themselves to be are SES, dentate status, and the extent of dental
in “excellent” health, 61.9% reported a visit dur- insurance. Overall economic conditions are
ing 1989 compared with 51.5% who thought also a major factor. Prosperity provides more
their health was “good” and 39.8% who thought disposable income for people to afford dental
it was “fair or poor.”25 Distributions of a similar care, permits employers to offer more generous
nature were found among those who had no dental insurance plans, and leads to a feeling
restriction of activity compared with those of optimism. If economic conditions in the
whose activity was limited to some degree. United States decline over the long term, how-
2 The Public Served by Dentistry 23






<11 12-17 18-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

With insurance Age-group

Without insurance

Fig. 2-12 Proportion of U.S. adults reporting a dental visit within the previous year, by age and status of dental
insurance, 1989.25

ever, more people will be forced out of the mid- lower SES population to dental care, which in
dle classes and use of dental services will turn will require more resources in the public
decline. Poor economic conditions would force health sector to provide the necessary education
many corporations to drop dental insurance, and acculturation.
which would also reduce the use of dental
Increasing tooth retention (see Chapter 7),
especially among the elderly, is reason for opti- The use of dental services is tied closely to eco-
mism about an increase in the use of dental nomic developments and demography, neither
services by the next generation of older of which dental personnel can do much to
Americans. The data clearly show that when influence. Increasing tooth retention is one fac-
people are dentate, they go to the dentist; when tor that tends to increase utilization among
they are edentulous, they do not. older Americans. The utilization patterns of
As stated earlier, population growth in the younger generations are harder to predict, and
United States in recent years has been greatest overall utilization could remain at current lev-
in the lower SES groups, among African- els, but with a distributional shift away from
Americans and Hispanics, groups with rela- younger toward older patients. Specific pro-
tively low use of dental services. Immigration is grams aimed at bringing today’s minority
a major force in population growth, and many groups into the dental care system will also be a
of the new immigrants from the Spanish- major step toward improvement of the nation’s
speaking world live in deep poverty. Because oral health. Without such action, utilization
these groups make up a larger proportion of the of dental services could go into long-term
population (see Fig. 2-5), rigid adherence to decline.
current methods of providing dental care will
lead to a decline in utilization. People in these REFERENCES
social strata are largely outside the usual dental 1. Gift HC. Utilization of professional dental services. In:
insurance groups, and the cuts in public health Cohen LK, Bryant PS, eds: Social sciences and dentistry:
programs through the 1980s left many of them A critical bibliography. Vol II. London: Quintessence/
with little opportunity to receive dental care at Fédération Dentaire Internationale, 1984:202–66.
2. Ismail AI, Burt BA, Hendershot GE, et al. Findings from
all, let alone to adopt habits of regular atten- the dental care supplement of the National Health
dance. Growth in the population utilizing den- Interview Survey, 1983. J Am Dent Assoc 1987;
tal services will require the introduction of the 114:617–21.
24 Dentistry and the Community

3. Jeffers JR, Bognanno MF, Bartlett JC. On the demand

versus need for medical services and the concept of pdf. Accessed September 18, 2003.
“shortage.” Am J Public Health 1971;61:46-63. 18. US Department of Health and Human Services. The
4. Spencer AJ. The estimation of need for dental care. 2003 HHS poverty guidelines, website: http://aspe.
J Public Health Dent 1980;40:311-27. Accessed September
5. Tala H. Oral health in Finland. Helsinki: Finnish 27, 2003.
National Board of Health, 1989. 19. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
6. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Statistics. Dental attendance, website: http://www.cdc.
Current population reports: Estimates of the popula- gov/nchs/data/hus/tables/2002/02hus080.pdf.
tion of the states by age; 1971 to 1979. Series P-25 No. Accessed September 18, 2003.
875. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 20. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
1980. Statistics. Dental visits in the past year according to cer-
7. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. tain characteristics. United States selected years
U.S. population estimates by age, sex, race, and 1997–2001, website:
Hispanic origin: 1993 to 2050. Series P-25 No. 1104. data/Tables/2003/03hus078.pdf. Accessed October 27,
Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1994. 2003.
8. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 21. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
Measuring the effect of benefits and taxes on income Statistics. Current estimates from the National Health
and poverty. Series P-60 No. 186RD. Washington DC: Interview Survey, 1993. DHHS Publication No. (PHS)
Government Printing Office, 1994. 95-1518, Series 10 No. 190. Washington DC:
9. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Government Printing Office, 1994.
Poverty: 2002 highlights, website: http://www. 22. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics. Dental care: Interval and frequency of visits.
Accessed September 27, 2003. United States, June 1957–June 1959. PHS Publication
10. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. No. 584-B14, Series B No. 14. Washington DC:
Population clocks, website: Government Printing Office, 1960.
Accessed September 12, 2003. 23. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
11. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Statistics. Dental visits: Volume and interval since last
IDB summary demographic data, website: http://www. visit. United States—1969. DHEW Publication No. Accessed September (HSM) 72-1066, Series 10 No. 76. Washington DC:
12, 2003. Government Printing Office, 1972.
12. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 24. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
Statistical abstract of the United States, website: Statistics. Use of dental services and dental health. United States, 1986. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 88-
pdf. Accessed September 12, 2003. 1593, Series 10 No. 165. Washington DC: Government
13. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Printing Office, 1988.
Statistical abstract of the United States, website: 25. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics. US Health: United States, 1989. DHHS
pdf. Accessed September 18, 2003. Publication No. (PHS) 93-1511, Series 10 No.
14. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 183. Washington DC: Government Printing Office,
1990 Census lookup server, website: http://homer. 1992. Accessed 26. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
September 11, 2003. Statistics. Summary health statistics for U.S. children:
15. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. National Health Interview Survey 1999. DHHS
2000 Census lookup server, website: http://factfinder. Publication No. (PHS) 2003-1538, Series 10 Accessed July No. 210. Washington DC: Government Printing Office,
31, 2003. 2003.
16. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 27. US Public Health Service, National Center for
Statistical abstract of the United States, website: Health Statistics. Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey 1999.
pdf. Accessed September 12, 2003. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 2003-1540, Series 10 No.
17. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 212. Washington DC: Government Printing Office,
Statistical abstract of the United States, website: 2003.
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental


RESPONSIBILITY Ethics in Research

As noted in Chapter 1, professionalism brings has also been used as a generic term for various
with it the responsibility to adhere to the high- ways of understanding and examining the moral
est ethical standards. Public trust is the greatest life.8 Our understanding of ethics can also be
asset that the dental professions possess, and helped by defining some things that ethics is not:
that trust has been hard-earned by the profes- it is not a set of rules or restrictions, it is not reli-
sions’ willingness to adhere to ethical practice gion, and it is neither relative nor subjective.24
and to follow through if there has been a The very nature of moral decisions means
breach. Even the most conscientious practi- that much of the ethics literature asks questions
tioner will find that ethical dilemmas arise fre- rather than provides answers, and this lack of a
quently. For example, how does a practitioner “formula” to solve problems can be frustrating
respond to a patient who wants all her amalgam for some. Because ethics is the study of both the
restorations removed because she believes they general nature of morals and of specific moral
are the cause of her chronic fatigue? What is the choices, ethical decisions can vary over time and
practitioner’s obligation in treating a patient between locations when cultural standards dif-
who is mentally unable to provide his own fer. This means, as noted earlier, that a formula
informed consent? Straight answers are not for finding what is the right thing to do in spe-
always easy to find, although ethical codes are cific circumstances cannot always be provided,
intended to give the practitioner guidelines to only guidelines.
follow. The dictum “First, do no harm” has been
This chapter discusses the place of profes- around since Hippocrates, around 400 BC, and
sional ethics in dental care. We discuss the from that point ethical principles have devel-
framework for ethical codes, the social and cul- oped slowly over the centuries. Today there are
tural background against which our ethical four basic principles (Box 3-1) that have
standards have evolved, ethics in patient care become widely accepted as guidelines for deci-
and research, and the role of the professional sion making in biomedical ethical dilemmas
associations in defining ethical codes. and that apply to dental professionals as they
do to physicians and nurses.
For a professional organization, these princi-
ples then need to be formulated as ethical stan-
dards. Standards can take the following forms:
Ethics, a branch of philosophy and theology, is ●
Aspirational, a broadly worded statement of
the systematic study of what is right and good ideals. No precise definitions of right or
with respect to conduct and character.27 Ethics wrong behavior are given.
26 Dentistry and the Community

BOX 3-1 Summary of Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Decision Making8

Educational, which combine the principles

seatbelt, maintain friendships and social con-
with explicit guidelines that can assist tacts. But what about those individuals who are
decision making in morally ambiguous unfortunate enough to have genetic predisposi-
situations. tions to disease or are mentally or physically
Regulatory, which go a step further and

handicapped? Or those who live in rundown
include a set of detailed rules to govern pro- neighborhoods where food choices are limited
fessional conduct and which serve as a and there is little opportunity to practice a
basis for adjudicating grievances. Such healthy lifestyle? Many people became addicted
rules are assumed to be enforceable, with a to cigarettes at a time when such addiction was
range of sanctions imposed by the profes- not understood, and some became alcoholic or
sion if the rules are contravened.14 drug-addicted in response to social or personal
Professions adopt ethical standards because pressures. The problems these conditions pres-
that is part of the professional charge. A ent can be compounded by the individual’s
patient’s trust in a professional comes in part inability to pay for necessary medical care. What
from the expectation that the professional’s are the professions’ ethical obligations in these
behavior is governed by norms prescribed by and related instances?
the group.14 It is also a public expectation that If we believed that health is solely an individ-
ethical standards be developed and enforced by ual responsibility, we would shrug our shoulders,
any profession, a requirement that comes with say “Bad luck,” and be thankful that these bad
the privilege of self-regulation. things weren’t happening to us. But we don’t do
It was stated earlier that ethical standards are that. All high-income nations accept some
shaped in part by cultural forces, so it is well to degree of public responsibility through health
examine briefly some of the social and cultural and social support systems for sick people. In
forces that underlie ethical expectations in the many European countries, Canada, Australia,
United States. and New Zealand these systems can be extensive,
usually more so than their counterparts in the
United States. Arguments in the United States
can turn toward whether such programs should
exist at all, although most balk at suggestions
Who is responsible for health? Is it society as a that the last vestiges of a “safety net” should be
whole, or is health each individual’s responsi- removed. There is ongoing vigorous debate,
bility? That is a broad question, to which the however, about the extent of and eligibility crite-
answer can only be, “Some of both.” ria for public financing of health and welfare,
It is well understood today that individual and about the right division between public and
lifestyle choices are a major factor in determin- personal financing for them. American attitudes
ing a person’s health status. Every educated per- toward publicly financed social systems are gen-
son knows the basic rules: don’t smoke, drink in erally not as positive as those in other developed
moderation, eat lots of fresh fruit and vegeta- countries, so it is worth looking at how American
bles and a varied diet low in saturated fats, get cultural attitudes toward individualism and
enough sleep, exercise regularly, fasten the car’s social responsibility have evolved.
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental Care 27

referred to as the puritan ethic, which historians

consider to have arrived with the first English
colonists.11 Many of these and other pioneers
Americans rightly cherish their individual rights were members of nonconformist religious
and freedoms; individualism has been a more groups who brought their rigid beliefs about
powerful cultural force in the United States than human nature to the new land. These attitudes
in other countries.9 Many of the settlers who first became part of the American national character,
immigrated to America (voluntary settlers at and as such they remain prominent today.
least) were leaving rigid social, religious, or politi- Essentially, the puritan ethic is a set of beliefs
cal systems to seek a new life where they and their and attitudes which holds that God rewards
children could prosper in an environment that people for their honest toil in this life as well as
was free of the constraints they had left behind, in the next, and that individual wealth or
and where hard work would create its own oppor- poverty is justified and largely controllable by
tunities and yield its own rewards. An abundance one’s own efforts. It follows that under the puri-
of natural resources and a seemingly limitless tan ethic the accumulation of great personal
frontier gave rise to the attitude that in America wealth can be seen as a reward for virtue and
people could mold their own destinies largely by hard work, just as poverty can be seen as a pun-
their own efforts. Although historical evidence ishment for immorality or laziness. It logically
shows that this belief is at best only partly true,9 it follows that the puritan ethic also involves a
still remains a powerful cultural perception and is strong aversion to paying taxes, especially when
still the magnet attracting today’s immigrants. the funds can be “wasted” for social programs
The high point of unfettered laissez-faire cap- aimed at helping the “undeserving” poor.
italism occurred in western Europe around the The first serious questioning of individualism
mid-nineteenth century and in the United States in the United States came during the widespread
a generation or so later. By the early years of the social distress caused by the Great Depression of
twentieth century, however, philosophies in the 1930s. Many people at that time lost every-
Europe were turning away from individualism thing through what was clearly no fault of their
toward more shared responsibility for basics like own, and the response of the federal government
housing, education, social security, and health was a series of emergency relief measures aimed
care. Programs grew slowly, but by the 1970s, a at avoiding total societal collapse. Most of these
network of national state-sponsored social pro- no longer exist, although Social Security has not
grams was the norm in Europe, less so in the only survived but has become institutionalized
United States. Why the more hesitant growth in as a major entitlement that figures prominently
America? One reason suggested for the slower in current political debate. World War II
development in the United States is that (1939–45) followed the depression, after which
America’s relative isolation from external politi- the next wave of social activity followed the reve-
cal turbulence during its formative years allowed lations about the extent and consequences of
the development of a more introspective poverty in the United States during the early
national character than was the case in Europe.28 1960s. The Eighty-ninth Congress (1964–65)
Another reason, given that catastrophic events passed a series of legislative measures intended
have a way of hastening social change, is that the to improve social equity, the main ones being the
social devastation wrought by two major wars in Medicare and Medicaid health programs (see
the first half of the twentieth century hastened Chapter 8), the Voting Rights Act, the Economic
the development of social welfare programs in Opportunity Act, the Model Cities Act, and
Europe. The United States largely escaped the the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
social devastation of those wars. It should be This trend was slowed, and in some cases
remembered, however, that the first Social reversed, by the more conservative mood that set
Security Act in the United States was passed in in during the 1980s and continues today. This
1935 in the midst of the Great Depression, public mood was also affected by a growing
which was a catastrophe by any measure. awareness of limited resources and a loss of faith
Another major contribution to the individu- in government’s ability to solve complex social
alist culture in America comes from what is problems.
28 Dentistry and the Community

The current version of the code of ethics can be

found on the ADA’s website.4 It has three sec-
American attitudes, historically shaped by indi- tions: Principles of Ethics, Code of Professional
vidualism and the puritan ethic, are evolving Conduct, and Advisory Opinions. This code is
only slowly to the belief that access to health classified as aspirational by the ADA, meaning
care is a right rather than a privilege.7 The “right that it is made up of broad principles, though
to health care” is an emotional and often mis- parts of it seem to be more educational, as
understood concept, one frequently interpreted defined by the standards listed earlier. It is pri-
as “the right to health.” Of course, no one has a marily concerned with issues related to the care
right to health. Health, an elusive entity to of patients, though it also deals with the han-
define, is a dynamic state influenced by genetic dling of fees, referrals, criticism of colleagues,
endowment, nutrition, housing, physical and advertising, and specialty practice. The code has
social environment, life habits, personal atti- been modified over the years as new issues arise
tudes and beliefs, and medical care received, and as societal views on particular issues
quite possibly in that order of importance. evolve. It is also influenced by judicial out-
Although medical care has probably been over- comes, which presumably represent social val-
valued as a determinant of health,7,16,18 most ues, as evidenced by growth in the legal
individuals at some time in their lives have a advisory opinions in the code. As an example,
need for it, sometimes an urgent need. the 1982 statement on patient selection stated
Health care has always been rationed in one the following:
way or another. The traditional rationing
While dentists, in serving the public, may exercise rea-
method has been fee for service, meaning that
sonable discretion in selecting patients for their practices,
those who can afford care get it, whereas those
dentists shall not refuse to accept patients into their prac-
who cannot afford it do not. The method is sim- tice or deny dental service to patients because of the
ple enough, and it conforms with the puritan patient’s race, creed, color, sex or national origin.2
ethic, although there is an untold cost in wasted
human resources. This philosophy was chal- That statement was unchanged in later versions
lenged in the United States during the 1960s, of the code, but there was an advisory opinion
when access to health care was extended to mil- appended after 1988 that dealt primarily with
lions of poorer citizens through Medicaid and treating infected patients. This opinion stated
to the elderly through Medicare (see Chapter 7). the following:
As would be expected, one result of better access
A dentist has the general obligation to provide care to
to care was that public expenditures on medical
those in need. A decision not to provide treatment to an
care increased substantially. When the public individual because the individual has AIDS or is HIV
mood later swung toward controlling medical seropositive, based solely on that fact, is unethical.
care expenditures as the first priority, “managed Decisions with regard to the type of dental treatment
care” emerged in the 1980s and grew rapidly in provided or referrals made or suggested, in such
the 1990s (see Chapter 7). Managed care instances, should be made on the same basis as they are
appeared to reduce the rate of increase of med- made with other patients, that is, whether the individ-
ical expenditures, although it did so by intro- ual dentist believes he or she has need of another’s skills,
ducing other forms of rationing (e.g., restricting knowledge, equipment or experience and whether the
services and which physicians may be con- dentist believes, after consultation with the patient’s
physician if appropriate, the patient’s health status
sulted). The ethical problems have multiplied
would be significantly compromised by the provision of
as a result.
dental treatment.3

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND This advisory opinion, maintained in the 2003

SELF-REGULATION version of the code, is an example of an issue
that causes misgivings among some practition-
The American Dental Association (ADA) main- ers who do not feel it unethical to turn away a
tains a code of ethics, which is reviewed and patient who has tested positive for human
amended periodically by the association’s immunodeficiency virus on the grounds that
Council on Ethics, Bylaws, and Judicial Affairs. the health of the dentist and staff would be
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental Care 29

unduly at risk if treatment were offered. (Note: aside, the ethical responsibility still remains for
not only is such behavior unethical, it is also practitioners to do their best to keep themselves
illegal.12) By the new century, this issue had current.
advanced to the point where the code in Section Community service is also dealt with rather
2.E stated the following: vaguely in the ADA code. Section 3.A of the
code states the following:
All dentists, regardless of their bloodborne pathogen
status, have an ethical obligation to immediately inform Since dentists have an obligation to use their skills,
any patient who may have been exposed to blood or knowledge, and experience for the improvement of the
other potentially infectious material in the dental office dental health of the public and are encouraged to be lead-
of the need for post exposure evaluation and follow-up ers in their community, dentists in such service shall con-
and to immediately refer the patient to a qualified duct themselves in such a manner as to maintain or
health care practitioner who can provide postexposure elevate the esteem of the profession.4

Another area in which professional viewpoints Some dentists working for a fluoridation cam-
have changed is in reporting bad treatment by paign in the community, for example, have felt
other dentists. Not very long ago those in the that an appearance on local television may con-
biomedical professions considered it unethical travene the spirit of the ethical constraint on
to report poor treatment by a colleague that false and misleading advertising, even if such an
they observed. The response to seeing substan- appearance would help the campaign. This
dard care was very much to close ranks. By the unduly cautious interpretation has to be
new century, this had turned around, so that respected, though the statement in the code was
Section 4.C reads: never intended to preclude such obviously pub-
lic-spirited activity. Some would like to see
Dentists shall be obliged to report to the appropriate Section 3.A of the code strengthened to encour-
reviewing agency as determined by the local component age dentists to work cooperatively with public
or constituent society instances of gross or continual health authorities for the benefit of the whole
faulty treatment by other dentists. Patients should be community.
informed of their present oral health status without dis-
Dental hygienists should all be familiar with
paraging comment about prior services. Dentists issuing
the code of ethics adopted by the American
a public statement with respect to the profession shall
have a reasonable basis to believe that the comments Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA).5 Aspects
made are true.4 dealing with professional conduct and patient
care are generally similar to those in the ADA
Not all aspects of practice are covered by the code. The ADHA lists as “basic beliefs” that all
ADA code of ethics. For example, the obligation people should have access to health care and to
to keep current through continuing education oral health care, and that people are responsible
and reading the literature, a prime ethical for their own health and entitled to make
responsibility,22 is nonetheless given only cur- choices regarding their health. No such state-
sory mention in the ADA code. Although some ment about access to health care can be found
think that this issue could be stated more in the ADA code.
strongly, perhaps it is being overtaken by events. Dentists may not give much thought to the
Minnesota was the first state to introduce ethical problems of hygienists, but a national
mandatory continuing education as a require- survey of ADHA members in the late 1980s dis-
ment for dental relicensure in 1969, and by the closed that the three most frequent ethical
mid-1990s almost every state had such a issues faced by hygienists were (1) observation
requirement in place. It could be argued that of a dentist’s behavior in conflict with standard
continuing education is therefore no longer an infection control procedures; (2) failure of the
ethical responsibility but a legal one. It would dentist to refer patients to specialists, such as
be a pity, however, if continuing education periodontists; and (3) nondiagnosis of oral dis-
came to be interpreted solely as a legal require- ease by the dentist.17 Although 86% of those
ment, for uncaring practitioners can always responding said that they had some instruction
fulfill the requirements on paper without trans- in ethical theory, only 51% reported that they
ferring the knowledge to practice. Regulations had received instruction in how to cope with
30 Dentistry and the Community

these ethical problems. It is noted that the cur- at odds with the individualist tradition
rent ADHA code of ethics includes a require- described earlier. Likewise, the ethical code of
ment in the section To the Community and the American Association of Public Health
Society for a hygienist to report inappropriate, Dentistry emphasizes community action and
inadequate, or substandard care to the proper care.1
authorities. In the same section there is an item
that states, “Recognize and uphold our obliga- Ethics in Patient Care
tion to provide pro bono service.”5 In general, The world was jolted by the atrocities, in the
the ADHA code mixes some assertive state- name of medical experimentation, committed
ments about dental hygiene practice with a by Nazi Germany on prisoners in concentration
stronger community outlook than is found in camps during World War II. In a reaction
the ADA code. against these appalling crimes, the World
The social climate of recent times has led Medical Association, a group of national med-
many professional organizations to develop ical associations rather like the FDI (see
their own codes of ethics. There are of course Chapter 1), adopted the Declaration of Geneva
some overlaps; ethical conduct for an ortho- in 1948.29 The principles of the declaration are
dontist is basically no different than that for a in the form of a physician’s oath, to be taken at
periodontist. But these codes also address mat- the time of graduation, and the oath itself is
ters specific to the discipline. The code of shown in Box 3-2. Written in idealistic terms in
ethics of the American Public Health a time of postwar optimism, its emphasis is on
Association, for example, provides a statement the primacy of patient care, a natural response
of the key values and beliefs inherent to the to the horrors of the war.
public health perspective on which the ethical Society’s bestowing of self-government upon
principles are based.6 The preamble goes on to the dental profession comes from its recogni-
say: tion that the profession conducts itself in a fair
and honorable manner in its contacts with
The code is neither a new nor an exhaustive system of patients. As discussed in Chapter 1, this is one
health ethics. Rather, it highlights the ethical principles of the cornerstones of professionalism. The
that follow from the distinctive characteristics of public
ADA states that “the ADA Code is, in effect, a
health. A key belief worth highlighting, and which under-
lies several of the ethical principles, is the interdependence
written expression of the obligations arising
of people. This interdependence is the essence of commu- from the implied contract between the dental
nity. Public health not only seeks the health of whole com- profession and society.”4
munities but also recognizes that the health of individuals Because the professional has knowledge
is tied to their life in the community.6 that the patient does not and is usually in a
position to evaluate likely treatment out-
The emphasis on community is a keystone of comes better than the patient, the professional
public health (see Chapter 4) and is somewhat carries the burden of avoiding paternalism

BOX 3-2 Declaration of Geneva, Adopted in 1948 by the World Medical Association29

Physician’s oath, taken at the time of being admitted as ●

I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality,
a member of the medical profession: race, party politics or social standing to intervene

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the between my duty and my patient.
service of humanity. ●
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from

I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use
which is their due. my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.

I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; ●
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my
the health of my patient will be my first consideration. honor.

I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor
and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my
colleagues will be my brothers.
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental Care 31

and sharing her knowledge and experience with both. As with patient care, the first detailed
the patient in such a way that the patient can research codes were developed in the shadow of
make informed choices.22 Even with the best of World War II. The revulsion that followed the
intentions this is frequently difficult to do, espe- disclosure of Nazi “experiments” brought seri-
cially when a patient yearns to put unqualified ous public scrutiny to patients’ rights in
trust in the professional: research studies and resulted in the 1947
Nuremberg Code,20 which introduced the
Although intellectually patients—including doctors requirements that research subjects be able to
when they become patients—know that doctors are not
exercise choice and have the legal and intellec-
infallible, emotionally we want to believe that they are,
that they know what they are doing and are capable of
tual capacity to give consent, and be able to
doing it. The most skeptical of us longs to leave such skep- understand to what they are consenting.19 Over
ticism in the waiting room.15 the years since then, the Nuremberg Code has
served as the basis for the extensive legal
This situation can force the professional to requirements that many countries have devel-
take a paternalistic role, no matter how reluc- oped to govern the participation of humans in
tantly, and it can sharpen the conflict between research. In addition to drafting the Declaration
professional and proprietary values that fre- of Geneva (see Box 3-2), which was aimed at
quently arises in dental practice.21 Some have patient care, the World Medical Association has
argued that dentistry needs well-defined stan- further refined the subject of the rights of
dards of care to fall back on in such circum- human participants in research through the
stances,15 but the profession has never been Declaration of Helsinki in 1964, its subsequent
comfortable about defining such standards amendments,30 and a host of national and pro-
because of its reluctance to take action that fessional codes since then.
might be seen as infringing upon professional The Declaration of Helsinki uses forthright
judgment. The ADA took a hesitant step in the language: “considerations related to the well-
direction of standards with its Dental Practice being of the human subject should take prece-
Parameters, adopted by the House of Delegates dence over the interests of science and society.”
in 1994–95, in which the broad descriptions For example, with respect to the role of placebos
of what constitutes acceptable procedures are in clinical trials (see Chapter 13), the declara-
preceded by statements that the clinical judg- tion stated the following in 2000:
ment of the dentist comes first. These parame-
ters might have added that dentists have the The benefits, risks, burdens and effectiveness of a new
method should be tested against those of the best current
obligation to form their clinical judgments
prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods. This
based on the best available science, rather than does not exclude the use of placebo, or no treatment, in
a personal preference or unfounded belief, studies where no proven prophylactic, diagnostic or thera-
which is the essence of “evidence-based den- peutic method exists.30
tistry” (see Chapter 12). Discharging this pro-
fessional obligation requires dentists to have a This statement was expanded in the 2002
good grasp of what constitutes scientific study meeting of the World Medical Association
(see Chapter 13) and to keep up with the liter- to say:
ature and with continuing education.
Regardless of what framework for studying The WMA hereby reaffirms its position that extreme
ethics is used, the requirement to maintain care must be taken in making use of a placebo-controlled
professional competence is a prime ethical trial and that in general this methodology should only be
used in the absence of existing proven therapy. However, a
placebo-controlled trial may be ethically acceptable, even
Ethics in Research if proven therapy is available, under the following
Researchers bear the responsibility for identify-
ing and propagating truth in matters of science. ●
Where for compelling and scientifically sound
Much research involves studies with humans methodological reasons its use is necessary to deter-
and human tissues, as well as with animals, and mine the efficacy or safety of a prophylactic, diagnos-
there are strict rules governing research with tic or therapeutic method; or
32 Dentistry and the Community

BOX 3-3 Statement of Principles Adopted by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) to Be
Applied to Dental Research23

All members of the IADR shall ●

Avoid judgments influenced by conflict of interest.

Act with honor and in accordance with the highest (Specifically, this refers to situations in which a researcher
standards of professional integrity. stands to gain financially or professionally from a decision

Be guided by the conventions of scholarly pursuit. in which he or she participates. Full disclosure of any

Promote exemplary ethical standards for research and potential conflict of interest must be made.)
scholarship. ●
Take actions necessary to ensure the rights and

Conduct work with objectivity. interests of research subjects, and observe the spirit

Communicate information in a responsible manner, and letter of laws, regulations, and ethical standards
with due regard for the significance and credibility of with regard to the welfare of humans and animals
the available data. involved in experimental or clinical procedures.

Present scientific or professional judgments with full ●
Not engage in any form of advertising that is false,
disclosure of the extent of factual support. fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading.

Where a prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic code for the whole world would seem too
method is being investigated for a minor condition authoritarian and would lack local buy-in.
and the patients who receive placebo will not be sub- Instead, the intent is that its divisions (usually
ject to any additional risk of serious or irreversible individual countries or groups of countries)
harm.30 will use the preamble and principles, plus
Legal requirements aside, researchers always other parts of the comprehensive report on
have the ethical obligation to treat all human ethics,23 to develop their own codes. Despite
research volunteers with respect and dignity. periodic encouragement through the IADR
Codes for treatment of animals in research are and periodic symposia on ethics in research at
also now well developed. IADR annual meetings, progress toward this
In the United States, formulation of codes of goal has been slow. The IADR’s statement of
ethics in research is now mostly based on research principles directed at its members,
the Belmont Report.25 The National Research shown in Box 3-3, is clearly aspirational in
Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-348) brought into nature. The principles applying specifically to
being the National Commission for the research with human subjects (Box 3-4),
Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical included in the IADR’s report in 1994 but
and Behavioral Research. The commission iden- never formally adopted, are more specifically
tified the basic ethical principles intended to educational. Indeed, parts of these principles
underlie the conduct of biomedical and behav- have become regulatory in the United States
ioral research involving human subjects, and it and other countries.
developed guidelines to be followed to ensure The trend in the United States is toward ever-
that such research is so conducted. The report is expanding regulations governing research with
a statement of basic ethical principles and human subjects, especially documentation of
guidelines to assist in resolving the ethical prob- informed consent. Every institution in which
lems that surround the conduct of research with research involving human subjects takes place is
human subjects. required to have an institutional review board,
The International Association for Dental whose task it is to review all research proposals
Research (IADR) is the umbrella organization before the research actually starts to ensure that
for dental research activities around the world. regulations for the protection of human sub-
The IADR approached the ethical issue by jects have been followed. Punishment for not
adopting a preamble and principles for a code complying with these regulations can be strict—
of ethics.23,24 Given the range of cultural val- several major research universities have had all
ues of those involved in research, the IADR research funding cut off until alleged human
considered that trying to set a single ethical subjects’ transgressions have been corrected.
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental Care 33

BOX 3-4 Ethical Principles for Research Involving Human Subjects23

The research must be scientifically sound, with an assured that such withdrawal will not prejudice any
identifiable prospect of benefit. ordinary treatment, if they are receiving any.

Human subjects must be selected equitably. ●
Human subjects must be removed from the research

Risks to humans, and the numbers of humans project as soon as there is any indication of possible
involved, must both be minimized. harm, whether physical or psychological, being done to

Voluntary informed consent must be obtained from all them as a consequence of their being research subjects.
human subjects, or from their proxies, before any ●
The privacy of human subjects and the confidentiality
research is started. of the data about them must be protected.

Human research subjects must be permitted to ●
Research results must be written honestly and
withdraw from the research at any time and to be accurately.

Although some researchers look on institu- problem and who can generally afford neces-
tional review board requirements as a burden, it sary treatment (frequently assisted by insur-
is better to look on them as just one of the basic ance). Private practice has adapted readily
requirements of a complete research protocol. to dental insurance since that payment
It has been suggested that codes of research mechanism began to grow in the 1960s, and
ethics need to distinguish between two types of this serves to make private practice even more
problematic practices: those that are clearly mis- attractive. The oft-used expression “the best
conduct because they undermine the trustwor- dental care in the world” is accurate enough in
thiness of science (e.g., data falsification) and these circumstances.
those that are unethical but are better described Not every prospective dental patient in the
as disrespectful of the work of others. An exam- United States, however, fits the category just
ple of the latter kind is plagiarism, which is described. As discussed in Chapter 2, some
unethical but rarely undermines the trustwor- 12% of Americans exist below the federal
thiness of science.10 Plagiarism, which is cir- poverty line, and millions of others live on the
cumventing attribution to represent the works fringe of poverty. It is a major challenge for the
or ideas of others as one’s own, has always been nation to find ways of making health care
around, but the Internet is highlighting the accessible to the steady proportion of
issue more than ever. Some who would never Americans without health insurance of any
lift a paragraph from a book or journal without kind. This proportion has been around 16%-
attribution have no such qualms about lifting 17% of the population for years, and despite all
Internet material without attribution, even the hand wringing that goes on it is not getting
though the principles are the same. any lower.26 (This figure is for general health
insurance, not dental insurance. The propor-
tion without dental insurance is around 40%.)
Intertwined with the world of poverty are the
homeless, the unemployed and unemployable,
An overriding ethical challenge to the dental and the homebound and chronically ill. The
professions is to meet their stated aims of bring- marginally mentally retarded, who used to
ing oral health care to all members of the pub- reside in institutions, can have the capacity and
lic. This commendable goal can only be reached the will to work but need social supports to do
with the right mix of public and private care. so. When these are not available, these individ-
The vast majority of the dentist-attending uals can drift off into dependency again. For
public receives its dental care from private prac- those who remain institutionalized for mental
titioners. Private practice in the United States is and physical disabilities, dental care is sporadi-
well suited to the healthy, employed, dentally cally available at best. Then there is a virtual
conscious, compliant, middle-class patient for army of working poor, usually uninsured and
whom accessibility to private care is rarely a in minimum-wage positions, who can find the
34 Dentistry and the Community

typical private practice not only expensive but programs to educate the special groups on the
also intimidating. benefits of dental care. Adequate funding for
It is really a cultural matter, for these are public services would assist more dentists and
groups for whom regular visits to the dentist hygienists to receive special training than is pos-
occupy no place in their lives. Not only is such sible at present, so that in time the care received
care financially out of reach for the people con- by these diverse groups would approach that
cerned, but also many practitioners can signal received by mainstream America. Public treat-
the message, often inadvertently, that they ment programs do not present a threat to pri-
would prefer not to have to treat such patients. vate practice, for they aim to care for a different
Private practice is most efficient when patients patient.
understand the need for care, know how to
behave while receiving treatment, and are from
the same socioeconomic level as the dentist. But
1. American Association of Public Health Dentistry. Code
handicapped people take longer to treat and of ethics and standards of professional conduct,
often require special equipment and training to website:
be treated satisfactorily, and the circumstances index.asp. Accessed October 10, 2003.
of poverty mean that the poor are often inter- 2. American Dental Association, Council on Bylaws and
ested only in minimal care and frequently skip Judicial Affairs. Principles of ethics and code of profes-
sional conduct. J Am Dent Assoc 1982;105:493-5.
appointments. As a consequence, dental care 3. American Dental Association, Council on Ethics,
for many of these groups can only be delivered Bylaws, and Judicial Affairs. Principles of ethics and
effectively with public assistance. code of professional conduct. J Am Dent Assoc
Although the need for dental public health 1988;117:657-61.
services is self-evident, there are still formidable 4. American Dental Association, Council on Ethics,
Bylaws, and Judicial Affairs. ADA Principles of Ethics
practical problems in making them available. and Code of Professional Conduct, website: http://
Public services in the United States, in contrast Accessed
to their counterparts in Canada and Europe, are September 26, 2003.
chronically underfunded. This is partly an off- 5. American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Code of
shoot of the individualist culture described ear- ethics for dental hygienists, website: http://www. Accessed Sep-
lier, which leads to public services’ being held in tember 26, 2003.
low esteem. The problem was exacerbated by 6. American Public Health Association. Public health
the severe cuts in public spending for social code of ethics, website:
services during the 1980s,13 cuts that have gone ofethics/ethics.htm. Accessed October 10, 2003.
even deeper since then and are causing new 7. Banta D. What is health care? In: Jonas S, ed: Health
care delivery in the United States. 1st ed. New York:
lows in funding as states endure their financial Springer, 1977:12-39.
crises of the new century. Even when resources 8. Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Principles of biomedical
are adequate, treatment for these special groups ethics. 5th ed. New York: OUP, 2001.
is usually less efficient than it is for patients in 9. Billington RA. Frontiers. In: Woodward CV, ed: The
private practice. Oral health needs are often comparative approach to American history. New York:
Basic Books, 1968:75-90.
greater, appointments can be missed if a patient 10. Camenisch PF. The moral foundations of scientific
has a chance to earn some money instead of ethics and responsibility. J Dent Res 1996;75:
going to the dentist, and the mentally or physi- 825-31.
cally disabled just take more time to treat. Many 11. Cooke A. America. New York: Knopf, 1974.
poor people change their place of residence fre- 12. Dentist must pay $100,000 to settle HIV case. ADA
News, 1994:Oct 3.
quently in search of jobs, which makes continu- 13. Evans CA. A national survey of public health dental
ity of care impossible. services in local health departments. J Public Health
There is no simple answer to these problems, Dent 1984;44:112-9.
though adequate funding of public health 14. Frankel MS. Developing ethical standards for responsi-
departments would enable most of them to be ble research. J Dent Res 1996;75:832-5.
15. Friedman JW, Atchison KA. The standard of care: an
dealt with in time. Continuation of funding ethical responsibility of public health dentistry. J Public
would permit adequate staffing and equipment Health Dent 1993;53:165-9.
levels, acceptable clinical facilities, special trans- 16. Fuchs V. Who shall live? Health, economics, and social
port where necessary, and community outreach choice. New York: Basic Books, 1974.
3 Ethics and Responsibility in Dental Care 35

17. Gaston MA, Brown DM, Waring MB. Survey of ethical Belmont Report, April 18, 1979, website: http://www.
issues in dental hygiene. J Dent Hyg 1990;64:216-23.
18. Illich I. Medical nemesis: The expropriation of health. htm. Accessed February 15, 2004.
New York: Bantam Books, 1976. 26. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
19. McCarthy CR. Legal and regulatory considerations con- Statistics. Population without health insurance,
cerning research involving human subjects. J Dent Res 1984–2001, website:
1980;59(Spec Issue C):1228-34. hus/tables/2003/03hus129.pdf. Accessed October 10,
20. Mitscherlich A, Mielke F. Doctors of infamy: The story 2003.
of the Nazi medical crimes. New York: Schuman, 1949. 27. Weinstein BD. Ethics and its role in dentistry. Gen Dent
21. Nash DA. A tension between two cultures. Dentistry as 1992;40:414-7.
a profession and dentistry as a proprietary. J Dent Educ 28. Woodward CV. The comparability of American history.
1994;58:301-6. In: Woodward CV, ed: The comparative approach to
22. Ozar DT. A framework for studying professional ethics. American history. New York: Basic Books, 1968:
J Am Coll Dent 1991;58:4,6-9. 3-17.
23. Proceedings of the IADR Council meeting. J Dent Res 29. World Medical Association. Declaration of Geneva
1994;73:1289-94. (1948), website:
24. Shah RM. Introduction: Proceedings of a symposium, geneva/. Accessed September 26, 2003.
Ethics in dental research. J Dent Res 1994;74:1757-8. 30. World Medical Association. Policy: World Medical
25. US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Association Declaration of Helsinki, 1964, with
National Commission for the Protection of Human amendments to 2002, website:
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The e/policy/b3.htm. Accessed November 6, 2003.
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health

WHAT IS PUBLIC HEALTH? Issues in Dental Public Health

Identifying a Public Health Problem DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PERSONAL AND
Collection and Use of Data in Dental Public

Public health is one of those aspects of life that has taken a long time and has required some
most people take for granted, or more likely painful lessons in lifting our quality of life to its
don’t think about at all. We take for granted that present level.
we can drink a glass of water without thinking The purpose of this chapter is to examine the
about cholera, choose a restaurant without con- structure and practice of dental public health in
cern about rats in the kitchen, and buy a can of the United States and to develop the theme that
vegetables without worrying about botulism. dental public health and private dental practice
The source of the occasional outbreak of food need to work together for the good of the com-
poisoning is rapidly identified by the authori- munity’s oral health.
ties, and thoughts of scarlet fever, typhoid, and
poliomyelitis simply never enter our heads. To
many of the younger generations, dental caries
is almost as distant as those infectious diseases Health is an elusive concept to define. The World
of the past. But this happy state of affairs has Health Organization (WHO) definition64 is
not just happened; rather, it is the end point of often quoted. It states that “health comprises
years of public health research and practice. complete physical, mental, and social well-being
The low profile of public health has both and is not merely the absence of disease.” Noble
good and bad aspects. Although it is good that indeed, but too idealistic to be of much practical
mostly invisible basics like drains, sewage treat- value. A sociologist’s more pragmatic definition
ment, fluoridated drinking water, and immu- is that health is “a state of optimum capacity for
nizations against infectious diseases are part of the performance of valued tasks.”37 This is a
the accepted institutions of modern life, it is not more useful definition in that it presents health
good that most people have so little grasp of as a means to an end, that of maximizing the
how public health functions. It is not good quality of life, rather than as an end in itself.
because, without a constituency to press for it, Public health, too, does not lend itself to easy
funding and legislation for public health can be definition. Among the many definitions that
eroded, with subsequent threats to health and have been formulated, Winslow’s is the
the quality of life. By way of contrast, everyone most widely accepted and quoted. Winslow
is acutely conscious of access, or lack of it, to defined public health as “the science and art of
personal health services, and that subject is a preventing disease, prolonging life, and pro-
constant political issue. As is described later, moting physical health and efficiency through
development of the public health infrastructure organized community efforts.”63 The generality
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 37

of Winslow’s definition has much to do with its agencies in public health, and it came up with
widespread acceptance; however, it still pro- the somber conclusion that the public health
vides little working knowledge of public health. system in the United States was “in disarray,”
A more businesslike definition is “the organiza- deficient in many areas: availability of trained
tion and application of public resources to pre- personnel, communications, networking, and
vent dependency which would otherwise result of course funding. The IOM’s follow-up assess-
from disease or injury.”39 In this context, ment in 2002 found that too many of those
dependency is defined as a condition in which problems were still present.24
external resources, such as an attendant or med- This 2002 IOM report incorporated the
ication, are required for the individual to carry broader, more inclusive view of public health
out the routine activities of daily living. Just as that emerged with the new century. This view
some definitions of public health can be vague states that, although governmental agencies
and idealistic, however, this one might go too remain the backbone of the public health sys-
far in viewing dependency as the only outcome tem, they cannot and should not do the job
to be avoided. Public health should deal with alone.24 The IOM report goes beyond the tradi-
quality-of-life conditions, rather than just those tional view of individual responsibility for
that result in death or dependency, when it is health and bases its recommendations on the
economically reasonable to do so. concept of population health, alluded to in the
A more useful definition of the public health 1988 IOM definition but not clearly spelled
mission, one that accepts health as a means out. Population health is defined as “the health of
rather than an end, is “fulfilling society’s inter- a population as measured by health status indi-
est in assuring conditions in which people can cators and as influenced by social, economic,
be healthy.”23 That seems to encompass every- and physical environments, personal health
thing from maintaining the stratospheric ozone practices, individual capacity and coping skills,
layer to picking up the garbage to providing human biology, early childhood development
recreational facilities, decent housing, or dental and health services.”24
care where needed. This definition might have The essence of understanding population
been ahead of its time in stressing the public health is grasping that people’s health is a func-
responsibility for a healthy physical and social tion of more than just biology and other indi-
environment, while still leaving some room for vidual clinical factors. People influence, and are
personal choices (“... in which people can be influenced by, the values and beliefs of the
healthy”). broader community in which they live and
The landmark 1988 report of the Institute of work. To illustrate, exhorting a person to stop
Medicine (IOM), from which the last definition smoking is likely to be fruitless if everyone in
came, went on to describe the functions of pub- that individual’s world smokes and smoking is
lic health agencies as the following: an important part of the person’s social interac-

Assessment. The regular collection and dis- tions. Attempts to persuade a person to eat
semination of data on health status, com- more vegetables will fail when the social envi-
munity health needs, and epidemiologic ronment calls for a diet of deep-fried foods or
issues. when local food stores do not stock the needed

Policy development. Promotion of the use of items. All of this means that, in the promotion
the base of scientific knowledge in decision of public health, the governmental public
making on policy matters affecting the health agencies need to coordinate with com-
public’s health. munity-based organizations, the health care

Assurance. The provision of services neces- delivery system, academia, business, and the
sary to achieve mutually agreed-upon media if good population health is to be
goals, either directly, by encouraging other achieved. A shift of the mindset more toward
entities to supply them, or by regulation.23 population health and away from purely indi-
These three domains have become the founda- vidual health could help the United States
tion for evaluating many aspects of the public reduce anomalies such as expenditure of 95%
health mission. The 1988 IOM report concen- of health care dollars on medical care and bio-
trated primarily on the role of governmental medical research when there is evidence that
38 Dentistry and the Community

behavior and environment are responsible for most as a major social and public health prob-
70% or more of avoidable mortality.24 The lem, but fewer would view infant mortality as
United States is easily the world leader in health such a problem, even though the United States
care expenditures, but its scores on health status had only the twenty-eighth lowest infant mor-
measures are well down in the list. A shift in tality rate globally in 1999.59 So, given that
where we invest our health care resources would handling a public health problem demands
help redress that imbalance, though this is not some allocation of resources and some oppor-
easy in a society in which individualism is dom- tunity costs, how is a public health problem
inant (see Chapter 3). determined?
The core of public health practice is shown in Over the years some criteria have emerged
Box 4-1, which presents a succinct definition of for its definition. Blackerby, for example,
the mission and essential services that only listed them as the following: (1) a condition
public health can provide. This statement, or situation that is a widespread cause of mor-
developed by the American Public Health bidity or mortality, (2) there is a body of
Association in 1994, has since received virtually knowledge that could be applied to relieve the
universal acceptance. situation, and (3) this body of knowledge is
not being applied. 10 However, these criteria
Identifying a Public Health Problem seem unduly restrictive. For example, the
Ask people in the street whether they consider Black Death in the fourteenth century killed
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or West off one third of the population of Europe in 3
Nile virus a public health problem, and most years. There is no question that it was a public
will give a resoundingly affirmative reply. What health problem, even though there was no
about deaths from traffic accidents? There will body of knowledge on how to deal with it.
be more equivocation, even though the number Subsequent epidemics of typhoid, cholera, yel-
of deaths from road accidents in 2000 was three low fever, and other infectious diseases were
times higher than that from HIV-related dis- also public health problems before there were
ease.58 Substance abuse similarly is seen by effective means to deal with them, and the same

BOX 4-1 Essential Public Health Services in the United States3

Vision: Healthy people in healthy communities. ●

Diagnoses and investigates health problems and
Mission: Promote physical and mental health and health hazards in the community.
prevent disease, injury, and disability. ●
Informs, educates, and empowers people about health
What Public Health Does: The Purpose of Public ●
Mobilizes community partnerships and action to
Health identify and solve health problems.

Prevents epidemics and the spread of disease. ●
Develops policies and plans that support individual

Protects against environmental hazards. and community health efforts.

Prevents injuries. ●
Enforces laws and regulations that protect health and

Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors and ensure safety.
mental health. ●
Links people to needed personal health services and

Responds to disasters and assists communities in assures the provision of health care when otherwise
recovery. unavailable.

Assures the quality and accessibility of health ●
Assures a competent public and personal health care
services. workforce.

Evaluates effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of
How Public Health Serves: The Practice of Public
personal and population-based health services.
Health ●
Researches for new insights and innovative solutions

Monitors health status to identify and solve
to health problems.
community problems.
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 39

can be said for some viral infections today. The is divided about condom distribution and
nonapplication of effective treatment for a needle-exchange programs intended to inhibit
problem, as suggested by Blackerby,10 is more a the spread of HIV infection.36
breakdown in public organization, funding and
personnel resources, or political will.
Additional criteria can broaden the scope of
what constitutes a public health problem.
Public perception is one, as in the earlier exam- Early public health practice in the colonies on
ple of the HIV epidemic. If enough of the public the eastern seaboard naturally reflected the
perceive a public health problem, then the English experience. The first English Poor Laws,
mandate exists to allocate resources to deal with dating from the seventeenth century, put the
it. HIV is in that category (even though the only burden of caring for the disadvantaged on the
means to prevent its spread, apart from the bar- local community. This was rational enough
rier precautions in medical and dental practice, in an agrarian society when people didn’t
are behavioral modifications). Not only public move around. However, when the Industrial
perception, but governmental perception, goes Revolution took hold in Britain during the late
far toward defining a public health problem. eighteenth century the Poor Laws broke down,
When a government assigns a problem to its for industrialization was really a massive social
public health agency for attention, virtually by revolution.51 Mass migration to the cities cre-
definition it is a public health problem. If a ated overcrowding, disease, and epidemics,
president, governor, or mayor defines a public while the laissez-faire economic attitudes of the
health problem by decree, then a public health time led to great wealth for some, the emer-
problem it is, whether or not public health pro- gence of a middle class, and appalling squalor
fessionals agree. These latter two types of deci- for many. The Poor Laws, which dealt only with
sion, legislative mandate and executive order, the relief of destitution, were not designed for
can have the advantage of ensuring immediate these completely new kinds of social and health
action as well as the potential disadvantage of problems.
disturbing the orderly process of program plan- The ideology of laissez-faire economics in
ning and operation. Victorian Britain, combined with an acceptance
Today, we can define a public health problem of Malthusian theories of population growth,
as an issue that meets the following criteria: led to only grudging action to improve the lot of

A condition or situation is a widespread the destitute. Malthus, a nineteenth-century
actual or potential cause of morbidity or English country clergyman, wrote that unre-
mortality. stricted growth of population would eventually

There is a perception on the part of the exceed the expansion of the food supply.32 The
public, government, or public health growth of population therefore needed to be
authorities that the condition is a public checked, either by “moral restraint” or by the
health problem. inroads of starvation, disease, or other disasters,
To use cigarette smoking as an illustration, the which Malthus grouped under the cheerful
first condition has been satisfied based on the heading of “misery and vice.” Public attitudes at
first report of the Surgeon General of the United the time were such that Malthus struck a sympa-
States in 1964,53 and there is no question that thetic chord with his views that terrible living
the second condition has also been met. These conditions were not the result of uneven socioe-
criteria have also been met for the HIV epi- conomic development but rather the conse-
demic. Allocation of public resources to deal quence of necessary natural laws. Given these
with a recognized problem is a logical conse- views, new public welfare programs that were
quence, although not a criterion for problem degrading to their recipients were perceived as
recognition. In the case of cigarette smoking, being in the public interest as well as morally
there has been considerable action through justified.
widespread public education campaigns, adver- Although British provision of health services
tising bans, and efforts to block the sale of ciga- subsequently turned full circle to the establish-
rettes to minors. On the other hand, the public ment of a National Health Service in 1948,
40 Dentistry and the Community

these condescending views on public health Eastman, Forsyth, Guggenheim, Mott, and
and welfare were the norm when organized Strong-Carter all opened between 1910 and
public health development began in the United 1930.
States during the nineteenth century. It was an
environment in which public health could not
grow much beyond attempts to limit the spread
of epidemics. Not surprisingly, nineteenth- Dental public health is one of the nine board-
century industrialization produced the same certified specialties of dentistry in the United
pattern of social turbulence in the United States States and was certified in 1950. The American
that had occurred earlier in England.13 At a local Board of Dental Public Health adapted
level, similar upheavals are seen today, when Winslow’s definition to develop one subse-
the abrupt closure of an industry can blight the quently approved by the American Association
vacated community. These disruptions take of Public Health Dentistry, the Oral Health sec-
place now in a highly mobile society, in which tion of the American Public Health Association,
the old Poor Law approach that local communi- and the American Dental Association (ADA).
ties should be fully responsible for public That definition is as follows:
assistance is clearly obsolete. In modern-day Dental public health is the science and art of pre-
industrial and postindustrial society such prob- venting and controlling dental diseases and promot-
lems are national in scope and should be ing dental health through organized community
treated that way. efforts. It is that form of dental practice which serves
One reason why the modern American the community as a patient rather than the individ-
approach to public health and welfare differs ual. It is concerned with the dental education of the
from the current British model is that the stern public, with applied dental research, and with the
puritan views of the early European settlers have administration of group dental care programs as well
had a more sustained influence on public pol- as the prevention and control of dental diseases on a
community basis.2
icy in the United States than they did in Britain
and Europe. One expression of the puritan ethic Implicit in this definition is the requirement
in the United States was that general welfare that the specialist have broad knowledge and
relief and payment for health care services for skills in program administration, research
the indigent remained linked together longer methods, the prevention and control of oral dis-
than they did in European countries, which eases, and the methods of financing and provid-
compounded rather than disentangled the prob- ing dental care services. Box 4-2 is the dental
lems.49 When this is added to the American cul- corollary of the essential public health func-
ture of individualism and the relative freedom tions summarized in Box 4-1, a concise listing
from the wartime cycle of social disruption and of the essential functions of dental public
reform, we can see why communal attitudes health (sometimes referred to as core functions)
toward health and environment have never as adopted by the Association of State and
really flourished in the United States (see Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD).
Chapter 3). Dentists and dental hygienists have entered
Dentistry did not play a significant part in the dental public health field when they are
the early development of public health in the employed in the administration of public
United States. Oral health was of little concern health programs (which can include health pro-
at a time when the population was decimated motion, community prevention, and provision
periodically by typhoid, diphtheria, cholera, of dental care to specified groups); become fac-
smallpox, and gastroenteric diseases. Although ulty members in departments dealing with
a few public clinics were established on a volun- community-oriented dental practice; or become
tary basis by dentists as early as the mid- researchers in epidemiology, prevention, or
nineteenth century, public dental care facilities provision of health services. Some researchers
remained almost nonexistent for many years.42 in the behavioral sciences related to dental
The U.S. Public Health Service, for example, did health can also be considered public health per-
not employ dentists on a regular basis until sonnel. Dentists become recognized specialists
1919,43 and philanthropic dental clinics such as when, in addition to being employed full time
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 41

BOX 4-2 Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health in the United States4

I. Assessment III. Assurance

A. Assess oral health status and needs so that A. Inform, educate, and empower the public
problems can be identified and addressed. regarding oral health problems and solutions.
B. Analyze determinants of identified oral health B. Promote and enforce laws and regulations that
needs, including resources. protect and improve oral health, ensure safety, and
C. Assess the fluoridation status of water systems ensure accountability for the public’s well-being.
and other sources of fluoride. C. Link people to needed population-based oral
D. Implement an oral health surveillance system to health services, personal oral health services, and
identify, investigate, and monitor oral health support services, and ensure the availability,
problems and health hazards. access, and acceptability of these services by
II. Policy Development enhancing system capacity, including directly
A. Develop plans and policies through a supporting or providing services when necessary.
collaborative process that support individual and D. Support services and implementation of programs
community oral health efforts to address oral that focus on primary and secondary prevention.
health needs. E. Ensure that the public health and personal health
B. Provide leadership to address oral health workforce has the capacity and expertise to
problems by maintaining a strong oral health unit address oral health needs effectively.
within the health agency. F. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of
C. Mobilize community partnerships between and population-based and personal oral health services.
among policy makers, professionals, organizations, G. Conduct research and support demonstration
groups, the public, and others to identify and projects to gain new insights and applications of
implement solutions to oral health problems. innovative solutions to oral health problems.

in the fields mentioned, they achieve diplomate status of whole populations rather than of sin-
status with the American Board of Dental Public gle patients. Public health dentists serving in the
Health. Specialty certification first requires sat- Indian Health Service of the U.S. Public Health
isfaction of the educational requirements of the Service, for example, have demonstrated over
Council on Dental Education of the ADA (i.e., the last generation their ability to upgrade den-
2 years of accredited advanced graduate educa- tal care for several million Native Americans
tion in the specialty, plus fulfillment of a work from a bare emergency service to comprehen-
experience requirement, and then completion sive care for many, carried out in excellent clini-
of the specialty board examinations). cal facilities. Similarly, a dental public health
Although there are fewer than 200 board-cer- professional who institutes water fluoridation
tified specialists in dental public health, the spe- in a community has done more for its oral
cialty’s influence on the oral health of the health than could be achieved in a lifetime of
public is greater than those numbers would sug- private dental practice.
gest.1 Dental public health professionals are Achievements of dental public health profes-
employed by federal, state, and local health sionals include conducting the epidemiologic
departments, conduct research in universities studies that established the basis for commu-
and government agencies, and are administra- nity water fluoridation, carrying out clinical tri-
tors in professional organizations and various als to demonstrate the effectiveness of fluoride
foundations. Dental public health practice gets toothpastes and other products, and imple-
away from the relative isolation of the dental menting the associated caries-control programs,
office, for its programs require cooperative which have been fundamental to the decline in
effort with other professionals such as physi- caries among children.1 Oral epidemiologists
cians, nurses, engineers, social workers, and have also charted the natural progression of
nutritionists. Among the rewards is the ability periodontal diseases7 and are beginning to
to bring about improvement of the oral health assess other oral conditions about which little is
42 Dentistry and the Community

known. Administrators in dental public health

pioneered the concept of providing regular den- Collection and Use of Data in Dental
tal care in a logical, sequential way for large Public Health
population groups,16,17,62 and they demon- Information on health conditions is fundamen-
strated the increased productivity that efficient tal to public health practice, and the necessary
use of dental auxiliaries brings to patient data can be collected in different ways. Data on
care.31,38 Dental hygienists have proved their vital statistics, plus information on certain infec-
value in dental public health well beyond their tions that could become epidemics, are gathered
traditional role as educators. Hygienists act as by a process known as surveillance. Surveillance
directors of sealant teams and members of epi- in public health is the ongoing systematic collec-
demiologic survey teams, and serve in several tion, analysis, and interpretation of outcome-
capacities in the growing field of special pro- specific data for planning, implementation, and
grams for the elderly. evaluation of public health practice.50 It is an
To round out this discussion of what dental ongoing data collection system which uses
public health is, it might be useful to state what methods that are quick, simple, and practical
it is not. It is not just “dentistry for the poor,” and are designed to put as little burden as possi-
although provision of care to persons who do ble on the busy health professionals who do the
not fit the private practice mode is part of it. It is reporting. As a result, the data are usually not as
not just “Medicaid dentistry,” although improv- accurate as those collected under a strict proto-
ing that creaky and inefficient program is of col in research projects, but they are seen as
concern to all health professionals. It is not just accurate enough for disease monitoring. This is
conducting surveys of oral health, although a key concept in public health: data for planning
monitoring disease trends and collecting data and evaluation, although they must be valid, do
for program planning and evaluation is an inte- not need to be as precise as data in clinical trials.
gral part of public health practice. It is not just Some data are always better than no data, and
fluoridation, though dental public health has the collection of data for public health purposes
always been in the front line with regard to that needs a collection protocol that emphasizes
public health measure. Similarly, dental public practicality and reliability rather than total preci-
health is not “socialized dentistry,” health sion. One must remember that the main pur-
maintenance organizations, preferred provider pose of surveillance is to detect changes in
organizations, Occupational Safety and Health trends or distribution of disease so that inves-
Administration regulations, infection control, tigative or control measures can be initiated if
quality assurance, financial support (or lack of needed. Surveillance is a finger on the pulse of
it) for dental education, or expansion of func- the public’s health.
tions for dental auxiliaries. And public health is In the United States, surveillance activities at
not just the provider of last resort. Its function the state and local level are coordinated by the
goes well beyond filling the health care gaps for Epidemiology Program Office at the Centers for
those whom the private sector cannot or will Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in
not treat. Atlanta. Guidelines are available for evaluating
Simply put, dental public health is concern surveillance systems.57 Perhaps the best known
for, and activity directed toward, the improve- of these surveillance systems is the Surveillance,
ment and protection of the oral health of the Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program
whole population. Narrowing the role of dental for cancer reporting. SEER is the source of virtu-
public health only to groups defined as high ally all cancer data in the United States (see
risk or underserved would exclude such basic Chapters 18 and 23), including oral cancer.
activities as the efforts to control tobacco expo- Data sources for surveillance activities
sure, infection control in dental practice, and include the following:
water fluoridation.14 Because organized den- ●
Vital statistics (e.g., births, deaths)
tistry also espouses the goal of optimum oral ●
Information on reportable diseases (e.g.,
health for all, public and private sectors need to plague, cholera, yellow fever, and others
understand each other and work cooperatively designated by states)
if this worthy goal is to be achieved. ●
Registries (e.g., congential defects, cancer)
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 43

Administrative data collection systems useful data can be collected fairly inexpensively,
(e.g., hospital discharge data) is needed.
Information is mostly collected by passive A new approach came with the establishment
surveillance, which means that, although in the mid-1990s of the National Oral Health
physicians and hospitals are required to notify Surveillance System, a joint venture of the CDC
appropriate authorities whenever reportable and ASTDD.55 Although its full development
conditions are encountered, the authorities will take time, this is a historic enterprise in
themselves do not actively solicit such data. that the traditional suspicion between the fed-
Some errors of omission undoubtedly occur as eral government and the states has now been
a result. On some occasions, health department replaced by a cooperative federal-state arrange-
staff go into the field to collect data, often on a ment. States wanting to collect their own survey
specific disease, for a limited time. The staff peo- data can now turn to the CDC for help with
ple call physicians and hospitals, by arrange- financing and expertise, and quite a number
ment, to obtain data on new cases and to get have done so. The result is that, within a fairly
demographic and other relevant data. This short period, a number of states have collected
process is known as active surveillance and is valuable data for planning and evaluation that
similar to investigating an outbreak of an infec- they otherwise would not have obtained.
tious disease. The main focus of the National Oral Health
Until recently, the absence of a surveillance Surveillance System is on data for a set of eight
system for oral conditions (other than oral can- oral health indicators: dental visits, teeth clean-
cer, which is included in cancer registries, and ing (professional), complete tooth loss, fluori-
cleft lip and palate, for which some states have dation status, caries experience, untreated caries,
registries) hampered the development of tar- sealants, and oral cancer. The data themselves
geted approaches to improve oral health. are mostly state specific and mostly come from
Surveillance in dental public health had been several state-based surveys, of which the most
largely restricted to surveys, in which samples of used are the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
a defined population are examined clinically or System (BRFSS)56 and its companion Youth
assessed by questionnaire. Surveys, which have a Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). In
lot in common with active surveillance, range in these telephone surveys, the core questionnaire
scope from large national surveys conducted by developed by the CDC can be adapted by a state
federal agencies (see Chapters 19–22), to health agency for its local needs. Use of chewing
statewide surveys,41 to local community surveys tobacco is one example of a topic about which
conducted by a state or local public health some states want information when the habit is
agency.46 Important though they are, surveys known to be a problem, whereas other states do
involving clinical examinations can be too not. The BRFSS telephone surveys began in the
expensive and logistically demanding for most early 1980s, and by 1994 all states and territo-
state or local agencies. National surveys, con- ries were participating. These two surveys are the
ducted by the National Center for Health basis for current data on four of the oral health
Statistics and in the past by the National indicators: dental visits, teeth cleaning, com-
Institute of Dental (and Craniofacial) Research, plete tooth loss, and fluoridation status.55
provide excellent clinical data for the whole Some state dental directors have already con-
nation, but state-level data cannot be pulled out ducted statewide oral health surveys with CDC
because the sampling system is not so designed. assistance; others are planning to do so. Having
A sampling system that permits extraction of both statewide clinical data and BRFSS data
state-level data is possible but would be too gives a state an excellent view of conditions
expensive for the budget of the National Center when preparing an oral health plan.
for Health Statistics. National data do not work National surveys that include a clinical den-
well as a basis for local planning for the reasons tal examination of the participants usually
given in Box 4-3, and the future of extensive involve performance of a lengthy and detailed
clinical examinations in national surveys clinical examination, a type of examination
is uncertain because of time and cost. More that states could not handle because of the
reliance on true surveillance systems, in which cost—time is money in dental public health as
44 Dentistry and the Community

BOX 4-3 Problems Related to the Use of National Surveys As a Type of Surveillance9

National surveys that include clinical dental ●

Examination protocols record data at the surface
examinations, such as those conducted by the National level (caries) and at up to six sites per tooth
Center for Health Statistics, provide a superb data set (periodontitis). However, oral health objectives are
on oral conditions. The data are collected by trained stated with the individual person as the unit of
examiners, and the representative sampling ensures measurement, so all that time and effort is
that the data are generalizable to the national probably not well spent.
population. National surveys are not true surveillance, ●
There is no good surveillance tool to measure
however, and reliance on them as a type of surveillance periodontal diseases. Despite all the detailed
brings its problems. These can be listed as follows: indexes of periodontal diseases (see Chapter 16),

Reliance on primary data collection comes from we cannot yet identify a person with active
the underlying view that only trained dental progressing disease.
professionals can record oral disease. Experience ●
Visual-tactile clinical examinations in national surveys
with the use of death certificates, which are consume a lot of resources—they are expensive.
completed by all sorts of untrained persons ●
Public participation in surveys of representative
following standard protocols, is just one example samples of population is diminishing. This
which implies that the traditional attitude has problem is severe enough in some instances to
become a dinosaur. introduce response bias—the people who do

The protocol for national surveys was developed participate are different in some way from those
primarily to record dental caries. However, caries who do not. This weakens the generalizability of
continues to decline, and other conditions are the results, one of the chief reasons for conducting
becoming of more concern. In addition, the such surveys.
recording of past disease (restorations and ●
The sheer logistics of national surveys means that
extracted teeth), rather than just present disease, data are nearly always reported late, sometimes
does not fit the philosophy of surveillance and may years late. More timely data are needed for public
even be invalid. health authorities to plan and evaluate programs.

it is anywhere else. Hence, this increased activity ciple behind the basic screening survey is to per-
in collecting state-level oral health data has mit limited but valid clinical data to be collected
been stimulated by the development of quick as efficiently and unobtrusively as possible.
and simple data collection protocols—again we WHO has developed and systematized basic
see the underlying principle of making surveil- methods of data collection for surveillance of
lance as practical as possible, even at the oral conditions in all parts of the world into an
expense of precision. approach known as Pathfinder.66 Although not
The first major step toward practical oral all details of these methods have received uni-
health surveillance came in the mid-1990s, when versal acceptance (see Chapter 16), WHO has
the ASTDD developed a seven-step model for succeeded very well in promoting the collection
state and local agencies for collecting dental and use of data in parts of the world where pre-
data by choosing from a variety of approaches viously there was no information at all on oral
to best suit local needs.45 This model includes conditions. The simplicity of the protocol for
the planning process, identification of partner sampling and data collection permits it to be
organizations, determination of whether new used by dental personnel with no previous
data collection (clinical examinations, tele- training in survey methods. The country-
phone surveys, questionnaires) is needed or specific data collected by Pathfinder and other
whether existing data will do, and prioritization survey methods are maintained in WHO’s
of the issues that arise from the collected infor- Global Oral Data Bank.65
mation. For new data collection (step 4 in the By whatever method they are collected, den-
seven-step program), a basic screening survey, tal data are used to identify needs and to plan
plus a training program to use it effectively, has programs to meet those needs. Functioning pro-
been developed by the ASTDD.5 Again, the prin- grams then need to be evaluated. The results of
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 45

Collection of information been many previous Surgeon Generals’ reports

on various aspects of public health in the past,
this was the first report devoted to oral health.
This comprehensive and detailed review of all
Evaluation Establishment of
long-term goals aspects of oral health hammered two principal
themes throughout:
1. There are substantial disparities in oral
health status between upper and lower
Implementation of Specific objectives socioeconomic groups; between the white
programs mainstream and racial-ethnic minorities;
between the insured and uninsured; and
between suburban areas and inner city
and rural areas.
Strategic planning:
selection of programs 2. Poor access to care is a major barrier in
eliminating these disparities.
Fig. 4-1 The planning cycle.
Access to care refers to whether or not a person
can obtain needed care. In dental care, it
involves the following:

Is there a dental office physically available
within a reasonable distance and open at
evaluation can lead to plan modifications, and reasonable times?
so the cycle continues. This ongoing process is ●
Is there transportation to this dental office?
known as the planning cycle and is illustrated in ●
Does the person have the financial resources,
simplified form in Fig. 4-1. either on his own or through insurance, to
Data from surveys or surveillance are part of pay for dental treatment?
the foundation on which public policy at fed- ●
Can the person take the time to go to the
eral, state, and local levels is built. Some federal dentist without jeopardizing his job?
funding programs for dental public health, such If the answer to these four questions is not
as the Maternal and Child Health block grants, “yes,” then the person has access to dental care
require that needs assessment and planning that is restricted, at least to some degree.
data be submitted each year with a state’s appli- Dentists in general, and public health den-
cation for funds. Agencies and foundations that tists in particular, have been aware of the access
fund research use oral survey data to help estab- problem for years. The federal government has
lish their research priorities; dental schools use also been involved in the issue for years, though
them when establishing curricula; state agencies not always with great success. Federal programs
can use them in regulating the activities of den- for Medicaid and designation of dental health
tists and hygienists; and dental insurance com- professional shortage areas are discussed more
panies consult them when establishing benefit fully in Chapters 7 and 8.
packages. Health centers are an approach to improving
We now look at two issues that are major dental care access for all people that is having
concerns for all of dentistry in the early twenty- some success. Some health centers have been
first century but that are of particular concern to around since the enabling legislation in 1965,
public health dentistry. and now federal funding assistance is available
for community health centers, migrant health
centers, programs providing health care for the
Issues in Dental Public Health
homeless, and public housing primary care pro-
Access to Care grams that meet federal requirements for their
The highest public health post in the country is administration. Those that meet the require-
that of Surgeon General of the United States. ments are known as federally qualified health
In 2000, the Surgeon General at the time, centers (FQHCs). There are some 670 such cen-
Dr. David Satcher, published a landmark report ters in the United States that are supported by
on oral health in America.52 Although there had the Bureau of Primary Health Care in the federal
46 Dentistry and the Community

Health Resources and Services Administration.54 caries incidence is found only within groups,
These centers, often referred to as “safety-net” rather than for any one individual.25 Bacterio-
facilities, provide comprehensive care for some logic tests, in general, are highly specific,60 which
11 million Americans. Care is not totally free, means that a low S. mutans count accurately pre-
and the centers have some local funding sources dicts low caries experience; however, they have
and have community-based boards of directors. less positive predictive value, that is, a lot of per-
Nearly 1000 dentists are employed in FQHCs.54 sons who test positive with high S. mutans counts
Dentists in public health are highly support- will not develop caries (see Chapter 13).
ive of FQHCs, for they go a long way to reducing Efforts have also been made to predict caries
access barriers for low-income people. Continu- susceptibility in the permanent dentition from
ing support of FQHCs will reduce the access caries experience in the primary dentition.
problem even further. Although some researchers have found correla-
tions, others have not, so this approach cannot
Should Preventive Strategies Be Targeted be recommended.61 The reason for the variable
or Population Based? correlations is probably that the caries-causing
The idea of predictively identifying caries-suscep- factors during young childhood differ from
tible individuals was given renewed emphasis those in later years.
with the decline in caries experience that became As caries incidence continues to decline in
evident during the 1980s (see Chapter 20). Most the economically developed world, it becomes
caries and severe periodontitis is now found to be more difficult to predict the susceptible minor-
concentrated in relatively small groups; that is, in ity in a population.26 It is also likely that the
statistical terms these problems have a skewed dis- cost effectiveness of public health efforts to
tribution, which logically leads to the concept of identify susceptible individuals will diminish as
targeting these susceptible individuals in preven- the proportion of such individuals decreases.27
tive programs. Simply put, targeting means that it A combination of tests is more effective than
is deemed more efficient for both practitioners any single test,8 but the more tests used, the
and public health administrators to focus preven- higher the cost. One rationale for identifying
tion efforts on the susceptible minority rather the highly susceptible individual is to improve
than apply them across the board, including to cost effectiveness by focusing preventive pro-
people who would not necessarily benefit (water grams; thus, if it becomes too expensive to iden-
fluoridation is an important exception to this tify susceptible persons, that rationale collapses.
philosophy). Targeted prevention is often This is a vexing dilemma, and it inhibits target-
assumed to be more cost effective than a whole- ing based on individual susceptibility. The
population strategy, although it has not yet been philosophical basis for research that equates
demonstrated to be so. When administrative high disease status with high risk can also be
costs and the costs of the predictive tests them- debated, for outcome cannot be used to deter-
selves are added, targeting may not always be the mine risk34 and deterministic models do not
most efficient approach. The issue is still the allow for random effects.33
subject of a spirited debate in dentistry, with argu- So what should be done about targeting,
ments for40 and against.6,22 An interactive com- given that individual targeting is not efficient?
puterized approach (the “cariogram”) to assess There is always the social dimension, which has
caries risk and demonstrate it graphically has gained more attention in recent years. Caries is a
been evaluated for children21 and for an elderly social disease, given that it has been related to
group,20 though how best to apply the cariogram neighborhood characteristics such as the per-
remains uncertain. centage who live in public rather than private
Most research into caries prediction has housing, rates of poliomyelitis vaccination,
been in microbiology, with tests based on the car ownership rates, and degree of financial
assumption that high counts of Streptococcus problems.19 Evidence has long suggested that
mutans and lactobacilli indicate high risk of sub- socioeconomic status is as good a predictor of
sequent caries.28,44,48 Although the causative role group susceptibility to caries as any12,15,18,35 for
of these bacteria in caries is unquestioned,30 public health programs. This introduces the
a direct association between bacterial counts and idea of geographic targeting.11 In virtually any
4 The Practice of Dental Public Health 47

jurisdiction there is always some area with poor at this distinction is to say that private care seeks
social conditions that can be selected for special to maximize the chance that the best outcome
attention. States that conduct sealant programs, will occur, often unlimited by resource restraints.
for example, do not have the resources to go to Public health, on the other hand, seeks to mini-
all schools in a state, so they choose target areas mize the chance that the worst outcome will
based on the proportion of children eligible for occur.39
free or subsidized lunch. In Ohio, one such The private practitioner works more or less
state, the program does not attempt to select alone. Decisions the dentist makes are in the
out individual “high-risk” children from these context of his training, the legal framework
schools; all children in selected schools are eli- for dental practice, and the dentist-patient rela-
gible for treatment where indicated. This is an tionship. Despite insurance carriers, quality
example of true geographic targeting—the assurance programs, and governmental require-
whole population is eligible within specific geo- ments, the private practitioner is still a relatively
graphic boundaries. And it works—evaluation independent health care provider. By contrast,
results show that such programs have substan- the public health professional is a salaried
tially reduced the disparity in sealant placement employee who is accountable to both an imme-
between children from low-income families diate supervisor and to the taxpayers, repre-
and those from higher-income families.47 sented in such forms as a board of health,
New York also selects geographic areas for a community advisory board, and a governing
its sealant program. The choice is based on body. Rarely is a major decision in public health
socioeconomic status, demonstrated need, made on one’s own.
community interest, operational feasibility, The public health professional often works
and ability to comply with the health depart- in communities with special characteristics of
ment’s rules and regulations.29 Evaluation culture, language, socioeconomic status, and
showed that the criteria for selection of indi- values. Public health workers often must care
vidual children and teeth were not well fol- for those outside the mainstream, where
lowed by the sealant teams. This finding did those characteristics just mentioned make
not mean that the sealant teams showed a cav- some groups of people more difficult and often
alier disregard for the carefully designed crite- more expensive to reach. The challenge in den-
ria; rather, their behavior was a necessary tal public health practice is that patients in these
response to pressures from parents and school groups often do not share middle-class values
personnel that the sealant teams found diffi- with regard to brushing their teeth, keeping
cult to resist. It indicates yet again that target- appointments, or making regular dental visits,
ing of individuals is just difficult to do in but they still need care if the professional trust
real-life situations. of working for the oral health of the public is to
be preserved.
1. American Association of Public Health Dentistry,
In addition to the similarities between private American Board of Dental Public Health. Dental public
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of dental practice, website:
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level, one major difference between personal org/ppp/science/10ES.htm. Accessed October 16,
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48 Dentistry and the Community

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5 Oral Health Promotion



Is any individual’s health status solely her own set of processes that can be employed to change
responsibility, or does society have some part to the conditions that affect health, so that targets
play in it? We discussed this issue when defining are not always the people whose health is in
health in Chapter 4 and concluded that both question.83 Yet another simply states that
were involved. Put concisely, the individual is health promotion is the process of enabling
responsible for the conduct of her life, but soci- people to increase control over, and to improve,
ety is largely responsible for the conditions of her their health.101 These definitions all envision
life.5 The achievement of health requires a set of roles for the health professional, political lead-
social conditions within which the individual ers, society as a whole, and the individual in
can then take actions that enhance health.85 maximizing health status. Health education is
This chapter discusses the promotion of oral an important part of health promotion, though
health in the community and among individual it is just one part of the larger entity. Health
patients. Issues of public policy that permit peo- education is defined as any combination of
ple to maximize their oral health are considered learning opportunities designed to facilitate
and some examples of major community-based voluntary adaptations of behavior that are con-
health promotional interventions are assessed. ducive to health.38 Health education and health
Because cultural values strongly influence promotion have been described as the mecha-
health promotion, public and professional atti- nisms that connect prevention activities, policy
tudes and beliefs are also examined. As an development, and program implementation,
example of how health promotional principles maintenance, and evaluation.31
might be applied at the community level, the Although health is an elusive entity to define,
role of health professionals in promoting water we stated in Chapter 4 that it is more than
fluoridation is assessed. We do not go into the mere absence of disease and less than
details of educational theory in this chapter; the idealistic definition of the World Health
a number of excellent texts provide such Organization (WHO). Greenberg refers to
details.39–41,83 health as a quality of life with social, mental,
emotional, spiritual, and physical functions,41
and he points out that too much emphasis is
usually given to the physical function at the
Community health promotion is defined as any expense of the others. In effect, Greenberg
combination of educational, social, and envi- is arguing for a “holistic” view of health. He
ronmental actions conducive to the health of a defines wellness as a positive state, the degree
population of a geographically defined area.39 to which a person has reached her potential
Another definition is that health promotion is a regarding each of the components of health.
5 Oral Health Promotion 51

Because it is the integration of social, mental, includes assessments of human biology, envi-
emotional, spiritual, and physical components ronment, lifestyle, and health care organization
at any level of health or illness, people can be in more or less equal parts. Before Lalonde’s
healthy or ill and still possess a high degree of analysis, such assessments had usually been
wellness. dominated by health care organizations (i.e.,
At least among the better educated, the tradi- the view was that health services equal health),
tionally narrow view that equates health with but today we are much more aware of the
the absence of disease has already given way to a importance of the other factors as well. The
broader, positive concept based on Greenberg’s cohesion and functionality of a community is
definition. In day-to-day terms, attainment and often expressed as its social capital, which con-
maintenance of health are no longer just a mat- sists of features of social organization such as
ter of an annual medical checkup, but also trust between citizens, norms of reciprocity, and
include engaging in regular exercise, making group membership, that facilitate collective
sensible food choices, getting sufficient sleep, action.52 The wider concept of health promo-
having some form of spiritual belief, maintain- tion includes the investment of social capital,
ing friendships, and indulging in a diversity of which can relate health status to availability
interests. Society is much less tolerant of destruc- of community amenities such as libraries,
tive behaviors like smoking and drunken driv- recreational facilities, biking and walking trails,
ing than it once was, and interest in healthy public transportation, and employment oppor-
eating has never been higher. tunities, things that are provided by the com-
It is recognized, however, that this positive munity rather than by the individual. Factors
view has not permeated all strata of society to that were seen by the influential Ottawa Charter
the same extent.33,95 There are good reasons as fundamental preconditions for health are
why. At the individual level, education results in shown in Box 5-1.
greater access to knowledge and information, In an ideal world, governments would have
and it develops information-seeking attitudes policies in place that do not interfere with peo-
and skills. In addition, better-educated people ples’ lives but that give them the freedom to
usually lead lives that give them more opportu- make informed choices on their health behav-
nities to develop healthy lifestyles than do those ior. As a negative example, homeless people are
who have to spend more time and energy in just preoccupied with fundamentals of day-to-day
making ends meet. At the community level, the survival and live in a world that is deficient in
characteristics of the neighborhood and com- many of the preconditions for health listed in
munities in which people live and work have Box 5-1. As a result, they have little opportunity
become recognized as prime determinants of to make rational choices on matters affecting
health status.50,51 their health. The first step in promoting health
This concept of health promotion began among the homeless, therefore, is to provide
to take root during the 1970s and was much
influenced by a working paper put out by the
Canadian Minister for Health at the time, Marc
Lalonde. More of a visionary than many politi- BOX 5-1 Fundamental Social Preconditions and
cal leaders, Lalonde introduced the health field Resources for the Achievement of Health, as Defined
concept, a new idea at the time, as he tried to by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion101
evaluate the impact of Canadian health poli-
cies.57 Specifically, Canada had moved to a pro- ●
gram of equal access to health care for all ●
citizens through public financing, and Lalonde ●
had observed that increased access to health ●
care services did not by itself improve health ●
status. ●
A stable ecosystem
The health field concept, as Lalonde envi- ●
Sustainable resources
sioned it, is a framework for the evaluation ●
Social justice and equity
and analysis of community health needs that
52 Dentistry and the Community

decent housing and adequate food, and do heart attacks in the communities con-
whatever else can be done to improve self- cerned was added to research information
esteem. If we hark back to the definition of on the major risk factors: hypertension,
health promotion, we see that such steps obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, high-
represent the organizational, social-economic, fat diets, and high blood cholesterol levels.
and environmental supports that are basic ●
Educational and interventional activities
to the development of healthy behaviors. were based on currently accepted theories
Governmental action in this area often means of health behavior.
legislation. In the high-income countries we are ●
Clearly specified hypotheses, involving
familiar with specific laws on matters like ciga- measurable exposures and outcomes,
rette advertising, use of seatbelts and safety hel- could be readily tested to evaluate the suc-
mets, and immunizations for children. These cess of the projects.
laws, through which society accepts some con- To assess the impact of community-wide health
straints on absolute freedom in the interest of promotion, it is worth looking at one of these
public health, are in addition to the public projects in detail. The purpose of the Stanford
health codes covering water supplies, food Five-Cities study, as an example, was to seek
preparation, and public accommodations. In reductions in the cardiovascular risk factors of
the oral health area, legislation that mandates smoking behavior, high blood cholesterol level,
or permits water fluoridation, and the statutory and hypertension. The project began as the
basis in some countries for school dental pro- Stanford Three-Community study in 1972,23
grams, are both organizational aspects of oral and promising results led to its expansion to
health promotion. become the Five-Cities study. The project was
designed to test whether a comprehensive pro-
gram of community organization and health
education would produce favorable changes in
risk factors, morbidity, and mortality in two
The principal community-based health promo- treatment cities compared to three control cities
tion programs that have been conducted in the over a period of 6 years. The methods chosen for
United States have been directed at reducing the comparative study were mass media health edu-
risk for cardiovascular disease. Nothing on this cation in one city, and mass media education
scale has been carried out for oral health, plus personal instruction for those at highest
though there are issues in these programs from risk in the second.
which dentistry could well learn for implemen- This 6-year intervention was influenced by
tation of its own health promotional programs. Bandura’s social learning theory.4 This theory
Three major community-based programs states that reciprocal relationships exist between
aimed at reducing the risk factors for cardiovas- an individual’s behavior, cognitive processes,
cular disease were implemented in the United and the external environment, and that these
States during the 1980s. All were focused on relationships are mediated by self-efficacy: the
individual risk factors, because an appreciation individual’s belief in her competence to carry
of the role of social factors was still in its infancy out specific actions. In practical terms, this
at the time. These programs were conducted theory states that the professional office envi-
in Pawtucket, Rhode Island,8 the state of ronment is not conducive to learning and main-
Minnesota,46 and five cities in central California.27 taining good health behavior; such activities are
These projects were completed by the 1990s, best carried out at home, at work, and in other
and in retrospect they were all modestly success- community settings. The Stanford Five-Cities
ful, though not as conclusive as had been study was a sophisticated program, making use
hoped.2,28,35 Certainly a great deal was learned of community organization principles and
about the benefits and limitations of large-scale social marketing methods.
health promotion programs. The Stanford study design included biennial
The projects had some features in common: assessments of cohorts followed over the 6 years
The extensive use of epidemiologic data in

and assessments of independent cross-sectional
planning. Specific data on the frequency of samples at 2-year intervals. Results at the end of
5 Oral Health Promotion 53

the 6 years showed that the treatment cities At the same time, most risk factors showed an
exhibited greater improvements with regard to overall secular decline in both treatment and
most of the risk factors being measured (cardio- control cities, which is good news. The conclu-
vascular disease knowledge, blood pressure, sion that we really don’t know much about how
smoking behavior, resting pulse) than the con- to effect community-wide behavioral change
trols.22,29 Mixed results were found for body seems the correct one here. For dentistry, it is
mass index,86 which suggests less than fully worth reflecting on the lessons from these car-
effective results. What were not expected were diovascular studies, given that apart from
the improvements in the control cities, presum- oral cancer we do not deal with life-threatening
ably due to the widespread media publicity diseases.
given to cardiovascular risk factors.30 Although
findings overall were positive, the beneficial
trends in the control cities made the net changes
attributable to the program rather small. Health promotion requires active interventions
A major question after such large-scale proj- at different levels and by different organiza-
ects is whether the good results achieved are tions, and the health professional organizations
maintained after the project’s completion. To are certainly important components. Campaigns
answer that question, participants in the conducted by professional organizations them-
Stanford project were followed up 4 years after selves, however, are often a mix of health pro-
the main project finished. Small net improve- motion and public relations. Public relations
ments in most risk factors measured were main- exercises may have their place, but they should
tained in the treatment cities relative to the not be confused with health promotion. The
control cities, though trends in body mass index American Dental Association (ADA), for exam-
went the wrong way in both treatment and con- ple, launched a television campaign in the
trol cities.97 This outcome was similar to the mid-1980s to increase patient visits among
one found in the Minnesota Heart Health adults over age 30 years, mostly by presenting
Program, in which strong efforts at obesity con- the health benefits of regular dental care.15
trol ended in failure,49 and in Pawtucket, where Although the ADA’s House of Delegates voted
levels of physical exercise did not increase.19 not to finance this campaign nationally, several
The conclusion of the Stanford researchers was state associations picked it up for local use. The
that the modest net differences suggested that success of this campaign, in terms of improving
new designs and forms of intervention are oral health, is uncertain because of its narrow
needed to better reach those at highest risk. focus. The same could be said about an institu-
Later reflections on the Stanford study in health tion like National Children’s Dental Health
promotion included the rather humble admis- Month and special events in that month like
sion that the researchers had learned little about Give Kids a Smile! Day. The activities aimed at
the factors which determine population-level getting dentists more involved in smoking ces-
change, and the lowering of risk factors in the sation among their patients (see Chapter 30),
control cities was clearly unexpected.27 although obviously focused on the individual
When the combined success of the interven- patient, are also a contribution toward commu-
tions in all three of the cardiovascular health nity health promotion.
promotion projects was assessed, trends were in Dentists and dental hygienists spend a lot of
the favorable direction, although most differ- time in educating their patients, and the public,
ences between treatments and controls were not on the value of good oral health. Organized cam-
statistically significant.64,96 There was agree- paigns such as the ADA’s Children’s Dental
ment, however, that the success of community Health Month have also been conducted fairly
interventions of this type was linked to the com- regularly. All this effort has probably had some
munity organization process.68 impact, though we can’t tell just how much.
Cardiovascular disease is a life-and-death There is little question that over the last few
matter, and the modest impact of these exten- decades the status of the public’s oral health, and
sive and expensive health promotional inter- its standards of oral hygiene, have continued to
ventions on such a serious disease is sobering. improve. Once again, however, we do not know
54 Dentistry and the Community

how much of this can be attributed directly to health survey of children in Columbus, which
oral health education and how much to rising showed that caries experience was greatest
living standards and norms of personal cleanli- among poorer children, were used as the ration-
ness and grooming (i.e., the type of “external” ale for grant support, which permitted continua-
influences that were noted earlier in the Stanford tion, and even expansion, of the sealant program
Five-City study: good things happening outside in the city schools. But the data served wider pur-
of our control). We can also accept that the rising poses as well. They were invaluable in “market-
utilization of dental services (see Chapter 2) is ing” the program among influential legislators,
evidence of increasing public acceptance of the in developing a supportive constituency among
value of good oral health. parents and school personnel, and in educating
The mass media, especially television, are fre- the public. The end result was a preventive pro-
quently used in promotional programs in oral gram that not only directly improved the oral
health, but again the effects are hard to meas- health of the children concerned but that had the
ure. For example, a national campaign in solid support of the community because its pur-
Finland in the early 1980s used the mass media poses were well understood and accepted.
to try to increase demand for dental services. Oral health promotion is more encompass-
Although the proportion of adults making an ing than dental health education and takes a
annual dental visit rose from 54% to 65%, the broader approach to closing the oral health gap
researchers concluded that the mass media were between the social strata. Oral health promo-
not effective in changing health behavior.69 The tional efforts today should include the common
value of the mass media in promoting dental risk factor approach, which brings oral health into
visits and good oral health behavior was also the health mainstream by recognizing that
questioned after a 1980s campaign in the much general health promotion (e.g., concern-
Netherlands.78 These findings were not really ing tobacco use, diet, and hygiene) is also related
surprising, because researchers earlier had to oral health.81 The role of social capital in oral
defined the limitations of mass media in chang- health promotion is still being worked out,
ing health behavior.9,32 The Stanford Five-City though some role for it is generally accepted.
cardiovascular intervention program, described The growth of interest in epidemiology across
earlier, also reached ambivalent conclusions on the life course, which addresses the question of
intervention strategies that relied heavily on tel- how events and circumstances in childhood
evision and newspapers. affect health in adulthood,93 will also help give
One problem in defining a role for mass oral health promotion a stronger scientific basis.
media in oral health promotion is that evaluation
carried out by market researchers, accustomed to
dealing with commercial advertisements, is often
“process” evaluation that stops short of detecting At the international level, global goals for oral
outcomes. An example is seen in the evaluation health in the year 2000 were established by the
of a Michigan television campaign in the late Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI, now
1980s. Correct description of the advertisements the World Dental Federation) in 1982 and are
was given by 22% of a random sample of adults, listed in Box 5-2. These goals were developed
up from 13% early in the campaign. Aided recall, after a great deal of discussion and with the
meaning recall after some prompting, rose from strong involvement of WHO. They have passed
23% to 32%, and 12% of those interviewed said into history now but are shown because they
they were influenced by the commercials.56 pretty well did what they were supposed to
Recording whether the message was seen and do—that is, stimulate individual countries
understood is relatively cheap and easy to do by either to adopt them as they are for their own
an experienced social research group, but measur- goals or to modify them to fit their own circum-
ing the actual impact of the campaign on oral stances. The FDI followed up on these global
health is more complicated. goals with its guidelines for national dental
An example of an oral health promotional associations to use in promoting the oral health
campaign is a sealant program conducted by the of the public.12 Unfortunately, new goals for the
Ohio Department of Health.82 Results of an oral new century have not been established.
5 Oral Health Promotion 55

BOX 5-2 Global Goals for Oral Health in the Year 2000, Established by the World Dental Federation and the
World Health Organization in 198224

50% of 5- to 6-year-olds will be caries-free. ●
A 25% reduction from present levels of

The global average will be no more than three edentulousness at age 65 years and older will be
decayed, missing, and filled teeth at age 12. achieved.

85% of the population will retain all their permanent ●
A database will be established for monitoring changes
teeth at age 18. in oral health.

A 50% reduction from present levels of
edentulousness at ages 35-40 years will be achieved.

The United States first adopted its own sus priority listing. Some baseline data are
national goals for health in 198088 as part of a presented for each objective (not shown in Box
10-year plan for improvement of national 5-3). These provide the point of reference
health status by 1990. A midcourse review91 against which progress will be measured.
found that some of the oral health goals in this As just mentioned, however, goals without a
plan had already been achieved, others clearly program to achieve them are little more than
would not be achieved, and still others could wishful thinking. Plans to reach the Healthy
not be evaluated because of a lack of data. In the People 2010 goals require a high level of agree-
process, it became clearer than ever that goals ment and coordination among federal,
were not going to be met without specific pro- state, and local agencies, and between public
grams and that programs required funds and and private sectors. Successful achievement
trained personnel if they were to have any of most goals is unlikely without the allocation
impact. National goals for health for the year of sufficient resources for the necessary
2000 were announced in September 1990,89 programs.
with generally favorable media publicity.
Among them were 16 goals for oral health.
Midcourse reviews found that, despite some
progress, disparities were growing between
some minority groups and the main population People demonstrate a wide variety of attitudes
in some areas. As a result, new subobjectives toward teeth, dental care, and dentists. These
were established for Native Americans for attitudes naturally reflect their own experiences,
reduction of the number of edentulous persons cultural perceptions, familial beliefs, and other
and for African-Americans for the prevention of life situations, and these attitudes strongly
oropharyngeal cancer.90 influence oral health behavior.10,34,63,98,103
The goals for the year 2010, known as Healthy Negative attitudes toward oral health are a
People 2010,87 included 467 health objectives strong factor in loss of teeth (see Chapter 19).
altogether. One could argue whether a much For example, it was found in the Netherlands
smaller number of goals, perhaps a set that that the majority of decisions for full-mouth
could be easily recalled, might be more effec- extractions are made by the patient rather than
tive—it is hard to remember 467 objectives, and the dentist,7 and a Scottish study related total
it could be that the nation’s resources are spread tooth loss to negative attitudes about dental
thin with that many. The purpose of the Healthy care and passivity about tooth loss.70 It is possi-
People objectives is to give guidance to public ble that these negative attitudes might be
health departments in their choice of programs, unconsciously encouraged by dental profes-
to guide the nation’s public health research sionals if the patient does not fit the “good
agenda. The 17 oral health objectives from patient” model. Not surprisingly, dentists’ pro-
Healthy People are shown in Box 5-3. They are, of file of a “good” patient was one who shared the
course, not everything that could be listed in the dentist’s values on oral health, complied
pursuit of oral health but are more of a consen- with advice and accepted treatment plans, was
56 Dentistry and the Community

BOX 5-3 Healthy People 2010 Objectives for Oral Health for the United States87

21-1. Reduce the proportion of children and 21-11. Increase the proportion of long-term care residents
adolescents who have dental caries experience who use the oral health care system each year.
in their primary or permanent teeth. 21-12. Increase the proportion of low-income children
21-2. Reduce the proportion of children, adolescents, and adolescents who received any preventive
and adults with untreated dental decay. dental service during the past year.
21-3. Increase the proportion of adults who have 21-13. Increase the proportion of school-based health
never had a permanent tooth extracted because centers with an oral health component.
of dental caries or periodontal disease. 21-14. Increase the proportion of local health departments
21-4. Reduce the proportion of older adults who have and community-based health centers, including
had all their natural teeth extracted. community, migrant, and homeless health centers,
21-5. Reduce periodontal disease. that have an oral health component.
21-6. Increase the proportion of oral and pharyngeal 21-15. Increase the number of states and the District of
cancers detected at the earliest stage. Columbia that have a system for recording and
21-7. Increase the proportion of adults who, in the past referring infants and children with cleft lips, cleft
12 months, report having had an examination to palates, and other craniofacial anomalies to
detect oral and pharyngeal cancers. craniofacial anomaly rehabilitative teams.
21-8. Increase the proportion of children who have 21-16. Increase the number of states and the District of
received dental sealants on their molar Columbia that have an oral and craniofacial
teeth. health surveillance system.
21-9. Increase the proportion of the U.S. population 21-17. Increase the number of tribal, state (including
served by community water systems with the District of Columbia) and local health
optimally fluoridated water. agencies that serve jurisdictions of 250,000 or
21-10. Increase the proportion of children and adults more persons that have in place an effective
who use the oral health care system each public health dental program directed by a
year. dental professional with public health training.

concerned about oral health, arrived on time, substantial changes in the dental curriculum be
and paid the bills.72 Because the same study implemented to give dentists the knowledge,
found that “personal warmth” in a patient was skills, and attitudes they will need.25 The behav-
valued by dentists, it is likely that many dentists ioral sciences, and the control of fear and anxi-
have trouble in warming to patients who do not ety in patients, were listed among those areas
possess these attributes. needing more attention. Knowledge and atti-
Knowledge gaps concerning a number of pre- tudes on oral health among other influential
ventive procedures have been found between professionals—schoolteachers, for example—
researchers, practitioners, and patients,71 and also can be disappointingly poor,37,58,61 which
lack of consensus between researchers and prac- only underlines the responsibility of the dental
titioners has been identified as a major barrier professions to see that trainee teachers, nurses,
to more effective promotion of caries preven- and others who influence public attitudes
tion. This unfortunate confusion can be allevi- receive correct information on oral health.
ated by health promotional activities aimed at Even a relatively low level of serious oral dis-
changing attitudes and practices. For example, ease in the community does not always reflect
dentists in one Indian Health Service region positive dental attitudes. In fluoridated Hong
developed a significantly greater orientation Kong, for example, where neither caries nor
toward preventive services after such a promo- periodontitis were found to be major public
tional campaign.62 With the realization that health problems, ignorance and misconcep-
positive attitudes toward health promotion tions about the most common oral conditions
need to be developed during student days rather were widespread.60 Poor knowledge of the oral
than afterward, the FDI has recommended that diseases is common in many countries, includ-
5 Oral Health Promotion 57

ing the United States and Canada, as shown by a subsequent WHO report, the evolution of pro-
reports that many people do not associate exist- fessional attitudes was demonstrated when it
ing symptoms, such as calculus deposits or was stated that (1) participant involvement was
bleeding gums, with periodontal diseases.36,59 essential for success in health education, and
A more encouraging study in North Carolina (2) what is taught needed to be compatible with
found that patients of general practitioners local customs and culture as well as with scien-
were generally knowledgeable about the signs, tific knowledge.102
causes, prevention, and treatment of periodon- It is a basic precept that everyone has a right
tal conditions.3 Few serious misconceptions to the best available knowledge about caring for
were found in this study, though improvement her own health. However, knowledge alone
was needed on the significance of bleeding does not lead to action. Many health care work-
gums. When incipient disease cannot be recog- ers can labor under the assumption that when
nized, there will naturally be inadequate self- people have knowledge about health care they
care, and promotion of self-care is one of the will act upon that knowledge. It is a rational
major goals of oral health education. assumption, but human behavior is more com-
plicated than that. Knowledge dissemination is
a fundamental part of the mission of health
professionals, but health care workers have to
In the past, unless health professionals were steel themselves to accept that much of their
unusually sensitive to patients’ reactions, health effort will go unheeded.
education often had a patronizing ring to it. School-based oral health education pro-
When a health provider who believes she knows grams, by definition, are aimed at more cohe-
what is best for the patient “educates” a person sive groups rather than at the public at large.
who is tacitly assumed to know nothing, it is a Whatever approach is to be adopted, it will
safe bet that little of value eventuates. This has require a plan of action, with appropriate
been called the “empty vessel” approach to involvement of all parties concerned and clear
health education: the patient is empty and wait- delineation of responsibilities. Fundamental
ing for the health professional to “pour in” the components of a school-based program for the
knowledge. This approach was enshrined in an promotion of oral health have been described
early WHO report,99 which saw the need to as follows:
teach educational theory and methods to stu- ●
Oral health services, meaning preventive
dent dentists so that they could successfully procedures, health screening and treat-
“motivate” their patients and the public to ment, referral, and follow-up.
behave as dentists would like them to. It also ●
Health instruction, to include both per-
shows itself unconsciously in terminology sonal and community health topics.
such as toothbrushing drills, a so-called educa- ●
A healthy environment, with attention to
tional method in which children are taught all aspects of the school environment that
to brush their teeth in a semimilitary manner. could affect the health of students or
The empty vessel approach also dated from a school personnel.45
time when the guild model of professionalism Even though schoolchildren are more homoge-
(see Chapter 1) was accepted, a model that saw neous than the public as a whole, any group of
the all-knowing professional as dominant in them still has a variety of beliefs and attitudes;
dentist-patient relations. in a multicultural society the differences can be
In more recent years, greater acceptance has profound.18 Methods used in school programs
been given to the idea that the recipients of all should therefore be a mix of small group and
this attention might have some thoughts of mass approaches, and some are clearly more
their own. Item 4 in the Declaration of Alma- successful than others. The more successful
Ata, the outcome of a major international con- approaches, as shown by evaluations of teachers
ference on primary health care, stated that and administrators, and by the oral health of
“people have a right and duty to participate participants, use a fair degree of active involve-
individually and collectively in the planning ment.13,14,26,43,73,80,84 This finding applies to all
and implementation of their health care.”100 In ages and social groups, for active involvement
58 Dentistry and the Community

increased the effectiveness of programs con- in 13% scores actually got worse. The researchers
ducted with employed adults42,75 and with concluded that the therapists often did not fol-
mothers of young children.44 Nursing home low the principles of effective instruction,
residents who monitored their own progress though outcomes were also related to patients’
toward oral hygiene goals showed improve- oral status and life situations.94 The same study
ments in psychological well-being and self- also found that educational effort was not being
esteem as well as in oral hygiene.54,55 concentrated on those patients with greatest
On the other hand, programs that involve need but rather was more or less equally distrib-
less individual participation can increase uted.67 A British project found that use of the
knowledge of oral disease mechanisms and its Community Periodontal Index of Treatment
prevention but have less impact on attitudes, Needs (as it was then named, see Chapter 16)
beliefs, and behavior.60,76,92 The mass media, was a useful way of improving patient aware-
which by definition do not develop personal ness of periodontal conditions.11
involvement, are generally seen as effective in Many health care professionals have enor-
disseminating basic knowledge, but whether mous faith in the value of dental health educa-
they do much to influence behavioral change is tion. Educational programs are rarely opposed
uncertain. We have learned from public oral on the grounds that the resources involved
health campaigns that personal involvement might better be placed elsewhere, and educa-
is needed to effect behavioral change. When the tional programs promote a general “feel-good”
cultural competence needed to accommodate atmosphere among all concerned. There is no
to the astonishing cultural variety in modern- question that all people have a right to the best
day America is added in, designing programs knowledge about how to care for their health,
for personal involvement becomes a challenge. even though they will act on this knowledge in
The most intensive form of oral health edu- different ways. The conclusions from a search-
cation is one-to-one instruction. Although oral ing review of dental health education outcomes
health education is clearly an integral part of should be borne in mind by all those planning
professional responsibility, simply passing educational programs: (1) educational pro-
across information does not by itself lead to grams work well in improving knowledge lev-
desirable action; personal involvement (again) els; (2) they have a positive but temporary effect
is necessary. A study of educational outcomes on plaque levels; and (3) they have no dis-
among “high-plaque” patients who received cernible effect on caries experience.53
instruction in oral hygiene in dental practices in At a practical level, the principles of oral
Washington found that only 28% substantially health education that emerge from the litera-
reduced their plaque scores over 6 weeks, and ture can be summarized as shown in Box 5-4.

BOX 5-4 Principles of Oral Health Education

People interpret health messages through the filter of but have been less effective in producing change in
their own values, beliefs, and attitudes. These need to relation to oral conditions.
be understood as far as possible, if the educational ●
Health professionals have to accept that not all people
process is to have any chance of success. share their values about the importance of health. An

The most successful education maximizes self- acceptance of all components of wellness, not just
involvement of the participants. physical health, will help in dealing with the infinite

Mass media are effective in transmitting simple and variety of human beliefs on health.
consistent messages, although their value in ●
Dental health education programs can improve
influencing health behavior seems limited. They have knowledge and temporarily improve oral hygiene but
been found effective in accomplishing some have not demonstrated any direct effect on caries
behavioral change related to cardiovascular disease, experience.
5 Oral Health Promotion 59

tions for two different reasons.77 First, the com-

munity expected partisans in a political cam-
paign to be motivated by self-interest and to
Water fluoridation is an issue that gives dental conduct a propaganda campaign to further
professionals the chance to promote oral health those interests. Because the health professionals
at the community level and to apply the experi- supporting fluoridation were seen as political
ences gained from other successful community- partisans, their endorsements of fluoridation
based campaigns. The ADA has a long-standing were not accepted as dispassionate expert testi-
policy that dentists should work to promote mony. Second, their efforts to maintain profes-
fluoridation in their communities,1 though it is sional decorum and to avoid the hurly-burly of
recognized that the issue can provoke mixed open controversy were interpreted as arrogance.
feelings. Dentists and hygienists, accustomed to This study suggests that, in a fluoridation refer-
life outside the spotlight, are often far from endum, the health professionals cannot expect
comfortable in the public arena. For such indi- to maintain a detached role, and referendum
viduals, there are still key roles for dental pro- tactics must be structured accordingly.
fessionals as low-profile resource persons. Regardless of the nature of the political cam-
To begin with, dentists and hygienists should paign, experience has shown that a successful
at least educate their patients about what fluori- outcome is more likely when the campaign is
dation is and who benefits from it (see Chapter coordinated by a citizens’ committee, often
25). They should actively persuade patients to called Citizens for Healthy Teeth or some such
vote for the measure if a referendum is coming. name. The first task of the coordinating com-
Patients, after all, are a more or less captive mittee is to draw up a plan of action that will
audience, and there is evidence that dentists guide the promotional activities. Dental profes-
could do better with this particular educational sionals can play the role of technical experts in
role.48 Dental professionals should know the this committee, though many have the qualities
concentration of fluoride in their own commu- to take more prominent roles. If needed, the
nity’s drinking water, information that comes CDC and the ADA have materials to help. The
from the state or local health department. Cost composition of the citizens’ committee should
estimates for fluoridating a community’s water be as broadly based as possible, with attention
can be obtained from the state health depart- to socioeconomic, age, and ethnic groupings, in
ment or water supply division, and from the order to accomplish the following:
fluoridation engineers at the Division of Oral ●
Represent the community and demonstrate
Health of the Centers for Disease Control and that fluoridation has widespread political
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. If there support.
were previous attempts to fluoridate the com- ●
Increase the number of volunteer workers
munity, it helps to have a history of which indi- for telephoning potential voters, canvass-
viduals were involved and what happened. ing, and distributing materials.65
At the local community level, a decision by a ●
Increase the base of financial support.47
city council to fluoridate has proven far more Experience has also shown that a hired consult-
likely to result in a favorable outcome than a ant in political organization can be very help-
referendum. Lobbying of city councilors both ful.21 A political expert can assist in these areas:
answers questions and identifies the members ●
Legal registration of the political action
who are for, against, and undecided, informa- committee in those states in which it is
tion that can then help shape the further pro- required
motional effort needed. When a city council ●
Outreach to the large segments of the pop-
decides to put fluoridation out for referendum, ulation that ordinarily do not participate in
the role of dental professionals becomes more organizations and are not much influenced
overtly political. Defining this role may not be by mass media
easy. A thoughtful study in the 1960s, still rele- ●
Identification of the community power
vant today, found that political efforts of den- structure and the key individual leaders
tists and other health professionals in a local whose support will be needed.
fluoridation campaign got unfavorable reac- ●
Campaign strategy and tactics
60 Dentistry and the Community

Recruitment of “celebrities” and “outside

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6 The Practice of Dentistry


Solo Practice Evolution of Quality Assurance
Group Practice Recent Emphasis in Quality Assurance
Franchised Practices and Department Store Examples of Quality Assurance Activities:The
Clinics Dimensions of Quality
HOSPITAL DENTISTRY Quality Assurance and Cost Control
Auxiliaries in Public Programs
Primary Health Care

Organized dentistry has two primary goals: to This chapter examines the structure of dental
promote the oral health of the public and to care provision systems in the United States, with
preserve the autonomy and economic well- some reference to methods used elsewhere.
being of the profession. These goals can be in
conflict, however, when dentistry’s efforts to
secure its own well-being are perceived as not
being in harmony with the public interest, or Traditionally dental care in the United States has
when public efforts to improve oral health are been delivered by independent private prac-
seen by the professions as antagonistic to their titioners. The American Dental Association
self-interest. This type of conflict will continue, (ADA) estimated that approximately 93% of
with just and acceptable outcomes more likely all active dentists were in private practice in
if the dental professions understand the pres- 1998.15 This proportion has remained remark-
sures that produce them. ably stable over the years. Indeed, an essential
A delivery system is a collective health care feature of dental care delivery in the United
expression that incorporates the various means States is the diversity of practice modes and their
by which care is provided to patients. The prin- constant evolution within a private practice phi-
cipal components are as follows: losophy. Adaptability in a rapidly changing

The structure of the system, that is, the world is a major strength of private practice, an
organizational arrangements by which attribute that ensures that private practice will
patients meet up with providers. endure.

The means by which the care is paid for. Private practice has a number of inherently

The supply of various types of health care desirable features. One advantage to both
personnel. provider and patient is flexibility. Dental practi-
Other elements of a delivery system can be tioners can provide care for as many hours per
identified, such as physical facilities and record day and for as many days per year as they
keeping, but the three elements listed here are choose. When demand for care in a locality
the most basic. They are interdependent; a increases, private practitioners can respond if
change in any one affects the others, although they wish by working longer hours, by increas-
this book divides the subject into three chapters ing their productivity to meet it, by increasing
to give these issues adequate consideration. their fees, or by all of these. There is a built-in
68 Dental Practice

economic incentive to be as efficient as possible graphic units such as counties, cities, and other
in private practice, because it represents a big natural market areas.
investment of private capital in facilities and Even within communities that are well
equipment; the return on that investment is the stocked with dentists, some groups are not read-
practitioner’s profit. Choice of equipment, ily treated in private practice (see Chapter 9).
materials, and employees therefore is made Treatment of the preschool child with behav-
carefully, and all can be chosen to suit the tastes ioral difficulties, for example, requires a degree
of the individual dentist. of time, patience, experience, and training that
Private practice has often been equated with can make such treatment uneconomical for
free choice of a dentist by the prospective many general practitioners to provide, and
patient and, conversely, with freedom of the pediatric dental specialists are not always avail-
dentist to treat or not to treat anyone seeking able. Many elderly people cannot afford the care
care. Whether these concepts were ever fully that they need, and many have difficulty travel-
true is arguable, but it is certain that current ing because of physical infirmities. In addition,
circumstances put some limits on these free- there are people who are chronically ill, men-
doms. In many inner city or small rural com- tally retarded, or physically challenged, or who
munities, for example, there is often little have illnesses that require them to receive den-
choice of dentist because dentists are less likely tal treatment in a hospital. Private practices that
to establish practices there. Because dentists in are optimally designed for ambulatory, highly
private practice are self-employed business compliant patients are often not well suited to
people, they tend to establish their practices in care for such persons.
localities where they can be reasonably sure of Low-income individuals often have a double
adequate demand for their services; these problem: care is less available near where they
localities are typically higher-income subur- live, and when it can be found it is relatively
ban areas. There is a clear association between expensive. It is hardly surprising that people in
the availability of dentists and the per capita low socioeconomic areas are often thought “not
income of an area.7,8,14 Fig. 6-1 shows this to value dental care.” That belief is not necessar-
association at the level of the states. Usually ily true; rather, the circumstances of their lives
there are relatively more dentists in states with do not always permit the disadvantaged the lux-
higher per capita incomes. This same phenom- ury of “valuing dental care” the way that den-
enon also is likely to apply to smaller geo- tists would like.30 Given this situation, “free


Dentists per 100,000 population








0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000

Per Capita Income in Dollars

Fig. 6-1 The association between mean per capita income and the dentist/population ratio for individual states in
the United States, 2000.65,67
6 The Practice of Dentistry 69

choice” can be most accurately described as a beds and hospital support staff out of the
middle-class value that may mean little in other physician’s fee.
socioeconomic contexts.
Free choice also cuts the other way: dentists Solo Practice
have some freedom to reject patients (although Within the overall realm of private practice,
not solely on the basis of race, ethnicity, or which is the principal form of dental practice in
human immunodeficiency virus status; see the United States, the solo practitioner is the
Chapters 3 and 10). Some practitioners may most common form of practice. The ADA esti-
believe that they are treating as many patients as mated that in 1998 almost two thirds (65%) of
they can manage and therefore will accept no private practitioners worked in a practice with
new patients of any kind. Others may reject no other dentists, about 20.5% worked with
patients whose care is financed by public pro- one other dentist, and just over 14.5% worked
grams such as Medicaid (see Chapter 7). This with two or more other dentists.16 This distribu-
rejection may be based on the dentist’s view tion is shown in Fig. 6-2.
that such programs offer poor compensation
and are bureaucratic nightmares, or the dentist Group Practice
may be unable to accept the attitudes and values The arrangements by which dentists can work
of low-income individuals. together are so varied that the term group practice
From the community viewpoint, the princi- is difficult to define precisely. In fact, the ADA
pal advantages and disadvantages of private has adopted the term nonsolo practice. The ADA
practice as a delivery system relate to econom- definition states the following:
ics. Private funds are used to build the facilities,
A nonsolo dentist works in a practice with at least one other
buy equipment, hire auxiliary staff, and pay for dentist. Some of these dentists may be employed by the
some of the expenses (although by no means owner dentist in the practice.3
all; see Chapter 8) of dental education. Dentists
set their own fees. Dentists also have tradition- As demonstrated in Fig. 6-2, solo practice
ally practiced price discrimination, meaning that remains the most common form of dental prac-
they have charged wealthy patients higher fees tice, and nonsolo practices generally are small,
than they have charged poorer ones. Wealthier most of them consisting of two dentists.
patients in these practices therefore subsidized Although it is uncommon for newly graduating
the poorer ones. dentists to directly enter practice as a solo prac-
The business demands of running a dental titioner, the long-term pattern suggests that the
practice can conflict with the need to provide dominance of solo and small group practices
for the dental treatment of all people. Dental will continue, with a possible gradual shift
fees simply are too high for some. The solo den- toward small group practices.
tal practitioner has certain overhead costs to
meet: utilities, rent, equipment, supplies, staff
payroll, and insurance. These expenses must be
met regardless of whether or not patients come
and whether or not fees are collected. In addi-
tion, the dentist is a highly trained and qualified
professional and thus is deemed by American
culture to be entitled to a good income. Many One dentist
dentists graduate from dental school heavily in Two dentists
debt because of the high costs of their education Three or more
and thus have a strong incentive to begin show- dentists
ing profits soon after they begin practice. The
average debt among all dental graduates in
2003 was $118,750.17 It is interesting to com-
pare these facts of the dental practitioner’s posi-
tion with those of the position of the medical Fig. 6-2 Distribution of private practitioner dentists by type
surgeon, who does not have to pay for hospital of practice in the United States, 1998.16
70 Dental Practice

In the mid-1990s, there were a few reports of

Franchised Practices and Department dental insurers’ buying individual dental
Store Clinics offices. The reason for these purchases is usually
In the late 1970s, several major department store to acquire the capacity to handle managed care
chains, including Sears and Montgomery Ward, offerings, particularly in areas where individual
opened dental clinics in some of their stores and dental offices are reluctant to sign on. The
announced their intention to open more. These impact of these arrangements will take some
clinics operated during usual store hours, and years to be properly evaluated.
the stores’ management viewed them as an extra
service for their customers, no different from the
pharmacies and optical departments. However,
dental practices in department stores have not Although only a small fraction of dental care is
prospered and were few in number by the provided in hospitals, dentists still have a sub-
late 1990s. stantial role in hospitals. In the mid-1980s,
The concept of franchises is common in the approximately 1000 hospitals in the United
United States, encompassing such varied entities States had formally organized departments
as motels, restaurants, automobile servicing, of dentistry, and about 40,000 dentists were
retail stores, and child care services. The fran- members of the medical staff of at least one hos-
chisor, for some combination of initial fees and pital.10,33 In 1995, the number of dentists in the
periodic payments, provides the name plus addi- United States with hospital privileges was still
tional services such as advertising, training, co- about 40,000.13
ordinated purchasing, and management services. The number of dental general practice resi-
The franchisee runs the individual business loca- dencies in hospitals grew rapidly through the
tion and, except for the agreed payments to the 1970s, and as of 2003 there were 1423 first-
franchisor, retains the profits from the business. year hospital-based residency positions.17 The
By the early 1980s, there appeared to be the extended experience in the hospital environ-
beginning of an explosive growth of franchised ment that these residencies provide is likely to
dental practices.9,18,71 The idea as applied make it easier for these dentists to make use of
to dental practice varied in detail among fran- hospital privileges later in their careers. Many
chises but tended to include such things as a dentists affiliated with these and other educa-
franchise name; marketing and management tional programs in hospitals have full-time or
services; bulk purchasing of supplies; and some- substantial part-time commitments to hospital-
times the design, construction, and equipping based care. Dentists in the military and with the
of the practice itself. The dental clinic space was Department of Veterans Affairs are also com-
usually leased by a dentist, because many state monly in hospital-based practices. The majority
laws do not allow dental practices to be owned of dentists who have hospital privileges, how-
by a nondentist. ever, are in private practice and provide care
After a quick start in the early 1980s, most only occasionally in the hospital.
franchise dental organizations had fallen on Dental care provided in hospitals is for those
difficult times by 1988;73 all but a few were out situations in which general anesthesia and
of business or under bankruptcy protection. other resources of a hospital are required, such
Reasons for this turn of events include under- as for treatment of very young children with
capitalization, overexpansion, poor manage- rampant caries, oral surgery to remove carcino-
ment control, unprofessional image, and high mas, cleft palate repair, and maxillofacial pros-
costs.73 Fundamental conflicts between the tra- thetic treatment for victims of burns or trauma.
ditional strengths of franchises and dental prac- In addition, some routine dental care is pro-
tice make it unlikely that franchised dental vided in hospitals for patients who are suffering
practice will ever be a major force. The standard- from serious systemic disease and for whom the
ization of process and procedures that leads to risk of being treated in the private dental office
cost savings and uniform quality in many busi- would be unacceptably high. The inclusion of
nesses is unlikely to produce cost savings in ADA representation on the board of the Joint
dental care. Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
6 The Practice of Dentistry 71

Organizations since 1980 helps to ensure an urban areas where existing health care resources
appropriate role for dental consultation and are inadequate. These centers are primarily med-
services within hospitals. ical, but many provide dental services too. As
Beyond the traditional role of educational of 2002 there were 1230 full-time-equivalent
programs and consultative services, a major (FTE) dentists, 383 FTE dental hygienists, and
challenge for hospital dental departments is 2291 FTE dental assistants, aides, and technicians
economic justification. All departments within employed at these health centers.66 These centers
hospitals are increasingly being pressed to show are established in areas where access to private
that the income they produce is sufficient to jus- care is limited, and they employ salaried dental
tify their existence, and the traditional roles of personnel.
teaching, consultation, and care for indigent Another program aimed at making care avail-
patients do not provide high levels of revenue. able in areas unattractive to private practice is
On the other hand, moves by hospital-based the National Health Service Corps. This pro-
programs to solicit insured patients through gram, discussed more fully in Chapter 8, has
ambulatory care facilities are seen as unfair provided incentives, including scholarships and
competition by some private practitioners.35,57 loan repayment, to encourage dentists to prac-
tice in remote and underserved areas. Many
National Health Service Corps dentists practice
in community and migrant health centers.
As stated earlier, private practice cannot meet Many states, counties, and cities have had
the dental demands of all people. A number of their own dental care programs, with their own
public dental care programs therefore have facilities and salaried personnel, operating for
been developed to meet the needs of specific years. Most of these programs, which are often
groups. Some of these government-sponsored administered by an agency of the state or local
programs use a specific delivery system in addi- government, have been aimed at providing care
tion to a funding mechanism. Many receive for people who are eligible to receive some form
funding from the federal government, although of public assistance. The services available
most still remain under the control of state and through these programs vary widely. Many of
local health departments. Many are under con- these state and local dental treatment programs
siderable strain because social services budgets, cover a portion of their costs of operation by
on which these programs heavily depend, have billing Medicaid for eligible patients and by
been severely cut over recent decades. receiving Community and Migrant Health
The oldest health care programs of the fed- program grants from the Bureau of Primary
eral government are directed either at certain Health Care.
groups of its own employees or at other specific
groups for whom it has an obligation or who Auxiliaries in Public Programs
would find it difficult to get care anywhere else. Auxiliary-based programs have long been the
Each branch of the armed forces, for example, backbone of public dental care in some coun-
provides dental care for its own active-duty per- tries, although not in the United States. The old-
sonnel. Care is provided for the most part by est and best known is the New Zealand school
dentists who themselves are members of the dental nurse plan, introduced in 1921. New
armed services and is dispensed from clinical Zealand is a nation of some 4 million people in
facilities wholly owned and maintained by the the South Pacific, 1500 miles off the eastern
service concerned. coast of Australia. Living standards are high,
Many of the long-established clinical programs and New Zealand has been a world leader in a
of the U.S. Public Health Service were described number of social programs: old-age pensions,
in Chapter 1. In addition, the Community and visiting maternal and child health nurses, and
Migrant Health program of the U.S. Public the secret ballot at political elections. A number
Health Service provides grants to support pub- of these programs began in the late nineteenth
lic and nonprofit organizations to plan, develop, century, about the time that social security pro-
and operate health care facilities, known as com- grams were initiated in Bismarck’s Germany.
munity and migrant health centers, in rural and Given these traditions, the introduction of the
72 Dental Practice

school dental nurse plan was not as radical an influences, the intake of new trainees had to be
innovation as it might seem, although there was reduced. However, with many dental therapists
some concern among dentists at the time.61 The approaching retirement age, there is concern
stimuli for the program were the extensive den- that there may be a shortage in coming years.
tal disease found in army recruits during World The New Zealand school dental therapist
War I (1914-18) and government intent to do plan has attracted the attention of dental organ-
something about this problem. Dentists were in izations all over the world. Other countries
short supply at the time, and treatment of and jurisdictions that have adopted similar
young children was not as accepted in dental programs, with modifications to suit the lo-
practice as it is now. Caries experience remained cal environment, include Canada, Great Brit-
high for a long time in New Zealand22,23 before ain, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,
that country joined in the worldwide decline in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Hong Kong, and
the late twentieth century (see Chapter 20). Indonesia. A small number of dental health aides
When the service began, care was offered only are currently being trained in New Zealand to
to younger school-aged children, but eligibility prepare for practice under Alaska’s Community
was soon extended to all preschool-aged chil- Health Aide Program that serves native popula-
dren and all children in primary and intermedi- tions in Alaska.63
ate school. Although most care is provided by The few attempts to introduce dental thera-
dental therapists (the current name for dental pists in the United States have gone nowhere, at
nurses), recent legislation will extend practice least partly because of the consistently strong
possibilities for dental therapists, including treat- opposition of the ADA.11,12 An attempt to intro-
ing publicly funded clients in private practice duce an auxiliary-based school dental program
and treating indigenous populations.41 The tra- in Massachusetts in the mid-1950s was defeated
ditional 2-year diploma program has also been after political action by organized dentistry.31
supplemented with a 3-year degree program.64 Despite this history, it is well established from
The therapist’s training concentrates on tech- research, much of it ironically conducted in the
nical procedures, with considerable emphasis United States, that well-trained dental thera-
on learning to recognize conditions that are pists are able to carry out many procedures as
beyond the therapist’s competence to treat. well as dentists can.1,2,21,37,44–46,56,59 In most of
Individuals with these conditions are then the countries where these programs are estab-
referred to a private practitioner or to one of a lished, children likely would be receiving no
small number of dentists employed by the care at all were it not for the dental therapists.
School Dental Service. Therapists’ clinical duties
include performance of oral examinations, cav- Primary Health Care
ity preparation and placement of restorations, Developing countries generally do not have the
pulp capping, and extraction of primary teeth. resources to train the number of dentists they
Therapists also provide extensive dental health need. Even if large numbers of dentists were
education, both in the classroom and to indi- available, the cost of care would still be beyond
vidual patients. the reach of most. Recognition of this fact has
Dental therapists function with a high degree led the World Health Organization to establish
of independence. Many young children in New its principles of primary health care.72 Under
Zealand are examined and treated completely this concept, the focus of health care is to assist
by dental nurses and never see a dentist until in maintaining health rather than to wait for
their teenage years. Although this fact has dis- problems to occur. In countries and localities
turbed some American observers,36,55 there is where dentists are in short supply, much of the
no evidence that the oral or general health of responsibility for first-level oral health care is
the children suffers as a result. assigned to a primary health care worker who
The decline in caries experience in New resides in the community. In some places these
Zealand, as in most developed countries, has individuals have been trained to provide dental
reduced the need for restorative treatment. In examinations and to perform nonsurgical pro-
addition, women are staying in the workforce cedures such as calculus removal, application of
longer than they used to. As a result of these topical fluorides, and the placement of sealants
6 The Practice of Dentistry 73

and glass ionomer restorations.54 Under such a either maintain or improve the quality of care
system, much of the preventive care is provided rendered.3
by people who are already part of the health
care system in the community, and the more The difference in these definitions is impor-
scarce and expensive personnel are used mainly tant: quality assessment is limited to the
as a second-level referral resource. appraisal of whether or not standards of quality
In circumstances of extreme shortage of have been met, whereas quality assurance
trained oral health care professionals, the includes the additional dimension of action to
concept of primary health care tries to give to take corrective steps if these are needed to
individuals as much practical information as improve the situation.
possible for their own care and provides guid- The most frequently used approach to qual-
ance for nondental health care workers when it ity assessment and quality assurance builds on
is necessary for them to place temporary fillings the concepts of structure, process, and outcome,
or extract teeth.27 the classic evaluation model described by
Dental care can be provided in ways that are Donabedian.28,29 The model is based on the
markedly different from those in North idea that, although the outcome of treatment is
America. If at first some of these alternative important and should be evaluated, a desirable
ways of meeting the needs of people seem outcome is more likely if the structural arrange-
unusual, it must be remembered that the system ments meet adequate standards, such as with
that seems right for any particular country is well-designed treatment facilities, proper equip-
determined by a combination of its history, eco- ment, and appropriate and properly trained
nomics, cultural traditions, and prevailing staff. A good outcome is also more likely if the
philosophies on rights and responsibilities of processes used, such as diagnostic methods,
health care. treatment planning, record keeping, and the
treatment procedures themselves, follow recog-
nized protocols. Perhaps even more important,
Donabedian argues that if a less than satisfac-
Regardless of the way that the care system is tory outcome is detected, the search for the
organized, every dental professional wants to cause is likely to be within the process of care
provide the best possible care. However, defining and the structures that support it.
what is meant by quality, and then reaching Numerous dental practice assessment proce-
agreement on how to attain it, continue to be a dures that follow the structure-process-outcome
major challenge. A typical dictionary definition model have been developed.50,58,69 Box 6-1 lists
of quality is “degree of excellence.” Schoen58 examples of some of the dimensions that can be
defined quality in dental care as “that characteris- assessed under this approach. These many
tic that relates to the effective and efficient main- dimensions of quality can present problems,
tenance of optimum oral health when present, because when people of good faith focus on
and improvement of oral health when needed.” different dimensions they can disagree as to
Although this definition gives us the general idea whether quality has been attained. Further-
of quality in dental care, it leaves much room for more, the same level of technical quality can be
disagreement about how quality is actually commendable in one setting and inappropriate
measured. Terms such as effective and efficient in another. The picture can be even more confus-
maintenance and optimal oral health do not have ing because much of the recent literature in this
precise definitions. This ambiguity is behind the area uses different terms to describe some or all
variety of approaches to quality assurance. of the dimensions of quality assurance and qual-
The term quality assessment is defined by the ity assessment. Some examples of different
ADA as “the measure of the quality of care pro- terms in the literature are listed in Box 6-2.
vided in a particular setting.”3 Quality assurance, Although the terms in Box 6-2 are not neces-
in turn, is defined as: sarily equivalent to quality assurance, they do
fit easily within the broad concept. The purpose
. . . the assessment or measurement of the quality of care of quality assurance is to help provide the
and the implementation of any necessary changes to best possible health care. All of the items
74 Dental Practice

BOX 6-1 Examples of Dental Practice Elements That Can Be Assessed Under the Structure, Process, and
Outcome Approach

Structure Process Outcome

Facilities Management Patient satisfaction

Setting Practice
Physical structures Personnel Oral health status
Layout Patient Oral hygiene
Amenities Tooth loss
Access Records Periodontitis
Content Caries
Equipment Completeness Function
Operatories Availability Comfort
Instruments Legibility Esthetics
Sterilization Diagnosis Completion of treatment
Appropriateness Timeliness and appropriateness
Personnel Documentation
Types Thoroughness Recall pattern
Training Frequency
Licensure Treatment plan Needs at recall
Certification Written plan
Continuing education Sequencing
Procedures Treatment
Record system Appropriateness
Protocols Timeliness

BOX 6-2 Quality-Related Terms in the Literature proliferation of terms, rather than representing
competing approaches to quality assurance,
Quality improvement60 represents the development and refinement of
Continuous improvement24 the methods to implement quality assurance.
Continuous quality improvement42
Evolution of Quality Assurance
Quality ensurance69
Quality management60 We could begin with the work of Florence
Total quality management35 Nightingale, who gathered hospital statistics in
Outcomes management70 an effort to improve clinical outcomes.51 An
Clinical practice guidelines68 important milestone in medicine was the
Practice parameters4,5 Flexner report,32 which led to a major overhaul
Standards of practice43 in the education of physicians in North America
Evidence-based clinical guidelines49 that in turn affected medical practice. The publi-
Best practices40 cation of the Gies report on dental education34
Report cards38 was a similar milestone for dentistry and dental
Risk prevention53 education. One result of the Gies report was the
eventual closure of proprietary dental schools
in the United States and the development of a
are potential tools to accomplish this goal, and system of accreditation of dental schools that,
they all fit comfortably within the structure- with refinement, continues to this day (see
process-outcome paradigm. In that sense, the Chapter 1). An example of these continuing
6 The Practice of Dentistry 75

refinements is that, since the late 1980s, the into the dental care delivery system, and they
Accreditation Standards for Dental Education brought collective interest in the overall cost of
Programs of the ADA’s Commission on Dental the insurance programs. Along with cost con-
Accreditation have included an explicit require- cerns came concerns about the quality of care.
ment for a formal system of record review.
Activities that can legitimately be included as 2. Rapidly Rising Health Care Costs
part of quality assurance in dentistry go back as Because both government and private pur-
far as the aptitude testing and scrutiny of the chasers were increasingly involved, there was
academic credentials of dental school appli- great concern when it became evident that the
cants. The process of accreditation of the dental costs of care were increasing faster than the
schools themselves is also part of quality assur- overall rate of inflation in the economy. It was
ance, as are the processes to acquire and period- clear that if the costs of health care were not
ically evaluate the faculty members who teach brought into line with overall cost increases,
in these schools. The requirements for entering less and less money would be available for
dental practice are also part of the quality assur- other desired purposes.
ance process. In most of the high-income coun-
tries there is a requirement for graduation from 3. Professional Standards Review Legislation
a properly accredited dental school, and vir- Dentistry has also been influenced by the gen-
tually all states within the United States also eral climate of increasing demands for account-
require the passing of an independently admin- ability that have been imposed on medical and
istered set of examinations. hospital care through legislation. Especially
Furthermore, requirements for periodic con- since the advent of Medicare and Medicaid in
tinuing education for renewal of licensure, the 1965, government funds account for a large and
establishment of peer bodies to review and growing part of medical care expenditures,
adjudicate complaints against clinicians, and, and as a result requirements related to quality
when all else fails, the use of the legal system to assurance have been imposed on medical and
resolve disputes between patients and providers hospital-based care. Even though government
of care can all be viewed as part of quality assur- involvement in the payment for dental care in
ance. The development, testing, and certi- the United States is small, dentistry has been
fication of dental materials, devices, and affected both directly and indirectly by this
equipment are also important quality-related increasing climate of accountability.
4. Growth of Consumer Involvement
Recent Emphasis in Quality Assurance Over the past several decades there has been an
Although a broad spectrum of activities legiti- increase in the interest of consumers, as a group,
mately is part of quality assurance, most of the in issues related to all sorts of services and prod-
attention to quality assurance in dentistry in ucts. Dentistry has been affected by this general
recent decades has focused much more nar- movement, especially in the sense that it has cre-
rowly on dental practice itself. This recent ated a climate in which providers of services are
emphasis on formal quality assurance activities seen as being far more subject to scrutiny than
in the United States has been attributed to the had previously been the case.
following five influences.26
5. Malpractice Litigation
1. Rapid Growth of Dental Prepayment with Perhaps also related to the growth in con-
Associated Cost and Quality Concerns sumerism, individual patients have become far
Before 1970, almost all payment for dental care more likely to seek relief through the legal sys-
in the United States was made by the individual tem to redress perceived shortcomings in the
patient. Government and third parties had little care that they receive. One result has been the
involvement. By about 1985, however, the pro- growth of quality-related activities such as risk
portion of the U.S. population with some form prevention and development of standards of
of prepayment for dental care approached 50%. care, in an effort to reduce the likelihood that
This rapid change propelled third parties such lawsuits will need to be undertaken.
76 Dental Practice

2. Audit of Dental Records

Examples of Quality Assurance In addition to the assessment of technical qual-
Activities:The Dimensions of Quality ity of restorations, the record audit as a quality
The types of activities that are part of quality assurance mechanism is perhaps the most
assurance in dentistry illustrate the wide scope highly developed and widely used approach for
of the field. The following seven topics are rep- institutions20 such as dental schools and hospi-
resentative of quality assurance approaches in tal dental departments.6 In hospitals, record
dentistry. audits fit well with the approach that has been
used for a long time in medicine for hospital
1. On-Site Evaluation of Dental Practice accreditation. In dental schools, it fits well with
On-site evaluation of dental practice is perhaps the traditional teaching functions. Through the
the most widely used form of quality assurance, detailed review of dental records, not only can
especially for programs directed by third-party the dental care provided by the institution be
payers. Various combinations of structure, assessed, but the student is also exposed to a
process, and outcome are measured by trained review of the rationale and process of patient
auditors who visit the dental office. Although management and care.
there are numerous examples of this approach As with several of the other approaches to
in the dental literature,50,58,69 it is the subject of quality assurance, the audit of dental records is
many concerns. For one thing, the process is a relatively expensive and time-consuming
expensive. It is time consuming for a trained process. Apart from the institutional settings in
evaluator to visit each dental office and to which they are required by external auditors,
conduct what is usually a highly detailed assess- record audits are not widely used.
ment. Marcus,47 who has considerable experi-
ence with this approach to quality assurance, 3. Technical Quality
has stated the following: Assessment of the technical quality of restora-
tive procedures has perhaps the most highly
I am not convinced that our quality assurance efforts
detailed criteria but is also one of the least-used
have had a significant impact on improving the process
forms of quality assurance in dentistry. First of
of care, nor has it been effective in eliminating those
providers who are unwilling to change their pattern of all, measurement of technical quality is expen-
care delivery.47 sive. It is time consuming for examiners, and it
is difficult to get cooperation from more than a
The work of van der Wal and colleagues69 small fraction of the patients who are selected
also casts uncertainty on the validity of the for evaluation. Further, the results from random
process. This group was unable to find the audits have not been encouraging, partly
expected associations between structural aspects because of the low turnout of patients and also
and outcomes of dental care. Although there is because unacceptable care is so infrequently
much room to debate the validity and complete- found.25 Because of the high costs and low
ness of both the structure and outcome meas- yield, direct assessment of technical quality has
ures used in their study, it nevertheless does raise not developed into a major area of quality
several important points. First, this study adds to assurance.
the concern that the structure-process-outcome
paradigm has not been empirically shown to 4. Oral Health Status
represent accurately the “real world.” It contin- If there were a simple, valid, sensitive, and easily
ues to be unsettling that we cannot produce measured index of oral health status, the job of
good empirical evidence of the connection that quality assurance would be much easier. After
is so widely believed to be present. Second, the all, the ultimate objective of oral health care is
authors suggest the possibility that the structural to help patients attain and maintain the highest
characteristics included in dental office evalua- possible level of oral health.
tions are now so well known to dentists that vir- Although there have been noteworthy efforts
tually all are in compliance, so that structural to develop such indexes of oral health,48,52 their
indicators are no longer valid predictors of acceptance has been limited, and there has
outcomes. been little progress in this direction in the
6 The Practice of Dentistry 77

past decade. These indexes are discussed in honest view of quality assurance must accept
Chapter 14. that quality assurance may result in higher
costs. There is no doubt that quality assurance
5. Appropriateness of Care activities themselves are costly and that quite
Appropriateness of care is a dimension that has often they identify deficiencies that cost money
so far received little attention in dentistry. There to rectify. Quality assurance and cost control are
is general agreement that the use of a technically not only compatible; they must be considered
superior restorative procedure when it is not together for truly meaningful quality assurance.
needed is not acceptable quality. Standards for Important to the issue of quality assurance is
the appropriate use of dental care nevertheless the fact that there is not, nor will there ever be,
continue to elude clear definition. an unambiguous, universal, and stable formula
for what constitutes quality dental care. The def-
6. Consumer Satisfaction inition at any one time and place must be con-
Work in the area of consumer satisfaction is also ditional on what is possible (the state of the
in its infancy, but it is currently of considerable science and art of dentistry) and what is afford-
interest, especially to purchasers of group den- able to the individual and to society. Even in
tal insurance. One of the primary reasons for the richest of societies, resources are finite.
employers to purchase dental insurance for Therefore it follows that the definition of what
their employees and their families is to make constitutes quality dental care is a continuously
the employee happy and loyal to the employer. variable one, and it will inevitably include con-
Although these purchasers are certainly inter- sideration of cost.
ested in the oral health of their employees, of Because cost considerations are fundamen-
considerable importance is the satisfaction of tally part of quality, it follows that if there are
these employees with the dental benefit. As a two or more equally effective and acceptable
result, purchasers are increasingly pressing for ways of reaching a desired outcome, the least
measures of consumer satisfaction. expensive one (i.e., the most efficient one) is of
higher quality. Simply put, if the desired out-
7. Profiling of Dental Providers come can be reached with fewer resources, the
With the advent of computer-based records of excess resources can be used by the individual
dental treatment, especially in insurance com- and society to pursue additional desired goals,
panies, there have been attempts to make use of and the individual and society will be better off.
these kinds of data to evaluate the quality This philosophy illustrates the fundamental
of dental care indirectly. If successful, this role of cost in the quality equation.
approach could be much less expensive than Nevertheless, the tensions between quality
the direct methods already discussed. The assurance and cost containment are consid-
idea is that by aggregating treatment records erable. On the one hand, if cost containment
from large numbers of providers across many reduces unnecessary care, quality should increase.
patients, inappropriate patterns of care can be On the other hand, substitution of lower-cost
detected and corrective actions taken.39,62 At services might reduce the quality of care. Bailit19
least in theory, this approach offers consider- has pointed out that cost containment is not
able promise. Not only can potentially inappro- likely to be as simple as reducing so-called
priate use of care be identified cross-sectionally, unnecessary services; the more expensive treat-
but patterns of care in individual patients over ments usually do produce benefits for individ-
time also can be used to permit inferences ual patients. Nevertheless, the same amount of
about the effectiveness and appropriateness of money could often produce even more benefit
the care provided. for a large number of people if it were used for
other, less expensive services.
Quality Assurance and Cost Control Although it has been said that better-quality
In the often-heard accusations that quality care is more expensive, the converse is not
assurance is being misused as a tool for cost necessarily true: more expensive care is not nec-
control is the implication that quality and essarily of better quality. If too much of
cost control are incompatible. However, an the available funds goes to a small number of
78 Dental Practice

the patient group, the overall oral health of the 8. American Dental Association, Bureau of Economic
group may well suffer. This emphasizes a Research and Statistics. Distribution of dentists in the
United States by state, region, district, and county.
dilemma that is discussed further in Chapter 7, Chicago: ADA, 1977.
which is that there is no inherently “right” 9. American Dental Association, Council on Dental
amount of health care. The amount of money Practice. A brief overview of the franchise concept as
that any individual, group, or society as a whole applied to the practice of dentistry. J Am Dent Assoc
will want to spend for a particular health care 1983;106:518-9.
10. American Dental Association, Council on Hospital and
procedure, or for health care in general, can be Institutional Dental Services. Hospital dental statistics:
determined only by balancing it against other An update. J Am Dent Assoc 1985;110:241-3.
needs and desires. Implicit in this idea is that 11. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
there is such a thing as too much health care, Resolution 78-1972-H. Trans Am Dent Assoc 1973;
even if the use of a service can be shown to 114:707-9.
12. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
improve the medical or dental condition of a Resolution 40-H-1976. Trans Am Dent Assoc 1977;
person. If the resources required to provide such 117:839.
a service are so large that other even more bene- 13. American Dental Association, Survey Center. 1995
ficial services cannot be provided, then it would Survey of dental services in hospitals. Chicago: ADA,
be rational for individuals and society to con- 1996.
14. American Dental Association, Survey Center. Distribu-
clude that such a procedure should not be used. tion of dentists in the United States by region and state,
It has become more obvious with third-party 1995. Chicago: ADA, 1997.
payments that when there is a finite amount of 15. American Dental Association, Survey Center. Distribu-
money for care, priority decisions must be made tion of dentists in the United States by region and state,
as to who receives services, what services may be 1998. Chicago: ADA, 2000.
16. American Dental Association, Survey Center. Key den-
provided, or both. How these priorities will tal facts. Chicago: ADA, 2002.
be set and how the inevitable trade-off between 17. American Dental Education Association, Institute
the benefit to the group versus the individual for Public Policy and Advocacy. Dental education at-a-
patient will be resolved will continue to be a glance 2004, website:
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7 Financing Dental Care


EXPENDITURES FOR HEALTH CARE Concerns Regarding Managed Care
Growth of Third-Party Payment in Dentistry MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, HEALTH
Reimbursement of Dentists in Third-Party SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, AND FLEXIBLE
Reimbursement of Dentists in Delta Plans PUBLIC FINANCING OF HEALTH CARE
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans Public Expenditures for Dental Care
Commercial Insurance Plans Medicaid
MANAGED CARE State Children’s Health Insurance Program
Dentistry in Managed Care Other Programs of Public Financing for Dental
Health Maintenance Organizations Care
Preferred Provider Organizations National Health Insurance

Health care historically has been provided on effects that these mechanisms have on care
a fee-for-service basis, in which the patient provision.
pays the provider directly for services. This two-
party system is a private contract involving only
the provider and the patient. Methods of financ-
ing health care in the United States, however,
have progressed far beyond this traditional sys- To understand how dentistry fits into third-
tem since the mid-1930s and especially since party payment, a review of insurance principles
1965. A fundamental change has been the emer- is helpful. During the years after World War II,
gence of third parties, meaning that the financ- when medical insurance was growing rapidly,
ing of health services is no longer a matter of a dental care was one of the “fearful four” areas
purely private contract between provider and of health care (dental care, psychiatric care,
patient. In 2001, for example, 86% of the total prescription drugs, and long-term care) con-
outlays for health services and supplies involved sidered uninsurable by commercial insurers.
a third party, and 46% of all health care This reasoning was based on the assumption
services were paid for by government funds.57 that the nature of dental need violated the
Dentistry’s entry into the third-party system has basic principles of insurance,22 which state
been more recent, but third-party involvement that to be insurable a risk must be the following:
in the payment for dental care is now a major ●
Precisely definable.
and still-evolving part of dental practice. ●
Of sufficient magnitude that, if it occurs, it
This chapter reviews the various mecha- constitutes a major loss.
nisms used to finance dental care and the ●
82 Dental Practice

Of an unwanted nature, such as destruction This is not the case; it is simply that the patient,
of a home through fire. rather than the insurer, is responsible for the

Beyond the control of the individual. payment.

Without “moral hazard,” which means that An additional cost-control mechanism, preau-
the presence of insurance itself should not thorization (sometimes called predetermination),
lead to additional claims. means that treatment plans for more than a speci-
All health insurance violates some of these fied amount, or for especially costly services,
principles. For example, many of the benefits must be reviewed by the carrier’s dental consult-
paid by health insurance represent relatively ants to ensure that the proposed treatment is rea-
small amounts of money, and people with sonable and that the same quality of care could
insurance are more likely to use care than those not be achieved at less expense.
without it.37,42 Insurance carriers found they Health insurance was at first offered only to
could get around these problems in several groups, because illness experience is reasonably
ways, such as the following: predictable for a group but much less so for an

Having patients pay a share of the costs. individual. The risk of adverse selection, which

Limiting the range of services covered. means the inclusion of too many high-risk ben-

Offering coverage only to groups. eficiaries, was reduced because insuring only

Including waiting periods after enrollment large groups averaged out the risks. Although a
before benefits became payable. large group would likely include people with

Using preauthorization and annual expen- high levels of need, there would also be many
diture limits. who had little need for care and who would still
Requiring patients to pay part of the cost of pay premiums. In fact, this is the essence of
some services is an economic disincentive to insurance. The fact that the cost of care required
overutilization. The portion of the cost of the for a few people far exceeds the premiums paid
service that a patient pays is either a deductible for them is irrelevant as long as the average cost
or coinsurance (sometimes called copayment). of care across the group is in balance with the
A deductible is a set amount of money that the premium.
patient must pay toward the cost of treatment The probability of adverse selection was fur-
before benefits of the program go into effect.4 ther reduced by the use of waiting periods after
A familiar example of a deductible is the “front- enrollment. The waiting period ensured that
end” payment of a claim under automobile people with existing disease were not simply
insurance. Coinsurance means that the patient going to use the plan to have that condition
pays a percentage of the total cost of treatment.4 treated and then drop out. As experience
For example, if a patient is to pay 20% of the with the administration of health insurance
cost of an amalgam restoration, the amount grew, carriers were able to offer individual poli-
the patient must pay varies depending on the cies. Today, many commercial and nonprofit
approved fee for an amalgam but in any case insurance carriers make individual policies
will be 20% of that fee. available for hospital and major medical cover-
Insurance carriers also limit the range of age, although premiums are considerably
health care services covered: some services are higher and benefits are often more limited than
paid for and some are not, according to the for group policies.
plan. This is termed coverage, covered charges, or After looking at the list of insurance princi-
schedule of benefits. Examples of services that are ples, one can see why dental care was for a long
not usually covered in dental policies are time considered uninsurable. Nearly everyone
implants (although this is changing as implants has some dental treatment needs. They tend to
become more common), cosmetic procedures, be frequent rather than infrequent, and unlike
and extensive treatment for temporomandibu- the cost of hospital care the cost of dental treat-
lar joint disorder. A common point of confu- ment is rarely catastrophic. Nevertheless, evalu-
sion is that, when a service is not covered by ations of some of the earliest group prepayment
insurance, some patients take it to mean that plans indicated that dental care indeed was
they cannot have it, that the insurance company insurable because cost was found to be not the
is somehow denying this service to the patient. only barrier to dental care;49–51 even when the
7 Financing Dental Care 83

cost barrier was removed, potential patients did 2002, a truly daunting figure.36,57 For insurance
not pour in as many had expected. Although to be able to cover these kinds of costs, it is easy
utilization of dental service was increased, it to see why premiums must be high. Fig. 7-2 also
stayed well short of 100%. In other words, shows that the portion of the cost of health care
although all members of the group may have paid by public funds has grown since 1960. In
needed dental care and all were paying a pre- 2002, 46% of total national health expenditures
mium toward it, only some members were seek- were paid by public (government) funds.57
ing treatment. Indeed, if 100% of the group Some of the reasons given for this increase in
seeks dental care on a regular basis, it might be the cost of health care in the United States
less expensive for them to pay for their care include the following six factors:
individually rather than through prepayment. Increasing Costs Incomes of health care
workers have risen faster than the incomes for
many other workers.
EXPENDITURES FOR HEALTH CARE Difficult Economies of Scale It is harder to
Expenditures for health care have risen sharply achieve economies of scale in health care than
in all industrialized countries over the last sev- in many other sectors of the economy. In many
eral decades, but nowhere has this pattern been manufacturing industries, for example, it does
as pronounced as in the United States. Fig. 7-1 not require 10% more workers to produce an
shows that, in 1929, expenditures in the United additional 10% of a product. In health care, by
States for health care (including dental care) contrast, increasing the amount of care pro-
accounted for 3.6% of the gross domestic prod- vided requires a nearly proportional increase in
uct (GDP). Since 1929, the amount has gone the workforce.
steadily upward, reaching 14.9% of GDP in The Practice of “Defensive” Medicine Tests
2002.26,57 Predictions suggest that spending for carried out to protect the provider against possi-
health care could rise to 20% of the GDP in the ble litigation, rather than to treat the patient,
next few decades,23,66 a level of national expen- lead to a rise in costs.
diture that is a cause for deep concern. The Aging Population An aging population
Fig. 7-2 shows how the per capita national causes an increase in per capita costs. Because
health expenditures have risen since 1960. older people use more health care services,
From an annual average of $141 in 1960, the the average cost of care will increase as the average
average cost per person had risen to $5440 in age of the population increases. In addition, the





1929 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002

Fig. 7-1 National health expenditures as a percentage of the gross domestic product in the United States, selected
years, 1929-2002.26,36,57
84 Dental Practice

6000 would have faced large bills for hospitalization

and other services would have been forced to do
4000 The spiraling costs of health care present
American society with a classic trade-off

3000 dilemma. On the one hand, if people go with-

out health care that can improve or prolong
their lives, both the individual and society suf-
1000 fer. On the other hand, it should be evident that
the proportion of the GDP going to health care
0 cannot continue to climb indefinitely, because
1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002
as more of our available resources go to health
Year care there is less for housing, education, recre-
ation, and other necessities that contribute to
health, wealth, and happiness. Although there
Fig. 7-2 Per capita national health expenditures, showing is ample reason to be concerned for people who
the proportionate expenditure of private and public funds in receive too little health care, there is also the
the United States, selected years, 1960-2002.36,57 possibility that a point can be reached at which,
at least in the aggregate, there is too much
health care relative to life’s other necessities.
The dilemma is made even more difficult by the
expectation of longer life brings a greater will- fact that, as of 2002, 43.6 million people in the
ingness to provide heroic care for a person United States had no health insurance.56
who in earlier days would not have been Although there is a justifiable outcry that some
expected to live much longer even if healthy, form of coverage should be provided for these
but who today is thought to have a reason- people, it is also obvious that to do so will fur-
able chance for more high-quality years of ther increase national expenditures.30,42,78
life. Health care providers, in their honest desire to
Developments in Technology Some innova- do the best for their patients, need to recognize
tions reduce the costs of care because they are so that this tension between the individual and
much more effective than any available alterna- society will always exist.
tives (antibiotics, for example, reduced the aver- Resolution of this dilemma is made even
age length of a hospital stay when they were more complex by the inclusion of government
introduced in the 1940s and 1950s). Others, and private third-party agencies in the equation.
because they are providing care that was previ- Because the total costs of care continue to climb
ously unavailable, can only add to aggregate and put more and more pressure on the eco-
costs. An example is treatment for end-stage nomy, and because most health care costs are
renal disease for patients who in earlier days paid through third parties, the pressure for col-
would have soon died. With dialysis they now lective action to control these costs will con-
live, but at a cost that was estimated to average tinue. No one in health care should be surprised
$24,976 per patient per year as long ago as to see a continuing stream of proposals aimed
1983.48 at controlling or reforming the health care
Third-Party Payment Insurance has provided system.
large amounts of money for care that would
otherwise have been unavailable. For example,
many of the elderly and the poor who receive
the benefits of Medicare and Medicaid would Expenditures for dental care, although only a
not otherwise have had the money to pur- fraction of the total for health care, are neverthe-
chase this care. Without these programs, the less substantial. Fig. 7-3 illustrates that the total
total and per capita costs of care would expenditures for dental care by Americans grew
undoubtedly be smaller. The same is true for from less than $500 million in 1929 to an esti-
private insurance, because many who otherwise mated $70.3 billion in 2002.16,36,57 This latter
7 Financing Dental Care 85



Billions of dollars


Fig. 7-3 Total expenditures for
30 dental care in the United States,
selected years, 1929–2002.36,57


1929 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002






Fig. 7-4 Per capita expenditure
for dental care as a percentage of
6 total health expenditures in the
United States, selected years,
4 1929–2002.26,36,57

1929 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002


figure represents an average per capita expendi- elastic, so that, as real income fell during the
ture for dental care of $250 in 2002. depression and as the cost of other goods and
Figs. 7-4 and 7-5 present two additional views services rose during and after the war, there was
of the cost of dental care. Fig. 7-4 shows that, rel- simply less money available for dental care. The
ative to the total cost of personal health care rise since 1970 coincides with a period of growth
expenditures, dental expenditures have fallen in real income and also in the extent of dental
steadily from the 14% reported in 1929 to 4.5% insurance. Economic theory suggests that both
in 2002.26,57 This pattern reflects the combina- of these changes should result in a relative
tion of the steep rise in the overall costs of med- growth in dental expenditures, a phenomenon
ical care and the more modest rise in the costs of that has indeed occurred. The relative growth in
dental care. Fig. 7-5 presents the expenditures dental expenditures has continued up to the
for dental care as a percentage of the GDP. The present, to about 0.67% of the GDP in 2002,
pattern here is especially interesting: the relative even though the percentage of the population
decline from 1929 to 1950 corresponds to the covered by dental insurance has plateaued.57
period of the Great Depression followed by This is a sign that the dental sector continues to
World War II. Dental care is income and price be a robust part of the national economy.
86 Dental Practice

Percent 5

1929 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002

Fig. 7-5 National health expenditures for dental care as a percentage of the gross domestic product in the United
States, selected years, 1929-2002.26,36,57

times called the carrier, insurer, underwriter, or

administrative agent. The purchaser of the plan
Private fee-for-service payment, the two-party can be an organized private group such as a
arrangement, is the traditional form of reim- union, or it can be an employer, a union-
bursement for dental services in the United employer welfare fund, a governmental agency,
States and elsewhere. Under this system, the or an individual. Usually, however, the term
patient decides when to visit a dentist, and the third party, without further qualification, refers
dentist suggests appropriate treatment and to an insurance company. When the govern-
informs the patient of the fee for the service. If ment acts as the third party, the term more com-
the patient chooses to follow the recommenda- monly used is public financing of care.
tions of the dentist and receives the services, the
patient is then responsible for the fee. As shown Growth of Third-Party Payment in Dentistry
in Fig. 7-6, as recently as 1970 almost all pay- In private third-party plans, periodic premiums
ments for dental services came directly from are collected to meet the costs of providing care
patients.36 However, by 2002, because of the sub- as well as the administrative costs of the third
stantial growth in prepayment, direct consumer party. It has been argued that this arrangement
payment had dropped to about 44% of all pay- should most properly be called prepayment
ments, with nearly 50% being paid by private rather than insurance, because it does not fulfill
insurance.57 the classic definitions of insurance. Be that as it
may, the term dental insurance has entered the
language, and the terms dental prepayment and
dental insurance as commonly used are virtually
synonymous. The main difference between den-
In the language of contracts, the patient and tal and some other forms of insurance is that
dentist are the first and second parties, and the traditional insurance involves a group of people
administrator of the finances is the third party, making relatively small payments to cover the
defined as the party to a dental prepayment risk of a few suffering catastrophic loss, such as
contract that may collect premiums, assume the loss of a home through fire. The expectation
financial risk, pay claims, and provide adminis- is that few of them will ever collect any insur-
trative services. Third-party payment for dental ance payments. Dental prepayment, on the
services therefore is payment for dental care that other hand, is a mechanism to spread the finan-
involves another party rather than payment cial load of dental care over a group and over
directly by the patient. The third party is some- time. Virtually all members of the group can
7 Financing Dental Care 87

Out of Pocket




1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2002

Fig. 7-6 Proportion of total dental care expenditures paid by consumers out of pocket, by private insurance, and by
government funds in the United States, selected years, 1960-2002.36,57
reasonably expect to make regular and some- addition to wages, through collective bargain-
what predictable use of the benefits. ing. Since then, health care insurance has been a
For companies that administer these plans, popular fringe benefit. One of the reasons for
the method for setting the premiums is essen- this popularity is that the premiums paid by the
tially the same as it is for any other form of employer are not usually counted as taxable
insurance. Based on the type of benefits income for the employee. Each dollar of earn-
involved and the characteristics and previous ings taken in the form of health insurance there-
history of a group, the actuaries estimate how fore buys more health care than if it is taken
much dental care will be provided to the group as cash wages, because cash wages are taxed
in the coming period of time (usually at least 1 whereas the insurance benefits are not. (Health
year). The expected reimbursable cost of that insurance as a fringe benefit, with protection
care plus the administrative expenses form the from tax, is popular with the insurance and
basis for premium calculations. Most private health care industries, too, because it actually is
dental insurance in the United States is avail- a subsidy for them.) There have been frequent
able only through group purchase; there are few unsuccessful attempts at the federal level to
individual policies. Individual policies that are limit the amount of these health insurance
available are characterized by high premiums or premiums that are protected from taxes. It is
limited benefits. This is the carriers’ method of reasonable to expect periodic attempts of this
countering the risk of high use and adverse type in the future in times of budgetary diffi-
selection. culty. Such a “tax cap,” if it were enacted, would
Who actually pays for third-party care? A reduce the popularity of dental insurance. It is
union that negotiates a dental plan as a fringe assumed that if such a limit were to be placed
benefit is choosing to accept the plan rather on the tax deductibility of health insurance
than cash wages, so the union members pay for premiums, most people would apply the tax-
it in wages foregone. Ultimately, if the compa- deductible amount to their hospitalization and
nies employing the union members increase medical insurance. This would mean that the
the price of their products to finance the plan, money paid by employers for dental insurance
the purchasers of those products pay for it. would be treated as taxable income, and addi-
Reference to the third-party agency as the “payer tional wages would be deducted from each pay-
for services,” although common, is incorrect; check to pay this tax. Dental insurers fear that
nor are the union members getting “free” care, this change would cause some individuals and
even if they do not pay directly out of pocket. groups to drop their dental insurance.
Passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 By the late 1960s, with some 85% of the
allowed labor unions to seek fringe benefits, in American population covered by hospital and
88 Dental Practice

surgical expense insurance,33 coverage for den- will have to raise premiums to higher and
tal expenses emerged as a popular area for nego- higher levels, which makes it unlikely that any-
tiation by labor groups seeking additional one will be willing to buy the policy. Because
fringe benefits. Growth of dental prepayment the implications of “control” in this context are
plans through the 1970s and 1980s therefore anathema to most practitioners, methods of
can be seen as an evolutionary step in the reimbursing dentists under third-party plans
growth of employment fringe benefits. have long preoccupied the American Dental
The rapid growth of prepayment since 1970 Association (ADA). The ADA sees the need for
has changed the nature of dental practice. The controls but also tries to maximize the inde-
growth is illustrated in Fig. 7-6, which shows pendence of the dental practitioner. Major
that the portion of dental care costs paid by pre- forms of third-party reimbursement currently in
payment plans increased more than tenfold use are:
between 1970 and 2002. The proportion of the ●
Usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR)
U.S. population covered by some sort of dental fee
insurance increased from less than 5% in 1970 ●
Table of allowances
to well over one half by the turn of the century. ●
Fee schedule
Today it is a rare dental practice indeed that sees ●
Discounted fee (preferred provider organi-
no insured patients at all. In many parts of the zations [PPOs])
country, the majority of the patients in most ●
practices have dental insurance. In line with its philosophy of maximizing
Although the growth in dental insurance has practitioner independence, the ADA has consis-
been spectacular since 1970, further rapid tently supported the concept of the UCR fee as a
growth in the immediate future is not likely. This reimbursement method for dentists in prepay-
is because members of the large unions in the ment plans. However, ADA resolutions that
major U.S. industries are, for the most part, UCR fees should be the preferred method
already covered. For dental insurance to grow, of reimbursement were rescinded on legal
mechanisms will have to be developed to reach grounds after the U.S. Supreme Court decision
small businesses and individuals. A second rea- in June 1975 in Goldfarb v. Virginia State Bar
son why dental insurance will grow only slowly et al. This decision ruled that learned profes-
is the general climate of cost control in all aspects sions were not exempt from antitrust laws.5,7,8
of business, which in turn comes from the fierce In effect, the Court said that each practitioner
demands on the United States to be competitive should be free to choose how he or she wants to
in the global economy. Increased concern for be reimbursed and that it was inappropriate for
worldwide competitiveness works against offer- a professional association to suggest to its mem-
ing benefits to workers not already covered, and bers which choice to make.
there are already some signs of cutbacks in some
industries. A third factor that may work against Usual, Customary, Reasonable Fee
further expansion of dental insurance is the The ADA definitions of usual, customary,
improvement in oral health, which is especially and reasonable fees are as follows:
evident in young adults and children (see Usual fee: The fee that an individual dentist
Chapters 19-21). It may be that because people most frequently charges for a given dental
in these younger age cohorts have experienced service
little need for expensive and unexpected dental Customary fee: The fee level determined by
treatment, they will not push their employers as the administrator of a dental benefit plan
hard for dental insurance as did their elders, who from actual submitted fees for a specific
had much higher levels of need for treatment. dental procedure to establish the maxi-
mum benefit payable under a given plan
Reimbursement of Dentists in Third- for that specific procedure
Party Plans Reasonable fee: The fee charged by a dentist for
Control of the costs of third-party plans is a specific dental procedure that has been
essential to their success, for if the insurance modified by the nature and severity of the
plan is seen as a bottomless money pit, the plan condition being treated and by any med-
7 Financing Dental Care 89

ical or dental complications or unusual cir- ules, meaning that the fees listed can fall below
cumstances, and that therefore may differ customary fees, particularly in times of rapid
from the dentist’s “usual” fee or the benefit inflation; (2) the implicit assumption that all
administrator’s “customary” fee4 dentists’ treatment is of the same quality and
When third-party dental programs first therefore worth the same fee; and (3) the fear
began, many dentists were opposed to them on that autonomy is threatened, especially if the
the grounds that they would be forced to adopt fee schedule is not controlled by the dentists.
lower fees than those that they usually charged. A potential risk with use of a fee schedule is
The evolution of the UCR fee concept as a that, if the fees paid are too far below the usual
mechanism acceptable both to dentists and car- level, few dentists will be willing to treat the
riers has allowed third-party dental care to be covered patients. This has been cited as one rea-
provided while still permitting individual son why many dentists either severely limit the
dentists to charge what they believe their serv- number of their Medicaid patients or refuse to
ices are worth. It is reasonable to suggest that accept such patients altogether.17,35,64
dental prepayment plans would not have been
accepted by dentists to the extent they have Discounted fee
been without the UCR fee concept. Discounted fees are usually the basis for PPO
plans. Participating dentists have agreed to pro-
Table of Allowances vide care for fees that are usually lower than
A table of allowances (or schedule) is defined those charged by many dentists in their area.
as a list of covered services with an assigned dollar Most preferred provider dental plans do provide
amount that represents the total obligation of the partial payment for care received from a nonpar-
plan with respect to payment for such service but ticipating dentist, but in this case the patient is
that does not necessarily represent the dentist’s responsible for all of the difference between the
full fee for that service.4 For example, if a dentist’s dentist’s fee and the amount paid by the plan.
usual fee for a particular service is $20 and the
plan lists a fee of $15 as payable for that service, Capitation
the dentist will provide the service, collect $15 Reimbursement of the dentist by capitation,
from the carrier, and may charge the patient $5 to as in a medical health maintenance organiza-
make up the difference. Under the UCR fee tion (HMO), became more common during the
method, on the other hand, the plan pays the 1980s and 1990s but plays a much smaller role
dentist’s usual fee in full (less any required patient in dentistry than it has in medicine. The ADA
copayment), in this case $20. Use of a table of defines capitation as a dental benefit program
allowances as a method of reimbursement in which a dentist or dentists contract with the
requires that dentists carefully explain to patients program’s sponsor or administrator to provide
the limited nature of the insurance payment, all or most of the dental services covered under
because some patients are unaware that their plan the program to subscribers in return for a pay-
may not cover the costs in full. ment on a per capita basis.4 A capitation fee is
usually a fixed monthly payment paid by a car-
Fee Schedule rier to a dentist based on the number of patients
A fee schedule is defined as a list of the assigned to the dentist for treatment. Capitation
charges established or agreed to by a dentist for requires that patients be assigned to specific
specific dental services.4 A fee schedule is usu- dentists or dental practices for care, so that the
ally taken to represent payment in full, whereas capitation payment can be paid to the appropri-
a table of allowances, as just explained, may ate dentist or practice. This assignment is
not. With a fee schedule, the dentist must accept important, because the dentist receives a fixed
the listed amount as payment in full and not sum of money per enrolled person per month,
charge the patient at all. Fee schedules for den- regardless of whether the participants in the
tal care are sometimes established by public plan receive care during that particular month.
programs, such as Medicaid in many states. The assumption is that, although some patients
Dentistry’s opposition to fee schedules is based will need a lot of care, others will need little or
on (1) the potential inflexibility of such sched- none, and therefore the total amount of money
90 Dental Practice

paid to the dentist will be sufficient to cover the A dental service corporation is a legally con-
overall costs of care for the covered group. stituted not-for-profit organization, incorpo-
Many dentists are resistant to capitation rated on a state-by-state basis, that negotiates
because of a fear that high utilization and and administers contracts for dental care. The
demands for expensive forms of care could rap- original dental service corporations, now know
idly outrun the capitation fee and that dentists as Delta Dental Plans in most states, were spon-
will thus be at an economic disadvantage. As a sored by the constituent dental societies in each
dissenting voice, Schoen45–47 argued that capi- state where they were initially formed. A service
tation works every bit as well as fee for service plan is a program in which the payment is
and that with proper planning it is a highly effi- meant to represent full payment, with no addi-
cient method of financing group dental care, tional charge to the patient allowed beyond
especially for less affluent groups. Despite a preestablished copayment or deductible.
Schoen’s claims of success with capitation in his Following the success of the early Delta plans,
own group practice, however, many dentists and Blue Cross and Blue Shield organizations also
the ADA remain cautious. The ADA is opposed began organizing dental plans in many states,
to capitation and fee schedules as the sole forms which usually also were organized as not-for-
of reimbursement in prepayment plans, arguing profit service corporations.
that where such mechanisms exist they should As the number of state dental association–
be on an equal footing with UCR fees so that sponsored service corporations increased through
prospective patients have a choice. In fact, the early 1960s and the size of the groups for
by the 1990s there were very few “pure” capita- which dental care benefits were negotiated
tion plans. Most capitation plans now include grew, the need for a national organization of
copayments, especially for more expensive serv- dental service organizations became apparent.
ices, and annual maximums, both of which Accordingly, the National Association of Dental
limit the economic risks faced by the dentist. Service Plans was formed in 1966, with staff
and financial help from the ADA. The name
NOT-FOR-PROFIT DENTAL PLANS became Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA)
in 1969,28 and most of the member corpora-
Delta Dental Plans tions became known as the Delta Dental Plan
In June 1954, the Seattle District Dental Society for the particular state.
in Washington State was approached by the DDPA has also become the vehicle through
International Longshoremen’s and Warehouse- which the Delta plans in individual states
men’s Union-Pacific Maritime Association with compete with national for-profit insurance com-
a request that the society submit a proposal for panies for contracts with companies with employ-
a comprehensive dental care program for the ees in more than one state. Through DDPA, an
children of the union’s members up to 14 years organization called DeltaUSA was formed to coor-
of age. The proposal requested by the union dinate and administer these multistate contracts.
required information on administration, fees, In 2003 more than 108,000 participating dentists
methods of operation, dental care provided, were available to DeltaUSA through the individ-
and control of quality. At that time there was ual state Delta plans, accounting for at least 70%
almost no previous experience with plans of of all dentists in practice nationwide. Collectively,
this type. The dental society nevertheless wished Delta plans cover approximately 42 million peo-
to discourage the union from setting up its own ple in the United States.18
clinics, and it developed a plan whereby the The underlying philosophy of the Delta
children could be treated in the offices of pri- Dental Plans was to permit dental practitioners
vate dentists. Shortly thereafter, the first dental to adapt their traditional patterns of practice to
service corporation was born.72 Within a few meet the demand for group purchase of dental
years dental service corporations were also care. In this sense, Delta plans have followed the
formed in Oregon and California, and in subse- lead of the professionally sponsored Blue Cross
quent years the idea of the dental service corpo- and Blue Shield hospital and medical plans.
ration spread throughout the country from the Most Delta plans were formed for the sole pur-
West Coast. pose of providing dental prepayment, and most
7 Financing Dental Care 91

have retained dental insurance as their sole or UCR fee-for-service concept almost exclusively,
major business. and this method of payment still dominates.
Delta also pioneered specific approaches to Under the fee-for-service programs, the way in
ensure the quality of care provided and to keep which a dentist is reimbursed depends on
a program’s costs under control, although other whether the dentist is participating or nonpar-
carriers now use many of these approaches as ticipating (often referred to as par and nonpar
well. Quality of care is sometimes monitored by dentists) with Delta. A participating dentist is
posttreatment examinations, in which a sample one who has entered into a contractual agree-
of individual patients who have received care ment to provide care to eligible persons.
through a plan are examined by a panel of inde- Delta plans encourage all dentists to partici-
pendent consultant dentists to ensure (1) that pate. Those who do generally agree to condi-
the care claimed and paid for was in fact pro- tions similar to the following:
vided and (2) that it is of “acceptable” quality ●
Agreement to charge Delta-insured patients
(see Chapter 7). When there are concerns about their usual and customary fees. The accu-
quality, referral can be made to the state’s peer mulated fees of all participating dentists
review mechanism if the matter cannot be form the basis of the UCR fee system. When
resolved to the satisfaction of all involved. a dentist decides to raise the fees charged to
Billing for services not actually provided and Delta patients, he or she must raise the fees
other instances of noncompliance with the to all fee-for-service patients. As long as the
contract such as waiving required copayments new fees are charged to all patients, they
are taken seriously by insurers. Although the will become the fees that Delta uses for
problem with billing for services not provided reimbursement purposes.
is obvious, that with waiving of copayment is ●
Acceptance of payment for their services at
perhaps less so. For insurers who base pay- an agreed-on percentile (to be described)
ments on the UCR method, the copayment is as payment in full, which means the dentist
part of the “usual” fee and often an important will not assess the patient for any further
part of the cost-control mechanism as well. If a charges, other than copayments as speci-
dentist has claimed $40 as the usual fee for a fied by a particular contract.
service that has a 20% copayment, the insurer ●
Submission to fee audits by auditors from
will pay the dentist $32 and expect the dentist Delta, who may check the office records
to collect the remaining $8 from the patient. If from time to time. The purpose of these
the dentist chooses not to collect this $8, then audits is to ensure that the dentists are
the fee is in fact $32, not the $40 claimed, and indeed charging their Delta patients the
the insurer should have paid 80% of $32 same fees as they charge their other patients
instead of 80% of $40. Further, if dentists were and that copayments are being properly
allowed to raise their submitted “usual” fees so billed to the patient.
that the fee minus the copayment equaled the In the early days of dental insurance, partici-
fee that they really wanted, and then simply pating dentists in many Delta plans also agreed
forgave the copayment, the cost-controlling to allow withholding of as much as 5% of the
effects of copayment would be lost. Concern paid amount. This withheld amount was used by
over these billing practices has led to strict laws the new Delta plans to build up sufficient finan-
in many states, under which these practices are cial reserves to be able to take on more insurance
considered to be felonies. Any dentist dealing risk and in turn to manage more business. As
with third-party payment is well advised to the corporations built up sufficient financial
read and understand the rules of participation reserves, the withhold was reduced or eliminated
and to make a good-faith effort to comply fully in many states. Dentists who chose to become
with the terms of the agreement. participating dentists agreed to the withhold
because they supported the idea of developing a
Reimbursement of Dentists in Delta form of payment for dental care that they felt rep-
Plans resented their interests and in which they had
Because of Delta’s initial close association with some voice. In addition, the prospect of direct,
organized dentistry, Delta plans at first used the prompt payment from the insurer for their
92 Dental Practice

services, which greatly reduced bad debts and in Fig. 7-7. About 10% of dentists charge less
collection problems, was considered by many to than $60 for their service, 50% charge $65 or
be well worth the small amount withheld. less, 80% charge $68 or less, and 90% charge
Nonparticipating dentists can also treat $72 or less for this particular service. For this
patients covered under Delta UCR plans and be service, therefore, $72 is the 90th percentile fee.
reimbursed by Delta. Nonparticipating dentists Ten percent of dentists charge more than $72.
are usually paid at the 50th percentile of fees, When payment on UCR fees is made at the
rather than the 80th or 90th percentile typically 90th percentile, 90% of the participating den-
paid to participating dentists. A nonparticipating tists receive their full fee for the service, and only
dentist also is free to charge the patient any differ- 10% are paid less than their usual fee. Those
ence between her fee and the amount paid by dentists who normally charge $65 receive $65,
Delta. The incentive for a covered patient to go to those who normally charge $70 receive $70, and
a participating dentist is that the part of the fee so on up to $72, the 90th percentile. Those who
that the patient must pay (i.e., the copayment) normally charge more than $72 are paid $72. If
will usually be smaller than would be the case if nonparticipating dentists are paid at the 50th
the patient visited a nonparticipating dentist. percentile, which in this example is $65, they are
paid whichever is lower, the fee that they actu-
Percentile Fees ally charge or $65.
To illustrate how percentiles are applied to den- The rationale behind paying at the 80th or
tal fees, suppose that in a given area there are 90th percentile is to control payment at the top
1000 participating dentists who have a range of end of the scale while paying the vast majority
fees for a particular service. The percentiles of a of dentists (at least 80% or 90%) their full fee.
data set divide the total frequency into hun- This approach fits the definition of “custom-
dredths, so that the 90th percentile is that value ary.” It is thus a cost-control mechanism usually
below which 90% of the observations lie. In this written into Delta plan contracts with partici-
example, let us assume that the range of fees pating dentists.
charged for the service runs from $40 to $85. If
each of these filed fees is spread out in a cumu- Preauthorization
lative frequency distribution from the lowest to Another cost-control mechanism that is widely
the highest, the result might be like that shown used by insurers is preauthorization (also called

80th Percentile = $68
90th Percentile = $72
distribution of dentists
Cumulative frequency




30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fee (dollars)

Fig. 7-7 Cumulative frequency distribution of hypothetical fees for a given dental service to illustrate the 80th and
90th percentiles.
7 Financing Dental Care 93

predetermination, precertification, pretreatment tude changed once dental prepayment was

review, or prior authorization).4 With pre- shown to be feasible.
authorization, when the costs of treatment are Blue Cross and Blue Shield dental plans have
expected to exceed some limit (usually several adopted many of the cost-control features pio-
hundred dollars), the dentist is required by neered by Delta plans. Many now use UCR fees
some carriers, and advised by others, to submit submitted by dentists, either to reimburse the
the treatment plan to the insurer for review dentists in the same way Delta does or to estab-
before the treatment begins. This review has sev- lish fee profiles or fee screens for different geo-
eral functions, including certification that the graphic areas as a basis for reimbursement. In
patient’s insurance covers the planned treatment some states, it is difficult to distinguish Blue
and at what level, and a review of the appropri- Cross and Blue Shield dental plans from Delta
ateness of the care itself by a dental consultant plans in terms of benefits and administration.
who works for the insurer. These reviews reduce As is now the case with Delta plans in some
the cost of care directly, because some treatment states, Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans are
plans are revised after discussion with a consult- active in offering alternative reimbursement
ant. They also reduce it indirectly, because den- methods such as capitation, including inde-
tists soon learn that insurers are unlikely to pendent practice associations (IPAs) and PPOs
allow expensive treatment when less expensive to meet the demands for cost reduction from
alternatives appear to be reasonable. purchasers. These alternative provider arrange-
ments are described later in this chapter.
Procedure Codes
Dental procedure codes also were developed in FOR-PROFIT DENTAL PLANS
the early days of dental prepayment. With the
advent of third-party involvement, an unam- Commercial Insurance Plans
biguous method had to be developed to define Once it was clear that prepaid dental plans were
which procedures would be covered and which viable and that they were likely to be a significant
would not, as well as to facilitate the accurate part of the health insurance market, commercial
reporting of which services were provided. insurance companies began to view dental insur-
There were various mechanisms for developing ance as a potentially profitable area of business.
and maintaining these codes through the years, The fundamental difference between commer-
including the ADA’s Code on Dental Procedures cial insurance companies and the dental service
and Nomenclature. A single set of codes was corporations is that the commercials operate for
mandated with the passage of the Health profit. Therefore, it might be expected that com-
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of mercial insurance carriers would need to charge
1996. The ADA is the designated agency for higher premiums than would the service corpo-
maintaining the dental codes and has estab- rations to allow for the profit margin. In practice,
lished a Code Revision Committee for this pur- however, this is not necessarily true, for a number
pose. Revised codes are issued every 2 years. of reasons. Because there are so many different
Open meetings are held for input, and any for-profit dental insurance carriers, collectively
interested party may submit requests for code more people have dental insurance from com-
revisions.3 All dental insurers now use this stan- mercial insurance carriers than from any other
dard set of procedure codes. type of carrier.
Commercial insurance is often designed as
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans an indemnity plan, meaning that cash pay-
Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans for many years ments are made to the providers, rather than as
offered only limited dental coverage as a part a service benefit plan. This allows the com-
of their hospital-surgical-medical policies. mercial carriers to organize reimbursement dif-
Initially, this dental coverage was usually lim- ferently from the way that dental service
ited only to services provided in a hospital. The corporations usually do. Dentists in most cases
“Blues” showed little enthusiasm for going any are not paid according to their UCR fees by a
further into dental prepayment on the grounds commercial insurance company; rather, the car-
that it was a poor insurance risk, but their atti- rier develops fee profiles—that is, the carrier
94 Dental Practice

works out the “going rate” for services from the found, for managed care has come to dominate
reported experience of fees in the area—and the practicing life of many physicians.
dentists are paid at that rate. The amounts paid The primary stimulus for the growth of man-
can vary from one insurer to another. aged care is concern over the seemingly endless
increases in medical treatment costs, which
were noted earlier in this chapter. The wide-
spread hope is that managed care can somehow
Managed care is a term that is in widespread use help control the costs of medical care. However,
but for which there is no precise definition. this hope begs the question as to what is the
The Health Insurance Association of America “correct” amount of care, and it assumes that
defined managed care as follows: there is some way that this can be determined
Systems that integrate the financing and delivery of for each patient. The hopes for cost control also
appropriate health care services to covered individuals by depend on the assumption that the “correct”
means of arrangements with selected providers to furnish amount of care will be less expensive to provide
a comprehensive set of health-care services to members; than what people would buy outside of man-
explicit criteria for the selection of health-care providers; aged care.
formal programs for ongoing quality assurance and uti- No one system for organizing care, however,
lization review; and significant financial incentives for can be expected to solve all the underlying
members to use providers and procedures associated with conflicts associated with health and health care.
the plan.31
Although health care is sometimes judged
This definition is a real mouthful, as compli- only in terms of life and death, measuring the
cated as managed care itself. Its key elements are worth of a system is more complex. It is more
the following: sensible to look at how the system affects the
A comprehensive set of health care services

quality of life, although the problem that
Selected providers

immediately arises is that modern medicine’s
Financial incentives to use the selected

ability to add comfort and length to life usually
providers comes at ever-increasing cost. Every dollar
Simply stated, what has come to be called spent on health care is a dollar that is unavail-
managed care is arrangements through which able for some other purpose, which means
people receive all or most of their health care that there is an implicit trade-off when an indi-
from providers (hospitals, physicians, and vidual decides to spend money for more health
other personnel) who are formally linked to care rather than for something else. The prob-
the organization. The patient’s out-of-pocket lem becomes especially difficult when small
cost is substantially lower than it would be if increases in comfort or longevity come at
care were sought outside of the managed care high dollar cost. These decisions are difficult
organization. enough when made by individuals with their
The most common forms of these arrange- own money; they are infinitely more difficult
ments are HMOs and PPOs (described later in when made in a public forum with collective
this chapter). There are also innumerable funds.
hybrids, with more coming every day. Although These tensions associated with deciding how
these types of arrangements are not new, the much health care is appropriate, and for how
movement of the medically insured population much money, are driving the rapid evolution in
to managed care in the 1990s has been on a the financing and delivery of medical care. That
massive scale. It was estimated that in 2001 no single approach is going to be a panacea
about 93% of all insured individuals in the should be self-evident, because there is no sin-
United States were enrolled in some type of gle answer to the underlying question of how
managed care plan.32 At the same time, there much health care is the right amount, and at
was a concerted effort under way by the federal what price. In fact, we see that, even as managed
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to care is rapidly increasing market share, there is a
move Medicaid and Medicare enrollees from growing backlash against it. It cannot satisfy
traditional fee-for-service to managed care. The everyone all of the time, and its promise of con-
effect of these trends on medicine has been pro- trolling costs is seen as the reason for its failures
7 Financing Dental Care 95

when inevitably some people experience unsat- would not be possible for many practitioners
isfactory health care outcomes. in medicine.
Dentistry in Managed Care Health Maintenance Organizations
Dentistry is inevitably caught up to some extent Although the idea of HMOs is not new, its
in this financing maelstrom that affects medi- implementation was formally promoted with
cine. Virtually all of the innovations that have the passage of the Health Maintenance
been and are being tried in medicine are evident Organization Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-222).
in dentistry. Some of this has occurred because This act made federal funds for the develop-
purchasing groups have demanded the same ment of HMOs available under certain condi-
kind of system from their dental coverage that tions. It was intended to provide an acceptable
they are using for their medical coverage. Some alternative to the fee-for-service private practice
has come from entrepreneurs, both inside and system and help restrain the costs of care.
outside dentistry, who see managed care as an One of the principal advantages of HMOs, as
opportunity to move dental practice into the a method of providing health care, lies in their
future, or more crassly as a way to make quick claim to reduce the cost of care for those
money. enrolled. These savings are purportedly due to
On the other hand, there are important dif- the greater emphasis on ambulatory care and
ferences between medicine and dentistry that consequently on reduced hospital utilization as
make it unlikely that managed care will play as well as on close control of costly services.
large a role in dentistry as it has in medicine. “Unnecessary” hospitalization, principally for
The most important difference is that, whereas routine diagnostic tests and minor surgery, is
about 85% of the population have medical thereby curtailed. Dental care, however, is almost
insurance, only around 50% have coverage for exclusively ambulatory care, because few dental
dental care. Insured patients account for nearly procedures require inpatient hospitalization.
all of the income of physicians and hospitals. If The major advantage of the HMO concept in
large purchasing groups want these providers to reducing hospitalization, therefore, has little
change their practices, physicians and hospitals application to dentistry, but the close monitoring
are extremely vulnerable. With dentistry, on the of utilization emphasized in HMOs is relevant.
other hand, there are still large numbers of An HMO was defined in the 1973 act as “a
patients who are not covered by dental insur- legal entity which provides a prescribed range of
ance, so that dentists, individually and as a health services . . . to each individual who has
group, are far less susceptible to pressure from enrolled in the organization in return for a pre-
large purchasers. paid, fixed, and uniform payment.”55 Usually,
The difference in governmental involve- but not always, an HMO looks like a large group
ment in the payment for care is also impor- practice with a number of services available
tant. For medical care in general, government under one roof. An HMO is described as having
funds account for almost one half of all five essential elements: a managing organiza-
expenditures, whereas government funds tion, a delivery system, an enrolled population,
account for only about 6% of dental expendi- a benefit package, and a system of financing and
tures. 57 As government struggles to control prepayment.39 HMOs use a prepaid capitation
expenditures, medical care costs cannot be system of financing medical services. Capitation
ignored, but dental care costs are relatively means that the care provider is paid a fixed sum
unimportant. Because it controls such a large on a regular basis, usually monthly, for each
portion of medical reimbursement, govern- enrolled person, whether or not the enrollee
ment is in a position to exert an enormous uses any care in that month.
influence over providers. In dental care, how- Enrollment in HMOs grew rapidly, peaking
ever, this is not the case. With Medicaid, for at 80.8 million in 1999.32 Since that time
example, with reimbursement levels well enrollment has begun to decline, likely due to
below what many dentists deem reasonable, consumer resistance to what was seen as restric-
dentists can simply refuse to participate with- tive access to some services. The decline in
out affecting their economic well-being. This HMO enrollments have been more than
96 Dental Practice

balanced by rapid growth in PPOs and point-of- Assumption of Risk

service arrangements (both to be described The concept of assumption of (financial) risk is
later). important in health care. In the case of patients
who pay for their own care, the situation is
Dental Personnel in Health Maintenance uncomplicated: if the patient accepts the treat-
Organizations ment proposed by the dentist, the patient is
Only a small proportion of HMOs offer dental responsible for the necessary payment. With the
services. When dental services are offered, they advent of traditional fee-for-service insurance,
are financed through (1) the primary capitation the insurance companies typically agreed to
premium, (2) a separate premium, or (3) a fee assume the financial risk. In this arrangement,
for service. When included, the dental care itself there are a set of covered services, usually
can be provided in an HMO according to one of subject to some copayments and an annual
four basic organizational models: maximum, but the insurance company is
Staff model: Dentists, dental hygienists, and responsible for paying for the care with the
dental assistants are salaried employees of money it has collected from the premiums. The
the HMO. The staff model is the only one insurer carefully rates each group to estimate
of the four modes that affects auxiliary per- how much the group’s care will cost, so that it
sonnel directly, because in the other three, can be sure to set the premiums at a level that is
the terms of their employment in dental sufficient to cover the costs of care but not so
practices do not differ from those in tradi- high that a competitor will make a lower bid. In
tional private practices. any case, with traditional insurance, the insur-
Group model: The HMO contracts directly ance company is “at risk” for most excess costs.
with a group practice, partnership, or Acceptance of this risk is part of what the insurer
corporation for the provision of dental is selling.
services. The group receives a regular capi- In principle, one of the main features of
tation premium from the HMO. the capitation method is that the risk, previ-
IPA: The IPA is an association of independent ously assumed by the insurer, is shifted to the
dentists (or physicians in medical practice) provider. The essence of the capitation system of
that develops its own management and fis- payment is that the provider receives a previ-
cal structure for the treatment of patients ously agreed-on sum per patient enrolled,
enrolled in an HMO. An IPA is thus not a regardless of whether or not the patient seeks
different form of practice but instead a care. In return, the provider agrees to provide
legal arrangement through which individ- specified services as necessary for a predeter-
ual dental offices can participate as mined period.
providers to groups of patients who are Clearly, the concern of the provider is that
enrolled in HMOs. Dentists continue to the amount of money received (known before a
practice in their own offices. The IPA contract is signed) be sufficient to cover the
receives its capitation premium from the services needed (which are unknown, although
HMO (or other prepayment agency) and they often can be reasonably estimated, espe-
in turn reimburses the individual dentists cially for a large group of patients). If the cost
on either a modified fee-for-service basis of the services required exceeds the income
or a capitation basis. received through the contract, the provider
Capitated network or direct contract model: The loses. Conversely, if the services required are less
network is similar to the IPA, except that than the income provided by the contract, the
the HMO contracts directly with the indi- provider gains. It follows that under some con-
vidual provider for provision of services. tracts there is the potential for undertreatment
This is the most common form of capita- and discouragement of service utilization,
tion arrangement in dentistry. Dental which raises concerns about both ethics and the
insurers who wish to offer a capitation quality of care received.38
product recruit and contract with dental Therefore it is understandable that both the
offices that are willing to have patients ADA and individual dentists are cautious about
assigned to them. assumption of risk. Of course, risk is assumed
7 Financing Dental Care 97

by an HMO when it establishes its monthly pre- their services at their usual fees, if these usual
mium for its enrollees, just as it is assumed by fees are higher than those required by the PPO,
any insurer in a prepaid care plan. Capitation, are not likely to be interested in a PPO agree-
however, brings the concept of assuming risk ment. PPOs differ from HMOs in that they are
directly to the dentist. By the 1990s, features fee-for-service plans, so in PPOs a beneficiary
such as patient copayments and annual maxi- can go to any participating provider for any cov-
mums had become common in capitation ered service, because payment is made only
plans as ways to reduce the dentist’s risk. These when care is provided. By 2004, approximately
were and still are standard cost-control mecha- 112 million Americans had medical coverage
nisms in fee-for-service plans. through PPOs.1 Just as the popularity of med-
The pressure for innovative approaches to ical PPOs has increased, PPO arrangements
control the costs of medical care has in turn have grown rapidly in dentistry in the past
caused purchasers to demand, and insurers to decade. The National Association of Dental
provide, similar approaches for financing dental Plans estimated that dental PPO enrollment in
care. As a result, capitation plans are a part of 1999 was 65 million individuals nationwide.41
many dental practices, especially when third- Most PPOs (both medical and dental) allow
party payment involves a high proportion of patients to go to providers that are outside of
patients. The basis of capitation, as previously the PPO panel. However, to encourage use of
described, is that the contracting provider, PPO providers, and thus to maintain the
whether an HMO, group practice, IPA, or indi- expected cost savings from the use of lower-fee
vidual dentist, receives a fixed sum, usually on a providers, patients receiving care outside of the
monthly basis, for each eligible patient. The network are usually required to pay for a larger
money is paid regardless of whether patients uti- part of their care. With the continuing push to
lize care. In return, the patient is entitled to control the cost of health care, some PPOs have
receive covered services that are needed. As of now come into being that pay nothing for out-
2002, the National Association of Dental Plans of-network care (except for emergency care).
estimated that about 23.5 million individuals This form of PPO is usually referred to as an
were enrolled in dental HMOs (sometimes exclusive provider organization.
referred to as DHMOs).41 Enrollment in DHMOs
has actually declined over the past 10 years. Point-of-Service Plans
Point-of-service (POS) plans are managed care
Preferred Provider Organizations plans that allow enrollees to receive some of
PPOs, along with HMOs, are one of the main their care, if they wish, from providers who are
managed care arrangements and the one that is outside of the managed care providers. For this
growing most rapidly. PPOs typically involve feature, people who choose to receive care out-
contracts between insurers and a number of side of the panel pay a larger part of the costs of
practitioners who agree to provide specific serv- their care. The recent increase in enrollment in
ices for fees that are lower than the average POS plans indicates that many individuals are
for the area. Again following the pattern willing to pay extra for their health insurance
established in medicine, dental insurers have to have the increased flexibility that these
embraced the idea of selectively directing plans offer over more restrictive managed care
patients to specific providers (the preferred arrangements.
providers in a PPO) who have agreed to provide
care to the insured group on a fee-for-service Concerns Regarding Managed Care
basis but at fees that are significantly lower than For some, the primary concern with capitation
the usual fees for the area. The contracting is that it might encourage undertreatment.
dentists often agree to participate at the lower- Under “pure” capitation, the dentist receives
than-usual fees to attract additional patients to the same payment whether or not treatment is
their practices. Competition for patients is the provided, which leads some to argue that this
driving force behind the willingness of some will encourage undertreatment and neglect.
providers to discount their fees for PPO Others argue that this is a virtue of capitation,
patients; clinicians who have ample demand for because the dentist is assured a predictable
98 Dental Practice

income and is thus able to make decisions expenses according to the rules of the agree-
about treatment without worrying about daily ment. Reimbursement is usually on a percent-
revenues if treatment need is low. Many think age basis, and annual limits are common.
that the fee-for-service system, in which den- The ADA likes direct reimbursement because
tists are paid only if they find treatment to pro- it keeps third parties out of the decisions on
vide, has a high potential for producing which services to provide, how frequently they
overtreatment. They see this risk as even greater can be provided, what the fee will be, and which
in the current era of lower disease levels. PPOs dentists will provide them. It is also argued that
may also encourage overtreatment because the direct reimbursement minimizes administrative
agreed-on fees are discounted, which thus pro- costs, although the employer, or a hired admin-
vides incentive to provide multiple services per istrator, still must process these reimbursements
visit to make each patient visit more economi- and keep track of annual limits.
cally worthwhile for the practice. All of these Groups accustomed to the more conven-
concerns have led to increasing pressure on tional forms of third-party dental insurance
insurers to develop ways to monitor the quality have not readily embraced direct reimburse-
and quantity of care. Purchasers and individual ment because they have come to expect and
patients need to be assured that the care they value such things as direct payment from the
pay for is appropriate and of acceptable quality, insurer to the dentist, so that patients face fewer
regardless of the way for which it is paid. To out-of-pocket expenses. They also expect the
assure purchasers that the quality of care is high insurer to play an active role in ensuring that the
and the patterns of care provided are reason- type and quantity of services provided are rea-
able, some insurers are conducting increasingly sonable and that the quality of care is accept-
sophisticated analyses of claims data to detect able. Direct reimbursement purposely attempts
patterns that could be signs of substandard or to keep third parties out of these areas, but for
fraudulent care. In this way, it is possible to many purchasers the third-party involvement is
focus most of the more expensive personal an important part of what they expect from den-
attention on the providers who are most likely tal insurance. In any event, direct reimburse-
to be providing care in ways that fall outside ment has not become a major method of dental
the patterns covered by insurance (also see prepayment.
Quality Assurance in Chapter 6).
In an attempt to find a way to capture markets
Direct reimbursement is a form of payment for beyond the traditional large groups, especially
dental care that has existed informally for a the individual market, a form of dental bene-
long time. It continues to be promoted by the fits that really is not properly called prepay-
ADA as an alternative to the more common ment or insurance has arisen. These discount
forms of dental insurance.6 Direct reimburse- dental plans arise when carriers develop pan-
ment involves an agreement between an els of dentists who agree to lower-than-aver-
employer and its employees in which the age or discounted fees, similar to PPO panels,
employer agrees to reimburse the employees and agree to charge their low fees to patients
for some part of their expenses for dental care. who present a discount card. The carrier
Employees can go for care to any dentists they charges the patient a small monthly fee for the
choose. The patient is responsible for paying discount card. The major difference from
the dentist, and the dentist has no responsibil- other forms of coverage is that the patient is
ity to the insurer for such things as scope of responsible for 100% of the discounted fee.
covered services or limits on frequency of serv- What the monthly fee for the discount card is
ices. All treatment decisions are made by the buying for the patient is access to a panel of
patient and the dentist in a traditional two- dentists who have agreed to treat the patient at
party manner. After treatment has been pro- a discounted fee. This is a rapidly evolving
vided and paid for, the patient takes the receipt product, and its long-term impact is difficult
to the employer and is reimbursed for these to predict.
7 Financing Dental Care 99

only in combination with a high-deductible

insurance policy that covers the more expensive
In addition to conventional insurance coverage, and infrequent expenses. The theory is that
in which the insurer is at risk for the costs of when individual patients are made responsible
care, insurers are increasingly providing for pur- for and thus more aware of the actual cost of
chasers a service known as administrative services routine medical expenses, they will be more pru-
only (ASO). The distinguishing feature of an dent users of care. Use of the high-deductible
ASO contract is that the purchaser of the con- insurance policy would be reserved for those
tract is at risk for the costs of care rather than the infrequent and high-cost needs that more ide-
insurer. The purchaser pays a periodic fee that ally fit insurance principles. It is too early to say
covers all of the normal administrative services whether these types of accounts will be widely
associated with insurance, such as actuarial used or whether they will be effective in control-
services, claims processing, preauthorization, ling the costs of care. Nevertheless, their recent
posttreatment reviews, and processing of pay- development is further evidence of the high level
ments to providers. Virtually all of the types of of interest in finding a way to control the costs of
payments to dentists that have been described, health care. Flexible savings accounts are some-
in which the insurer is usually at risk, can be what different, in that they allow employers to
managed on an ASO basis. Whether the insur- set up for their employees accounts into which
ance company or the purchaser is at risk does employees make contributions that are not sub-
not affect the way the plan appears to the ject to income tax. These funds can then be used
patient or the dentist. ASO contracts are popu- during the tax year for qualifying health care
lar with large groups, because the groups do not expenses that are not covered by insurance. They
have to hand over the large sums of money are different from medical savings accounts and
needed for payment to the insurance company health savings accounts in that they are not
up front. Instead, the purchasers retain control required to be created in conjunction with a
over the funds until the time payment is actu- high-deductible insurance policy, and any funds
ally made. The earnings on large amounts of in the account not used for medical care in the
cash, even if held for relatively short periods of year are forfeited by the employee, so the
time, can be considerable and therefore effec- employee must carefully plan how much to have
tively reduce the cost of the insurance to the placed into such an account.68 It is too early to
purchaser. Although insurance companies han- know whether these mechanisms, in fact, will
dle much of the ASO business, companies have a significant effect on use of medical or
called third-party administrators have arisen dental care.
that do no insuring at all. Third-party adminis-
trators handle only the administrative end of
insurance, leaving responsibility for the funds
to pay claims, and therefore the insurance risk,
in the hands of the group.
Most mechanisms for controlling the costs of
medical care also affect the way that dental care
is provided and financed. Both HMOs and PPOs
include substantial financial incentives to
receive care from a participating provider. Both
Medical savings accounts and, more recently, lower out-of-pocket payments and a wider range
health savings accounts are another attempt to of covered services are common methods to
control the continually rising expenditures for encourage beneficiaries to choose managed care
health care. Both of these allow a person to options. Even though the many forms of insur-
establish and add to a special savings account, ance options can seem bewilderingly complex,
protected from taxes, to be used as needed to the underlying forces are straightforward and
cover medical expenses.29,69 These accounts are will always be present. Purchasing groups want
meant to cover most small and often discre- to buy sufficiently easy and convenient access to
tionary medical expenses and can be established care, at the lowest possible price. For some
100 Dental Practice

groups, the higher cost of wider access is worth is nevertheless subject to the same kinds of
higher premiums; for other groups it is not. In a pressure as is medical care. Although the mecha-
growing number of cases, the cost of acceptable nisms employed are numerous and are con-
access is more than an employer can afford, and stantly evolving, and can thus be confusing and
employees are increasingly being asked to pay a frustrating to providers and patients alike, the
share of the premiums. In some cases, employ- underlying principles are really quite simple. The
ees are required to pay the entire premium, and challenge for those who design dental insurance
in these cases the coverage is voluntary. The only products is to find the best balance between
benefit to the employee in this case is the ability access and price. At one extreme, if insurance cov-
to buy insurance coverage through a group that erage will pay for whatever a patient and dentist
might not otherwise be available as individual decide is to be done, with few and small patient
coverage. The continual pursuit by these groups copayments, the premiums required will tend to
of the best balance between access to care and be relatively high. Less expensive will be a plan
cost will continue to put pressure on providers that limits payments only to dentists who have
to keep costs unber control. To many dentists agreed to provide services at low or discounted
the expression cost control is synonymous with fees (i.e., a PPO) or one that requires substantial
harassment, red tape, and poor quality of care. deductibles or patient copayments. Perhaps least
However, appropriate methods of cost control expensive of all would be a plan that provides the
do not demand the use of inferior materials or beneficiary with a discount card which, when pre-
techniques. Instead, cost control should be sented to a participating dentist, assures that the
based on the concepts of evidence and cost effec- dentist will charge discounted fees, but these fees
tiveness: that is, how can a purchasing group will be paid entirely by the patient. The number
best spend the available money to gain maxi- of variations is endless, and the resulting continu-
mum dental health benefits for its members? ing dance of product designs is an attempt by the
Most dental practices have a vital stake in the various insurance companies to match this bal-
continued economic health of the third-party ance between access and cost to create products
payment system because it represents a substan- that will be attractive to customers. This balance
tial share of their income. At the same time, pur- can be especially critical for dental insurance
chasers of care are taking increasing notice of the because, unlike with medical insurance, the risks
growing cost to them of providing dental insur- of going without dental insurance are not large.
ance.10,24,43 The dental insurance companies are Therefore the challenge for dental insurance com-
then on notice that they must keep the costs of panies is not only to meet the competition posed
the plans that they offer under control, which in by other insurers but also to meet the challenge of
turn affects dentists’ incomes. A number of such the customer’s deciding to go forward with no
mechanisms have been described and are in dental insurance at all. This concept is so impor-
common use; others are continually under tant that it bears repeating. A prepayment system
development. If cost controls are not routinely for dental care that cannot continue to provide to
and successfully incorporated, individual dental groups a level of coverage (access) that it wants at
plans will simply not succeed in the market- a cost that is acceptable is at risk of having the
place. The challenge is to find ways of keeping group decide that it can do without dental cover-
the costs of dental care within the range that pur- age altogether. Both patients and dentists would
chasers are willing to pay, while at the same time lose in such a situation. Without help to pay for
providing a level of care and access to providers the care, fewer patients would receive care, and
that both dentists and patients find acceptable. dentists’ incomes would decrease.
Although dentists may have difficulty accepting Third-party plans do not remove the cost bar-
the idea that not every patient should have all of rier to dental care; they merely change its nature.
the care that money can buy, purchasers of care The amount of care a plan can finance is still
for large groups are increasingly unwilling or finite; the object of controls is to try to use the
unable to pay the insurance premiums needed available financing to best advantage.9 The more
to support open-ended benefits. that dentists are able to accept this philosophy,
Although the cost of dental care is much the better they will be able to work with pur-
smaller than the cost of medical care, dental care chasers and administrators to devise mutually
7 Financing Dental Care 101

acceptable methods of cost control. The contin- The Social Security Act of 1935 provided no
ual pushes and pulls of the prepayment market- funds expressly for the provision of health care.
place are not there to harass dentists and patients, During the Great Depression, however, people’s
but instead are a manifestation of the unrelenting inability to purchase health care in the tradi-
pressures of the marketplace to stay within the tional way was recognized as a major social
range of an acceptable access-price balance. problem. A system of grants-in-aid was thus
developed as a method of using federal finances
for needed health care services without disturb-
ing the traditional federal-state separation.
The federal government has been involved in Grants-in-aid were federal funds allocated to
the direct financing of health care almost from the states according to specified formulas. To
the founding of the United States. Congress in receive these grants, the states had to expend
1798 established the Marine Hospital Fund, the their own funds for the same objectives as those
forerunner of the U.S. Public Health Service, to supported by the grant-in-aid, often in the ratio
provide medical care for merchant seamen. The of $1 from state or local sources to $2 from fed-
federal government gradually accepted respon- eral sources.25 Grants-in-aid during this period
sibility for providing health care to other were available only for support of specific cate-
groups: the care received by military and Coast gories of needy individuals, such as the blind,
Guard personnel, American Indians, Alaska dependent children, permanently and totally
Natives, and inmates of federal penitentiaries is disabled individuals, and the aged.
financed with federal funds and often provided A significant change in methods of federal
at federal facilities. This limited and carefully financing for health care came with the passage
defined role of the federal government was seen of the Kerr-Mills bill in 1960. This legislation,
for a long time as its right and proper function supported by both the ADA and the American
in health care provision. Medical Association, linked health care needs to
The relation between the various levels of the general welfare of the aged indigent by a
government in the United States was perma- program known as Medical Assistance to the
nently changed in 1935 with the passage of the Aged. Although the effects of this program were
first Social Security Act. This act was passed relatively disappointing,53 the Kerr-Mills bill
in the midst of the Great Depression, when introduced the use of vendor payments, mean-
unprecedented problems were caused by mass ing payments directly to those who provided
unemployment and widespread poverty. The act service rather than to the recipients of care. This
created a system financed from compulsory procedure ensured that allocated funds could
employee-employer contributions to provide be used only for health care.
income maintenance for the elderly. The Old Growing public awareness in the early 1960s
Age Insurance (OAI) provisions of the original of the problems of poverty and ill health set the
act of 1935 became extended to the Old Age and stage for the 1965 amendments to the Social
Survivors Insurance (OASI) in 1939 and then to Security Act. These amendments were in their
the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance own way as landmark a piece of legislation as the
(OASDI) in 1960.53 All provisions of the Social original act 30 years earlier. Title XVIII, known as
Security system until then were related to Medicare, provided for the receipt of health care
income security, rather than to the financing of services by all persons aged 65 and over, regard-
health care. In addition, public welfare pay- less of their ability to pay, and Title XIX, known as
ments at that time were made directly to the Medicaid, was intended to bring access to health
recipients only. These payments were so low that care to the indigent and medically indigent seg-
most individuals could afford only limited ments of the population. The term medically indi-
emergency health care, and the choice was left to gent refers to those who are not dependent on
the recipient about whether to buy health care public welfare to meet the basic necessities of life
or something else. It is perhaps not surprising but who do not have sufficient income to pur-
that recipients of public welfare tended to seek chase health care through the usual private prac-
health care only when they perceived themselves tice channels. (This concept is meaningless, of
or a member of their family to be seriously ill. course, because costly new developments in the
102 Dental Practice

diagnosis and treatment of previously untreat- other sources such as charity, account for the
able diseases can make anyone but the super-rich remaining 6% of dental payments.
medically indigent should they be unfortunate The proportion of total public expenditures
enough to get the wrong disease.) on health care services in 2002 that went to den-
In 1997 the Social Security Act was further tal care was also very small, less than 0.7%.
amended through Title XXI, which created a More than 40% of all public expenditures for
State Children’s Health Insurance Program health care went toward hospital care; the other
(SCHIP). SCHIP provides federal funds to states major areas of public expenditure were physi-
and, like Medicaid, requires that the states cians’ services, nursing home care, public health
also use some of their own funds to provide activities, and research.57
payment for health care for children in fami- North Carolina established the first state den-
lies whose income is too high to qualify for tal division in 1918, and many other state-level
Medicaid but still too low to be able to afford dental public health programs developed
health insurance. between 1935 and 1965. A great variety of dental
care programs were instituted, financed, and
Public Expenditures for Dental Care administered by state and local communities
By 2002 just over 6% of all dental expendi- during this period, frequently with the help of
tures were from public funds, compared with federal monies through grants-in-aid. Many
more than 46% of total health expenditures.57 state-level dental public health programs, focus-
Fig. 7-8 shows the proportions of public and ing on maternal and child health populations,
various types of private payments for different got their start via such grants-in-aid through
areas of health care in 2002. It can be seen that what was then the Children’s Bureau. These pro-
payment for dental care is close to evenly grams vary greatly from state to state. Although
split between private insurance and out-of- some are strong and active, in many states these
pocket patient payments. Government, plus programs are small and inadequately financed.
Title XVIII of the Social Security amendments of
100 1965 is the program known as Medicare. As orig-
inally conceived, it removed financial barriers
for hospital and physician services for persons
age 65 and over, regardless of their financial
means. Medicare also covers some people who
60 are disabled as well as people with permanent

kidney failure. Expenditures on the Medicare

program in the first few years of operation were
40 considerably higher than estimated, and it was
not long before some financial constraints were
introduced. By the mid-1970s, Medicare had
two parts: Part A, hospital insurance, and Part B,
voluntary supplemental medical insurance.
0 Both parts contain a highly complex series of
Hospital Physician Drugs Dentist service benefits, and both parts also require
some copayment by the individual. Apart from
Government these copayments, Medicare is financed com-
pletely from Social Security funds.
Medicare was brought into being because the
Private insurance
voluntary health insurance system was unable
Out of pocket to provide adequately for people over age 65.
Fig. 7-8 Proportionate expenditures on various categories The health insurance industry must collect pre-
of health services by type of payment in the United States, miums sufficient to cover what it must pay out,
2002.57 and the risk of adverse selection in those over
7 Financing Dental Care 103

age 65 is high. In addition, because the income governments. In 2004 the federal government
of persons aged 65 and older is usually consid- provided 53%–80% of the funds used by each
erably less than that of those in the employed state.77 Federal allocations are made according
population, they have limited funds to spend to a formula based on the ratio of the state’s per
on health care. Hence, there were twin prob- capita income to the national per capita
lems of high health care needs and low income. income.74 The original intent of Medicaid was
The uproar from the health professions that to provide funds to meet the health care needs
surrounded Medicare’s birth in 1965 (“social- of all indigent and medically indigent persons.
ized medicine”) subsided as the public realized Eligibility standards vary widely from state to
that it filled a necessary gap in the financing of state, as do the expenditures on authorized serv-
health care. Data from the website of the Centers ices. For example, in 1998 the average Medicaid
for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal expenditure per recipient nationally was about
agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid, $4300, but in some states it was almost $9000
show that, in 2002, more than 40.5 million and in others just over $2000.60 Medicaid is a
Americans, about 14.5% of the population, major source of health insurance for children.
were enrolled in Medicare. Federal expenditures In 1998 almost 20% of children in the United
for the program were estimated to be approxi- States were insured by Medicaid.58
mately $236 billion in 2002, or $5800 per Expenditures for the overall Medicaid program
enrollee.57 In late 2003 legislation was passed to have shown a steady growth through the decades,
add prescription drug benefits to Medicare by as indicated by Fig. 7-9. Even after adjustment for
2006. The dental segment of Medicare is limited inflation, the pattern shows a steady increase over
to those services requiring hospitalization for time. Medicaid expenditures for dental care, how-
treatment, usually surgical treatment for frac- ever, follow a quite different pattern, as shown in
tures and oral cancer, and hence constitutes a Fig. 7-10. Real (adjusted for inflation) dollar
negligible part of the program. expenditures for dental care have changed rela-
tively little since the early 1970s.52,65,66
Medicaid A pattern of a relative decline in dental
Medicaid, Title XIX of the Social Security expenditures within Medicaid is demonstrated
amendments of 1965, differs from Medicare in in Fig. 7-11, which shows that the proportion of
several important ways. Whereas Medicare is the total Medicaid budget going to dental care
funded wholly from federal funds, Medicaid has fallen steadily from nearly 3% in 1972 to
costs are shared jointly by the federal and state well under 1% in the late 1990s. Small as this

Actual dollars
140 Real dollars

Billions of dollars






1972 1980 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998

Fig. 7-9 Total Medicaid expenditures in actual dollars and adjusted to constant 1972 dollars (real dollars) in the
United States, selected years, 1972–98.52,65,66
104 Dental Practice

Actual dollars
1000 Real dollars

Millions of dollars




1972 1980 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996

Fig. 7-10 Medicaid expenditures for dental care in actual dollars and adjusted to constant 1972 dollars (real dollars)
in the United States, selected years, 1972-97.52,65,66





1972 1980 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996

Fig. 7-11 Medicaid expenditures for dental care as a percentage of total Medicaid expenditures in the United States,
selected years, 1972-97.52,65,66

fraction is, it still represents the bulk of public for all children receiving federally supported
expenditures for dental care. This decline is financial assistance. In addition, amendments
made more severe by the rise in the number of to the Medicaid program instituted in 1968
recipients of dental services through this time required that states offer early and periodic
from 2.4 million in 1972 to well over 5 million screening, diagnosis, and treatment (the EPSDT
in 1998.52,65,66 The result is that the expendi- program) to needy children through age 20.
ture for dental care per dental recipient fell Medical, dental, vision, and hearing services are
throughout the period, as shown in Fig. 7-12. mandatory under the EPSDT program.
Expressed in constant 1972 dollars, payments Unfortunately, the EPSDT program contin-
dropped from nearly $71 per recipient in 1972 ues to be a long way from fulfilling its promise.
to $45 in 1997. In the mid and late 1990s, well Of slightly more than 21 million children under
under 20% of Medicaid recipients received den- the age of 21 who were eligible for EPSDT serv-
tal care under the program. ices in 1993, just over 4 million (under 20%)
To qualify for the federal government’s share received preventive dental services.64 With the
of Medicaid financing, every state Medicaid pro- exception of some relatively small demonstra-
gram is required to cover a set of basic services tion projects to increase access, very little has
7 Financing Dental Care 105

Actual dollars
Real dollars




1972 1980 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998

Fig. 7-12 Medicaid expenditures for dental care per dental recipient, in actual dollars and adjusted to constant 1972
dollars (real dollars) in the United States, selected years, 1972-98.52,65,66

improved over the past decade.21 National sta- tions, partly because it does not have a vocal
tistics continue to show that only 20%-30% of constituency. Although the over-65 population
Medicaid-enrolled children receive any dental is a powerful, articulate, and politically potent
care in a given year.64,70,71 force in support of Medicare, the Medicaid-
Although Medicaid has reached a large num- eligible population is not such an advocate.
ber of people, there clearly are gaps. Despite the Although the federal government continues to
fact that well over 40 million people in the push responsibility for Medicaid toward the
United States are without health insurance,32 states, the states already feel overburdened by
there have been and continue to be efforts to Medicaid costs and are resisting. Whatever
limit Medicaid expenditures.14 The economic the outcome, the most likely losers are the
recessions of the early twenty-first century have Medicaid recipients, who are threatened with
sharply increased the number of people eligible loss of access to health services provided by pri-
for Medicaid, and because this happened during vate practitioners.
periods of rapidly increasing medical care costs, The philosophy of shifting social welfare pro-
the higher costs of the Medicaid program were grams from the federal government to the states
seen as excessive by many states. As a result, will cause continuing loss of needed services if
some states cut back on eligibility, reducing the funding is not also made available to already
availability of services and the levels of payment stretched state budgets. State governments, unlike
to providers. Unfortunately, dental services are the federal government, are unable to operate at a
often included among the first of these cutbacks, deficit. If tax revenues and other sources of funds
and Medicaid-funded services for adults have are not sufficient to meet all of the budget needs,
been especially hard hit. Many dentists, frus- programs simply must be reduced or eliminated.
trated by rapidly changing eligibility standards The development of block grants, in which previ-
for prospective patients, reductions in available ously categorical federal funds (evolved from the
services, changes in percentile fees paid, and grant-in-aid days) are lumped together to be allo-
delays in payment for services rendered, have cated to specified programs at a state’s discretion,
refused to treat patients under Medicaid. is causing difficulties for dentistry. The total sum
The future of Medicaid at the beginning of of federal funds received by the state is reduced,
the twenty-first century remains clouded. For and there are heavy political pressures to use the
one thing, the pressure to reduce government funds for health-related purposes other than den-
spending at both the federal and state levels is tal care. The immediate future for traditional pub-
relentless. Medicaid is a prime target for reduc- lic health programs does not look optimistic,
although philosophies may change if large
*Reference 11–13,17,20,35,40,67,70,71,75,76. numbers of people are unable to get the care
106 Dental Practice

they need. Although there have been innovative include more children. By 2003 about 5.8 million
small-scale demonstration programs in some children in the United States were enrolled in
states that show promise for overcoming some of SCHIP, a bit over 7% of the child population of
the access problems for the Medicaid population, the country and about one half of the uninsured
the long-term success of these and other pro- children that SCHIP initially intended to reach.59
grams will ultimately depend on sufficient fund- Because the states have more flexibility in the
ing. There is simply no way to provide dental care, design of their SCHIP programs than is the case
or anything else, without adequate funds. for Medicaid, the programs can differ markedly
On the positive side, the nearly $3.7 billion from one state to another. They can vary from a
paid by Medicaid for dental services in 2002, simple expansion of the state’s Medicaid program
although far short of what was needed, has still with no difference from the Medicaid program at
allowed dentists to treat many patients who all to a completely separate program with a differ-
would otherwise not have received care.57 It ent set of rules. These separate SCHIP programs
should also be remembered that numerous pub- may require patient copayments, monthly premi-
lic and philanthropic dental programs derive a ums, and annual payment limits, none of which
substantial portion of their operating revenues is permitted under Medicaid.
by billing Medicaid for services that they provide
to enrolled individuals, and in this way Medicaid Other Programs of Public Financing
plays a key part in sustaining and enlarging these for Dental Care
safety net programs. Nevertheless, it is troubling The Indian Health Service (IHS) is responsible
that virtually all state Medicaid programs are out for medical and dental care for over 1.6 million
of compliance with the requirements for American Indians and Alaska Natives who are
Medicaid and EPSDT, that this noncompliance is members of federally recognized tribes.2 The
well known by all involved parties,54 and that lit- IHS provides care through over 230 hospitals
tle enforcement is carried out. A vocal dental and clinics in 35 states, and employs approxi-
constituency is needed to force action. mately 400 full-time dentists and 1400 hygien-
In an effort to help control the costs of both ists and dental assistants.63 The Division of Oral
Medicare and Medicaid, government has made Health of the IHS is responsible for direct care
a major effort to encourage enrollment in man- through its own clinics and contract care through
aged care plans. Although there has been some private dental offices for a large portion of this
success in moving beneficiaries to managed population. Federal funds also are provided for
care, especially in Medicaid, for which there is some tribes to run their own programs. Dentists
no other option in some states, it remains to be who are commissioned officers in the U.S.
seen whether or not costs are actually controlled Public Health Service are also assigned to pro-
in the long run and whether access and other vide dental care for U.S. Coast Guard personnel
quality indicators will be at satisfactory levels. and inmates in federal prisons.
Community and migrant health centers are
State Children’s Health Insurance joint state-federal projects designed to bring pri-
Program mary and preventive health care to medically
SCHIP, enacted in 1997 under Title XXI of the underserved areas throughout the United States
Social Security Act, is intended to encourage states and its territories.61 Many of these centers pro-
to provide health coverage to many of the more vide dental services and preventive education.
than 10 million uninsured children in the United A substantial part of the federal Maternal and
States. SCHIP is intended for children whose fam- Child Health Services block grants (Title V
ilies have incomes that are above those for funds) are also used by individual states for
Medicaid but are too low to enable them to afford dental care, and funds are available for dental
conventional health insurance. SCHIP covers care through Head Start for prekindergarten
children in families who have incomes up to at and kindergarten children from deprived back-
least 200% of the federal poverty level (a federally grounds who are otherwise not eligible for
defined level of income that defines poverty for Medicaid. Other programs with federal involve-
government purposes [see Chapter 2]), although ment that have a dental care component are the
states have some flexibility to set higher limits to Health Care for the Homeless program and the
7 Financing Dental Care 107

National Hemophilia Program, which provides odically resurface testifies to the persistence of
a wide range of services for hemophiliacs. There the dual problems of (1) large numbers of peo-
also are funds available for individuals with ple who have no insurance, and (2) the unre-
human immunodeficiency virus infection lenting increases in the costs of health care
under the federal Ryan White CARE Act.62 services.
Rehabilitative care for children born with If NHI is perceived as simply a financing
cleft lips and palates has long been financed mechanism without any restructuring of the
cooperatively by state funds and federal grants- care system, however, the rate of cost increases is
in-aid because it was recognized that just about not likely to diminish.27,34 Indeed, the rate of
everybody is “medically indigent” when it increase in direct expenditures would far exceed
comes to treatment of cleft lip and palate. All present levels. The characteristics of the system
states have some resources available for team that have fueled the continuing rise in the pro-
treatment of this condition. Dental personnel portion of GDP that goes to health care would
should be aware of resources available in or be magnified by an additional large infusion of
near their communities. funds. The trade-offs required to balance need
Unfortunately, public financing for the den- against costs will present challenges for which
tal care of people with other handicapping con- American society seems unprepared.44 This
ditions—for example, those with cerebral palsy, realization, added to concerns about a balanced
mental retardation, paraplegia, or quadriplegia federal budget and strong opposition from
—has never been as forthcoming. Although medicine, dentistry, and private health care and
some states do have reasonable programs for pharmaceutical interests, is responsible for the
the treatment of children with these conditions, hesitancy in enacting NHI.
few have any kind of financing available for Although proposals for universal and com-
their dental treatment when they become prehensive publicly financed health insurance
adults. The dental treatment of chronically ill have been consistently swept aside, the record
and homebound adults has also been neglected clearly shows that government involvement in
almost completely, despite a successful demon- health care financing has been steadily increas-
stration program for providing dental care to ing over the long term. Especially since 1965,
the homebound.73 when the federal government got involved in
The program of the Department of Veterans direct payment for care in a big way with
Affairs (formerly the Veterans Administration, Medicare and Medicaid, we have seen slow
or VA) provides some dental care to eligible vet- expansion in the groups covered. Given the rela-
erans through its inpatient and outpatient facil- tive success and popularity of these programs,
ities nationwide. As previously noted, the and recent expansion to include prescription
various branches of the military also provide drugs in Medicare, which covers essentially all
direct care for active duty personnel, and a vol- the over-65 population, and the expansion of
untary dental insurance program, currently the Social Security Act (Title XXI) in 1997 to
called TRICARE, which usually requires the par- include many uninsured children, there is some
ticipants to pay part of the cost, is available for level of government-assisted health care cover-
dependents of military personnel. Similar vol- age for virtually all but the working-aged popu-
untary insurance programs are available for mil- lation. There remain the dual concerns of, on
itary retirees and members of the reserve forces the one hand, whether the funding for these
(National Guard). For all of these programs for programs is adequate, especially for Medicaid
other than active duty personnel, care is often and the State Children’s Health Insurance
provided through private dental offices, with Program, and, on the other hand, whether tax-
payment partially paid according to the insur- payers are willing to support what look to be
ance coverage.19 ever-growing programs. Further, coverage for
dental services continues to be a small part, at
National Health Insurance best, of these government health programs. For
Although the idea of national health insurance the foreseeable future, most Americans who
(NHI) in the United States is not new,15 the fact receive regular dental care will continue to pay
that serious proposals for some form of it peri- for it with private insurance or their own funds.
108 Dental Practice

Those unable to pay will continue to be far less 19. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant
likely to receive regular care. Secretary of Defense. What is TRICARE?, website: Accessed
February 21, 2004.
REFERENCES 20. Edelstein BL, Manski RJ, Moeller JF. Pediatric dental vis-
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tions. Learn more about PPOs: PPO overview, website:
17–20. Accessed May
21. Eklund SA, Pittman JL, Clark SJ. Michigan Medicaid’s
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Healthy Kids Dental program. An assessment of the
2. American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
first 12 months. J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134:1509-15.
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22. Faulkner EJ. The role of health insurance. In: Gregg DW, Accessed Oct.
ed: Life and health insurance handbook. Homewood
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3. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Benefit
23. Fuchs VR. The health sector’s share of the gross national
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ture, website:
24. Garrison J. Purchasers and payers: Who’s driving the
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4. American Dental Association, Council on Dental
25. Gerrie NF. Grants-in-aid in federal-state dental public
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5. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Care
26. Gibson RM, Fisher CR. National health expenditures,
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27. Gleicher N. Expansion of health care to the uninsured
6. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Care
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8 The Dental Workforce


Dentists STATES
Dental Auxiliaries Dental Hygienists
STATES Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries
Dental Specialists Dental Laboratory Technicians
Distribution of Dentists Denturists
Effect of Dental Education on the Supply of LEGISLATIVE INFLUENCE ON DENTIST
State Practice Acts and Dentist National Health Service Corps
Distribution Subsidies to Dental Schools and Dental Students

The vision of the dental team is one of various sional education in an approved institution,
people in dentistry with different roles, func- (2) demonstration of competence, and (3) evi-
tions, and periods of training, all working dence of satisfactory personal qualities. Dentists
together to treat patients.106 Dental team is more are concerned with the prevention and control
a concept than a precise term, although the den- of the diseases of the oral cavity and the treat-
tal profession in the United States has long rec- ment of unfavorable conditions resulting from
ognized that several different categories of these diseases or from trauma or inherent mal-
personnel are fundamental to the efficient pro- formations. A dentist is legally entitled to diag-
vision of care. Virtually all dentists employ at nose and treat patients independently, to
least one nondentist staff person, more than prescribe certain drugs, and to employ and
94% of general practitioners employ at least supervise auxiliary personnel. The mechanisms
one full- or part-time chairside assistant, and for fulfilling these requirements differ among
more than 63% employ at least one full- or part- nations. In the United States and Canada, for
time hygienist.29 example, professional education is separate
This chapter defines the various types of per- from the additional testing required for licen-
sonnel involved in the provision of dental serv- sure. In many other countries, these two func-
ices and assesses the factors that influence their tions are combined under the authority of the
supply and distribution. educational institutions.

Dental Auxiliaries
Dental auxiliary is a generic term for all persons
Dentists who assist the dentist in treating patients. It
A dentist is a person who is permitted to practice includes the categories of dental hygienist,
dentistry under the laws of the relevant state, dental assistant, hygienist or assistant with
province, territory, or nation. These laws are expanded functions, dental laboratory techni-
intended to ensure that a prospective dentist cian, receptionist, and secretary. Auxiliaries
has satisfied certain requirements such as can be classified as operating and nonoperat-
(1) completion of a specified period of profes- ing,107 depending on whether they carry out any
112 Dental Practice

intraoral procedures in the direct treatment of professional organization. Each state can have
patients. its own definition of supervision requirements
With rare exceptions, auxiliaries of all types and scope of practice, and indeed there is con-
operate under varying degrees of supervision siderable diversity among states. The moves by
by dentists. Even those auxiliaries who appear the ADA to limit the scope of auxiliaries’ prac-
to operate more or less independently, such tice are occurring as dental hygienists are work-
as the school dental therapist of New Zealand ing for a greater degree of autonomy, so
(see Chapter 6), work under some degree of conflicts are to be expected.
supervision. Defining the extent of supervision A dental hygienist is an operating auxiliary
required for various types of dental auxil- licensed to practice dental hygiene under the
iary can be confusing, because bodies con- laws of the appropriate state, province, territory,
cerned with supervision continue to modify or nation. In nearly all jurisdictions, to be
their stance and definitions. As of 2002, the licensed, hygienists, like dentists, must satisfy
American Dental Association (ADA) acknowl- certain qualifications such as (1) completion of
edged four levels of supervision of allied dental an approved period of education in an approved
personnel as shown in Box 8-1. institution (only Alabama permits on-the-job
The ADA policy statement on this issue training of hygienists),81,99 (2) demonstration of
declares: “General supervision is not acceptable competence, and (3) demonstration of satisfac-
to the American Dental Association because it tory personal qualities. Hygienists are recog-
fails to protect the health of the public.”8 This nized auxiliaries in a number of countries, in
issue is important for public health programs which their duties and deployment are essen-
because, without general supervision, it is far tially similar.62
more expensive for dental hygienists to provide Dental hygienists have traditionally been
care in schools, nursing homes, and other insti- concerned with prophylaxis, the health of the
tutional settings. Where general supervision is supporting structures of the teeth, and preven-
permitted, dentists in private practice can allow tion of further diseases by direct clinical pro-
a hygienist to provide recall prophylactic serv- cedures and by the education of individual
ices while the dentist is away from the office. patients and groups. In most places, hygienists
These policies of the ADA have no direct con- work under the supervision of dentists, either in
trol on the practice of dentistry because the reg- private dental practice or in institutional set-
ulation of dental practice in the United States is tings such as health departments, nursing
determined by state licensing boards, not by the homes, or school dental programs.

BOX 8-1 Levels of Supervision of Allied Dental Personnel As Defined by the American Dental Association
in 20028

1. Personal supervision: The dentist is personally diagnosed the condition to be treated, authorizes
operating on a patient and authorizes the allied dental the procedures and remains in the dental office or
personnel to aid treatment by concurrently treatment facility while the procedures are being
performing a supportive procedure. performed by the allied dental personnel, and will
2. Direct supervision: The dentist is in the dental office or evaluate the performance of the allied dental
treatment facility, personally diagnoses the condition to personnel.
be treated, personally authorizes the procedures and 4. General supervision: The dentist is not required to
remains in the dental office or treatment facility while be in the dental office or treatment facility when the
procedures are being performed by the allied dental procedures are being performed by the allied dental
personnel and, before dismissal of the patient, evaluates personnel, but has personally diagnosed the
the performance of the allied dental personnel. condition to be treated, has personally authorized the
3. Indirect supervision: The dentist is in the dental procedures, and will evaluate the performance of the
office or treatment facility, has personally allied dental personnel.

(Copyright 2002 American Dental Association. Reproduced by permission.)

8 The Dental Workforce 113

The expanded-function dental auxiliary permitted to treat special population groups,

(EFDA) (sometimes called an expanded-duty usually children, with little direct supervision
dental auxiliary) is a more recent development from a dentist. The extent of their duties varies
among operating auxiliaries in the United from one country to another, as does the degree
States and Canada. An EFDA is usually a dental of supervision required, but all dental nurses
assistant, or a dental hygienist in some cases, and therapists require specific training, licen-
who has received further training in duties sure, and registration. Preventive dental nurses
related to the direct treatment of patients, and therapists are trained in some countries to
although still working under the direct supervi- provide preventive services only, usually in a
sion of a dentist. Not all states in the United school dental service. Because their period of
States recognize EFDAs, and the duties permit- training is shorter than the training for dentists
ted in those that do vary considerably. and their duties are limited, these auxiliaries can
A dental assistant is a nonoperating auxiliary provide preventive services to specified groups at
who assists the dentist or dental hygienist lower cost than can dentists or hygienists.
in treating patients but who is not legally per-
mitted to treat patients independently. Tradi-
tionally the dental assistant’s duties include
immediate chairside assistance in the handling
of dental equipment and materials used by the Table 8-1 shows the dentist/population ratios in
dentist or dental hygienist in treating patients. several countries as of the late 1990s to give a
Voluntary certification programs for dental perspective on the relative availability of dentists
assistants exist in many countries. Certification in the United States. The range is wide, with an
is the process by which a nongovernmental especially large gap between developed and
agency or association grants recognition to an developing countries, and even within the more
individual who has met certain predetermined economically developed countries, the range is
qualifications specified by that agency or associ- considerable. The numbers are given as the
ation.85 However, a dental assistant is not number of dentists per 100,000 population and
required to be legally certified or registered or to as persons per dentist. The 55 dentists per
have completed any particular duration or
amount of education. The vast majority of the
world’s dental assistants are trained on the job. Table 8-1 Number of dentists per 100,000
However, to provide certain services, such as the population for 15 countries at various stages of
exposure of radiographs, a growing number of economic development108
American states require either some form of for-
Dentists per 100,000 Population
mal education or certification. Country Population per Dentist
The dental laboratory technician is a nonoper-
ating auxiliary who fills the prescriptions Sweden 143 700
provided by dentists regarding the extraoral Finland 98 1024
construction and repair of oral appliances. Denmark 92 1090
Denturist is a term applied to those dental labo- Norway 91 1100
Argentina 83 1200
ratory technicians who are permitted in some
France 72 1390
American states, some provinces of Canada,
Switzerland 62 1613
and some other countries to fabricate dentures United States 55 1810
directly for patients without a dentist’s prescrip- Canada 54 1834
tion. These denturists must be licensed. Illegal Spain 40 2525
denturists are also known to operate in other Singapore 29 3500
jurisdictions. The term can have strong political Turkey 21 4668
overtones in jurisdictions where denturists are Thailand 10 9800
trying to achieve legal recognition. India 3 36,538
Dental nurse and dental therapist are more or Cameroon 1 119,200
less synonymous terms that describe an operat- Ethiopia <1 1,200,000
ing auxiliary who in some countries is legally Note: Rounded to the nearest whole number.
114 Dental Practice

100,000 people in the United States in the mid- By the early years of the twenty-first century,
1990s are equivalent to 1810 persons per dentist. dental school enrollments were over 40%
Counting dentists and other dental person- women.14
nel is not as straightforward as it might at first Not all observers agree on the implications
appear. Membership lists from professional of the growing proportion of female den-
associations and licensing lists are the most tists.10,66,71,75,88,90,102,103 Although it is too early
common source of counts, but these are seldom to be sure about trends, there are indications
completely accurate. For example, some dentists that women dentists are more likely to practice
maintain association membership even when part time and to interrupt their practices for an
they are retired or otherwise not actively extended period of time, thus spending fewer
engaged in professional practice; others are not actual hours in practice during a career. Any dif-
members of a professional association. Dentists ferences between men and women in retire-
can hold a license in more than one jurisdic- ment patterns will also affect productivity, and
tion, which leads to overcounting. As a result, it will be several decades yet before these can be
one does well to realize that virtually all enu- observed. Further, it is likely that the practice
merations of dental personnel are estimates and patterns followed by those women in decades
that, in an attempt to be more precise, the past, when women in the profession were rare,
counts are often qualified as all dentists, active may be of little help in predicting the future
dentists (those actually engaged in some practice patterns of the women now becoming
activity related to dentistry), or practicing dentists. Although any substantial shift in the
dentists (which often excludes dentists in full- average productivity of dentists would affect the
time teaching, research, or administrative posi- adequacy of the dentist supply, it is at present
tions). Numbers obtained from different not clear how the increasing proportion of
sources therefore can differ because they are female dentists is affecting productivity.
based on different subgroups. This nomencla- Not only are the numbers of women increas-
ture is by no means standard and is often not ing, but dentistry is becoming more ethnically
clearly defined in source documents. Usually diverse. Although approximately 90% of den-
the differences are not of great consequence, but tists in practice as of 1995 reported themselves
when interpretations are made within small to be white non-Hispanic,25 the picture for den-
geographic areas the differences can be impor- tal students indicates a decided shift. At the turn
tant. For example, in a community where there of the century, about 25% of dental school grad-
is a dental school or a government agency that uates listed themselves as other than white.23
employs a number of dentists in nonclinical Foreign-trained dentists, in contrast to for-
positions, a count of all dentists for that com- eign-trained medical graduates, have never been
munity could greatly overestimate the availabil- present in large numbers in the United States, in
ity of dental care. no small part due to difficulty in gaining licen-
As of 2000, the ADA estimated that the num- sure. Graduation from an accredited U.S. or
ber of professionally active dentists in the Canadian dental school was for a long time
United States was about 168,000. Approxi- a prerequisite for licensure in most states.
mately 5000 of these were in the armed forces However, rapid population growth, especially
and other federal agencies.21 About 155,200 the growth of immigrant communities, is forc-
dentists were in private practice in 2000, a more ing some states to look at more radical ways of
than 55% increase since 1975.93 increasing dentist supply. California, for exam-
From 1920 until the early 1980s, 1%–3% ple, is considering accrediting certain foreign
of dentists were women,75,89 but since the dental schools in a bid to attract dentists from
early 1980s this percentage has increased. In other countries. The future of such policies
1998, over 13% of dentists were women, and remains uncertain, but their very existence cer-
almost one third of dentists who had graduated tainly represents a major break with tradition.
within the previous 10 years were women.26 In This is a rapidly changing area, and up-to-date
1969–70, women constituted only 1.3% of first- information on the details for any particular
year enrollment in dental schools,54 but by state is usually available on the website of the
1980–81 the first-year class was 19.8% female.55 ADA.12,30
8 The Dental Workforce 115

orthodontics or oral surgery, the two longest-

Dental Specialists established specialties.
The early development of dental specialists was There has been strong sentiment in dentistry
informal, and such specialists did not require for some time that a further increase in the num-
certification.60 Varying patterns of formal train- ber of specialists would not benefit either the
ing and certification developed as each specialty profession or the public.59 This view was based
grew and matured relatively independently. on the contention that one of the chronic prob-
Examining boards that certified specialty com- lems in the American health care system is
petence came into being, as did specialty fragmentation, the dispersal of many medical
societies, such as the American Academy of specialists and the frequent absence of coordi-
Pedodontics (now Pediatric Dentistry) and the nation among them. The growth of General
American Association of Orthodontists, which Practice Residency and Advanced Education in
maintained educational and experiential quali- General Dentistry programs is a reflection of this
fications for membership. In addition, some emphasis on the general practice of dentistry. As
states established specialty licensure follow- of 2004 there were just over 1000 General
ing examination by the state board of dental Practice Residency and 650 Advanced Education
examiners. in General Dentistry residency positions.31
Under guidelines originally set by the
ADA House of Delegates and the Council on Distribution of Dentists
Dental Education, and now maintained by In 2000 there were approximately 60.7 active
the Commission on Dental Accreditation, exam- dentists per 100,000 people in the United
ining boards have been established in nine areas States.93 These dentists, however, were not
of specialty practice: dental public health, evenly distributed throughout the country, as
endodontics, oral and maxillofacial pathol- seen in Chapter 6 (see Fig. 6-1). This situation is
ogy, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral not unique to dentistry as a health profession
and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and nor to the United States, for it is found wherever
dentofacial orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, peri- there is relatively free choice of practice
odontics, and prosthodontics. Minimum criteria location. Table 8-2 provides data for the five
for those entering a specialty are full-time limita- most favorable and five least favorable states in
tion of practice, plus either the completion of at terms of dentists relative to the population in
least 2 years of approved advanced study or spe- 2000. The figures range from 84.7 dentists per
cialty licensure by a state board. Certification as 100,000 people in Hawaii to 39.2 per 100,000
a diplomate by one of the specialty boards is not in Nevada.93
a prerequisite for limitation of practice. The
stated purpose of specialty boards is to provide
leadership in elevating standards for the practice
of the specialty and, through examination and Table 8-2 The five states with the highest number of
certification, to recognize those individuals dentists and the five states with the lowest number of
who have demonstrated unusual competence. dentists per 100,000 population in the United States,
Numerous additional dental specialty groups are 200093
not officially recognized by the ADA, and the
State Dentists per 100,000 Population
ADA actively discourages the announcement of
practice limited to any area other than one of the Hawaii 84.7
nine recognized specialties. New York 83.1
Unlike the situation in medicine, in which by Massachusetts 81.2
1990 more than 60% of practitioners were New Jersey 80.4
practicing in a specialty outside of primary Connecticut 79.6
care, about 80% of dentists are general practi- Alabama 43.5
tioners.25,94 Since the early 1970s, the number North Carolina 43.1
of first-year positions in specialty training pro- Arkansas 42.2
Mississippi 39.7
grams has remained stable at approximately
Nevada 39.2
1200. More than 50% of all specialists work in
116 Dental Practice

There are a number of reasons for this where the national government directly deter-
uneven distribution of dentists. The first and mines how many practitioners, and of what
most fundamental is the relative freedom a type, will be produced. For these and related
dentist has in choosing a practice location. reasons, accreditation evolved as a voluntary,
Dentists make this choice much as other peo- self-regulatory means of establishing and main-
ple do, that is, because of personal preference: taining nationally acceptable standards of edu-
attachment to a home town, presence of good cational quality.83 Accreditation is the process by
schools, or convenience to social, cultural, or which an agency or organization evaluates and
recreational facilities.6 Second, the location of recognizes a program of study or an institution
dental schools also influences distribution, and as meeting certain predetermined qualifications
the 56 American dental schools are located in or standards.84,85 The Commission on Dental
only 34 states (plus the District of Columbia Accreditation of the ADA currently serves as the
and Puerto Rico). Most dental schools are in accrediting body for dental and auxiliary train-
state universities, at which tuition usually is ing schools and graduate programs in dentistry.
less for state residents than for out-of-state resi- The commission is a broad-based agency of the
dents. A third reason is market response, mean- ADA; its membership includes auxiliaries,
ing that the availability of dentists reflects public members, and students in addition to
demand for services. Areas of high income and dentists.
education where demand for services is high- Enrollment in dental schools is obviously a
est, such as affluent suburbs, have more den- prime influence on the future supply of dentists.
tists than do poorer areas. The low number of During the 1960s and early 1970s, there was
dentists in Nevada is largely a reflection of the a widely held perception that more dentists
exceptionally rapid growth of the population were needed and that a critical shortage was
of that state in the past decade. The dental inevitable if strong actions were not taken.
school recently opened at the University of Although the federal government in the United
Nevada, Las Vegas, is expected eventually to States has no direct control over dental educa-
help correct some of that imbalance. tion, it can provide incentives to increase supply.
During the 1960s and 1970s, incentives were
Effect of Dental Education on the Supply offered to dental schools to build new facilities
of Dentists and to increase the number of graduates at exist-
Dentists were first enumerated separately in the ing dental schools. The results were impressive,
1850 census. It listed 2900 dentists serving a as shown in Fig. 8-1. The increased applications
population of 23 million,91 or 12.6 dentists per and enrollments through the 1970s also coin-
100,000 population. With the growth of dental cided with the time that the baby-boomer gener-
schools during the latter part of the nineteenth ation was deciding on careers. Applications to
century, the supply of dentists in 1900 increased dental schools reached all-time highs during
to 39 dentists per 100,000 population. By 1930, this period; the number of applicants per first-
there were 57.7 dentists per 100,000 popula- year position was 2.7:1 in 1974 and 1975.
tion.98 This steady increase was caused princi- Applications began to decline in 1976; first-year
pally by changes in dental education. Although enrollments began to decline in 1979. The fed-
in the second half of the nineteenth century eral incentives to dental education were reduced
many dentists were still being trained under an during this period, and the demographic bulge
apprenticeship system, proprietary dental passed beyond college age.
schools grew rapidly in response to demand The low point in applications and enroll-
(see Chapter 1). The number of dental gradu- ments in the late 1980s coincided with a slow
ates continued to grow until the closing of the period in the U.S. economy and again with a
last proprietary school in 1929.70 public perception that there was an oversupply
In the United States, the federal government of dentists. During this period, dental schools
has no direct jurisdiction over education, and made a remarkable adjustment in their capacity.
there are considerable differences among Through a combination of the closing of six
states in the priority given to education. This is dental schools and the reduction of class size in
notably different from most other countries, most others, the first-year capacity declined
8 The Dental Workforce 117



Number of individuals







1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001

Fig. 8-1 Applicants and first-year enrollees in dental schools in the United States, 1951–2003.2,22,31

from its peak of 6301 in 1978 to approximately retiring in any one year, which is itself a func-
4000 by 1990. Since 1990, applications and tion of how many dentists graduated 40 or
enrollments have recovered considerably, with more years earlier. Choice of retirement age is
first-year enrollments at 4618 in 2003, partly highly variable. If demand for care is strong, a
due to the opening of three new dental schools. dentist may wait longer to retire than when
By the late 1990s, evidence suggested that the there is an ample supply of younger dentists to
economic prospects for dentists, relative to take over. Finally, the population growth of the
those for physicians, were quite favorable. A country is an additional variable. As population
1994 report analyzing the return on educa- growth accelerates, more and more dentists are
tional investment among several professions required to keep the supply constant.
projected that dentistry would provide a higher The combination of these factors resulted in
rate of return than primary care medicine and a a gradual increase in the supply of dentists in
virtually identical return to specialty medi- the United States between 1970 and the mid-
cine.105 A more recent report suggests, perhaps 1990s, from 47 to 60 dentists per 100,000 pop-
because of the pressures on physicians from ulation.95,97 Much of this general increase in
managed care, that in some parts of the country the relative number of dentists is the result of
dentists average higher incomes than primary the large number of graduates through the
care physicians.36 These favorable reports of 1970s and most of the 1980s. Virtually all pro-
dentists’ economic prospects may have been a jections at the end of the century suggested,
factor in the growing numbers of applicants to however, that the relative supply of dentists was
dental schools from the mid-1990s. at its peak and was likely to decline for the next
Fluctuations in dental school enrollments several decades. This projected decline will be
take considerable time to show their effect on the product of lower enrollment levels than in
the supply of dentists, and overall supply also is earlier decades, combined with continuing pop-
influenced by other factors. First, with approxi- ulation growth and projected retirement levels
mately 160,000 dentists in practice in the of dentists. It is anticipated that the relative sup-
United States, a change of a few hundred gradu- ply of dentists will decline especially sharply
ates in any one year does not make a large dif- between 2010 and 2020, when many of the large
ference overall. Further, a major influence on cohort of dentists who graduated in the 1970s
the overall numbers is the number of dentists and 1980s are expected to retire. By 2020, it is
118 Dental Practice

expected that there will be about 55 dentists per Movement between states has been made
100,000 population, back to levels of the early somewhat easier, at least for the young dentist,
1980s. Whether this anticipated decline in the by the development of regional examining
relative supply of dentists will be a problem or boards. There are four regional boards (North-
not is discussed further in Chapter 9. east, Southern, Central, and Western), and a
dentist passing the clinical licensing examina-
State Practice Acts and Dentist tion in any participating state can apply, usually
Distribution within 5 years of the original examination, for
The requirement to hold a state license to prac- license in any state in the same region without
tice inhibits the movement of dentists (and having to take another clinical examination. By
also licensed auxiliaries) from one state to 2001, 41 states and the District of Columbia
another.44,65 In addition, it has been suggested were involved in one or more of these four
that certain states adopted deliberately restric- regional examining boards.12
tive policies in their licensing examinations in Whenever licensure and the assessment of
an effort to prevent what they saw as too many dentists’ competence are mentioned, the topic
dentists, or dentists “of the wrong kind,” from of mandatory continuing education as a
practicing in the state.44,51,65,70 Results of requirement for license renewal also arises. If
state board examinations show a wide disparity the competence of a dentist who moves from
among states in the proportion of applicants one state to another has to be tested, why
who fail.5,44,56 Dentists in specialty practice should there not also be concern for those who
also report difficulty in moving to states that do stay in one place for many years? Although
not have specialty licenses. In these instances, a there is no clear evidence that mandatory con-
specialist who may not have practiced general tinuing dental education improves dentists’
dentistry for many years may be required to take competence, by the early part of the twenty-first
a clinical examination based on restorative century, continuing dental education require-
procedures. ments were virtually universal for both dentists
The ADA supports licensure by credentials to and dental hygienists. As is the case with other
alleviate some of these problems. Under this regulatory matters, these requirements vary
concept, dentists who have passed a licensing widely among states and can change rapidly.
examination in a state present their credentials to
another state to which they want to move; if the
credentials meet the criteria, the board grants a
license. The actual process and requirements vary
widely but generally include requirements for Dental Hygienists
some minimum time in practice and no evi- In the early twenty-first century there were esti-
dence of existing or pending disciplinary or legal mated to be approximately 120,000 registered
actions. The ADA website shows that, in 2004, 43 dental hygienists in the United States, nearly an
states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto eightfold increase since 1970.32,96 Table 8-3
Rico allowed some form of licensure by creden- shows the growth in the number of active
tials.21 Encompassed within this concept is reci- hygienists and in particular the extremely rapid
procity, by which two or more states agree to growth since the early 1970s (see Chapter 1).
honor each others’ licenses. Even with this large increase in the number of
Views differ on the value of licensure by cre- hygienists, there are still some concerns about a
dentials. Some say that the existence of individ- shortage.46,61,104 After declines in enrollment
ual state practice acts, and what is seen as through the late 1980s, roughly parallel to the
parochial jealousies in their administration, is a enrollment declines in dentistry, dental hygiene
major cause of maldistribution and that the enrollments rebounded by the turn of the cen-
problem would be greatly alleviated by licen- tury to near-record levels. The majority of dental
sure by credentials. Others argue that licensure hygiene programs are in community colleges,
by credentials could make maldistribution and in 2004 there were a total of 266 programs
worse, because large numbers of dentists would in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and
then move to desirable locations. Puerto Rico.31
8 The Dental Workforce 119

Table 8-3 Dental hygienist statistics for the United States: selected years, 1950–200331
Active Hygienists per 100 Training Programs
Year Number of Active Hygienists* Active Dentists in Dental Hygiene First-Year Enrollment

1950 3190 4.0 26 862

1955 4160 4.9 33 1100
1960 8800 9.8 37 1440
1965 11,600 12.1 56 2070
1970 15,100 14.8 121 3265
1975 26,900 24.0 174 5337
1980 38,400 30.4 200 5619
1985 55,000 43.0 198 4866
1990 75,000 55.6 202 5419
1995 100,000 64.5 215 5669
2003 120,000 73.3 266 N/A
*Number of active hygienists is an estimate, because of the relative ease of movement into and out of active practice and the frequency of
part-time practice for more than one employer.

The duties of a dental hygienist are similar in to relax supervision requirements, to allow direct
most countries where they are part of the dental third-party reimbursement to hygienists, to per-
team.62 These duties, which are usually carried mit expanded functions, and to allow independ-
out under the supervision of a dentist, are asso- ent practice.58 Not surprisingly, the ADA is firmly
ciated with the preventive aspects of dental care: opposed to these moves, arguing that the only
scaling and polishing teeth, applying fluorides appropriate role for a hygienist is provision of
and other preventive agents, and educating care under the supervision of a dentist.8,16,20
patients to practice sound dental habits.
Expanded duties for hygienists have been devel- Independent Practice
oped in some states in the United States, where In 1986 Colorado became the first state in the
the training of hygienists is extended to teach United States to permit the independent practice
them to carry out additional duties in the dental of dental hygiene. In independent practice, the
office. Since 1975, however, the ADA House of hygienist selects a site, rents or purchases space,
Delegates has repeatedly gone on record as secures equipment and supplies, and treats
being opposed to delegation of expanded func- patients directly. The Colorado legislation,
tions to hygienists and other auxiliaries,9,18–20 however, did not permit a full range of hygiene
despite research evidence showing that trained services; a dentist’s supervision was required for
hygienists can perform these duties compe- a dental hygienist to take radiographs, remove
tently. (There is a fuller discussion of expanded- live tissue, perform root planing, and inject
function auxiliaries later in this chapter.) local anesthetic.101 As soon as the bill was
Outside of the armed services, dental hygiene signed into law, the ADA filed suit to block
is an almost completely female profession. Even independent practice, but the court ruled that
if this trend continues, the traditional passive- the ADA had no standing in the case. This ruling
ness of hygienists has changed. Hygienists, was upheld in appellate court.81
licensed and regulated by state boards of den- It is difficult to know how many dental
tistry, have shown their dissatisfaction at not hav- hygienists have established independent prac-
ing a voice in their own licensing, and there tices in Colorado, because the law does not
continues to be considerable activity on the part require them to register that fact. Nevertheless,
of hygienists in many states to gain more control as of 1998, the number was thought to be fewer
over their profession. Attempts continue, and than 20.35 The costs of establishing and main-
some have succeeded, to develop separate licens- taining an office, the limited scope of services
ing boards for dental hygiene, to increase the rep- permitted, and the reluctance of insurers
resentation of hygienists on examining boards, to reimburse hygienists for services appear to
120 Dental Practice

be major barriers to further development,81 about 150 per 100 active dentists.45 The ADA’s
even though by 1997 insurers in Colorado were 1998 Survey of Dental Practice stated that 94.1%
required to reimburse dental hygienists for cov- of dentists in practice employed at least one
ered services. The limited evidence from chairside assistant.29 The number of assistants
Colorado, and from an experiment in inde- increased sharply during the 1970s and early
pendent practice in California, indicates that 1980s, rising from an estimated 91 per 100
independent dental hygiene practices compare active dentists in 1965.96 Some of the increase
favorably to dental offices on several measures may be attributable to training programs in
of practice quality.35,52,77 dental schools, originally encouraged by federal
The future of independent practice for funds, in which dental students were taught
hygienists remains uncertain, but the overall how to use assistants effectively. Another meas-
trend seems to be a slow expansion of the ure of increased utilization of assistants can be
autonomy of dental hygiene practice, fought seen in the same 1998 survey,29 in which more
out on a state-by-state basis. Since the first law than 60% of dentists reported employing two or
in Colorado permitting independent practice, more assistants.
California (1998) and New Mexico (1999) also During the 1980s there was a decline in
have enacted laws that permit dental hygienists training program enrollments that paralleled
to own dental hygiene practices under some cir- those in dentistry and dental hygiene. The peak
cumstances. Even more common is allowing first-year enrollment of 8386 in 1979 fell to
dental hygienists to practice without direct 5388 in 1988,2 but then rose to 5669 in 1995.4
supervision in public health settings, schools, In 2004, approximately 250 institutions11
health centers, nursing homes, and similar offered accredited training programs, about
types of facilities. As of early 2004, 15 states had double the number in 1968, although down
provision for allowing some forms of unsuper- from the peak of 296 in 1980.
vised practice in these types of facilities.33 As of In most states, dental assistants are now
2003, state Medicaid regulations in 10 states legally allowed to carry out more than their tra-
allowed dental hygienists to be paid directly for ditional duties. Many state laws and regulations
dental hygiene services provided by them.34 have been changed to allow expanded functions
Promoting expansion of dental hygienists’ of assistants. A bewildering and constantly
autonomy continues to be a major activity of changing variety of tasks is permitted from one
the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. At state to another.27,41,53,64 In some states, no cer-
the same time, the ADA continues to watch and tification or licensure is required; in others,
often resist these moves. certification is required; and in still others, test-
ing and registration are required. Voluntary
Dental Assistants certification for dental assistants has been avail-
Dental assistants are the most numerous of able since 1948 through the Certifying Board of
all dental personnel groups in the United the American Dental Assistants Association,
States and, along with dental laboratory tech- now known as the Dental Assisting National
nicians, are the longest-established auxil- Board (DANB), and this certification is accepted
iaries. They began to be employed with in some states as qualification to practice the
regularity in dental practices toward the latter expanded functions defined in its dental prac-
part of the nineteenth century. The first assis- tice act. About 30,000 dental assistants are
tants were trained on the job by their dentist- DANB certified.45
employers to aid in receiving patients and
performing “housekeeping” chores and office Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries
clerical procedures. Many assistants today still Although dental assistants were used in the nine-
follow this same pattern, because formal teenth century, it was not until the shortage of
training and licensure are not required for civilian dentists during World War II, owing to
dental assistants who perform only the tradi- the enlistment of many dentists in the armed
tional extraoral functions . services, that serious consideration was given to
In 2004 there were approximately 240,000 their more efficient use.63 The introduction of
active dental assistants in the United States, or the air-turbine dental handpiece in the 1950s
8 The Dental Workforce 121

removed much of the drudgery from cavity and The studies with EFDAs were carried out in a
crown preparation and made greater productiv- variety of special institutional settings, although
ity much more achievable. Development of considerable effort was made to simulate the
“four-handed dentistry,” with the dentist and characteristics of the private office. Limited
assistant both seated, was a natural consequence. studies in private offices also have been con-
With it came sweeping changes in design of den- ducted,47,73,74,79 and although they found
tal chairs, operating equipment, access to instru- some difficulties in adjustment of office rou-
ments, and layout of the dental office. tines, they confirmed that EFDAs can be suc-
Continued developments in equipment, cessfully used there. EFDAs are also routinely
materials, and procedures are constantly mak- used in the Indian Health Service and military
ing the role of the dental assistant more com- and Department of Veterans Affairs facilities,
plex. The chairside assistant in a busy office and by some private practitioners in states
must know instruments and understand proce- where they are permitted.53,64,73,74 Examples of
dures well for this type of practice to work. In the kinds of duties defined as expanded duties
the interest of greater operating efficiency, it was in various state dental practice acts are shown in
inevitable, therefore, that assistants began to do Box 8-2.
more and more intraoral procedures. Research The interest of government in promoting
has shown that both hygienists and assistants EFDAs is in increased productivity and in the
are capable of carrying out a wide range of extra subsequent presumed lower cost of care to the
duties at a high level of quality when adequately public. In fact, the U.S. General Accounting
trained1,37,41,57,67–69,87 and that the productiv- Office, in a 1980 report, urged states to develop
ity and income of dentists can be greatly practice acts that permitted expanded functions
improved as a result.39,73,74,76,82 and recommended that all federal programs
Moves toward utilization of EFDAs were make wider use of EFDAs.100
given impetus during the 1960s, when a critical Although the research literature makes it
shortage of dental personnel was seen as immi- clear that auxiliaries can function as well as
nent. If the country were to be short of dentists, dentists in providing these expanded services,
the reasoning went, at least let those in practice an appropriate cautionary note has been
be as productive as possible. Federal funds sounded.41 A careful reading of the literature
became available for dental schools to operate shows that even though the candidates for the
Dental Auxiliary Utilization programs, which demonstration projects were carefully selected
trained dental students in four-handed den- and received rigorous training, not all candi-
tistry, and later for Training in Expanded dates were able to perform successfully and
Auxiliary Management programs, which taught some were dropped from the programs. These
dental students to work with auxiliaries who selective and rigorous training programs are
carried out an even wider range of functions, quite different from the requirements for
including packing and carving amalgams in cav- expanded functions in many states, some of
ities prepared by the students. which require no formal training or evaluation

BOX 8-2 Examples of Duties Permitted To Be Carried Out by Expanded-Duty Dental Auxiliaries in the United

Applying topical fluorides ●
Placing and removing rubber dams

Applying desensitizing agents ●
Monitoring nitrous oxide use

Applying pit-and-fissure sealants ●
Taking impressions for study casts

Placing, carving, and polishing amalgam ●
Exposing and developing radiographs
restorations ●
Removing sutures

Placing and finishing composite restorations ●
Removing and replacing ligature wires on

Placing and removing matrix bands orthodontic appliances
122 Dental Practice

at all. Caution is needed because the evidence accompanied the decline in dental caries. The
that carefully trained auxiliaries can function at greatest benefits in increased productivity with
high levels when adequately trained does not EFDAs come with routine restorative care.
necessarily mean that the same outcome can be Several decades ago it was quite common for
assured in the absence of such training. children to require multiple restorations at each
dental visit, and with the use of EFDAs, the
The American Dental Association process of quadrant and half-mouth restorative
and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries care was common. Today, however, the number
A complicating factor in the legal status of of restorations placed per patient has declined
EFDAs in the United States has been the posi- substantially,28,49 and therefore the poten-
tion of the ADA, which, although it does not tial efficiency of using EFDAs may also have
directly or legally control state boards, clearly declined.
has influence. During the mid-1960s, ADA pol-
icy encouraged experimental projects. By the Dental Laboratory Technicians
early 1970s, however, when many became con- The dental laboratory technician, like the dental
cerned about the possible oversupply of den- assistant, has been a part of dentistry for a long
tists, ADA policy reversed its stance and time. The technician’s task is to fabricate crowns,
opposed such experimentation. As one health bridges, dentures, and orthodontic and other
economist noted, an increase in EFDAs at the appliances on the prescription of a dentist.
same time as an increase in dentists would Many of these tasks require high precision, and
clearly have a negative impact on dentists’ will- the technician’s skill weighs heavily on the ulti-
ingness to employ them.50 mate success of the treatment. Although many
Because most of the research studies on the laboratory technicians are trained on the job,
use of EFDAs were based in dental schools, there are approximately 30 dental technology
some dental educators became irritated at what programs in the United States accredited by the
they perceived as the ADA’s efforts to interfere ADA’s Commission on Dental Accreditation.13
with academic freedom. The ADA’s mood con- Technicians also may become certified dental
tinued to become more opposed to experi- technicians in one or more of the areas of com-
ments with EFDAs, however, and since 1975 the plete dentures, partial dentures, crowns and
House of Delegates has passed a series of resolu- bridges, ceramics, and orthodontics.
tions to that effect. These resolutions are Traditionally technicians were directly
opposed to (1) delegation of many of the proce- employed by dentists and worked in a labora-
dures now permitted in some states, such as the tory in the same office as the dentist. Over time,
taking of final impressions, placement or however, this arrangement became uneconomi-
adjustment of appliances, performance of intra- cal for most dentists. In addition, some techni-
oral restorative procedures, and the use of local cians have become specialists, whose skills are
anesthetics; and (2) independent or unsuper- properly at the disposal of many dentists. Most
vised practice of any auxiliary personnel.16,18,20 technicians now are employed by independent
Despite all of these activities with expanded commercial laboratories, which provide their
functions over the last three decades, suggestions services to dentists. In the ADA’s 1998 Survey of
to develop operating auxiliaries like the New Dental Practice, only 6.8% of responding den-
Zealand dental therapist (see Chapter 6) are rare. tists directly employed a laboratory technician
Part of the reason may be that, in the late 1940s, either full or part time.29
an attempt was made to establish such a plan in The ADA estimated that in 1997 there were
Massachusetts, but it was stopped by swift and about 60,000 active technicians in the United
effective political action by organized den- States, or 40 per 100 active dentists. Enrollment
tistry.48 The recent initiation of a limited dental in accredited training programs has declined
therapist program in Alaskan native communi- from a peak of 1665 first-year enrollees in 1981
ties (see Chapter 6) is a notable exception. to 908 in 1990 and 487 in 1998.2,24,61 These
A possible additional reason for reduced continuing declines in enrollments are causing
enthusiasm about EFDAs is the change in the some concern that it will become increasingly
types and level of restorative need that has difficult for many dentists to find competent
8 The Dental Workforce 123

laboratory services.15,86,104 Factors that affect ●

The media campaign organized by den-
the national staffing picture are relatively tistry through a public relations firm
low hourly wages in the industry, growth in was widely perceived as tasteless and
the use of dental laboratories overseas in low- unprofessional.7
wage countries, and a general decline in the The issue seems to have settled down from its
need for some types of laboratory services peak in 1980, perhaps because in those states
because of changing patterns of disease in the where denturists practice legally there appears
population. to have been no major rush by patients to seek
their care. With declining edentulism in the
Denturists United States (see Chapter 19), the importance
During the 1970s and early 1980s, some dental of the issue should continue to fade.
laboratory technicians tried to change state den-
tal practice acts to allow them to treat the public LEGISLATIVE INFLUENCE ON
directly for the fabrication of dentures. These DENTIST SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION
technicians call themselves denturists and their
occupation denturism. This activity came at Federal programs to provide financial aid to
approximately the same time as similar move- training institutions and to students between
ments in Canada. Denturists are now legally 1963 and 1980 were first intended to increase
recognized in most Canadian provinces and the supply of certain types of graduates. Legisla-
six states (Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Montana, tion in the 1970s then attempted to alleviate the
Oregon, and Washington). The requirements maldistribution of health personnel. However,
for licensing vary among the states but usually what should be done about maldistribution
include some educational component. continues to be a subject of debate. Some
The ADA has vigorously opposed the dentur- believe that a sufficient supply of dentists will
ist movement. Its principal argument is that permit free-market forces to sort out any prob-
denturists are unqualified to treat patients and lems. Some redistribution through the free
that poor-quality care and even actual harm movement of dentists undoubtedly does occur,
could result to patients. In 1973 the ADA but it also takes time and may be only partially
defined denturism as “the fitting and dispens- effective. Others believe that only significant
ing of dentures illegally to the public,”17 a defi- changes in the dental care system will solve the
nition both clear and brief, even if no longer problem. If dentists are left as free as they now
accurate for some states. Although the sound- are to choose a practice location, so this argu-
ness of the ADA’s argument may be evident in ment goes, maldistribution will continue.
dental circles, it may be less so to the public and
National Health Service Corps
to legislators. This fact became painfully clear in
the 1978 Oregon elections. Supporters of den- One federally sponsored program aimed
turism had put the subject on the election ballot directly at easing maldistribution of health care
through the statewide initiative process, which providers is the National Health Service Corps
meant that if it succeeded, the measure auto- (NHSC), the result of 1971 legislation.80 The
matically became law. Not only was it success- NHSC is designed mainly for physicians, but
ful, but the 3:1 margin of victory stunned dentists and dental hygienists are also eligible.
organized dentistry. The conclusions of the Although initially based on volunteers, the pro-
ADA’s postmortem analysis were as follows: gram has at various times provided scholarships

The public viewed denturism as a con- and loan forgiveness to recent graduates to
sumer issue, not a health issue. encourage them to practice in designated short-

The public believed that dentistry’s age areas.
campaign was spurred by economic self- After reaching a peak in 1980, when 6409
interest. scholarships were awarded (both medical and

Some votes were based on sympathy for the dental), the program came under considerable
elderly. strain. Severe budget cuts were enacted during

Denturism provided consumers with free- the 1980s; by 1989 the scholarship program
dom of choice. had ceased. Throughout the same period, a
124 Dental Practice

growing problem developed with defaults on dental circles that the perceived shortage of den-
student loans. The usual requirement was that tists had been alleviated and was tending
each year of educational tuition and living toward an oversupply. The Health Professions
expense support would be repaid by 1 year of Educational Assistance Act of 1976 was thus
practice in a shortage area, but by 1987 more enacted in a different atmosphere from that of
than 1300 scholarship recipients were in default 1963. It concentrated on improving the distri-
by having refused to serve in shortage areas.43 bution of primary care personnel rather than on
The phasing out of the scholarship program simply increasing numbers. Part of the act’s
led to a rapid decline in the number of den- requirements were that dental schools could
tists going to shortage areas, which itself qualify for federal support funds only if they
suggests that the scholarship program was either (1) increased enrollment of first-year stu-
achieving its goals. Community health centers dents by a specified proportion, or (2) provided
(see Chapter 6) were particularly hard hit, “off-site” training for dental students. Some
because a high percentage of their staff had dental schools declined the federal aid rather
come from the scholarship programs. The pro- than accept these conditions.
gram continues mainly through a loan repay- Between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s,
ment system, and as of 2004, a qualifying there were substantial reductions in federal sup-
practitioner practicing in a federally designated port to dental education. The institutional
health professional shortage area was poten- support grants that dental schools had come to
tially eligible for loan repayment of up to rely on were eliminated. As a source of school
$25,000 per year for the first 2 years of service.92 operating revenue, federal funding fell from
nearly 30% in 1973 to just over 10% by the early
Subsidies to Dental Schools and Dental 1980s, where it has remained. The result has
Students been intense financial pressure, reflected in
Before and since the NHSC, governmental pro- higher tuition costs, because few states were
grams to increase the supply of dental person- able to fill the financial gap left by the loss of
nel existed in the form of financial incentives to federal funds. To make matters more difficult,
dental schools and subsidies to dental students. the reduced number of applicants put limits on
Most dental schools are constructed and largely how high tuition could go and therefore how
supported by state governments. Their object is much of the budget it could cover.
to supply dentists for the state concerned, as It is worth remembering that student tuition,
indicated by the standard practice of charging high as it is and with an average indebtedness of
higher rates of tuition for out-of-state residents. $118,750 per graduate in 2003,31 represents
Although some federal money has gone into well under half of the cost of a dental student’s
dental schools for decades, the proportion of education. At public dental schools in 1998,
dental school budgets that come from federal only about 15% of revenue came from tuition;
funds rose dramatically in the years up to the early in private schools it was just about 53%.15 The
1970s. The Health Professions Educational Assis- combination of these pressures led to the deci-
tance Act of 1963 was designed to alleviate the sion during the late 1980s and early 1990s by
perceived shortage of health personnel, including six dental schools (all private) to close. Since
dentists. This legislation subsidized existing 1997, however, three new dental schools (Nova
schools, provided funds for new construction and Southeastern University College of Dental
renovation, and provided direct aid to students, Medicine; University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
all with few strings attached. An intended effect of School of Dental Medicine; and Arizona School
this legislation was the sharp increase in the num- of Dentistry and Oral Health) have opened, the
ber of dental graduates (see Fig. 8-1). first new dental schools in several decades.
The Comprehensive Health Manpower Act of There may be more changes as dental education
1971 continued financial aid to schools but struggles to adjust to the new realities of
with some stricter provisions for the use of the extremely high costs of dental education, popu-
money attached. This act was followed by a lation shifts, generally stagnant levels of govern-
period of financial recession, inflation, slower mental support, and potential pressure on
population growth, and growing belief in some academic health centers, brought on by the
8 The Dental Workforce 125

demands of managed care, to reduce costs.38 16. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
Comprehensive policy statement on dental auxiliary
These negative forces may be balanced, how-
personnel. Trans Am Dent Assoc 1996;739–42.
ever, by the generally favorable economic pic- 17. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
ture for dentists at the turn of the twenty-first Resolution 97-1973-H. Trans Am Dent Assoc 1973;114:
century36,42,72,105 and the apparent increase in 743–4.
the number of applicants to dental schools. 18. American Dental Association, House of Delegates.
Resolution 50-1975-H. Trans Am Dent Assoc 1975;116:
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9 Access to Dental Care

REASONS FOR ACCESS PROBLEMS Provision of Adequate Payment

SCOPE OF THE ACCESS PROBLEM Optimal Use of Allied Dental Personnel
SUPPLY OF DENTISTS Special Arrangements for Special
Adequacy of the Supply of Dentists Populations
Factors Determining Adequacy Development of Cultural Competency
Access Problems for Certain Populations Expansion of the Mindset of Dentistry
STRATEGIES TO SOLVE THE ACCESS PROBLEM Establishment of Responsibility for Providing
Strengthening of the Safety Net System Needed Resources

In 2001, 65.6% of people ages 2 years and older complex because the ability to overcome impedi-
in the United States reported that they had ments to access varies from person to person.
visited a dentist within the previous year.30
According to a survey of American adults in
2003, slightly over 82% reported having a regu-
lar dentist.7 These figures show that, for a large There are a multitude of reasons for access prob-
portion of the U.S. population, access to dental lems, and many of them are caused or made
care is more routine than ever. But for a dis- worse by lack of resources. Often this lack of
turbingly large subset of the population regular resources is as simple as not having money to pay
access is not so simple. It is perhaps easy for the usual fees for dental care. In other cases, it can
many dentists in busy practices not to fully be lack of program funds needed to meet the
appreciate the difficulty experienced by many of costs of providing care for the homebound, the
those who do not get regular care, because their very young, and people with disabilities. In still
attention, understandably, is directed toward others, it can be lack of resources to ensure that
providing care to their established patients. health care personnel have developed compe-
Among those with lower levels of access are the tence beyond the norm required to deal with
poor, members of minority groups, the elderly, some of these special needs. Providing the means
the very young, the institutionalized, and those to overcome physical barriers also can be expen-
with many types of disabilities. People living in sive, and cultural mismatches between providers
sparsely populated rural areas or in run-down and patients from ethnic minorities also can pres-
urban areas, where dentists are few, also have ent a substantial barrier. People who are not in
much reduced access to care. Often several of the mainstream of the population due to minor-
these characteristics apply simultaneously, ity or immigrant status, inadequate financial
which makes the situation especially difficult. resources, compromised mobility, or special
Access is a complex, multidimensional concept. needs simply do not have the ready access to den-
It is also a continuum, not a matter of presence or tal care that is enjoyed by most of the population.
absence. How much access is the right amount is
probably undefinable in absolute terms, at least
partly because how much is enough differs from
one person to another and even for the same per- The number of people enrolled in Medicaid
son over time. Defining adequate access also is in 2002 in the United States was estimated at
9 Access to Dental Care 129

39.9 million, of whom 18.4 million were chil- an important part in providing access where
dren.26 By definition, all of these individuals it might otherwise not be unavailable. Never-
need financial help to pay for dental care. theless, there needs to be more of these facilities
Medicaid coverage for dental care is mandated and they need long-term support to be sustain-
for children (although it is chronically under- able. In 2002 these health centers were able to
funded, see Chapter 7), but for adults any provide dental care to 1.6 million people,27
Medicaid dental care beyond the most rudi- only a fraction of the nearly 45 million
mentary emergency services is now rare. In 2002 Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance
there were another 4.2 million children enrolled Program enrollees. It is evident that both the
in the State Children’s Health Insurance safety net system and private practices are
Program (see Chapter 7). In addition, of the required if the needs of these populations are to
40.6 million individuals enrolled in Medicare be met.
in 2001, over 5.5 million were disabled (and
under age 65) and approximately 4.5 million
were 85 years or older, people who were likely
to have mobility problems in accessing conven- It is tempting to blame lack of access on an
tional dental practice. There is virtually no den- insufficient number of dentists, but this is
tal coverage in Medicare. These groups contain far too oversimplified. Of course, a sufficient
many of the people most likely to experience supply of dental personnel is necessary for
access problems, and they total nearly 50 mil- good access to dental care. The traditional way
lion individuals (Medicaid, plus the disabled to estimate the adequacy of the supply of
and those age 85 and older on Medicare), or dentists has been the dentist/population ratio.
more than 300 people per dentist, on average. Fig. 9-1 shows the historical pattern in the
Ensuring their dental care means that adequate ratio of dentists to population in the United
means of financing must be forthcoming. States, with projections through the year 2020.
Private dental practices, although they can and From a peak in the late 1990s, the supply of
do provide some care of this type on a pro bono dentists is projected to decline because of
basis, require external help to provide care for (1) the growth in the U.S. population (see
this many individuals. Chapter 2), and (2) the impending retirement
The largely government-subsidized safety net of the large number of dentists who graduated
system, of which the migrant and community in the 1970s and 1980s, combined with smaller
health centers are the major part, does play dental school class sizes since then (see

Dentists per 100,000 population






1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Fig. 9-1 Number of dentists in the U.S. population per 100,000 people, actual and projected, for selected years,
130 Dental Practice

Chapter 8). Even if dental school classes were sidered to be “too many” dentists. Both the den-
to be expanded to the peak seen in the late tal press and the popular media of the early
1970s, it would take at least until the 2020s to 1980s contain a number of articles about the
restore the dentist/population ratios of the economic pinch that dentists were feeling
early 1990s. because of what was perceived as a shortage of
In addition to measures of the dentist/popu- patients. Many dentists complained that they
lation ratio, the two other most commonly used were not as busy as they wanted to be. By way of
approaches to estimating personnel needs contrast, in the late 1990s, when there were
are demand-based and need-based models. The nearly 55 dentists per 100,000 population (rela-
demand-based approach comes from economic tively about 10% more dentists), dentists
theory and aims to make forecasts of the quan- reported being busier than ever, and their
tity of dental care that people will actually con- incomes had never been higher.8,19 The fact that
sume. The price and supply of services are key 2000 persons per dentist was “not enough” in
components of these models. Demand-based 1982 whereas 1800 people per dentist was
models have been used by the Health Resources “plenty” in 2000 shows that additional factors
and Services Administration of the U.S. Depart- must be important in determining the adequacy
ment of Health and Human Services and by the of the dentist supply.
American Dental Association (ADA) for their Uncertainty over the supply of dentists is not
workforce forecasts.20,28,29 Through such mod- new. The meaning of the relative increase in the
els, it is possible to estimate how issues such as number of dentists between 1970 and the mid-
changes in insurance coverage, income levels, 1990s, followed by the projected decline over
number of dentists, and population growth are the next several decades, has aroused consider-
likely to affect the use of dental care. able discussion.6,14,16,17,21,23,29 For many years
Need-based approaches to personnel require- after World War II, both the dental profession
ments come from a philosophically different and the public accepted that a shortage of den-
direction. Need-based models start from meas- tal personnel was imminent. It was expected
urements of treatment need in a population, that significant increases in demand, stemming
from which estimates are then derived of how from rising affluence, rapid increases in popula-
much treatment would be required to meet those tion (the postwar baby boom; see Chapter 2),
needs. The time required for treatment is added and the high levels of caries at the time (see
across the entire population, and from that an Chapter 20), would overwhelm the ability of
estimate of the number of required provider- the dental profession to provide all the care
hours of care can be determined.31 A complica- needed. The influential 1961 report The Survey
tion with the need-based approach is that both of Dentistry18 recommended marked increases
the accumulated backlog of need and estimates in the number of dental graduates and auxil-
of future disease must be included. Other inher- iaries and made projections of future personnel
ent difficulties are that dentists can treat the same shortages. Indeed, the population figures from
condition in different ways and that demand is the 1960 U.S. census (Fig. 9-2) showed a con-
often poorly related to need. Demand for some tinuing increase in the young population that, if
types of care, cosmetic restorations, for example, continued, was expected to severely tax many of
is difficult to predict, which complicates the the nation’s resources.
need-based approach even further. In 1963 the ADA referred to “the impending
shortage of health personnel” as “probably the
Adequacy of the Supply of Dentists most critical problem in the health field today”5
Although the number of dentists relative to and again foresaw shortages in 1965.1 These
population clearly is an important considera- views were still in evidence in 1971, when the
tion in estimating the adequacy of the supply ADA’s Task Force on National Health Programs
of dental care, by itself it is not a sufficient indi- stated the following as a basic assumption:
cation of shortage or surplus. Careful examina-
tion of Fig. 9-1 demonstrates this fact. In the The United States faces a shortage of dental personnel in the
early 1980s, when there were about 50 dentists next 20 years and the shortage will occur whether or not there
per 100,000 population, there was widely con- is a national dental health program.4
9 Access to Dental Care 131


Population in millions









































Fig. 9-2 Population of the United States by 5-year age increments, 1960.24

However, by the mid-1970s many in den- graduates fell as low as 3778 in 1993, substan-
tistry no longer accepted the existence of a per- tially lower than any of these projections, and
sonnel shortage.9,17 The combined effect of a based on first-year enrollments, we can say that
large increase in the numbers of graduates (see the number of dental graduates through the
Chapter 8), chiefly as a result of increased fed- early twenty-first century will not be much
eral support of dental schools, plus the large more than 4500 per year. This whole matter is a
and unforeseen drop in the rate of population further lesson that, although predictions are a
growth (Fig. 9-3), led to the increase in the rela- necessary basis for rational policy decisions,
tive supply of dentists. The ADA agreed in 1973 predicting the future remains a hazardous busi-
that the relative supply of dentists was going to ness indeed.
increase considerably by 1985,2 a notable rever- It now seems likely that the dentist/popula-
sal from its position of only 8 years before.1 tion ratio will slowly decline for the foreseeable
No one in the early 1960s could foresee the future, although the consequence of this trend
dramatic drop in fertility rates with the conse- on the practice of dentistry or the oral health of
quent lowering of the rate of population the public remains uncertain. It has become
increase, nor was the large decline in caries (see clear that there is no “correct” ratio of dentists to
Chapter 20) anticipated. A further projection in population; what may have been the “right”
1977 indicated that the supply of dentists number of dentists in one decade is not neces-
would slightly exceed demand by 1990.25 sarily “right” in the next. Although low levels of
Assumptions in this projection were that popu- caries are already reducing the need for treat-
lation growth would continue at the 1977 rate, ment in younger Americans,13 substantial need
that 43%-50% of the population would be cov- will remain for maintenance and repair of the
ered by dental insurance, and that the number restorations placed in earlier generations.6,10,22
of dental graduates would peak at 5460 in 1982 This trend may be magnified by increasing
and then remain stable through at least 1990. tooth retention (see Chapter 19). More adults
Of course, we now know that the number of will have relatively complete dentitions that
132 Dental Practice


Population in millions









































Fig. 9-3 Population of the United States by 5-year age increments, 1980.24

they expect to maintain throughout life and will although market forces work well to regulate
thus require restorative and periodontal care. many aspects of the economy, health care pres-
Although it now seems likely that the adult ents a special challenge. Market forces attract or
population will have substantially reduced deter dental students based on conditions as
need for care a few decades from now, the les- they are now, and conditions can be very differ-
sons from the recent past should be ample ent in 20 years’ time. In its comprehensive report
warning that speculations about the future on the future of dental education, the Institute
should be treated as tentative at best. Even so, of Medicine gave the issue of the dental work-
getting the personnel numbers “right” for the force careful consideration.15 In the face of the
future demands policy now. The effects of many uncertainties already cited, the Institute of
policies like those embodied in the Health Medicine recommended keeping the first-year
Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963 enrollment levels at about 4000 for the foresee-
are not seen for at least 10 years. Schools have to able future, a level that has already been passed
be built or expanded, faculty established, and by about 10% (see Chapter 8).
the first new classes moved through to gradua- Boxes 9-1 to 9-3 describe factors that are
tion and practice. Fig. 8-1 showed that the 1963 likely to play a role in determining the adequacy
act first began to have real impact on the num- of the supply of dentists and dental care. As we
ber of practicing dentists in the years 1970-75, have already seen, how these factors will bal-
and the effect of these graduates will be with us ance out is exceedingly difficult to predict.
at least through 2020. Nevertheless, at least in terms of traditional dis-
ease-based dental care, it seems reasonable to
Factors Determining Adequacy expect that, with the ever-accumulating effect in
Skeptical about what they see as governmental the population of the declines in dental caries
ineptitude, many leaders in dentistry (and some and related improvements in oral health, the
in government) would prefer to leave the matter average dental practice should in the future
of workforce numbers to market forces. But be able to manage the oral health of many
9 Access to Dental Care 133

BOX 9-1 Factors Tending Toward a Shortage of Dentists

Good economic times. As people have more ●
receiving dental care on a regular basis. As this
disposable income, they are able to buy more dental proportion continues to rise, more dental care will be
care. Some dental care can be postponed, and with consumed.
good economic times treatment for this postponed ●
Effects of the baby boom group in the population.
care may then be sought. The bulge in the population that resulted from the

High expectations for oral health. With the general post–World War II baby boom (see Chapter 2) has
improvement in oral health that has occurred over the affected many aspects of life in the United States and
past several decades, many people fully expect to will continue to do so for several more decades.
maintain a healthy dentition throughout life and are Because these birth cohorts were children when
willing to invest in dental care to that end. caries levels were high, they carried into adulthood

Less edentulism. As tooth loss diminishes in the many heavily restored teeth that continue to require
population, there are more teeth to maintain increasingly expensive maintenance.
throughout life. ●
Decline in the dentist/population ratio. All else being

Growing utilization. Over the past several decades, a equal, fewer dentists means that less dental care will
growing proportion of the population reports be available.

BOX 9-2 Factors Tending Toward a Surplus of Dentists

Falling disease levels. Treatment of disease has them. Because middle-aged adults have traditionally
historically been a major part of what motivates been the group that provided large amounts of income
patients to visit dentists, and treatment of the to dental practices, the combination of much less need
consequences has been a major part of what dentists per capita and millions fewer of such patients could
do. As succeeding birth cohorts benefit from lower mean significantly less income to dental practices.
disease levels, there will be less per patient for ●
Economic downturns. Just as improving economic
dentists to treat. conditions are associated with more demand for

Changes in utilization. As increasing numbers of dental care, the inevitable periodic economic
individuals who experienced low levels of dental downturns will likely reduce demand for care,
caries as children become young adults, they may not especially for cosmetic services.
need nor seek dental care as frequently as their ●
Increasing role of auxiliary personnel. With
parents’ generation did. improving oral health, a larger proportion of the

Effects of the “baby bust” generation. In addition to income to many dental practices comes from
having lower levels of past disease than their parents’ procedures associated with periodic recall visits. As
generation, the birth cohorts since the early 1960 are more of these services are provided by auxiliary
much smaller than the generation that came before personnel, the need for dentists will decline.

more patients than in the past.11 It is also the lack of access for Medicaid enrollees. In a
case that, because of improving oral health, the Medicaid demonstration program in Michigan,
mix of dental services in most dental practices is when fee levels were linked to those paid for
shifting toward those that can be provided by privately insured patients and administration
allied dental personnel.13 These facts alone was managed by a commercial carrier in the
should call into question concerns that a slowly same way as for private groups, access to care
declining dentist/population ratio over the next improved virtually immediately. Before this
several decades is a sign of a looming shortage changeover, about 25% of dentists in the
of dentists. involved counties had treated Medicaid patients
It also is evident, in some cases at least, that a in the previous year. Within the first year of
shortage of dentists per se is not the problem in the demonstration program, over 85% of the
134 Dental Practice

BOX 9-3 Factors Associated With Uncertainty Regarding the Adequacy of the Supply of Dentists

Possible changes in routine care. The patterns of significantly affect the supply of dentists. However,
routine care, such as the 6-month recall visit, date to because dentists have so much flexibility in how they
times when disease levels in the population were practice, for example, in how many days per week
much higher than today and home care was less they practice and how many patients they see each
effective. As the oral health of the population day, it is extremely difficult to predict these retirement
continues to improve, the recommended time for patterns.
recall visits for the healthiest patients could be ●
Dental insurance trends. The major growth in dental
significantly extended. prepayment since the early 1970s has undoubtedly

Demand for nondisease services. Future levels of had an important role in the recent high levels of
demand for services like cosmetic dentistry are demand for dental care. However, that growth appears
difficult to predict and are especially likely to be to have plateaued, and if the pressures to reduce the
subject to fluctuations associated with economic cost of health care (see Chapter 7) result in a
trends. significant drop in the proportion of the population

Demand from healthy people. How the growing with dental insurance, demand for dental care could
proportion of the population who have experienced also drop.
little or no oral health problems will choose to use ●
Government role in dental care. Currently the role of
dental care is uncertain. government in paying for dental care is small (see

Patterns of dentists’ retirements. The group of Chapter 7). If dental coverage were to be added to
dentists who graduated during the peak of dental Medicare, or the coverage under Medicaid were to be
school enrollments will likely be retiring over the next significantly improved, many people with high levels
20 years or so. Because this group is so large, how of need could suddenly be brought into the dental care
and when these dentists choose to retire will system.

dentists in the affected counties treated care for some of them, such as the disabled and
Medicaid patients.12 Many more children institutionalized, requires special training, the
received dental care, and they received it with- major impediment to access is economic. It
out having to travel excessive distances to find takes money to operate a dental practice, and if
an available provider. Although there clearly the patients don’t have the money to purchase
had been a shortage in dental care available at care, then access will continue to be a problem
the conventional Medicaid fees, there appeared unless supplemental sources of funding are
to be no shortage when dentists were reim- available. This will happen regardless of the
bursed at their usual fee levels. number of dentists trained. The primary condi-
tion for solving the problem of access to dental
Access Problems for Certain care in the United States, in those places and for
Populations those individuals for whom access is a problem,
Although there may be no across-the-board is funding. Even the safety net providers of care
shortage of dentists, and thus no access prob- such as the community and migrant health cen-
lems for most people, it bears repeating that ters (see Chapter 6) cannot provide access over
access will still be a problem for many. Those the long run without dependable long-term
most likely to experience access problems are funding.
children, adults, and the elderly in families with
low incomes, people of all ages with disabilities
and special needs, and those living in areas
where there are few dentists (these most often
are low-income urban areas or low-population Because the reasons for access problems are
rural areas). However, assuring adequate access many and varied, solutions will also require a
to dental care for these groups is not just a mat- multifaceted approach. The problem is too
ter of training more dentists. Although dental large and too diverse to think that a single
9 Access to Dental Care 135

approach will be adequate. Some of the reduced, it will be economically feasible to

approaches that are likely to be essential to a provide care in places where otherwise it would
comprehensive solution are the following. not be possible.

Strengthening of the Safety Net System Special Arrangements for Special

In many locations, both urban and rural, Populations
economic or other conditions are simply not In some circumstances, conventional dental
adequate to support a sufficient number of con- practices are simply not suited to providing ade-
ventional dental practices. Local, state, and fed- quate access. For the elderly and disabled who
eral support is necessary to build clinics and in are confined to extended care facilities, care
many cases to subsidize the support of clinical often must be brought to them. Although some
staff. The current system of community and practices are able to manage some of this kind
migrant health centers (see Chapter 6), which of care, many are not. Given the growing size of
are usually jointly supported by local, state, the elderly population, it is likely that more
and federal funds, is a prime example of this practices must be organized specifically for this
safety net system. Without continuing public purpose for such care to be most efficient. As
support and additional support where new and with other forms of practice, sufficient treat-
expanded clinics are needed, many locations ment funds must be forthcoming to make these
will remain areas of chronically low access. practices economically viable.
Provision of Adequate Payment Development of Cultural Competency
For both the safety net providers and private Patient behaviors such as missing appoint-
practitioners, reimbursement levels must be ments and not following healthy lifestyles are
adequate to cover the cost of providing care. It is sometimes cited as reasons for the frustrations
simply a fact that no system can continue to that dental personnel experience in treating
exist in the long run if its costs are not met. some patients from low-income and minority
Although all providers willingly provide some groups. Although it is appropriately a responsi-
care without reimbursement, the size of the bility of health care providers to attempt to
population in the United States is too large for encourage optimum health-related behaviors, it
such “free” care to be able to handle more than is also a responsibility to do so in a manner that
a small fraction of the need. shows an understanding of the person’s capa-
bilities and circumstances. For example, for
Optimal Use of Allied Dental Personnel many individuals and families in these unusual
Because of the generally improving oral health circumstances, performing in ways that are typi-
of the U.S. population, a growing proportion of cal of conventional patients can be exceedingly
the care that is provided could be managed by difficult, and this must be taken into account in
auxiliary dental personnel. Dental practices working with them. The term cultural competency
could thus become more efficient, with the abil- is often used to denote the knowledge and skills
ity to reduce the per capita costs of providing needed to be most effective in managing the
dental care to many people. For this to happen, dental care of these individuals.
some states will need to modify their dental
practice acts to permit practice by the types of Expansion of the Mindset of Dentistry
personnel most suited to providing the neces- For any of the aforementioned solutions to be
sary care under the most suitable practice most effective they must have the strong sup-
arrangements. Although the best solution will port of the dental professions, both locally and
vary from state to state, examples might include nationally. Although the primary focus of most
liberalized licensing of foreign-educated den- dental practitioners will necessarily be conven-
tists as proposed in California, independent or tional dental patients in conventional dental
unsupervised practice of dental hygienists, practices, practitioners must also recognize that
expansion of functions for auxiliary personnel, nonconventional patients are as much a part of
or use of dental therapists (see Chapters 6 and their responsibility as are any other patients.
8). If the cost of producing needed care can be The discharge of that responsibility can take
136 Dental Practice

many forms, from welcoming all patients that REFERENCES

fit their practice arrangements to providing 1. American Dental Association, Bureau of Economic
encouragement and political support for those Research and Statistics. Number of dental graduates
required annually to 1985. J Am Dent Assoc 1965;
practices that are organized to care for noncon-
ventional patients. 2. American Dental Association, Bureau of Economic
Research and Statistics. Growth in population and
Establishment of Responsibility numbers of dentists to 1985. J Am Dent Assoc 1973;
for Providing Needed Resources 87:901-3.
3. American Dental Association, Health Policy Resources
If the resources necessary to provide access are to
Center. Future of dentistry. Chicago: ADA, 2001.
be in place, someone must be willing to provide 4. American Dental Association, Task Force on National
those resources. If that responsibility is not clearly Health Programs. Dentistry in national health pro-
defined and those resources are not made avail- grams: A report with recommendations. J Am Dent
able on an ongoing and dependable basis, access Assoc 1971;83:569-600.
5. Association testifies in support of Educational
will deteriorate. Discussions about improving
Assistance Act. J Am Dent Assoc 1963;66:389-91.
access that do not include the identification of the 6. Beazoglou TJ, Guay AH, Heffley DR. The economic
resources to provide that access miss a necessary health of dentistry: Past, present, and future. J Am Dent
component for long-term success. Assoc 1989;119:117-21.
Most of the people who suffer from inade- 7. Berry J. What do they think? ADA survey offers up the
scoop on your patients. ADA News 2004;35(8):1.
quate access to dental care do so because they
8. Brown LJ, Lazar V. Dentists and their practices. J Am
simply do not have their own funds to pay for Dent Assoc 1998;129:1692-9.
dental care. Those funds will become available 9. Butts HC. Dental manpower shortage? [editorial]. J Am
only if society is willing to transfer funds from Dent Assoc 1976;93:507.
people who have money to pay for the care of 10. Douglass CW, Furino A. Balancing dental service
requirements and supplies: Epidemiologic and demo-
those who do not. Until we as a society decide
graphic evidence. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;121:587-92.
to put sufficient funds into paying for this care 11. Eklund SA. Dentistry 2000—clinical care: Changing
by adequately funding programs like Medicaid treatment patterns. J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130:
so that dental practices can afford to provide 1707-12.
this care on a long-term basis, or by paying to 12. Eklund SA, Pittman JL, Clark SJ. Michigan Medicaid’s
Healthy Kids Dental program. An assessment of the
build and staff community clinics to serve
first 12 months. J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134:1509-15.
these populations, access is likely to remain a 13. Eklund SA, Pittman JL, Smith RC. Trends in dental care
problem. among insured Americans: 1980 to 1995. J Am Dent
The resource demands to meet even the most Assoc 1997;128:171-8.
modest definition of access in many groups 14. Feldstein PJ. Financing dental care: An economic analy-
sis. Lexington MA: Heath, 1973.
within the population are far beyond those that
15. Field MJ, ed. Dental education at the crossroads:
dentistry alone can provide. The condition of Challenges and change. Washington DC: National
current federal and state budgets is driving Academy Press, 1995.
things in the wrong direction—with almost 16. Furino A, Douglass CW. Balancing dental service
every state dropping all but emergency services requirements and supplies: The economic evidence.
J Am Dent Assoc 1990;121:685-92.
for adults and looking for ways to further reduce
17. Goodman SE. The dentist shortage that never was. Dent
benefits for children. There also is a serious pro- Manage 1976;July:33-8.
posal to reduce federal involvement in services 18. Hollinshead BS. The survey of dentistry: The final
to the low-income population, as evidenced by report. Washington DC: American Council on
recent proposals to convert the federal Medicaid Education, 1961.
19. Meskin LH. Healthier, wealthier and wiser. J Am Dent
matching funds to a block grant. This projected
Assoc 1998;129:1660, 1662.
move would include a cap on federal responsi- 20. Perich ML. American Dental Association manpower
bility in return for liberalizing the states’ projections. J Dent Educ 1987;51:219-23.
requirements for comprehensive coverage of 21. Pew Health Professions Commission. Critical chal-
children. The irony of this approach is that it lenges: Revitalizing the health care professions for the
twenty-first century. San Francisco: UCSF Center for the
sets up a situation in which, just when people
Health Professions, 1995.
most need this kind of help because of tempo- 22. Reinhardt JW, Douglass CW. The need for operative
rary difficult economic times, the state will be dentistry services: Projecting the effects of changing dis-
least able to provide that help. ease patterns. Oper Dent 1989;14:114-20.
9 Access to Dental Care 137

23. Solomon ES. Errors in federal report on dental health rollup), website:
personnel presents problems. J Dent Educ 1990; Accessed May 6, 2004.
54:499-501. 28. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public
24. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Health Service, Health Resources and Services
1980 Census of the population. Vol 1, Characteristics of Administration. Health personnel in the United States.
the population, Chapter A, Number of inhabitants, Part Eighth report to Congress 1991. DHHS Publication No.
1, United States summary. Table 45. Washington DC: HRS-P-OD-92-1. Washington DC: Government
Government Printing Office, 1983. Printing Office, 1992.
25. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 29. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Public Health Service, Division of Dentistry. Health Service, Health Resources and Services
Projections of national requirements for dentists Administration. Seventh report to the President and
1980, 1985, and 1990. DHEW Publication No. (HRA) Congress on the status of health personnel in the
77-48. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, United States. DHHS Publication No. HRS-P-OD-90-1.
1977. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1990.
26. US Department of Health and Human Services, Center 30. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public
for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of Research, Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics.
Development, and Information. 2003 CMS statistics. Health, United States. Dental visits in the past year
CMS Publication No. 03445, 2003, website: http:// according to selected characteristics: United States, selected years 1997-2001, web access: ftp://ftp.cdc.
Accessed May 13, 2004. gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/Health
27. US Department of Health and Human Services, Health _US/hus03/Table078.xls. Accessed April 27, 2004.
Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of 31. World Health Organization. Health through oral
Health Professions. Data from the Uniform Data health. Guidelines for planning and monitoring for
System (UDS). Calendar year 2002 data (National oral health care. London: Quintessence, 1989.
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection
Control and Mercury Safety


Guidelines for Infection Control DENTAL EDUCATION
Oral Manifestations of HIV Infection ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES

In dental practice not long ago, a blood-stained environments than they ever were, and both the
swab after a tooth extraction was simply thrown public and the professions will continue to ben-
in the trash without further thought. Not any efit as a result.
more. Today, dental offices must use standard pre- Our purpose in this chapter is to review the
cautions, a set of procedures based on the assump- principal infection concerns in dental practice:
tion that any patient, or any person working in HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C
the dental office, might carry a serious infection. virus (HCV). The chapter also reviews the issue
All phases of dental treatment are then conducted of mercury safety as an example of an environ-
so as to minimize the risk of cross-infection. mental concern.
Some dentists look with nostalgia on the old
days, a time when they did not have to work in
gloves, mask, and eyewear; ensure that office
waste went into the appropriate container; and After the emergence of antibiotics during World
worry about the latest regulations from the U.S. War II (1939-45), the industrialized world lost
Occupational Safety and Health Administration much of its age-old concerns about infectious
(OSHA). This nostalgic view is misplaced. It is diseases. The major epidemics of the past were
fair to say that dentistry should have been a lot gone, and parents no longer feared the worst
more concerned about cross-infection in the when they heard a child cough in the night. It
old days than it was; it took a jolt from the was a short, complacent period during which
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epi- some of the painful antisepsis lessons from the
demic to force improvement. Although some nineteenth century were neglected in our
dentists still see OSHA’s regulations on waste dependence on antibiotics. This period ended
disposal as just another bureaucratic burden, suddenly in the early 1980s with the harsh
the management of the office environment has reminder that mortal infectious diseases were
clearly become an integral part of running a still with us. Not only is HIV infection a devas-
modern dental practice. Given that many more tating disease that shredded the social fabric
people are infected with the HIV and hepatitis in a way not seen since tuberculosis in the
B and C viruses than demonstrate overt disease, nineteenth century, but the HIV epidemic is
the only defensible approach is to assume that a humbling reminder that the path of biomed-
any patient could be infected and to act accord- ical advancement is not always smoothly up-
ingly. Dental practices today are far healthier ward.
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 139

Of course, HIV infection is not the only infec- the previous universal precautions regarding
tious disease to raise concerns about cross- body substance isolation into a single set of
infection during dental treatment. HBV recommendations known as standard infection-
infection is an ominous threat, and the risk of control procedures.70 Each recommendation in
HBV infection is higher in the unprotected den- these guidelines is graded according to the
tal practice setting than in most other environ- strength of the scientific evidence to support it.
ments. Hepatitis B was around long before HIV The barrier principles that form the basis of the
infection, but it took the impact of HIV infec- CDC guidelines hark back to the beginnings of
tion to force adoption of those old-fashioned antiseptic medical practice, and they are effective:
barrier techniques of infection control that had HBV infection was found to be twice as high
never been a routine part of dental practice. among dentists who never wore gloves as among
dentists who wore gloves routinely.48 With stan-
Guidelines for Infection Control dard precautions, the risk of transmission of either
The American Dental Association (ADA) had a HIV or HBV in the dental office is extremely low.29
set of rather gentle infection-control guidelines
in the pre-HIV era,13 mostly concerned with hep- OSHA and Dental Practice
atitis, but the advent of HIV in the early 1980s led OSHA was established by Congress as an agency
to a more stringent approach. Detailed guide- in the U.S. Department of Labor in December
lines were then developed by the ADA,16 and the 1970 (Public Law 91-596), and some amend-
American Association of Public Health Dentistry ments to the original act were passed in
produced its guidelines in 1986.4 The definitive November 1990. The mission of this regulatory
guidelines for dental practice, however, are those agency, as laid out in the introduction to the
issued by the U.S. Public Health Service’s Centers original act, is “to assure safe and healthful
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). working conditions for working men and
These definitive guidelines were first issued in women.” OSHA is responsible for establishing
1993,103 and the updated and considerably standards for safe and healthy working condi-
extended version was released in late 2003 after tions for all employees and regulating mainte-
extensive public comments.104 The CDC has also nance of these standards. OSHA’s standards
developed infection control guidelines for field cover just about all industries: mining, ship-
examinations for surveys or research studies.98 ping, construction, logging, food service, health
The ADA has now merged its statement on infec- care, and many others. OSHA also has standards
tion control with the CDC guidelines. that are specific to workers handling hazardous
All of these guidelines are based on the con- or potentially hazardous substances and mate-
cept of standard precautions (previously called rials, so the reach of this federal agency is
universal precautions). The underlying philoso- considerable. A number of states have set up
phy is that infected patients cannot be differenti- their own OSHA-type agencies, and OSHA is
ated from uninfected ones, so the prudent thing required to work cooperatively with them.
to do is to assume that all patients may be Dentists, like all other employers, are subject
infected. A parallel approach, first presented in to occupational health and safety laws and
1987,65 is referred to as body substance isolation, regulations that cover a variety of activities in the
which focuses on reducing transmission of dental office. Although OSHA’s interests include
infectious material from any moist body sub- a wide range of issues like ergonomics, water-
stance of the patient to the health care worker. lines, and indoor air quality, the OSHA regula-
Both approaches emphasize that barrier proce- tion that has most affected dental practitioners
dures should be employed in treating all is the bloodborne pathogen (BP) standard. This
patients, which means that gloves, masks, and standard came into effect in March 1992 after a
protective eyewear should be worn by dental period of intense public debate in which the
personnel. They also focus on proper disposal of ADA played a prominent role. The BP standard
one-time-use materials, routine sterilization of was revised in January 2001.102 It applies to all
other instruments and equipment, and proper activities in which health care workers come into
handling of potentially infectious materials. The contact with human blood or other bodily flu-
2003 CDC guidelines moved toward combining ids, or are in a position where they may do so.
140 Dental Practice

The BP standard applies to hospitals and other sometimes implying that these are dollars not
medical facilities, paramedical and ambulance well spent. Some of the more trivial aspects of the
services, blood banks, research facilities, and of BP standard have been refined over time, which
course dental offices. The BP standard is com- should have the effect of reducing costs, but com-
prehensive and highly detailed. It requires each pliance will always carry some price. In the long
dental office to prepare an exposure control run it is patients who foot the bill, and so far the
plan, which is intended to minimize employee public seems to view the cost of compliance as
exposure to infection. The BP standard covers money well spent.
instrument sterilization and storage, handling of
potentially contaminated equipment, disposal
of medical waste, and many related topics.
It specifies that dentists must offer HBV vac- AIDS is the acronym for acquired immunodefi-
cination to staff and includes meticulous ciency syndrome and is the end point of HIV
requirements for reporting “incidents,” that is, infection. With the dominant position this con-
accidents in which skin has been broken (e.g., a dition now occupies in the lives of all health
needlestick) and hence in which there is poten- professionals, it is sobering to recall that HIV
tial risk of infection. Details get down to the was identified only in 1983.76 The knowledge
level of washing and storing laundry. that has accumulated since then on the virology
The ADA has not had a good relationship and epidemiology of the condition represents
with OSHA in the development and application some impressive research, although the public
of these standards. The ADA has complained hysteria that can surround AIDS is a reminder
that it was not consulted adequately prior to the that humans have not fundamentally changed
promulgation of the BP standard and that much since the Black Death in the fourteenth
OSHA indiscriminately and inappropriately century.
lumped dental practice in with hospitals and The AIDS virus is human T-lymphotropic
other facilities. The ADA considered that OSHA virus type 3 or lymphadenopathy-associated
made no good attempt to understand dental virus, a retrovirus usually called HIV. It attacks
practice, and its calls for industry-specific stan- the CD4+ T lymphocytes in infected humans,
dards were not heeded. OSHA inspects health which results in immunosuppression. As the
care facilities in response to complaints, and number of CD4+ T lymphocytes is reduced, the
soon after the BP regulations went into effect affected patient becomes increasingly vulnera-
the ADA began receiving complaints from den- ble to opportunistic infections, which can over-
tists that some OSHA inspections of dental whelm the patient’s compromised defense
practices were heavy-handed and clumsy. OSHA systems. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the
admitted that there was some justification for most common serious opportunistic infection,
these complaints, and with better communica- though there are many others, including pul-
tions the relations between the two organiza- monary tuberculosis. AIDS was at first defined
tions improved somewhat. A major step in solely by clinical conditions, but a 1993 revi-
improved relations came when OSHA permit- sion of the classification system by the CDC
ted dentists to respond to complaints by phone redefined the stages of HIV infection in terms of
or fax rather than be subjected to a site visit. three ranges of CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and
For dentists unaccustomed to reading the three groups of clinical manifestations, set out
language of the federal government, the BP in a nine-cell matrix.25 These nine categories
standard is a formidable document. To help range from asymptomatic HIV infection or per-
practitioners meet the standards, the ADA has a sistent generalized lymphadenopathy with a
set of manuals that outline the elements of an CD4+ T-cell count of 500/μl or more at the mild
exposure control plan and put infection-control end of the scale, to the diagnosis of 1 of 25
guidelines together with OSHA guidelines in AIDS-indicator clinical conditions plus a CD4+
standard operating routines for the dental T-cell count of 200/μl or less at the severe end.
office.5 Dentally related conditions listed among the
Dentists have also complained about the high clinical diseases that are considered part of
cost of compliance with OSHA standards,32 the AIDS diagnosis include oropharyngeal
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 141

candidiasis, oral hairy leukoplakia, chronic her- Drug therapy developed quickly, and protease
pes simplex, and Kaposi’s sarcoma. inhibitors showed some good effects. A few
The disease we call AIDS is the “finale in a years later treatment evolved into the “cocktail”
progressive process of immunologic deficit of antiretroviral drugs known as highly active
mediated by the virus.”76 The primary epidemi- antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which greatly
ology of HIV infection has been well described extended life expectancy and has allowed many
in terms of risk factors and modes of transmis- HIV-positive persons to live more or less nor-
sion, although research is still needed on the mal lives. HAART has probably reduced much
dynamics of transmission and infection. The of the fear that surrounded HIV infection a gen-
average time between infection with HIV virus eration ago, which may or may not be a good
and the onset of AIDS-like symptoms is esti- thing. In any event, the success of HAART
mated to be 10 years,76 so that HIV disease is should not blind us to the fact that AIDS is a
like a “time bomb.” HIV infection is diagnosed pandemic, a global epidemic of massive pro-
when results of a serologic test are positive; the portions that is devastating a number of poor
condition becomes AIDS when a low CD4+ countries. HAART is far too expensive to be used
count is found in combination with one of the widely in these poor countries at market prices.
AIDS-indicator clinical conditions. Box 10-1, which shows some of the global data
The principal mode of transmission in North for 2002, indicates the enormity of the HIV pan-
America is homosexual contact among men fol- demic.
lowed by intravenous drug injection with con- Figures for the United States are not as mind
taminated needles and heterosexual contact.106 boggling as the global data but still tell us that
There are a small number of cases in which AIDS is a major epidemic.106 At the end of 2002,
transmission has occurred perinatally (i.e., birth there had been 501,669 deaths from AIDS in
of an infant to an infected mother) and from the United States, including 5315 children
transfusion with infected blood (e.g., as with under age 15. The death count had increased
the late tennis player Arthur Ashe in the early 39% over 6 years. The cumulative number of
1990s). The principal mode of transmission in cases reported since the beginning of the epi-
poor countries is heterosexual contact. Despite demic in the United States was 886,575. The
the publicity given to the risk associated with number of adults and adolescents living
certain sexual and drug-use activities, behav- with AIDS was 384,906, an increase of 73%
ioral change among the highest-risk groups over a 6-year period. No one knows how many
does not come easily. The epidemic is increas- people are infected with HIV who have not yet
ingly affecting women, minorities, the poor, been diagnosed, but it is likely to be over a
and heterosexual persons.55 million. It is because of this large number of
In the early days of the AIDS epidemic in undiagnosed HIV carriers that the estimates
North America, diagnosis with HIV infection of the growth of the epidemic are ominous.
meant virtually certain death within a few years. Development of successful vaccines is not

BOX 10-1 Global Extent of AIDS/HIV Infection in December 2002118

Globally, 42 million people, 38.6 million adults and 3.2 ●
Newly infected persons during 2002 included 5
million children, are estimated to be living with AIDS/HIV. million adults and 800,000 children under age 15.

In 2002, 70% of these cases were in sub-Saharan ●
The main mode of transmission in North America and
Africa and another 14% in South and Southeast Asia. Europe is sexual contact between men, intravenous

In 2002, HIV-associated illnesses caused the death of drug use is second, and sexual relations between
3.1 million people, including 610,000 children under heterosexual individuals is third. In sub-Saharan Africa,
age 15. transmission is almost entirely from heterosexual

Women are becoming increasingly affected. Women contact.
accounted for half of the HIV-infected adults and half
of the HIV-related deaths in 2002.
142 Dental Practice

considered likely, and HAART treatment is have a legal requirement that an HIV-infected
expensive, so control of the epidemic falls back practitioner disclose this status to the patient,
on the toughest measure of all: education to although usually this does not mean that the
control risky human behavior. practitioner is not permitted to perform a given
AIDS presents some paradoxes. For example, procedure.11 Again, it can be seen that the basis
despite the “time-bomb” implications of the for these requirements is the effectiveness of the
extent of current infection and thus the near cer- standard precautions.
tainty of the continued growth of the epidemic,
the responsible virus is really quite delicate and Oral Manifestations of HIV Infection
hard to transmit. Although dental professionals All dental professionals should be thoroughly
are at relatively greater risk than average mem- familiar with the oral manifestations of
bers of the public because of their close contact HIV infection. The principal signs are oral can-
with saliva and blood, they still have an didiasis, oral hairy leukoplakia, and Kaposi’s
extremely low risk of occupational exposure.56 sarcoma, although periodontal conditions are
A small number of health care workers have frequently bad in persons with advanced
become HIV infected through occupational immunosuppression117 and a number of less
exposure, but the risk of seroconversion even common disease entities are also found.89 The
after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected details of these conditions are covered thor-
blood is still only about 1 in 200.111 oughly in oral pathology texts50 and workshop
A possible case of HIV transmission from an proceedings.81 The three principal signs are
infected dentist in Florida to a patient was described only briefly here.
reported in 1990; the dentist died soon after the 1. Oral candidiasis: A fungal infection, can-
patient was diagnosed. In this case the patient didiasis (called candidosis in Britain) usu-
had two maxillary third molars removed by the ally presents as a semi-adherent white
dentist. She reported pharyngitis 4 months later plaque on the palate, although glossitis
and had oral candidiasis 17 months later. Two and angular stomatitis forms are not
years after the extractions, she was seropositive uncommon. The plaques can be sore, and
for HIV antibody and was diagnosed with they are very common among HIV-posi-
P. carinii pneumonia. The dentist was reported tive individuals. An excellent presentation
to have worn gloves and mask throughout the by Pindborg on the diagnosis and treat-
procedure, and from the patient’s statement ment of oral candidiasis is available.77
there was no evidence of exposure to the den- 2. Oral hairy leukoplakia: In a study of 375
tist’s blood. There were similar DNA sequences homosexual males who either had AIDS
in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of both or were considered at risk for the disease,
dentist and patient, like those found in many 28% presented with oral hairy leuko-
cases that have been epidemiologically linked. plakia. The lesions appeared most com-
Soon afterward, evidence emerged that eight monly on the lateral surface of the
other patients treated in this practice were tongue, with wide variation in the size,
HIV infected, and there were strong indications severity, and surface characteristics.88 The
that the dentist was the source of infection for condition is highly predictive of the
at least five of them.26 The ADA responded future development of AIDS. In a longitu-
quickly to this disclosure in early 1991 with an dinal study of a group with oral hairy
interim policy that HIV-infected dentists should leukoplakia, survival analysis showed that
not perform invasive procedures or should dis- the probability of AIDS’ developing in the
close their seropositive status to their patients.69 patients was 48% after 16 months and
The CDC closed the case in 1992 without being 83% after 31 months.49
able to reach firm conclusions about whether 3. Kaposi’s sarcoma: Kaposi’s sarcoma is diag-
the dentist infected his patients. nostic for AIDS and is found in some
Since then, the CDC has issued guidelines 20%-34% of AIDS patients.42 The oral cav-
that place some limitations on HIV-infected ity may be the first or only site of the
practitioners, mostly restricting the perform- lesion. The most common intraoral site is
ance of major invasive procedures. Some states the palate. The pathogenesis of the disorder
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 143

is still not well understood, nor is its inter- ple that the most serious sequelae are found.
action with HIV infection. Treatment is HBV carriers are at risk of long-term sequelae
required because of functional impair- such as chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver
ment, pain, or bleeding, or for cosmetic cancer, though a more common outcome than
reasons. death is severe and usually lifelong debilitation.
The particularly distressing condition of The risk of becoming a chronic carrier of HBV
pediatric AIDS, in which HIV is transmitted varies with age at first infection. Among those
from an infected mother, appears to be on the first infected as young children, 30%-90%
increase. Recognition can be difficult because of develop chronic infection, whereas among those
the varied presentation of the condition, but the who were adults when first infected only 2%-
most common oral findings include candidia- 10% do. Chronic infection can be asympto-
sis, parotid salivary gland enlargement, and her- matic, but 15%-25% of this group can die
petic infections.94 prematurely from cirrhosis or liver cancer. The
CDC estimates that there are some 150 deaths
per year from acute hepatitis, although there are
around 5000 deaths each year from chronic liver
Hepatitis is a far more prevalent disease than disease. Although the good news is that the
HIV, both worldwide and in the United States. number of new infections has been dropping in
The CDC estimates that 45% of the world’s recent years (Fig. 10-1), the bad news is that
population live in areas of high prevalence, there are still 1.25 million persons chronically
43% in areas of moderate prevalence, and only infected with HBV and 2.7 million HCV-infected
12% in areas of low prevalence.107 Globally, the persons in the United States.108
World Health Organization estimates that 2 bil- Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B and C are
lion people have been infected with HBV and very general (fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of
that currently some 350 million people have appetite, intermittent nausea and vomiting,
chronic infection.119 In poor countries, 8%-10% jaundice), and hence the condition can easily
of the total population is chronically infected, be misdiagnosed. Health care workers are at
and in these regions liver cancer, a result of higher risk than the general population because
chronic HBV infection, is among the top three of their likely contact with chronic carriers. The
causes of death in men.119 By contrast, fewer CDC has estimated that there are some 18,000
than 1% of the population in high-income infections each year among health care workers
countries is chronically infected. in the United States, the majority through expo-
The United States and other high-income sure to infected blood. Blood and serous fluids
nations are areas of low prevalence, although have the highest concentration of HBV in
there are still around 80,000 new infections per infected persons; the concentration in saliva is a
year in the United States.108 Hepatitis B is pri- little lower. However one looks at it, hepatitis B
marily a disease of young adults in the United is a disease to be taken seriously.
States (peak age for new infections is 20-29 Fig. 10-1 shows the annual incidence of HBV
years), whereas in poor countries it is a child- and HCV infection in the United States from
hood disease. Both HBV and HCV are transmit- 1980 to 2001. The prevalence of tuberculosis,
ted by contact with infected blood, so the another infectious disease that has caused con-
primary transmission routes are: cern in dental practices, has been included in

Sexual contact, both homosexual and het- this graphic. The drop in incidence of HBV
erosexual, especially unprotected sex infection through the 1990s is thought to be

Sharing of infected needles due partly to the effectiveness of the HBV vac-

Perinatal transmission to an infant born to cine but mostly to behavioral change among
an infected mother risk groups (injection drug users, the indiscrimi-
Although the case fatality rate from HBV nately sexually active, and immigrants from
infection is low (0.5%-1%) and most infected high-prevalence areas) because of their fear of
people recover completely in due course, a sig- AIDS.
nificant number of people develop chronic The most insidious aspect of HBV infection
infection. It is in these chronically infected peo- is the relative ease with which carriers can
144 Dental Practice


Cases per 100,000 population


2 Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Fig. 10-1 Incidence of hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV), and prevalence of tuberculosis in the United States,

inadvertently transmit the disease to anyone cautions were widely used. The greatest risk of
with whom they come in contact in day-to-day infection in the dental office clearly comes from
life. The worst reported instance of an infected the undiagnosed carrier, whether it be a patient,
dentist’s inadvertently transmitting HBV to his the dentist, or one of the office staff.34
patients was in Indiana in 1984-85. Nine Hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, and E have been
patients of a dentist in a rural county came down identified. Some 90% of non-A, non-B viruses
with HBV infection within 2-5 months after are now recognized as HCV. The designation
being treated by the dentist, a vastly higher inci- non-A, non-B came after more stringent screen-
dence than had previously been reported in the ing of blood donors in the 1970s resulted in a
area. Two of the patients died. Although the den- sharp decrease in the incidence of hepatitis B
tist had never had hepatitis symptoms, serum due to blood transfusion; the non-A, non-B des-
tests showed that he was probably a carrier.92 ignation was given to the type of hepatitis that
In contrast to the AIDS virus, HBV is hardy continued to occur after blood transfusion
and capable of being transmitted much more despite the new screening program. HCV was
readily via percutaneous and nonpercutaneous identified as the causative agent in 1989.119
routes.33 To heighten the contrast, it was HCV infection has an insidious onset, and like
reported in 1989 that whereas 15 health care HBV infection it can be easily missed in its early
workers had become seropositive for HIV over stages. Only some patients become sympto-
the previous 7 years in the absence of outside matic (symptoms are similar to those for HBV
risk factors, a total of between 1750 and 2100 infection); the majority of infected persons
health care providers had died from complica- show no symptoms. It is estimated that 2.7 mil-
tions associated with HBV infection over the lion Americans are infected with HCV, with
same period.64 Because carrier states of HBV are infection more common in minority popula-
not uncommon, with only 20% of infections tions.110 Some 85% of infected persons develop
being recognized, the patient history can be of chronic infection. As with HBV, transmission of
little value for dental practitioners.33 The risk of HCV is by infected blood, so the main routes are
contracting HBV infection has been estimated sexual contact, both heterosexual and homo-
to be 3-10 times greater for dentists than for the sexual; use of infected needles; and perinatal
general population,3,116 although those esti- infection. Also as with HBV infection, health
mates came from the days before standard pre- care workers are considered to be at higher risk
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 145

than the general population. Unlike for HBV, demonstrated ambivalent attitudes toward
however, no vaccine has yet been developed for treating infected patients, especially in the
HCV. Hepatitis C is responsible for 8,000- early days of the epidemic.44,83,87,101 Treating
10,000 deaths from chronic liver disease annu- infected patients was seen as a professional
ally in the United States (i.e., more than from responsibility fulfilled reluctantly, and many
HBV infection), and without effective interven- clearly would have preferred not to treat
tion that number is expected to grow over the infected patients.20,57,84 With the adoption of
next 10-20 years. standard precautions and the realization that
The barrier precautions (gloves, masks, and adherence to them greatly reduces the risk of
eyewear) and sterilization procedures for pre- transmission of HIV, HBV, and HCV, rational
venting HCV transmission are the same as those fears on the part of dentists seem to be allayed.
for preventing HBV transmission. However, However, there are still a lot of dark, irrational
unlike with AIDS, there has been an effective fears and anxieties,20,68,86 especially of HIV
vaccine against HBV since 1982.119 Since that infection, that do not abate with continuing
time, both the CDC and the ADA have strongly education and evidence of extremely low risk of
recommended immunization against HBV for transmission. A general willingness to treat
all dental office staff who contact patients, and HIV-positive patients was expressed by two-
as described earlier, OSHA regulations now thirds of dentists in a New York City study in the
require that dentists provide HBV vaccination early 1990s, but this proportion dropped when
for their office staff. Immunity status is readily the patients concerned were not patients of
tested. For most, immunization through a series record in the practice.85 HIV-infected patients,
of three injections over 6 months will be who used to be referred to clinics dedicated to
required. Vaccination is specific to HBV and treating them, are increasingly feeling comfort-
does not protect against HCV or other non-A, able in general dentists’ offices.19 As noted ear-
non-B forms of hepatitis.79 lier in this chapter, dentists do not have the legal
Dentists have responded well to the need to right to turn away prospective patients who are,
ensure their immune status to HBV. Among or may be, HIV or HBV infected. By the same
dentist participants in the ADA’s health screen- token, with standard precautions there is no
ing at the annual meeting, those reporting vac- need for anxiety when treating such patients.
cination increased from 22% in 1983 to 84% in Surveys in the mid-1980s found variable
1992, and the number whose blood tests adherence to infection-control procedures in
showed current infection (i.e., presence of the the dental office44; some dentists were appar-
HBV surface antigen) dropped from 14% to 9% ently slow to accept that they were at risk
over the same period. Chronic carrier status without them. Dental professionals who
(i.e., positive result for both the HBV surface accepted that some of their patients were proba-
antigen and core antigen) dropped among bly infected were more likely to adhere to
dentists from 0.95% in 1983 to 0.25% in the recommendations,46 and educational pro-
1992.30 Even higher rates of immunization grams for dental personnel were effective in
were reported by a national survey of dental improving adherence to these procedures.39,45
personnel in Britain.90 Vaccination is more Attitudes and infection-control practices
common among younger than among older appeared to move forward considerably in the
dentists, so in time virtually all dental person- late 1980s, however, because a national survey
nel should be immune to HBV. of general dentists in 1990 found virtually uni-
versal acceptance of the need for infection-con-
trol procedures in the dental office.84 These
advances in attitudes and practice continued for
dentists through the 1990s,31,47 although it has
been pointed out that, while use of standard
As the public has come to accept the existence of precautions has become common, the poor
an HIV epidemic, attitudes of dentists toward communication between dentists and HIV-
treating infected people have also matured. Not infected patients has changed little.51 A study of
surprisingly, dentists in a number of countries hygienists in Mississippi also disclosed that
146 Dental Practice

their attitudes and beliefs had not kept pace cially HIV-infected patients. Some dentists are
with modern knowledge, so there is still appar- adamant that they do not have an ethical
ently a need for continuing education on infec- responsibility to treat HIV-positive patients.86
tion control.37 These dentists cite a lack of confidence in stan-
dard precautions and concerns about what will
happen to their practices if it becomes known
that HIV-positive patients are treated there. The
majority of dentists accept their ethical respon-
The legal implications of cross-infection con- sibility to treat infected patients, though most
tinue to evolve, and all dental practitioners need would rather not do so if they had the choice.20
to be constantly aware of them. HIV-infected In a 1991 national survey of senior dental stu-
dentists are in a particularly difficult position. dents, 76% agreed that an ethical responsibility
A number of states have responded to public existed to treat infected patients, although 54%
clamor with laws restricting the rights of admitted to having some fear about treating
infected dentists to practice. Many interpret infected patients and 53% would prefer not
these laws as overreaction, although in states to do so if given the choice.96 AIDS clinics
without them the dentist’s legal obligation to appeared in a number of major cities, manned
tell patients and staff that he or she or a staff by dental practitioners whose commitment to
member is HIV- or HBV-infected is not clear. If equality of care for all represented the highest
the dentist does so, then the ensuing hysteria degree of professionalism. However, by the end
would probably force the practice to close; if the of the twentieth century the trend was toward
dentist does not, he or she is probably liable “mainstreaming” (i.e., treatment in private den-
should a patient become infected.61 tal offices rather than in segregated facilities).
On the other hand, dentists have a clear legal The issues raised in dental education by the
obligation, under the Americans with Disabilities AIDS epidemic are many and will take years to
Act of 1990, not to deny treatment to a patient become resolved. Two questions that readily
solely on the grounds of the patient’s infection. arise are the following:
This became clear in a 1997 U.S. District Court 1. Should an HIV-positive student applicant
judgment against a dentist who, it was alleged, be admitted to dental school?
denied treatment to a patient solely on the 2. What is the dental school’s obligation if a
grounds of the patient’s HIV status.36 The dentist student becomes HIV positive in the
appealed, but the U.S. Court of Appeals reaf- course of clinical duties?
firmed the District Court’s decision. The ruling Some experience in these matters has accu-
was based on the evidence that standard precau- mulated. There are several documented cases of
tions reduce the risk of transmission to extremely students who were identified as HIV positive
low levels. during their studies and after they had begun
Willingness to treat HIV-infected patients is treating patients,35,52,100 and at least one docu-
an issue that organized dentistry, and the dental mented case of a faculty member who died of
schools in their curricula, should deal with AIDS.23 In each instance the experience was dis-
vigorously. The ADA has included in its code of ruptive for all concerned. In the cases of the stu-
ethics (see Chapter 3) the statement that refusal dents, what followed was similar in each
to treat an HIV-infected patient, solely on those school. The student was immediately removed
grounds, is unethical. As just discussed, it is also from patient contact, patients treated by the stu-
illegal. It is a position that also makes little dent were offered free testing and counseling,
sense because (1) the risk of transmission of and confidentiality of the student’s identity was
HIV from patient to dentist, as already dis- maintained in the face of intense media pres-
cussed, is extremely low when the dentist is sure. Reviews were made of the student’s com-
using standard precautions, and (2) many den- pliance with infection-control procedures and
tists already have treated HIV-infected persons of the school’s procedures for sterilizing instru-
without knowing it. ments. Extensive meetings of school adminis-
The fact remains that a level of anxiety tration with faculty and students were held to
persists about treating infected patients, espe- explain the actions taken and the reason for
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 147

them. (None of the patients tested was seropos- In 1995 the ADA set a goal of having equip-
itive.) At least one of the students concerned ment available by the year 2000 that would
completed his dental degree, carrying out his provide unfiltered water with no more than
remaining required clinical procedures on 200 colony-forming units/ml.10 This is the
patients known to be HIV infected.52 same standard that applies to kidney dialysis
Dental schools should have clear policies on machines. Although some advances have been
these issues and an established plan of action to made, progress toward this goal is slow.
be followed when an incident arises. There are An issue related to waterline infection is back-
many implications to whatever policies are flow. Cross-connection is the name given to the
adopted, but experience has shown that the worst link by which contaminated materials may enter
thing to do is to stick our collective heads in the a public water supply when the pressure from
sand and hope that nothing unpleasant will hap- the polluted source exceeds the pressure of the
pen with respect to HIV in dental educational set- water supply. The risk of such an occurrence,
tings. Almost certainly the situations described already extremely low, is reduced even further
earlier will occur at other schools, and the when backflow prevention devices, or antiretrac-
schools should be ready to handle the situation. tion valves, are used to prevent back-siphonage
The AIDS epidemic has already had a dra- of contaminated fluids. Although a cross-con-
matic effect on the practice of dentistry, and it nection is also theoretically possible through the
will continue to affect it in complex ways for the high-speed handpiece and the air and water
foreseeable future. As was said the day after the syringe, this risk, too, is extremely low and has
first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima not yet been documented.10
in 1945, nothing will ever be the same again. Much of the concern expressed about back-
flow relates to the chance of HIV, HBV, or HCV
infection through this route, but this possibility
is close enough to zero, because none of these
There is evidence that the water used in the den- viruses is transmitted through contaminated
tal operatory for cooling, irrigation, and flush- water. The use of self-contained water systems in
ing can be infected, sometimes quite heavily the dental office—that is, water systems not
infected.38 Certain microbial species can form connected to the public water supply—is a rec-
biofilms in the waterlines, and small bits of ommended measure to reduce any possible risk
biofilm can break off and infect the water going even further.
into the patient’s mouth. Human pathogens
have been isolated from this water, including
Legionella pneumophila, the causative organism
for Legionnaires’ disease. Although outbreaks of
Legionnaires’ disease occur periodically, none Amalgam restorations have been used in dental
has been associated with dental procedures, practice since the mid-nineteenth century, and
and there are no specific recommendations for it would be impossible to calculate how many
preventing L. pneumophila infection in dental have been placed since then. Today, millions of
practice. However, given the increasing number people around the world are carrying amalgam
of immunologically compromised patients restorations around in their mouths without
now being seen in dental practices, the possibil- apparent ill effects. Amalgam use has lasted so
ity of infection is clear. long because amalgam is stable in the compli-
There is no good research base from which to cated oral environment, it is easy to handle, and
provide recommendations on how to deal with it is relatively cheap. Even with new composite
the problem. The CDC’s recommendations and bonding materials now in use, amalgam
include the use of sterile water for invasive pro- remains a basic restorative material. However,
cedures and regular flushing of the water- the toxic properties of mercury have been
lines.105 The CDC also states, however, that known for years, and with current environmen-
although these procedures help to reduce the tal sensitivities some observers have charged
numbers of microorganisms in the water they that it is no longer conscionable to use a mer-
do not reduce biofilm formation. cury compound in the human mouth.
148 Dental Practice

Mercury vapor is released from amalgams, have shown higher urinary mercury levels in
and average daily intake of mercury from amal- dental personnel than in nondental controls,
gam restorations is estimated to be 1.2-1.3 mcg although all values were well below those set in
when tested subjects have seven or eight restora- occupational health standards.73,74
tions.66,97 This amount constitutes 6%-12% of Because one of the outcomes of mercury tox-
total mercury intake from all sources.67 Earlier icity is neurologic damage, some studies had
estimates of up to 20 mcg/day from amal- looked specifically for neurologic syndromes
gams112 have been criticized as being some 16 related to amalgam restorations. The evidence
times too high because of the failure to account here is weak. One researcher concluded that the
for the difference between the flow rate of the prevalence of multiple sclerosis was related to
mercury vapor detector and that of human res- the use of amalgam restorations,54 although the
piration.67 However, opponents of amalgam evidence presented was so broad that this con-
use still insist that exposure to mercury from clusion was hard to accept. (The evidence pre-
dental amalgams exceeds the sum of exposures sented was ecologic: there are more amalgams
from all other sources.62 placed in the northern United States than in the
The evidence against the use of amalgam south, and there is also more multiple sclerosis
restorations on health grounds is largely circum- in the north. The prime weakness in this argu-
stantial. Among patients, intraoral measurements ment is that the people with the disease are not
of mercury vapor show higher readings in necessarily the people with the restorations.)
adults with amalgam restorations than in those Evidence of neurologic damage has been
without, and the differential is higher after chew- reported in some dentists with exceptionally
ing.99,112,113 Computer simulations based on high mercury tissue levels,91 and there are a few
these data have led to the estimate that long-term reports of mental distress in dentists and
inhalation of mercury vapor from restorations patients supposedly resulting from exposure to
results in an increasing mercury burden in the tis- mercury.93,95 Other reports have concluded
sues.114 In animal studies deleterious effects on that the symptoms reported by patients who
brain tissue and intestinal microbial flora have believed that amalgams were making them sick
been reported from amalgams.63 In humans were of psychosomatic origin.60
blood mercury levels have been correlated with Widespread media publicity has been given
the number and surface area of amalgam restora- to the results of animal studies with amalgam.
tions, and have been measured as significantly Reports on studies of sheep, for example, have
lower in people without amalgam restora- concluded that mercury inhaled from amal-
tions.1,59,97 However, raised levels of mercury in gams placed in pregnant ewes appears in the
urine could not be demonstrated in child patients fetal circulation within 2 days.115 Critics con-
after a single session of restorative dentistry,75 tend that the sheep, a ruminant, is a poor model
although this finding could have resulted from in which to study mercury inhalation.
the relatively small amounts of amalgam used. The validity of a number of these studies,
Dentists generally have levels of urinary mer- involving both humans and animals, remains a
cury that are higher than those found in the subject of debate; firm conclusions are hard to
general population but are still well below reach from them. Critical reviews of the literature
safety limits. Mercury levels among dentists have concluded that mercury from amalgam
attending the ADA annual session show wide restorations does find its way into human tis-
variability but generally are higher in dentists sues,27,41,58,89 although these same reviewers all
who have greater exposure to mercury. Thus consider there to be no evidence for ill effects in
higher levels are seen in older dentists and in humans from the amounts in question. For
generalists rather than specialists and are example, no difference in lymphocyte levels
related to the number of amalgams placed, could be found in comparisons between persons
form of amalgam preparation, and type of heat- with amalgam restorations and those without.67
ing and cooling system in the office. Dentists in Subsequent studies examining the potential
the New England and mid-Atlantic regions, on effects of amalgam on human health have all
average, had twice the urinary mercury levels concluded that amalgam use has no adverse
found in West Coast dentists.71 Swedish studies consequences.2,21,22 But in a debate that some-
10 The Healthy Dental Practice: Infection Control and Mercury Safety 149

times has overtones of that surrounding water made a strong statement with an advisory
fluoridation (see Chapter 25), not every single opinion in the code of ethics, which states the
health hypothesis can be tested, and the question following:
of whether subtle side effects exist would require
The removal of amalgam restorations from the non-allergenic
a lot of additional research to be fully answered.
patient for the alleged purpose of removing toxic substances
Literature reviews have also concluded that bad
from the body, when such treatment is performed solely at the
health effects result from amalgams,63,78 but oth- recommendation or suggestion of the dentist, is improper
ers have concluded that mercury from amalgams and unethical.7
had no effect on Alzheimer’s disease.28 The issue
has even provoked a spirited response from the It is clear that research and public inquiry on
antiquackery watchdog group the National this issue should continue, though as with many
Council Against Health Fraud,72 which came out environmental questions the determination of
firmly in favor of amalgam restorations. cause and effect is extraordinarily difficult.
By the early 1990s the issue had become an Symptoms of mercury toxicity are general in
emotional debate that spilled over from scien- nature, similar to those of dozens of other med-
tific discussions into the public arena, with ical conditions. Threshold limits in occupational
numerous lawsuits filed by antiamalgam medicine are at best broad estimates, and extrap-
activists. The ADA has consistently maintained olation from animal studies to human condi-
its support for the use of amalgams on the tions is always difficult. Humans are also exposed
grounds that there are no substantiated reports to environmental mercury from other sources,
of ill health to humans resulting from their use. such as organic mercury from seafood. As was
The courts have agreed. Over 2 years beginning mentioned earlier, mercury from amalgams con-
in June 2001, 32 very similar amalgam-related stitutes only some 6%-12% of daily intake for
complaints were filed in different parts of adults with amalgam restorations. Improvements
the United States. All were dismissed.24 Bills to in alternative restorative materials are neverthe-
ban amalgams have also been introduced in less to be encouraged, and the sealants and mini-
Congress and some state legislatures. All have mum-preparation restoration procedures that are
alleged environmental pollution from amal- evolving (see Chapter 27) are increasingly appro-
gam waste and adverse health effects among priate for restorations in children.43 The mercury
people with amalgams. The ADA has vigorously issue can be expected to diminish over time as
and successfully campaigned against these bills. composites and sealants replace amalgams in
The amalgam health issue is not new in ADA children and complex restorations in young peo-
circles; a 1971 review concluded that normal ple become increasingly uncommon.40
handling of mercury in practice does not present The U.S. Public Health Service conducted an
a threat to patients, although it can present a exhaustive review of amalgam safety in 1993.109
threat to dental personnel if precautions are not The review concluded that amalgam use was
taken.82 This review led to formulation of the declining as caries experience diminished and
ADA’s first set of 15 recommendations on mer- other materials were used more often. However,
cury hygiene in 1974.12 In its own review of the there was an appropriate note of caution. The
literature, the ADA concluded that there was no committee (which could hardly be accused of
need to remove amalgams from patients except bias because it did not contain a dentist) con-
in the rare cases of mercury allergy.14 A second cluded that, although there was no clear evi-
set of recommendations on mercury hygiene was dence that amalgam caused harm in humans
issued in 1984, rather more stringent than the apart from rare allergic reactions, the very
first edition, which included reference to OSHA paucity of reliable studies required that further
requirements for disposal of scrap amalgam.15 investigation of the issue should continue. As
Further updates of these recommendations fol- with all issues in infection control and environ-
lowed in 19998 and 2003,9 and the ADA will no mental safety, however, the dental profession
doubt continue to give this issue close attention. cannot determine policy by itself. Although the
The ADA derided the claims that removal of dental profession should act as a leader, both
amalgams could improve the condition of mul- these subjects are public health issues and must
tiple sclerosis sufferers as “a cruel hoax”17 and be handled as such.
150 Dental Practice

REFERENCES 17. American Dental Association, Council on Ethics,

1. Abraham JE, Svare CW, Frank CW. The effect of dental Bylaws, and Judicial Affairs. American Dental
amalgam restorations on blood mercury levels. J Dent Association principles of ethics and code of profes-
Res 1984;63:71-3. sional conduct. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;120:585-92.
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11 Reading the Dental Literature

TEXTBOOKS AND PEER-REVIEWED Criteria for Judging the Quality of an Individual

Judging the Quality of a Journal LITERATURE
Hierarchy of the Quality of Information

The literature is the generic name given to the time efficiently while they grow professionally.
body of writing in books, journals, reports, and Professional training, unfortunately, does not
other sources that makes up the sum of knowl- usually include critical reading. The usual pro-
edge in a branch of science. In the case of gression begins with accepting the veracity of
dentistry we refer to the dental literature. reports unquestioningly and without conscious
However, the literature is more than just our thought, because “if it weren’t true, it wouldn’t
compendium of knowledge and our scientific be printed.” After being misled a few times,
base; it is our very identity. It defines who we are readers can become increasingly skeptical. In
and what we do; it charts the progress of den- the extreme, they can move full circle from
tistry to its present status and provides guide- believing everything they read to believing
lines for future directions. nothing. The ideal course is between the two
Technologic and social developments, in extremes, somewhere between blind acceptance
dentistry as elsewhere, are proceeding at a speed and blanket mistrust.
that can be both bewildering and overwhelm- This is the first of two chapters on how to
ing. Although dental and dental hygiene gradu- efficiently locate and interpret information that
ates learn enough in professional school to is needed for effective clinical practice. This
begin practice, “keeping up” is absolutely essen- chapter deals with assessing the quality of an
tial for professional growth. Attendance at con- individual report in the literature, whereas
tinuing education courses is one way to do so Chapter 12 is devoted to evidence-based den-
(such attendance is required in most states), but tistry and assessment of a body of literature to
the literature is the primary source of new determine best clinical practices.
knowledge. Therefore it follows that dentists
and hygienists must keep familiar with those
sections of the literature that most concern
them if they are to function properly. To do this,
they need to be able to locate the literature they Textbooks are the most familiar source of infor-
need and read it critically; they need to distin- mation for students. Although good books may
guish front-line from mediocre journals and be be the first source to be consulted on a subject,
aware of how to distinguish good from poor books can soon become dated. The copy a stu-
research. Acquiring these skills requires some dent buys from the bookshop may be new, but
time and practice, but confidence with them if it was published 10 years ago then at least
will pay off in helping practitioners use their parts of it risk being obsolete. That proviso
11 Reading the Dental Literature 155

accepted, the best textbooks present the state of a manuscript the attention it deserves. An inher-
the science, at least at the date of publication, as ent problem is the tendency of the peer-review
well as a sound foundation on which to build process to inhibit original research or creativity
further information. and to push imaginative thoughts into a safe
Journals are the basic source of current infor- middle ground. On balance, however, peer
mation in any science-based field, dentistry review has served to greatly elevate the quality
included. The number of journals in dentistry, of the literature.
as in most other disciplines, has proliferated in
recent years. It is virtually impossible for anyone Judging the Quality of a Journal
to keep up with all journals, so selectivity is The first step in judging a journal’s quality is to
needed. There are good journals and not-so- find out whether it is peer reviewed or not. Some
good ones, and there are some clues to picking provide this information in their instructions to
which is which. The most basic is that good contributors, which journals publish regularly
journals are all peer reviewed. and which can usually be found on the journal’s
website. The second thing to find out is the jour-
Peer Review nal’s sponsorship: who puts it out? Here are four
Peer review means that manuscripts, when first broad categories of sponsorship:
received by the journal editor, are sent out to be A Learned Society Learned societies frequently
reviewed by several experts in the subject area present the best and most important research
of the manuscript. Usually two reviewers are papers—their reason for existing, after all, is to
selected, sometimes more, and the identity of promote and disseminate research findings.
the reviewers is concealed from the authors to Some, like the International Association for
promote candid reviews. Some journals, though Dental Research, which publishes the Journal of
not all, also mask the identity of the authors Dental Research, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology
from the reviewers in an effort to remove any and Medicine, and Advances in Dental Research,
bias from the reviewers’ judgment. The review- promote dental research in all fields; others
ers’ task is to assess the manuscript critically for advance research in specialized or semispecial-
the quality of its science, its logic, its manner of ized areas. Journals published by learned soci-
presentation, and any other feature that might eties are invariably peer reviewed and have a
reflect on its value in the literature. Poor-quality strong emphasis on scientific rigor. These jour-
manuscripts can be rejected outright at this nals are characterized by a straightforward for-
stage or returned to the authors for revision if mat with a relative absence of advertising, a
the papers are basically sound but have room strong editorial board, and explicit instructions
for improvement. Most articles published in to contributors. On the down side, a relatively
journals have been returned to the authors for small circulation to a specialized group often
revisions at least once prior to acceptance. Many makes them expensive.
prestigious journals, such as the New England A Professional Organization A professional
Journal of Medicine, reject far more manuscripts organization is a dental or dental hygiene associ-
than they publish; their reviewing standards are ation, a specialty society, or any other profes-
extremely rigorous. The top dental journals sional group. The best journals in this category,
publish well under half of the manuscripts they such as the New England Journal of Medicine,
receive. British Medical Journal, and Journal of the American
Peer review is a system that has evolved Medical Association, rank among the most presti-
through the years, and there is no question that gious in biomedicine. The majority of journals in
it has served to greatly elevate the standards of this group are peer reviewed. In contrast to the
published material. However, it does have some journals published by learned societies, these can
limitations. For example, the process can suffer show some bias in choice of material: there can
when the reviewers chosen are inappropriate, be a tendency to publish papers favorable to the
either because they are not sufficiently expert in organization’s views and not to publish papers
the field of study or because their own preju- with contrary views, regardless of their quality.
dices get in the way of an objective review. More These journals can carry a fair amount of adver-
common are reviewers who simply do not give tising, which together with wide distribution to
156 Dental Practice

the association’s membership keeps the price Finally, the production standards should be
moderate. In the better journals, advertising checked. Typographical errors, lack of consis-
material must pass editorial scrutiny for factual tency, and inadequate citations in references
content and taste. can make a reader wonder what else is wrong
A Reputable Scientific Publisher Some that is less readily apparent.
journals are produced by publishers of medical A professional’s ability to understand scien-
and dental texts to fill a need: Community tific reports in the literature demands some
Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology and Journal of grasp of research design. Although the princi-
Periodontal Research, published by Blackwell ples of research apply to all kinds of scientific
Scietific Publishers, are examples. The best jour- inquiry, the details described in the following
nals in this group are rigorously peer reviewed paragraphs relate specifically to epidemiologic
and generally are the equal of those issued by studies and to clinical trials.
learned societies in terms of quality.
A Commercial Publisher Journals issued
by commercial publishers comprise a category
often referred to as “throwaways,” and some can
be more accurately described as magazines
rather than journals. They carry a lot of advertis- Hierarchy of the Quality of Information
ing, which often permits them to be distributed As far as possible, knowledge upon which treat-
free of charge, and their articles are often written ment procedures and other actions are based
by professional in-house staff. Some do accept should come from the results of carefully struc-
contributed papers, but peer review is unusual. tured research designs, free of bias, minimizing
The scientific quality of these journals is usually random error, and carried out with human sub-
not high, for that is not their function. These jects. This is inherently impossible in some
journals fill a niche, as long as readers recognize instances and simply lacking in others, so a
them for what they are. reader needs to judge the source of information
The third step in quality determination is to carefully when assessing the state of knowledge
look for a listing of an editorial board, advisory on any subject. It was this need, often frustrat-
board, or consultants. These terms can be used ingly unresolved, that spawned the move toward
loosely and interchangeably, and the functions evidence-based medicine (see Chapter 12).
of these groups can vary widely, from taking an The best-developed measuring scales for
active role in journal policies to being little assessing the quality of information in a pub-
more than window dressing. The presence of lished report are for studies of therapeutic and
such a list, however, suggests that the journal is preventive products and interventions. A num-
at least trying to keep up standards. ber of such scales have been suggested. The first
As the fourth step, a reader should be able to of these was developed by a Canadian panel
judge the nature of the papers from a quick that had the task of appraising the value of the
perusal: research reports, case reports, opinion routine physical examination in preventing
pieces, reviews, political commentary. First and morbidity.2 The scale the panel constructed was
most important, the reader should be able to used, more or less unchanged, by the U.S.
tell which is which. Looking over the editorials, Preventive Services Task Force a few years later
in those journals that carry them, can give a feel- and with some modification is still being used
ing for any particular political stance the journal by that group.3 These pioneering scales can be
may take. seen in retrospect as early steps in the growth of
The fifth step can be to scan the advertising evidence-based medicine. The scale in Box 11-1
for the products and services presented, and the gives a hierarchy for judging the quality of an
advertising style. Better-quality journals either individual study that tests the value of a thera-
have no advertising or a reasonably restrained peutic or preventive product or intervention.
advertising style. Look for some statement This is a broad guide, with many overlaps, but
of advertising policy, such as is found in the provides a framework for judging the internal
advertising index of each issue of the Journal of validity of a paper, that is, the extent to which its
the American Dental Association. conclusions are supported by its methods and
11 Reading the Dental Literature 157

results. (Note that this scale is not applicable to be applied to humans. The same concern
judging papers on diagnosis, prognosis, appro- applies to all laboratory procedures: Does the
priateness of policy, or economic analysis.) dental enamel in the test tube react the same
Many questions regarding treatment or pre- way as it does in the mouth? Are the bacteria
vention in dentistry are simply not amenable to produced from pure culture the same as those
testing in randomized trials, either for ethical found in the oral environment? The ideal occur-
reasons (Are amalgams harmful to human rence for reaching conclusions is when the
health?) or because of inherent difficulties (Is results of laboratory studies are confirmed in
group practice more efficient than solo prac- humans, but again this happy circumstance
tice?). In such instances, evidence from less rig- often is not possible.
orous study designs must do. Case studies can
be helpful in guiding appropriate treatment, Criteria for Judging the Quality
but individual patients may be atypical, and the of an Individual Paper
treatment outcome therefore not generalizable; There are essentially four kinds of papers pub-
that is, case studies lack external validity—they lished in journals. These can be categorized as
cannot be generalized to the base population. follows:
The opinion of an acknowledged expert is Research Reports, which describe original
always worth listening to, but experts are clinical, basic, or epidemiologic research. A
human too and subject to bias. question is identified, a study is designed to test
In many areas of basic science, animal stud- the question, the results are discussed, and
ies and other laboratory experiments are a some conclusions are reached.
major source of information that can be applied Case Reports, which are accounts by clini-
to humans. The fundamentals of trials involv- cians of unusual manifestations of disease
ing rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, dogs, monkeys, conditions, treatment outcomes, or disease pro-
and other animals used in studies are the same gression. In many areas of surgery, randomized
as those for trials with humans. The reader trials will never be carried out because of the
should look for the special complications of inherent difficulties, so case reports form the
animal studies: Was the strain of rat used sus- body of literature on many surgical procedures.
ceptible to the disease? Were the results poten- Reviews of the literature, which summarize
tially biased by an undue number of deaths in knowledge in a particular area (the narrative
one group? An ever-present difficulty with ani- review is referred to here; systematic reviews are
mal studies is the extent to which results should discussed in Chapter 12). A narrative review is a

BOX 11-1 Scale for Judging the Quality of Information in Reports on Therapeutic and Preventive
Interventions in Human Studies, Ordered From Best Quality (1) to Weakest (8)2,5

1. Randomized clinical trials in humans, in which all 4. Clinical trials without concurrent control groups,
criteria described in Experimental Study Designs in such as those using historical controls, and
Chapter 13 are met. retrospective cohort studies. The better examples
2. Clinical trials in humans that employ concurrent here can be considered equal to those in item 3.
randomized controls but in which one or more 5. Cross-sectional studies without controls, in which a
elements described in Experimental Study Designs group’s oral health status is matched against some
in Chapter 13 are missing. The more that these past exposure to suspected disease-causing or
elements are missing or the criteria inadequately disease-preventing agents.
satisfied, the greater the threat to internal 6. Descriptive surveys, in which present oral health is
validity. surveyed and there is informed speculation as to the
3. Well-controlled cohort and case-control studies, or influences that led to the observed status.
clinical trials without random allocation, or field trials 7. Case reports.
(in which the community, rather than the individual, 8. Personal opinion, subjective impressions, and
is the unit of study). anecdotal accounts.
158 Dental Practice

traditional approach in which a knowledgeable There are a few other aspects common to all
person or persons collects the published infor- reports in the literature. Reports should have a
mation on a subject and reaches conclusions on concise yet informative title that allows the
what the literature collectively says about the reader to recognize the content and assists in
issue in question. The best narrative reviews are electronic retrieval. A good abstract permits
superb additions to the literature; the poorest readers to identify quickly the basic contents of
ones, narrow and biased. This type of review is the paper. An abstract for a research paper
frequently presented at a conference or sympo- should (1) state the objectives and scope of the
sium, and when such reviews are done well they investigation, (2) describe briefly the methods
can be among the most influential and valuable used, (3) summarize the findings, and (4) state
works in the literature. the main conclusions. Some journals require
Commentaries, in which some documented that an abstract be written strictly to that format.
facts are used as a basis for urging program The wise author chooses words for the abstract
development, health policy, or some other kind that are similar to the MeSH (Medical Subject
of action. Commentaries can vary greatly in Headings) terms under which the paper will be
quality, ranging from beautiful insights to indexed. Headings specific to dentistry are espe-
hopelessly biased diatribes. cially helpful because these are underrepre-
The essential features to look for when read- sented in MEDLINE (Medical Literature,
ing a paper in the literature can be presented in Analysis, and Retrieval System Online, described
semichecklist form, and this is done for three in the next section). Abstracts should never con-
types of reports in Boxes 11-2 to 11-4 (case tain information or conclusions not stated in
reports do not fit this model). The list may seem the body of the report. Brevity (no more than
rather long at first, but with practice readers will 250 words helps electronic storage and retrieval)
soon be able to apply these criteria quickly and requires that abstracts be objective, straightfor-
in due course almost unconsciously. The goal, ward, and free of opinion or speculation.
in fact, is that their application become an auto-
matic feature of reading reports in journals.
As evidence-based medicine developed, it
quickly became apparent that a major stum-
bling block to synthesizing clinical trial reports Practitioners often need to find information
from the literature was their lack of homo- about a given subject: What is this material that
geneity. Vital information (e.g., method of a supply house salesman is pushing? Do
subject allocation, control of exposure, data sealants work on primary teeth? Has this new
reliability) was often presented in vague cavity liner been adequately tested? The list is
terms or, worse, not mentioned at all. The endless. Dental professionals need to know
response to this problem was the development how to search the vast literature efficiently to
of a protocol known as the CONSORT find the information they need to reach a con-
Statement (CONSORT is an acronym for clusion. Fortunately, the rapidly developing
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials), electronic methods for searching the literature
which journals are urged to adopt as a means of make this task much less arduous than it once
ensuring that all published clinical trials con- was.
tain adequate detail on the methods used. The A useful start is the reference lists at the ends
goal is to achieve homogeneity in reporting, of textbook chapters, although the earlier
which in turn permits meta-analysis (see caveats on obsolete material in textbooks per-
Chapter 12) and improves the quality of sys- tains to the references too. Not only do they risk
tematic reviews.4 When authors adhere to being dated, but such reference lists often are
CONSORT standards their papers are easier to not complete, or they can reflect an author’s
read, and it is also easier for readers to judge the bias or incomplete grasp of a subject. These ref-
quality of the papers. Protocols for reporting erence lists can be a good starting place,
other kinds of scientific study have been devel- although usually more is needed. Good reviews
oped in the wake of CONSORT; these are dis- of the literature on a related topic can be useful.
cussed in Chapter 12. Although the conclusions of the review may be
11 Reading the Dental Literature 159

BOX 11-2 Quality Issues in Judging Research Reports

General Issues ●
Is the research design appropriate to test the

Nature of the journal in which the report appeared (see hypothesis and thus answer the underlying question?
discussion on journals in the text). ●
Are the materials and methods clearly detailed? Are

Qualifications of the authors. Is at least one a well- measurements applied as described? Have the
known researcher? Is there evidence of research researchers taken steps to ensure that the measures
training among the authors? Are they affiliated with a are being recorded as reliably as possible? With
reputable institution? regard to this latter point, if there are several

Research funding. If the work was commercially examiners in an epidemiologic study, are they
funded, is there any reason to believe that the experienced in such research or have they been
sponsors might have influenced the results? trained and their evaluations calibrated for this

Date of publication. Knowledge is moving rapidly in project? Are any checks made to ensure examiner
some fields, less so in others. Is the report likely to reliability?
have been superseded by more recent work? ●
Is the statistical analysis appropriate for the types of
data collected? Have the authors presented sufficient
Research Specifics data in the way of tables or graphics to permit the

Is the research question, purpose of the paper, and a reader to check this question? Are the statistical tests
hypothesis clear and succinctly stated? If not, is a used appropriate for testing the stated hypothesis?
hypothesis at least implied? ●
Does the discussion look critically at any limitations of

Although the review of current knowledge must often the methods used? Are appropriate comparisons
be brief in a research report, is it a balanced summary made with previous work and reasons discerned for
of previous work? (The “selective” review to support a similarities or differences? Is a fair assessment of the
particular point of view is unfortunately not unknown.) relevance of the work made, with some specifics given

Are the measurement variables and other terms for the next steps?
specifically defined? If standard terms and measures ●
Are the conclusions clear and warranted by the results
are being used, are references given for their of the research? Have the authors made suitable
definition? If new measures are being introduced, are distinction between statistical significance and clinical
they clearly defined and is it made clear why existing importance?
ones cannot be used? (These questions are all aimed ●
Is the paper clearly and concisely written? Does the
at checking internal validity.) abstract give a clear profile of the study?

If the study involves humans, is the population ●
Have the issues of informed consent and ethical
studied appropriate in view of the stated purposes? research been dealt with adequately and clearly
Does the report give details on participants in the stated?
study: the numbers of people approached, those who ●
If the report is a clinical trial, have the reporting
agreed to begin the study, and those who remained at requirements listed in the CONSORT (Consolidated
the end? Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement been met?

enough for some purposes, the reader will often the printed Index in the late 1990s. Searching
want to follow up on some of the papers cited the biomedical literature today is a computer-
in the review. ized operation, involving a search of electronic
The main repository of bibliographic infor- databases and the World Wide Web. All bio-
mation on the biomedical literature is the Index medical literature since 1966 indexed by the
Medicus, a vast compendium managed by the NLM is now searchable on-line through MED-
National Library of Medicine (NLM), located on LINE, biomedicine’s primary database, though
the campus of the National Institutes of Health by no means the only one in which dental prac-
in Bethesda, Maryland. A bibliographic guide to titioners will be interested. MEDLINE indexes
the dental literature for years was to be found in most, but not all, of the world’s biomedical
the bound copies of the Index to Dental research literature, although EMBASE, another
Literature, although NLM stopped production of biomedical database, is stronger in non-English
160 Dental Practice

BOX 11-3 Quality Issues in Judging Narrative Reviews of the Literature

Is the subject of the review clearly stated and are its ●
Does the review critically assess the value of different
boundaries delineated? research reports, or are they all taken at face value and

As far as you can determine, is all appropriate work given equal merit? Lack of critical assessment
included in the review? weakens a review.

Is there a fair but critical analysis of the reports
reviewed, or does the author(s) seem to be
emphasizing only one side of an issue?

BOX 11-4 Quality Issues in Judging Commentaries

Has the author used whatever factual basis is available ●
Is there respect for various points of view?
to develop the case? (Hard data should always be ●
Are conclusions warranted by the argument made, or
used as much as possible, even though some is there a sense of preconceived conclusions?
conclusions must be reached with less information
than is desirable.)

publications and the drug literature. The most usable number of relevant references. Abstracts
popular version of MEDLINE is PubMed, now accompany the reference citation for
designed for quick and easy use by the busy most journals, which makes the search even
practitioner. The Clinical Queries option in more efficient, and full-text paging is becoming
PubMed allows the clinician to quickly focus a more common. This means that the full article
large search on the question of interest. is available from the web for an increasing
Practitioners anywhere in the world need only a number of biomedical journals. On-line sub-
personal computer, appropriate web browser scriptions can be purchased in the same way as
software, and a connection (preferably high- are regular subscriptions; indeed, many see on-
speed) to the World Wide Web (of course, this line subscriptions as the future of the scientific
service also needs to be paid for). A number of literature.
commercial services carry MEDLINE and The result of a search is a stream of refer-
related databases, and the search process is ences, most with abstracts, that flow across the
becoming more and more user friendly. screen; unless they are captured and stored, the
When one first begins to use MEDLINE, the search is a transitory thing. Therefore, to go
effect can be overwhelming: a tidal wave of along with the electronic searching procedures,
information gushes over the user, often far more bibliographic database software permits down-
than can be readily digested. Sometimes this loading of the search results into the storage
reflects reality; there is just so much more pub- database. The search is performed, the desired
lished on an issue than the user may have imag- references are selected from among those
ined. At other times it means that the search is perused, and these are downloaded into the
too broad and that a lot of inappropriate mate- database; then they are on hand permanently.
rial is included. Practice in the use of keywords Once we get accustomed to this way of search-
and increasing familiarity with the MeSH termi- ing the literature, it is difficult to know how we
nology make searching much more efficient. It ever got along without it.
does not take long for even a technophobe to The amount of useful information on the
conduct an efficient search. A dental practi- World Wide Web is growing at a staggering rate.
tioner with a computer in the back room of the It is assumed that readers are familiar with the
practice can easily search an issue over a web to some extent. For those who are not, the
lunchtime sandwich and refine the search to a World Wide Web is a means of storing text,
11 Reading the Dental Literature 161

graphics, and audio material in a computer the most remote geographic locations will need
server in such a way that anyone in the world only a computer and an Internet connection to
with web-browsing software can retrieve it. have the entire dental literature at their finger-
Although the web generally remains a delight- tips, literally! The technology for all this is in
fully anarchic affair, a lot of useful information existence now, and future developments will
can be found there. An example was given in depend on sorting out the legal and economic
Chapter 3, which noted that the ADA’s ramifications. We can be virtually certain that
Principles of Ethics are now accessed through progress in the area of keeping up with the liter-
the ADA home page on the web rather than ature will continue to be rapid and that scien-
published in print. A vast amount of health- tific knowledge will continue to become more
related information can be found on the web- readily available all the time.
sites for the ADA, National Institutes of Health,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, REFERENCES
and World Health Organization. Also available 1. Anderson PL, Allee NJ. Medical Library Association ency-
now is an encyclopedic guide to searching and clopedic guide to searching and finding health informa-
finding information on the web, available both tion on the web. New York: Medical Library Association
as a traditional book (three volumes) and on and Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2004, website: http://
html. Accessed April 3, 2004.
The only snag in these developments is that 2. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health
information located in the search still has to Examination. The periodic health examination. J Can
be read! Photocopying is getting easier and Med Assoc 1979;121:1193–1254.
cheaper, and dental school librarians will 3. Harris RP, Helfand M, Woolf SH, et al. Current methods
of the US Preventive Services Task Force; a review of the
obtain a needed journal from interlibrary loan
process. Am J Prev Med 2002;20(3 Suppl):21–35.
if necessary. Whether or not they have access to 4. Moher D, Schultz KF, Altman DG, for the CONSORT
a dental school library, health practitioners can group. Revised recommendations for improving
submit on-line requests for interlibrary loans the quality of reports of parallel group randomized
from anywhere in the country using PubMed’s trials 2001, website:
revisedstatement.htm#app. Accessed November 28,
Loansome Doc system. Even photocopying from
a journal may become largely obsolete as full- 5. US Preventive Services Task Force. Guide to clinical pre-
text electronic storage grows. When full-text ventive services. 2nd ed. Washington DC: US
storage develops completely, practitioners in Department of Health and Human Services, 1996.
12 Evidence-Based Dentistry

WHAT IS EVIDENCE-BASED DENTISTRY? What Are the Success Rates of Different

Conducting a Systematic Review LIMITATIONS OF EVIDENCE-BASED
Are Powered Toothbrushes Superior to Manual
Cleaning for Oral Health?

What do you do when a periodontal patient uation that presents itself, who is the right
says, “I read in a magazine that gum disease can patient to treat with which procedure, and
cause a heart attack but that there is a drug avail- when is the time right? These are complex ques-
able to prevent this. Should I be taking this tions and usually do not have clear-cut answers.
drug?” Chances are that you don’t know how to A more detailed definition of evidence-based
respond. You may have studied the relationship medicine (EBM), from which EBD is derived, is
between periodontitis and cardiovascular dis- the following:
ease (see Chapters 21 and 29), but you have
never heard of the drug the patient describes. The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current
best evidence in making decisions about the care of individ-
Your first instinct is probably to dismiss the
ual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine
whole thing, but you have a nagging feeling that means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best
perhaps there is something in it. So what do you available external clinical evidence from systematic
do? That is the theme of this chapter: to look at research.21
the emerging field of evidence-based dentistry
(EBD) and to see how you can use it in practice. There are three essential components of
This chapter describes what EBD is, why EBM: the scientific base for any treatment deci-
increased attention is being given to EBD, how sion a practitioner makes, the clinical expertise
this emphasis will affect oral health profession- of the practitioner, and the patient’s values.
als in the future, and what responsibilities come Dentistry has come to this field later than medi-
with adherence to evidence-based practice. cine and has for the most part adopted the same
language and conventions. So the definition
just given for EBM is applied to EBD, as are the
three components, although this more detailed
definition also requires interpretation before
EBD is sometimes described as doing the right the clinician can be confident about how it
thing, for the right patient, at the right time. applies in the day-to-day clinical practice of
This definition is succinct and hard to dispute, dentistry. Both EBM and EBD relate to patient
but it still leaves the practitioner with little con- care (rather than research or administration)
crete direction in the day-to-day, patient-by- and are invoked when the practitioner is seek-
patient decisions that must be made in practice. ing to make the best treatment decision for a
What, in fact, is the right thing to do in each sit- particular patient.
12 Evidence-Based Dentistry 163

But hasn’t dentistry always based treatment treatment perform better than the average clini-
decisions on scientific evidence? Well, yes and cian would.
no, as we’ll discuss further. The landmark Gies This art aspect of clinical dentistry should
report of 1926 noted “the growth of quackery” remain. It is only out of place when the opin-
during the nineteenth century,9 and even the ions, beliefs, and attitudes of the dentist, no
1995 Institute of Medicine report on the future matter how well intentioned, are allowed to
of dental education recommended greater override facts that are clearly demonstrated
development of the scientific base in dental through science. There should be a mix of art
practice.11 The modern evidence-based approach and science in each treatment plan, but the pro-
in medicine, which got underway during the cedures that we consider as treatment options
1970s, is now well established, one could should, as far as possible, be justified by science.
almost say institutionalized. The years between There will be occasions in which a scientific
the 1970s and the present day saw an evolution base for a treatment option is nonexistent, and
of the methods for the systematic collection of in these cases the practitioner has to determine
information in EBM and its application to clini- what the best practices are. In such cases it is up
cal practice, so that today, as we develop EBD, to the dental research community to see that
we can benefit from the experience of our med- resources are directed into these areas to ensure
ical colleagues. What is now emerging in den- that the necessary scientific base is developed.
tistry is the formal recognition that clinical It is useful to distinguish between the princi-
decision making requires the application of the ples of EBD and the methods that have been
rigorous rules of evidence. One sign of this proposed for implementing it. Regarding the
increased attention is the establishment of two principles there is little dispute, for no one can
journals on the topic: Evidence-Based Dentistry argue against using evidence as the basis for
first appeared as a supplement to the British care. This philosophical stance, however, is
Dental Journal in 1998 and became a stand- immediately followed by the practical issues of
alone journal in 2000. The Journal of Evidence- (1) what qualifies as evidence, and (2) how we
Based Dental Practice began publication in the evaluate that evidence. With EBD, the tradi-
United States in 2001. tional ad hoc and subjective approach to these
issues is replaced by explicit and objective
methods to evaluate the available evidence. We
recognize that today it is more difficult than
ever for clinicians to assess all of the rapidly
The phrase the art and science of dentistry means expanding treatment options before deciding
that when we care for our patients we combine on their value to their patients. Although the
our clinical acumen, experience, and human methods of EBD are not a panacea for the chal-
sensitivity with procedures that are based on the lenge of increased options, they do provide a
most up-to-date science. Essentially, the “art” of framework for a systematic and unbiased
dentistry is the acceptance of the individuality approach to evaluating those options. Rather
of each patient. We recognize that a treatment than requiring an ad hoc assessment by each
we think appropriate for one person will not individual clinician to determine the strength of
necessarily be appropriate for another with the the scientific evidence on each aspect of dental
same condition. We use the art side of our prac- care, EBD uses a systematic process to assemble,
tice to assess the patient’s interest in his or her evaluate, and summarize the evidence on par-
oral health when formulating a treatment plan. ticular treatment questions.
We also factor into the treatment plan the
patient’s age, existing state of oral and general
health, and ability and willingness to pay for
treatment. The art of dentistry also includes the
clinician’s individual ability in using certain If the quality of the scientific evidence is to form
materials or techniques. Sometimes a clinician an important part of our clinical decision mak-
will have a special knack for working with a ing, then how do we judge the quality of that
material or procedure and so can make a given evidence? In Chapter 11, we looked at how to
164 Dental Practice

Table 12-1 Scale for categorizing the strength of evidence for a program or procedure4
Code Criteria

I Evidence obtained from one or more properly conducted randomized clinical trials (i.e., one using
concurrent controls, double-blind design, placebo, valid and reliable measurements, and well-
controlled study protocols).
II-1 Evidence obtained from one or more controlled clinical trials without randomization (i.e., one using
systematic subject selection, some type of concurrent controls, valid and reliable measurements, and
well-controlled study protocols).
II-2 Evidence obtained from one or more well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably
from more than one center or research group.
II-3 Evidence obtained from cross-sectional comparisons involving subjects at different times and places, or
studies with historical controls. Dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments (such as the results of the
introduction of penicillin treatment in the 1940s) could also be regarded as this type of evidence.
III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience; descriptive studies or case reports; or
reports of expert committees.

evaluate the quality of an individual paper. In (Table 12-2). This methodologic approach had
terms of assembling components of the scien- sufficient appeal to be adopted a few years later
tific base to support a treatment procedure, by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force25 and,
EBM and EBD extend that analysis by objec- in slightly modified form, by the Centers for
tively measuring the quantity and quality of the Disease Control and Prevention for a major
body of evidence on a subject. The traditional report on fluoride (see Chapter 26) a few years
process is by means of the narrative review (see later.26 This approach does require some sum-
Chapter 11) in which an expert, or experts, mary judgments by the review panel when the
assesses the literature on the subject and then research reports on testing of a procedure are of
reaches conclusions. Again as noted in Chapter mixed quality. Scaling the quality of a whole
11, the quality of such reviews varies from bril- body of evidence as a unit still has some appli-
liant to mediocre or even misleading. This range cation, although the principal method now
results from differences in the research atten- used for assessing the quality of a body of evi-
tion the subject has received, the thoroughness dence is the systematic review, which is based on
of the literature search, and the ability and grading each of the individual reports selected
objectivity of the reviewer. and then reaching an overall conclusion.
An inherent problem in any literature review
is the variation in quality of research reports on
the subject. As stated in Chapter 11, to be of
value any review must be a critical review; For most of us, the most convenient way to catch
that is, the variation in quality of the various up on a subject is to read reviews of the litera-
research reports must be explicitly recognized. ture. The traditional format is the narrative
Recognition is a good first step, but the reviewer review, which often takes the form of a paper
still has to deal with the issue. This variation in given at a conference or symposium, in which
the quality of the literature was a problem fac- the authors assess the information from
ing a Canadian expert panel in the 1970s whose published reports on a topic and then reach a
task was to assess the value of the annual physi- conclusion based on the weight of evidence.
cal examination in preventing mortality and Narrative reviews have been around for ages and
morbidity.4 To deal with the range in quality of generally have served a valuable purpose, but
the papers on the subject, the Canadian group they can have limitations because of their sub-
developed a hierarchical scale to give a quality jective nature.18 The first problem with any type
score to each paper the members were reading. of review is that not all research gets published.
This scale is shown in Table 12-1. These quality A significant number of clinical trials, in particu-
scores were the basis for the recommendations lar, do not find their way into our journals.5
issued on the use or rejection of the procedure Corporate sponsors are generally reluctant to
12 Evidence-Based Dentistry 165

Table 12-2 Scale for strength of recommendation on the use or rejection of a procedure.4
Grade Criterion

A There is good evidence to support the use of the procedure.

B There is fair evidence to support the use of the procedure.
C There is a lack of evidence to enable a specific recommendation to be made; i.e., the subject has not been
adequately tested. This grade will also apply to mixed evidence; i.e., some studies support the use of
the procedure and some oppose it.
D There is fair evidence to reject the use of the procedure.
E There is good evidence to reject the use of the procedure.

publish clinical trials with so-called negative quickly became evident that judging the quality
results,6 meaning that a benefit from the tested of an RCT could be frustrated when the original
product or procedure could not be demon- report was deficient in some essential details
strated, and accordingly researchers tend not to (e.g., group allocation procedures, control of the
submit reports with negative results.19 This par- procedure, statistical methods). This issue is sep-
ticular problem is called publication bias. Another arate from the quality of the study itself—the
aspect of publication bias is the fact that only study may or may not be of top quality, but the
two thirds of published abstracts, which cannot report is deficient. This problem led a group of
provide methodologic detail, get into print as concerned researchers and editors to develop
full publications within a 2-year period.22 criteria for what should be included in the report
So, what can be done about this? The response of an RCT so that the quality of the study could
to these problems of bias and incomplete infor- be determined. The result was a checklist known
mation in narrative reviews is the systematic as the CONSORT Statement.15 CONSORT is
review, which reduces the potential for bias at all an acronym for Consolidated Standards of
levels. A systematic review is defined as one in Reporting Trials. The more journals that sub-
which there is a comprehensive search for all rele- scribe to CONSORT principles, the more readily
vant studies on a specific topic and those identi- comparable RCT reports will become, and the
fied are then appraised and synthesized according more precise systematic reviews will become.
to predetermined and explicit criteria.13 The idea of standards to promote more uni-
There is a philosophical link between a sys- form reporting has now spread to encompass
tematic review and a scientific study. Just as a other types of research manuscripts. For meta-
good report of an experiment carried out in the analyses, in which a number of RCTs are
laboratory gives sufficient methodologic detail combined to increase statistical power, there
to let the reader know just how the results were is QUORUM (Quality of Reporting Meta-
achieved, the existence of written protocols in a Analyses)15 and for papers studying diagnostic
systematic review lets the reader know just how accuracy there is STARD (Standards for Reporting
the authors came to the conclusions they did. of Diagnostic Accuracy).3 The other member of
The word is transparency. Systematic reviews are this menagerie is MOOSE (Meta-Analyses of
transparent in that the reader is given all the Observational Studies in Epidemiology), which
details of the search strategy, inclusion and specifies reporting standards for observational
exclusion criteria, quality ratings, and the way studies, the designs of which cover a broader
final conclusions were reached. This is rarely the spectrum than do those of RCTs.23
case with a narrative review, for which the
reader usually must just trust the authors. In a Conducting A Systematic Review
systematic review, the reader knows exactly how Because the systematic review is the cornerstone
the authors arrived at their conclusions. of EBD, some detail are given on how a systematic
The systematic review was developed for review is put together. Just as with a research pro-
judging the efficacy of preventive or therapeutic posal, all the protocols are written down before
procedures and hence is best geared to assess the the search begins: making up the rules or acting
quality of randomized clinical trials (RCTs). It on whims as one goes along is not allowed.
166 Dental Practice

Question to Be Examined for relevant reports are usually in the MEDLINE

The purpose of a narrative review is usually database somewhere, but if they are inappropri-
rather general, for example, to assess the effect ately indexed they will not be found with the
of oral hygiene on the prevention of gingivitis. usual keywords. Other databases can profitably
In a systematic review, the question is sharp- be added to the search for many fields of study.
ened, just as in a research proposal a broad The reviewers also must state the keywords used
research question is honed into a hypothesis in the search,12 again to make the search
that can be tested experimentally. The oral method as transparent as possible.
hygiene and gingivitis question for systematic Electronic searching usually needs to be aug-
review would then become, for example, “Does mented by hand searching, largely because of
toothbrushing once every 48 hours prevent gin- the chances of missing improperly indexed
givitis?” Or the time interval selected might be reports in MEDLINE and other databases, as
24 hours, which could result in the inclusion of mentioned earlier. Hand searching is what we
some different studies in the review and might used to do all the time before there were elec-
lead to a different conclusion. Or the question tronic databases. It consists of going through
could substitute dental flossing for toothbrush- the references listed at the ends of some publi-
ing, which again would change the direction of cations and going through back copies of spe-
the search. The question to be examined in a cific journals in which publications on the topic
systematic review must be stated precisely and are most likely to have appeared. Hand search-
explicitly. ing is tedious and time consuming, but it is
absolutely necessary if inclusion bias is to be
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria avoided.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria follow from
the question, and the criteria must be stated so Criteria for Study Quality
the reader can be satisfied that there is little The step of developing criteria for study quality
chance of inclusion bias, that is, that not all pub- sets the attributes that a report must possess to
lications were considered or that inappropriate be included in the final analysis. For example,
ones were included. To illustrate, one such crite- with RCTs the reviewer wants a description of
rion is language of publication. Americans tend how subjects were allocated to groups. If the use
to read only the English-language literature, but of random allocation as an inclusion criterion
in some fields this can be a clear source of inclu- results in the discarding of virtually all the stud-
sion bias.16 Another criterion is the range of the ies because no trials used random allocation,
outcome. If the subject is the effect of fluoride then a less rigorous criterion would probably
varnish in preventing caries, for example, the have to be written. Because one of the results of
reviewers must specify whether they intend to systematic reviews is identification of further
include root caries as well as coronal caries, research needs, in this instance a recommenda-
caries in the primary as well as the permanent tion for true RCTs might be a logical conclusion.
dentition, noncavitated lesions as well as cavi-
ties, secondary caries, and so on. Age of people Development of Conclusions
studied must also be considered. Assessment of the final group of reports can be
qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative means
Search Strategy that no further statistical analysis is done by the
Electronic searching is the logical starting point, reviewer; instead, the studies are grouped as
and the reader needs to know which databases being on one side of the question or another,
were searched. MEDLINE (Medical Literature, and a final conclusion is then reached, based on
Analysis, and Retrieval System Online) is the where most results lie. Further quantitative
principal database for reports in dentistry, but analysis can in some circumstances be carried
only about half the papers on most topics can out by combining the data from a number of
be found readily in MEDLINE, mainly because studies to produce a single estimate of effect, a
of inappropriate indexing.7 It may also take up process called meta-analysis.13 The rationale for
to a year for recent papers to be indexed in meta-analysis is that the statistical power of the
MEDLINE. This is not a criticism of MEDLINE, estimate can be increased by enlarging the
12 Evidence-Based Dentistry 167

sample size. The limitation to this procedure is

that there must be design homogeneity among EBD Example: Are Powered Toothbrushes
the studies to be combined; otherwise, the exer- Superior to Manual Cleaning for
cise loses validity. Oral Health?
With the proliferation of powered toothbrushes
that are marketed directly to the consumer, den-
tists are asked about them by patients. The
analysis27 of a Cochrane review10 compares
Now that formal EBD approaches to evaluating plaque removal and gingivitis in people using
the research literature have been developed, manual toothbrushes and in those using one of
there is a rapidly growing body of such reviews. six different types of powered toothbrushes. An
Many can be found in the Cochrane Library early problem was that most of the studies in
( the literature were excluded from the review
abstract.htm), an on-line catalog of systematic because of various shortcomings in their design,
reviews to augment the published journals (Box execution, or reporting. This immediately
12-1). Two such reviews are outlined here as points up to the reader the importance of not
examples of how these reviews can help the cli- being unduly influenced by individual litera-
nician provide authoritative scientifically based ture reports that do not meet contemporary
information and treatment choices to patients. standards for quality research and reporting.

BOX 12-1 The Cochrane Collaboration

The Cochrane Collaboration, launched in 1993 and named protocol is then sent out for internal and external peer
after the late British epidemiologist Archie Cochrane, is an review. Protocols, like papers submitted to a journal,
international nonprofit organization whose mission is to can at this stage be accepted, rejected, or revised.
make up-to-date information about the effects of health care Protocols for which the final review has not been
readily available to clinicians. It was born from Cochrane’s completed are listed, so readers can see what reviews
frequent observations that, although many clinical trials had are coming up. The same rigorous refereeing process is
been carried out in medicine, there was no systematic carried out when the systematic review is completed.
collection of these trials that a busy practitioner could A particular feature of the Cochrane system is that
consult. The main product of the Cochrane Collaboration is reviews are not intended to be carved in stone and left
the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which there. Quite the opposite in fact, for it is intended that
forms part of the Cochrane Library.24 The Cochrane Library reviews be updated periodically as new information
is an electronic resource that by 2004 contained some 2000 comes out. Because the protocols and procedural
regularly updated systematic reviews and other sources of methods are published as an integral part of the review,
information. There are 51 Cochrane review groups around updating can be carried out by the original author(s) or
the world, each focusing on a specific disease or group of by someone else. Readers can then be assured that
problems, including an oral health group what they read in a Cochrane review represents the
( through which a most up-to-date summation there is.
number of systematic reviews have already been archived. There is already an impressive list of completed
There are a number of funding sources for the Cochrane Cochrane reviews. Although access to the full reviews in
Collaboration, but its acceptance around the world in such a the Cochrane Library usually requires a subscription,
short time is largely due to volunteer effort. detailed abstracts of the Cochrane reviews are available
Much of this success is a result of the rigorous on-line without charge (
standards that the Collaboration maintains at all levels cochrane/revabstr/ORALAbstractIndex.htm) and are
( beginning to appear in other publications.
htm). Anyone wishing to carry out a systematic review Access to the Cochrane Library is free of charge in
for the Cochrane Library must first register a title with a many countries. Further details can be found at
Cochrane review group, have the title accepted, and
then submit a protocol for the systematic review. The provisions.htm.
168 Dental Practice

After carefully proceeding through the state- ●

During the follow-up periods of 1-3 years,
ment of the question, inclusion and exclusion only 25 of 957 implants were judged to
criteria, the search strategy, and the criteria for have failed. This indicates a high success
judging quality, this systematic review reported rate, at least in the short term.
the following primary findings: The reviewers noted that, in the case of

For powered toothbrushes with oscillation- implants, the results of RCTs may provide only
rotation action, plaque and gingivitis part of the story about the level of success that a
scores were 7%-17% lower than for manual clinician might expect. The level of care given to
toothbrushes. patient selection in an RCT, and the level of

The studies were of insufficient duration to experience of the clinicians involved, may differ
determine whether these reductions are rel- from that in the average clinical practice, and
evant to the development of destructive these factors probably contributed to the likeli-
periodontal disease. hood of success.

An insufficient number of high-quality
studies were available to judge whether
other types of powered toothbrushes were
superior to manual toothbrushes.

There was no evidence that powered tooth- Individual dental practitioners are not expected
brushes were more likely to cause injury to conduct systematic reviews on their own for
than manual toothbrushes. each clinical question that they encounter.

No information on durability, reliability, Conducting systematic reviews efficiently and
and cost of powered toothbrushes was pro- effectively requires extensive training and prac-
vided by the available studies. tice, well beyond what can be reasonably
With this kind of information, the clinician expected from all clinicians. The responsibility
is able to provide authoritative information to for most clinicians is thus to be aware of, and to
patients and can be confident that the informa- use wherever applicable, the findings from sys-
tion provided is realistic and does not promise temic reviews carried out by others. If the process
more than can be supported by the best-quality were to stop when a review was completed, and
research available. the review were simply to gather dust on the
library shelf, it would provide little benefit in
EBD Example: What Are the Success improving oral health care. What obviously must
Rates of Different Implant Systems? follow the systematic review is a process to put
Estimates were that in the year 2000 there were the results into practice. Indeed, EBD explicitly
nearly 1300 different implant configurations incorporates both a research component (along
available, and manufacturers are rapidly placing with the systematic review) and the translation of
new systems on the market while just as rapidly that research into practice.1
removing older ones.2 The clinician is thus Dental and dental hygiene education has at
swamped with a bewildering array of choices least two primary tasks. The first is to teach stu-
when trying to make the best selection to rec- dents what are the best available procedures
ommend to a patient. The systematic review on and how to perform them competently, a
implant success rates provides the clinician with process demanding an emphasis on manual
some assurance in selecting from this otherwise skills. The second is to instill in students the
very confusing morass.8,28 Within the limita- recognition, indeed the certainty, that much of
tions imposed by the rapid turnover of available what they are learning will become obsolete
implant types and by the fact that only five during their lives in practice. The challenge for
high-quality RCTs were identified, the primary the busy clinician is to recognize when this has
conclusions reached by the reviewers were the occurred, yet neither to replace the outmoded
following: treatment with the latest inadequately tested

There was no difference in apparent suc- fad nor to wait too long so that patients are
cess, up to 3 years after placement, among receiving outdated care.
the implant systems of the six manufactur- At the very least, the concept of EBD should
ers whose systems were studied. make it routine for the clinician to consider all
12 Evidence-Based Dentistry 169

options when treating each patient, rather than left with no clear direction as to which patients
relying on comfortable habits and familiar pro- should receive fluorides, what fluoride product
cedures. The clinician must routinely ask, to use, and how long they need to be provided to
“Could I have misdiagnosed this condition?” each patient.14 The clinician must still rely on
and “What are the possible alternative diag- professional judgment in areas such as the trade-
noses?” When preventive and restorative off between the cost of treatment, on the one
choices are made, the clinician must ask, “What hand, and the likelihood that the patient will
is the state of knowledge concerning this proce- develop caries in its absence. It is also possible
dure or material?” and “What is the likelihood that the experimental subjects in the studies on
that this patient will benefit from this proce- which the systematic reviews are based are fun-
dure?” Also, “What are the possible risks associ- damentally different from the patients in a par-
ated with this procedure and is the probability ticular dentist’s practice. Some patients may be
of success sufficient to tolerate those risks?” at very low risk for certain conditions, so the
Furthermore, “How does the balance among appropriateness of using some preventive meth-
these considerations fit with the preferences ods on a frequent basis may be questionable.
of the patient and the costs involved?” Although Other patients may be at higher than average
the process may at first seem cumbersome risk and may need more aggressive treatment.
and involved, with routine use it will become Evaluation of these types of subtle distinctions is
second nature. Moreover, it is part of the funda- not common in the current scientific literature,
mental responsibility of a health care profes- and thus recommendations by systematic
sional to assure that the best possible care is reviews on these dimensions are rarely available.
being provided to each patient. At the very least, Nevertheless, the shortcomings of the literature
EBD has made us aware of the continuing that are identified in scientific reviews can help
responsibility of every practitioner to be as up to define the future research agenda and to
to date as possible in knowledge of the scientific address the current gaps in knowledge, so that
literature. It further has shown us that simply the level of specificity possible in future system-
providing the same service or set of services to atic reviews will make them even more valuable
virtually every patient is unlikely to be consis- to clinicians in the future.
tent with providing the best possible care.
The concepts of EBD also make it clear that
the challenge for the clinician is never ending.
The right thing, the right patient, and the right
time will constantly evolve as change inex- EBD is an important evolution in the con-
orably takes place in disease patterns, our tinuing drive to provide the right care, to the
understanding of oral diseases and conditions, right patient, at the right time. It is not an infal-
the available therapies and materials, and lible prescription for what to do in all clinical
patient preferences. situations, and in many areas the underlying
clinical research has simply not been done.
Nevertheless, the research base will continue to
develop, and the approach provides a workable
It will be a long and slow process to conduct method to give the busy clinician a rigorous
the necessary RCTs and then to mount the sys- review and balanced summary of the evidence
tematic reviews to cover even a small proportion available up to the present, in a form that is
of all of the necessary details of modern den- readily accessible and digestible. This body of
tal practice. Even in some of the most widely underlying evidence and systematic summaries
researched areas, the available systematic will grow rapidly and should be an ever-increas-
reviews do not always provide clear direction for ing part of both clinical teaching and everyday
the clinician in choosing which patients to treat clinical practice.
in which way. An example is found in a system- Systematic reviews are not always unambigu-
atic review of professionally applied fluorides in ous, and they are always open to reinterpreta-
which virtually all of the vehicles tested were tion and revision.20 As with all of science, new
shown to be effective, but the clinician was still evidence or reinterpretation of current evidence
170 Dental Practice

may in the future change the conclusions of a 12. Jadad AR, Rennie D. The randomized controlled trial
review. It must further be remembered that gets a middle-aged checkup [editorial]. JAMA 1998;
there is not a single truth that, once discovered, 13. Klassen TP, Jadad AR, Moher D. Guides for reading and
will remain so forever. By its very nature, science interpreting systematic reviews: I. Getting started. Arch
is always open to revision and reevaluation. Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998;152:700-4.
Therefore, EBD, based as it is firmly on science, 14. Marinho VCC, Higgins JPT, Sheiham A, Logan S.
is always open to revision. These facts place sig- Combinations of topical fluoride (toothpastes,
mouthrinses, gels, varnishes) versus single topical fluo-
nificant demands on the clinician. On the one ride for preventing dental caries in children and adoles-
hand, it is imperative that the current best prac- cents (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue
tices, as supported by rigorous science and sys- 3, 2004. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons, website:
tematic reviews when available, be carefully
considered when making treatment decisions. tractIndex.htm. Accessed March 15, 2004.
15. Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, et al. Improving the
On the other hand, such practices emphatically quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomised con-
must not be taken as immutable fact and used trolled trials: The QUOROM statement. Lancet
without further thought throughout a career. 1999;354:1896-1900.
The competent clinician must constantly look 16. Moher D, Fortin P, Jadad AR, et al. Completeness of
for systematic reviews to find new evidence as it reporting of trials published in languages other than
English: Implications for conduct and reporting of sys-
becomes available and watch for signs of tematic reviews. Lancet 1996;347(8998):363-6.
changes in what had previously been consid- 17. Moher D, Schultz KF, Altman DG, for the CONSORT
ered the best evidence. group. Revised recommendations for improving
the quality of reports of parallel group randomized tri-
als 2001, website:
REFERENCES revisedstatement.htm#a. Accessed November 20, 2003.
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and the dental research community. J Dent Res ence. Ann Intern Med 1987;106:485-8.
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2. Binon PP. Implants and components: Entering the new editorial decision making. JAMA 2002;287:2825-8.
millennium. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000;232-6. 20. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, et al. Evidence-
3. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, et al. Towards com- based medicine; what it is and what it isn’t [editorial].
plete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic Br Med J 1996;312:71-2.
accuracy: The STARD initiative. Clin Radiol 2003; 21. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence-
58:575-80. based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. 2nd
4. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000.
Examination. The periodic health examination. Can 22. Scherer RW, Dickersin K, Langenberg P. Full publica-
Med Assoc J 1979;121:1193-1254. tion of results initially presented in abstracts. A meta-
5. Dickersin K. How important is publication bias? A syn- analysis. JAMA 1994;272:158-62.
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6. Dickersin K, Min YI. Publication bias: The problem that reporting. Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in
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9. Gies WJ. Dental education in the United States and and Prevention. Recommendations for using fluoride
Canada. New York: Carnegie Foundation, 1926. to prevent and control dental caries in the United
10. Heanue M, Deacon SA, Deery C, et al. Manual versus States. MMWR Recomm Rep 2001;50(RR-14):1-42.
powered toothbrushing for oral health (Cochrane 27 .Weyant RJ. Powered toothbrushes with a rotation
Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue I, 2003. action remove plaque and reduce gingivitis more effec-
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Challenges and change. Washington DC: National nium implant systems. J Evid Based Dent Pract 2003;
Academy Press, 1995. 3:127-30.
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13 Research Designs in Oral

CAUSALITY AND RISK Use of a Placebo in the Control Group

NONEXPERIMENTAL STUDY DESIGNS Control of Operational Procedure
Choice of Population in Which the Trial Will Be Duration of the Trial
Conducted Statistical Analysis
Adequacy of the Numbers of Subjects Ethical Considerations
Comparability of Study and Control Groups

Numerous books have been written about analytic epidemiology sometimes classified
research design and the characteristics of good separately as experimental epidemiology. The
research. This is not one of them, but we do set clinical trial is also an interventional design; that
out in this chapter to give a bare-bones presenta- is, something is intervening in the natural his-
tion of the essentials of valid research reports. tory of a condition in an effort to give a benefi-
This coverage is intended to permit the reader to cial outcome.
make good sense of epidemiologic studies, espe- Good research demands careful, sometimes
cially clinical trials, and of other studies involv- exhaustive planning. Every study, no matter
ing human beings. how modest, needs a protocol, which is a writ-
Epidemiology is the study of health and dis- ten plan encompassing the purpose and the
ease in populations, and of how these states are detailed operation of the study. The essential
influenced by heredity, biology, physical envi- elements of a protocol are listed in Box 13-1.
ronment, social environment, and ways of liv- A protocol demands careful thinking through
ing. Some definitions extend the meaning to of a project, a process that aids its design and
include the application of this study to control also helps the researchers to anticipate potential
health problems.14 Epidemiologic studies can problems. It also simplifies the writing of a final
first be classified either as descriptive, meaning report, because the protocol forms the basis of
that the data only describe the distribution of a the report.
condition in a population and no specific
hypothesis is tested, or as analytic, meaning that
the data collection and analysis are designed to
answer a particular question. Descriptive and Causality, meaning that a certain exposure
most analytic studies are observational; that is, results in a particular outcome, can only be
they observe outcomes without intervening demonstrated unequivocally within the experi-
to affect them. Analytic studies in epidemiology mental study design of a clinical trial (discussed
look at people with and without the disease in in a later section). Because clinical trials cannot
question (the effect or outcome) and with and be conducted on many topics for both practical
without exposure to the putative influences that and ethical reasons, causality in the study of dis-
may increase the risk of disease (the exposure). ease usually must be imputed from studies with
The clinical trial, an experimental design to nonexperimental designs. Criteria by which
test the efficacy of a preventive-control agent or a conclusion of causality can be reached
treatment procedure in humans, is an aspect of from nonexperimental epidemiologic analyses,
174 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

BOX 13-1 Essential Features of a Protocol for Research With Humans

A precise definition of the research problem, the ●
Data collection methods, with examples of all data
reasons for undertaking the research, and a review collection forms or computer methods of data
of pertinent literature. collection and a list of all necessary supplies,

Objectives of the study or hypotheses to be tested. equipment, and instruments.
A hypothesis is a conjecture cast in a form (the null ●
Plans for data processing and analysis, including how
hypothesis) that will allow it to be tested and refuted the data get from field collection to computer,
if it is false. computer file organization, and statistical

Population to be studied, including its selection, distributions to be examined.
source, size, method of sampling, and method of ●
Time schedule for planning, procurement of informed
allocation to groups (if a clinical trial). consent from study subjects, data collection and

Data to be collected, including a description of each analysis, and report writing.
item needed to accomplish the objectives or to test ●
An assessment of any ethical issues involved in the
the hypotheses. study and certification that the necessary institutional

Procedures to be carried out, with details of exactly human subjects clearance has been obtained.
how the needed data will be obtained from the
participants in the study and by whom.

BOX 13-2 Criteria for Inferring Causality From Observational Studies (the Bradford Hill Criteria)3

The following conditions must he satisfied before a ●

Specificity of association: If a given exposure is
particular exposure can be accepted as the cause of a related to other diseases as well as the disease in
disease: question, it is less likely to be seen as causal.

Time sequence of events: To be causal, an However, lack of specificity by itself does not justify
exposure must precede the occurrence of the rejecting causality (e.g., tobacco is nonspecific in its
disease. Demonstration of this temporal sequence effects but is clearly a causal factor in many of them).
requires longitudinal study. This is the only ●
Degree of exposure (dose response): If an exposure
condition in this list that is absolute, a sine qua non. is causal, then the risk of disease should be related to

Consistency of association: If there are a good the degree of exposure. An exception could be
number of studies on whether a particular exposure exposure to a toxin with a threshold effect.
is a cause of a disease, and if all of them produce ●
Biologic plausibility: The association must make
fairly similar positive results, it is more likely that the biologic sense from our knowledge of the disease. It
factor is causal. follows that the better understood a disease is, the

Strength of association: In valid studies, the stronger more stringent this criterion can become.
the association between exposure and outcome, the
more likely it is that the association is causal.

known as the Bradford Hill Criteria after the the degree of disease risk in specified circum-
British statistician who developed them, were stances. Risk is the probability that a specified
suggested in 19653 and have become well event will occur, for example, that an individual
accepted over the years. The original Bradford will exhibit a disease or die within a stated
Hill criteria have evolved over the years and are period of time or by a particular age.14
summarized in Box 13-2 as they are usually The criteria listed in Box 13-2 are not all
understood today. imperative; in fact the only absolute among
Analytic studies, in contrast to descriptive them is the time sequence—exposure must pre-
studies, have the general aim of seeking out cede outcome. In many exposure-outcome rela-
cause-and-effect associations. Because analytic tionships there are factors that both researchers
observational studies cannot directly address and clinicians think play a role in causing a dis-
cause and effect, however, they seek to quantify ease but which do not satisfy all these criteria. If
13 Research Designs in Oral Epidemiology 175

researchers had to proceed with just the dichoto- BOX 13-3 Criteria to be Met to Accept a Given
mous judgment of whether a factor is or is not Exposure as a Risk Factor for a Particular Disease13
involved in causing a disease, our knowledge of
disease causation and development would be ●
Time sequence: The exposure must precede the
seriously hindered. The concept of a risk factor occurrence of the disease.
permits quantification of the degree of impor- ●
Statistical association: The exposure must covary
tance of a particular factor in the development of with the disease; that is, that the frequency of the
a disease; some causal factors are more impor- disease must be observed to differ by category or
tant than others. value of the exposure.
A risk factor is broadly defined as an attribute or ●
Absence of error: The observed association must
exposure that is known, from epidemiologic evi- not be the result of error, whether that be bias,
dence, to be associated with a health condition sampling error, analytic errors, or the intrusion of
considered important to prevent.14 Although the other extraneous factors.
term risk factor is applied loosely in the literature,
modern usage ascribes a strong causal role to a
risk factor: it is either part of the causal chain or is
something that brings a person into contact with
the causal chain. (An example of the latter situa- is one of three criteria that must be met before
tion is an occupation that requires handling toxic we can suggest that a particular exposure is a
materials. The occupation itself is not a risk factor risk factor for a particular disease (Box 13-3 lists
for toxicity, but because it brings a person into the criteria for identifying a risk factor. Box 13-2
contact with toxic materials, which are the risk gives the criteria for imputing a cause.) The ulti-
factors, it does increase the chance of disease.) We mate test of a risk factor is that, if exposure to it
prefer the following more complete definition of is reduced, the risk of subsequent disease
risk factor: diminishes. As an example, quitting smoking
reduces the risk of a heart attack.
An environmental, behavioral, or biologic factor confirmed by What if a suspected risk factor cannot be con-
temporal sequence, usually in longitudinal studies, which if firmed as such because the necessary longitudi-
present directly increases the probability of a disease occur-
nal studies are impractical or unethical? The
ring, and if absent or removed reduces the probability. Risk
factor may be classed as a risk indicator, defined
factors are part of the causal chain, or expose the host to the
causal chain. Once disease occurs, removal of the risk factor as a factor shown to be associated with a disease
may not result in a cure.2 in cross-sectional data and assumed, on theo-
retical grounds, to play some causal role.15
Part of the concept of a risk factor is that it Research experience has shown that risk indica-
can be modified: people can stop smoking, lose tors which emerge from cross-sectional studies
weight, change to a healthier diet, improve their can disappear in a more rigorous longitudinal
oral hygiene. The identification of risk factors analysis, so without longitudinal assessment it
for a disease then allows the potential for pre- cannot be known whether a risk indicator is or
vention by removing or modifying the risk fac- is not a true risk factor. As would be expected,
tors. As examples, smoking is a risk factor for many more risk indicators for oral diseases than
lung cancer; poor oral hygiene is a risk factor true risk factors have been identified.
for gingivitis. In both instances, removing or A risk marker is an attribute or exposure that
modifying the risk factor reduces the risk of is associated with the increased probability of
disease, although neither exposure is a sole disease although it is not considered part of the
cause of the disease. causal chain. A risk marker can also be called a
As stated in this definition, a risk factor for a risk predictor when included in predictive statis-
disease must be demonstrated as such longitu- tical models. Some immutable characteristics of
dinally. This is because confirming the neces- a person or group—namely, age, gender, and
sary time sequence—that is, ensuring that race or ethnicity—can influence disease occur-
exposure to the risk factor occurs before the dis- rence, progression, or outcome. These attributes
ease outcome—can nearly always be demon- do not fit the concept of a risk factor because
strated only longitudinally. This time sequence they are not modifiable. Although they can be
176 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

useful in statistical models whose purpose is to die on different occasions!). A comparison of

predict disease occurrence, they clearly are of no the prevalence of dental caries in today’s sixth-
use when considering disease prevention based graders with that of sixth-graders 10 years ago
on control of risk factors. The literature is unfor- must be a cross-sectional study, although it
tunately muddled about what to call these could also be an analytic one; again it is obvious
attributes. We suggest the term demographic risk that different persons are studied each time. But
factors to refer to these immutable influences. In if all the children originally in first grade in a
addition to age, gender, and race or ethnicity, school system are studied periodically until
socioeconomic status is usually considered a they finish sixth grade some years later, the
demographic risk factor. Theoretically it can be study is longitudinal because the same children
modified, but in practice this is hard to do. are seen on several occasions.
Analytic studies are either prospective (look-
ing forward) or retrospective (looking backward).
Prospective studies collect information on an
The collection of data to be used for descriptive exposure of interest and compare eventual out-
purposes is commonly called a survey (see comes, whereas retrospective studies begin with
Chapter 4). Surveys record the prevalence of vari- the outcome of interest and probe back for
ous conditions, meaning the number or pro- exposure information. A cohort study is a
portion of persons in the population who prospective design: a cohort is a group of people
exhibit a condition at any given time. (Data from whom data are collected longitudinally.
from national surveys in the United States are Members of a cohort often have some particular
reported in Chapters 19-22.) Although surveys characteristic in common, frequently age; thus,
are important in assessing trends in health and the expression “the 1955 birth cohort” means
disease, the field of oral epidemiology encom- all persons born in 1955. In cohort studies,
passes much more than surveys. some individuals will have the exposure of
At the most basic level, epidemiologic study interest and some will not, and some will have
designs are cross-sectional or longitudinal. A cross- the outcome of interest and some will not. This
sectional study is one in which both exposure to permits the computation of relative risk, the
risk factors and the health outcomes in a group chance that the outcome will occur in an
of people who are, or are assumed to be, a sam- exposed person compared to the risk among the
ple of a particular population (a “cross section”) unexposed.14
are assessed at the same time. A longitudinal Science has long viewed retrospective studies
study is one in which the same group of people as being inherently of poorer quality than
is studied on two or more occasions so that inci- prospective studies. This view is unjustified,
dence, the change in a condition over time, can however, because many unusual conditions or
be assessed. A survey collects cross-sectional conditions that develop over a long period of
data. Comparison of trends by examining the time can only be studied realistically through
results of a sequence of surveys, even if the same retrospective designs. Indeed, the noted epi-
study protocols are used in all of them, is still a demiologist Rothman considers the develop-
cross-sectional comparison because different ment of the retrospective study design to be one
people are examined in the different surveys. of the major advances in epidemiologic meth-
Longitudinal studies require at least two ods in recent years.20 The principal retrospective
series of measurements among the same people design is the case-control study, in which people
at different times to determine the progress of who have a given condition (“cases”) are com-
the condition over the specified time period. pared to, and sometimes matched with, people
Such a study is also an incidence study. who do not have the condition (“controls”) but
Sometimes an analytic study can be cross- who may be similar with regard to some other
sectional, such as when several cross-sectional characteristics. The exposures of interest are
studies are performed over a period of time for then sought in the past of the participants. This
analytic purposes. An examination of mortality design permits the derivation of an odds ratio, a
trends, for example, must be cross-sectional numerical statement of probability very similar
(obviously it cannot be the same people who to relative risk.
13 Research Designs in Oral Epidemiology 177

Case-control studies must be planned patient is less clear-cut and only a small part of
thoughtfully, because the characteristics on dental care is provided in hospitals. The term
which the groups are matched (e.g., ethnic clinical trial tends to be loosely applied in den-
group) cannot be analyzed further as possible tistry to both types of study, so we will use it in
etiologic factors. Case-control studies can this chapter when describing research principles
demonstrate risk indicators for a disease, but common to both clinical trials and field trials.
the retrospective design means that risk factors We will use the term field trial (sometimes called
cannot be identified in this way. Risk factors for a community trial, or an effectiveness study) only
a disease can be confirmed only through cohort when specific reference to a field trial is needed.
or experimental study designs. A clinical trial is a controlled experimental
An ecologic study is an analytic study in which study or group comparison, based on epidemi-
data for both exposures and outcomes come ologic principles and designed to test the
from the population rather than from individu- hypothesis that a particular agent or procedure
als. For example, studies addressing the ques- favorably alters the natural history of a disease.
tion of whether water fluoridation is related to The group receiving the agent or regimen under
hip fracture experience (i.e., suggesting that study is the test group, sometimes called the
fluoridation is a risk factor for hip fracture) have experimental or study group, whereas a compara-
used community data for both water fluorida- ble group not subject to the agent or regimen is
tion (the exposure) and for hip fractures (the the control group. Clinical trials compare results
outcome) to derive a relationship.11,21 Such in two or more samples of a single population,
studies are relatively quick and inexpensive divided into groups that are essentially similar
because they avoid sampling, interviewing, clin- (in distribution of age, sex, race, socioeconomic
ical examinations, or access to individual med- status, and previous disease experience). The
ical records. Their weakness, however, is that aim is to ensure that the only difference
they cannot be certain that the people with the between the groups is the fact that the test group
outcome condition (in this case, the hip frac- receives the treatment under study whereas the
ture) are the same ones who had the exposure control group does not.
(drank fluoridated water). This weakness is Much of the basis for preventive procedures
often called the ecologic fallacy. Ecologic studies in dentistry has come from the results of clinical
can be useful, though usually they are not defin- trials, although the quality of trials described in
itive. They have a clearer role when a variable the dental literature varies from excellent to
under consideration, for example, community poor. The reader can judge the validity of a trial
income level, is by definition a group measure by determining how closely the report adheres
rather than an individual one. to certain principles in its conduct. These princi-
All of these study designs are nonexperimen- ples are described in brief in the following
tal and noninterventional, meaning that they sections.
study conditions as they occur rather than
manipulate conditions in the manner of a clas- Choice of Population in Which the Trial
sical laboratory experiment. However, there are Will Be Conducted
experimental designs in epidemiology that are Choice of population should be determined by
used to test the efficacy or effectiveness of a ther- the purpose of the trial. If the prime purpose of
apeutic drug, a preventive material, or a treat- a clinical trial is to test the efficacy of a particular
ment regimen. agent, that is, whether it works or not, then the
most favorable conditions should be created to
show that it does work. For that reason, the
project should be conducted with subjects who
In medical terminology, clinical trials are carried are selected for their susceptibility to the disease
out among patients, frequently hospital inpa- or condition. This means that a population of a
tients, and field trials are carried out among peo- specific age range is usually chosen deliberately,
ple in the community who may not necessarily because many oral diseases are age specific (see
be patients. This medical model does not trans- Chapters 19-23). Sex, race, socioeconomic sta-
fer well to dentistry, where the definition of a tus, and geographic location are other factors
178 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

considered in the choice of a study population probability of establishing comparable groups

for efficacy trials. If, however, the purpose is to by stratification, which means that before alloca-
assess the effectiveness of an agent under every- tion the base population is separated by those
day conditions, then broad community popula- factors known or thought to influence disease
tions, those with varying degrees of the disease occurrence (usually age, sex, race, socioeco-
or condition under study, should be chosen.16 nomic status, and previous disease experience).
Confusing the purposes of trials can lead to the Subjects from each stratum are then randomly
error of generalizing the results of efficacy trials allocated to study and control groups.
conducted in special populations with unusual Nonrandomized trial designs are not uncom-
disease distributions, such as institutionalized mon in the dental literature.18,19 Although they
people, to the general population. are weaker than randomized designs, sometimes
practical considerations dictate their use. For
Adequacy of the Numbers of Subjects example, the landmark Vipehölm study on diet
Loss of subjects during a prospective clinical trial and caries (see Chapter 28) was a prospective
is a fact of life and must be planned for. If the study, but participants were assigned to groups
numbers of subjects in the groups are not on a convenience basis rather than by random-
large enough to begin with, at the end of the trial ization. This could have influenced the results to
the researcher will be left with too few subjects some extent. Some studies dispense with a con-
to be able to show by statistical logic whether it trol group altogether and determine efficacy by
is likely that an observed difference between the comparison with historical controls; that is, they
groups is real or a chance result. The result may use a before-and-after design in which disease
then be that a real difference cannot be detected, levels at the end of the project are compared
and an agent that in fact is effective will not seem with those at the beginning.10 The weakness in
to be so. This issue relates to data analysis and this design is that uncontrolled change could
the conclusions from the trial, and is discussed take place during the trial to invalidate results.
more fully later in this chapter. For example, in a trial of a fluoride mouthrinse,
children in sixth grade at the completion of a
Comparability of Study and Control 3-year trial may have brushed with fluoride
Groups toothpaste more often than did the sixth-graders
The randomized trial, always the most elegant examined at the beginning of the trial. Without
design for efficacy studies4 and a cornerstone of use of a concurrent control group it is impossi-
evidence-based dentistry (see Chapter 12), is ble to tell if beneficial outcomes were due
one in which group similarity is achieved by entirely to the mouthrinse or were due at least in
random allocation of subjects to the study and part to the additional toothpaste use.
control groups. Random allocation means that Before-and-after trials are often called demon-
each participant has an equal chance of being strations, intended to “demonstrate” the value of
assigned to either the study or the control accepted preventive measures.12 Presenting a
group. Statistical probability is such that the case for the scientific validity of demonstrations
assumption can then be made that bias is not can get complicated,9,10 although it is worth not-
intruding and that at the end of the trial any dif- ing that the pioneering Grand Rapids fluorida-
ferences between the groups can be attributed tion trial used this design (see Chapter 25).
only to the agent under study. Any uncontrolled A major threat to the validity of a before-and-
variables influencing the outcome, which are after design comes from undetected sociodemo-
usually undetected by the researchers, are likely graphic change in the population under study
to affect subjects in both groups equally and during the period of the trial.
therefore not to affect the relative differences Some studies have used a comparison group,
between the groups. defined as any group to which the study group
The principle of random allocation is simple, is compared and a term that too often is used
although it is a carefully planned and controlled synonymously with control group.14 It is less con-
procedure. Random allocation is not haphazard fusing, however, if the term control group is
assignment or one based on volunteering or self- reserved for randomized controls and the term
selection. A statistician can further improve the comparison group is used for nonrandomized
13 Research Designs in Oral Epidemiology 179

comparisons. Examples of comparison groups therefore also should not know the group allo-
are the control communities used in fluorida- cation of subjects. When neither participants
tion field trials (see Chapter 25). Some compar- nor examiners know the group allocations, the
ison groups can be similar to study groups and trial is termed double-blind.
thus permit fairly valid comparisons, but others Use of a placebo is inherently impossible in
are so far removed from the study group that some instances, such as in trials of water fluori-
they serve little purpose. dation (where the fluoridating community is a
Certain types of trial use a crossover design, in matter of public record), fissure sealant (where
which subjects serve as their own controls. Each sealant visibility determines the outcome), or
subject receives an active treatment for a specific dental health education (where the control at
time and a placebo (or no treatment) during a best is a comparable group that receives no pro-
control period. Crossover designs are useful in gram, a passive control). Placebos raise ethical
short-term trials (weeks or months, rather than issues, because it is usually considered unethi-
years) for preventing reversible conditions like cal to deny established beneficial products to
gingivitis or calculus accumulation but are trial participants. If a manufacturer wants to test
unsuitable for caries prevention trials because fluoride toothpaste with a stronger formulation
the time needed for new lesions to develop is than is standard, for example, the control group
too long. They are also not appropriate for test- does not use a nonfluoride toothpaste but
ing of regimens that have a carryover effect, rather a standard-strength product. This is
because the effects of the treatment phase could called a positive control; the results then compare
influence responses during the nontreatment the effects of the new product with the effects
phase. Crossover designs are also inappropriate of the old one. Because the difference between
when the tested regimen may produce a perma- these two groups would be expected to be
nent effect, when test agents may be retained at less than if a placebo were used, the trial needs
the site of action for prolonged periods, or larger numbers of participants to permit any
when conditions may naturally undergo a rapid true difference to be shown.
change in prevalence, incidence, or morbidity. The ethical issue is recognized, but the weak-
The principal advantage of a crossover design is ness of efficacy trials without controls is that we
that results are not affected by variations in never know if using a tested product in a public
response among participating subjects. health program is any better than having no
In studying efficacy trials, readers should program. In an age of low caries experience and
take care not to confuse the need to carefully extensive fluoride exposure (apart from any that
select the study population with the necessity to may be associated with the test product), that
randomly allocate the individuals in that popu- can be a fair question.
lation to the study and control groups.
Control of Operational Procedure
Use of a Placebo in the Control Group An efficacy study, designed to answer the ques-
A placebo is a material or formulation like the tion of whether a particular agent or regimen
test product but without the active ingredient, works or not, must give the test agent every
such as a toothpaste that feels and tastes like a chance to succeed. Susceptible populations are
fluoride toothpaste but contains no fluoride. chosen for the trial, participants are randomly
The purpose of using a placebo in a trial is to allocated to test and control groups, and double-
keep subjects unaware of whether they are in blind conditions prevail. But in addition the
the test or control group (a blind study), so that researchers need to be sure that the agent is used
their health behavior will not be consciously or as intended. If it is a professionally applied agent
unconsciously affected by group allocation. or a treatment regimen, the protocol must spec-
Bias, which is systematic though usually uncon- ify precisely how the agent will be used, for how
scious error, can affect examiners as well: an long, how often, at what concentration, and by
examiner who expects a product to be effective whom. A placebo, or positive control, would be
may unconsciously apply stricter criteria for applied the same way. If a self-applied agent
caries in a control group if he or she knows is being tested, such as a mouthrinse, the proto-
which children are in which group. Examiners col should call for the agent to be used under
180 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

professional supervision. It is the researchers’ ing procedure is referred to as standardization.

task to ensure that the protocol is adhered to When one of the group serves as the “gold stan-
throughout the course of the study. dard” examiner and the training is to enable
In an effectiveness trial, the agent or treatment other examiners to record similarly, the term cal-
can be used as it normally would. That means ibration can be applied.
that professionals are given instructions in the Radiographs can be helpful in a trial, but the
use of a procedure or participants are given same issues of examiner consistency are pres-
the rinse to take home and use as instructed. ent. Diagnostic criteria must be established, and
Therefore there is less certainty in an effectiveness intraexaminer and interexaminer consistency
trial that the material has been used as intended, maintained with radiographic interpretation
but part of the aims of an effectiveness trial is to just as with clinical examinations. Given the
evaluate how the material works under everyday logistic and ethical issues that also arise, use of
conditions. In operational control, as in other radiographs is usually not recommended in
aspects of a trial, the purpose of the study must field trials.8 That is not necessarily the case in
be kept in mind. clinical trials in a dental school setting, where
patients may undergo radiography anyway in
Examiner Reliability the course of treatment.
Examiners in clinical trials must record disease
that has developed over a relatively short period Duration of the Trial
of time. This requirement forces the examiner to Clinical trials must be continued long enough to
diagnose disease at an early stage of its develop- permit detection of new disease or extension of
ment, which increases the risk of error. In caries lesions already present. For caries trials, the min-
trials, the most troublesome form of error is imum duration is usually 2-3 years, although
that an early lesion classed as carious at the first precise timing depends on the purposes of the
round of examinations may be classified as trial.7 The longer the trial, the more expensive it
sound in subsequent examinations, a negative is, so trade-offs are again required. The FDI
reversal, more commonly referred to just as a World Dental Federation suggested in 1977 that
reversal. Reversals are virtually unavoidable in trials of plaque-inhibiting agents could be as
any form of sequential diagnosis,17 although short as 8-21 days,6 but that guideline was for
they should remain a fairly small proportion of plaque measurements only. The FDI also recom-
all diagnoses. The ways of dealing with reversals mended that studies of calculus-preventing
in data analysis are discussed in Chapter 15, agents should last at least 90 days for supragingi-
and further discussion of examiner reliability is val calculus and longer for subgingival calculus.
found in Chapter 14. The American Dental Association requires that
The validity of clinical trial results depends plaque-inhibiting agents for which the associa-
heavily on the reliability of the examiner(s). This tion’s seal of approval is sought (see Chapter 29)
factor is usually referred to as intraexaminer relia- demonstrate gingivitis reduction as well as
bility (i.e., within-examiner consistency) or the plaque reduction; it requires such trials to be at
ability of an examiner to record the same condi- least 6 months long.1
tions the same way over time. Most examiners
with training and experience can develop an Statistical Analysis
acceptable degree of intraexaminer consistency. It is not our purpose to cover the methods of
Consistency between different examiners, statistical analysis in this text, because numer-
interexaminer reliability, is more difficult to ous excellent biostatistics textbooks are avail-
achieve, even when the examiners train together able. One particular analytic issue that can
from the same written criteria. It is best to use bother readers of the literature, however, is that
one well-qualified examiner, but large-scale of the relationship between statistical signifi-
studies usually require more than one examiner, cance and clinical importance. This issue is worth
and multicenter trials certainly do. In such cases some discussion here.
the examiners should undergo a period of train- A clinical trial to test a preventive agent or
ing to bring their diagnostic standards as close treatment regimen begins with a null hypothesis
together as can possibly be managed. This train- (i.e., the proposition that there is no difference
13 Research Designs in Oral Epidemiology 181

in disease experience between the test and con- in each group, (3) the population variance, and
trol groups). When large differences between (4) the α level chosen. If the findings of a study
test and control groups are expected, the groups are negative (meaning that the null hypothesis
can be smaller than when small differences are cannot be rejected), the power of the test indi-
expected. In either case, groups must be large cates how confident one can be that the find-
enough (i.e., the trial must have sufficient statis- ings are truly negative. The goal in considering
tical power) to permit the observed differences in power when calculating group sizes is to
disease increment between test and control enhance the chances of finding effects if they
groups to be reasonably tested for statistical sig- really do exist.
nificance, which is the probability that the The power of a test is critically important in
observed results are due to chance rather than to trials using a positive control, for example,
the efficacy of the tested product or regimen. those testing a higher-concentration fluoride
Chance in this context means that even with toothpaste against the positive control of a stan-
random allocation one group had more disease- dard fluoride product. Differences in caries
susceptible or disease-resistant individuals. (It increments between the groups are likely to be
does not mean the probability of a chance result small. If the investigators judge that differences
because of poor design or sloppy conduct of the as small as 15% between groups are clinically
study!) Such differences are not always apparent meaningful, they will need to be able to
when the groups are compared following alloca- demonstrate that differences this small are sta-
tion, but if it is apparent immediately after allo- tistically significant. The group sizes then have
cation that the groups differ in some important to be extremely large.5 Otherwise, with smaller
respect, the groups can be disbanded and the groups, the researchers may falsely conclude
allocation procedure repeated. that the regimens were equivalent because they
When comparing the observed results in a failed to demonstrate statistical significance,
clinical trial, it has been traditional to accept when in fact the chance of demonstrating such
5% (sometimes stated as 0.05) as the outer significance, or the power of the test, was small
limit of acceptable statistical significance. The to begin with.
statement p = 0.05 thus means that the risk of In a well-conducted study, type I errors usu-
accepting the observed difference between the ally arise from the fact that sometimes the ran-
groups as real when actually it is due to chance dom allocation process results in bias in the
is 5 in 100. In this case, the 5% chance of falsely composition of the groups. In a less well-
accepting that a regimen is effective is termed conducted study, it can come from an absence
type I error and the Greek letter α (alpha) is the of random allocation and from lack of blind-
probability of making a type I error. To offer ness in either examiners or participants. In an
greater assurance that an observed difference is otherwise well-conducted study, type II errors
real, investigators may set α at 1% (p = 0.01), typically come from group sizes that are too
although the trade-off here is that larger group small to permit demonstrating statistical signifi-
sizes are necessary. cance when clinical differences are apparent
However, the selection of a small α level does (i.e., the trial is underpowered). Imprecise diag-
not protect investigators from the possibility of nosis by examiners, in which a lot of random
failing to identify an effective agent or regimen. error will result in high error variance, can also
If the group size is too small, it is possible to lead to type II error. In a trial in which there has
conclude mistakenly that a treatment has no been no random allocation, the assumptions
effect when in fact it really does. This latter mis- underlying the statistical probability tests have
take is known as type II error, and the probabil- been violated, so the p values presented in such
ity of making a type II error is signified by the reports have little value.
Greek letter β (beta). Overcoming problems of sample size requires
The chance of detecting a true effect, if it more care than simply making study groups as
exists, is denoted as the power of the test and is large as possible. The reason is that, when groups
defined as 1 − β. Power is dependent on (1) the are large, the most trivial difference in disease
magnitude of the difference observed between increment between them will reach statistical sig-
the two treatments, (2) the number of subjects nificance. This can be misleading if there is no
182 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

clinical importance to the difference observed; 6. Fédération Dentaire Internationale, Commission on

therapeutic importance cannot be concluded Classification and Statistics for Oral Conditions.
Principal requirements for controlled clinical trials in
simply because statistical significance has been periodontal diseases. Int Dent J 1977;27:62-76.
determined. Using sample sizes larger than nec- 7. Fédération Dentaire Internationale, Commission on
essary is also inefficient; each additional subject Oral Health, Research and Epidemiology. Principal
in a study adds extra expense, consuming funds requirements for controlled clinical trials of caries
that could be used to conduct other important preventive agents and procedures. Int Dent J 1982;32:
studies. 8. Horowitz HS. Ethical considerations of study partici-
pants in dental caries clinical trials. Community Dent
Ethical Considerations Oral Epidemiol 1976;4:43-50.
Group sizes in a clinical trial should not be 9. Horowitz HS, Meyers RJ, Heifetz SB, Driscoll WS. Eight-
unduly large, because it is unethical to involve year evaluation of a combined fluoride program in a
nonfluoride area. J Am Dent Assoc 1984;109:575-8.
participants in research when their involvement 10. Horowitz HS, Meyers RJ, Heifetz SB, et al. Combined
is scientifically unnecessary and needlessly fluoride, school-based program in a fluoride-deficient
exposes them to the inconvenience and possi- area: Results of an 11-year study. J Am Dent Assoc
ble risks of participation. Humans taking part in 1986;112:621-5.
clinical trials must give informed consent, 11. Jacobsen SJ, Goldberg J, Cooper C, Lockwood SA. The
association between water fluoridation and hip frac-
which means providing a written acceptance ture among white women and men aged 65 years and
that the participant understands the conduct of older. A national ecologic study. Ann Epidemiol
the trial and the nature of any risks involved. 1992;2:617-26.
Researchers must certify in the report of the trial 12. Klein SP, Bohannan HM. The first year of field activities
that the study protocol has been accepted in the National Preventive Dentistry Demonstration
Program. Rand Report No. R-2536/1-RWJ. Santa Monica
by their institution’s review board, which any CA: Rand Corporation, 1979.
institution conducting research is required to 13. Kleinbaum DG, Kupper LL, Morgenstern H. Epidemio-
maintain. If the study raises special issues (e.g., logic research: Principles and quantitative methods.
if it includes illiterate or mentally retarded peo- Belmont CA: Lifetime Learning Publications, 1982:
ple), extra explanations are usually required in 25-34.
14. Last JM, ed. A dictionary of epidemiology. 4th ed. New
the report. Additional explanation of how the York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
rights of participants have been safeguarded 15. Locker D, Leake JL. Risk indicators and risk markers for
may also be needed if the study is conducted in periodontal disease experience in older adults living
a developing country that does not have the independently in Ontario, Canada. J Dent Res 1993;72:
same rigorous standards for human subject 9-17.
16. O’Mullane DM. Efficiency in clinical trials of caries pre-
protection as do the developed nations. ventive agents and methods. Community Dent Oral
Epidemiol 1976;4:190-4.
17. Radike AW. Examiner error and reversals in diagnosis.
REFERENCES In: Proceedings of the conference on the clinical testing
1. American Dental Association, Council on Dental of cariostatic agents. Chicago: American Dental
Therapeutics. Guidelines for acceptance of chemothera- Association, 1972:92-5.
peutic products for the control of supragingival plaque 18. Ringleberg ML, Conti AJ, Webster DB. An evaluation of
and gingivitis. J Am Dent Assoc 1986;112:529-32. single and combined self-applied fluoride programs in
2. Beck JD. Risk revisited. Community Dent Oral schools. J Public Health Dent 1976;36:229-36.
Epidemiol 1998;26:220-5. 19. Ripa LW, Leske GS, Levinson A. Supervised weekly rins-
3. Bradford Hill A. The environment and disease: Association ing with a 0.2% neutral NaF solution: Results from a
or causation? Proc R Soc Med 1965;58:295-300. demonstration program after two school years. J Am
4. Cochrane AL. Effectiveness and efficiency: Random reflec- Dent Assoc 1978;97:793-8.
tions on health services. London: Nuffield Provincial 20. Rothman KJ. Modern epidemiology. Boston: Little
Hospitals Trust, 1971:20-5. Brown, 1986:3.
5. Conti AJ, Lotzkar S, Daly R, et al. A 3-year clinical trial to 21. Suarez-Almazor ME, Flowerdew G, Saunders LD, et al.
compare efficacy of dentifrices containing 1.14% and The fluoridation of drinking water and hip fracture hos-
0.76% sodium monofluorophosphate. Community pitalization rates in two Canadian communities. Am
Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988;16:135-8. J Public Health 1993;83:689-93.
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease


Early Studies Indexes
The Concept of Measuring Disease EXAMINER RELIABILITY

Why do some patients have serious periodonti- particular characteristics. Using the characteris-
tis whereas apparently similar patients do not? tics listed in the definition of epidemiology
Why does a child who seems to eat candies all given earlier, one may relate these patterns to
day not get caries? Frequently there is no obvi- the following:
ous answer. That branch of scientific inquiry ●
Heredity: a person’s genetic endowment
which seeks to find order among these appar- ●
Biology: age, gender, race
ently haphazard patterns of disease is epidemiol- ●
Physical environment: sanitation levels, food
ogy. Epidemiology is defined as the study of and water supply, air quality, occupational
health and disease in populations, and of how hazards, housing quality, neighborhood
these states are influenced by heredity, biology, characteristics
physical environment, social environment, and ●
Social environment: educational attainment,
ways of living. cultural beliefs and practices, neighbor-
Epidemiologic study requires that disease be hood quality
measured quantitatively. This chapter describes ●
Lifestyle: smoking, exercise, dietary pat-
the philosophies that underlie disease measure- terns, dental attendance, toothbrushing
ment and some of the procedures used. These habits
methods are fundamental to the conduct of Heredity has received a lot of recent attention
research, and they can also be of value to practi- with the rapid growth of molecular epidemiol-
tioners in monitoring their patients. ogy, that is, the application of the techniques of
molecular biology to epidemiology. DNA typ-
ing has been used to identify the genotype of
pathogenic microorganisms, and viral DNA can
Although there are commonalities in the be measured in host cells and their genomes.13
philosophies of all scientific research, biologic DNA typing can also identify the genotypes of
laws tend to be less universally true than are people who are especially susceptible to certain
physical laws. The set of circumstances that diseases. Molecular epidemiology holds enor-
leads to a heart attack in one person will not mous potential for disease control during the
necessarily do so in another person of the same twenty-first century.
age, gender, and race. Biologic variation, mean- We should remember, however, that this is
ing the different disease susceptibility among not the first time in history that there has been
individuals, leads the epidemiologist to seek great optimism about prospects for disease con-
patterns among people who can be grouped by trol. In the late nineteenth century, when the
184 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

bacterial agents in many infectious diseases his epidemiologic conclusions. His investiga-
were being identified, the “end of disease” was tion took place some years before the germ the-
confidently being predicted. The concept of dis- ory of disease was understood, so Snow began
ease at that time was dominated by acute, mor- by trying to identify the features common to
tal infections with a single bacterial agent, and those who died from the disease. After he
little thought was given to chronic conditions. mapped out the residences of those who had
Today we are more aware that disease is multi- died (Fig. 14-1), his subsequent inquiries dis-
factorial, meaning that multiple causative cir- closed that all of the victims had used water
cumstances can be defined for just about any from the same source. That source, in the days
disease. Heart disease, the leading cause of before indoor plumbing, was a pump on Broad
death in the United States, is associated with Street (now Broadwick Street, where the site of
genetics, stress, diet, exercise, smoking, blood the pump is currently occupied by a public toi-
pressure, and blood cholesterol levels. So what let). Snow reached the rational conclusion that
is the “cause” of heart disease? Dental caries is something in the water was responsible for the
of bacterial origin but is also associated with spread of the disease. Snow’s method of con-
sugar consumption, fluoride exposure, saliva trolling the epidemic, still without knowing its
quality and quantity (which are likely to be cause, was to persuade the authorities to remove
genetically controlled), family education and the pump handle. The epidemic soon subsided.
income, and other factors in the physical and Snow’s subsequent investigations on the
social environment. So what is the “cause” of relation between cholera and the source of
dental caries? Within the multifactorial tangle, water supply are epidemiologic classics. The
epidemiology attempts to identify the risk fac- results of the patiently executed research of
tors (see Chapter 13) associated with a disease nineteenth-century workers such as Snow still
and to determine which of them are the most benefit present-day society. Their investigations
important for prevention and control. led to gradual but profound improvements in
sanitation and personal hygiene, and the devel-
Early Studies opment of the public health codes for housing,
Epidemiology was learned and practiced empir- water supply, and food processing that are now
ically long before it was named. For example, taken for granted. The fact that infectious dis-
people have known for ages that malaria is a eases such as cholera, typhoid, yellow fever,
disease of wet lowlands, so they have avoided plague, scarlet fever, and relapsing fever are now
living in such places. But there was little true rare in high-income countries is not simply
understanding about conditions that led to dis- chance but is due largely to the pioneering work
ease. The periodic epidemics that swept Europe of these early epidemiologists. Their work con-
from the Middle Ages until fairly recent times, tinues today: our understanding of the mode of
for example, were often seen as religious signs transmission of the human immunodeficiency
rather than as a result of squalid living condi- virus and its translation into public health edu-
tions. It was from the more rational study of cation to prevent acquired immunodeficiency
these epidemics that epidemiology evolved to syndrome followed remarkably quickly on the
its present form. Samuel Pepys, who wrote vivid first identification of the virus in 1983.21,30
chronicles of life in seventeenth-century That, too, is epidemiology.
London, used the Bills of Mortality, the forerun- The types of study design used in epidemiol-
ner of modern death certificates, to measure the ogy were described in Chapter 13 and the vari-
onset and decline of a plague epidemic in ous uses of the epidemiologic method in
London in 1665. Percivall Pott’s Treatise of the research are shown in Box 14-1.
Chimney Sweep’s Cancer, in 1775, described the
unusually high occurrence of scrotal cancer The Concept of Measuring Disease
among chimney sweeps and is thus an early sci- The good clinician thinks in qualitative terms.
entific description of an occupational hazard. During a diagnostic examination the dental
In 1854 John Snow, a medical practitioner in practitioner not only looks for existing disease
the Soho area of London, went so far as to con- but also tries to look ahead to the possibility of
trol an outbreak of cholera by the application of future disease. Measuring the oral health of a
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease 185

Fig. 14-1 John Snow’s map of the Soho area of London, showing deaths from cholera during the epidemic of
1854.18 (From Longmate, N. Alive and well: Medicine and public health, 1830 to the present day. Hammondsworth,
Penguin, 1970.)

population, however, requires a more standard- examination of the same group of patients fre-
ized and objective approach. Specific diagnostic quently results in a different count of carious
criteria, written explicitly for clinical, radi- lesions. Any one count of disease in a group is
ographic, microbiologic, or pathologic exami- therefore an estimate of conditions, rather than
nation, provide an objective framework for the absolute truth. As long as criteria are applied
practitioner’s judgment. These criteria are consistently, however, valid estimates will still
applied to judge the condition of the oral tis- result, because diagnostic drifts in one direction
sues as they are at examination time, not as they will be balanced by drifts the other way.
might be in the future. This objective applica- Acute diseases, such as measles, are character-
tion of diagnostic criteria is the most important ized by a sudden onset of symptoms, so that the
philosophical difference between the epidemi- patient progresses rapidly from a state in which
ologic examination and the examination car- the disease is clearly absent to one in which the
ried out for treatment planning. disease is clearly present. Remission of the acute
Measurement, the quantification of observa- phase of the disease is equally rapid, so little
tions, is the crux of science. Measurement vari- time is spent in the “gray areas.” Chronic dis-
ability is inherent in all fields of science; it is one eases, however, are usually characterized by a
reason why laboratory experiments are repeated much slower onset. It is difficult to establish
before their findings can be accepted. In studies exactly when arthritis, alcoholism, mental ill-
of oral disease, a count of carious lesions in a ness, dental caries, and periodontitis become
population is almost never duplicated; a repeat definitely established; there is a considerable
186 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

BOX 14-1 Uses of the Science of Epidemiology

Describing normal biologic processes. Examples not fully understood, knowledge of risk factors can
are height at various stages of growth, blood lead to intervention strategies for prevention and
groups, and times and order of tooth eruption. control.

Understanding the natural history of diseases. ●
Testing hypotheses for disease prevention and
Observations of disease progression and outcome control. Agents, regimens, or procedures for the
in populations have enabled investigators to prevention and control of disease can be
distinguish those diseases that are fatal or disabling experimentally tested in clinical trials (see Chapter
from those that will resolve uneventfully. 13). As a dental example, the various uses of

Revealing the distribution of disease. Indicating fluorides to reduce caries incidence have been
how disease occurs in the population by age, subjected to numerous field trials in human
gender, race, geographic region, and socioeconomic populations (see Chapters 25 and 26).
status. Comparisons of cross-sectional surveys ●
Planning and evaluating health care services.
conducted at different times demonstrate trends in Data that describe (1) the distribution of disease,
disease prevalence and distribution. It was the both treated and untreated, in the population
comparison of survey results in the early 1980s under study; (2) the population’s utilization
which first clearly showed that caries experience of health care services; and (3) the availability
had declined among children in the United States and productivity of health care services can be
(see Chapter 20). employed to assist planning decisions on

Identifying the determinants of disease. Within the services and types of personnel required.
multifactorial causes of disease referred to earlier, Related applications are validation of the
specific study designs (see Chapter 13) can identify effectiveness of treatment techniques, both new
the risk factors and risk indicators associated with a and traditional, and determination of the quality
disease. Even if the causal pathway of a disease is of treatment provided.

gray area. In dentistry this problem is handled country with a low degree of sampling error.
by counting as lesions only those that meet spe- Sampling error is the discrepancy between the
cific criteria. sample and the base population in one or more
important characteristics, and with modern sta-
tistical methods it can be remarkably small. The
type of sample used in the National Health
Interview Survey is a probability sample, which
Because the intent of a survey is to project results means that the chance of each person’s being
from a sample back to the base population from selected in the sample is known, though not
which the sample was drawn, clearly the sample necessarily equal. A greater proportion of older
should closely represent the population. people than younger people, for example, may
Examples of representative sampling are be deliberately sampled to compensate for the
found in the national surveys of the health status poorer response that is characteristic of older
of the United States population carried out con- people. What is important is that the sampling
tinuously by the National Center for Health probability be known, because then the degree of
Statistics ( Obviously sampling error can be calculated.
no one project can physically examine or ask When a nonprobability sample is used for a
questions of all 280 million or so Americans, so survey, however, interpretive problems arise
sampling is required. The process itself is com- because sampling error cannot be calculated
plicated and requires specialized training, but from nonprobability samples. As an example,
sampling precision is such that the 100,618 per- the National Survey of Oral Health in U.S.
sons interviewed in the 2000 National Health Employed Adults and Seniors in 1985-8629
Interview Survey28 could represent the whole sought to obtain a profile of oral health in
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease 187

American adults by examining employed adults Simple counts of cases are most useful for
and seniors who visited senior centers. This was unusual conditions of low prevalence (e.g., the
a practical and budget-conscious way of obtain- 130 or so incident cases of Ewing’s tumor in
ing a reasonable profile, but the restricted sam- children under 15 years of age in the United
pling most likely introduced bias into the States each year). Simple counts become less
results. For example, the survey found that only useful as prevalence increases.
4.2% of persons under age 65 were edentulous,
but this is almost certainly an underestimate Proportions
because various groups (e.g., the unemployed A count becomes a proportion when a denomi-
and self-employed) were excluded from the nator is added, and prevalence is thus deter-
sampling frame, which means that they had no mined. The count of cancers in males ages
chance of selection in the sample. 55-64 years can be divided by the population of
Note that analytic studies in epidemiology that group to give prevalence: 22 cases in a pop-
usually do not use probability samples. In fact, ulation of 845 men ages 55-64 years yields a
case-control and cohort studies, as well as clini- prevalence of 0.026, or 2.6%. Proportions do
cal trials (see Chapter 13), are usually conducted not include a time dimension; the figure just
with groups carefully chosen for required attrib- given would include newly diagnosed cases as
utes such as age, accessibility, presence of both well as longstanding ones. Proportions can also
the disease and the exposures under study, and be useful in expressing the prevalence of caries
willingness to participate. In analytic study among schoolchildren, the prevalence of total
designs, a prime critical issue is the selection and tooth loss in adults, or the prevalence of other
categorization of participants as cases or con- conditions whose occurrence is somewhere
trols, or exposed and unexposed. In clinical tri- between common and rare.
als, the prime critical issue is the allocation of
participants to test or control group. Rates
More than one analytic study is usually A rate is a proportion that uses a standardized
required before the identification of a risk factor denominator and includes a time dimension.
can be confirmed or the results of a clinical Infant mortality rate, for example, is the num-
trial can be generalized. If weekly use of a ber of deaths of newborn infants within the first
fluoride mouthrinse is found to reduce year of life per 1000 live births, usually stated
caries incidence by 22% over 30 months among for particular calendar years to illustrate trends.
12-year-old children in fluoridated Des In the United States the infant mortality rate for
Moines,6 what does that mean for the children white children dropped from 6.3 per 1000 live
of the United States as a whole? Even assuming births in 1995 to 5.7 in 2001; for African-
experimental conditions could be identical American children the same measures were
(which they never are), results need not neces- 14.6 and 13.3.28
sarily be the same for children of different eth- Rates have not been used much in oral dis-
nic backgrounds, living in different climatic ease measurement, except to describe caries
zones, and with differing dietary practices and incidence over a period of time in clinical trials6
exposure to fluoridated water. When additional and annual rate of loss of periodontal attach-
studies are carried out by different researchers in ment in longitudinal studies.17 Proportions or
different places with fairly similar results, how- index values are often mistakenly referred to as
ever, then the weight of evidence increases the rates in the literature.
likelihood that the observed effect is real and
generalizable to the population at large. Indexes
The individual who suffers from caries in only
2 of 32 teeth clearly has a much lower intensity
of disease than does the person who has carious
lesions in 16 of 26 teeth. Simple prevalence
Counts does not discriminate between these degrees of
The simplest way of measuring any disease is by intensity, which is usually determined in oral
counting the number of cases of its occurrence. epidemiology by use of an index (the plural
188 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

BOX 14-2 Properties of an Ideal Index

Validity. The index must measure what it is exclusive categories. Ideally, they should be able to
intended to measure, so it should correspond with be readily memorized by an examiner after some
the clinical stages of the disease under study at each practice.
point. ●
Quantifiability. The index must be amenable to

Reliability. The index should be able to measure statistical analysis, so that the status of a group can
consistently at different times and under a variety of be expressed by a distribution, mean, median, or
conditions. The term reliability is virtually other statistical measure.
synonymous with reproducibility, repeatability, and ●
Sensitivity. The index should be able to detect
consistency, meaning the ability of the same or reasonably small shifts, in either direction, in the
different examiners to interpret and use the index in condition.
the same way. ●
Acceptability. The use of the index should not be

Clarity, simplicity, and objectivity. The criteria painful or demeaning to the subject.
should be clear and unambiguous, with mutually

form we will use is indexes, although indices is

BOX 14-3 Types of Scale Used in Disease
also used).
An index is a numerical scale with upper and
lower limits, with scores on the scale correspon- ●
Nominal. A scale that simply gives names to
ding to specific criteria. Index scores can be different conditions and therefore is not strictly a
expressed for an individual; populations can scale at all, e.g., Angle’s classification of
be characterized by distributions or mean scores. malocclusions.3
The properties of an ideal index are listed in Box ●
Ordinal. A scale that lists conditions in some order
14-2. Index scores frequently are clinical abstrac- of severity without attempting to define any
tions (e.g., a Plaque Index score of 1.2), which mathematical relation between the categories, e.g.,
only make sense when used for comparisons the Gingival Index of Löe and Silness.17
between individuals or groups measured in a ●
Interval. A scale in which the numbers used in the
similar way. In the literature, the word index is scale purport to have a mathematical relation to
often used broadly to mean any form of disease each other, although the scale does not have a true
quantification, including proportions and rates. zero point. Examples are the Fahrenheit and Celsius
We encourage confining its use to scales meeting temperature scales; none known in dentistry.
the aforementioned definition. The criteria for ●
Ratio. A scale in which the numbers used in the
assigning a particular score to a condition are an scale purport to have a mathematical relation to
integral part of the description of any index. each other, and the scale has a true zero point. An
The different types of scales used in disease example is the Kelvin temperature scale, which goes
measurement are shown in Box 14-3. The to absolute zero. A dental example, though one no
majority of indexes used in oral epidemiology longer in use (see Chapter 16) is the Russell
are ordinal scales, although some are treated Periodontal Index.27
statistically as though they were interval or ratio
scales. This statistical impropriety can be a bit
academic, however, because such deviations
usually do not give seriously misleading results. stored, or tooth loss itself). However, gingivitis
There are other terms used in the literature to is a reversible inflammatory condition, so an
describe indexes, such as reversible and irre- index of gingivitis is considered reversible.
versible. An irreversible index is one that meas- A final general point about disease measure-
ures cumulative conditions that cannot be ment is that, just as there is no perfect method,
reversed: dental caries (e.g., caries that has there are also no generic, all-purpose scales that
resulted in tissue loss, either restored or unre- meet every need. Choice of measurement scale
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease 189

in any situation, whether it be for a practitioner clinical trials (see Chapter 12), which lists “any
monitoring a patient’s progress or for a methods used to enhance quality of measure-
researcher conducting a highly sophisticated ments” as one of the elements to be reported.19
clinical trial, is dictated by the needs. The first The issue of examiner reliability can make
response to the often-asked question of “What people uncomfortable, because to have one’s
index should I use?” is “What is the question you inconsistencies exposed for the world to see can
want to answer?” The process a practitioner goes be humbling. (We stress that examiner reliabil-
through to select a measure by which to monitor ity is totally unrelated to clinical skills or ability
the oral hygiene progress of a middle-aged peri- to care for patients.) In the literature, examiner
odontal patient is little different from that fol- reliability is sometimes vaguely dismissed with
lowed by the researcher in a complex study. Both a statement like “the examiners achieved 96%
have to determine why they are using that partic- agreement,” which by itself is of little value
ular measure, how to handle it reliably, and because of its uncertain meaning (it usually
what it is they want to demonstrate. seems to mean that one examiner’s group mean
score was 96% of the mean score of the other
examiner’s group). In addition, such a compari-
son does not account for decisions requiring lit-
When any measurements of disease are made tle diagnostic judgment (e.g., inclusion of many
over a period of time, conclusions reached are obviously sound lower incisors in the denomi-
based on the comparison between two sets of nator), nor does it account for agreement that
results. It follows that the diagnostic criteria would be expected by chance alone.10 The meas-
must be applied the same way at different times, ure most frequently used for expressing interex-
because if they are not, the comparisons have lit- aminer reliability is the kappa statistic, a value
tle value. This is the issue of examiner reliability, between 0 and 1.0 that expresses the degree of
which was introduced in Chapter 13. Assuming agreement beyond that expected by chance
that the index is inherently reproducible, the alone.10,12 Correlation statistics and specified
ability of an examiner to record the same condi- percent agreement, along with kappa, give a
tions the same way over time is termed intraex- good picture of interexaminer reliability in a
aminer reliability. This quality can be developed cross-sectional study.
by most examiners with some training and Reversals can be exasperating in longitudinal
experience, but it needs to be demonstrated in studies, notably in clinical trials. A reversal, more
research studies. Intraexaminer reliability can be properly called a negative reversal, is a change of
assessed by having an examiner record condi- diagnosis in an illogical direction over a period
tions in a group of 10-20 persons and then of time long enough for real change to have
repeat the process a few hours to a few days later. taken place. For example, when a surface scored
The time between the first and second examina- as caries into dentin at the first examination is
tions should be long enough for memory to fade scored as sound 1 year later, this is an illogical
but short enough so that real change in the change. In a clinical trial, the examiner has to
condition itself will not be noticeable. Reaching record disease that developed over a relatively
agreement between two or more examiners, short time; hence, much of it is at incipient
interexaminer reliability, is usually more tedious. stages. Diagnosis of borderline lesions as caries
It requires initial agreement on interpretation inevitably results in some degree of negative
of diagnostic criteria, then a period of training reversals, so reversals are an inherent part of any
with repeated patient examinations to ensure clinical trial.25 What must be remembered about
that examiners’ judgments are comparable. reversals, however, is that if the examiner is con-
Interexaminer reliability is rarely perfect, but sistent then negative reversals will be balanced
when examination findings from two or more by positive reversals, which are changes in a logi-
examiners are being pooled, a measure of cal direction made in error. In a caries trial this
interexaminer reliability training should be means that a lesion diagnosed as sound at the
recorded. This conforms with the CONSORT first examination is marked as carious a year
(Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) later, when the diagnosis really should have
Statement, a set of criteria for explicit reporting of been sound-sound or carious-carious. The snag,
190 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

of course, is that at data analysis the positive detected. The net result of four decayed lesions
reversals cannot be separated from normal dis- progressing to five therefore is retained and
ease progression. That is where a demonstration referred to as the net caries increment.
of reliability is important: even if the examina- Reversals in longitudinal studies of periodon-
tions are all of incipient lesions in first molars, titis are especially troublesome because reattach-
where many reversals would be expected, a con- ment has been demonstrated by experienced
sistent examiner will have negative reversals bal- examiners.15 A loss of periodontal attachment of
anced by positive reversals. Net results should 6 mm at initial examination that is then recorded
therefore be analyzed without subtracting out as 5 mm a year later could represent examiner
the negative reversals. error or it could be true reattachment. A demon-
Reversals are illustrated in Fig. 14-2, which stration of examiner reliability in diagnosis is
uses 10 tooth surfaces being measured for caries especially important in these circumstances.
to illustrate the point. Surfaces A to C have pro- Reliability in periodontal examinations has been
gressed from sound to decayed, but D and E improved with the advent of pressure-sensitive
(shaded) show negative reversals. The remaining and computerized probes,11,24 although the use
teeth have not changed in diagnosis between of these instruments is largely restricted to clini-
examinations. The net result is that the four D cal research studies.
lesions at baseline have become five lesions a Note the difference between an examination
year later. But how is this analysis affected by the to check reliability and the occurrence of rever-
negative reversals in D and E? Reversals at best sals. A reliability check consists of repeat exami-
can be disturbing (indeed, if the reliability exam- nations only hours apart, too close together
inations cast doubt on the examiner’s reliability, for real change to have occurred. Differences in
then the entire set of data is suspect). If, however, diagnosis are therefore all examiner variation.
the examiner is acceptably consistent, then it can Reversals occur over a period of time long
be assumed that the two negative reversals in D enough for real change to have occurred, so
and E are random errors and will be balanced by examiner variation can be mixed in with real
two positive reversals in A, B, or C. There could change. In a reliability check, the duplicate
also have been random error in the diagnoses for examinations do not form a part of the data set,
surfaces F to J, but because all these diagnoses are whereas reversals are detected from the study
in a logical direction, such error cannot be data.

Fig. 14-2 Representation of positive and neg-

ative diagnostic reversals in a longitudinal study.
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease 191

or other biologic tests that could predict caries

with sufficient sensitivity and specificity. The
best predictor of future caries was past caries
We discussed in Chapters 12 and 13 that the experience,5 a result that is consistently found
ultimate test for the efficacy of a preventive in more recent studies as well.9,14,26 This find-
agent or procedure was the randomized clinical ing is not much help to a practitioner trying to
trial, but this design does not fit when the pur- control caries in a susceptible patient.
pose is evaluation of a diagnostic test. Research aimed at finding tests for suscep-
Diagnostic tests in medicine are numerous tibility to severe periodontitis still has some
and well established. The criteria for an ideal way to go.1,22 The only true risk factors estab-
test are that it should be simple, inexpensive lished are tobacco use and diabetes,1 although
(relative to the direct or social cost of the dis- inflammatory mediators identified in gingival
ease), acceptable to the patient, valid, and reli- crevicular fluid may in time form the basis of
able. A test should also be sensitive, which in this practical tests of susceptibility.2 Clinical signs
context means that it yields a positive result in such as gingivitis, plaque deposits, suppuration,
those with the disease, and specific, meaning and bleeding on probing have demonstrated
that it gives a negative result in those who do poor sensitivity, and even a pocket depth of 4
not have the disease. There are only a few tests mm or more is only weakly predictive at best for
that rate highly in both sensitivity and speci- severe periodontitis.8,20 There has been some
ficity, so the choice may be whether to use a test modest progress in exploring risk factors in the
that is highly sensitive but not very specific physical and social environment such as stress
(which would capture a lot of false positives— and anxiety, income level, and poor ability to
people who test positive but really don’t have cope with life’s pressures.4,7 Although many of
the disease), specific but not sensitive (which these factors, apart from smoking and diabetes,
would lead to a lot of false negatives—people have not yet been unequivocally related to peri-
who test negative but really do have the dis- odontitis, some have been put together into a
ease), or not to test at all. Fig. 14-3 summarizes “risk calculator” that is reasonably valid.23
how sensitivity, specificity, and related predic- Further refinements in this area can be expected.
tive values can be derived from the results of
tests and subsequent disease outcome.
In dentistry a considerable number of predic-
tive tests intended to identify caries-susceptible
individuals have been explored down the years Epidemiology joins the basic sciences and clini-
without much success. A 1977 conference at cal studies to increase our understanding of dis-
Niagara Falls concluded that there was little at eases. The practitioner can factor knowledge
that time in the way of bacteriologic, enzymatic, of risk factors into diagnosis and treatment

Test result Disease No disease Total

Positive TP FP TP + FP
Negative FN TN TN + FN
Total TP + FN FP + TN ALL
Sensitivity: Proportion of people with disease who test positive: TP/(TP + FN)
Specificity: Proportion of people without disease who test negative: TN/(FP + TN)
Positive predictive value: Probability that a person who tests positive will have disease: TP/(TP + FP)
Negative predictive value: Probability that a person who tests negative will not have disease: TN/(FN + TN)
False-positive rate: Proportion of people with positive tests who do not have disease: FP/(FP + TN)
False-negative rate: Proportion of people with negative tests who have disease: FN/(TP + FN)

Fig. 14-3 Information that can be derived from the results of a predictive test related to disease outcome. TP, True
positive; TN, true negative; FP, false positive; FN, false negative.
192 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

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proceedings of a workshop conference. Washington status and future needs. J Periodontol 1985;56:25-34.
DC: Information Retrieval, 1978. 25. Radike AW. Examiner error and reversals in diagnosis.
6. Driscoll WS, Swango PA, Horowitz AM, Kingman In: Proceedings of the conference on the clinical testing
A. Caries-preventive effects of daily and weekly fluoride of cariostatic agents. Chicago: American Dental
mouthrinsing in a fluoridated community: Final results Association, 1972:92-5.
after 30 months. J Am Dent Assoc 1982;105:1010-3. 26. Reich E, Lussi A, Newbrun E. Caries risk assessment. Int
7. Genco RJ, Ho AW, Grossi SG, et al. Relationship of Dent J 1999;49:15-26.
stress, distress, and inadequate coping behaviors to 27. Russell AL. A system of scoring for prevalence surveys of
periodontal disease. J Periodontol 1999;70:711-23. periodontal disease. J Dent Res 1956;35:350-9.
14 The Measurement of Oral Disease 193

28. US Public Health Service, National Center for 29. US Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental
Health Statistics. Summary health statistics for US Research. Oral health of United States adults; national
children: National Health Interview Survey 2000. findings. NIH Publication No. 87-2868. Washington
DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 2003-1541, Series 10 No. DC: Government Printing Office, 1987.
213. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 30. Yankauer A. AIDS and public health [editorial]. Am J
2003. Public Health 1988;78:364-6.
15 Measuring Dental Caries



This chapter describes the methods for measur- 0 to 32, in whole numbers. A mean DMF score
ing dental caries in human populations. Some for a group, which is the total of individual val-
historical measures from the early twentieth ues divided by the number of subjects examined,
century include the proportion of first molars can have a decimal value. The DMF index can be
lost through caries21,22 and the percentage of applied to whole teeth (designated as DMFT) or
erupted permanent teeth affected by caries.1 to surfaces (DMFS). Modifications can be made
Both of these measures were useful when there to the index for factors such as filled teeth that
was little information of any kind about the dis- have redecayed, crowned teeth, bridge pontics,
ease, though they lacked sensitivity. At the other and any other particular attribute required for a
extreme, the Bodeckers’ index of surfaces given study. To save time in a large survey, the
affected by caries, described in 1931,10 was sen- DMF index can be used half-mouth; that is, it can
sitive but complicated. Dean and his col- be applied to opposite diagonal quadrants and
leagues,14 in their pioneering studies of the the score doubled, an approach which assumes
caries-fluoride relationship, counted the num- that the carious attack is bilateral. The DMF index
ber of teeth in the mouth visibly affected by can be applied to all 32 teeth, although because
caries, which was a forerunner of the DMF of the widespread removal of third molars in
count. The first description of what is now young adults some prefer to record a score for 28
known as the DMF index is attributed to Klein, teeth. Either approach is acceptable as long as the
Palmer, and Knutson in their studies of dental method is clearly stated.
caries in Hagerstown, Maryland, in the 1930s.32 Although the DMF index has been used uni-
Since then, the DMF index has received practi- versally since its introduction in 1938, its limi-
cally universal acceptance and is the best known tations need to be recognized. The main ones
and most widely used of all dental indexes. are shown in Box 15-1.
The DMF index for permanent teeth is always
signified by uppercase letters; the equivalent
index for the primary dentition is the def index
The DMF index, an irreversible index, is applied and its modifications.19 The teeth counted to
only to permanent teeth. As originally described, derive this index were originally defined as
it defined three categories of teeth that were follows:
counted to calculate the index: d for decayed teeth
D for decayed teeth e for teeth indicated for extraction
M for teeth missing due to caries f for filled teeth.
F for teeth that had been previously filled Teeth missing because of caries are not
Filled teeth were assumed to have been recorded because of the complications of exfoli-
unequivocally decayed prior to restoration. The ation and lack of knowledge as to whether miss-
DMF score for any one individual can range from ing teeth were carious prior to exfoliation.
15 Measuring Dental Caries 195

BOX 15-1 Limitations of the DMF Index

The DMF index has received remarkably little ●

The DMF index is invalid when teeth have been lost for
challenge over some 70 years of life, probably because reasons other than caries. Teeth can be lost for
it is simple and versatile. It was developed for use in periodontal reasons in older adults and for
children a long time ago, however, and accordingly it orthodontic reasons in teenagers. Decision rules,
shows its age in a few areas. The principal limitations which go along with criteria, are required to determine
are the following: how to deal with these instances.

DMF values are not related to the number of teeth at ●
The DMF index can overestimate caries experience in
risk. A DMF score for an individual is a simple count teeth with “preventive restorations.” In an
of those teeth that in the examiner’s judgment have epidemiologic survey, such teeth must be included in
been affected by caries; it has no denominator. the F component of DMF, although had they not been
A DMF score thus does not directly give an indication filled in the first place they might have been diagnosed
of the intensity of the attack in any one individual. as sound teeth. DMF scores will thus be inflated.5
A 7-year-old child with a DMF score of 3.0 may have Composite restorations judged to have been placed
only 9 permanent teeth in the mouth; thus one third only for cosmetic reasons likewise should not be
of these teeth have already been attacked by caries in included in DMF counts.
a short space of time. An adult may have a DMF ●
DMF data are of little use for estimating treatment
score of 8.0 with a full complement of 32 teeth; thus needs (see Caries Treatment Needs).
over a longer period of time only one quarter of the ●
The DMF index cannot account for sealed teeth.
teeth have been affected. DMF scores therefore have Sealants did not exist in 1938 and thus are obviously
little meaning unless age is also stated. not included in the description of the index. Here is

The DMF index gives equal weight to missing, where the DMF index shows its age; sealants and
untreated decayed, and well-restored teeth. other composite restorations for cosmetic purposes
Common sense suggests that this philosophical have to be dealt with separately.
basis is faulty for many purposes.

Modifications of this index are (1) the dmf skewed the distribution, the greater the gap
index for use in children before the age of exfo- between the mean DMF score and the SiC value.
liation, (2) the dmf index applied only to the A new global goal of an SiC score of 3.0 or less
primary molar teeth, and (3) the df index. for 2015 has been suggested57 and, if adopted
Values for df and def should be numerically the and used, would provide some further informa-
same; def allows for two grades of caries, and tion on caries distribution.38
neither index counts missing teeth. Both the def Other methods of measuring dental caries
and df indexes may therefore understate the with a different philosophical base have been
true extent of the carious attack; the trade-off is suggested. One is Grainger’s hierarchy, an ordi-
presumably greater reliability from ignoring nal scale designed to simplify the recording of
missing teeth. the caries status of a population, which uses five
Because of the present-day skewed distribu- zones of severity of the carious attack.18 This
tion of caries prevalence in the population, the scale appears to be valid29,31,45 but has received
Significant Caries Index (SiC Index) was devel- little further use, probably because of low sensi-
oped.11 The SiC Index is not a new index, tivity. More recently, “composite” indicators
because it is based on the distribution of DMF have been suggested that attempt to measure
values in a population, but is a way of express- health rather than disease by weighting healthy
ing caries distribution that goes beyond mean restored teeth differently from missing or
DMF. It is actually the mean DMF score for the decayed teeth.46 The first of these is the FS-T,
third of the distribution most affected by caries which sums the sound and healthy restored
and is intended to be used alongside the mean teeth. The second is T-Health, which seeks to
DMF value to give a more complete summary of measure the amount of healthy dental tissue
caries in the whole population. The more and assigns descending numerical weights for a
196 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

sound healthy tooth, a filled tooth, and a itated, whether diagnosed clinically or radi-
decayed tooth. These are conceptually sound ographically. Such a lesion appears as a discol-
approaches to measuring dental health and ored fissure without loss of substance, as a
function (rather than disease), and they deserve “white spot” on visible smooth surfaces, or
more attention than they have received. radiographically as an early interproximal
Sealants had not arrived when the DMF shadow. The issue is that not all noncavitated
index first appeared, but there are two reason- lesions progress to become dentinal lesions
able approaches for dealing with sealants in the requiring restorative treatment; a good propor-
DMF system. One view holds that the sealed tion of them remain static or even remineralize,
tooth is not restored in the classic sense and especially smooth surface lesions.43 These
should therefore be considered sound. The lesions are thus reversible, as opposed to a
other contends that it has required hands-on, dentinal lesion, which is generally considered
one-to-one dental attention and so should be irreversible. Because there are usually more
considered a filled tooth. Probably the best way noncavitated than cavitated lesions at any
to deal with sealed teeth is to put them into a one time in both high-caries and low-caries
category by themselves, S for sealed. The DMFS populations,9,23,44 the decision as to whether to
index would then become DMFSS. Depending include or exclude them, and how to express
on the purpose of a given study, the S teeth can them if included, can make a substantial
be left separate, included with the F teeth, or difference in the oral health profiles obtained.
regarded as sound. Examples of these two different approaches
With modern preventive and restorative to diagnostic criteria for dental caries are shown
technology, the DMF index is really outdated as in Box 15-2. Traditionally, European investiga-
a measure of caries attack; the index may be tors have recorded caries on a scale that extends
more valid as a measure of treatment received. It through the full range of disease from the earli-
is philosophically questionable to use a disease est detectable noncavitated lesion through to
index that is so dependent on the treatment pulpal involvement.3 The criteria in Box 15-2
judgments of many practitioners, and combin- are based on those first published by the World
ing previous treatment (i.e., the M and F com- Health Organization (WHO) in 197954 and
ponents) with current treatment need (the D now usually referred to as the D1-D3 scale.
component) is unsuitable for surveillance pur- Clinical researchers in Europe have expanded
poses (see Chapter 4). A measure of caries activ- on this concept to produce a scale with up to 10
ity would be preferable for many purposes, but points, combining increasing depths of lesion
approaches to scoring caries activity are still development with clinical signs of activity or
based on clinical acumen.41 Until a more objec- inactivity.37 On the other hand, investigators in
tive measure is developed and accepted, the North America, Britain, and the other English-
DMF index will continue to be used. The results speaking countries have traditionally recorded
of its use, however, should always be interpreted caries as a dichotomous condition, meaning
with care. that caries is diagnosed only as present or
absent. (We refer to this as the dichotomous
scale.) In dichotomous recording, caries is only
noted when it has reached the level of dentinal
involvement,20 that is, the D3 level. Use of the
There is no global consensus on the criteria for D1-D3 scale requires that the teeth be dried and
diagnosing dental caries, despite a vast quantity be given a longer, more meticulous survey
of words on the subject. Different traditions examination. Although there are more diagnos-
about defining a lesion in the gray area, where it tic decisions to make when the D1-D3 scale is
is difficult to tell whether the disease is irre- used, adequate examiner reliability can be
versibly established or not, have grown up and maintained when examiners have been trained
are still adhered to. Apart from the inherent in this system.43
problem of diagnosing a borderline lesion, the The D1-D3 scale is extremely valuable in
major philosophical issue is how to score an research studies on dental caries, because it per-
early carious lesion that has not yet become cav- mits identification of lesion progression as well
15 Measuring Dental Caries 197

BOX 15-2 Criteria for Diagnosis of Caries Through the Full Range of Lesion Development (D1-D3 Scale)
Compared With Criteria for Diagnosis at the Dentinal Lesion Stage Only (Dichotomous Scale)20,44,55

Diagnosis through the Full Range of Caries: D4. Pulpal involvement. Deep cavity with probable
the D1-D3 scale pulpal involvement. Pulp should not be probed.
0. Surface sound. No evidence of treated or (Usually included with D3 in data analysis.)
untreated clinical caries (slight staining allowed in an
otherwise sound fissure). Diagnosis at the Dentinal Lesion Stage Only:
D1. Initial caries. No clinically detectable loss of the Dichotomous Scale
substance. For pits and fissures, there may be Pits and fissures on the occlusal, vestibular, and
significant staining, discoloration, or rough spots in lingual surfaces are carious when the explorer
the enamel that do not catch the explorer, but loss of “catches” after insertion with moderate to firm
substance cannot be positively diagnosed. For smooth pressure and when the “catch” is accompanied by one
surfaces, these may be white, opaque areas with loss or more of the following signs of decay:
of luster. 1. Softness at the base of the area.
D2. Enamel caries. Demonstrable loss of tooth 2. Opacity adjacent to the area* providing evidence of
substance in pits, fissures, or on smooth surfaces, but undermining or demineralization.
no softened floor or wall or undermined enamel. The 3. Softened enamel adjacent to the area that may be
texture of the material within the cavity may be chalky scraped away by the explorer.
or crumbly, but there is no evidence that cavitation has
penetrated the dentin.
D3. Caries of dentin. Detectably softened floor,
undermined enamel, or a softened wall, or the tooth
has a temporary filling. On approximal surfaces, the
explorer point must enter a lesion with certainty.

*The area should be diagnosed as sound when there is apparent evidence of demineralization but no evidence of softness.

as initiation. Research questions on the condi- routine use of the explorer in this way is likely to
tions under which early lesions progress, damage the enamel matrix of noncavitated
regress, or remain static can thus be answered lesions where remineralization is taking place. As
only with the use of such a measurement scale. a result, European criteria for diagnosing caries
Its application demands meticulous examiner in the 1990s have moved toward exclusively
training because D1 lesions are capable of rem- visual criteria.42 Initial studies with a group of
ineralizing back to sound enamel, and it thus dentists using extracted teeth that later were sec-
becomes difficult to differentiate examiner error tioned and histologically examined found that
from natural phenomena. There is less consen- use of the explorer did not add to the value of
sus on whether the D1-D3 scale should be used visual diagnosis.34,35 The series of surveys for
in large-scale surveys, and there are no examples monitoring caries in British children that is car-
of this having been done. Arguments can be ried out by the British Association for the Study
made both ways, but on balance we believe that of Community Dentistry, really a surveillance
more benefit is to be gained if surveys continue system, uses the exclusively visual approach in
to diagnose caries at the D3 level only, that is, its protocol. Caries is recorded at the D3 level,
using the dichotomous scale.12 and the criterion for caries is the following: “if, in
Caries diagnosis by clinical means, irrespec- the opinion of a trained examiner, after visual
tive of the criteria adopted, has traditionally used inspection there is a carious lesion into dentine,”
visual-tactile methods; that is, it has used the then caries is recorded.43 Use of this criterion
explorer as well as vision. Indeed, the criteria requires extensive examiner training and meticu-
listed in the dichotomous scale in Box 15-2 lous drying of the teeth. The third National
explicitly require use of the explorer. Our current Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
understanding of caries, however, indicates that (NHANES III) in the United States, 1988-94,
198 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

retained the traditional dichotomous criteria BOX 15-3 Criteria For Diagnosing Root Surface
shown in Box 15-2.25 Caries6
Caries diagnosis is also complicated by hidden
caries, the name given to dentinal caries found ●
A discrete, well-defined, and discolored soft area is
radiographically beneath an apparently sound present.
occlusal surface.30,43,52 This condition is poorly ●
The explorer enters easily and displays some
understood, although it is hardly rare; studies resistance to withdrawal.
found hidden caries in 7.5% of a group of Dutch ●
The lesion is located either at the cemento-enamel
children53 and 2%-5% of Lithuanian children.37 junction or wholly on the root surface.
Some see it as a by-product of the fluoride age, in ●
Restored root lesions are counted only if it was
which the original break in the enamel reminer- obvious that the lesion originated at the cemento-
alizes before the dentinal lesion has reached the enamel junction or is confined to the root surface
pulp, but its natural history is really unknown. completely.
Additional research on this condition is clearly
needed. The possibility of hidden caries has led
to a further look at the use of radiographs for
caries diagnosis at a time when they generally on a single root surface rather than circumscrib-
are not employed in caries epidemiologic stud- ing a root.47 Although most lesions occur on
ies and clinical trials for ethical reasons (unnec- exposed root surfaces, around 15% of all root
essary radiation exposure when not used in the lesions have been found on surfaces without
course of treatment), costs, and the risk of bias gingival recession, although of course there is
that comes from the refusal of some study par- loss of periodontal attachment.13,33,47 It is not
ticipants to undergo radiography. yet clear whether these root lesions form in peri-
Newer methods of caries diagnosis, such as odontal pockets or whether an exposed root
fiberoptic transillumination, electrical conduc- surface later becomes covered by the over-
tance, and laser fluorescence, have shown growth of inflamed gingiva. Problems in locat-
promise2,30,36 and may find a role in epidemio- ing the cemento-enamel junction because of
logic study as well as in patient care. These diag- obliteration by restorations or calculus can add
nostic aids do not change the philosophical to the diagnostic difficulties.27
approach to measuring caries, although if reli- The extent of root caries can be expressed as a
able they will permit noncavitated lesions to be simple prevalence figure, meaning the propor-
detected at earlier stages of development. tion of a defined population with at least one
Whether this is always necessary or not depends root lesion, and as the mean number of carious
on the aims of the given study and the purposes or restored root lesions per person (i.e., a DFS
for which the resulting data will be used. count). To provide the most complete profile of
root caries activity, however, these values should
be accompanied by the number of missing teeth
and by Root Caries Index (RCI) scores.
The criteria most frequently used to diagnose The RCI, first described in 1980,26 was inten-
root caries were first described in 1980.7 The ded to make the simple prevalence measures
clinical examination was carried out after a more specific by including the concept of teeth at
thorough prophylaxis, after which root caries risk (in contrast to the DMF index). A tooth was
was diagnosed according to the criteria shown considered to be at risk of root caries if enough
in Box 15-3. Although these criteria have proved gingival recession had occurred to expose part of
to be versatile, there are several diagnostic issues the cemental surface to the oral environment.
in root caries that have not yet been fully settled. The RCI is computed by scoring root lesions and
These problems include the lack of a universally restorations and noting teeth with gingival reces-
accepted case definition,8 difficulty in differen- sion, according to the following formula:
tiating active from nonactive lesions,27 and
uncertainties in diagnostic reliability.6 (Root surfaces: decayed + filled) × 100
Root lesions are frequently difficult to detect (Root surfaces with loss of periodontal attachment:
because many appear as small, discrete lesions decayed + filled + sound)
15 Measuring Dental Caries 199

Table 15-1 Proposed case definitions of early childhood caries and severe early childhood caries15
Age in Months Early Childhood Caries* Severe Early Childhood Caries*

<12 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more smooth dmf surfaces

12-23 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more smooth dmf surfaces
24-35 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more smooth dmf surfaces
36-47 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more cavitated, filled, or missing (due to caries) smooth
surfaces in primary maxillary anterior teeth or dmfs ≥4
48-59 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more cavitated, filled, or missing (due to caries) smooth
surfaces in primary maxillary anterior teeth or dmfs ≥5
60-71 1 or more dmf surfaces 1 or more cavitated, filled, or missing (due to caries) smooth
surfaces in primary maxillary anterior teeth or dmfs ≥6
*Any carious lesion, whether noncavitated (d1) or cavitated (d2-d4), tooth missing due to caries (m), or filled surface (f). Primary teeth

The index can be computed for an individual, A practical case definition of ECC has been
for particular tooth types, or for a population at slow to develop, and measurement cannot be
large. An RCI of 7% means that, of all teeth with validly carried out without a case definition. In
gingival recession, 7% were decayed or filled on an effort to bring some order out of chaos, a
the root surfaces. As with any index scores, 1999 workshop set age-related criteria for ECC.
results are most useful if a distribution measure The workshop took the view that any caries in
is also presented. The RCI does not take into children was ECC, and to define the severe cate-
account the time at risk of an exposed root sur- gories (i.e., obvious caries in incisors and
face; a root surface that has been exposed for molars) that most dental people think of, the
years is obviously at more risk than one just workshop introduced the term severe early child-
recently exposed. hood caries (S-ECC). The suggested criteria for
The original description of the RCI acknowl- these conditions are shown in Table 15-1.
edged the chance of underestimation due to These guidelines are a step in the right direc-
exclusion of subgingival lesions,26 but at the time tion. Although some confusion may arise from
these were considered unusual. As noted earlier, application of the term ECC to any caries in chil-
however, some 15% or more of root lesions since dren up to 6 years of age, the view that caries in
recorded are subgingival. Accordingly, it is now young children is not normal is one to be
recommended that the RCI be applied to both encouraged. The inclusion of the age relation-
supragingival and subgingival lesions but that the ship also helps to clarify our view of the condi-
scores for each type of lesion be recorded tion. These guidelines will probably be refined
separately.28 over time, but for now they are clearly a step for-
ward in research on the subject, and their use is
to be recommended.
Early childhood caries (ECC) is the name given to
extensive carious attack in infants and young
children that seems to be associated with regu- Assessment of the caries treatment needs of a
lar exposure to sugar, often from fluid in a bot- group, at first glance, appears to be nothing
tle. Its dietary associations have resulted in a more than the D segment of a mean DMF score
plethora of names for the condition: baby bot- assessed from a survey. This approach, however,
tle tooth decay, nursing caries, labial caries, and has been shown not to work for the following
others.24 This proliferation of names, some of reasons:
which include the presumed etiology, has not ●
Criteria used to diagnose caries in a survey
helped our understanding of the condition, and usually are not the same as those used by
for that reason the name early childhood caries is practitioners in forming a patient’s treat-
recommended. ment plan.
200 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

Patients’ own perceived needs, level of schoolchildren were judged to be in need of
interest in their dental conditions, and abil- restorative care.49 The validity of these figures is
ity or willingness to pay all influence the debatable, and they have received little use. In
level of treatment carried out. later national surveys treatment needs assess-

A practitioner has to judge whether a minor ments were not carried out.50,51
lesion will develop into a major lesion over WHO includes a subjective treatment need
time, and whether a lesion in a primary assessment by the examiner as part of its
tooth can safely remain untreated for the Pathfinder survey method,55 although it has
life of the tooth. A survey scores a tooth by not been determined how well these estimates
how it appears at the time of the survey. approximate treatment actually carried out.

Treatment philosophies change with WHO also has developed a broad-based
expanding knowledge and technologic approach to determining needs in low-income
developments; a treatment that is standard countries through what it calls a situation analy-
today may not be so tomorrow. sis, an enhancement of Pathfinder survey data
Because surveys are usually conducted under with information on population trends, school
less than ideal conditions, relative to the dental enrollment figures, per capita income, and
office, surveys would be expected to detect fewer health care resources.56
carious lesions than practitioners do.5 However,
that begs the question of which assessment is REFERENCES
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14. Dean HT, Arnold FA Jr, Elvove E. Domestic water and 32. Klein H, Palmer CE, Knutson JW. Studies on dental
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19. Gruebbel AO. A measure of dental caries prevalence the Significant Caries Index. Community Dent Oral
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20. Horowitz HS. Clinical trials of preventives for dental survey to predict General Dental Service treatment.
caries. J Public Health Dent 1972;32:229-33. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1983;11:296-301.
21. Hyatt TP. Report of an examination made of two thou- 40. Nuttall NM, Pitts NB, Fyffe HE. Assessment of reports
sand one hundred and one high school pupils. Dent by dentists of their restorative treatment thresholds.
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22. Hyatt TP. Prophylactic odontotomy. Dent Cosmos 41. Nyvad B, Machiulskiene V, Baelum V. Reliability of a
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24. Ismail AI, Sohn W. A systematic review of clinical diag- nosis in Europe. J Dent Educ 1993;57:409-14.
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dren and adolescents 1-17 years of age: United States, method of describing the pattern of dental caries attack.
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lution of the Root Caries Index. J Public Health Dent cators of dental health. Community Dent Health
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335-41. ural water fluoride levels. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;120:
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51. US Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental 54. World Health Organization. A guide to oral health epi-
Research. Oral health of United States children. NIH demiological investigations. Geneva: WHO, 1979.
Publication No. 89-2247. Washington DC: Government 55. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys; basic
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52. Weerheijm KL, Groen HJ, Bast AJ, et al. Clinically 56. World Health Organization. Planning oral health serv-
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16 Measuring Periodontal Diseases



Although the DMF (decayed, missing, and filled erupted teeth.37 The GI, an index of gingivitis
teeth) index for caries has remained stable over that takes no account of deeper changes in
a 50-year period, the philosophical basis for the periodontium, is sufficiently sensitive to
measuring periodontal diseases has changed distinguish between groups with little and with
several times over a shorter time span. In the severe gingivitis, although it may not discrimi-
early days of modern periodontal research (i.e., nate as well between groups in the middle
the 1950s and 1960s), “periodontal disease” ranges.
was viewed as a single entity that began with Gingival bleeding after gentle probing has
gingivitis and progressed to periodontitis and become a standard measure of gingivitis in clin-
tooth loss. This view is now obsolete (see ical trials. Although visual assessments of
Chapter 21), so that indexes based on it are con- inflammation (color, swelling) are subjective,
sidered invalid. The separate clinical measures the appearance of spots of blood after the probe
now used for gingivitis and periodontitis were is gently run around the gingival margin is more
first described some 40 years ago, and they sensitive21 and more objective in those sites that
are still important. They will likely be joined are difficult to view directly.22 Validity against
soon by some measures based on molecular the GI has also been demonstrated.43 The major
biology as knowledge in this area continues to area of subjectivity with use of a gingival bleed-
grow rapidly. ing index is the “gentle probing,” which has
been shown to vary between 3 and 130 g for dif-
ferent examiners.49
A further refinement of the bleeding indexes
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingivae with- came with the Eastman Interdental Bleeding
out involvement of the deeper supporting tis- Index,14 which may be more sensitive than
sues. The oldest reversible index is the P-M-A other measures of papillary bleeding.15
(standing for Papillary-Marginal-Attached), Gingival bleeding measures that do not carry
which dates from immediately after World War any particular name are collectively designated
II.41 As the inflammatory process became better by the acronym BOP (bleeding on probing).
understood, it gave way to the Gingival Index The use of gingival bleeding indexes, as
(GI) of Löe and Silness38 in the early 1960s, opposed to visual determination of gingivitis, is
anindex that is still used. The GI grades the gin- not recommended in public health programs
giva on the mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual for three reasons:
surfaces of the teeth. Each area is scored on an 1. This degree of sensitivity is rarely required
ordinal scale of 0-3 according to the criteria in surveys, surveillance, or screening; it
shown in Box 16-1. The GI has been used to may be needed in cohort and case-control
score selected teeth in the mouth56 as well as all studies.
204 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

BOX 16-1 Scores and Criteria for the Gingival

field conditions. In this group, the most widely
used periodontal index for many years was the
Periodontal Index (PI), first described by
0: Normal gingiva Russell in 1956.53
1: Mild inflammation—slight change in color, slight The PI was a composite index, meaning that
edema; no bleeding on probing it scored both gingivitis and periodontitis on
2: Moderate inflammation—redness, edema, and the same scale. This represented the thinking of
glazing; bleeding on probing the time, but modern understanding has
3: Severe inflammation—marked redness and edema; shown the PI to be invalid because it does not
ulceration; tendency to spontaneous bleeding include evaluation of CAL, grades all pockets of
3 mm or more equally, and scores gingivitis
and periodontitis on the same weighted scale.
Its compression of all information into a group
2. Such indexes have uncertain discrimina- mean also fails to illuminate the disease distri-
tory power in field conditions.39 bution, and a primary research interest today is
3. Concerns about infection control make why some people have no disease and others
the deliberate inducement of gingival have severe disease. However, in the 1960s, the
bleeding outside the clinic hard to justify. PI was viewed as an ideal field index and was
The Modified Gingival Index (MGI) was used in a series of epidemiologic studies that
developed to eliminate the use of bleeding on correlated disease scores with clinical and
probing while still providing high visual sensi- social determinants. These correlations (see
tivity for incipient gingivitis.36 Gingivitis is an Chapter 21) soon became accepted as basic
area in which the development of valid nonclin- knowledge.
ical measures would be highly beneficial. The same fundamental problem of a compos-
ite index was evident in the Periodontal Disease
Index (PDI), intended as a more sensitive ver-
sion of the PI for use in clinical trials.51 Although
Periodontitis is a family of related diseases that the PDI is also no longer used, the indirect
differ in natural history, and response to ther- method of measuring CAL that Ramfjord
apy but that are characterized by a common described then is still employed today. The PDI
underlying chain of events.48 These commonal- also gave us the “Ramfjord teeth,” a set of six
ities, and their clinical expression, permit valid teeth taken to represent the whole mouth during
clinical measurement by similar procedures, examination. The Ramfjord teeth are the maxil-
basically measurement of clinical attachment lary right first molar, left central incisor, and left
loss (CAL) and probing depth. Periodontitis is first bicuspid, and the mandibular left first
a bacterially induced inflammation of the gin- molar, right central incisor, and right first bicus-
gival tissues together with some loss of both pid. Ramfjord chose this group of teeth to save
the attachment of the periodontal ligament time in clinical examinations. (Partial-mouth
and bony support. The clinical manifestations recording is discussed later in this chapter.)
of periodontitis come from the interaction In field studies today periodontitis is still
between bacterial infection and the host measured by Ramfjord’s technique for the indi-
response. rect measurement of CAL.51 The approach is
Many early epidemiologic studies of peri- shown graphically in Fig. 16-1. First, the exam-
odontal diseases were based on radiographic iner measures probing depth from the gingival
surveys of alveolar bone loss.16,54,55 However, crest to the base of the pocket. Second, the
radiography, although a standard diagnostic cemento-enamel junction is located and the
procedure in periodontitis clinical trials and depth from this junction to the gingival crest is
patient care, is impractical and probably unethi- recorded. The difference between these values
cal in field studies. The attempt was therefore gives an indirect measure of CAL. These meas-
made to develop reversible indexes that were urements are usually carried out at between two
both sensitive and clinically manageable in and six sites per tooth, depending on the pur-
16 Measuring Periodontal Diseases 205

C = zero

1 2

A = Gingival crest to base of


B = Gingival crest to cemento-

enamel junction
B C = A minus B
A (Note: B is negative in example 3)

Fig. 16-1 Indirect method of measuring loss of periodontal attachment and pocket depth.51

pose of the study, either for selected teeth or for ●

How many such sites need to be present in
the whole dentition. It is an exacting process: a mouth to establish disease presence
measuring six sites per tooth for an intact denti- ●
How probing depth and BOP are to be
tion can take 30-40 minutes per examination, included in the case definition
even for an experienced examiner. In addressing the first issue, allowance also
The Extent and Severity Index (ESI) records must be make for examiner variation, which
the percentage of sites with a CAL greater than can confuse efforts to measure CAL progression.
1 mm and the mean CAL for those affected Even though measurements of pocket depth are
sites.13 When amended to set a cutoff value of repeatable to within 1 mm more than 90% of
2 mm, it has yielded some useful summary the time,29 the standard deviation of repeated
information.9 Despite its name, the ESI is a CAL measurements of the same site by an expe-
method of summarizing data rather than a true rienced examiner with a manual probe is
index. Its measurements are made by the around 0.8 mm.24 Accordingly, change in
Ramfjord method. attachment level in a clinical study must be at
Measurement of any disease is based on a least 2 mm (i.e., two to three times the standard
case definition, and the uncertainty in the case deviation) before the investigators can be confi-
definition for periodontitis is clearly part of the dent that they are seeing real change rather than
reason we still use a recording procedure that is measurement error.25,34 CAL progression of at
almost 50 years old. A case definition for peri- least 3 mm over a given time period has been
odontitis needs to establish the following: the criterion for change in some studies.11,24,26

What depth of CAL at any one site consti- Even the introduction of computerized, con-
tutes evidence of disease processes stant-force probes28 has not changed these
206 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

issues much. Computerized probes are widely between 3.5 mm and 5.5 mm, and circular
used in clinical studies,52 but there is little dif- markings at 8.5 mm and 11.5 mm. The purpose
ference in the reliability of measurements taken of the ball is to assist in feeling subgingival calcu-
with manual and with computerized probes for lus and to help prevent the probe from being
most examiners.23,45 pushed through inflammatory tissue at the base
The problems inherent in clinical measure- of a pocket. Probing pressure is recommended to
ment have led researchers to look for markers of be no more than 20 g (described as the pressure
periodontitis. The most promising candidates at which the probe can be inserted under a fin-
are the inflammatory cytokines expressed in gernail without discomfort). Another difference
gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) as part of the is that the CPITN originally was used to catego-
host response to inflammation, a number of rize people into treatment-need groups rather
which have been associated with active dis- than to compute mean values. Codes to be used
ease.44,46 These cytokines include prostaglandin with the index are shown in Box 16-2.
E2, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1α, Widespread use of the CPITN has produced
interleukin-1β, and others. Although it has been substantial contributions to WHO’s Global
documented for some time that these and other Oral Health Data Bank (see Chapter 21), and a
constituents of GCF are associated with inflam- number of national dental associations have
matory response,31-33 actually quantifying these encouraged use of the CPITN by its practitioner
associations and determining the sensitivity of members. In the United States, the Indian
the measures (i.e., the extent to which the quan- Health Service used the CPITN in its treatment
tity of expressed cytokine increases or decreases planning for some years. Then the American
as inflammation increases or decreases) is prov- Dental Association began to promote a slightly
ing difficult. To date, measurement of periodon- modified version known as the Periodontal
titis by means of inflammatory cytokines in Screening Record (PSR).42 Another modifica-
GCF is still experimental, but this field is devel- tion of the CPITN appeared in Britain, called
oping rapidly, and practical and efficient tests the British Periodontal Examination, or BPE.47
are likely to emerge. The validity of the CPITN/PSR continues to be
debated; it appears that the index underesti-
mates in some areas and overestimates in oth-
ers.5-7 The CPITN/PSR is not a research tool and
Any assessment of periodontal treatment needs thus should not be used as a measure of peri-
in a population has the same limitations that odontitis in research studies.8
are seen with caries. Treatment plans are subjec- The index is now referred to as the
tive, often depending on some dentist-patient Community Periodontal Index, or CPI. This
factors that are not part of a clinical examina-
tion, and standard treatment for a given condi-
tion can change quickly as knowledge develops BOX 16-2 Codes and Criteria for the Community
(e.g., treatment of periodontal pockets has sub- Periodontal Index Described by the World Health
stantially shifted from surgical removal of pock- Organization59
ets to scaling and root planing). Even so, a
number of methods aimed at assessing peri- 0: Healthy gingiva.
odontal treatment needs have been developed 1: Bleeding observed, directly or by using the mouth
over the years,10,58 culminating in the mirror, after “sensing” (i.e., gentle probing).
Community Periodontal Index of Treatment 2: Calculus felt during probing but all the black area of
Needs (CPITN). the probe visible (3.5-5.5 mm from ball tip).
The CPITN was first described in 1982,3 and 3: Pocket 4 or 5 mm (gingival margin situated on
with some promotion by the World Health black area of probe, i.e., 3.5-5.5 mm from probe
Organization (WHO) it received worldwide tip).
use.2 It differs from earlier indexes in several 4: Pocket >6 mm (black area of probe not visible).
ways. The most obvious is that it requires use of a X: Excluded segment (less than two teeth present).
special periodontal probe, which has a 0.5 mm 9: Not recorded.
diameter ball at its tip, a black band for visibility
16 Measuring Periodontal Diseases 207

change followed a workshop on the index in BOX 16-3 Scores and Criteria for the Plaque
Manila in 1994.2,30,47 The workshop recom- Index37
mended that the CPI remain the global stan-
dard for data on health planning but that the 0: No plaque in the gingival area.
treatment need codes be eliminated because 1: A film of plaque adhering to the free gingival margin
they had become obsolete in view of current and adjacent area of the tooth. The plaque may only
treatment methods.47 Hence the metamorpho- be recognized by running a probe across the tooth
sis of the CPITN into the CPI. The current ver- surface.
sion of the CPI even includes optional use of 2: Moderate accumulation of soft deposits within the
CAL measurements.59 gingival pocket, on the gingival margin and/or
adjacent tooth surface, which can be seen by the
3: Abundance of soft matter within the gingival pocket
Plaque and calculus are still measured in terms and/or on the gingival margin and adjacent tooth
of quantity rather than quality, so most indexes surface.
are variations on that theme. These indexes have
been around for some years.
The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index
(OHI-S)19,20 had wide use in surveys. It is quick The Volpe-Manhold Index, or VMI,57 has
and practical to apply, although it lacks sensitiv- been widely used in the United States in trials to
ity. The OHI-S scores calculus and plaque test agents for plaque control and calculus inhi-
together, both supragingivally and subgingivally. bition.35 It is intended to score new deposits of
The current focus on subgingival, rather than supragingival calculus, following a prophylaxis
supragingival, plaque and calculus renders this to remove all calculus, in clinical trials. (The rea-
index obsolete for most purposes today. A spin- soning is that all new calculus over a 3-month
off index is the Patient Hygiene Performance period, the approximate length of a clinical trial
(PHP), in which plaque deposits are recorded to test calculus-inhibiting products, will be
in five different tooth surface zones after use of supragingival.) The VMI scores calculus deposits
a disclosing tablet.50 on three planes (lingual, distal, and mesial) of
Silness and Löe56 developed the Plaque each of the lower six anterior teeth. A probe
Index (PlI) to be used along with their GI. The is used to measure the linear extent of calculus
same surfaces of the same teeth are scored as in in increments of 0.5 mm, from 0 to 5 mm.
the GI and a 0-3 ordinal scale is again used. The The tooth score is the sum of the scores in the
principal difference in approach between the three planes; patient total score is the sum of
PlI and the OHI-S is that the PlI scores plaque the tooth scores.
according to its thickness at the gingival margin
rather than its coronal extent, a measure
claimed to be more valid.4 The PlI is still used;
codes and criteria for this index are shown
in Box 16-3. Because full-mouth examinations for gingival
WHO, after several earlier efforts to develop a bleeding, CAL, plaque, and calculus can be time
simple measure of oral hygiene status,58 settled consuming, investigators have tried using vari-
for the measure of subgingival calculus that is ous indexes on a subset of teeth to save time.
part of the CPI.59 Soft plaque deposits are The expectation is that the subset of teeth will
ignored in the CPI. Because calculus appears to act as a representative sample of all teeth in the
be the aspect of oral hygiene most closely asso- mouth, yielding information that can be
ciated with periodontitis,40 a simple measure applied to the whole mouth but taking much
of its presence or absence, such as WHO uses less time to examine. Partial-mouth recording
in the CPI, is sufficient for many purposes. was pioneered by Ramfjord with the Ramfjord
As always, however, the index chosen depends teeth subset in 1959,51 and the CPI uses it today.
on the purpose of the given survey and the way There is agreement that partial-mouth record-
the data are to be used. ing is valid for assessing plaque formation and
208 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

gingivitis,1,17,18,27 both of which are generalized 5. Almas K, Bulman JS, Newman HN. Assessment of
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32. Lamster IB. The host response in gingival crevicular 56(Spec Issue):1-3.
fluid: Potential applications in periodontitis clinical 50. Podshadley AG, Haley JV. A method for evaluating
trials. J Periodontol 1992;63(12 Suppl):1117-23. oral hygiene performance. Public Health Rep 1968;83:
33. Lee HJ, Kang IK, Chung CP, Choi SM. The subgingival 259-64.
microflora and gingival crevicular fluid cytokines in 51. Ramfjord SP. Indices for prevalence and incidence of
refractory periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 1995; periodontal disease. J Periodontol 1959;30:51-9.
22:885-90. 52. Reddy MS, Geurs NC, Jeffcoat RL, et al. Periodontal dis-
34. Lindhe J, Haffajee AD, Socransky SS. Progression of ease progression. J Periodontol 2000;71:1583-90.
periodontal disease in adult subjects in the absence of 53. Russell AL. A system of scoring for prevalence surveys of
periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol 1983;10:433- periodontal disease. J Dent Res 1956;35:350-9.
42. 54. Sandler HC, Stahl SS. Measurement of periodontal dis-
35. Lobene RR. A clinical comparison of the anticalculus ease prevalence. J Am Dent Assoc 1959;58:93-7.
effect of two commercially-available dentifrices. Clin 55. Schei O, Waerhaug J, Lovdal A, Arno A. Alveolar bone
Prev Dent 1987;9(4):3-8. loss as related to oral hygiene and age. J Periodontol
36. Lobene RR, Mankodi SM, Ciancio SG, et al. Correlation 1959;30:7-16.
among gingival indices: A methodology study. J 56. Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. II.
Periodontol 1989;60:159-62. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal con-
37. Löe H. The Gingival Index, the Plaque Index, and the dition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964;22:112-35.
Retention Index systems. J Periodontol 1967;38 57. Volpe AR, Kupczak LJ, King WJ. In vivo calculus assess-
(Suppl):610-6. ment. Part III. Scoring techniques, rate of calculus for-
38. Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. I. mation, partial mouth exams vs. full mouth exams, and
Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand intra-examiner reproducibility. Periodontics 1967;
1963;21:533-51. 5:184-93.
39. Macaulay WR, Taylor GO, Lennon MA, et al. The suit- 58. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys; basic
ability of three periodontal indices for epidemiological methods. 2nd ed. Geneva: WHO, 1977.
studies conducted for planning purposes. Community 59. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys; basic
Dent Health 1988;5:113-9. methods. 4th ed. Geneva: WHO, 1997.
40. Mandel ID, Gaffar A. Calculus revisited. J Clin
Periodontol 1986;13:249-57.
17 Measuring Dental Fluorosis



This chapter describes methods for measuring tributional data from 10 communities7 on which
dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is a hypomin- he based the CFI. Dean related this index to the
eralization of the dental enamel caused by concentration of fluoride in a water supply and
excessive ingestion of fluoride during tooth was able to show a linear correlation, as one of
development.13 Depending on the quantity and his original charts demonstrates (Fig. 17-2).
timing of fluoride ingestion during this period, Dean also stated, although only in a footnote,
the clinical appearance of fluorosis can range that CFI scores below 0.4 were of “no public
from barely noticeable changes to an ugly health significance.”5 With cosmetic awareness
brown stain with pitting and flaking of friable likely to be greater now than it was in the 1930s,
enamel. however, Dean’s personal assessment of the
public health significance of fluorosis may be
less relevant today.
An index of fluorosis was needed when the ini-
tial investigations of fluorosis began in the
1930s (see Chapter 22). Dean’s first Fluorosis
Index set criteria for categorizing dental fluoro- Fluorosis was the subject of surprisingly little
sis on a seven-point ordinal scale: normal, ques- study after the initial investigations of con-
tionable, very mild, mild, moderate, moderately trolled water fluoridation21 until the 1980s,
severe, and severe. Dean used this seven-point when research was spurred by suggestions that
scale for his Fluorosis Index for some years,3,8 its prevalence might be increasing.16 During the
but by 1939 his experience led him to combine 1980s, the Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis
the “moderately severe” and “severe” categories (TSIF) was developed and used by researchers at
into a single “severe” category.9 By 1942 Dean the National Institute of Dental Research.10,15
had revised his Fluorosis Index into a six-point Criteria for the TSIF are shown in Box 17-2. The
scale, including normal or unaffected enamel,4 TSIF scale is probably more sensitive than
that still finds some use today. Dean’s criteria Dean’s index in identifying the mildest forms of
for his revised version of the Fluorosis Index are fluorosis. The TSIF ascribes a score on a scale of
shown in Box 17-1. 0-7 to each tooth surface in the mouth, whereas
A spin-off of the Fluorosis Index was the Dean’s index applies only to the two most
Community Fluorosis Index (CFI), which Dean affected teeth in the mouth. The World Health
defined in 1935 by assigning arbitrary numeri- Organization, however, still recommends use of
cal values to his seven-point ordinal scale, again Dean’s Fluorosis Index in its basic survey man-
ranging from no fluorosis and borderline to ual.26 TSIF results are given as an ordinal distri-
severe and very severe.6 Fig. 17-1 shows the dis- bution rather than as mean scores.
17 Measuring Dental Fluorosis 211

Size Percentage Distribution of Sample
City of According to Severity of Affection
(PPM) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Lubbock, TX 176 4.4
Amarillo, TX 168 3.9
Conway, SC 59 4.0
Plainview, TX 78 2.9
Colorado Springs, CO 79 2.5
Galesburg, IL 57 1.8
Monmouth, IL 38 1.7
Mullins, SC 47 0.9
Big Springs, TX 68 0.7
Pueblo, CO 83 0.6

Moderate to severe Mild Very mild Questionable Normal

Fig. 17-1 Data from Dean’s studies to show the distribution of fluorosis severity in relation to fluoride concentration
of the drinking water in 10 communities.8

BOX 17-1 Criteria for Dean’s Fluorosis Index4

The enamel represents the usual translucent semivitriform type of structure. The surface is smooth, glossy, and
usually of a pale creamy white color.
The enamel discloses slight aberrations from the translucency of normal enamel, ranging from a few white flecks to
occasional white spots. This classification is utilized in those instances in which a definite diagnosis of the mildest
form of fluorosis is not warranted and a classification of “normal” not justified.
Very mild:
Small, opaque, paper-white areas scattered irregularly over the tooth but not involving as much as approximately 25%
of the tooth surface. Frequently included in this classification are teeth showing no more than about 1-2 mm of
white opacity at the tip of the summit of the cusps of the bicuspids or second molars.
The white opaque areas in the enamel of the teeth are more extensive but do not involve as much as 50% of the tooth.
All enamel surfaces of the teeth are affected, and surfaces subject to attrition show marked wear. Brown stain is
frequently a disfiguring feature.
Includes teeth formerly classified as “moderately severe” and “severe.” All enamel surfaces are affected and hypoplasia
is so marked that the general form of the tooth may be altered. The major diagnostic sign of this classification is the
discrete or confluent pitting. Brown stains are widespread and teeth often present a corroded appearance.

The TSIF is viewed as a public health index The previous discussions of fluorosis indexes
rather than as a research tool. It does not call for concern fluorosis in the permanent denti-
drying of the teeth prior to scoring, on the tion, because fluorosis was for a long time
grounds that when the appearance of teeth is thought not to occur at all in the primary teeth.
judged in everyday life it is done so with the It does, however, and the TSIF has also
teeth wet. The very mildest forms of fluorosis been used to record fluorosis in the primary
are therefore likely to be missed with the TSIF. dentition.17,25
212 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

of the communal water supply having

the indicated fluoride concentration
associated with the continued use
Index of dental fluorosis found 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14
Fluoride (F) concentration of communal water supply in parts per million (PPM)
Fig. 17-2 Data from Dean’s studies to show the relation between mean Fluorosis Index scores and the fluoride con-
centration of the drinking water.4

BOX 17-2 Clinical Criteria and Categorizations for
With studies of fluorosis being carried out in
the Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis15
many regions of the world, Dean’s Fluorosis
0: Enamel shows no evidence of fluorosis. Index inevitably became modified to meet spe-
1: Enamel shows definite evidence of fluorosis, cific needs; for example, its sensitivity at the
namely, areas with parchment-white color that total higher end of the scale was increased to han-
less than one third of the visible enamel surface. dle situations in which fluorosis was more
This category includes fluorosis confined only to severe than any with which Dean had to deal.24
incisal edges of anterior teeth and cusp tips of The resulting Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index
posterior teeth (“snowcapping”). has a stronger biologic basis than Dean’s more
2: Parchment-white fluorosis totals at least one third or less arbitrary index, because the index scores
of the visible surface, but less than two thirds. were developed by relating them to histologic
3: Parchment-white fluorosis totals at least two thirds features of affected enamel. The criteria for the
of the visible surface. TF index are shown in Box 17-3. Because its use
4: Enamel shows staining in conjunction with any of necessitates drying of the teeth, the TF index is
the preceding levels of fluorosis. Staining is defined the most sensitive of existing indexes. At the
as an area of definite discoloration that may range same time, it requires assessment of only one
from light to very dark brown. surface per tooth because fluorosis affects all
5: Discrete pitting of the enamel exists, tooth surfaces equally.14 It can be used on
unaccompanied by evidence of staining of intact selected teeth or the whole dentition, and
enamel. A pit is defined as a definite physical defect results again are expressed as distributions
in the enamel surface with a rough floor that is rather than as mean scores. An example of a TF
surrounded by a wall of intact enamel. The pitted distribution is shown in Fig. 17-3.
area is usually stained or differs in color from the
surrounding enamel. FLUOROSIS RISK INDEX
6: Both discrete pitting and staining of the intact
enamel exist. The Fluorosis Risk Index (FRI)19 is designed for
7: Confluent pitting of the enamel surface exists. Large use in analytic studies that seek to identify risk
areas of enamel may be missing and the anatomy of factors for fluorosis; it explicitly recognizes that
the tooth may be altered. Dark brown stain is the risk of fluorosis is related to fluoride expo-
usually present. sure at particular stages of dentition develop-
ment. It divides the buccal and occlusal surfaces
17 Measuring Dental Fluorosis 213

BOX 17-3 Clinical Criteria and Scoring for the Thylstrup-Fejerskov Fluorosis Index24

0: Normal translucency of enamel remains after prolonged air-drying.

1: Narrow white lines located corresponding to the perikymata.
2: Smooth surfaces:
More pronounced lines of opacity that follow the perikymata. Occasionally confluence of adjacent lines.
Occlusal surfaces:
Scattered areas of opacity <2 mm in diameter and pronounced opacity of cuspal ridges.
3: Smooth surfaces:
Merging and irregular cloudy areas of opacity. Accentuated drawing of perikymata often visible between
Occlusal surfaces:
Confluent areas of marked opacity. Worn areas appear almost normal but usually circumscribed by a rim of
opaque enamel.
4: Smooth surfaces:
The entire surface exhibits marked opacity or appears chalky white. Parts of surface exposed to attrition appear
less affected.
Occlusal surfaces:
Entire surface exhibits marked opacity. Attrition is often pronounced shortly after eruption.
5: Smooth and occlusal surfaces:
Entire surface displays marked opacity with focal loss of outermost enamel (pits) <2 mm in diameter.
6: Smooth surfaces:
Pits are regularly arranged in horizontal bands <2 mm in vertical extension.
Occlusal surfaces:
Confluent areas <3 mm in diameter exhibit loss of enamel. Marked attrition.
7: Smooth surfaces:
Loss of outermost enamel in irregular areas involving <1⁄2 of entire surface.
Occlusal surfaces:
Changes in the morphology caused by merging pits and marked attrition.
8: Smooth and occlusal surfaces:
Loss of outermost enamel involving >1⁄2 of surface.
9: Smooth and occlusal surfaces:
Loss of main part of enamel with change in anatomic appearance of surface. Cervical rim of almost unaffected
enamel is often noted.

of each permanent tooth into four zones based need to diagnose fluorosis before recording
on the age at which calcification begins and enamel opacities, a requirement that some
selectively classifies each zone into one of two think may introduce measurement bias.12 The
categories.18 There is also a tight case definition DDE index has been used a number of times
of fluorosis. When related to the history of fluo- since its introduction,2,11,22,23 but the large
ride exposure, fluorosis that develops during amount of data generated has led to problems
the maturation phase of enamel can be differen- in presenting results in a meaningful fashion.
tiated from that which develops earlier. Wider Following a national survey of children in
use of this index is likely in studies on fluorosis Ireland, modifications to the DDE index were
risk factors. suggested to make it simpler.1
Russell20 addressed the same issue of distin-
guishing between milder forms of fluorosis and
nonfluoride enamel opacities, and provided a
description of differential diagnostic features as
The intent of the Developmental Defects of shown in Table 17-1. An accurate history of
Dental Enamel (DDE) index was to avoid the drinking water sources, as well as of the use of
214 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology


Less severe
80 More severe




0 1 2 3 4+

Fluorosis severity score

(TF index)
Fig. 17-3 Hypothetical data to show the distribution of fluorosis in two U.S. child populations, as measured by the
Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index.

Table 17-1 Differential diagnosis between milder forms of dental fluorosis (questionable, very mild, and mild)
and nonfluoride opacities of enamel20
Characteristic of
Enamel Opacities Milder Forms of Fluorosis Nonfluoride Opacities

Area affected Usually seen on or near tips of cusps Usually centered in smooth surface;
or incisal edges. may affect entire crown.
Shape of lesion Resembles line shading in pencil sketch; Often round or oval.
lines follow incremental lines in enamel, form
irregular caps on cusps.
Demarcation Shades off imperceptibly into surrounding Clearly differentiated from adjacent
normal enamel. normal enamel.
Color Slightly more opaque than normal enamel; Usually pigmented at time of eruption;
paper white. Incisal edges, tips of cusps often creamy yellow to dark reddish
may have frosted appearance. Does not show orange.
stain at time of eruption (in these milder
degrees, rarely at any time).
Teeth affected Most frequent on teeth that calcify slowly Any tooth may be affected. Frequent
(cuspids, bicuspids, second and third molars). on labial surfaces of lower incisors.
Rare on lower incisors. Usually seen on six or May occur singly. Usually one to
eight homologous teeth. Extremely rare in three teeth affected. Common in
deciduous teeth. deciduous teeth.
Gross hypoplasia None. Pitting of enamel does not occur in the Absent to severe. Enamel surface may
milder forms. Enamel surface has glazed seem etched, be rough to explorer.
appearance, is smooth to point of explorer.
Detection Often invisible under strong light; most easily Seen most easily under strong light on
detected by line of sight tangential to tooth line of sight perpendicular to tooth
crown. surface.
17 Measuring Dental Fluorosis 215

fluoride tablets, toothpaste, and rinses, should index of developmental defects of dental enamel (DDE
be sought by practitioners as an aid to diagnos- index). Int Dent J 1982;32:159-67.
13. Fejerskov O, Manji F, Baelum V. The nature and mecha-
ing the nature of enamel disturbances in nisms of dental fluorosis in man. J Dent Res
patients. 1990;69(Spec Issue):692-700.
14. Fejerskov O, Manji F, Baelum V, Møller IJ. Dental fluo-
rosis: A handbook for health workers. Copenhagen:
REFERENCES Munksgaard, 1988.
1. Clarkson J, O’Mullane D. A modified DDE index for 15. Horowitz HS, Driscoll WS, Meyers RJ, et al. A new
use in epidemiological studies of enamel defects. J Dent method for assessing the prevalence of dental fluoro-
Res 1989;68:445-50. sis—the Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis. J Am Dent
2. Cutress TW, Suckling GW, Pearce EIF, Ball BE. Defects Assoc 1984;109:37-41.
of tooth enamel in children in fluoridated and non- 16. Leverett DH. Fluorides and the changing prevalence of
fluoridated water areas of Auckland. N Z Dent J dental caries. Science 1982;217:26-30.
1985;81:12-9. 17. Levy SM, Hillis SL, Warren JJ, et al. Primary tooth fluo-
3. Dean HT. Chronic endemic dental fluorosis (mottled rosis and fluoride intake during the first year of life.
enamel). In: Gordon SM, ed: Dental science and dental Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2002;30:286-95.
art. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1938:387-414. 18. Pendrys DG. The Fluorosis Risk Index: A method for
4. Dean HT. The investigation of physiological effects by investigating risk factors. J Public Health Dent
the epidemiological method. In: Moulton FR, ed: 1990;50:291-8.
Fluorine and dental health. Washington DC: American 19. Pendrys DG, Katz RV. Risk of enamel fluorosis associ-
Association for the Advancement of Science, 1942: ated with fluoride supplementation, infant formula,
23-71. and fluoride dentifrice use. Am J Epidemiol
5. Dean HT. Epidemiological studies in the United States. 1989;130:1199-1208.
In: Moulton FR, ed: Dental caries and fluorine. 20. Russell AL. The differential diagnosis of fluoride and
Washington DC: American Association for the nonfluoride enamel opacities. Public Health Dent
Advancement of Science, 1946:5-31. 1961;21:143-6.
6. Dean HT, Dixon RM, Cohen C. Mottled enamel in 21. Russell AL. Dental fluorosis in Grand Rapids during the
Texas. Public Health Rep 1935;50:424-42. seventeenth year of fluoridation. J Am Dent Assoc
7. Dean HT, Elvove E. Some epidemiological aspects of 1962;65:608-12.
chronic endemic dental fluorosis. Am J Public Health 22. Suckling GW, Brown RH, Herbison GP. The prevalence
1936;26:567-75. of defects of enamel in nine-year-old children in New
8. Dean HT, Elvove E. Further studies on the minimal Zealand in a health and development study.
threshold of chronic endemic dental fluorosis. Public Community Dent Health 1985;2:303-13.
Health Rep 1937;52:1249-64. 23. Suckling GW, Pearce EIF. Developmental defects of
9. Dean HT, Elvove E, Poston RF. Mottled enamel in South enamel in a group of New Zealand children.
Dakota. Public Health Rep 1939;54:212-28. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1984;12:177-84.
10. Driscoll WS, Horowitz HS, Meyers RJ, et al. Prevalence 24. Thylstrup A, Fejerskov O. Clinical appearance of dental
of dental caries and dental fluorosis in areas with negli- fluorosis in permanent teeth in relation to histologic
gible, optimal, and above-optimal fluoride concentra- changes. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
tions in drinking water. J Am Dent Assoc 1978;6:315-28.
1986;113:29-33. 25. Warren JJ, Levy SM, Kanellis MJ. Prevalence of dental
11. Dummer PM, Kingdon A, Kingdon R. Prevalence fluorosis in the primary dentition. J Public Health Dent
of enamel developmental defects in a group of 11- and 2001;61:87-91.
12-year-old children in South Wales. Community Dent 26. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys; basic
Oral Epidemiol 1986;14:119-22. methods. 4th ed. Geneva: WHO, 1997.
12. Fédération Dentaire Internationale, Commission on
Oral Research and Epidemiology. An epidemiological
18 Measuring Other Conditions
in Oral Epidemiology



Other conditions have been studied in oral epi- Index11 received considerable public health use
demiology with varying amounts of success. when it was applied to assess treatment needs
Some, like temporomandibular disorders, pres- for a public orthodontic program in New York
ent so many inherent difficulties that they will State. Grainger developed the Treatment Priority
probably always be extremely difficult to meas- Index (TPI) for assessing treatment needs, an
ure. Others such as soft tissue lesions other than index that was used once, but only once, in
oral cancer and precancers (e.g., oral pemphi- a national study of orthodontic needs of chil-
gus, lichen planus) have simply not attracted dren.30 None of these indexes has seen much
much attention. use in the years beyond its introduction. One
modestly successful measure is the Occlusal
MALOCCLUSION Index, or OI,29 which measures nine characteris-
tics: dental age, molar relation, overbite, overjet,
Malocclusion is a difficult entity to define because posterior crossbite, posterior open bite, tooth
individuals and cultures vary widely in percep- displacement, midline relations, and missing
tions of what constitutes a malocclusion prob- permanent maxillary incisors. Its use demands a
lem. Quite a number of malocclusion indexes fair degree of examiner skill and training, but it
have been devised, but probably because of this is probably closer to a complete malocclusion
perceptual problem, none has ever emerged as a index than those listed earlier.
standard. These issues have not changed over the In Europe the Index of Orthodontic
years, and there are thoughtful, still valid com- Treatment Need (IOTN) has received some use
mentaries from the 1970s on the problems of since it was first introduced in 1989.4 It was
classifying and scoring malocclusions.13,15 modified from an existing Swedish scale and
Angle’s classification, which dates from the combines both a functional and an esthetic
nineteenth century,1 may still be useful in treat- measure. Functional occlusion is categorized
ment planning but is of no use in epidemiology into five different grades, whereas the esthetic
because it is a nominal categorization. Most measure uses a 10-point ordinal scale that
other indexes suffer from the limitation that allows the individual to determine his own
they record specific conditions (e.g., overbite, esthetic perception of the dentition. The IOTN
posterior crossbite) rather than the status of the has shown some promise for use in public
whole occlusion. The Malalignment Index31 health19 but has not been widely adopted. The
assesses rotation and tooth displacement, Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index is designed
whereas the Occlusal Feature Index24 records to capture all the occlusal anomalies that might
crowding, cuspal interdigitation, and vertical be found in malocclusion in a single score.25
and horizontal overbite. The Handicapping This sounds ambitious, but the PAR index has
Labio-Lingual Deviations (HLD, which, interest- been found to equal the OI in reliability.5 The
ingly enough, is also the developer’s initials) search still continues for an omnibus measure,
18 Measuring Other Conditions in Oral Epidemiology 217

and the Index of Complexity, Outcome, and ●

Largest irregularity in the front four maxil-
Need (ICON) arrived with the new millen- lary anterior incisors (rotations or displace-
nium.10 It has been shown to correlate well with ment from normal alignment)
patients’ perceptions of esthetics, speech, func- ●
Largest irregularity in the front four
tion, and need for treatment.17 mandibular anterior incisors
The very proliferation of these indexes ●
Anterior maxillary and mandibular overjet
underlines the difficulties in measuring this ●
Vertical anterior open bite
complex issue. The Fédération Dentaire ●
Anteroposterior molar relation
Internationale jumped on the bandwagon with
its attempt to develop an internationally
accepted index and simplified method of deter-
mining malocclusion.12 It was not successful; As with other cancers, occurrence of oral cancer
the result was a carefully qualified method of is usually expressed as a proportion or rate. The
measuring occlusal traits. The index has been age-adjusted rate of years of life lost from oral
used9 but seems to offer no more value than the cancer, for example, dropped from 23.1 per
other indexes described. 100,000 population in 1970 to 19.9 per 100,000
The complexities of malocclusion, and the in 1985.21 Five-year survival rates are also useful
frustrations that have grown up with the inade- cancer measures: a 5-year survival rate of 67%,
quacies of these indexes, have led many for example, means that 67% of persons in
researchers to believe that functional maloc- whom the condition was diagnosed 5 years ear-
clusion is virtually unmeasurable for epidemi- lier are still alive.
ologic purposes. In terms of trying to interpret Cancer data are maintained in registries in
group data on overbites, crowding, and other most (but not all) states; information is
clinical conditions, that may well be true. reported to the registry by physicians and hospi-
Orthodontic indexes developed in the late tals. Some 11 of these population-based reg-
1980s, however, take a different philosophical istries in the United States participate in the
approach in that they assess esthetic rather Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
than clinical aspects of function. One is the (SEER) program, which is conducted by the
Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), published in National Cancer Institute (see Chapter 4). The
1986 after years of testing.8 The DAI starts SEER program is the nation’s principal source of
from the premise that the impact of malocclu- national estimates of site-specific cancer inci-
sion on other oral pathology is doubtful and dence and trends, and is the primary source of
that the main benefit of orthodontic treatment the research data used in epidemiologic studies.
is its effect on the individual’s social and psy-
chological well-being. The DAI makes objec-
tive measurements of aesthetic acceptability
according to social norms, and it has been vali- The occurrence of cleft lip and palate is also usu-
dated for this use in a number of different ally expressed as a proportion; about 1 infant in
countries. As noted earlier, the IOTN also 700 births exhibits this condition.14 Soft tissue
includes an esthetic component measured on a abnormalities of various kinds, as well as the
10-point ordinal scale. more rare types of oral pathoses, are also most
The World Health Organization, in its suitably expressed as proportions or rates. Cleft
Pathfinder survey protocol,32 suggests using lip and palate, as a congenital abnormality, is
DAI criteria to record malocclusion in the fol- supposed to be recorded on birth certificates in
lowing categories: the United States, although such recording is

Missing incisor, canine, and bicuspid teeth unfortunately far from universal.

Incisal crowding in the maxillary and
mandibular anterior segments

Spacing in the maxillary and mandibular
anterior segments Although philosophically it is desirable to

Diastema between the two maxillary cen- measure health rather than disease, in practice
tral incisors epidemiology concerns itself with measuring
218 The Methods of Oral Epidemiology

disease because health is so difficult to define in REFERENCES

operational terms (see Chapter 4). When a con- 1. Angle EH. Classification of malocclusion. Dent
cept is difficult to define, it is also difficult Cosmos 1899;41:248-64.
2. Atchison KA. The General Oral Health Assessment
to measure. Several extensive research efforts
Index (GOHAI). In: Slade GD, ed: Measuring oral
have been made to develop an index of oral health and quality of life. Chapel Hill NC: University of
health.6,7,16,20,22,23 These approaches have been North Carolina, Department of Dental Ecology, 1997.
largely empiric, meaning that they have 3. Atchison KA, Dolan TA. Development of the geriatric
been based on what dentists consider oral oral health assessment index. J Dent Educ
health to be, and they require some form of
4. Brook PH, Shaw WC. The development of an index of
weighting of conditions to reflect their relative orthodontic treatment priority. Eur J Orthod
seriousness. They do not take any subjective 1989;11:309-20.
measures into account. 5. Buchanan IB, Shaw WC, Richmond S, et al. A compari-
Given that health is more than the absence of son of the reliability and validity of the PAR Index and
Summers’ Occlusal Index. Eur J Orthod 1993;15:27-31.
disease, several commentators have argued that
6. Bulman JS, Richards ND, Slack GL, Willcocks AJ.
an individual’s subjective assessment of his or Demand and need for dental care; a socio-dental study.
her own oral health is at least as valid as a den- London: Oxford University Press, 1968.
tist’s, and probably more so. This is a different 7. Burke FJ, Wilson NH. Measuring oral health: An histor-
philosophical approach to disease measure- ical view and details of a contemporary oral health
index (OHX). Int Dent J 1995;45:358-70.
ment, because subjective indicators and clinical
8. Cons NC, Jenny J, Kohaut FJ. DAI: The Dental Aesthetic
indicators of oral health are poorly correlated.18 Index. Iowa City IA: University of Iowa, 1986.
The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) 9. Cons NC, Mruthyunjaya YC, Pollard ST. Distribution
measures the social impact of oral conditions as of occlusal traits in a sample of 1,337 children, ages
perceived by the individual and was derived ini- 15-18, residing in upstate New York. Int Dent J 1978;
tially from statements given by dental patients
10. Daniels C, Richmond S. The development of the index
in interviews. It was later refined and tested of complexity, outcome, and need (ICON). J Orthod
extensively for validity and reliability.28 The 2000;27:149-62.
OHIP was originally developed as a 49-item 11. Draker HL. Handicapping labio-lingual deviations pro-
scale but later was shortened to a 14-item scale, posed for public health purposes. Am J Orthod
which measured oral health quality of life as
12. Fédération Dentaire Internationale. Commission on
validly as the initial version26 and was easier to Classification and Statistics for Oral Conditions. A
work with. method for measuring occlusal traits. Int Dent J
Another index that has received widespread 1973;23:530-7.
use is the General Oral Health Assessment 13. Foster TD. The public health interest in assessment for
orthodontic treatment. J Public Health Dent
Index (GOHAI), originally the Geriatric Oral
Health Assessment Index. The GOHAI is a 12- 14. Greene JC. Epidemiology of congenital clefts of the lip
item scale that assesses physical functions, psy- and palate. Public Health Rep 1963;78:589-602.
chosocial functions, and pain or discomfort.2,3 15. Jago JD. The epidemiology of dental occlusion; a criti-
Indexes like these have considerable potential cal appraisal. J Public Health Dent 1974;34:80-93.
16. Koch AL, Gershen JA, Marcus M. A children’s oral
for ranking oral disorders in terms of their
health status index based on dentists’ judgment. J Am
impacts on peoples’ daily lives, thus broadening Dent Assoc 1985;110:36-42.
our perspectives of oral health and aiding both 17. Koochek AR, Yeh MS, Rolfe B, Richmond S. The rela-
clinical treatment planning and research. tionship between Index of Complexity, Outcome and
Objective measurement of caries or periodon- Need, and patients’ perceptions of malocclusion:
A study in general dental practice. Br Dent J 2001;
titis appears relatively simple compared to assess-
ing the subjective impacts of oral disease and 18. Locker D, Slade GD. Association between clinical and
disabilities on peoples’ lives. A 1996 conference subjective indicators of oral health status in an older
at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, explored the vari- adult population. Gerodontology 1994;11:108-14.
ous measures currently existing for assessing 19. Lunn H, Richmond S, Mitropoulos C. The use of
the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) as a
quality of life.27 This conference was exploratory
public health tool: A pilot study. Community Dent
and came to no general conclusions. It is likely to Health 1993;10:111-21.
be a baseline against which further developments 20. Marcus M, Koch AL, Gershen JA. Construction of a pop-
in this complex area are measured. ulation index of adult oral health status derived from
18 Measuring Other Conditions in Oral Epidemiology 219

dentists’ preferences. J Public Health Dent 1983;43: 27. Slade GD, ed. Measuring oral health and quality of life.
284-94. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina, 1997.
21. Myers MH, Glockler Ries LA. Cancer patient survival 28. Slade GD, Spencer AJ. Development and evaluation of
rates: SEER program results for 10 years of follow-up. the Oral Health Impact Profile. Community Dent
CA Cancer J Clin 1989;39:21-32. Health 1994;11:3-11.
22. Nikias MK, Sollecito WA, Fink R. An empirical 29. Summers CJ. The Occlusal Index; a system for identify-
approach to developing multidimensional oral status ing and scoring occlusal disorders. Am J Orthod
profiles. J Public Health Dent 1978;38:148-58. 1971;59:552-67.
23. Nikias MK, Sollecito WA, Fink R. An oral health index 30. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
based on ranking of oral status profiles by panels of den- Statistics. Orthodontic treatment priority index. PHS
tal professionals. J Public Health Dent 1979;39: 16-26. Publication No. 1000, Series 2 No. 25. Washington DC:
24. Poulton DR, Aaronson SA. The relationship between Government Printing Office, 1967.
occlusion and periodontal status. Am J Orthod 1961; 31. Van Kirk LE Jr, Pennell EH. Assessment of malocclusion
47:690-9. in population groups. Am J Orthod 1959;45:752-8.
25. Richmond S, Shaw WC, O’Brien KD, et al. The develop- 32. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys; basic
ment of the PAR Index (Peer Assessment Rating): methods. 4th ed. Geneva: WHO, 1997.
Reliability and validity. Eur J Orthod 1992;14:125-39.
26. Slade GD. Derivation and validation of a short-form
oral health impact profile. Community Dent Oral
Epidemiol 1997;25:284-90.
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19 Tooth Loss



Tooth loss, especially total tooth loss or eden- The oral condition of the millions drafted into
tulism, is the dental equivalent of death. Tooth the armies of many countries during World War
loss diminishes the quality of life, often sub- I (1914-18) was generally dreadful. The re-
stantially, and tooth loss is also related to sponse of authorities was to extract more teeth,
poorer general health.44 If retaining teeth were so that troops preparing to bayonet each other
just a matter of preventing disease conditions would not be bothered by toothache. Right after
then the issue would be reasonably straightfor- the war, surveys in New York found that school-
ward, but it is more complicated than that. girls ages 13-17 years had lost 13.5% of first
Although loss of teeth is an end product of oral molars and 2.5% of second molars, whereas
disease, it is also a reflection of patient and den- adults of different ages had lost 22%-47% of
tist attitudes, the dentist-patient relationship, first molars.31,32 Things improved only slowly.
the availability and accessibility of care, and the In the Hagerstown studies of 1938, 15-year-old
prevailing philosophies of care. This chapter children averaged 1.1 lost permanent teeth per
reviews the issues and trends in tooth loss, and child, 94% of which were first molars.37 Age-
the reasons why people lose teeth. specific tooth loss among white-collar working
adults in a large insurance office showed only
mild improvement between 1927 and 1942,20
and extensive tooth loss was still common
For centuries, tooth loss was considered an among World War II (1939-45) draftees in the
inevitable part of the human condition and was United States.49,53
thus generally accepted with resignation. Long By the beginning of the twenty-first century
before dentistry emerged as a true profession tooth retention was much improved in all the
(see Chapter 1) the tooth-puller was a necessary high-income nations. Change came about with
part of most cultures, sometimes based in a vil- improvements in restorative dentistry (espe-
lage and sometimes plying an itinerant trade. As cially the development of the air-turbine dental
the profession of dentistry evolved during the engine in the late 1950s), increasing affluence
nineteenth century, much of the work of dentists and its accompanying positive attitudes toward
was still devoted to tooth extraction. Caries was tooth retention, and significant research adv-
rampant at this time (see Chapter 20), restora- ances in preventing oral diseases. In that latter
tive techniques crude and painful, prevention context, the advent of water fluoridation (see
unknown. As a result, people expected to lose Chapter 25) was probably the most profound
teeth and dentists expected to extract them. influence, because it demonstrated to individu-
Appalling oral health status marked by als and their families, in a way that dental treat-
extensive loss of teeth extended well into the ment could not, that dental caries and
twentieth century in high-income countries. subsequent tooth loss were not inevitable.
224 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

EDENTULISM Table 19-1 Percentage of persons ages 65 and older

who are edentulous in 10 countries classified by
The sight of grandfather’s false teeth in a glass of water was a
national income status68
familiar one to several generations of Americans; the acquisi-
tion of false teeth was thought to go along with rheumatics, Percent National Income
constipation, sensory diminution, and loss of memory as a Country Edentulous Category*
normal part of growing old.13
Canada 58 High
That editorial comment from the mid-1980s Finland 41 High
Slovenia 16 High
conjured up an image that is fast becoming
United Kingdom 46 High
unknown to the present generation, because United States 24 High
edentulism continues to decline steadily in the Malaysia 57 Upper middle
United States12 and in other economically Albania 69 Lower middle
developed nations.36,50,54 Table 19-1 shows the Egypt 7 Lower middle
proportion of persons ages 65 and over who are Thailand 16 Lower middle
edentulous in 10 countries, along with the Indonesia 24 Low
national income category for each country. *As defined by the World Bank in World Bank Group, Data and sta-
Fig. 19-1 shows the proportion of adults, by age, tistics, Country groups, website: http://www.worldbank.
who are edentulous, as measured in national org/data/countryclass/classgroups.htm. Accessed December 19,
surveys in the United States in 1957-58, 1971, 2003.
1985-86, and 1988-94. These data indicate that
edentulism has declined consistently in each
age-group with each succeeding survey. The rel- The third National Health and Nutrition
ative decline in edentulism has been sharpest in Examination Survey (NHANES III) was con-
the younger age-groups, which suggests that ducted between 1988 and 1994, and collected
edentulism will become even rarer as today’s data from a representative sample of the popu-
younger cohorts grow older. lation of the United States. In NHANES III,

1957-58 1985-86
70 1971 1988-94







25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 19-1 Proportion of the U.S. population edentulous in 1957-58, 1971, 1985-86, and 1988-94 by age.58,59,61,63
19 Tooth Loss 225

10.5% of Americans ages 18 or older were ship to national income, and from Table 19-2,
found to be edentulous.19 There were sharply which shows the extent of total tooth loss
defined age-cohort differences: only some 1% among adults ages 35-44 in nine high-income
of 25- to 34-year-olds were edentulous com- countries in the 1968-77 period. The data in
pared to 44% of those ages 75 years or older.43 Table 19-2, most of them coming from the first
One estimate of the decline in edentulism sug- International Collaborative Survey (ICS I) of
gested that by the year 2024 only 10% of the mid-1970s,4 show a range in the proportion
Americans ages 65-74 would be edentulous,67 of edentulous persons from one country to
compared to 28% edentulous in that age-group another that is too high to be explained solely
in 1988-91.43 Those who will be in the 65-74 in terms of dental disease; health beliefs and
age-cohort in 2024 were in the 25- to 34-year- societal attitudes must be operating here. At the
old group from 1988 to 1991, a cohort benefit- time the data in Table 19-2 were collected, there
ing from the postfluoride age of prevention (see was still quite a high proportion of adults in
Chapter 20). This steady decline in edentulism New Zealand, for example, who attached no
among United States adults is expected to con- stigma to wearing full dentures.18 In developing
tinue in spite of the aging of the population (see countries, where access to Western-type dental
Chapter 2). care is limited, edentulism is uncommon.5,22,41
Many people are puzzled by the apparently We introduced the National Oral Health
slow rate of progress in decreasing edentulism Surveillance System in Chapter 4 and noted that
when we constantly hear of rapid improve- total tooth loss was one of the eight indicators
ments in oral health status. The reason lies in of oral health. The information is collected by
the nature of the condition. When the data in interview as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor
Fig. 19-1 are considered, it can be noted that the Surveillance System (see Chapter 4), and some
youngest individuals in the 75-and-older of the differences between states in proportion
cohort for 1988-94 were born in 1919, and of older people who are edentulous give us food
most were born earlier. The early adult years for for thought. Data for a selection of 10 states,
this group were during the Great Depression of chosen more or less arbitrarily to highlight the
the 1930s, and many of them then served in interstate contrasts, are shown in Table 19-3.
World War II. Indeed, it is probable that a good Historically, there has been a higher degree
proportion of this cohort first became edentu- of edentulism among women than among men,
lous during that war, and they have been influ- and women have tended to become edentulous
encing the statistics ever since. In time, these at a younger age.18,26,57,61 These historical gen-
aging cohorts will be replaced by the baby der differences are not easy to explain; many
boomers, who grew up in a totally different think they reflected dentist-patient relation-
world of affluence and modern disease preven- ships more than disease occurrence. Data from
tion, and with fundamentally more positive the 1980s and later, however, suggest that these
attitudes toward tooth retention. Already the gender differences are fading, because there was
emerging elderly cohorts (i.e., the 55-64 and
65-74 cohorts from the two most recent surveys
in Fig. 19-1) represent the new elderly, a term Table 19-2 Percentage of persons ages 35-44 who
coined to describe the post-World War II group were edentulous in nine countries, 1968-777,8,26,57
who have experienced material affluence,
Community/Country Percent Edentulous
higher education than their predecessors, and
more of the benefits of modern preventive Yamanashi, Japan 0.0
health care.24 The level of total tooth loss Hannover, Germany 1.6
among these age-groups in 1985-86 and 1988- Trøndelag, Norway 6.4
94 was already sharply lower than that in the Ontario, Canada 8.7
75-and-over groups in Fig. 19-1. Baltimore, USA 10.6
The importance of nondisease factors in Sydney, Australia 13.2
edentulism emerges from Table 19-1, which England and Wales 22.0
Scotland 35.0
shows that the proportion of edentulous indi-
Canterbury, New Zealand 35.7
viduals among the elderly bears little relation-
226 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

Table 19-3 Percentage of persons in 10 of the United than age) was SES: 10.2% of those with fewer
States, ages 65 and older, who are edentulous60 than 8 years of education were edentulous com-
State Percent Edentulous pared to 1.6% of those with 13 or more years.
Fig. 19-3 shows the proportions of edentulous
United States 24.4 persons in three income-level groupings, and
Hawaii 15.9 clear and predictable differences are seen
Nevada 16.5 among them. Similar SES-related differences
California 18.5 have been demonstrated in regional studies in
Michigan 21.8
the United States14,29 and in Europe.34
Georgia 28.9
Arkansas 29.2
Edentulous people have also been found to
Maine 35.0 have more risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Indiana 36.2 than dentate people,33 and it should not be sur-
West Virginia 43.2 prising that older people in good health enjoy
Kentucky 44.3 greater tooth retention than do people of the
same age in poor health.40,45

no pattern of difference between men and

women in the various age-groups among the
4.2% of employed U.S. adults who were edentu- Like edentulism, the extent of partial tooth loss
lous in 1985-86.64 In the more representative has been diminishing in the United States as
sample seen in NHANES III, there again was vir- caries comes under control, more and better
tually no difference between men and women treatment becomes available, and attitudes
in the proportion edentulous.43 toward tooth retention improve with increasing
In the United States, there has historically affluence. In contrast to edentulism, in which
been a greater degree of edentulism among attitudes are a major factor in a person’s deci-
whites than among African-Americans,61 per- sion to have all the teeth removed, partial tooth
haps because whites have traditionally had bet- loss appears to be more closely related to oral
ter access to dental care (see Chapter 2) and disease.14
thus were at greater risk of having teeth For the same reasons as found for eden-
extracted (see Dental Care and Tooth Loss later tulism, the sharpest improvement in reducing
this chapter). Like gender differences, however, tooth loss is evident in younger age-groups. As
differences between the races have become less an illustration of the extent of the improving
distinct since the 1980s, perhaps because eden- trend, in the first National Health and Nutrition
tulism overall is becoming so uncommon Examination Survey (NHANES I) of 1971-74,62
among younger cohorts. In both the national young people ages 12-17 years on average had
survey of 1985-86 and that of 1988-94, only a each lost 0.6 permanent teeth. Estimates from
slightly higher proportion of whites than the 1986-87 national survey of schoolchild-
African-Americans were edentulous.43,64 ren,65 however, showed that average loss of per-
Fig. 19-2 shows the proportions of edentulous manent teeth in 12-17-year-olds had been
people by age in the various racial and ethnic reduced to 0.05, a remarkable 12-fold decrease
groups in the 1988-94 national survey. It can be over some 14 years.
seen that only Mexican-Americans had notably The change is naturally not as sharp among
less edentulism than the other groups. adults, because those adults who lost first
Edentulism is tightly related to socioeco- molars to caries when they were young will
nomic status (SES). These SES-related differ- continue to influence the data for a while yet.
ences are found consistently in many societies However, comparison of data from the
and probably reflect expectations and health NHANES I survey62 of 1971-74 with those from
attitudes at least as much as occurrence of oral the 1985-86 adult survey64 showed a sharp
diseases.23,25 Unpublished data from the 1985- improvement in tooth retention among den-
86 U.S. survey show that the strongest risk indi- tate persons. In 1971-74, 59.5% of adults ages
cator for edentulism in employed adults (other 18-74 had lost six or fewer teeth, whereas in
19 Tooth Loss 227

White Mexican-American
African-American Other





25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Fig. 19-2 Proportion of the U.S. population edentulous by age and racial/ethnic group in the third National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-94.58

1985-86, 80.6% of employed adults ages 18-64 that survey is most likely an underestimate; the
had lost six or fewer. Fig. 19-4 shows mean true extent of the improvement in tooth reten-
tooth loss among U.S. adults in 1971-74, in tion can be seen in comparing the 1971-74 data
1985-86, and in the NHANES III survey of with that from 1988-94. Tooth retention is
1988-94. The bias toward higher SES of the improving at all ages.
sample in the 1985-86 survey means that the Fig. 19-5 shows the mean number of lost
national extent of tooth loss projected from teeth according to income level among dentate

Severe poverty
50 Medium
No poverty





25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Fig. 19-3 Proportion of the U.S. population edentulous by age and poverty status in the third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-94.58
228 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

14 1985-86


Mean tooth loss

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Fig. 19-4 Mean number of missing teeth in dentate adults and seniors in the United States, 1971-74, 1985-86, and

adults in 1988-94. As was seen with edentulism, main reason for tooth loss “after maturity.”
income (which reflects SES) is an important risk Even as late as 1978 there was a report that 8%-
indicator for tooth loss. Also as with eden- 10% of teeth are lost to periodontal disease by
tulism, gender differences in partial tooth loss age 40 and that such loss increases rapidly after
have diminished. Fig. 19-6 shows the mean that age.38
number of teeth remaining in dentate men and Whether or not such historical views were
women as found in the NHANES III survey. accurate, the picture has changed considerably.
Longitudinal studies to identify risk factors From around the mid-1980s, studies in a num-
that lead to tooth loss, either total or partial, ber of countries and among different types of
have not been very successful.27,30 Smoking, not populations have been consistent in finding that
surprisingly, has been identified as a risk indica- caries is the principal cause of tooth loss at most
tor,23,25,28,39 and early tooth loss was found to ages, with the possible exception of the oldest
be a strong predictor of subsequent eden- (i.e., persons over 80 years).66 Data on which
tulism.23 SES in early life is also a demonstrated these conclusions were based came from surveys
predictor of tooth loss in early adulthood.56 of practitioners,1,2,9,10,15,17,35 reviews of dental
records,6,16,48,55 and examinee questioning or
diagnosis during survey examinations.5,21,41,42,46
REASONS FOR TOOTH LOSS One exception to this trend was reported in
Conventional wisdom for many years was that Canada, where an Ontario survey found that
caries was the main reason for tooth loss before periodontal diseases were the main reason given
age 35 and periodontal disease the main reason for extraction of most teeth in patients over 40
after age 35. This belief was based on some years of age, although multiple extractions in a
ancient and rather dubious data.11,51 The older relatively small number of patients can skew
of these reports stated that “periclasia” was the such data.47 It is interesting to note that data
19 Tooth Loss 229

Low income
12 Medium income
High income

Mean tooth loss

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
Fig. 19-5 Mean number of missing teeth in dentate adults by income level and age in the United States, 1988-94.58

were published as long ago as 1944 showing that odontal diseases and 35% for caries. When the
most teeth were extracted for caries.3 patient was taken as the analytical unit, however,
A slight twist on this view came from a study 58% of patients had an extraction for caries and
of dental records of 1877 insured patients ages 40% for periodontal diseases.52 Caries tends to
40-69 years in the Kaiser Permanente health sys- result in extraction of one aching tooth, whereas
tem in the western United States. Of all teeth periodontal diseases (real or presumed) can lead
extracted in 1992, 51% were extracted for peri- to a treatment decision for a full clearance.

Mean number of remaining teeth

25 Male




18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Fig. 19-6 Mean number of teeth remaining in dentate men and women by age in the United States, 1988-91.43
230 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

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36. Klock KS, Haugejorden O. Primary reasons for extrac- 55. Stephens RG, Kogon SL, Jarvis AM. A study of the rea-
tion of permanent teeth in Norway: Changes from sons for tooth extraction in a Canadian population
1968 to 1988. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol sample. J Can Dent Assoc 1991;57:501-4.
1991;19:336-41. 56. Thomson WM, Poulton R, Kruger E, Boyd D. Socio-eco-
37. Knutson JW, Klein H. Studies on dental caries. IV. Tooth nomic and behavioural risk factors for tooth loss from
mortality in elementary school children. Public Health age 18 to 26 among participants in the Dunedin
Rep 1938;53:1021-32. Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study.
38. Löe H, Ånerud A, Boysen H, Smith M. The natural his- Caries Res 2000;34:361-6.
tory of periodontal disease in man. Tooth mortality 57. Todd JE, Whitworth A. Adult dental health in Scotland,
rates before 40 years of age. J Periodont Res 1972. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1974.
1978;13:563-72. 58. US Department of Health and Human Services,
39. Locker D. Smoking and oral health in older adults. Can National Center for Health Statistics. Third National
J Public Health 1992;83:429-32. Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-94.
40. Loesche WJ, Abrams J, Terpenning MS, et al. Dental Public Use Data File No. 7-0627. Hyattsville MD:
findings in geriatric populations with diverse medical Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997.
backgrounds. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral 59. US Public Health Service. Loss of teeth, United States
Radiol Endod 1995;80:43-54. June 1957-June 1958. PHS Publication No. 584-B22,
41. Luan WM, Baelum V, Chen X, Fejerskov O. Tooth mor- Series B No. 22. Washington DC: Government Printing
tality and prosthetic treatment patterns in urban and Office, 1960.
rural Chinese aged 20-80 years. Community Dent Oral 60. US Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control
Epidemiol 1989;17:221-6. and Prevention. National Oral Health Surveillance
42. Manji F, Baelum V, Fejerskov O. Tooth mortality in an System, Complete tooth loss, website: http://www2a.
adult rural population in Kenya. J Dent Res 1988; Accessed December
67:496-500. 19, 2003.
43. Marcus SE, Drury TF, Brown LJ, Zion GR. Tooth reten- 61. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health
tion and tooth loss in the permanent dentition of Statistics. Edentulous persons, United States 1971.
adults: United States, 1988-1991. J Dent Res 1996; DHEW Publication No. (HRA) 74-1516, Series 10 No.
75(Spec Issue):684-95. 89. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1974.
232 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

62. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health 65. US Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental
Statistics. Decayed, missing, and filled teeth among per- Research. Oral health of United States children. NIH
sons 1-74 years; United States. DHHS Publication No. Publication No. 89-2247. Washington DC:
(PHS) 81-1673, Series 11 No. 223. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1989.
Government Printing Office, 1981. 66. Warren JJ, Watkins CA, Cowen HJ, et al. Tooth loss in the
63. US Public Health Service, National Center for Health very old: 13-15-year incidence among elderly Iowans.
Statistics. Use of dental services and dental health, Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2002;30:29-37.
United States 1986. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 88- 67. Weintraub JA, Burt BA. Tooth loss in the United States.
1593, Series 10 No. 165. Washington DC: Government J Dent Educ 1985;49:368-76.
Printing Office, 1988. 68. World Health Organization. WHO oral health coun-
64. US Public Health Service, National Institute of Dental try/area profile programme, Caries for 12-year-olds by
Research. Oral health of United States adults; national country/area, website: http://www.whocollab. odont.
findings. NIH Publication No. 87-2868. Washington Accessed December 20,
DC: Government Printing Office, 1987. 2003.
20 Dental Caries


EXPERIENCE Familial and Genetic Patterns
FACTORS Diet and Caries

Dental caries is an ancient disease, dating back increased.51,119 By the end of the nineteenth
to at least the time that agriculture replaced century, dental caries was well established as an
hunting and gathering as the principal source of endemic disease of massive proportions in
food. Examination of skulls in Britain suggests most developed countries.35
that the moderate caries experience found in the This chapter examines the distribution of
Anglo-Saxon period (fifth to seventh centuries) dental caries in populations and the factors that
had changed little by the end of the Middle influence that distribution. Although there is a
Ages, approximately the year 1500.154,155 rare disease known as bone caries, we use the
Dental attrition in this period was extensive and term caries in this chapter to refer to dental
occurred early in life; some lesions in young caries.
persons seem to have begun in the occlusal fis-
sures but developed no further because attrition
progressed faster than caries. Most lesions
found in human remains from this period were Although some of the historic patterns of high
cervical or root caries; coronal caries was rela- attrition, little coronal caries, and moderate
tively uncommon. The modern pattern of caries prevalence of root caries could still be found in
in the high-income nations, with lesions begin- remote places in the twentieth century,184-186
ning in fissured surfaces and developing later they are fast disappearing as once-isolated pop-
on proximal surfaces, was not evident in Britain ulations become infected with cariogenic bacte-
until the sixteenth century.156 ria and increasingly adopt the cariogenic diets
Dietary changes that began during the eigh- and lifestyles of the developed world.
teenth century, principally increased refinement For most of the twentieth century, caries was
of foods and greater availability of sugar, are seen as a disease of the high-income countries,
considered chiefly responsible for the develop- with low prevalence in poorer countries. The
ment of the modern pattern of caries. Import most obvious reason for this pattern is diet. The
duties on sugar in Britain were relaxed in 1845 high level of consumption of refined carbohy-
and completely removed by 1875, a period dur- drates in the wealthier countries led to selective
ing which the severity of caries greatly proliferation of cariogenic bacteria.52 Poorer
234 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

societies, on the other hand, survived by hunt- sal, however, because both Korea and Kuwait
ing and subsistence farming, both of which pro- have seen a rise in DMFT scores. This could be
vided diets low in fermentable carbohydrates. because preventive measures have lagged
By the late twentieth century, there were signs behind growing affluence in these two coun-
of change in this traditional pattern. First, there tries, whereas preventive measures have
was some evidence that caries experience in become established, at least to some extent, in
some low-income countries had risen sharply the other nine.
in the years after World War II (1939-45).151 Table 20-2 shows the same trends for middle-
However, this change was by no means univer- income countries, those without the resources
sal, and caries incidence in many such coun- of the countries in the previous table, and here
tries, especially those in Africa, remains the pattern is different. Only Cuba, which has
relatively low.12,50,144,158-160 The second change had a school dental service for years, and
is the marked reduction in caries experience Estonia, where caries levels were very high, have
among children and young adults in high- shown a substantial drop in caries levels over
income countries, a trend that first became evi- the same 10-20 years. Of the others, four have
dent in the late 1970s.35 This change, which has shown a minor decline, and four have had an
already had a marked impact on dental practice, increase. These countries are arbitrarily chosen
will affect oral conditions among the whole from many in WHO’s Global Oral Data Bank,
population in due course as today’s younger but they do show a picture that is fairly repre-
cohorts progress through the life span. sentative—nations with better-developed pub-
The World Health Organization (WHO) lic health prevention generally have shown
maintains the Global Oral Health Data Bank, a most success in caries prevention. However,
collection of surveillance data from almost all among countries of all income levels there are
countries in the world. The most extensive data distinct differences in caries experience from
set in the data bank is for DMFT values (num- one country to another, and from region to
ber of decayed, missing, or filled permanent region within a country. Intercountry differ-
teeth) for 12-year-olds, a response to the global ences are illustrated by the results of the first
goal set by WHO in 1982 (see Chapter 5). Table International Collaborative Study (ICS I), pro-
20-1 shows the trends in these values in 11 moted by WHO with funding and cooperation
high-income countries over a recent period of from the U.S. Public Health Service and the par-
some 10-20 years. In most of these countries the ticipating countries. These data were collected
decline in caries levels has been substantial, during the mid-1970s,9 and the mean DMFT
even spectacular in some cases. It is not univer- values for children ages 13-14 in the first seven

Table 20-1 Trends in dental caries experience, as measured by mean DMFT values in 12-year-old children, in 11
high-income countries* in the late twentieth century233
Country Initial DMFT Latest DMFT Initial Year Latest Year

Australia 3.0 0.8 1982 1999

Denmark 5.0 0.9 1980 2001
Finland 4.0 1.1 1982 1997
France 4.2 1.9 1987 1998
Iceland 8.3 1.5 1982 1996
Ireland 3.3 1.3 1984 2002
Korea 2.5 3.1 1979 1995
Kuwait 2.0 2.6 1982 1993
Japan 5.4 2.4 1981 1999
Spain 4.2 2.3 1984 1994
USA 1.8 1.3 1987 1994
*Asdefined by the World Bank in World Bank Group, Data and statistics, Country groups, website:
countryclass/classgroups.htm. Accessed December 18, 2003.
20 Dental Caries 235

participating countries are shown in Fig. 20-1. The data in Fig. 20-1 provide some food for
These data were not from nationally representa- thought regarding both caries treatment and its
tive population samples but rather from measurement. The two highest mean DMF val-
selected communities. The data for the United ues are found in Norway (Trøndelag) and New
States, for instance, came from the metropolitan Zealand (Canterbury), both countries with
area of Baltimore, a city with fluoridated water extensive school dental services. The same two
since 1952. The areas chosen for examination in countries, it will be noticed, have the lowest
Australia (Sydney) and Canada (Ontario) also mean D values, virtually no tooth loss, and by
had had fluoridated water for some years. far the highest mean F values. As noted in the

Table 20-2 Trends in dental caries experience, as measured by mean DMFT values in 12-year-old children, in 11
lower-middle- and upper-middle-income countries* in the late twentieth century233
Country Initial DMFT Latest DMFT Initial Year Latest Year

China 0.8 1.0 1983 1996

Cuba 2.9 1.4 1989 1998
Estonia 4.1 2.7 1992 1998
Lithuania 3.6 4.9 1986 1994
Malaysia 2.4 1.6 1988 1997
Morocco 2.3 2.5 1991 1999
Poland 4.4 3.8 1985 2000
Saudi Arabia 2.0 1.7 1985 1995
Sri Lanka 1.9 1.4 1984 1995
Thailand 1.5 1.6 1984 2001
Trinidad Tobago 4.9 5.2 1989 1998
*As defined by the World Bank in World Bank Group, Data and statistics, Country groups, website:
tryclass/classgroups.htm. Accessed December 18, 2003.


12 Missing


Sydney Trondelag Canterbury Hannover Yamanashi Baltimore Ontario
Fig. 20-1 Decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth in children ages 13-14 in seven countries. Data from the first
International Collaborative Study, 1973-75.15,25,67
236 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

discussion of the DMF index in Chapter 15, 17-year-olds again 36% lower than those from
data such as those in Fig. 20-1 reflect dental 7 years earlier, and further decline was seen in
treatment as much as disease. the third National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES III) of 1988-
94.213 Mean DMFS scores (number of decayed,
missing, or filled permanent tooth surfaces) for
schoolchildren ages 9-17 in 1979-80 and
When caries was more prevalent and severe 1988-94 are shown in Fig. 20-2, and the reduc-
than at present, affected teeth were attacked tion in caries experience is obvious. In the
within 2-4 years after eruption. By the early 1988-94 data there were few missing teeth, and
1980s, there were reports from local surveys to the highest mean value for decayed surfaces
suggest that the average prevalence and severity was 1.14 for the 17-year-olds. The index bars
of caries among children in the United States for 1988-94 data in Fig. 20-2 are made up pre-
was declining from its previously high lev- dominantly of the F component. The decline
els.34,72,87,200 Similar information from other has also been documented in primary teeth:
high-income countries around the same mean dfs scores (number of decayed or filled
time7,88,89,143,182 indicated that this reduction primary tooth surfaces) for 6-year-olds in the
in caries experience was widespread. 1979-80 survey was 4.76;219 this was down to
The decline in caries experience among chil- 3.73 in 1986-87.221
dren was confirmed for the United States by The seemingly sudden caries decline among
results of the National Dental Caries children in high-income nations was docu-
Prevalence Survey of U.S. schoolchildren in mented at a conference in Boston in 1982, the
1979-80.219 This survey showed that mean proceedings of which were published in a
DMF scores among children ages 5 to17 years special issue of the Journal of Dental Research in
were some 32% lower than those found in the November 1982. The caries decline in the
first National Health and Nutrition permanent dentition among children of high-
Examination Survey (NHANES I) of 1971- income nations has continued since
74.217 The next national survey of U.S. school- then,10,23,37,47,56,117,140,195,211 although caries
children in 1986-87 found that the decline was experience in the primary dentition may have lev-
continuing,221 with mean DMF scores for 5- to eled out by the early 1990s.33,37,79,98,140,194,211

1979-80 = Left columns
1988-94 = Right columns
10 Missing


9 11 13 15 17

Age in years
Fig. 20-2 DMFS values for U.S. children ages 9-17, in 1979-80 and 1988-94.213,219
20 Dental Caries 237

Although the downward trend in caries experi- UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF CARIES

ence (permanent teeth) among American and
For many years, the results of surveys and even
Canadian children was continuing through the
research studies were presented only as mean
1990s, the rate of decrease must get slower as
DMF values, usually with only a standard devia-
overall caries experience approaches an irre-
tion to indicate the distribution. Although
ducible minimum level. The main caries problem
means are useful, they compress extreme values
in the United States and some other countries
(i.e., absence of caries and caries in many teeth
today is not so much overall caries levels as the
in the same mouth) into an average figure that
disparities in disease experience and treatment
sometimes can be misleading. A landmark
between different socioeconomic and racial-
break from this convention came with the
ethnic groups.
results of the National Preventive Dentistry
The reduction in caries has not occurred
Demonstration Program (NPDDP) in the mid-
evenly for all kinds of tooth surfaces; it has
1980s. The NPDDP studied the effects of a
been proportionately greater for free smooth
series of preventive procedures in children in
surfaces and proximal surfaces than for pit-
grades 1, 2, and 5 in five cities with and five
and-fissure surfaces.24,110,196 An unexpected
cities without fluoridated water. The NPDDP
outcome in a 3-year longitudinal study in
drew attention to the fact that, although average
Michigan in the early 1980s was that 81% of all
caries experience in children was lower than the
new lesions were on pit- and-fissure surfaces.
researchers had originally expected, there was
No lesions at all were found on free smooth
still a significant minority with severe caries.74
This type of distribution is illustrated in Fig. 20-3,
As caries prevalence falls, the least susceptible sites which provides data from the national surveys
(proximal and smooth surfaces) reduce by the greatest pro- of schoolchildren in 1979-80 and 1988-94.
portion, while the most susceptible sites (occlusal) reduce Whereas Fig. 20-2 illustrates the decline in mean
by the smallest proportion.142
DMFS scores that occurred between the two sur-
The net result is that, although the total num- veys, Fig. 20-3 shows the distributional changes.
ber of new carious lesions has been declining, It is evident that in the more recent survey the
an increasing proportion of them is made up of proportion of “caries-free” children (Box 20-1)
pit- and-fissure lesions. This trend has had increased, whereas the proportion with
enhanced the attractiveness of fissure sealants severe caries had decreased. Even so, the shape
as a preventive measure (see Chapter 27). of the distribution remained much the same:
History has many examples of diseases that highly skewed toward zero or few DMFS teeth,
have waxed and waned without precise knowl- but with a persistent “tail,” meaning that there
edge of why, and the caries decline is one were still children at the severe end of the scale.
of these. No clear reasons for the caries Although there is no established definition
decline have been identified, although most of “severe” caries, DMFS values of 7.0 or higher
researchers view the various uses of fluoride as today can be considered to indicate severe dis-
the main cause.30 Sugar consumption in the ease in children up to age 17. Of all U.S. chil-
United States has increased (see Chapter 28) dren, 27.3% fell into this category in 1979-80;
rather than diminished, and it is difficult to this number had dropped to 17.3% by 1986-87.
ascribe the decline to better oral hygiene or to To pick a round figure, 20% is a fair estimate of
changes in the bacterial ecology of the oral cav- the proportion of U.S. children who suffer from
ity, whereas an influential role for fluoride is severe caries.
hard to reject.36 Even the effect of widespread Fig. 20-4 is a cumulative frequency curve
use of pediatric antibiotics on oral bacteria has demonstrating that most caries occurs in a rela-
been suggested as a contributory factor.128 tively small number of children. This figure is
However, as with other diseases that show restricted to children of the same age (in this
a cyclical nature over time, it is quite likely case, 15 years) so that the curve does not reflect
that factors are operating that have not been age differences. When the values in Fig. 20-4 are
identified. read off, it can be seen that 60% of all affected
238 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions






0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13+

Fig. 20-3 Distribution of mean DMFS values in U.S. schoolchildren ages 5-17, 1979-80 and 1988-94.213

BOX 20-1 What Does Caries Free Mean?

The term caries free has traditionally been used to describe people with a DMF score (number of decayed, missing, or
filled teeth) of 0, usually when the presence of a dentinal, or D3, lesion is the stated or implied criterion for caries. As
the understanding of caries has increased, it has become evident that very few people are literally caries free. Just
about everyone, at any given time, has some level of carious activity taking place. Most of this activity consists of early
demineralization-remineralization cycles or a white spot or stained fissure that does not progress. In a healthy mouth,
the bulk of this activity does not reach the stage where restorative dental treatment is needed, although preventive
intervention may be called for. But this still means that the term caries free is not correct. Perhaps more importantly,
use of this term can tend to promote a mindset that caries does not matter, or perhaps does not even exist, until it
involves the dentin. That is clearly incorrect, for preventive treatment at this stage can forestall the need for later
restorative treatment. A more accurate term would be free of caries requiring restorative treatment, but that is much
too clumsy for everyday use.
The term caries free will continue to be used in this context because it has history and ease of use on its side. It
must be remembered, however, that rarely is it a strictly correct term. It is used to mean that caries has not reached a
stage where operative dental treatment is needed.

teeth are found in about 20% of children, and

three fourths of all affected teeth are found in
about one fourth of the children. This concen-
tration of disease in relatively few children has Regional variations in caries experience within
led to the concept of targeting public health pre- the United States were first documented with
vention programs toward that highly affected the examination of young men in the armed
minority, and it has stimulated research into forces during World War II.104,164,188,190 It is of
methods of predicting which children are likely interest to note that regional differences in
to be in the 20% or so that is most affected (see caries prevalence among different tribes of
Chapter 14). Native Americans were demonstrated in the
20 Dental Caries 239

Cumulative percent of total DMFS





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Cumulative percent of children 15 years old

Fig. 20-4 Cumulative frequency curve of the proportion of total DMF teeth in U.S. schoolchildren ages 15 years,

early 1930s, 106 with more severe disease CARIES DISTRIBUTION:

among tribes in the Northwest than among DEMOGRAPHIC RISK FACTORS
those in the Southwest. This regional pattern is
still seen today in the general American Age
population. Mean DMF scores increase with age, as shown
The World War II surveys were in general in Fig. 20-2 for schoolchildren and Fig. 20-6 for
agreement that the most severe caries experi- adults. It can be seen that the increase with age
ence was seen in recruits from New England, for the children’s’ cohorts comes largely from
the Pacific Northwest, and the Great Lakes an increase in numbers of restored teeth,
area, with distinctly less caries in young men whereas for the adults (see Fig. 20-6) most of
from the South, the Southwest, and the the increase with age comes from missing
mountain states. In the years since World War teeth. Both figures are from cross-sectional
II, some of these differences have been data, so as younger cohorts replace today’s
obscured by the spread of water fluoridation, older people, the M component will decrease
but they were still apparent in the late (see Chapter 19). With fewer restorations now
1960s.130 The regional differences in a repre- also being placed in younger people,60 the
sentative sample of youths ages 12-17 years in overall DMF values in older people are also
a national survey conducted in 1966-70 are likely to decline with time. The impact of the
illustrated for whites and African-Americans caries decline naturally takes longer to become
in Fig. 20-5. evident in adults than in children, because
Regional differences in caries experience many of those who were adults when the data
are not unique to the United States, for just in Fig. 20-6 were collected had already experi-
about every country exhibits similar enced much of their caries activity before the
variations. For example, in Britain, despite an modern age of prevention.
overall decline in caries experience that Caries used to be considered a childhood
parallels that seen in the United States, chil- disease, a perception that arose in days of high
dren’s oral health is still poorer in Scotland caries severity when most susceptible surfaces
and northern England than in southern were usually affected by adulthood. With
England.170,171 younger people now reaching adulthood with
240 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions




Northeast Midwest South West
Fig. 20-5 Decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth in white (W) and African-American (AA) children ages 12-17
in four geographic areas of the United States, 1966-70.216

many surfaces free of caries, the carious attack is that is, the clustering of most disease in a rela-
spread out more throughout life. Adults of all tively small number of people (see Fig. 20-4)—is
ages can develop new coronal lesions,57,77 and seen in the elderly.145
caries has to be viewed as a lifetime disease. In populations in which caries experience is
Even the disease distribution seen in youth— severe, the disease starts early in life and is com-





15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

Fig. 20-6 Mean DMFS values by age for U.S. adults, 1988-94.213
20 Dental Caries 241

mon in the young. A more even occurrence of when the groups were standardized for income
new lesions throughout life is characteristic of and education.214 Fig. 20-5, showing regional
communities with a lower attack rate. differences in caries severity, also illustrates the
differences in DMF status between whites and
Gender African-Americans in the 1960s. It can be seen
Females have usually demonstrated higher in Fig. 20-5 that overall DMF scores are higher
DMF scores than do males of the same among whites, although big differences in den-
age,215,220,221 although this finding is not uni- tal treatment are obvious. This difference was
versal. When observed in children, the differ- still evident in NHANES I in 1971-74,217
ence has been attributed to the earlier eruption although other studies from around that time
of teeth in females,108,207 but this explanation is were finding little difference in DMF scores
hard to support when the differences are seen in between whites and African-Americans of the
older age-groups. In those instances a treatment same age.13,85
factor is more likely to be contributing to the By the time of NHANES III in 1988-94,
differences. In national survey data, males usu- however, there was little difference in total
ally have more untreated decayed surfaces than DMF scores between whites and African-
females, and females have more restored teeth. Americans, although whites still had a higher
Females visit the dentist more frequently (see filled component and lower scores for decayed
Chapter 2), so this observation is perhaps to be and missing surfaces. Fig. 20-7 shows data for
expected. In NHANES III, females ages 12-17 children ages 13, 15, and 17 for illustration.
years had the same mean number of decayed DMF values for Mexican-Americans were in the
and missing surfaces as their male counterparts midrange, and those in the “Other” racial-eth-
but 25% more filled surfaces.98 We cannot con- nic category had the highest overall DMF
clude from these figures that females are more scores of all. This turnaround could indicate
susceptible to caries than are males; a combina- improving access to care for African-
tion of earlier tooth eruption plus a treatment Americans, although it most likely reflects
factor is a more likely explanation for the socioeconomic differences: the caries decline,
observed differences. as previously noted, is sharpest in the higher
socioeconomic groups. The summary of rela-
Race and Ethnicity tive DMFT scores for 12- and 15-year-old white
Long-held contentions that certain races enjoy and African-American children in five national
a high degree of resistance to dental caries surveys given in Fig. 20-8 illustrates the relative
probably came with early observations that changes down the years.
some non-European races, such as those in The caries status of Hispanic Americans has
Africa and India, enjoyed a greater freedom not been as well studied, although valuable
from caries than did Europeans. Today, how- information came from the Hispanic Health
ever, we accept that global variations in caries and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES)
experience result more from environment than of 1982-84. Data showed that DMF scores of
from inherent racial attributes. To illustrate that Mexican-American adults were lower than the
point, there is evidence that certain racial national average, but the D component was
groups once thought to be resistant to caries higher.90 Among children, a similar picture
quickly developed the disease when they emerged in Mexican-Americans of the
migrated to areas with different cultural and Southwest, Cuban communities of Miami, and
dietary patterns.17,152,179 In the United States, Puerto Rican groups in New York.92
most surveys before the 1970s found that The overall pattern gives no reason to believe
whites had higher DMF scores than African- that inherent differences exist in caries suscepti-
Americans, although the latter usually had bility among African-Americans, people of
more decayed teeth because of poorer access to Hispanic origin, and whites. Socioeconomic
care. The National Health Survey of 1960-62 differences—that is, differences in education,
showed that whites had higher DMF scores self-care practices, attitudes, values, available
than did African-American adults of the same income, and access to health care—appear to be
age-group, a difference that remained even far more important.
242 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

8 Missing


13-year-olds 15-year-olds 17-year-olds
Fig. 20-7 Mean DMFS values for 13-, 15-, and 17-year-old children in white (W), African-American (AA), Mexican-
American (MA), and other (O) racial and ethnic groups in the United States, 1988-94.213


Age 15

Age 12

1966-70 1971-74 1979-80 1986-87 1988-94
Years of survey
Fig. 20-8 Mean DMFT scores for 12- and 15-year-old white and African-American children in five national surveys
in the United States, 1966-70 to 1988-94.213
20 Dental Caries 243

Socioeconomic Status number of D teeth diminished with increasing

Socioeconomic status (SES), called social class in SES, and the mean number of M teeth showed
Britain, is a broad recording of an individual’s little change. In white children, however the F
attitudes and values as measured by such factors component ballooned so much with increasing
as education, income, occupation, and place of SES that it lifted the whole DMF index. By con-
residence. Attitudes toward health are often part trast, the F component in the African-American
of the set of values that follow from an individ- children did not change, with the net result that
ual’s prestige in society and may explain some DMF diminished with increasing SES. As men-
of the observed differences in health between tioned earlier, these results from 1963-65
SES groups. However, obtaining a valid measure showed that a “treatment effect” (see Chapter
of SES is always a problem because of its com- 15) was artificially inflating the DMF data in the
plexity. In the United States SES is usually meas- white children, whereas the values for the
ured by annual income or years of education, African-American children were likely to be a
despite acknowledged shortcomings in these more valid measure of the carious attack.
measures.76 With the lower overall caries experience of
SES is inversely related to the incidence of today, however, the position has been reversed.
many diseases and to characteristics thought to The NPDDP showed that the higher SES groups
affect health.136 The reasons seem obvious in have enjoyed the sharpest decline in caries expe-
many cases, but not all.123 For example, differ- rience,74 so that the DMF values of children in
ences in infant mortality by SES can be explained the higher SES strata are now considerably below
partly by the fact that higher SES women have those of children in the lower SES strata. This is
better access to prenatal care, more ability to illustrated in Fig. 20-9, which graphs the compo-
afford such care, the time to get it, probably less nents of the DMFS index for 15-year-old children
fatalistic attitudes, and perhaps some other fac- in low, medium, and high SES groups as meas-
tors.68 However, even after all these likely vari- ured in NHANES III in 1988-94. Fig. 20-10 shows
ables have been factored into explaining the the same components for adults in three age-
differences, there is still a considerable gap that groups, and the same patterns can be seen rela-
defies explanation. In dental health, a similar tive to SES. Among the older adults, those in the
finding was reported in Finland,148 where differ- higher SES groups had fewer missing and more
ences in caries experience between children in filled surfaces. In the younger group, however,
the higher and lower social classes still remained both total DMFS scores and the values of all of its
after accounting for age, sex, reported frequency components were lower in the higher SES
of toothbrushing, consumption of sugars, and groups. These data in Fig. 20-10 suggest that there
ingestion of fluoride tablets. Children in Finland may be a treatment effect in older age-groups
also have virtually equal access to publicly that grew up before the preventive era, but
funded dental care, regardless of SES, which is among the 15- to 24-year-olds the higher SES
not the case in the United States. Measurements groups clearly have lower caries experience.
used in science cannot always pick up all the sub- Relationships between caries status and a
tleties embedded in SES. broad range of SES measures (e.g., residence in
As part of his landmark research in caries epi- private versus public housing, car ownership,
demiology during the 1930s and 1940s, Klein quality of neighborhoods) have also been
observed that overall DMF values did not differ reported in Britain44-46,73,166 and elsewhere in
between SES groups, but aspects of treatment Europe.83,141 When measures of social status
certainly did.109 Lower SES groups had higher appropriate for a nonindustrialized society have
values for D and M, and lower values for F. In the been used, such patterns have also been
first national survey of U.S. children in 1963-65, observed in Africa.146 The British studies noted
white children in the higher SES strata actually that, although fluoridation of water supplies
had higher DMF scores than did white children (see Chapter 25) reduces the difference between
in the lower strata, but African-American chil- the social classes, it does not entirely remove it.
dren showed the opposite pattern.215 In both These studies collectively demonstrate that
white and African-American children, the mean dental caries today can be looked upon as a
244 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions



Low Middle High
Socioeconomic status groups
Fig. 20-9 Mean DMFS scores for 15-year-old children at three socioeconomic levels in the United States,




Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High
15-24 years 35-44 years 55-64 years

Socioeconomic status and age-group

Fig. 20-10 Mean DMFS scores in adults ages 15-24 years, 35-44 years, and 55-64 years at three socioeconomic
levels in the United States, 1988-94.213
20 Dental Caries 245

disease of poverty or deprivation. The greatest been so considered. We do not attempt to detail
reductions in caries experience have been the role of all of these factors in caries develop-
enjoyed by the upper social groups, whereas ment; instead the reader is referred to texts such
reductions in the lower social groups have been as Dental caries: the disease and its clinical man-
more modest. When treatment programs are agement.63 However, the role of bacteria and
planned, caries experience can be expected to be diet as risk factors (according to the definition
more extensive and severe among lower SES given in Chapter 13) for development of caries
populations. is worth considering here.

Familial and Genetic Patterns Bacterial Infection

Familial tendencies (“bad teeth run in families”) Caries is a bacterial disease. Bacteria are a neces-
are noted by many dentists and have been clearly sary condition for its occurrence; that is, regard-
demonstrated.70,107,111,174 However, these studies less of any other factor, caries cannot occur in
do not pin down whether such tendencies have a the absence of bacteria.62,127 The bacteria princi-
genetic basis or whether they stem from bacterial pally involved, the mutans streptococci and lac-
transmission or continuing familial dietary or tobacilli, are normal constituents of the flora in
behavioral traits. Husband-wife similarities most mouths, so in that sense caries can be seen
clearly have no genetic origin, and intrafamilial as an ecologic imbalance rather than an exoge-
transmission of cariogenic flora, especially from nous infection. It has been described as a carbo-
mother to infant, is accepted as a primary way for hydrate-modified bacterial infectious disease, in
cariogenic bacteria to become established in chil- which a cariogenic diet selectively favors cario-
dren.113,114,175 The lack of a genetic influence by genic bacteria.223 Cariogenic bacteria are trans-
race, discussed earlier, weakens the case for missible, usually passed along from mother to
genetic inheritance of a susceptibility or resist- child.114,116,175 The complexity of bacterial inter-
ance to caries, although Klein concluded that the actions in caries development is illustrated by
similarities within families involved “strong the finding that establishment of Streptococcus
familial vectors which very likely have a genetic sanguinis during a “window of infectivity” in an
basis, perhaps sex-linked.”105 Studies of identical infant appears to be antagonistic to the colo-
twins have concluded that, although genetic fac- nization of Streptococcus mutans.48
tors could have affected caries experience to When caries experience is studied in groups,
some extent, the influence of environmental it usually is inversely related to counts of
variables was stronger.135 mutans streptococci in saliva or plaque,20,26,112
With the explosion of research discoveries of although this relationship is not strong. At the
genetic influences in many diseases, dental individual level, however, bacterial counts by
caries is being viewed in a different light. It is themselves are a poor predictor of future
likely that host attributes which could affect an caries.3,81,192 Although negative predictive val-
individual’s caries experience, such as salivary ues can be high (i.e., low bacterial counts pre-
flow and composition, tooth morphology, and dict the nondevelopment of caries fairly well),
arch width, are genetically determined, and the positive predictive values are not (i.e., high bac-
genetics of the cariogenic bacteria themselves terial counts do not predict the development of
must have an effect. The rapid growth of future caries).101
research technology and interest in genetics The evidence is not yet clear enough to per-
holds promise that a new view of caries will mit quantification of the risk attributable to
emerge in the future. specific bacteria, which in any case may vary in
different populations. However, because infec-
tion with cariogenic bacteria is a necessary con-
dition for caries to occur, it is obviously a risk
factor for caries.
Many factors are considered to be part of the
causal web in dental caries: bacteria, diet, Nutrition and Caries
plaque deposits, saliva quantity and quality, The term diet refers to the total oral intake of
enamel quality, and tooth morphology have all substances that provide nourishment and
246 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

energy, whereas nutrition refers to the absorp- high-income nations, this degree of severe
tion of nutrients. In view of nutrition’s funda- malnutrition is rare and is seen only in highly
mental role in human health, it is natural that unusual circumstances.
its etiologic function in caries should have
received a lot of attention. The suggestion that a Diet and Caries
deficiency of vitamin D is a causative factor in In contrast to nutrition, diet has a clear influ-
subsequent hypoplasia and development of ence on caries development. In particular, the
dental caries147 dates from 1934 and was most relation between the intake of refined carbohy-
likely influenced by contemporary findings on drates, especially sugars, and the prevalence
vitamin-deficient diseases. There is evidence and severity of caries is so strong that sugars are
from studies of children in Peru that chronic clearly a major etiologic factor in the causation
and severe malnutrition during the first year of of caries. This link has been recognized for
life is associated with increased caries years many years.29,39,64,131,161,162,176,191 Added sug-
later, although this association is difficult to ars are the primary culprit, although a limited
demonstrate because malnutrition delays erup- degree of caries occurs in populations for
tion and exfoliation of the primary teeth.5 whom the only sugars consumed are naturally
Chronic malnutrition among children in India occurring.183
has been shown to reduce salivary flow, which Although the evidence that consumption of
could be one reason for a causative link.94 sugars is a major risk factor for caries can be
The epidemiologic evidence shows that, described as overwhelming, sugars are not the
before the development of modern preventive only food sources involved in the carious
methods, the prevalence of caries was lowest in process. Cooked or milled starches can be bro-
those countries in which living standards were ken down to low-molecular-weight carbohy-
also lowest: even where generalized malnutri- drates by the salivary enzyme amylase and thus
tion was the norm, dental caries was uncom- act as a substrate for cariogenic bacteria. It has
mon.1,58,133,139,178-180,206 This pattern is been asserted that sugar-starch mixtures are
unlikely to have arisen because of protective fac- more cariogenic than sugars alone,22 and there
tors in the unprocessed diet in poor societies, is some animal evidence to support that view.65
for it is very hard to identify any such factors The issue may never be totally clarified in
that actually function in humans.27 It is far humans, but it is reasonable and prudent to
more likely that the observed pattern came from view all sugar-containing food and drinks, as
nonexposure to the cariogenic foods found in well as cooked or milled starches, as potentially
high-income countries. Even in those countries cariogenic. By contrast, the high-molecular-
in which caries prevalence is rising, this increase weight carbohydrates in lightly cooked vegeta-
is largely confined to urban populations in bles are considered noncariogenic because so
which both dietary and cultural changes are little breakdown of these foods occurs in the
occurring rapidly. Traditional village popula- mouth.115,163
tions in Africa still show little sign of dental
caries, although many of them suffer from some Early Theories on Diet and Caries
degree of malnutrition.2,12,50,151,158-160,165,182 The great exploratory voyages of the seven-
In the United States, no relation between nutri- teenth and eighteenth centuries led to the dis-
tional adequacy and DMF scores could be covery of peoples previously unknown to
found in NHANES I in 1971-74.218 Europeans, such as the islanders of the South
The limited epidemiologic evidence thus Pacific, who appeared to live an idyllic life free
favors the conclusion that severe, chronic mal- of the diseases that afflicted Europe at the time.
nutrition during infancy can predispose peo- The concept of the “noble savage”59 thus devel-
ple to later dental caries. This situation is oped during the latter part of the eighteenth
found in countries where malnourishment century. An understandable offshoot of this
during early childhood is common but where ideal was the belief that the apparent freedom
there is later exposure to cariogenic foods; the from caries enjoyed by so-called primitive races
malnutrition itself does not produce caries could be attributed to the “natural” diet on
without the later cariogenic challenge. In the which they subsisted. Eating hard, fibrous, and
20 Dental Caries 247

unprocessed food, so the theory went, led to ing which strict food rationing was enforced.
better development of the jaws and teeth and Among children 8-14 years of age, average
helped to clear food debris from the teeth. By height and weight were reduced, which indi-
contrast, Europeans were even then eating a lot cated nutritional inadequacies. Dental effects
of processed food, high in fermentable carbohy- during the occupation included delayed erup-
drates, which was thought to exercise the masti- tion of teeth, which began to be seen 1-2 years
catory apparatus insufficiently and lead after rationing began and reached a peak after
eventually to tooth decay. Against the back- the war, returning to normal only in the
ground of these beliefs, Miller, in the late nine- 1950s.208 Caries in the permanent dentition
teenth century, put forward his chemoparasitic was drastically reduced, even after allowance
theory of the development of dental caries. was made for the effects of delayed eruption,
Miller’s theory, developed during the “golden and the number of children ages 7-8 who were
age of bacteriology,” was based on the action of free of detectable caries increased threefold to
microorganisms on fermentable carbohydrates fourfold between 1941 and 1946.209 Caries
that adhered to the tooth’s surface.149 Modern prevalence returned to 1941 levels by 1949,
research shows that Miller’s view of the overall after rationing had ended.210 Perhaps the most
picture was reasonably correct. fascinating part of these Norwegian studies is
Theories about the preventive value of con- the fact that they were done at all, given the con-
sumption of hard and fibrous foods became ditions of the occupation.
more widespread in the early twentieth century
and became established dogma in many places. Tristan da Cunha
One such article of faith stated that accumula- The people on the remote island of Tristan da
tions of fermentable carbohydrates could be Cunha in the South Atlantic are mostly of
removed by eating hard and fibrous foods,228 European descent. The island’s limited contacts
the so-called cleansing or detersive foods. with the outside world were gradually increas-
Another view was that, if a meal were finished ing when a volcanic eruption in the early 1960s
with a salivary stimulant such as an apple, led to the temporary evacuation of the entire
the mouth would be kept free of fermentation community to England. The people returned
both by the physical cleansing effect of the when the island was habitable again, after
fibrous food and also by the salivary flow which the establishment of some industry mod-
induced by it.169 ernized the economy and created a demand for
As noted in the previous section, “protective” consumer goods. Much of the diet now consists
factors in an unrefined diet have proven hard to of processed food. The Tristan da Cunha resi-
identify. High-fiber diets with a good propor- dents were given dental examinations on the
tion of unprocessed vegetables are today recom- island in 1932, 1937, and 1953; in England in
mended by all health authorities. The low 1962; and again on the island in 1966. The
cariogenicity of these diets, however, is attribut- results show that the prevalence of caries in the
able less to the presence of hard and fibrous first permanent molars of 6- to 19-year-olds was
foods than to the relative absence of fermentable 0% in 1932 and 1937 but was 50% in 1962 and
carbohydrates. 80% in 1966.66 More recent data will indicate
if Tristan da Cunha has shared in the caries
Some Major Epidemiologic Studies on Diet and decline of more recent years.
World War II Studies Hopewood House
Strict food rationing in Japan made sugar virtu- The Hopewood House institution in Australia
ally unobtainable during World War II. After the provided an opportunity for a 15-year study of a
war, the mean DMF for 10-year-old children in group of children living on a basically vegetar-
1950 was considerably below values recorded ian diet with severely restricted sucrose intake.
in 1940. However, by 1957 DMF values had The study began with 81 children, ages 4-9
returned to just higher than 1940 levels.205 years, of whom 63 (77.8%) had no detectable
Norway was occupied by German forces for caries.122 At age 13, 53% of the children still
much of World War II, a 5- to 6-year period dur- had no detectable caries, compared with 0.4%
248 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

of the local noninstitutionalized population of informed consent to this regimen. Be that as it

the same age.201 Over the years some of the may, its conclusions profoundly influenced
dietary restrictions at the institution were the views on the role of sugars in dental decay.
relaxed, but at the conclusion of the study the The study design was complicated and not free
caries prevalence among 13-year-olds was still of flaws. Briefly, inmates of the institution were
only 65.3%.80 Although this study used small divided into groups with controlled consump-
numbers and lacked a rigid research design, the tion of refined sugars that varied in amount,
differences between the Hopewood House chil- frequency, physical form, and time of con-
dren and the nearby population were so pro- sumption (with or between meals). The
found that the dental effects of dietary control extremes of intake were (1) no added sugars at
were difficult to question. all, and (2) daily between-meal consumption
of 24 sticky toffees, each of which was too large
Anthropologic Studies to be swallowed and so had to be sucked and
There are numerous reports of the disastrously chewed. The differences in caries incidence
rapid increase in caries that occurs when an between the groups were pronounced. Some of
indigenous society comes in contact with the the conclusions of the Vipehölm study can be
diet and lifestyle of high-income nations. challenged in light of more recent research, but
Although the changes in such people’s lives are they are listed in Box 20-2 because of the his-
often so culturally profound and abrupt that it is torical importance of this study.
difficult to be sure that all changes in caries
prevalence are due to diet, there is little question Sugars-Caries Relationships in Today’s
that the dietary factors are important. Examples Low-Caries Environment
of such instances have been reported in The major studies described earlier were all
Polynesia,16 Ghana,114 and Greenland,93,153,168 conducted in the prefluoride era when caries
among the Inuit people of Canada’s North- was widespread and severe in high-income
west,53 among Australian aborigines,185,186 and countries. In light of modern research pro-
among children on a remote Scottish island tocols, design and analysis can be criticized in
where a modern lifestyle replaced traditional virtually all of them: all studies except the
ways.78,79 Vipehölm investigation were cross-sectional,
and analysis considered only sugar intake
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (measured in various ways) and caries status.
The rare disease of hereditary fructose intoler- In the period of caries decline, however,
ance (HFI) requires that people who have it we have to think that the “Vipehölm rules”
greatly minimize their sugar intake on a lifelong have changed. Are all the children with no
basis. Studies of persons with HFI, hard to con-
duct because of the rarity of the condition, show
that they experience virtually no caries com- BOX 20-2 Summarized Conclusions of the
pared with normal subjects without HFI.163 Vipehölm Study, 1946-5275
Although the numbers of people studied are
necessarily small, the differences in the intake ●
Sugar consumption increases caries activity.
of sugars and in caries experience are extreme ●
The risk of increased caries activity is greater if the
and obvious. sugar is in sticky form.

The risk is greatest if the sugar is taken between
Vipehölm meals and in a sticky form.
The best-known attempt to conduct an experi- ●
The increase in caries under uniform conditions
mental study on the effect of diet on dental shows great individual variation.
decay in humans was the Vipehölm study, car- ●
The increase in caries disappears on withdrawal of
ried out in Sweden between 1945 and 1952.75 sticky foodstuffs from the diet.
The study was conducted in a mental institu- ●
Caries can still occur in the absence of refined sugar,
tion, and by today’s standards it would be con- natural sugars, and high total dietary carbohydrates.
sidered unethical because it fed high quantities
of sugars to people unable to give their Reprint by permission of Taylor & Francis AS.
20 Dental Caries 249

detectable caries we see today not consuming “high-caries” group was caries experience
sugar, or are other factors having a major influ- related to total intake of sugars, and that rela-
ence? Studies such as those suggesting that oral tionship was weak. No relationship was found
hygiene is an important covariable in the sug- between caries experience and frequency of
ars-caries relationship82,103,203 have raised consumption. The relative risk of caries from
questions about the validity of the Vipehölm high sugar consumption compared with low
findings. sugar consumption was small42; each addi-
Two prospective studies reported in the tional 5 g of sugar ingested daily was associated
1980s, one in Britain and one in the United with a 1% increase in the probability of devel-
States, measured diet and caries incidence con- oping caries.204
currently and included more analytical detail Despite some differences in study protocols,
than did any previous research. The British findings in these two independent studies were
study followed 405 children with an average generally similar. Between them, the studies
initial age of 11.5 years for 2 years.177 The chil- indicated that consumption of sugars is not a
dren, all from a low-fluoride area near major risk factor for many children (i.e., those
Newcastle, completed five food diaries, each for with no caries despite consumption of a lot of
a 3-day period, for a total of 15 days of recorded sugar), but it is for those who are still clearly
diet over the 2 years. Interviews with a dietitian susceptible to caries (broadly defined here as
followed each 3-day period to clarify uncertain- the minority who got proximal-surface caries).
ties and to quantify amounts. The mean DMFS A similar conclusion was reached in a system-
incidence of the group was 3.63 over the 2 years, atic review of the caries-sugar relationship in
with 57% of new lesions in pits and fissures, a countries where there is widespread exposure to
lower caries increment than the authors had fluoride.41
expected. Average consumption of all sugars The much-stressed role of frequency of con-
was 118 g/day, providing 21% of energy intake. sumption of sugars (“it’s not how much you eat,
The results showed that caries increment was it’s how often you eat it”) is clearly called into
weakly but significantly correlated with total question by the studies in Newcastle and
intake of sugars, but poorly correlated with fre- Michigan, as it has been by others in
quency of intake. The authors stated that, Sweden.21,198,202 The importance of frequency
because of the lower than expected caries incre- of consumption was a major finding of the
ment, more clear-cut results would have been Vipehölm study, and it has dominated dental
likely if the study had been extended for health education ever since. However, the
another year. importance of frequency in Vipehölm was
The second study was based in the low-fluo- based principally on the caries experience of the
ride area of Coldwater, Michigan. It followed group that consumed 24 large toffees between
499 children, initially ages 11-15, for 3 years.38 meals each day, a frequency of consumption
The majority completed four 24-hour dietary that was not even approached in either the
recall interviews with a dietitian, although 27% British or the Michigan study. The results from
completed more interviews. The boys in the the highly artificial circumstances of the
study averaged 156 g of sugar intake per day Vipehölm study thus may be misleading when
from all sources, the girls 127 g; sugars generalized to the population. (The implica-
accounted for 26% of total energy intake. Both tions of these findings for dental health educa-
of these measures are higher than was found in tion are discussed in Chapter 28.)
the British group. Caries incidence was lower
than in the British group, however, averaging Caries and Soft Drinks
2.9 DMF surfaces over the 3 years, of which 81% As discussed earlier, sugar in liquid form is cari-
were pit-and-fissure lesions (buccal pits and lin- ogenic. Sugar in liquid form served well to
gual extensions as well as occlusal lesions). induce demineralization in landmark experi-
Nearly 30% of the group developed no caries at mental caries studies.226 There is more recent
all over the 3 years, and only 51 children evidence to show that soft drink consumption is
(10.2%) developed two or more proximal related to caries: the more soft drinks con-
lesions during the study. Only in this latter sumed, the greater the extent and severity of
250 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

caries.95,121,138,229 Soft drinks have also been tries.129,132,187 In high-income countries, general
implicated as part of the cause of the global awareness of root caries only increased in the early
epidemic of obesity in children,134 because it is 1980s with the realization that older adults were
now common to find soft drinks and juices retaining more teeth than they had previously.
replacing formula and milk for children up to Subsequent studies have confirmed that root
2 years of age.137 Therefore the subject has seri- caries is highly prevalent among older persons in
ous health implications that go beyond den- high-income countries.14,18,49,71,84,124,126,157,181
tistry and is yet another example of a public In NHANES III, the prevalence of root caries
general health problem that has clear dental among American adults ages 18 or older was
overtones. (This issue is discussed further in 25.1%.232 Prevalence reached over 50% in men
Chapter 28.) ages 65 or older and in women ages 75 or older.
Prevalence varies in more localized surveys
according to the age and nature of the popula-
tion examined. Localized surveys in parts of the
Root caries is defined as caries that begins on United States and Canada have found that inci-
cemental root surfaces below the cervical mar- dence can range from 0.3 to 0.6 surfaces per per-
gin. It thus is found only where loss of son per year.77,118,120
periodontal attachment has led to exposure of Fig. 20-11 shows the prevalence of root caries
the roots to the oral environment and hence to by age among dentate adults in NHANES III.
the accumulation of bacterial plaque around Males appear to be more affected than females.
these exposed roots. Root caries appears to be Although the condition is more prevalent in
polymicrobial,189,223 with the bacterial compo- older age-groups, it is not uncommon among
sition of dental plaque in root lesions appar- younger people. It is not yet clear whether these
ently little different from that of plaque found data represent a cohort pattern or whether the
in coronal lesions.32,61,69 As with coronal caries, younger age-groups will look like the current
sugars are part of the etiology.167 older cohorts in the years ahead. One argument
Root caries has been with humankind since is that, as more teeth are retained, the number
our earliest days; indeed, most of the caries found of surfaces at risk of root caries will increase. But
in skulls dating from the Stone Age or earlier is if gingival recession becomes less common,
root caries.99,100,154 A similar pattern can be then the overall prevalence and severity may not
found today in some low-income coun- change much.


50 Male





18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
Fig. 20-11 Prevalence of root caries in U.S. adults and seniors by gender, 1988-94.213
20 Dental Caries 251

Root caries, by definition, is strongly associ- low-fluoride communities.40,197 Smokers

ated with the loss of periodontal attach- exhibit more root caries than nonsmokers, and
ment.118,125,173,193,224,231 Other factors found severity tends to be inversely related to the
to be associated with root caries are primarily number of teeth remaining.18,125
socioeconomic, such as years of education, With regard to racial distribution, Fig. 20-12
number of remaining teeth, use of dental serv- shows the average number of root lesions in
ices, oral hygiene levels, and preventive behav- whites, African-Americans and Mexican-
ior.18,54,86,225 An important risk factor is also Americans as found in NHANES III. This graph
the use of multiple medications among the eld- suggests that African-Americans of most ages
erly,102 a common practice in nursing homes average more root lesions per person than do
and one that can promote xerostomia (salivary the other groups.
diminution). Xerostomia has long been known Root caries seems to be a particular problem
as a major risk factor for caries among people among older people of lower SES, those who
of any age and is particularly prevalent among have lost some teeth, those who do not main-
those who have received radiation treatment tain good oral hygiene, and those who do not
for cancer.8 Other risk factors identified in a visit the dentist regularly. Because of the aging
representative British sample of people ages 65 of the population and increasing retention of
or older were practicing poor oral hygiene, teeth, the dimensions of the root caries problem
wearing partial dentures, sucking candies in a are likely to continue to grow in the future, even
dry mouth, and living in an institution.199 if the number of lesions per person shows little
People who suffer from coronal caries also change. The attention of dental practitioners
seem likely to be at risk of root caries when gin- should be increasingly devoted to treating and
gival recession occurs,19,225 and root caries is preventing root caries in adults, as less time is
less prevalent in high-fluoride areas than it is in needed to deal with coronal caries in children.

Mean root lesions per person

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
Fig. 20-12 Mean number of root lesions in whites, African-Americans, and Mexican-American by age in the United
States, 1988-94.213
252 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

Caries of the primary maxillary incisors, often

with little if any caries of primary molars, is the
Early childhood caries (ECC) is a distressing syn- most common case definition, but some inves-
drome characterized by severe caries in the pri- tigators have defined it as generalized rampant
mary maxillary incisors of infants, typically caries or the presence of caries on the buccal
those 1-3 years old. Total destruction of tooth and lingual surfaces of the incisors. In an effort
crowns is common, other teeth in the mouth are to reach a clear case definition, a workshop
usually involved, and ECC is difficult and expen- group in 1999 took the view that any caries
sive to treat.227 There has long been confusion before 6 years of age is ECC and that there are
over the name of the condition,91 which has var- degrees of severity above that, referred to as
iously been called nursing caries, labial caries, and severe early childhood caries, or S-ECC (see
baby bottle tooth decay, among other things, Chapter 15). Whether this approach to the
because the condition was seen to arise from problem will clarify the issue remains to be
prolonged infant feeding by either bottle or seen.
breast. Now it is understood that broader expo- Prevention of ECC has been based largely on
sure to cariogenic diets can also be a factor.55,212 education, but it is clear that simply pointing out
The role of prolonged feeding with milk, either to parents the dangers of excessive feeding with
human or cow’s, to which no further sugar has sugary liquids is by itself ineffective.230 A better
been added is uncertain. A systematic review of understanding of the social and cultural factors
breastfeeding as a risk factor for ECC could reach involved among the population groups most
no conclusions because the literature was affected is clearly needed if the prevalence of ECC
marked by inconsistent study methods and case is to be seriously reduced among affected groups.
definitions.222 Milk does not promote caries in
laboratory studies,28 and another systematic REFERENCES
review concluded that the evidence for even pro- 1. Afonsky D. Some observations on dental caries in cen-
longed use of the bottle as a risk factor in ECC is tral China. J Dent Res 1951;30:53-61.
weak.172 Prolonged exposure to liquids with 2. Akpata ES. Pattern of dental caries in urban Nigerians.
added sugars or to high-sugar fluids such as soft Caries Res 1979;13:242-9.
3. Alaluusua S, Kleemola-Kujala E, Gronroos L, Evalahti
drinks or fruit juices is considered the main cul-
M. Salivary caries-related tests as predictors of future
prit, but, again, precise evidence is elusive. caries increment in teenagers. A three-year longitudinal
In the United States prevalence of ECC at the study. Oral Microbiol Immunol 1990;5:77-81.
national level is extremely low, but in particular 4. Albert RJ, Cantin RY, Cross HG, Castaldi CR. Nursing
groups in which ECC is concentrated, preva- caries in the Inuit children of the Keewatin. J Can Dent
Assoc 1988;54:751-8.
lence can be as high as 70%.150 A cursory visual
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21 Periodontal Diseases


RESPONSE Oral Hygiene, Plaque, and Microbiota
DISEASES Nutrition
Geographic Distribution Psychosocial Stress
Prevalence of Periodontitis CONDITIONS
Incidence of Periodontitis Diabetes
PERIODONTITIS Cardiovascular Disorders
Gender and Race or Ethnicity Osteoporosis
Age Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

The term periodontal disease has long been recog- infection and the host response to that infec-
nized as a generic term used to describe a group tion, mediated by environmental factors like
of diseases, so it should more correctly be used smoking and oral hygiene. Gingivitis is an
in the plural form. It is generally more useful to inflammatory process of the gingiva in which
refer specifically to gingivitis and periodontitis, the junctional epithelium, although altered by
with the term periodontal diseases reserved only the disease, remains attached to the tooth at its
for those situations in which the generic term is original level. There are initial, early, and estab-
specifically intended. lished gingivitis lesions, and a sequential micro-
This chapter describes the epidemiology of bial colonization leads to bacteriologically
gingivitis and adult periodontitis, their distribu- more complex plaque as the lesions progress.176
tion, and the risk factors and background char- Periodontitis is also an inflammatory condi-
acteristics associated with them. Periodontal tion of the gingival tissues, characterized by
diseases have been prevalent throughout human clinical attachment loss (CAL) of the periodon-
history, although without the obvious secular tal ligament and loss of bony support of the
variations that characterize dental caries. tooth. Periodontitis develops as an extension of
Human remains from the early Christian era gingivitis, although only a small proportion of
show clear evidence of periodontal bone loss.156 gingivitis sites make this transition.112,124,139
What happens in this transition is that
supragingival plaque serves as a reservoir for
periodontopathogenic organisms,71,201,251 and
when this infection is strong enough to over-
Both gingivitis and periodontitis result from whelm the host defense, bacteria in supragingi-
bacterial infections. The expression of clinical val plaque migrate subgingivally to form a
disease, however, is a function of both bacterial subgingival biofilm.180 Inflammatory media-
260 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

tors play an important role in the progression of family of more or less related conditions, and
periodontitis.166,177 A number of microbial advances in molecular biology will most likely
species have been associated with destructive provide new bases for classifying them in the
periodontitis, although it is unlikely that all of future.
these bacteria are essential players in the dis- Although these different categories of peri-
ease.179 As is discussed later in this chapter, odontitis are widely recognized, there are no
some of these species have been associated with generally accepted definitions of serious or mod-
serious systemic diseases. erate periodontitis, terms widely used in clinical
Whether or not periodontitis develops after practice, epidemiology, and public health.
infection, and its severity if it does, are deter- Several definitions of serious periodontitis that
mined by the nature and extent of the host have been used in epidemiologic studies are
response to these infections. Only some 20% of shown in Box 21-2. Two of these definitions use
periodontal diseases are now attributed to bac- CAL plus the presence of pockets, whereas the
terial variance, 50% are attributed to genetic third is based on a cutpoint on a statistical dis-
variance, and 20% to tobacco use,180 although tribution. When the term serious or severe peri-
the contribution of tobacco use may be higher odontitis is used in this chapter, the reference is
than that.93 Only a small proportion of virtu- to a degree of periodontitis severe enough to
ally any population is susceptible to severe, cause or threaten the loss of teeth. There is mod-
generalized periodontitis, even though most erate agreement in the literature that CAL of
people have these infections to some degree. 6 mm or more is a reasonable cutoff point to
This has led to the hypothesis that there are two differentiate serious from moderate periodonti-
distinct types of periodontitis. One is the plaque tis; the latter term is usually applied to CAL of
and local factors type, the most common form, 4-5 mm or less. Moderate periodontitis is used in
in which specific pathogens dominate the host this chapter to mean periodontitis in which
response in controlling disease expression; the pocketing, CAL, or even some bone loss can be
second is the compromised host type, in which clinically or radiographically demonstrated, but
severity and rate of progression are often rapid the condition is not yet severe enough to
and are not well correlated with local factors threaten the loss of teeth.
like plaque deposits.166 The compromised host
type is less common, responds much less favor-
ably to standard treatments, and is thought to CURRENT MODELS OF PERIODONTAL
be the type of disease found in aggressive and DISEASES
diabetes-associated periodontitis. Neutrophil As mentioned in Chapter 16, perceptions of
abnormalities have been associated with the the nature of periodontal diseases changed
compromised host form of the disease,178 and radically as a result of research during the
at least in aggressive periodontitis the compro- 1980s and 1990s. The old view of periodontal
mised host response is thought to be of genetic disease before that time is summarized in the
origin.50 following statement from a 1961 report by an
Many different classifications of periodon- expert committee of the World Health
tal diseases have been proposed; their evolu- Organization (WHO):
tion is well documented in the various world
workshops held down the years. These work- Periodontal disease is one of the most widespread dis-
shops are international gatherings of experts to eases of mankind. No nation and no area of the world is
review the state of knowledge in the periodon- free from it and in most it has a high prevalence, affecting
tal field and were held in 1966, 191 1977, 110 in some degree approximately half the child population
1989,163 and 1996 (reported in the first issue and almost the entire adult population. Research and clin-
of Annals of Periodontology). A subsequent ical evidence indicate that the damage caused to the sup-
porting structures of the teeth by periodontal disease in
workshop in 1999, held to review disease classi-
early adult life is irreparable, while in the middle adult life
fications, produced the list shown in Box 21-1. it destroys a large part of the natural dentition and
This classification is far more detailed than its deprives many people of all their teeth long before old age.
predecessor. 163 It is becoming increasingly The total effect of periodontal disease on the general
accepted that the periodontal diseases are a health of the populations is unassessable.250
21 Periodontal Diseases 261

BOX 21-1 Summarized Classification of Gingival and Periodontal Conditions11

Gingival Diseases Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases

Dental plaque–induced gingival diseases Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Gingivitis associated with dental plaque only Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
Gingival diseases modified by systemic factors
Gingival diseases modified by medications Abscesses of the Periodontium
Gingival diseases modified by malnutrition Gingival abscess
Non–plaque-induced gingival lesions Periodontal abscess
Gingival diseases of specific bacterial origin Pericoronal abscess
Gingival diseases of viral origin
Gingival diseases of fungal origin Periodontitis Associated With Endodontic Lesions
Gingival diseases of genetic origin Combined periodontic-endodontic lesions
Gingival manifestations of systemic conditions
Developmental or Acquired Deformities
Traumatic lesions
and Conditions
Foreign body reactions
Localized tooth-related factors that modify or
Not otherwise specified
predispose to plaque-induced gingival
Chronic Periodontitis
Mucogingival deformities and conditions around
Mucogingival deformities and conditions on
Aggressive Periodontitis edentulous ridges
Localized Occlusal trauma

Periodontitis As a Manifestation of Systemic Diseases

Associated with hematologic disorders
Associated with genetic disorders
Not otherwise specified

BOX 21-2 Some Definitions of “Serious” recognition that few gingivitis lesions actually
Periodontitis Used in Periodontal Studies
make that transition.
Challenges to the concept of universal sus-

Four or more sites with loss of periodontal ceptibility came with epidemiologic studies in
attachment (CAL) of ≥5 mm, with pocket depth of low-income countries. These surveys yielded
≥4 mm at one or more of those sites26 broadly similar results in that they found mas-

Two or more teeth with CAL of ≥6 mm, plus one or sive deposits of plaque and calculus, and thus
more sites with pocket depth of ≥5 mm137 high levels of gingivitis.21 But contrary to expec-

Mean CAL in the top 20th percentile of the tations, they also found that the prevalence of
distribution129 serious, generalized periodontitis in these
poorer countries was little different from that in
the highly treated populations of high-income
countries.16,17,19,122,131,170 Further substantial
This whole passage conjures up a vision of modification to the traditional perception of
helpless peoples, all equally susceptible and periodontitis came with the demonstration in
suffering en masse. It was also accepted at that the early 1980s that the periodontal tissues
time that gingivitis invariably progressed to apparently had the capacity to repair them-
periodontitis, a view that has now changed to selves.75 This finding was incorporated into
262 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

what became known as the burst theory of peri- BOX 21-3 A Current Model of Periodontal
odontitis,211 which essentially states that Diseases
periodontitis progresses in a series of relatively
short, acute bursts of rapid tissue destruction, ●
Only a small proportion of persons (5%-15%)
followed by some tissue repair and long periods exhibit severe periodontitis, where “severe” means
of remission.125 This view was the converse of that tooth loss occurs or is threatened. Mild
the hypothesis of linear progression that had gingivitis is common, as is mild to moderate
been assumed until that time and resulted from periodontitis. Most adults exhibit some loss of bony
analyzing measurements from individual sites support and loss of probing attachment while still
rather than using pooled data as had been done maintaining a functioning dentition.
before. The burst theory of periodontal destruc- ●
Gingivitis and periodontitis are associated with
tion has been accepted by most researchers, and bacterial flora that have some similarities but also
there is now good epidemiologic evidence to some differences between the two conditions.
support it.28 Gingivitis precedes periodontitis, but only a fraction
Basic, clinical, and epidemiologic research of sites with gingivitis later develop periodontitis.
from around the late 1970s onward (about the ●
Although periodontitis is usually related to age in
same time that the caries decline was recog- cross-sectional surveys, it is not a natural
nized) has therefore led to a perception of the consequence of aging.
periodontal diseases that can be summarized as ●
Periodontitis is not the major cause of tooth loss in
shown in Box 21-3. adults, except perhaps in the oldest age-groups in
Although periodontal diseases are constantly some populations.
becoming better understood, the measurement ●
Periodontitis is usually a site-specific condition and
problems described in Chapter 16 have not is only occasionally seen in generalized forms.
gone away. We are still not confident about how Generalized periodontitis is usually severe and of the
to separate susceptible from nonsusceptible early-onset type.
people and active from inactive sites.174 Until ●
Periodontitis is usually thought to proceed in bursts
research finds a suitable way of measuring of destructive activity with quiescent periods
active disease, then CAL, pocket depth, radi- between the bursts.
ographic bone loss, and gingival bleeding must
serve as measures of periodontal diseases, cum-
bersome and inappropriate for some purposes
though they are. professional dental care, so it is to be expected
that they are less severe in high-income
nations. This geographic profile, in which
severe periodontitis is not clearly dependent on
the presence of plaque and calculus, is consis-
Geographic Distribution tent with the compromised host model of peri-
Over 70% of adults in all parts of the world odontitis described earlier.
have some degree of gingivitis or
periodontitis.20 Under the old perception of Prevalence of Gingivitis
periodontal disease, it was considered that At the population level, gingivitis is found in
prevalence and severity were greater in low- early childhood, is more prevalent and severe
income countries than in the higher-income in adolescence, and tends to level off after that.
world. However, data collected since 1980 in The prevalence of gingivitis among school-
WHO’s Global Oral Health Data Bank,187,188 children in the United States has been around
when added to the results of other epidemio- 40%-60% in various national surveys.235 In a
logic studies,15 suggest that, although gingivitis national survey of employed adults in 1985-
and calculus deposits are more prevalent and 86, 47% of males and 39% of females ages 18-
severe in low-income nations, there are fewer 64 had at least one site that bled on
global differences in the prevalence of severe probing.237 In the first national survey of
periodontitis. Gingivitis and calculus deposits adults that measured gingivitis, conducted in
can be controlled by personal oral hygiene and 1960-62, some 85% of men and 79% of
21 Periodontal Diseases 263

women were affected.234 Even with allowance Any assessment of the prevalence of a con-
for the differences between the two surveys in dition, and the form of its distribution in a
measurement techniques and the populations population, must begin with a case definition
studied, it seems fairly clear that there has been of the disease. Here is the first difficulty, for as
an improvement in gingival health over that described earlier there is no clear agreement
period.171 on how to define moderate and serious peri-
Gingivitis is closely correlated with plaque odontitis. We stated earlier that 6-mm CAL is
deposits, a relationship long considered one of generally considered serious and 4- to 5-mm
cause and effect. Studies of the natural history of CAL moderate, but to many it seems reason-
periodontal diseases in Norway and Sri Lanka able to say that any CAL should be considered
found no increase in prevalence and severity of disease. Philosophically that may be true, but
gingivitis between the late teen years and age 40. in practical terms considering all CAL as dis-
In Norwegian professionals and students, ease is not helpful. To illustrate this point,
among whom oral hygiene was excellent,8 and Fig. 21-1 graphs the proportion of adults in
in Sri Lankan tea workers, among whom gingi- the United States with at least one site show-
val conditions and oral hygiene were poorer, ing 2-mm CAL. A high proportion of even the
there was no age-related increase in gingivitis. younger age-groups is affected, and the condi-
Surveys in other low-income countries show tion soon becomes almost universal. CAL of at
that gingivitis, associated with extensive plaque least 2 mm is so common, and is so often
and calculus deposits, is the norm among found in persons with functional dentitions,
adults.15 that one has to wonder whether philosophi-
Gingivitis is likely to have declined over cally it should be thought of as disease in a
recent years in the United States because of clinical sense. Certainly any criterion that is so
greater attention to oral hygiene as a part of per- commonly met is not useful in epidemiologic
sonal grooming. The main research interest in research in which risk factors are being
gingivitis today is why some lesions progress to sought.
periodontitis and some do not, and what fac- CAL is considered to be the most valid
tors may predict these outcomes. measure of periodontitis, 74 even though it
measures past disease rather than present
Prevalence of Periodontitis activity. If CAL of 2 mm is too common to
Interpretation of epidemiologic data from discriminate between people who are suscep-
before 1980 or so is difficult because the tible and those who are not susceptible to seri-
indexes used to measure the conditions before ous periodontitis, then where should the
that time are no longer considered valid cutoff be? Fig. 21-2 graphs the proportion of
(see Chapter 16). The impression created by adults with at least one site showing CAL of
these data was that summed up in the WHO 2 mm, 4 mm, or 6 mm, and Fig. 21-3 shows
quotation given earlier: “periodontal disease” the skewed distribution of CAL in three age-
was uniformly extensive and serious in most groups. If the use of a 2-mm measure is not
populations. Later research, however, in which sensitive enough (i.e., includes too many false
the use of disaggregated indexes in epidemiol- negatives), a 6-mm cutoff may be not specific
ogy played a prominent part, has led to an enough (i.e., it could exclude too many true
almost total reversal of that concept. Data from positives). We stated earlier that CAL of 4-5
many parts of the world have now shown that mm has generally been considered moderate
the prevalence of generalized, severe periodon- periodontitis in the literature, so CAL of at
titis is in the range of 5%-15% in almost all least 3 mm, at the upper end of mild peri-
populations, regardless of their state of eco- odontitis, seems a reasonable basis for a case
nomic development, conditions of oral definition of periodontitis. In incidence stud-
hygiene, or availability of dental care.15,51,112,229 ies, 3-mm CAL is usually taken as the criterion
This relatively low proportion supports a funda- for incident periodontitis because this level is
mental shift away from the old view of universal outside the change that could reasonably be
susceptibility, even though it still represents a attributed to error by a trained, experienced
lot of people with serious periodontitis. examiner.25
264 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions


Percent 60



18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-1 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing clinical attachment loss of 2 mm or more by age
and gender, 1985-86.233

Carolina, so named for the five-county geo-

Incidence of Periodontitis graphic region in which a community-dwelling
Longitudinal studies of periodontitis onset and sample (i.e., neither institutionalized nor taken
progression in community-dwelling popula- from patient lists at a dental school) ages 65-80
tions are inherently expensive and difficult, so it years, mostly rural and of low income, received a
is not surprising that only a few have been con- series of periodontal examinations in their own
ducted. One was the Piedmont project in North homes over 5 years. Periodontal conditions in

2 mm or more
4 mm or more
6 mm or more




18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-2 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing clinical attachment loss of 2 mm or more, 4 mm
or more, and 6 mm or more, by age, 1988-94.233
21 Periodontal Diseases 265


80 65+
Cumulative percent




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+

Loss of periodontal attachment (mm)

Fig. 21-3 Cumulative proportion of U.S. adults ages 18-44, 45-64, and 65 or older showing varying degrees of
clinical attachment loss at most severely affected site, 1988-94.233

this group were generally not good. Although A longitudinal project of major importance
the mean number of affected sites at baseline was the 15-year study of periodontitis among
was only a little more than that found in 480 tea workers in Sri Lanka.131 The group stud-
younger age-groups, the severity of disease at ied had virtually no dental treatment of the type
those sites was considerably greater.26 When dis- found in developed countries, so the data
ease incidence (defined as an increase in CAL of reflected the natural history of periodontitis.
at least 3 mm) was assessed for the first 18 Based on tooth loss and interproximal CAL over
months and for the second 18 months sepa- the 15 years of the study, it was concluded that
rately, CAL during the first period was positively some 8% demonstrated rapid progression, 81%
related to CAL in the second period at the level moderate progression, and 11% no progression
of the individual but not at the site level.24 These beyond gingivitis. This study provided impor-
findings were confirmed at the 5-year examina- tant evidence demonstrating the range of sus-
tion: the presence of CAL in the first period did ceptibility to periodontitis. A subsequent
not put a site at risk for CAL in subsequent peri- finding on disease incidence in this group was
ods.27 These findings support the episodic, ran- that gingival recession progressed over time on
domized model of periodontitis in susceptible virtually all surfaces, whereas in a comparison
persons. At the mesiobuccal sites examined, group of high-income Norwegians it was largely
increased pocket depth rather than gingival confined to the buccal surfaces. The buccal-only
recession accounted for most disease incidence, recession was thought to come from toothbrush
whereas for buccal sites gingival recession abrasion, whereas the all-surfaces recession
accounted for most incidence.23 The research among the Sri Lankans was seen as plaque
team found that risk factors were not the same as related.130
prognostic factors (their term for risk factors Clinical studies that have followed groups of
related to the progression of existing disease). patients over a period of time have contributed
However, counted among both risk and prog- valuable information toward the understanding
nostic factors were low income, tobacco use, of periodontitis.73,84,127 These should not be
presence of specific bacteria, and use of medica- called epidemiologic studies, for when patients
tions likely to result in soft tissue reactions. are followed then all participants, by definition,
266 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

are susceptible to the disease. Although epi- tribute toward their better periodontal condi-
demiologic research is better for defining risk tions as measured by CAL and pocket depth.
factors, clinical studies are valuable for studying Current knowledge of the pathogenesis of peri-
disease progression in susceptible individuals. odontitis, when added to the epidemiologic
evidence, indicates that there are no inherent
differences between men and women in suscep-
tibility to periodontitis.
There is also little evidence to suggest differ-
Gender and Race or Ethnicity ent susceptibility to periodontitis among differ-
Surveys of periodontal conditions usually show ent races. Early epidemiologic studies showed
that men have poorer periodontal health than considerable differences between nations190,198
women. This has long been observed and is still but no consistent associations with race or eth-
the case in the most recent national survey in nicity when persons of the same age and oral
the United States. Figs. 21-1, 21-4, and 21-5 hygiene status were compared. Reviews pre-
show that, as measured by CAL, the presence of sented at world workshops in 1966243 and
pockets, and subgingival calculus, women con- 197744 also found no differences in disease
sistently look better than men. In older sur- prevalence that could be attributed to race or
veys234,236 this finding was obscured by the ethnicity, and that view essentially still
greater tooth loss among women, tooth loss prevails.15 On the other hand, in the 1986-87
that was assumed to reflect the ravages of peri- national survey of schoolchildren, the preva-
odontal disease. More recently, however, differ- lence of CAL (at least one site with attachment
ences in tooth loss between the sexes are no loss of 3+ mm) in 13- to 17-year-olds was
longer evident (see Chapter 19). Women usu- 10% among African-Americans, 5% among
ally exhibit better oral hygiene than do men,237 Hispanics, and only 1.3% among whites.3
which would explain the differences seen in These data did not account for socioeconomic
gingivitis. The fact that women show less sub- differences, so the differences seen may not be
gingival calculus (see Fig. 21-5) is likely to con- attributable to race or ethnicity.

30 Male





18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-4 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one periodontal pocket of 4 mm or more by age and gender,
21 Periodontal Diseases 267





18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-5 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing subgingival calculus by age and gender,

30 High SES



18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-6 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing clinical attachment loss of 6 mm or more by age
and socioeconomic status (SES), 1988-94.233

Fig. 21-6 shows the extent of severe CAL in the sistent from one age-group to another except
United States by socioeconomic status (SES), that prevalence is higher at all ages among
and Fig. 21-7 shows the prevalence of severe African-Americans, and this pattern is likely to
periodontitis among four racial-ethnic groups in be associated with SES rather than to reflect
the United States in the third National Health true racial differences. The WHO Global Oral
and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES Health Data Bank, which maintains data from
III) of 1988-94. Data in these charts are not con- many nations collected using the Community
268 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions





18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-7 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing clinical attachment loss of 6 mm or more by age
and race or ethnicity, 1988-94.233

Periodontal Index, suggests a rather remark- age and the proportion of people with at least
able uniformity of conditions around the one site with 4-mm or 6-mm CAL. By contrast,
world.187,188 Overall, the evidence indicates that the proportion of people with at least one
race and ethnicity in themselves cannot be con- site with 2-mm CAL rises rapidly with age and
sidered as demographic risk factors for peri- then tends to flatten out at a high level. This
odontitis. suggests that people who get only this low level
of periodontitis get it early in life, and as dis-
Age cussed previously it is too common to be
The relationship between age and periodontitis of value in discriminating between disease
is not always an easy one to understand. Much and nondisease.
of the problem dates back to the older percep- Fig. 21-4 shows that the relationship between
tion of the disease, in which the interpretation age and the presence of at least one pocket of
of cross-sectional survey data was generally that 4 mm or more is not as direct as that found with
the severity of the disease increased with CAL. If pockets are taken to reflect active disease
advancing age. However, today we do not view (as opposed to CAL, which is a “scar” of past
periodontitis as a disease of aging. The greater disease), then this weak relationship with age is
prevalence and severity of CAL in older people not surprising.
in cross-sectional surveys come not from a Age-related findings were a feature of the Sri
greater susceptibility in older people but from Lankan studies described previously.131 Earlier
the cumulative progression of lesions over reports of these researchers compared the Sri
time.35 Lankans with a group of college students and
Fig. 21-2 shows the distribution of degree of professors in Oslo, Norway, a dentally conscious
CAL at the most affected site among adults as group.8,132,133 The oral hygiene status of the
measured by NHANES III in United States dur- Oslo group was excellent, with no increase in
ing 1988-94. These cross-sectional data show the prevalence and severity of gingivitis from the
that there is a linear relationship between late teenage years to around 40 years of age.
21 Periodontal Diseases 269

Mean annual CAL in the Oslo group was 0.07- nature of the plaque itself may change with age,
0.13 mm. The Sri Lankan group was followed and that the periodontium recovers from injury
for 15 years, and as described earlier participants more slowly, these potential problems are over-
could be categorized into three groups in terms shadowed by the patient’s susceptibility to dis-
of rate of disease progression: rapid, moderate, ease.238 This further supports the idea that,
and little to none. In the first two groups, peri- when a patient is susceptible to periodontitis,
odontitis progressed with age, although natu- the tendency is seen early. Adult periodontitis in
rally much more so in the rapid-progression the elderly is characterized by infrequent and
group, virtually all of whom were edentulous by slow progression, and does not usually lead to
40-45 years of age. In the moderate-progression tooth loss. Even in cases in which periodontitis
group, the annual mean rate of CAL increased is reported as a leading cause of tooth loss in the
from 0.3 mm when the members were in their elderly (see Chapter 19), it is likely that a lot of
twenties to 0.5 mm 15 years later. By contrast, the teeth extracted then have been seriously dis-
annual CAL in the rapid-progression group aver- eased for years rather than becoming that way
aged 1.04 mm when they were ages 25-29. In the in old age.
nonprogressing group, average annual CAL was To summarize the data on age and periodon-
around 0.05 mm and did not change with age. titis: cross-sectional survey data invariably
Rather than showing an increased susceptibil- show, on average, a greater extent of CAL among
ity to periodontitis with increasing age, post-1980 older than among younger persons. The appar-
epidemiologic studies support the view that those ent increase of CAL with age is more a lifetime
who retain their teeth into old age are likely to be accumulation of effects than a greater suscepti-
the less susceptible individuals. When periodon- bility in the older years. Limited longitudinal
titis occurs in susceptible persons, it starts young.* data suggest that CAL increases rapidly with age
None of these studies demonstrating moderate among the 5%-15% of any population that is
CAL in young people followed their subjects into susceptible to serious disease and to a lesser
later life. These young people may fit the compro- extent among the majority that exhibits moder-
mised host disease model,166 although without ate disease. Those susceptible to serious disease
case-control studies or additional longitudinal exhibit CAL and bone loss when young, often in
data this cannot be stated for sure. It fits the pat- the teenage years.
tern of many diseases, however, if the persons
most susceptible to periodontitis are those who Socioeconomic Status
exhibit the disease in their youth. (We should Generally, those who are better educated,
note that we are not referring here to the specific wealthier, and live in better circumstances enjoy
condition of aggressive periodontitis, which is better health status than the less educated and
thought to affect some 0.1%-0.2% of the adoles- poorer segments of society. Many disease condi-
cent population.)239 tions are associated with SES, a complex vari-
The likelihood that older dentate people may able that can subsume a lot of cultural factors.
be of low susceptibility is strengthened by the Periodontal diseases are among this group13,225
finding that serious disease is not as common and have historically been related to lower
among such groups as once thought. As shown SES.234,236 The periodontal ill effects of living in
in Fig. 21-3, the distribution of people by their deprived circumstances can start early in life.206
most severe CAL site is skewed, and this skewed Gingivitis and poorer oral hygiene are clearly
distribution is largely independent of age.91 related to lower SES, but the relationship
Other analyses of cross-sectional national sur- between periodontitis and SES is less direct.
vey data have also concluded that age is not a Fig. 21-8 shows that there are obvious SES differ-
major determinant of periodontitis.1,36 ences only among younger people when CAL is 2
Even though there are indications from clini- mm or more, but as we have stated several times
cal studies that the aging periodontium does already, CAL of 2 mm is not a sensitive measure.
not tolerate plaque as well as it used to, that the When those with CAL of at least 6 mm (see Fig.
21-6) are classified by SES, a more consistent dif-
*References 4,9,16,17,19,38,48,49,88,91,120,131,141,224, ference is seen, especially at younger ages. As
227,249. shown in Fig. 21-9, when the measure is the
270 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

High SES




18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-8 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing clinical attachment loss of 2 mm or more by age
and socioeconomic status (SES), 1988-94.233

High SES




18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-9 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one periodontal pocket of 4 mm or more by age and socioeco-
nomic status (SES), 1988-94.233
21 Periodontal Diseases 271

prevalence of pockets of at least 4 mm, differ- specific genotype of the polymorphic inter-
ences are also seen between SES strata and are leukin-1 (IL-1) gene cluster was associated with
most pronounced among the young. Subgingival more severe periodontitis. This relationship
calculus deposits are also more prevalent among could only be demonstrated in nonsmokers,
lower SES groups (Fig. 21-10). which indicated immediately that the genetic
The widely observed association between factor was not as strong a risk factor as was smok-
SES levels and gingival health is a function of ing. The IL-1 gene cluster has received a lot of
better oral hygiene among the more educated research attention since then. This is appropriate,
and a greater frequency of dental visits among given that the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1 is a
the more dentally aware and those with dental key regulator of the host response to microbial
insurance (who are more likely to be white-col- infection,147 although IL-1 is unlikely to be the
lar employees, i.e., those with more education). only genetic factor involved.142 IL-1 has been
SES is a complex and multifaceted variable, and identified as a contributory cause of periodonti-
it is virtually impossible to remove the effect of tis among some patient groups53,61,116,119 and in
SES as a confounder in the race-ethnicity associ- an epidemiologic study.224
ations seen in Fig. 21-7. Although there is little doubt that periodon-
titis has a genetic component, the strength of
Genetics that component is still to be determined. On
The first report identifying a genetic component the one hand, a study of 169 twin pairs con-
in periodontitis appeared in 1997.113 Most of cluded that about half of the variance in peri-
the research studies relating to genetics as a odontitis was attributable to heredity.153 On
determinant of disease have been laboratory the other hand, there were no differences in
and clinical investigations rather than epidemi- tooth loss attributable to IL-1 variation over 10
ologic studies but they should still be briefly years in a nonsmoking population with good
considered here. periodontic maintenance treatment.39 A com-
The original 1997 report, based on data from bination of IL-1 genotyping and smoking his-
patients in private practices, found that a tory may provide a good risk profile for

High SES




18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+


Fig. 21-10 Proportion of U.S. adults with at least one site showing subgingival calculus by age and socioeconomic
status (SES), 1988-94.233
272 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

patients,147 and an interaction between smok- with poor oral hygiene and little dental treat-
ing and genetics may be a contributory factor in ment suggest is that, although gingivitis and cal-
severity of periodontitis.150,183 IL-1 has been culus deposition are more severe,7 the
described as playing a clear, but not essential, prevalence and severity of periodontitis is not
role in regulating host response to infec- all that different from conditions in developed
tion.53,61 Further research, including epidemio- nations.15,76,187,188 Even among health profes-
logic studies of people with and without sionals in the United States, oral hygiene prac-
disease, are necessary before the genetic contri- tices seem unrelated to periodontitis.152
bution to the initiation and progression of These poor correlations have all been
periodontitis can be specified. Current knowl- obtained using various measures of plaque
edge tells us that inducing periodontal patients quantity (i.e., extent of plaque or calculus
to stop smoking should be a higher priority deposits). Qualitative measures of plaque (i.e.,
than genetic testing. specification of microbiota) have also produced
mixed results. In cross-sectional data, associa-
tions between putative periodontopathogenic
organisms and clinical periodontitis have been
Oral Hygiene, Plaque, and Microbiota reported,26,212 and the presence of these organ-
Although there is a clear causal relationship isms in subgingival plaque samples from suscep-
between poor oral hygiene and gingivitis, the tible patients has predicted CAL over the short
relationship between oral hygiene status and term.85 On the other hand, the presence of spe-
periodontitis is less straightforward. Good oral cific microbiota could not predict the develop-
hygiene can favorably influence the ecology of ment or progression of periodontitis in clinical
the microbial flora in shallow to moderate longitudinal studies of up to 3 years.126,127,244
pockets, but it does not affect host response. It has long been understood that gram-
A simple but elegant study of experimental negative anaerobes and spirochetes are the main
human gingivitis conducted in the mid- putative pathogens in periodontal pockets, but
1960s134 showed the relation between plaque searches for the “cause” of periodontitis down
deposits and gingivitis to be one of cause and the years have not been able to discriminate well
effect. Gingivitis is a nonspecific infection between the various bacteria. More recently it
caused by bacteria found in supragingival has become clearer that, within the broad spec-
plaque. There is less gingivitis in high-income trum of gram-negative organisms found at dis-
countries where good oral hygiene is a social eased sites, several putative pathogens are
norm than in poorer societies where oral consistently found. The predominant group
hygiene activities are not a normal part of the includes Actinomyces actinomycetemcomitans,
daily routine. There is also less calculus, both Bacteroides forsythus, Porphyromonas gingivalis,
supragingival and subgingival, as a result of bet- Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum,
ter oral hygiene and more professional dental Campylobacter rectus, and Treponema denti-
care. These differences are evident not only cola.3,82,86,87,138,182,194,251 The presence of differ-
between countries but also between the genders ent clonal types of these bacteria is recognized,
and between socioeconomic strata within and it is not known whether all clonal types are
the United States, as illustrated in Figs. 21-5 and pathogenic. If they are not, that could well
21-10, although subgingival calculus is seen to account for some of the inconsistent associa-
be quite prevalent even among higher SES tions found between the bacterial presence in
American adults. the periodontal crevice and clinical disease.180
The presence of plaque and calculus Maintaining excellent oral hygiene affects
deposits is found to correlate poorly with only the plaque and not the host response, one
severe periodontitis in population studies,* and reason why oral hygiene is not always effective in
the same is true for other measures of plaque controlling periodontitis. Still, practicing good
quantity.† What these studies of populations oral hygiene is a behavior whose value is sup-
ported by the evidence, mostly relating to the
*References 16,17,19,55,99,122,130,131,145,170. conversion of supragingival plaque to subgingi-
†References 14,77,78,84,124,137,185. val microfilm as discussed earlier in this chapter.
21 Periodontal Diseases 273

Local Factors higher.32 Exactly how smoking acts in the

Cleaning under gingival overhangs is difficult, causal chain, however, is still a subject of
and the growth of pathogenic flora can be research. Smoking was first identified as a
encouraged by inadequate hygiene. Although risk factor for periodontal diseases in an ana-
gingival overhangs are common, they have been lysis of data from the first National Health
found not to be associated with serious peri- and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I)
odontitis, at least not in young people.123 in 1971-74 in the United States,100 and the
Although overhangs obviously should be evidence has continued to mount since
treated, local factors of this nature are generally then.6,30,41,72,77,78,83,102,128 Assessments of ran-
considered to be of minor importance in the eti- domly chosen patient groupings invariably
ology of periodontitis compared to the nature show a higher prevalence of periodontitis
of the infection and the host response.175 among smokers.81,89,106 It has been stated that
90% of persons with refractory chronic peri-
Nutrition odontitis are smokers,107 and healing following
Despite the centuries-old observation that sailors treatment is slower in smokers.79,109 Slower
suffering from scurvy (severe deficiency of ascor- healing could be due to the inhibition of
bic acid, or vitamin C) had bleeding gums, no growth and attachment of fibroblasts in the
nutritional or dietary factors have been shown to periodontal ligament of smokers and in their
be directly related to the prevalence or intensity slower posttherapy reduction of white blood
of periodontitis. The possibility that generalized cells and neutrophils.45
malnutrition may influence its severity, however, Experimental studies of plaque accumula-
cannot be ignored.37,199 In the well-fed societies tion in smokers compared to nonsmokers have
of the high-income world, generalized malnutri- given mixed results; some showed no differ-
tion is not a public health problem, although ence,41,56,81 whereas others found more plaque
malnutrition can be found in some individuals and calculus in smokers.158,181 Evidence on
with eating disorders. Ascorbic acid is probably whether smoking promotes the growth of peri-
the nutrient most often thought to be a factor, odontal pathogens is mixed. Earlier studies
but it has been shown to be associated with peri- showed no difference in prevalence of these
odontitis only at the lowest levels of intake in the bacteria subgingivally,189,215 but more recent
United States, that is, 25% or less of the recom- investigations suggest that smokers may have
mended dietary allowance.101 higher prevalence, rather than higher counts or
A series of worldwide epidemiologic studies proportions, of pathogenic species subgingi-
in the 1960s, although they used the vally.83 Smoking appears to promote a favor-
Periodontal Index and lacked rigor in their able habitat for these species in shallow
measurement of nutritional deficiencies, found pockets.63,83,241
little evidence for a relationship between peri- Smoking suppresses the vascular reaction that
odontal disease and poor nutrition.197 These follows gingivitis and compromises host
studies were important at the time, but their rel- response to infection in other ways. In experi-
evance today is questionable. Subsequent stud- mental plaque-induced gingivitis, although the
ies suggest that there may be an association rate of plaque accumulation was equal in smok-
between more extensive gingival bleeding and ers and nonsmokers, the increase in gingival vas-
ascorbic acid deficiency,103,121 but whether such cularity in smokers was only half of that seen in
a mechanism relates to bone loss or CAL is not nonsmokers.31 In effect, this is a masking of the
known. Nutritional adequacy is of course a pre- signs of inflammation.32 Further studies have
condition for successful treatment of virtually confirmed that smoking suppresses hemorrhagic
any disease, but there is no evidence to support response as measured by bleeding on prob-
the use of ascorbic acid, or any other nutrient, in ing.29,33 Others have found no difference in the
the treatment of periodontitis. extent of bleeding on probing between smokers
and nonsmokers, despite the fact that smokers
Tobacco Use had deeper pockets240 or more plaque and calcu-
Smoking is clearly a risk factor for periodontitis, lus.181 In both instances more gingival bleeding
with relative risk on the order of 2.5-6.0 or even would have been expected in the smokers.
274 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

With regard to other aspects of host response, Diabetes

smoking inhibits granulocyte function,213 and Both type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 DM, for-
interactions between smoking and the IL-1 gene merly called insulin-dependent diabetes melli-
cluster have also been indentified.151 In this tus) and type 2 DM (formerly called non-insulin
study, no difference in mean CAL could be dependent diabetes mellitus) are risk factors for
detected between smokers and nonsmokers periodontitis. There is good evidence to believe
among those who were negative for the peri- that the most critical issue in managing peri-
odontitis-associated genotype, but among those odontitis in diabetic patients is the degree of
who were positive for this genotype the smokers metabolic control achieved: generally, the
had considerably greater CAL than nonsmok- poorer the metabolic control, the more severe
ers. Smoking aggravates all tissue-destructive the periodontitis.2,42,172,200,219,220,231 The con-
diseases, periodontitis included, by priming the verse has also been proposed; that is, untreated
production of tumor necrosis factor-α ,80 and it periodontal disease has been suggested to
also causes the release of cytokines.66 Smoking diminish glycemic control and thus aggravate
has been shown to be a stronger risk factor for diabetes.218
periodontitis than is insulin-dependent dia- Younger adult patients with type 1 DM, espe-
betes mellitus.155 cially those in whom the disease is of long dura-
In summary, the evidence is clear that smok- tion, have more gingivitis and more deep pockets
ing is a major risk factor for periodontitis. The than nondiabetic patients.59,68,92,203 No essential
first line of treatment for periodontitis should difference in subgingival flora has been demon-
always be to induce patients who smoke to quit strated between diabetics and nondiabetics.
smoking. However, among diabetics mild periodontitis is a
risk factor for more severe diabetes, because dia-
Psychosocial Stress betic patients have an exaggerated host response
Psychosocial stress seems to be associated with to a given bacterial burden.202 Diabetic patients
progressive periodontitis, whether assessed in with good metabolic control respond to conser-
a case-control study,52 cross-sectionally,69 or vative treatment for periodontitis as well as do
in a longitudinal design.64 Because psychoso- nondiabetic individuals,46 and conservative treat-
cial distress is a well-documented risk factor ment can improve glycemic control in patients
for a number of different diseases,143 the iden- with less well-controlled diabetes.214
tification of its predictive role in periodontitis Periodontitis also progresses more rapidly in
strengthens the hypothesis that periodon- individuals with poorly controlled diabetes,208
titis is related to systemic diseases. Our under- and early age of onset of diabetes also is consid-
standing of the mind-body connection in ered a risk factor for more severe disease.226
periodontitis, as well as in other diseases, is Persons with poorly controlled diabetes have
likely to expand and become more important also been found to exhibit higher levels of the
with time. enzyme β-glucuronidase in their gingival crevic-
ular fluid than do those in whom the disease is
well controlled.173
The most extensive studies among patients
with type 2 DM have been conducted in the
An emerging area of importance is that of the Gila River community in Arizona, where preva-
potential link between periodontitis and some lence of type 2 DM is high. Patients with type 2
serious systemic conditions. The periodontitis- DM had substantially greater CAL, loss of alveo-
diabetes link is already well established. If oth- lar bone, and tooth loss.162,209 When age, gen-
ers become established, then prevention and der, and oral hygiene level all were controlled
treatment of periodontitis will be seen in a com- for, type 2 DM was found to be associated with
pletely different light. Here we look briefly at a two to three times higher risk of developing
the relationship between periodontitis and dia- destructive periodontitis.65 This degree of risk is
betes, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) similar to that found for severe CAL in diabetic
infection, cardiovascular conditions, osteo- as compared to nondiabetic individuals in an
porosis, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. adult population in upstate New York.78
21 Periodontal Diseases 275

Studies of quantitative and qualitative less immunosuppressed patients, and this find-
aspects of microflora in individuals with dia- ing was more pronounced in older subjects.22
betes (both type I DM and type 2 DM) reveal no HIV-positive patients showed a more sensitive
notable differences between diabetics and non- reaction to plaque than did the HIV-negative
diabetics.222,254 Other suggested mechanisms patients. This study concluded that immuno-
by which diabetes may contribute to periodon- suppression, especially in combination with
titis include vascular changes, polymorphonu- older age, was a risk factor for progression of
clear leukocyte dysfunction, abnormal collagen CAL and that seropositivity, independent of
synthesis, cytokine production, and genetic pre- immune status, was a risk factor for gingivitis.
disposition.34,54,108,115,172 Individuals with In a cross-sectional study of HIV-positive
poorly controlled diabetes have also been military personnel, however, the relation
shown to have impaired salivary flow.40 between periodontal health and immune status
Periodontal treatment should always be a stan- was less clear.216 A detailed follow-up of 474
dard feature of health care for diabetic patients. patients from the same population, ages 18-49,
found CAL of 5 mm or more in 20% of the
HIV Infection patients. In this group, which was about 85%
It was the loss of immune response in acquired male, neither the clinical stage of the disease
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) that nor the CD4+ count was a good independent
focused attention on the relationship between predictor of severe CAL when account was taken
HIV infection and periodontitis. Most early of other significantly associated variables (e.g.,
reports of this relationship came from cross- tobacco use).228
sectional investigations studying convenience If HIV infection is really a risk factor for peri-
samples of homosexual men, many of whom odontitis, we would expect to see an inverse
were in late stages of the disease and severely relation between severity of periodontitis and
immunosuppressed.247,248 Most of these stud- CD4+ counts. The evidence is mixed, however,
ies were not rigorously designed,195 so interpre- except for those in the most severe stages of
tation of their results is uncertain. Studies of AIDS. One early comparison between men at
the HIV-periodontitis link remain limited, different stages of HIV disease found little dif-
but those conducted with patients at earlier ference in terms of periodontal health.67 The
stages of HIV infection, and especially with severity of periodontitis could not be related to
patients receiving antiretroviral therapy, have CD4+ counts in an HIV-positive group of
raised questions about the nature of the HIV- patients, none of whom was receiving antiretro-
periodontitis association. viral therapy.144 Even in an African population
Several studies examined the periodontal with no access to modern antiretroviral drugs,
condition of patients taking part in clinical tri- periodontitis among HIV-positive individuals
als of the drug zidovudine (AZT). One reported was less prevalent and severe than had been
the periodontal health of patients in the early expected.205 The usual oral manifestations of
stages of HIV disease to be generally good,62 AIDS (candidiasis, hairy leukoplakia, Kaposi’s
and a longitudinal study of 30 HIV-positive sarcoma) were less common than expected in a
patients found a greater progression of peri- patient group receiving antiretroviral ther-
odontitis over 18 months in this group than in apy,217 and HIV-infected children whose disease
10 HIV-negative controls.253 However, in nei- was under good medical control had no more
ther study was there analysis of periodontal dis- periodontal disease than did HIV-negative con-
ease in the patients taking AZT compared to the trols.207 However, there are contrary findings as
others. In another follow-up of 114 homosexual well. HIV-positive patients in North Carolina
or bisexual men conducted over a period of 20 hospitals were found to have more severe peri-
months, periodontal changes were found to be odontitis than uninfected persons, and these
related to HIV-1 serostatus, immune status, age, lesions were related to the degree of immuno-
and plaque deposits. The risk of CAL of 3 mm or suppression.149 A British study found more
more over the 20 months was 6.16 times higher periodontopathogenic bacteria in HIV-positive
in the more immunosuppressed patients patients than in HIV-negative controls,204 and
(CD4+ counts of less than 200/μl) than in the greatly increased numbers of mast cells and
276 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

neutrophils were found in the gingival tissue of One report drawing on the NHANES I data-
HIV-positive patients.161 There are few reports base (1971-74) concluded that persons with
regarding levels of inflammatory cytokines in periodontitis at baseline had a 25% greater risk
HIV-positive persons, although one found more of subsequent coronary heart disease than did
total IL-1β in gingival crevicular fluid from HIV- those without periodontitis.60 The risk was
positive persons than in that from unaffected especially strong for men under age 50 at base-
persons.117 line. However, other analyses of the NHANES I
The microbiology of periodontitis in HIV- data set have found the opposite. Two studies
positive persons relative to those not infected is from the University of Washington (1) have
not clear, for both little difference159,160,192 and failed to demonstrate any significant associa-
significant differences154 have been reported. tion between periodontal conditions and car-
None of these studies reported on the immuno- diovascular disease94 and (2) have found that
suppression status of the subjects, although a the edentulous were at no greater risk of a car-
later assessment of HIV-positive patients found diovascular event than patients with periodon-
the occurrence of necrotizing ulcerative peri- titis.95 Using the data from NHANES I, this
odontitis to be related to decreasing CD4+ research group concluded that periodontitis
counts.70 Pathogenic bacteria have been does not increase the risk of a bad cardiovascu-
reported as no more frequent in HIV-positive lar outcome among those with preexisting heart
than in HIV-negative persons,221,232 although disease. They have also suggested that the asso-
the stage of immunosuppression of the patients ciations between chronic periodontitis and car-
in these studies was not reported. diovascular conditions observed in smaller
Our understanding of the relationship studies can be attributed to insufficient statisti-
between periodontitis and HIV/AIDS demands cal control for lifestyle differences.96 At the
further research, especially since the success of same time, it must be recognized that NHANES
highly active antiretroviral therapy has changed I recorded periodontal diseases by the now-
the outlook on HIV infection (see Chapter 10). defunct Periodontal Index (see Chapter 16),
and this would tend to bias results toward
Cardiovascular Disorders showing no effect. There is also reason to
Biomedicine’s recognition that chronic inflam- believe that results can vary by the population
mation anywhere in the body might affect heart studied,146 which confirms the need for studies
function12 has been a spur for research into the involving large numbers and representative
way that periodontitis might affect cardiovascu- samples. Self-reported periodontal conditions
lar disorders. An association between periodon- were not a risk factor for cardiovascular disease
titis and cardiovascular disorders has been in a study of male physicians,90 whereas peri-
shown fairly consistently, although by no odontitis was related to self-reported heart con-
means universally. The odds ratios have been in ditions in NHANES III.10
the range of 1.5-3.0; if confirmed, this means Circumstantial evidence supports an associa-
that periodontitis could be a causal factor of tion between periodontitis and cardiovascular
some consequence in the top-ranked cause of conditions. The presence of C-reactive protein is
death in the United States. However, although a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and the
an association between these factors is evident, protein has been found at higher levels in per-
cause and effect has not yet been demonstrated. sons with periodontitis both in clinical stud-
Cardiovascular diseases are complex, and the ies135,164 and in NHANES III.210 The NHANES
research in this area has the challenge of disen- III data, interestingly enough, showed C-reac-
tangling a maze of confounding and correlated tive protein levels also to be high in edentulous
factors. Longitudinal studies with large num- people, for reasons unknown.
bers of participants are required to separate true If causality is to be established, the sequence
risk factors from this “background noise.” of events over time must be determined with
Clinical trials of interventions, that is, tests to some confidence. (This is a drawback of cross-
see if periodontal treatment will reduce cardio- sectional studies such as NHANES, because in
vascular mortality, are also needed to establish cross-sectional studies the exposure and the
causality. outcome are both measured at the same time.
21 Periodontal Diseases 277

An example is when there is a follow-up of peo- sectional studies have shown no association
ple examined, as in NHANES I.) The results of between periodontitis and systemic bone min-
two studies using a retrospective cohort design eral density measured at eight points in the
are helpful here. One was conducted in Canada, body245 and no difference in periodontitis lev-
where participants took part in a 1970-72 els in postmenopausal women with osteoporo-
Nutrition Canada Survey that included a peri- sis and in those without.136 A literature review
odontal assessment. The cardiovascular mortal- concluded that CAL was greater in osteoporotic
ity of participants was assessed in 1993, and women than in nonosteoporotic women,
significant associations were found between although the body of literature available for
subsequent death from cardiovascular disease review was rather sparse.114
and (1) severe gingivitis at baseline and (2) Few longitudinal studies are available. One,
edentulism at baseline.157 The second study was conducted in Denmark, followed 20 young peo-
done in Sweden, where mortality experience ple with severe periodontitis over a 5- to 10-year
from 1970 to 1996 was assessed for 1393 partic- period. Mandibular bone mineral content was sig-
ipants in a 1970 dental epidemiologic study. nificantly lower than bone mineral content else-
Results of this study were essentially similar to where in the body, which essentially indicates that
those of the Canadian study.104 periodontitis is a local condition.242 The remain-
It is interesting to note that what is being dis- ing longitudinal studies were 1-2 years in duration
cussed here is essentially the “focal infection” and focused on the effect of estrogen supplemen-
issue, which was first raised in 191197 and subse- tation in postmenopausal women. Low estrogen
quently became the underlying rationale for level is a factor in osteoporotic bone loss.
mass extractions over subsequent decades. The Estrogen-sufficient women in this study gained in
focal infection theory faded in the 1950s, but its alveolar bone mineral density over a year, whereas
underlying principle seems to have reemerged. the estrogen-insufficient women experienced a
mean loss of bone.184 Estrogen supplementation
Osteoporosis was also shown to reduce CAL in osteopenic and
Osteoporosis is a condition of bone fragility char- osteoporotic women in early menopause.193
acterized by low bone mass and structural dete- More research is clearly needed in this area.
rioration. It is common in old age, especially in
postmenopausal women. Osteopenia is a less Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
severe form of bone-mineral loss. Because alve- The inflammatory mediators that are seen
olar bone loss is often seen with generalized in the periodontal diseases are the same ones
osteoporosis, the question naturally arises as to that play an important part in the initiation of
how much alveolar bone loss is actually due to labor, so it is reasonable to hypothesize that
osteoporosis rather than to periodontitis. The there are biologic mechanisms linking the two
issues can also be stated as follows:43 conditions.246

Is generalized osteoporosis or osteopenia a A 1996 report concluded that mothers of
risk factor for periodontitis? premature, low-birth-weight infants were about

Does generalized osteoporosis or osteope- 7.5 times more likely to have periodontitis dur-
nia lead to oral osteopenia? ing pregnancy than mothers of normal-weight

Does periodontitis lead to oral osteopenia? infants.168 A later case-control study conducted
It can be seen from these questions that get- by the same research group found that levels of
ting the time sequence right in these slowly the inflammatory cytokine prostaglandin E2
developing conditions is an inherent research were significantly higher in mothers who had
problem, and that is probably the main reason given birth to preterm low-birth-weight infants
why these questions remain incompletely than in mothers whose infants were of normal
answered. birth weight.167 A later case-control study by a
Cross-sectional studies, not surprisingly, different research group involving 448 women
give conflicting results. A number of studies found that those who had given birth to low-
show an association between periodontitis and birth-weight infants were four times as likely to
low bone mineral density at various locations have high P. gingivalis–specific maternal serum
in the body.98,111,196,223 However, other cross- immunoglobulin G levels than did those who
278 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

had infants of normal birth weight.57 However, new periodontal lesions or progression of exist-
another case-control study found that the risk ing lesions is noted over a period of time. The
of having a preterm low-birth-weight infant disease outcome can then be related to the base-
decreased with increasing pocket depth; that is, line measures. There are many complications in
periodontitis appeared to be protective.58 This this type of research given the complexity of the
finding is not easy to explain in light of the host response to periodontal infections.18
other evidence. Models that fit past data often cannot be accu-
Prospective studies are usually regarded as rately extended to present conditions.252
stronger evidence than case-control studies The presence of visible plaque and calculus, as
because the strength and extent of the exposure one example of a hypothesized marker, was long
can be measured more exactly. In a cohort of assumed to predict future CAL or bone loss, but
1313 women, the risk of a preterm birth (35 or it is now seen that clinical measures of plaque
fewer weeks’ gestation) was some five times and calculus by themselves do not predict future
greater among women who had periodontitis at disease to any useful extent.14,47,85,118,186 Models
21-24 weeks of pregnancy than among those that have included the subgingival presence of
who did not.105 In another prospective study in specific pathogens like A. actinomycetemcomitans,
North Carolina, 19.9% of preterm infants P. intermedia, P. gingivalis, and B. forsythus along
showed seropositivity for one or more peri- with other indicators have shown a moderate
odontal pathogens in fetal cord blood, com- degree of predictive value.25,138,227,230 Host
pared to 6.9% of full-term babies.140 response must be worked into the equation, and
Interim data from the first 814 deliveries in a it is now recognized that smoking and genetic
projected 5-year prospective study demonstrate predisposition are major players in this regard.
that the incidence or progression of periodonti- When smoking and periodontitis-associated IL-1
tis during pregnancy is significantly associated genotype status (positive or negative) were
with a higher occurrence of preterm births.169 included in a predictive model, none of the base-
The conclusions of this study were strengthened line clinical indicators added significantly to the
by the finding of a dose-response relationship: ability of the model to predict subsequent tooth
greater severity of the periodontal conditions loss. The baseline clinical indicators performed
was directly related to the increased risk of a much better in a model that included IL-1 geno-
preterm low-birth-weight outcome. type status in nonsmokers.148 What this body of
The evidence favors an association between research has demonstrated is that multiple pre-
maternal periodontitis and the risk of delivering dictors work better than any single predictor by
a preterm low-birth-weight infant. It is too early itself, and the nearest we can get to a universal
yet to say that this link is causal, but it is strong predictor is tobacco use.5,25,139,165
enough to indicate that periodontal monitor-
ing, and treatment when necessary, is a good
idea during pregnancy. REFERENCES
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22 Dental Fluorosis


STATES Infant Formula
Fluoride Dietary Supplements PROBLEM

Dental fluorosis is a permanent hypomineral- severe forms of fluorosis manifest as heavily

ization of enamel that is characterized by stained, pitted, and friable enamel that can
greater surface and subsurface porosity than in result in loss of dental function. Fluorosis is a
normal enamel and that results from exposure dose-response condition; gradations between
of the immature tooth to excess fluoride (F) these two extremes range from more obvious
during developmental stages. Preeruptive white, lacy markings to a nontranslucent white
enamel maturation consists of an increase in coloration of the whole enamel surface. The
mineralization within the developing tooth and brown stain that often accompanies moderate
a concurrent loss of early-secreted matrix pro- fluorosis is a posteruptive feature that results
teins. Excess F available to the enamel during when certain dietary ingredients are picked up
maturation disrupts mineralization and results by proteins in the porous outer enamel21; it is
in excessive retention of enamel proteins.5 seen only when porous enamel has formed
Fluorosis is thought to result from the prior to eruption.
unerupted tooth’s constant exposure to elevated Fluorosed surface enamel contains higher F
plasma F concentrations rather than from peri- concentrations than does unaffected enamel,
odic spikes in F concentration.69 Although suf- and the F enamel content increases with the
ficiently high F concentrations might affect severity of the condition.52 Teeth that mineral-
enamel at all developmental stages,15 early ize later in life generally show more severe fluo-
preeruptive maturation appears to be the time rotic disturbances than do those that mineralize
when enamel is most sensitive to the effects of F, earlier.3,35-37 Fluorosis is less common in the
both in animals16,53 and in humans.19 Elegantly primary than in the permanent dentition,
designed human studies have suggested that this although fluorosis of the primary teeth does
critical period for the development of fluorosis occur.66,67 It is common in the primary denti-
in the human maxillary permanent central inci- tion in high-F areas of the world, such as East
sor begins around the age of 22 months and Africa.34,45,46,62
extends for periods of up to several years after Because dental fluorosis is a dose-response
that for later-developing teeth.19 condition, the higher the F intake during the
In its mildest forms, fluorosis appears as critical period of tooth development, the more
barely discernible fine, lacy markings that fol- severe the fluorosis.14,17,35 The threshold, if
low the perikymata across the width of the indeed there is one, is low: 0.03-0.1 mg F/kg
enamel surface. At this very mild level, fluorosis body weight has been suggested as the border-
can be detected only by an experienced dental line zone,22 at least for European children.
examiner. At the opposite extreme, the most Because that range encompasses the so-called
288 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

optimum intake range of 0.05-0.07 mg F/kg 100

body weight per day (Chapter 24), it is not
clear whether other factors (e.g., nutrition) lead
to these differences in estimates or whether 80
they merely reflect biologic variation. Studies
in Kenya have found fluorosis with average
intakes as low as 0.04 mg F/kg body weight.3

Certainly a range of fluorosis severity is seen
among individuals who appear to have similar 40
exposures to F.
In those parts of the world where severe fluo-
rosis is endemic, such as some regions of Africa, 20
the condition can be seen when F levels in drink-
ing water are low,18 so that other, unknown
exposure sources must be present. In other cases 0
it occurs with ingestion of certain foods known 1930s 1990s 1930s 1990s
to be high in F.70 Studies in such localities have
Fluoridated areas Nonfluoridated areas
increased our understanding of fluorosis, but
the living conditions in those areas differ greatly Fig. 22-1 Increase in dental fluorosis prevalence in North
America since initial studies in the 1930s. The bars represent
from those in the United States and other high- the prevalence ranges reported in Dean’s studies and in those
income countries. after 1990.12,14

Although there are difficulties in comparing
data obtained 60 years apart, it is clear that the
Fluorosis in the United States was first mapped prevalence of dental fluorosis in the United
by Dean during his classic studies of the 1930s States has increased since the time of Dean.12,60
and early 1940s. These studies are discussed in Prevalence among children was reported to be
Chapter 24; they are an integral part of the story 22.3% in the 1986-87 National Survey of
of how fluorosis and caries experience were first Dental Caries in U.S. School Children, ranging
associated with F concentrations in drinking by age from 18.5% of 17-year-olds to 25.8% of
water. 9-year-olds.7 This higher prevalence in the
One part of the United States that received a younger children hints that prevalence might
lot of attention from Dean was northern still be increasing. Almost all of the fluorosis
Illinois, where there is an extensive belt of natu- recorded in the 1986-87 survey was mild or
rally fluoridated drinking water. Seven of these very mild. Although there is little firm evi-
communities, with water naturally fluoridated dence, a slight increase in fluorosis severity
to varying degrees, were revisited by researchers may have accompanied the large increase in
from the National Institute of Dental and prevalence.63
Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) in 1980, in The largest relative increase in fluorosis since
1985,27 and again in 1990.56 Relating age to Dean’s time has been seen in nonfluoridated
fluorosis and tooth calcification, the NIDCR areas (Fig. 22-1), which suggests that the F expo-
team concluded that F intake had increased dur- sure from sources other than drinking water is
ing 1970-77 but had not increased subse- driving the increase in fluorosis prevalence.
quently. The 1990 follow-up found that the rise
in age-standardized fluorosis prevalence
observed in the optimally fluoridated areas over
1980-85 did not continue during 1985-90. At
above-optimum water F concentrations, fluoro- Because fluorosis is a disturbance of enamel due
sis either remained stable or showed no sus- to excessive F intake during the developmental
tained increase over the decade between 1980 period, risk factors are related to the ingestion
and 1990. and absorption of F at the critical periods of
22 Dental Flurosis 289

preeruptive tooth development. Age is a demo- the recommended F supplement dosage for
graphic risk factor in that fluorosis can only caries prevention in children (see Chapter 26).
occur with preeruptive F exposure. There is no
evidence for racial or ethnic differences, and Early Use Of Fluoride Toothpaste
socioeconomic status (SES) is a demographic Young children in whom the swallowing reflex
risk factor only to the extent that F exposure is not yet fully developed can ingest up to 0.3-
from toothpaste and infant formula may vary 0.5 g of toothpaste (0.3-0.5 mg F) at each brush-
by SES. There is no reason to believe that the use ing.4,6,25 These findings naturally raise the issue
of F mouthrinses and the presence of profes- of whether overzealous use of F toothpaste in
sionally applied gels and varnishes are risk fac- young children is a risk factor for fluorosis. One
tors for fluorosis, although obviously the study of a Toronto area with fluoridated water
protocols for application of these products found that early use of F toothpaste (before 2
must be designed to minimize ingestion. years of age) and prolonged use of infant for-
mula produced with fluoridated water were
Fluoridated Drinking Water strong risk factors for the later development of
Drinking fluoridated water is a minor risk factor fluorosis.47 Although most of the fluorosis seen
for fluorosis. It was documented long ago that in that Toronto study was very mild, later stud-
in the United States, even at around 1.0 parts ies were able to confirm a clear risk of fluorosis
per million (ppm) F, 7%-16% of children born with early use of F toothpaste.* The risk from
and reared in areas with fluoridated water early use of F toothpaste, however, was usually
exhibit mild or very mild dental fluorosis in the not as high as that seen with F supplements.
permanent dentition.1,14,55 This degree of
prevalence was recorded at a time when drink- Infant Formula
ing water was virtually the only source of expo- Use of infant formula has been recognized as a
sure to F, and prevalence has risen relatively risk factor for fluorosis, both because of its own
more in the nonfluoridated areas since F content and especially because it may be
then.33,56 Even small changes in F concentra- mixed with fluoridated water.47,49 Soy-based
tions in drinking water can lead to considerable formulas contain higher F concentrations than
change in fluorosis prevalence.20,61 do milk-based formulas.30,41

Fluoride Dietary Supplements

F dietary supplements, in the form of tablets,
drops, or F-vitamin combinations, have been Dean’s studies in the 1930s and 1940s found
used for years in nonfluoridated areas to pre- that caries experience dropped sharply as the
vent caries (see Chapter 26). Regardless of the F concentration of drinking water rose from
role of F supplements in preventing caries, there negligible to 1.0 ppm and that it tended to level
is strong evidence that supplements are a risk off after that (see Chapter 24). But when F con-
factor for mild to moderate fluorosis. Case- centration reaches a point at which severe fluo-
control studies in nonfluoridated areas of New rosis is common and the enamel of affected
England found that exposure to F supplements individuals becomes friable and liable to frac-
during the first 6 years of life, together with ture, caries experience has been observed to
higher SES, significantly increased the risk of increase.23 This phenomenon was demon-
developing fluorosis.48,50 Later research, as strated in the United States by the NIDCR stud-
would be expected, found the risk to be ies in the seven communities in northern
extremely high when supplements are used Illinois in 1980, 1985, and 1990 described ear-
(inappropriately) in fluoridated areas.49 Other lier.56 The results of the caries examinations in
studies have demonstrated the link between use relation to several F concentrations in drinking
of supplements and fluorosis risk,2,32,34,51 and F water are shown in Fig. 22-2. Data for each year
supplementation was later confirmed as a risk describe a u-shaped curve: with increasing
factor for fluorosis in a comprehensive system- F levels, caries experience diminishes to a cer-
atic review.29 It was this evidence that led the
American Dental Association in 1994 to reduce *References 32,34,40,42,49,54,57.
290 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

4 tain point and then starts to rise again. Dean

1980 showed that caries experience in the 1930s con-
tinued to drop for water F levels at least as high
as 2.6 ppm;13 unfortunately he did not publish
caries data from the communities with higher
water F levels he studied earlier in his career.

Fig. 22-3 shows the relation between caries

2 experience and water F levels, age standardized
and restricted to data for permanent residents,
among participants ages 5-17 in the 1986-87
National Survey of Dental Caries in U.S. School-
children. It makes an interesting comparison
with the corresponding data from Dean’s studies
(see Fig. 24-1); the absolute caries levels are
0 much lower in Fig. 22-3, and there is a less pro-
Optimum 2X 3X 4X
Optimum Optimum Optimum
nounced association between caries and water F
levels. These two factors together indicate the
Community water fluoride level importance of F exposure from sources other
Fig. 22-2 Decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces than drinking water that has taken place since
(DMFS) in children in seven Illinois communities by level of Dean’s time. Fig. 22-4 shows fluorosis preva-
fluoride in the drinking water in 1980, 1985, and 1990. Data lence data from the same national survey, and
are age-adjusted for comparability.56 here fluorosis seems to fall into three groups: the
lowest prevalence from 0 to 0.5 ppm F, a plateau
from 0.6 to 1.2 ppm F, and the highest preva-
lence at 1.3 ppm F and above.


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6+

Water fluoride levels (ppm)

Fig. 22-3 Decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces (DMFS) in children ages 5-17 by fluoride level in the drinking
water. Age-adjusted data for permanent residents from the 1986-87 National Survey of Dental Caries in U.S.
22 Dental Flurosis 291







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6+

Water fluoride levels (ppm)

Fig. 22-4 Fluorosis prevalence among children ages 7-17 years by fluoride level in the drinking water. Age-
adjusted data for permanent residents from the 1986-87 National Survey of Dental Caries in U.S. Schoolchildren.28

Caries could increase with higher F levels in The relatively greater increase in fluorosis
drinking water either because restorative treat- prevalence in nonfluoridated communities,
ment is sought for fluorosed enamel or because compared to fluoridated areas (see Fig. 22-1),
pitted and friable enamel is diagnosed as caries. must be attributable largely to an increase in F
Although friable enamel can certainly lead to ingestion from sources other than drinking
loss of function and require dental restoration, water. The risk of fluorosis from dental prod-
it is not caries. However, it is possible that bro- ucts, notably toothpaste and F supplements,
ken enamel makes a tooth more vulnerable to was described earlier, and F ingestion can be
caries. Whatever the link, severe fluorosis is higher than expected from soft drinks and fruit
obviously a condition to be avoided. juices processed with fluoridated water. For
most people, drinking water is now just one of
numerous exposures to F.
Dental fluorosis cannot be classed as a public
health problem in the United States and other
At what point does dental fluorosis become a countries where controlled water fluoridation is
public health problem? There is no reason to extensive. It would be a mistake, however, to
call it such in a community where it is found assume that it cannot become so. There is evi-
only in its mildest forms, even in U.S. commu- dence from several parts of the world that peo-
nities where prevalence is around 50% in chil- ple are quite aware of even the milder forms of
dren. On the other hand, its high prevalence fluorosis in their teeth.10,11,26,43,54,58 If high-F
and severity make it a public health problem in toothpastes become widely marketed, and if the
the countries of East Africa9,38,39,44,46,65,68 and esthetic standards of the public regarding fluo-
in parts of India.8,59 It is an urgent problem in rosis become more stringent, then dental and
those regions of Ethiopia and India where skele- public health authorities could be faced with
tal fluorosis, which can be a debilitating condi- demands to do something about it. This could
tion, is found.24,31 include restricting exposure to F, so that possi-
292 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

bility is best avoided by prudent use of F now. 18. El-Nadeef MA, Honkala E. Fluorosis in relation to fluo-
The U.S. Public Health Service recommenda- ride levels in water in central Nigeria. Community Dent
Oral Epidemiol 1998;26:26-30.
tions64 on use of F are a good place to start. 19. Evans RW, Stamm JW. An epidemiologic estimate of the
critical period during which maxillary central incisors
are most susceptible to fluorosis. J Public Health Dent
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23 Oral Cancer and Other Oral


Occurrence and Distribution CLEFT LIP AND PALATE
Dental Professionals and Oral Cancer TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDERS

With the decline in dental caries among chil- mental factors with which these cancers are
dren and the understanding that severe peri- associated. Squamous cell carcinomas of the
odontal diseases are not as common as once oral mucosa, tongue, and lip comprise 80% of
thought, dental professionals are in a position all oral cancers on a global basis.34
to spend more time on the diagnosis and treat- In 2004 there were approximately 28,300
ment of conditions that traditionally have not new oral cancer cases in the United States and
occupied much time in the dental office. This some 7200 deaths from oral cancer. Table 23-1
chapter looks at the distribution of some of shows the extent of oral cancer in the United
these conditions and at the risk factors and risk States and compares incidence data for 2004
indicators associated with them. with that for 1988. There were more new cancers
of all kinds in 2004 than in 1988, but the num-
ber of new oral cancers had actually dropped. As
shown in the table, cancers of the oral cavity
Occurrence and Distribution constituted some 2.1% of all new cases reported
Of all conditions that dental professionals see in 2004, down from 3.1% in 1988. Mortality
and treat, oral cancer is the one that literally has from oral cancer has also dropped, both in
life and death implications. Age-adjusted oral absolute numbers and proportionately, and
cancer mortality rates among males in the accounted for 1.3% of all cancer deaths in 2004.
United States have shown a long-term reduc- The proportionate drop in mortality rates is
tion, most notably since the mid-1980s attributable both to the slight drop in absolute
(Fig. 23-1). Mortality rates among American numbers of oral cancers and to the absolute
females, which have always been low, have increase in mortality from other types of cancer.
shown only slight reduction over the 24-year Although these overall trends in the United
period covered in Fig. 23-1. States are moving in the right direction, oral
The term oral cancer includes disease category cancer remains twice as prevalent in males as in
numbers 140-149 of the International females (see Table 23-1), and annual incidence
Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, among males in 1992-99 remained more
known as ICD-9.33 This group includes cancers than twice the rate seen in females (Fig. 23-2).
of the lip, tongue, buccal mucosa, floor of the Twice as many deaths from oral cancer occur in
mouth, salivary glands, and pharynx. It does males as in females. Some differences between
not include throat cancer. The occurrence of the races are seen in the specific sites within the
oral cancer and its site distribution within the oral cavity in which oral cancer is found (Table
mouth varies widely in different parts of the 23-2), and there are no obvious explanations
world,61,65 presumably because of the environ- for these differences.
23 Oral Cancer and Other Oral Conditions 295


Age-adjusted deaths/100,000 population


1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000


Fig. 23-1 Age-adjusted mortality from oral cancer per 100,000 population for males and females in the United
States, selected years 1976-2000.84

Table 23-1 New cancer cases and deaths, by gender, for all cancers and for oral cancers, United States, 1988
and estimated for 20042,76
Site Year Total Males Females

New Cases (Incidence)

All cancers (thousands) 1988 985 495 490
2004 1368 700 668
Oral cancers (thousands) 1988 30.2 20.5 9.7
2004 28.3 18.6 9.7
Oral cancers as percentage of all cancers 1988 3.1 4.1 2.0
2004 2.1 2.7 1.5

All cancers (thousands) 1988 494 263 231
2004 564 291 273
Oral cancers (thousands) 1988 9.1 6.0 3.1
2004 7.2 4.8 2.4
Oral cancer deaths as percentage of all cancer deaths 1988 1.8 2.3 1.3
2004 1.3 1.6 0.9

Oral cancer is closely related to older age was 5.2 per 100,000, nearly double the rate of 2.7
(Fig. 23-3), and peak age for mortality from oral in whites.82 However, by 2000, mortality among
cancer comes earlier for African-Americans than African-Americans had dropped to 4.1 per
it does for whites. Overall annual mortality 100,000 and mortality among whites to 2.5 per
among African-Americans in the 1988-92 period 100,000.85 Mortality is most likely related to low
296 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions


Incidence per 100,000 population




25-29 35-39 45-49 55-59 65-69 75-79 85+


Fig. 23-2 Annual incidence of oral cancer per 100,000 population by age and gender in the United States,

Table 23-2 Site of occurrence of oral cancer for estimated new cases per 100,000 population, for all races,
whites, African-Americans, and Asians/Pacific Islanders, United States, 200085
Primary Site All Races Whites African-Americans Asians/Pacific Islanders

All cancers 464.2 462.7 464.0 298.2

All oral cancers 10.4 10.3 10.8 8.3
Lip 0.8 0.9 0.1 Negligible
Tongue 2.6 2.6 2.1 1.6
Salivary glands 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.9
Floor of the mouth 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.4
Gum and other mouth sites 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.2
Pharynx 3.2 3.0 4.3 3.9
Other sites 0.4 0.3 0.6 Negligible

socioeconomic status in the United States, as it finding attributed to increasing alcohol con-
has been shown to be in Britain.64 sumption4 and to social deprivation.47
A standard measure of cancer severity is the The prospects for survival are considerably
5-year relative survival rate, which is the per- higher if diagnosis is made when the cancer is
centage of people still alive 5 years after diagno- confined to a local lesion, rather than when
sis, adjusted for those who died for some other there is regional or distant spread (Table 23-3).
reason over the 5 years. Fig. 23-4 shows these Five-year survival is four times greater when
rates for men and women from 1974 to 1999, tumors are diagnosed at localized stages rather
and it is evident that they have not changed than after metastasis has occurred. It follows
much. Survival rates are much more favorable that cancers and precancerous lesions should be
for whites than for African-Americans, and the diagnosed as early as possible if treatment is to
disparity in survival rates between the races have a good prognosis, but there is nothing in
clearly had not improved by the turn of the cen- the data to suggest that the proportion of oral
tury (Fig. 23-5). Survival rates have diminished cancers diagnosed at earlier, more localized
in poorer parts of Europe over recent years, a stages has increased since 1973.82
23 Oral Cancer and Other Oral Conditions 297


Deaths per 100,000 population




30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84


Fig. 23-3 Mortality from oral cancer per 100,000 population by age and race in the United States, 1996-2000.85

60 Male






1974-76 1977-79 1980-82 1983-85 1986-88 1989-91 1992-99


Fig. 23-4 Five-year relative survival rates for males and females diagnosed with oral cancer in the United States,

Risk Factors various forms.65 For example, in India some

Worldwide, the combination of tobacco use, 30%-40% of all reported cancers are oral can-
heavy alcohol use, and poor diet is responsible cers,3,16 a remarkably high prevalence that is
for 90% of all oral cancers.35 The single risk closely associated with several forms of tobacco
factor most consistently associated with oral can- smoking and chewing in that country. Elsewhere,
cer on a global basis is the use of tobacco in its smoking and other uses of tobacco are the most
298 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

60 African-American






1974-76 1977-79 1980-82 1983-85 1986-88 1989-91 1992-99


Fig. 23-5 Five-year relative survival rates for whites and African-Americans diagnosed with oral cancer in the
United States, 1974-99.85

Table 23-3 Five-year survival rates for whites and the cancer risk comes largely from the tobacco
African-Americans diagnosed with oral cancer by stage with little role for betel.28 However, other
of metastatic spread from the primary site, United research has identified betel as a major etiologic
States, 1992-9985 factor in the development of oral submucous
Localized Regional Distant fibrosis,58,83 a precancerous condition that has
(%) (%) (%) a high rate of malignant transformation.58,77
Nodular leukoplakia, a precancerous condition
Whites 82.7 49.9 26.7 that may be associated with oral submucous
African-Americans 68.8 30.6 21.5
fibrosis, also shows a high rate of malignant
transformation. Tobacco users with nodular
leukoplakia are at especially high risk of oral
consistently identified risk factors. High relative cancer.26 Intervention studies to curtail tobacco
risks in the range of 6:1 to 14:1 for the develop- and betel chewing have had moderate success in
ment of oral cancers in smokers compared to reducing leukoplakia formation in India and
nonsmokers continue to be reported in a num- confirm that chewing tobacco and betel are
ber of countries.20,21,36,51,53,60,80 The risk of major risk factors for oral cancer.27
developing oral cancer from smoking is just as Over recent years, the resurgence in the use of
high for women as for men,37 and risk dimin- smokeless tobacco has presented the United
ishes with time since quitting.21,53 The risk States with another risk factor for oral cancer.
of oral cancer in association with smoking is Because this recent increase in use is predomi-
greatest for pharyngeal cancers and lowest for nantly among young people,11 it has so far had
lip cancer.51 little impact on incidence and mortality data, but
The extraordinarily high prevalence of oral if widespread use continues, the incidence of oral
cancer in India has naturally attracted research cancer could rise sharply in the years ahead. The
attention, especially in light of the widespread dimensions of smokeless tobacco use, its effects
habit of chewing the areca nut (betel) in that on human health, and what dental professionals
country. Betel is usually chewed in a mix with can do about it are discussed in Chapter 30.
tobacco, and lime and other ingredients are Alcohol consumption, especially heavy con-
sometimes added. Some studies concluded that sumption, has also been identified as a risk
23 Oral Cancer and Other Oral Conditions 299

factor, although not all studies have found it to studied. Precancerous conditions are obviously
be a risk factor independent of tobacco use.53,80 the lesions of most concern. A precancerous
The role of genetics in oral cancers is likely to lesion is defined as morphologically altered tis-
be strong, although it requires further defini- sue in which cancer is more likely to occur than
tion at present. Although mutation of the p53 in its apparently normal counterpart.93 The
cancer-suppression gene has been recognized as principal precancerous conditions for oral can-
an etiologic factor in many forms of cancer for cer are generally recognized as leukoplakia and
some years, its role in oral cancer is only starting erythroplakia.
to be well defined.41,63 Further research in oral Leukoplakia, already mentioned as a risk fac-
cancer is likely to focus on the genetic influ- tor in tobacco users, is generally defined as a
ences and molecular risk markers, but the white patch or plaque that cannot be character-
importance of reducing the most common risk ized clinically or by pathologic examination as
factors still remains. anything else,42,89 a definition by default that is
Other risk factors have been identified, not very satisfactory. There is no general figure
although the evidence is less consistent than it for the prevalence of leukoplakia in the popula-
is for smoking and alcohol use. Painful and ill- tion; it has been studied only in connection
fitting dentures are still often listed as a risk fac- with known cancer risk factors such as smoking.
tor,95 although supportive evidence is lacking. The rate of transformation of leukoplakia
Long-term exposure to strong sunlight is seen as lesions into oral cancer varies in different
a risk factor for lip cancer; however, aside from parts of the world but is generally on the
the higher prevalence in sunnier climates, evi- order of 6%.81
dence for that contention is not easy to find.79 Erythroplakia is a bright red or velvety plaque
Chronic inflammation, such as that found with that cannot be characterized clinically or patho-
lichen planus, has also been suggested as a pos- logically as being due to anything else,93
sible risk factor.14 another definition by default. When these
lesions are found, or even suspected, immediate
Dental Professionals and Oral Cancer biopsy is called for and referral to an oral
In terms of diagnosis, concern has been pathologist is recommended.
expressed that survival rates for oral cancer are In general, little is known about the distribu-
unnecessarily low because of delays by patients tion of other soft tissue conditions, including
in seeking attention for lesions and because of papillary hyperplasia, candidiasis, pemphigus
delays in diagnosis by health professionals.25 and pemphigoid, and lichen planus, or about
Dentists and hygienists must be sensitive to the the prevalence of herpes infections. Not surpris-
presence of leukoplakia and other precancerous ingly, risk factors have not been defined for
conditions, especially in patients who present these conditions (except that papillary hyper-
with known risk factors in their histories. plasia is associated with ill-fitting dentures).
Leukoplakia has long been known as a precan- There is a clear need for some basic epidemio-
cerous condition, meaning that it has been doc- logic research on all of these poorly understood
umented to precede the development of cancer. conditions.
It has also been pointed out that mucosal ery-
throplakia, rather than leukoplakia, is often the
first sign of cancerous change in a lesion.51
A related issue here is the unusually high rate of The occurrence of cleft lip, cleft palate, or both
second primary cancers among patients who in the United States each year was estimated
have previously had oral cancer, a finding that is some years ago as approximately 1 in 700 live
also correlated with higher tobacco use and births.23 There is nothing to suggest that the rate
alcohol consumption.12 has changed since then. Clefts are predomi-
nantly of genetic origin, and there is evidence
of genetic-environmental interactions in their
In general, the epidemiology of soft tissue Attempts to isolate some of the potential envi-
lesions other than cancer has not been well ronmental risk factors and the gene-environment
300 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

interactions have proved difficult. Even the data perceptions of what constitutes a malocclusion,
on maternal smoking as a risk factor is inconsis- differing perceptions of malocclusion on the
tent,9,38,44,91,94 which seems odd considering the part of orthodontic specialists and general den-
ubiquity of smoking as a risk factor for just about tists, and difficulties in achieving a sufficient
everything. There may be an interaction between degree of examiner consistency in use of maloc-
maternal smoking during pregnancy and the clusion indexes all make summary statements
infant’s genotype.32,75 difficult.
Maternal age seems not be a demographic Malocclusion was measured on a nationally
risk factor,88 and there also appears to be representative sample of U.S. youths ages 12-17
no link with socioeconomic status.7 Among in the 1966-70 National Health Examination
various ethnic groups in the United States, the Survey.86 This survey employed the Treatment
lowest reported prevalence is among African- Priority Index (see Chapter 18), and results
Americans and the highest is among persons of showed that a higher proportion of African-
Japanese ancestry.24 A correlation has been American youths than white youths had either
reported between late birth order and presence normal occlusion or only minor malocclusion.
of clefts.87 There was little difference in malocclusion
Although problems with these studies between young white males and females; how-
are recognized, epidemiologic correlations ever, a notably higher proportion of African-
reported from several studies24,69,72 are the American females than of African-American
following: males had very severe malocclusion. Some

More facial clefts are found in boys, but occlusal traits were later measured in the third
more isolated cleft palates are found in National Health and Nutrition Examination
girls. Survey (NHANES III, 1988-94), although no

Cleft lip and palate appear more frequently attempt was made to craft them into an index.
in plural births than in single births. The conditions recorded were diastema of more

Babies with clefts generally are of lower than 2 mm, alignment of lower and upper
birth weight, and an association has been teeth, posterior crossbite, overbite, and overjet.5
found between clefts and prematurity. A 1985 review of the prevalence of malocclu-
There is a higher infant mortality rate sion in the United States52 concluded that good
among children born with clefts,31 and 35% epidemiologic evidence existed that there were
of those born with clefts have associated significant departures from “normal occlusion”
malformations. The higher mortality rate is in American children and that a majority of
attributed more to these associated malfor- American children “would benefit from ortho-
mations; clefts without associated mal- dontic treatment.” Unfortunately that conclu-
formations do not present an increased risk sion remains as problematical as it always was,
of infant mortality.19 because normal occlusion was not defined, and
The occurrence of clefts is also associated in fact the authors seemed to be referring to
with the following: ideal occlusion. Whether these children would

Threatened spontaneous abortion during really benefit, or whether orthodontic treat-
the first and second trimesters of pregnancy ment would make no difference to their oral

Influenza and fever in the first trimester status, must remain a matter of conjecture.

Maternal drug use during the first trimester
The small number of studies on clefts means
that the probability that the reported correla-
tions are due to chance is moderately high. As a
result, more study is needed to confirm the Disturbances of the temporomandibular joint,
associations described. usually referred to as temporomandibular joint
dysfunction (TMD) or temporomandibular
pain and dysfunction syndrome (TMPDS), are a
group of extremely painful and distressing con-
The difficulties of quantifying malocclusion ditions. Diagnosis is not easy because TMD is
were described in Chapter 18. Differing cultural often accompanied by generalized pain in the
23 Oral Cancer and Other Oral Conditions 301

head and neck region. There is no agreement on definition used.46 However, it is very difficult to
what constitutes standard treatment proce- interpret what these data mean, for it is com-
dures, and treatment outcomes are mixed.18 It is mon to find prevalent symptoms that have no
hardly surprising that the epidemiology of these clinical significance.54,68 Is a clicking joint, for
conditions is poorly understood.10,13 example, a sign of impending trouble or is it of
The difficulty in defining risk factors in TMD no consequence? A 20-year longitudinal study
stems from the absence of a suitable case defini- found that symptoms come and go over time
tion of TMD. To put the problem in perspective, but that progression to severe pain and dysfunc-
the disagreements on criteria for judging the tion is rare.49 Other longitudinal studies have
presence of caries (see Chapter 15) exist over obtained similar results.17,48 It has been noted
only a narrow range of clinical detection of an that signs and symptoms are as common in
agreed-upon pathologic condition. The prob- children and adolescents as they are in adults54
lems in defining TMD conditions, however, go and are even reported in preschool children,92
far beyond these relatively restricted defini- although again the proper interpretation of
tional problems; they are more akin to the these findings is unclear. Clicking joints in ado-
problems in measuring malocclusion. When a lescents have been related to growth stages and
condition cannot be defined, valid measure- come and go in response to “natural longitudi-
ment is virtually impossible. Definitions of nal fluctuations.”90 Cross-sectional studies can
TMD exist,67 but they tend to be all encompass- therefore give misleading information on
ing and nonspecific, and hence not of much prevalence and correlations.40
operational value for research or treatment pur- Although a great deal of TMD seems to have
poses. Conferences on TMD have generally been treated by the use of orthodontic appli-
agreed that a case definition should include ele- ances, the current view is that occlusal discrep-
ments of pain and dysfunction, but agreement ancies such as attrition and premature contacts
on specifics beyond that is hard to find. are not a factor in TMD.10,30,74 Moreover, there
Epidemiologic studies of TMD have meas- is no evidence that orthodontic treatment
ured various signs and symptoms in various increases the risk of TMD.39,43 It is widely
population groups, so summation of the state thought that TMD should be treated as a med-
of knowledge is difficult. Commonly measured ical orthopedic problem rather than a purely
signs and symptoms include pain in the joint or dental one.13,22
masseter muscles with joint movement; limita- The need for a multidisciplinary approach to
tions in mandibular movement; mandibular treatment is given weight by psychological stud-
deviations on opening; and joint clicking or ies of TMD patients. Such studies are essential
crepitus. Studies have used both self-report in addressing the question of whether TMD is a
questionnaires and clinical examinations to discrete entity or whether it is part of broader
obtain information. Many of what are referred psychological disturbances. Clinical depression
to as epidemiologic studies in fact are clinical is related to TMD.78 Profiles of TMD patients
studies of patients receiving treatment, and thus have found that they tend to be of lower socio-
their results must be interpreted cautiously. economic status,6 that they tend to report their
With regard to patients, there are three times as general health to be poorer than do nonpa-
many women TMD patients as men patients, tients,6,29,50 and that emotional distress and
although no one knows why.29 feelings of lack of control over their lives are
There is general agreement that the preva- common.6 (The cause-and-effect relationship is
lence of the commonly measured conditions not necessarily that emotional distress leads to
just listed is quite high, even among people TMD. On the contrary, it is entirely likely that
who do not perceive that they have a problem the sequence is the other way around: continu-
requiring treatment.15,54,62,66,73,90 One study of ing TMD, with lack of relief from treatment,
a representative population in Toronto found could lead to emotional distress in an otherwise
that some 49% of adults responded positively normal person.) Patients with complex orofa-
to one or more of nine questions regarding cial pain conditions often do not respond as
symptoms, although a need for treatment was expected to dental care.70 The state of the art
found in only 3%-10%, depending on the case with regard to psychological correlates of TMD
302 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

is confused, and the results of a number of stud- dren and adolescents. A cross-sectional epidemiologi-
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80. Spitz MR, Fueger JJ, Goepfert H, et al. Squamous cell and clicking as signs of TMD in preschool children.
carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. A case com- Cranio 1999;17:58-63.
parison analysis. Cancer 1988;61:203-8. 93. World Health Organization, Collaborating Reference
81. Squier CA. Smokeless tobacco and oral cancer: A cause Centre for Oral Precancerous Lesions. Definition of
for concern? CA Cancer J Clin 1984;34:242-7. leukoplakia and related lesions: An aid to studies on
82. Swango PA. Cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx in oral precancer. Oral Surg 1978;46:517-39.
the United States: An epidemiologic overview. J Public 94. Wyszynski DF, Wu T. Use of US birth certificate data to
Health Dent 1996;56:309-18. estimate the risk of maternal cigarette smoking for oral
83. Trivedy CR, Craig G, Warnakulasuriya S. The oral health clefting. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2002;39:188-92.
consequences of chewing areca nut. Addict Biol 95. Young TB, Ford CN, Brandenburg JH. An epidemiologic
2002;7:115-25. study of oral cancer in a statewide network. Am J
84. US Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control Otolaryngol 1986;7:200-8.
and Prevention. United States Cancer Statistics; 2000
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24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries

A CLASSIC EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDY Bone Density, Fracture Experience, and

Absorption, Retention, and Excretion FLUORIDE AND CARIES CONTROL:
Optimum Fluoride Intake MECHANISMS OF ACTION
Early Studies Fluoride and Enamel
Mortality Fluoride and Saliva
Cancer Effects on Different Tooth Surfaces

It is hard for today’s students to visualize what

caries used to look like in prefluoride days.
Periapical abscesses and gaping anterior lesions Dr. Frederick McKay, as a new dental graduate in
were common, extractions of first molars in the early 1900s, headed west and opened a prac-
young children were routine, and full extrac- tice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He soon
tions and complete dentures were virtually the noticed that many of his patients had a curious
norm for older people. Although higher educa- blotching of the enamel that he had not
tional levels, better technology, and the spread encountered before. People in the area called it
of middle-class standards have led to improve- “Colorado brown stain,” and to them it was just
ment of this situation, fluoride ranks as a pri- a local oddity. It seemed harmless enough,
mary influence in better oral health because its though it was disfiguring in some cases. McKay
impact changed the way people thought about was clearly a born scientist; he had an inquiring
dental health. It demonstrated to patients and mind and fine powers of observation, and
nonpatients alike that caries and subsequent Colorado brown stain piqued his curiosity. In
tooth loss were not inevitable. Just as impor- 1908 he began to investigate the extent of
tant, it helped dentists to reshape their attitudes Colorado brown stain in the surrounding area.
toward tooth conservation. In his travels over the next few years, McKay
This chapter deals with the issues of how flu- found that the condition was highly prevalent
oride’s caries-inhibitory potential was first dis- in the Colorado Springs area. It was found only
covered, how the human body physiologically in long-term residents, individuals who had
deals with fluoride when the material is been born there or who had come to the area as
ingested, how fluoride affects our health, and babies. Because the stain was difficult to polish
how it works to prevent caries. In this and subse- off, McKay reasoned that it must be caused by
quent chapters, we abbreviate the word fluoride an environmental agent that was active during
to its chemical symbol F to make reading easier. the period of enamel formation. To ensure that
It all begins with one of the great epidemiologic his findings attracted some attention, McKay
studies in the history of health research. was shrewd enough to enlist the collaboration
308 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

of G. V. Black, a major figure in dental history, become the one-person Dental Hygiene Unit,
in writing the first description of what then an odd name for a unit formed to investigate
came to be called mottled enamel.15 This detailed mottled enamel (it subsequently became the
report, in the elegant prose of the time, is a trib- National Institute of Dental Research in 1948).
ute to McKay’s investigative thoroughness. Amidst this flurry of concern, however,
McKay found that mottled enamel was McKay had also noted some benefits that
endemic in many other communities along the seemed to accompany mottled enamel. In
Continental Divide and the plains to the east. It 1928, 3 years before F was identified in drinking
was most prevalent where deep artesian wells water, he was confident enough to publish his
were the source of drinking water, and within view that caries experience was reduced by the
any community the persons affected had almost same waters that produced mottled enamel.127
invariably been users of the same water supply. A similar observation was made shortly after-
By the 1920s McKay had reached the conclusion ward in England by Ainsworth,2 who like
that the etiologic agent had to be a constituent McKay was an observant dentist with an inquir-
of some community water supplies, despite the ing mind. Although McKay was not the first to
fact that chemical analyses all failed to identify make this suggestion, none of the earlier
likely constituents. In communities such as observers took the idea any further. McKay, and
Andover and Britton, South Dakota, where he Dean as well, are good examples of history’s
found severe mottling, he advised mothers to putting the right people in the right place at the
obtain their children’s drinking water from right time.
sources other than the community supply. In The task of defining the relationship of F to
Oakley, Idaho, McKay found that children liv- mottled enamel now passed to Dean. His first
ing on the outskirts of the city, using water from job was to map out the prevalence of mottled
a private spring, were free of mottling. He enamel in the United States. Dean began like an
advised the citizens of Oakley to abandon their investigative reporter, writing extensively to
old supply and tap this spring for a new source, dental societies all around the country to ask for
which the community did in 1925. McKay was their experiences. He received a good response
right, for children born in Oakley subsequent to and published his first map on the distribution
the change were free of mottled enamel.128 of mottled enamel in 1933.32 His next step was
By 1930 new methods of spectro- to develop a seven-point ordinal-scale index to
graphic analysis of water had been developed. classify the full range of mottled enamel he had
In 1931 McKay sent several samples of sus- seen, from the finest of lacy markings to the
pected water to an Alcoa Company chemist stained and highly friable enamel seen with
named Churchill, who was using these new extreme hypomineralization.33
methods. Churchill identified F in each of the Dean began using the term fluorosis to replace
samples, in amounts ranging up to 14 parts per mottled enamel in the mid-1930s.39 He patiently
million (ppm).26 At around the same time, sim- surveyed children in many parts of the country,
ilar findings were reported by investigators at using his original fluorosis index, and built up a
the University of Arizona161 and by a veterinary substantial body of information (what today we
group in Morocco, then still a French colony, would call a database) for analysis. He devised his
that was studying le darmous, the local name Community Fluorosis index based on his original
given to an extreme degree of mottled enamel seven grades of severity.38 Studies through the
found in Moroccan sheep.174 mid-1930s analyzed many drinking water sam-
The immediate reaction of the scientific com- ples for minerals and other chemical constituents,
munity to the identification of F in drinking but none apart from F could be related to fluoro-
water was one of concern, because F in high sis.39,41 Dean chose his words carefully to define a
concentrations was known to be a protoplasmic desirable F concentration as follows:
poison. The discovery led to the appointment in
For public health purposes, we have arbitrarily defined the
1931 of the first dentist to the newly established minimal threshold of fluoride concentration in a domestic
National Institute of Health. This was H. water supply as the highest concentration of fluoride inca-
Trendley Dean, who was transferred from else- pable of producing a definite degree of mottled enamel in as
where in the U.S. Public Health Service to much as 10 percent of the group examined.39
24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 309

By the mid-1930s, Dean had concluded that Dean and the other investigators put it this way,
this “minimal threshold” level was 1 ppm F,34 in the flowing prose of the time:
and that fluorosis seen in communities with
[It is] obvious that whatever effect the waters with relatively
water below 1 ppm F was “of no public health high fluoride content (over 2.0 ppm of F) have on dental caries
significance.” 40 Soon afterward he defined is largely one of academic interest; the resultant permanent
1 ppm F as “the permissible maximum.”45 disfigurement of many of the users far outweighs any advan-
Later in that decade of the Great Depression, tage that might accrue from the standpoint of partial control
Dean condensed his original 1934 fluorosis of dental caries. On the other hand, the demonstration of such
index to one using a six-point ordinal scale marked dental caries differences as were observed at
(see Chapter 17) by combining the categories Galesburg and Quincy made advisable a quantitative study of
of “moderately severe” and “severe.”42 He then the influence on dental caries of waters with lower ranges of
added numerical values to the categories to fluoride concentration. If marked inhibitory influences were
permit quantitative comparisons among pop- operative at concentration levels as low as the minimal
threshold of endemic fluorosis (1.0 ppm), the findings would
ulations. By 1942 Dean had documented the
be of considerable import.43
prevalence of fluorosis for most of the United
States.36 The next logical step was therefore to define
Although he still documented fluorosis in the lowest F level at which caries was clearly
his studies, the main theme of Dean’s research inhibited. This was done through a series of
from then on was the F-caries relationship. In investigations that have become known collec-
the mid-1930s Dean matched his fluorosis data tively as the 21 cities study and that are rightly
for children in parts of South Dakota, considered a landmark in dental research. The
Colorado, and Wisconsin with the caries data first part consisted of the results of clinical
from an earlier 26-state survey in what today examinations of children ages 12-14 with life-
would be called an ecologic study (see Chapter time residence in eight suburban Chicago com-
13). Although he could hardly have failed to munities with various but stable mean F levels
notice the low caries experience in communities in their domestic water.43 The project was later
with F-bearing water during his early surveys, expanded by adding data from 13 addi-
this was his first report in which he commented tional cities in Illinois, Colorado, Ohio, and
on the inverse relationship between fluorosis Indiana.37 The collective findings of the 21 cities
and caries.35 study are depicted graphically in Figs. 24-1 and
Encouraged by these preliminary data, Dean 24-2. Fig. 24-1 shows that dental caries experi-
chose four cities in central Illinois as study sites ence in different communities dropped sharply
in which to test the hypothesis that consump- as F concentration rose toward 1 ppm, then lev-
tion of F-containing water was associated with a eled off. Fig. 24-2 shows the dental fluorosis
reduced prevalence of caries. Galesburg and experience that Dean found among the 12- to
Monmouth, where Dean had already studied 14-year-olds in the 21 cities. Dean’s practice was
fluorosis,40 used water from deep wells that to show questionable fluorosis separately in his
averaged 1.8 and 1.7 ppm F. Macomb and reports, as we have done in Fig. 24-2. The data
Quincy used surface water averaging 0.2 ppm F. in Fig. 24-2 suggest that, had “questionable”
Clinical examinations of children ages 12-14 fluorosis been included in the prevalence fig-
years, all with lifetime residence in their respec- ures, then the level for “acceptable” fluorosis
tive cities, showed that more than twice as many might have been set at concentrations lower
children in Galesburg and Monmouth were free than 1 ppm F.
of detectable caries than in the two cities with Because the 21 cities study had a cross-sec-
low-F water, and the mean number of perma- tional design, the results confirmed the associa-
nent teeth affected by caries in Galesburg and tion but could not by themselves establish the
Monmouth was half of that in the two cities cause-and-effect relationship between fluori-
with low-F water.44 The evidence to support the dated water and reduced caries prevalence. But
F-caries hypothesis was now stronger. the data in Figs. 24-1 and 24-2 did lead to the
Although caries prevalence and severity were adoption of 1.0-1.2 ppm as the appropriate con-
low in Galesburg and Monmouth, fluorosis was centration of F in drinking water in temperate
an obvious problem in both communities. climates, a standard that remains in place today
310 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health




0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.9 2.6

Water fluoride concentrations (ppm F)

Fig. 24-1 Decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth (DMFT) in children ages 12-14 in 21 cities in the late
1930s, related to the fluoride concentration.37,43

Mild/very mild




0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.9 2.6

Water fluoride concentrations (ppm F)

Fig. 24-2 Fluorosis experience of children ages 12-14 in 21 cities in the late 1930s, related to the fluoride
concentration of drinking water.37,43
24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 311

in the United States. These results also set the 0.04 mg F/day.180 Exceptions can occur around
stage for a prospective test of the F-caries some industrial plants that work with F-rich
hypothesis, first suggested in 1943.8 The years of material, such as aluminum smelters with inad-
study of people using water with F levels much equate safeguards to prevent the escape of
higher than the proposed 1 ppm (detailed later F-containing compounds. Such environmental
in this chapter) were sufficient to convince pub- hazards should be controlled to the extent pos-
lic authorities that the prospective tests could be sible, an issue that has nothing whatever to do
carried out in safety. These first prospective stud- with the use of F to control caries.
ies are described in Chapter 25. F’s abundance in soils and plants means that
Trendley Dean died in 1962. Those who everyone consumes it to some extent. Studies to
knew him said that he could be autocratic, and estimate the average daily intake of F from all
the reverence he inspired in his colleagues may sources have provided fairly consistent results,
too often have been expressed as uncritical despite both the variability of the human diet
acceptance of all he did. But Dean had the and methodologic difficulties inherent in ana-
researcher’s virtues of dogged perseverance and lyzing such minute amounts. Estimates for an
remorseless logic as he progressed from one adult North American male in an area with fluor-
stage to the next. His grasp of the concept of idated water fall within the range of 1-3 mg F/day
“databasing” and his analytic mind make us from food and beverages,30,60,102,141,159,160,165
wonder what he could have done with modern decreasing to 1 mg F/day or less in an area with-
computer technology. Although knowledge of out fluoridation.30,102,141,159,160 “Market basket”
F’s effects has advanced considerably since those analyses indicated that 6-month-old infants
days, we enjoy the benefits of F today because of ingested 0.21-0.54 mg F/day in four American
the pioneering research of Dean and his col- cities with different F concentrations in the
leagues. In time, it led to the substantial decline drinking water. For 2-year-olds in the same cities,
in dental caries in high-income nations, one of the range was 0.41-0.61 mg F/day.139,140
history’s major public health success stories. F ingestion in infancy is a matter of some
concern because of the risk of dental fluorosis.
Methodical estimates of F intake by infants have
come from the Iowa F studies, initiated in
Fluorine is one of the most reactive elements the 1990s, which showed that F exposure
and therefore is never found naturally in its ele- among infants is extensive and variable. The
mental form. The F ion, however, is abundant in Iowa studies documented the F exposures of
nature and occurs almost universally in soils newborn infants at periodic intervals through
and waters in varying, but generally low, con- extensive interviews about F exposure from
centrations. Seawater contains 1.2-1.4 ppm F.181 drinking water, toothpaste, and dietary supple-
Fresh surface water generally has very low con- ments. During the first 3 years of life, F inges-
centrations, 0.2 ppm F or less, whereas concen- tion from these sources averaged 0.37-0.45 mg
trations of up to 29.5 ppm F have been recorded daily from birth to 3 months, 0.5 mg at 6-9
in deep well water in Arizona120 and concentra- months, 0.36 mg at 12 and 16 months, and
tions of over 40 ppm in boreholes in Kenya.112 0.5-0.63 mg from 16 to 36 months.107 Although
F’s ubiquity in soil and water means that all mean intakes in Iowa were similar to those esti-
plants and animals contain F to some extent. mated in the earlier market basket surveys, there
Given this environmental omnipresence, it was a considerable range of intakes, with 90th
seems likely that all forms of life have evolved percentile values well above the means and
to thrive with continuous exposure to small medians. When values were expressed as F
amounts of F. intake per kilogram of body weight, nearly half
of the children up to 6 months of age were
found to be exceeding the desirable limits,
although this proportion dropped considerably
at later ages. The upper limit of intake for 12-
Humans absorb F from air, food, and water. month-old children, beyond which fluorosis
F intake from air is usually negligible, around risk is greatly increased, has been estimated at
312 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

0.43 mg F/day.20 The 12-month-old children in

the Iowa studies averaged 0.36 mg F/day,107 but
more than 25% of them were ingesting F above Although the use of F is a contribution to the
that upper limit. public’s health of which dentistry can be proud,
The principal overall finding of the Iowa F compounds must be handled responsibly and
studies is the great variability of F intake during with respect. Everyone in dentistry should
infancy, which is to be expected given the range understand how the human body handles
of dietary choices for infants and the range of ingested F so that the material can be used safely
F concentrations in drinking waters. Despite the and efficiently.
difficulty in conducting studies like these, the
results are similar to those found in the market Absorption, Retention, and Excretion
basket surveys described earlier and in studies Ingested F is absorbed mainly from the upper
from other countries.70,115 gastrointestinal tract, and some 95% of ingested
For most people, water and other beverages F is absorbed. Absorbed F is transported in the
provide some 75% of F intake, whether or not plasma and is either excreted or deposited in
the drinking water is fluoridated.160 This may the calcified tissues. Most absorbed F is excreted
occur because many soft drinks and fruit in the urine; a single ingestion of 5 mg F by an
juices are processed in cities with fluoridated adult is absorbed and cleared from the blood in
water, or it may reflect variable F content of 8-9 hours.180 F ingested on an empty stomach
the ingredients. One brand of grape juice in produces a peak plasma level within 30 min-
North Carolina, for example, was found to utes. The time of the plasma peak is extended,
contain more than 1.6 ppm F, even when and the level of the peak reduced, if the F is
reconstituted with deionized water.143 Even in taken with food. This is probably because of the
soft drinks of the same brand, F levels can vary binding of some F with calcium and other diva-
considerably due to production at different lent and trivalent cations. When F absorption is
sites. 76 Another source of high F intake for inhibited in this way, fecal excretion of F
infants is powdered infant formula reconsti- increases.50
tuted with fluoridated drinking water.22 The F Studies of what is called the body burden of F,
content of some tested beverages is shown in meaning the amount that can be safely
Table 24-1. absorbed and the point at which F absorption

Table 24-1 Fluoride concentration (in ppm) of various beverages available in a nonfluoridated and a fluoridated
community in Alberta, Canada, and in various communities in North Carolina and Iowa28,96,143
Beverage Nonfluoridated, Canada Fluoridated, Canada North Carolina* Iowa

Drinking water 0.23 1.08 — —

Milk† 0.03 0.03 — —
Juice (commercially prepared)‡ 0.80 0.80 0.36 0.56
Juice (home reconstituted) 0.21 1.06 — —
Apple-grape juice (commercially — — — 0.64
Carbonated drinks‡ 0.80 0.80 0.74 —
Gatorade — — 0.85 —
Soup 0.21 1.06 — —
Tea 1.33 2.18 2.56 1.41
Coffee 0.23 1.08 — —
*Means of samples from six cities.
†Available fluoride.
‡Commercially available prepared juice and the carbonated drinks in Canada both came from a fluoridated large city; for Iowa the figure is

the mean for 532 juices.

24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 313

become a health concern, have relied mostly on factors, including age and F intake. F levels in
urinary volumes and plasma concentrations as the outer few microns of dental enamel range
the primary measures. Samples of both are rela- from 400 to 3000 ppm and decrease rapidly
tively simple to obtain, although both measures with greater enamel depth. F concentrations in
reflect only recent F intake (i.e., during the pre- soft tissue rise or fall in parallel with plasma F
vious 3-4 weeks) rather than lifetime intakes. levels, but because healthy excretion and depo-
Urinary concentrations can vary considerably sition mechanisms operate so rapidly, there is
with fluid intake during the period of F expo- negligible retention of F in the fluids of soft tis-
sure,49 and a 24-hour sample is required for sues other than the kidney.180 Some F has been
accuracy. Accurate monitoring of plasma levels found in the aorta, associated with calcification
in individuals also requires frequent measure- of that blood vessel. Deposition in the placenta
ment because of normal hour-to-hour fluctua- is also associated with islets of calcified tissue.55
tions. Plasma F concentrations are more closely A greater proportion of ingested F is excreted in
correlated with urinary flow rates than with uri- older persons than in the young because the
nary F concentrations.51 Although there is no growing skeleton in young people absorbs
absolute measure of lifetime F intake, even the- more F175,182 and probably because children
oretically, the closest measure of long-term F have lower renal clearance rates than adults.164
intake would be based on bone F content. Because of the importance of the kidneys in
However, for research purposes, this is a theo- maintaining F balance, the only disease condi-
retical concept only; people do not volunteer to tion that requires medical consideration with
give bone samples! regard to F ingestion is chronic kidney failure.
F balance is the net result from the accumu- Patients who receive renal dialysis for long peri-
lated effects of F ingestion, degree of F deposi- ods with F-free water have maintained plasma
tion in bones and teeth, mobilization rate of levels of 0.06 ppm F, whereas in some inadver-
F from bone, and efficiency of the kidneys in tently receiving dialysis with fluoridated water
clearing absorbed F. (definitely not a recommended procedure) lev-
Plasma F is found in ionic and nonionic els as high as 0.24 ppm F have been recorded.
forms. The biologic significance of the non- Although a plasma level of around 0.09 ppm
ionic form has not yet been determined, and its F had been suggested as the upper limit before a
concentration is independent of F intake. kidney patient undergoing dialysis should
Absorbed F is transported by plasma as ionic F. reduce F intake, evidence for this recommenda-
It is the level of this ionic F that rises temporar- tion has come from only a few case studies.90
ily after F ingestion and then drops rapidly; With today’s standards for dialysate fluid, cur-
ionic F levels are not homeostatically regulated. rent medical opinion is that even persons with
In a healthy adult male living in an area with severe renal impairment can consume fluori-
fluoridated water, plasma F levels are around dated water without ill effects as long as they are
0.019 ppm (1 μmol/L), although this level fluc- receiving regular dialysis treatment.
tuates throughout the day.50 Plasma levels are Aluminum, iron, and other minerals create
generally higher in persons living in fluoridated greater technical problems for the renal dialy-
communities than in those living in nonfluori- sis process than does F. The standard for
dated communities. Plasma F levels in persons dialysate water set by the Association for the
with chronic kidney failure can rise to 0.05-0.09 Advancement of Medical Instrumentation is
ppm F (2.6-4.7 μmol/L) without affecting that the F content should not exceed 0.2 ppm.94
health.90 Nephrotoxic plasma F values in Water used in renal dialysis should first be
healthy individuals have been estimated at treated by reverse osmosis, which is superior
0.95 ppm F (50 μmol/L). to the older process of deionization in that
F has an affinity for calcified tissues, that is, it removes F and other minerals almost
bone and developing teeth. F that is not entirely.166
excreted is deposited in these hard tissues,
although storage is dynamic rather than inert. Optimal Fluoride Intake
Bone F levels (from postmortem assays) range Frank McClure, a biochemist with the U.S.
from 800 to 10,000 ppm, depending on many Public Health Service, estimated in 1943 that the
314 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

“average daily diet” contained 1.0-1.5 mg F, or childhood is a broad upper limit if unesthetic
about 0.05 mg F/kg body weight per day in chil- fluorosis is to be avoided.20 There is no evi-
dren up to 12 years of age.118 McClure’s estimate dence to link this range of F ingestion with
somehow came to be interpreted as the lower caries inhibition, so we suggest that the term
limit of the range of “optimal” F intake. A widely optimal intake be dropped from common
quoted 1974 report56 suggested that 0.06 mg usage.
F/kg body weight per day was optimal, although
this estimate was based only on a number of FLUORIDE AND HUMAN HEALTH
personal opinions. The intake range of 0.05-0.07
mg F/kg body weight per day was suggested as Early Studies
optimal in 1980139; this is equivalent to 3.5-4.9 Quite a lot was known about F at the time of
mg F/day for a 70-kg (154-lb) man. For a 10-kg Dean’s appointment to the NIH Hygiene Unit
infant (22 lb; i.e., a 12- to 18-month-old child), in 1933, 117 but details of a safe range of F
this optimal intake is equivalent to 0.45-0.64 intake for humans were sketchy. The first study
mg F/day. (By comparison, in the Iowa studies relating bone fracture experience to the F con-
described earlier, the 90th percentile of daily F centration in home water supplies (a subject
ingestion for 16-month-old children was found revisited in the 1990s) concluded that there
to be 0.775 mg.) was no relationship.119 McClure then demon-
The National Research Council, the body strated the close relationship between urinary
that establishes recommended dietary F concentrations and the F levels of domestic
allowances for the United States, classified F as a water.121 His balance studies during World War
“beneficial element for humans” because of its II, in which young men lived in rooms main-
positive impact on dental health.134 The coun- tained at varying temperatures and humidity
cil at one time considered F an essential nutri- levels and received varying amounts of F in
ent,133 but it backed away from that position food and water, led to the conclusion that the
because an essential role for F in human growth elimination of absorbed F via urine and per-
studies could not be confirmed and because the spiration is almost complete when the quan-
physiologic mechanism by which F would tity absorbed does not exceed 4-5 mg daily.125
influence growth was unknown. Available evi- McClure suggested that this may be the limit of
dence did not justify classifying F as an essential F that could be ingested without “appreciable
element by accepted standards.134 Nutritional hazard” of excessive F storage in the body.
requirements became recorded as dietary refer- Higher F intakes were likely in communities
ence intakes in the late 1990s, with an “adequate such as Bartlett, Texas, however, where commu-
intake” level for F set at 0.01 mg/day for chil- nity water carried about 8 ppm F. A long-term
dren 0-6 months. For all ages above 6 months study of the residents of Bartlett, conducted by
the adequate intake was set at 0.05 mg F/kg/day, a U.S. Public Health Service team, began in
so the absolute intake amount increases with 1943. Apart from severe dental fluorosis, the
increasing weight to a maximum for adults age study found no adverse effects of long-term
19 or older of 4 mg/day for males and 3 mg/day ingestion of this high-F water,105 although
for females.85,86 It was not clear on what these postmortem bone F concentrations were high.
intake levels were based. Numerous animal studies in the early years
The discussions about “optimal” intake are of water fluoridation104,109,116,122,124,186-188
vague about what this intake is optimal for. supported the results from studies in human
The implication is that this degree of ingestion populations.
is optimal for caries resistance, but as will be Although not every possible hypothesis
described later in this chapter, ingested F plays regarding F and human health was tested prior
only a minor role in caries control relative to to initiation of controlled fluoridation, there
intra-oral F. It is also worth noting that was sufficient research evidence to provide rea-
McClure’s 1943 comment was observational, sonable assurance that controlled fluoridation,
although it somehow was turned into a recom- with up to 1.2 ppm F in the drinking water,
mendation over time. Empirical evidence sug- could be instituted in North America without
gests that F intake of 0.05-0.07 mg/F/kg/day in creating any public health hazard.
24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 315

Mortality studies, which were performed with several ani-

For the United States as a whole, no differences mal species and used four concentration of F in
could be found in 1949-50 death rates between the drinking water: 0, 11, 45, and 79 ppm F. (Use
32 cities with 0.7 ppm F or more and 32 ran- of extremely high levels of the test material is
domly selected nearby cities with 0.25 ppm F or standard practice in toxicology studies to avoid
less in the drinking water. Mortality rates were having to use huge populations of animals.) The
similar for cancer, heart disease, intracranial studies, which tested the effects of the water on
lesions, nephritis, and cirrhosis of the liver.71 In the animals over 2 years, took longer than
1979 mortality rates for 478 cities with popula- expected, but the NTP finally issued an extensive
tions of 25,000 or more were examined for the draft report in 1990. Although a number of dif-
periods 1949-50, 1959-61, and 1969-71. Data ferent cancers occurred in both test and control
were collected on total deaths as well as those animals, the report found “equivocal evidence”
attributed to cardiovascular disease, renal con- of an excess incidence of osteosarcoma, a rare
ditions, and cancer. No differences between form of bone cancer, in male rats of a particular
fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities strain.171 Three of the four osteosarcomas were
were found.157 in the rats ingesting 79 ppm F; the fourth was at
45 ppm F. Subsequent review of the data by stat-
Cancer isticians, as well as a public hearing and consid-
The 1979 mortality study157 was conducted as a erable media attention, did not change this
response to testimony before a congressional gray-zone conclusion.
committee in 1975 by Burk and Yiamouyiannis In response, the Assistant Secretary for Health
that fluoridation led to an increase in cancer incorporated the NTP findings into a broader
deaths.19 Their argument was based on a com- review of F and the environment, conducted by
parison of mortality data for the 10 largest fluor- a special committee appointed by the U.S.
idated American cities between 1950 and 1970 Public Health Service. This committee reached
and mortality data for 10 selected nonfluori- the following conclusion on cancer risk:
dated cities over the same period. The crude
Optimal fluoridation of drinking water does not pose a
mortality data, unadjusted for age, sex, or race,
detectable cancer risk to humans as evidenced by extensive
showed a greater increase in cancer deaths in human epidemiological data available to date, including the
the fluoridated cities over the 20-year period. new studies prepared for this report. While the presence of
Criticism of this analysis was based on the inap- fluoride in sources other than drinking water reduces the abil-
propriateness of using crude mortality data, ity to discriminate between exposure in fluoridated as com-
because the populations of the big cities during pared to non-fluoridated communities, no trends in cancer
that 20-year period had become older and risk, including the risk of osteosarcoma, were attributed to the
poorer, and had changed their ethnic composi- introduction of fluoride into drinking water in these new stud-
tion. Yiamouyiannis and Burk repeated their ies. During two time periods, 1973-1980 and 1981-1987,
work in 1977, this time with some age adjust- there was an unexplained increase of osteosarcoma in males
under age 20. The reason for this increase remains to be clar-
ment,185 and claimed that their data still
ified, but an extensive analysis reveals that it is unrelated to
showed an excess of cancer deaths in the fluori-
the introduction and duration of fluoridation.172
dated cities. But a number of independent
analyses of the same data were conducted in The NTP report raised some interesting issues
both Britain and the United States and about risk assessment in the modern environ-
employed more detailed age-sex-race adjust- ment. Bone cancer is not common: of the
ments; none could find a link between cancer 538,000 estimated cancer deaths in the United
incidence and consumption of fluoridated States in 1994, some 1075 (0.19%) were bone
water.47,52,82,137,149,167 cancers of all kinds.16 Case-control studies pres-
One result of the Burk-Yiamouyiannis testi- ent the difficulty of documenting precisely all F
mony was that a congressional committee exposure during a person’s lifetime, which
directed the National Cancer Institute to carry biases the results of such studies toward the
out animal studies on the potential carcino- null hypothesis (i.e., imprecise data make
genicity of F. The National Toxicology Program it more likely that the null hypothesis cannot
(NTP) was responsible for conducting these be rejected). Risk assessment studies can be
316 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

conducted with animals, but the question presentation.99 The main concern is that the
always remains: what is the relevance of health positive effects seen in the vertebral column,
effects in rats drinking water with 79 ppm F to which is mostly cancellous bone, are not seen in
humans drinking water with 1-4 ppm F? The the appendicular skeleton, which is mostly cor-
marginal nature of the findings makes answer- tical bone. Indeed, fracture rates in the appen-
ing the question even more difficult. In addi- dicular skeleton have actually been shown to
tion, a large number of tests were conducted in increase with intensive F treatment.73,148
the NTP studies, and statistical logic tells us that Although an international conference in 1988
false results will occur about five times in each recommended F treatment for vertebral crush
100 tests (see Chapter 13). In epidemiologic syndrome,74 high-dose F treatment (up to 80 mg
research involving humans, neither ecologic F/day) for bone fragility conditions is no longer
studies63,130 nor case-control studies64,126 have recommended in the United States,78,98 nor is F
found any association between osteosarcoma therapy seen as a measure that can prevent frac-
and previous F exposure. tures resulting from osteoporosis.73,129
These studies answer one prominent ques-
Down Syndrome tion about the health effects of F: they show that
A claim that water fluoridation caused an even frail elderly people can tolerate large F
increase in the congenital malformation known intakes (e.g., 30-60 mg F/day), vastly higher
as Down syndrome was put forward in a series than anyone would experience with fluoridated
of papers in the mid-1950s.145-147 The studies drinking water. A more pertinent issue in den-
claimed to show from birth records in tistry is the effect of fluoridated water on bone
Wisconsin and Illinois that the incidence of fragility or fracture experience. Day-to-day use
Down syndrome was higher in fluoridated than of fluoridated water obviously results in much
in nonfluoridated areas, but there were errors in lower daily intakes (1-3 mg F/day for adults, see
the research design.153 The most serious error earlier) than those seen at the therapeutic doses
was the assumption that the city of birth was the just described.
place of residence of the mother, which is In the research by McClure mentioned ear-
clearly not the case for hospitals serving a large lier, McClure studied the relation between self-
rural population. More rigorous independent reported bone fracture experience and exposure
studies in the United States and Britain have to fluoridated water among young men during
subsequently failed to show any correlation World War II and reported no association. As in
between fluoridation and Down syn- other early studies,13,66 no account was taken of
drome.14,53,54,135 A systematic review in 2001 confounding factors such as body mass, med-
reached the same conclusion.184 ication use, and dietary factors, and the radi-
ographic techniques of that era have been
Bone Density, Fracture Experience, shown to be insensitive. In more recent times, a
and Osteoporosis series of ecologic studies (see Chapter 13) to
Bone fragility conditions (e.g., preventing spon- assess the risk of bone fracture in those drinking
taneous vertebral fracture in the elderly as a fluoridated water have produced mixed results:
result of osteoporosis) have been treated for decreased risk,77,87,103,144,158 no associa-
years with high doses of F combined with cal- tion,5,92,108,111,168 and increased risk.29,31,88,89
cium, estrogen, and vitamin D. Controlled clini- The extent of increased risk in the latter group of
cal trials have shown that high doses of F (30-60 studies was generally low, with relative risks in
mg/day), administered under medical supervi- the range of 1.08-1.41. Given the lack of preci-
sion, can increase vertebral bone mass and sion that is part of ecologic studies, it is not sur-
reduce the vertebral fracture rate.142 These favor- prising that this body of research does not yield
able changes do not come without problems, clear conclusions for either increased risk or a
however, for the new bone can be imperfectly protective effect of F. Extensive reviews of the lit-
mineralized, and a good proportion of patients erature have also reached the conclusion that
do not respond to treatment.74 Treatment also no relationship can be discerned between bone
seems ineffective in preventing further fractures fracture experience and exposure to water with
in patients who already have a fracture at first 1 ppm F.3,46,78,91,97,98
24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 317

Results of research in which data are col- boys in each city, age 12 at final medical exami-
lected from individual study participants are nation, were selected from the 881 participants
likely to have higher validity than results of eco- in both cities for a substudy of specific urinary
logic studies. Studies conducted in several rural components.155 Children who had recently
Iowa communities found reduced radial bone been ill were excluded because results could
mass and slightly higher fracture experience in a otherwise have been confounded by a variety of
town where the drinking water contained 4.0 unrelated conditions. No difference between
ppm F.162,163 However, a study of some 2000 the two populations was found.
women in western Pennsylvania found no asso-
ciation between long-term exposure to water
fluoridated at a lower level (1.0 ppm F) and
bone mineral density and fracture experience.24 There is a world of difference (literally!)
A small Canadian study found only beneficial between a single intake of 5.0 g F and constant
effects on skeletal growth from growing up in a intake of 1-3 mg F daily. F is thus like many
fluoridated area.6 other nutrients: beneficial in small amounts,
Research continues, but it can be stated that toxic in high amounts. This gradation in
the evidence supports only marginal benefits to response with variations in dose is a common
bone from fluoridated water, and there is pharmaceutical phenomenon and is known as
no evidence that bone fracture experience a dose-response relationship.
is altered by exposure to drinking water con- Information on F toxicity levels cannot, of
taining 1.0 ppm F.132 course, be taken from controlled studies with
humans. Available data come from a mix of case
Child Development studies of various kinds and research on work-
An important study of the effect of F on children ers in certain industrial processes. The classic
was the Newburgh-Kingston fluoridation proj- work in occupational F toxicity is that of the
ect, one of the original fluoridation field trials, Danish scientist Kaj Roholm, who studied cryo-
which began in 1945. Participating children lite workers in aluminum plants during the
received a complete physical examination, 1930s. Their daily absorption was estimated at
selected physical measurements were taken, and 0.2-1.0 mg F/kg body weight (about 14-68 mg
laboratory and radiographic studies were per- F/day for a 150-lb adult). Some workers had
formed. No significant differences in general been employed as long as 31 years. Under these
health or body processes between children in conditions a number of toxic effects were
the two cities were seen, and no radiographic observed, principally gastric complaints and
differences in bone density could be demon- osteosclerosis.
strated. There was essential similarity in vision Ingestion of a single dose of 5-10 g of NaF by
and hearing test results and in measures of an adult male (32-64 mg F/kg body weight)
skeletal maturation, hemoglobin level, erythro- results in a rather unpleasant death in 2-4 hours
cyte and leukocyte counts, and quantity of if first aid is not rendered immediately. From
sugar, albumin, red blood cells, and casts in that lower limit of 32 mg F/kg body weight,
the urine. At the final examination, 19 of 476 the estimated equivalent dose for a 10-kg child
children in fluoridated Newburgh (4.0%) and (12-18 months old) is 320 mg F.75 Crippling
20 of 405 children in non-fluoridated Kingston skeletal fluorosis can eventually occur in an
(4.9%) were referred to their family physicians adult with daily ingestion of 10-25 mg F over a
for conditions including such minor ailments period of 10-20 years. The evidence on known
as plantar wart or ringworm. Long-term down- toxic effects of F ingestion is summarized in
ward trends in stillbirths and maternal and Table 24-2.
infant mortality rates continued in each of the If an individual is known or suspected to
cities. The overall conclusion reached was that have taken a potentially toxic amount of F, first
no differences of medical significance could be aid is to induce vomiting as quickly as possible
found between the two groups of children.156 or to have the person ingest a material to bind F:
As part of the main health study in the milk is usually the most readily available. The
Newburgh-Kingston fluoridation project, 100 American Dental Association recommends, as a
318 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

safety precaution, that F materials for home use

contain no more than 264 mg F if packaged in a
bulk container (tablets, mouthrinse) or up
to 300 mg F if the F material is individually F works best to prevent caries when a constant,
packaged. low level of F is maintained in the oral cavity.27 Its
At the other end of the toxicity spectrum, most important caries-inhibitory action is
there are many instances of remarkable tolera- posteruptive and takes place at the plaque-
tion of high quantities of F without ill effects, enamel interface.57 The action of F in preventing
such as in osteoporosis patients as described caries is multifactorial; its effect comes from a
earlier. Adverse effects in these patients are combination of several mechanisms. Three major
reported to be usually no worse than nausea, mechanisms of action have been identified, sum-
stomach pains, pain in the extremities, and marized in Box 24-1, although some possible
occasional diarrhea. The greatly elevated levels additional mechanisms have been hypothesized.
of plasma F may also be associated with some It has long been held that preeruptive expo-
arthritis-type joint pain, but it is not certain sure to F inhibits caries to some degree. In this
whether this pain comes from the treatment or “preeruptive” model, F is said to act by becom-
the disease itself. ing incorporated into the developing enamel
hydroxyapatite crystal and thus reducing
enamel solubility. It has been argued that
preeruptive benefits are especially important for
Dental fluorosis is a permanent hypomineral- reducing pit-and-fissure lesions.69 This caries-
ization of enamel that is characterized by preventive action by F was assumed for many
greater surface and subsurface porosity than in years to be F’s primary effect, but the actual sup-
normal enamel and that results from exposure portive evidence is largely associative. Any
of the developing tooth to excess F during matu- preeruptive effect on caries inhibition is likely
rational stages.58 Its distribution and risk factors to be minor; the evidence for posteruptive F
are described in Chapter 22. action is much stronger.

Table 24-2 Degrees of potentially toxic ingestion of fluoride

Effect Fluoride Intake and Time*

Acute fatal poisoning, adults79 2.5-5.0 g, in 2-4 hr

Acute fatal poisoning, 10-kg child75 320 mg, in 2-4 hr
Acute fatal poisoning, 3-year-old child83 Approximately 435 mg, in approximately 3 hr
Acute fatal poisoning, adult renal dialysis patient61 Dialysate fluid 35-50 ppm F, for 3 hr
Acute fatal poisoning, adult male65 17.9 mg F/kg body weight, for 24 hr
Short-term nonserious nausea in elementary school 93-375 ppm F in drinking water, small amounts;
children81 symptoms within 30 minutes
Nausea and vomiting in adults176 Nausea with ingestion of an estimated 80 mg F over a
few hours, vomiting from ingestion of an estimated
143 mg F over a few hours
Severe skeletal fluorosis79 10-25 mg F daily, for 10-20 yr
Osteosclerosis, radiographic changes in human bone80 8-20 mg F daily, for 10-20 yr
Dental fluorosis59 <0.1 mg F/kg body weight/day during tooth
development (i.e., the first 8 yr)
Acute fatal poisoning in animals79 Approximately 50 mg F/kg body weight
Interference with reproduction, thyroid disturbance, 40-60 ppm F in feed daily for several years
loss of body weight, and lameness in cattle79
*With drinking water fluoridated at 1 ppm, an adult would have to drink 660 gal in 2-4 hr to reach the lower limit of a fatal dose. A 10-kg
child (12-18 mo old) would have to drink 85 gal in 2-4 hr. Severe skeletal fluorosis could only result from drinking 2.6-6.6 gal of water
daily for 10-20 yr if none of the fluoride were excreted.
24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 319

tion of extracellular polysaccharide by cario-

BOX 24-1 Three Principal Mechanisms By Which
genic bacteria, a necessary process for plaque
Fluoride Inhibits the Development of Dental Caries
adherence to smooth enamel surfaces.72
Posteruptive In addition to these mechanisms, high-
1. Promotion of remineralization and inhibition of concentration F gels may have a specific bacteri-
demineralization of early carious lesions. cidal action on cariogenic bacteria in the
2. Inhibition of glycolysis, the process by which plaque. These gels also leave a temporary layer
cariogenic bacteria metabolize fermentable of a material resembling CaF2 on the enamel
carbohydrates. surface, which is available for release when the
pH drops at the enamel surface.136 At lower
Preeruptive concentrations, Streptococcus mutans has been
3. Some reduction in enamel solubility in acid by shown under laboratory conditions to become
preeruptive incorporation of fluoride into the less acidogenic through adaptation to an envi-
hydroxyapatite crystal. ronment in which F is constantly pres-
ent.17,18,114,151 It is not yet known whether this
ecologic adaptation reduces the cariogenicity of
acidogenic bacteria in humans.173
Fluoride and Plaque
The topical effect of a constant infusion of low- Fluoride and Enamel
concentration F into the oral cavity, such as In the early days of F research, it was assumed
occurs with drinking fluoridated water or regu- that F’s inhibition of caries depended on its
larly brushing with a F toothpaste, is to inhibit preeruptive incorporation into developing den-
demineralization and enhance remineraliza- tal enamel, which thus reduced enamel solubil-
tion during the repeated cycles of demineraliza- ity in demineralizing acids.38,123 In most of the
tion and remineralization (that awkward early fluoridation studies, greater caries reduc-
phrase is often shortened to demin-remin) in the tions were found in children who were born
early stages of the carious process. F introduced after fluoridation began than in those for whom
into the mouth is partly taken up by dental fluoridation began after birth.23,62,67,84,93 But it
plaque, in which some 95% of it is held in was also clear that caries inhibition occurred in
bound form rather than as ionic F. Plaque con- teeth that had already erupted when fluorida-
tains 5-10 mg F/kg wet weight in low-F areas tion began7,9,100,101,152 and in first molars that
and some 10-20 mg F/kg wet weight in fluori- were erupting when fluoridation began.10,12,154
dated areas. The bound F can be released in It became evident to researchers as early as
response to lowered pH,169 and F is taken up the mid-1970s that a higher concentration of F
more readily by demineralized enamel than by in enamel could not by itself explain the exten-
sound enamel.179 The availability of plaque F to sive reductions in caries that F produced.106 At a
respond to the acid challenge leads to the grad- depth of 2 μm, enamel F concentrations aver-
ual establishment of a well-crystallized and aged around 1700 ppm in nonfluoridated areas
more acid-resistant apatite in the enamel sur- and 2200-3200 in areas fluoridated at 1 ppm.
face during demin-remin.25,95,170 This means Even in areas with 5-7 ppm F, enamel F concen-
that F can be incorporated into the enamel crys- trations rose only to 4800 ppm,1 which shows
tal, but more through cycles of demin-remin that enamel F is poorly correlated with water F
than through preeruptive absorption. levels. If the preeruptive hypothesis were true
F in plaque also inhibits glycolysis, the (i.e., preeruptive F uptake by developing
process through which fermentable carbohy- enamel is the major factor in F’s cariostatic
drate is metabolized by cariogenic bacteria to effects), one would expect caries experience in a
produce acid. F from drinking water and tooth- population to be inversely related to enamel
paste concentrates in plaque, where its concen- F concentrations, but such is not the case.27
tration is governed by the concentration of The converse also holds; that is, it has been
plaque calcium.183 Plaque contains higher lev- observed that higher concentrations of enamel
els of F than does saliva.72,160 There is also some F do not necessarily mean than caries will not
evidence that plaque F can inhibit the produc- occur.4 The theoretical concentration of F in
320 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

pure fluorapatite that would reduce its acid sol- in Hartlepool had a mean DMF (decayed, miss-
ubility is around 38,000 ppm,177 a concentra- ing, and filled) score of 4.96, whereas those in
tion that is not even approached in human York had a mean DMF of 8.95. However, the
dental enamel. So although some preeruptive number of carious approximal surfaces of
effect of F can be inferred from field stud- molars was 11 times greater in York.131 This pat-
ies,21,48 any such action is likely to be a minor tern of more pronounced effect on smooth sur-
part of the overall impact of F. faces than on pit-and-fissure surfaces has since
The most revealing epidemiologic study on become a standard finding in studies in which
the caries-inhibitory action of F came from the caries is recorded for tooth surfaces.11 It follows
Tiel-Culemborg fluoridation study in the that when DMFS (decayed, missing, and filled
Netherlands,68 in which caries was recorded as surface) scores are declining in a population,
(1) incipient lesions confined to enamel, and the proportion of all decayed surfaces that are
(2) dentinal lesions. Although, as would be pit-and-fissure surfaces will increase, even
expected, there were considerably fewer denti- though the absolute number may diminish.
nal lesions in fluoridated Tiel than in nonfluori-
dated Culemborg after 15 years of fluoridation,
there was no difference between the two com-
munities in lesions confined to enamel. This Categorizing F compounds into “systemic fluo-
finding means that fewer enamel lesions rides” and “topical fluorides” is not easily done
progress to dentinal caries in a fluoridated area because the line between these categories gets
than in a nonfluoridated area. F does not pre- blurred: “systemic” vehicles like water fluorida-
vent the initial carious attack, which would be tion and F supplements have been shown to
expected if its presence in the enamel crystal have topical cariostatic action, and some “topi-
increased enamel resistance to acid dissolution, cal” vehicles like F toothpaste can be swallowed
but rather the F in the oral cavity acts to inhibit inadvertently and have systemic effects (fluoro-
further demineralization of the lesion and to sis). As stated earlier, the evidence shows that
promote its remineralization. the most effective community-wide use of F is
in frequent, low-concentration intraoral expo-
Fluoride and Saliva sures such as in drinking water or tooth-
Resting salivary F concentrations are low, paste.4,57,113,178 Less frequent application of
although they are some three times higher in high-concentration gels has its place in the care
fluoridated than in nonfluoridated areas. In of highly caries-susceptible patients.
a fluoridated area, salivary F levels averaged The most cost-effective way of reaching an
0.016 ppm, whereas they were 0.006 ppm in a entire community with regular, low-concentra-
nonfluoridated area.138 Fluctuation of salivary F tion F is through water fluoridation. This is true
levels is normal, and after toothbrushing with public health action, and it is also one that has
an F toothpaste or mouthrinsing with an F solu- stirred public controversy. The unique position
tion, salivary F levels can rise 100- to 1000-fold. of water fluoridation as a public health action is
This level rapidly drops back to normal, and the the subject of the next chapter.
saliva is likely to be an important source of
plaque F during this time.150 The role of saliva
in caries inhibition is still not well defined.
1. Aasenden R. Fluoride concentrations in the surface tooth
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24 Fluoride: Human Health and Caries Prevention 321

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16. Boring CC, Squires TS, Tong T, Montgomery S. Cancer 37. Dean HT, Arnold FA Jr, Elvove E. Domestic water and
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25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water


DRINKING WATER Caries Patterns When Fluoridation Ceases
Role of Federal, State, and Local Governments Savings in Treatment Costs
Drinking Water Standards Public Attitudes and Knowledge
Reducing the Disparities Court Decisions on Fluoridation
Caries Reductions in Children Fluoridation Decisions at the Community
Caries Reductions in Adults Level
Prenatal Benefits THE FUTURE
Effects on the Primary Dentition

Fluoridation is the controlled addition of a flu- The unit usually used in the United States for
oride (F) compound to a public water supply to expressing the F concentration in drinking
bring its F concentration up to a level that will water is parts per million (ppm), although
best prevent dental caries while avoiding countries using metric measurements usually
unsightly fluorosis. A related public health express it in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
measure is defluoridation, the process of Fortunately the numerical values are the same
removing excess F naturally present in a water in both measuring units; that is, 1.2 ppm is the
supply to prevent dental fluorosis (or even same as 1.2 mg/L. We use parts per million in
skeletal fluorosis in some parts of the world this book.
where the naturally occurring F concentration is
high enough).
In our studies of F and its relationship to
dental caries, water fluoridation deserves special
attention. This is because the F-caries relation-
ship was first discovered in studies of communi- Public policy for controlled water F levels in the
ties with naturally fluoridated water and United States takes the form of nonenforceable
because water fluoridation is the purest public guidelines set by the U.S. Public Health Service
health use of F. Fluoridation is not a targeted (Box 25-1). Current policy is that these levels,
approach to caries prevention; its use means for the United States, should be between 0.7
that F reaches everyone in the community. This and 1.2 ppm F, depending on mean annual
feature is both the measure’s greatest strength temperature of the locality. These guidelines,
and its greatest problem in terms of social pol- based on the assumption that people drink
icy. This chapter describes the various issues more water in a hotter climate than they do in a
specific to water fluoridation as a means of con- cooler one, are more than 40 years old and are
trolling caries at the community level. shown in Table 25-1.
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 327

BOX 25-1 Who Watches Over How Much Fluoride Is in our Drinking Water?

Two agencies of the federal government are involved in overseeing levels of fluoride (F) in drinking water. At the
regulatory level, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets the legal upper limit at 4.0 ppm F. No one adds
fluoride to drinking water at that level, but it can occur naturally (although it is rare to find this high level in the United
States). If such an F concentration is found in a public water supply, the excess F must be removed or a new water
source found. Here the issue is human health. The EPA considers that 4.0 ppm F is the upper limit before the risk of
skeletal fluorosis becomes too high. This regulation has nothing to do with what the best concentration for caries
prevention might be.
In terms of guidelines for the best concentration for caries prevention, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends
that drinking water in the United States be fluoridated to a level between 0.7 and 1.2 ppm F, depending on climate. This
recommendation is nonenforceable.
The maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is
no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety and are nonenforceable public health goals.
The maximum contaminant level (MCL) is the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs
are set as close to MCLGs as is feasible when the best available treatment technology and cost are taken into
consideration. MCLs are enforceable standards. Both the MCLG and the MCL remain at 4.0 ppm F,46 pending further
review by the EPA.

Table 25-1 Fluoride levels recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service for cool and warm climates122
Recommended Control Limits of Fluoride Concentrations
Annual Average of Maximum Daily Air
Temperatures (Degrees F)* Lower Optimal Upper

50.0-53.7 0.9 1.2 1.7

53.8-58.3 0.8 1.1 1.5
58.4-63.8 0.8 1.0 1.3
63.9-70.6 0.7 0.9 1.2
70.7-79.2 0.7 0.8 1.0
79.3-90.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
*Based on temperature data obtained for a minimum of 5 years.

These temperature-related guidelines were able for Asian and African regions. Hong Kong,
developed from a series of well-conducted epi- for example, reduced its water F levels to 0.5
demiologic studies performed in the American ppm F by the mid-1990s because of increased
west during the 1950s51-54; from these data, the fluorosis, and an expert committee of the World
researchers produced an algebraic formula for Health Organization has recommended a range
determining a community’s optimal water F of 0.5-1.0 ppm F for all parts of the world.130
level. This formula is based on Dean’s conclu- The recommended levels for the United States
sion (see Chapter 24) that 1.0 ppm F was the have been in place since 1962 and are due
optimum concentration for the Chicago area. for revision, because much in our lifestyles
Regardless of how appropriate Dean’s conclu- and exposure to F has changed since then. For
sion was in his time, the appropriateness of example:
temperature-related guidelines is questionable ●
Air-conditioning is widespread and has
given today’s living conditions. The climate- been a major factor in promoting popula-
related guidelines are widely ignored in the tion growth in hotter parts of the country.
United States anyway.80 Because we live in an increasingly climate-
The temperature-related guidelines in Table controlled environment, the original prem-
25-1, developed under American dietary and ise that people drink more water in hotter
cultural conditions, have been found unsuit- parts of the country becomes weaker.65,113
328 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

There has been a huge increase in con- 1. Grand Rapids, Michigan. This study was
sumption of soft drinks and bottled waters begun in January 1945 with nearby
(see Chapter 28). These may or may not be Muskegon as the control city and was
made with fluoridated water, and products directed by Dean and his colleagues.30
from the same plant can be distributed to 2. Newburgh, New York, with Kingston as
both fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas. the control city.4

An increase in the prevalence of fluorosis 3. Evanston, Illinois, with Oak Park as
since the time the guidelines were devel- control.13
oped (see Chapter 24) indicates that young 4. Brantford, Ontario, with Sarnia as control.
people are ingesting more F than they used Naturally fluoridated Stratford, Ontario,
to. Increased use of commercial juice was also included in this study.68
drinks in place of milk and water could be a At the end of terms ranging up to 15 years,
factor.83 caries experience was shown to be sharply
Like all guidelines for F use, the temperature- reduced in each of the study populations,
related recommendations for F levels in drink- despite some differences in study design and
ing water need periodic monitoring, because the examination criteria.2,5,12,69 These pioneer stud-
world has changed since they were developed. ies also found that dental fluorosis occurred
to about the same extent6,105 as Dean had
described earlier28: namely, some 7%-16% of
the population was found to have mild to very
mild fluorosis when the F exposure came from
The most important early studies of fluoridated drinking water containing 1.0 ppm F.
water were described in Chapter 24. All the early The four original studies in which F was
research on the safety of F use and its impact on added to drinking water are sometimes called
human health and function studied F in drink- “classic” studies, although “pioneering” might
ing water. By the time the first controlled fluori- be a better term. By present-day standards of
dation trials were begun in 1945, research had field trials they were rather crude. Although
established the following facts: they are often referred to as “longitudinal”

The healthy human body possesses a prompt studies, none of them was; all were of sequen-
and efficient excretory mechanism for F that, tial cross-sectional design. Sampling methods
at least at the low F levels usually found natu- and dental examiners tended to vary from year
rally in drinking water in the United States, to year,1 which risked bias and unnecessary
minimizes the danger of long-term accumula- random error. Methods of statistical analysis
tion. were primitive by today’s standards. Data from

Although ingested F is partly deposited in the control communities were largely neglected
bone, and although skeletal F concentrations after the initial reports, and conclusions were
increase with age, skeletal damage could not based on the much weaker before-after analysis
be demonstrated in users of F-bearing domes- in the test cities. (Among the early studies, the
tic water in the United States. only true longitudinal study of fluoridation’s

No impairment in general health could be effects was the Tiel-Culemborg study in the
found among people who had drunk water Netherlands.)8,9
with up to 8 ppm F for long periods of time. Perhaps too much emphasis has been given
Four independent studies of controlled to these four pioneering studies, for they really
fluoridation, in which the F concentration in just confirmed prospectively what had already
the water supplies of the communities was been demonstrated through Dean’s research,
brought up from negligible levels to 1.0-1.2 which still stands as a model of how to apply
ppm, were begun in 1945 and 1946. They fol- the epidemiologic method. But despite the
lowed a long series of epidemiologic studies of design flaws in the original four studies, it is
caries experience related to F concentration in difficult for an open-minded observer to reject
drinking water, which were summarized in their conclusions that fluoridation was effec-
Chapter 24. The four communities originally tive in reducing the prevalence and severity
studied were the following: of caries.
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 329

Public policy on any issue usually has to be that in 1984 there were 34 countries reporting
established without complete information, and fluoridation projects reaching some 246 mil-
water fluoridation is no exception. When one lion people, not including areas with naturally
considers that adults, on average, ingest 1-3 mg occurring F in the drinking water. Both the
F/day in their normal diets, that 9-10 million British Fluoridation Society16 and the World
Americans (and many other peoples around the Health Organization95 estimated that some 210
world) have been drinking naturally fluoridated million people worldwide receive fluoridated
water for a century or so, and that over 100 mil- water. The foregoing statements are all of uncer-
lion Americans have been drinking F-supple- tain validity. Some factual summary statements
mented water for generations, there is a lot of about the global distribution of fluoridation are
empirical evidence that fluoridation at 1 ppm is shown in Box 25-2.
not harmful. Certainly there is no credible evi- Ireland remains the only nation (apart from
dence that F in these amounts leads to serious the city-state of Singapore) to have a mandatory
ill health. The scientific method cannot prove a fluoridation law. Enacted in 1960, it subse-
negative; we take inability to reject the null quently withstood a legal challenge that went to
hypothesis for specific conditions (see Chapter the Irish High Court. Most large Irish urban
13) as evidence of safety. The occasional allega- communities had fluoridated water in the
tion of a sensitivity reaction should be investi- period 1964-72; 71% of Ireland’s population
gated seriously, but with the passage of time the resided in fluoridated areas by 2004.98
probability becomes greater that fluoridation at Information from the Pan American Health
1.0 ppm produces no undesirable side effects. Organization shows that nine countries in
We support the policy of the U.S. Public Health South America and the Caribbean have water
Service that F should be added to drinking water fluoridation; most notable are Brazil and Chile,
at the recommended concentrations. with 42% of the population in each country
receiving fluoridated water.
At the other end of the spectrum, fluoridation
has made little headway in Europe, and it is not
Unfortunately there is no central compendium technically feasible for much of Asia and Africa
for international data on populations receiving because of the relative absence of municipal
fluoridated water. The FDI World Dental water systems there. In Europe, fluoridation in
Federation has some self-reported information the socialist countries of Eastern Europe ended
for some countries on its website (http://www with the demise of the former Soviet Union, but the data are not col- in the early 1990s.79 In Britain, the city of
lated. Older information from the FDI shows Birmingham, the second largest British city, has

BOX 25-2 Summary of Global Distribution of Water Fluoridation in 2000

In 1984, the FDI World Dental Federation reported that 34 countries had some fluoridation projects, which reached a
total of 246 million people.

In the city-state of Singapore, fluoridation in 2004 reached virtually 100% of the population. The only other nation
with a mandatory fluoridation law is Ireland, where over two thirds of the population now receives fluoridated water.

Fluoridation reaches more than 50% of the population in Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, and the United

In Europe, some 10% of the population of Spain and the United Kingdom receive fluoridated water. Principal cities
fluoridated are Sevilla and Córdoba in Spain, and Birmingham and Newcastle in the United Kingdom.

Previously reported fluoridation projects in eastern European countries are of uncertain status since the breakup of
the Soviet Union in 1989-91. Those in the former East Germany are known to have ceased since German
reunification in 1989.

Extensive water fluoridation projects previously reported in South and Central America are of uncertain status.
330 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

been fluoridated since 1964, and there is a belt for 30 years or longer, and many of the natu-
of fluoridated communities near Birmingham in rally fluoridated communities have been using
the West Midlands. On the other hand, there is the same water source for more than three gen-
no water fluoridation at all in Austria, Belgium, erations. The proportion of state populations
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, and reached by fluoridation ranges from close to
Sweden. Specific bans are in place in Sweden 100% in Minnesota, Kentucky, Indiana, and
and Denmark (where a law on additives is inter- Tennessee (plus the District of Columbia) to
preted to exclude fluoridation), and for various 2% in Utah and 9% in Hawaii.
reasons fluoridation is a dead political issue in
the others. Role of Federal, State, and Local
In Europe a notable setback, as opposed to Governments in Fluoridation
lack of progress, came in the Netherlands, where The decision to fluoridate is usually made by
fluoridation at one point reached 3 million peo- the local community, although a number of
ple but was halted by the government of the jurisdictions can be involved when water service
Netherlands in 1976. The long-fluoridated district boundaries do not coincide with city
Finnish city of Kuopio also ceased fluoridating and county boundaries. State laws requiring
in 1992, as did the city of Basel in Switzerland fluoridation now stand in 10 states; at the other
in 2003. end of the spectrum, there are three states that
have laws requiring referenda. These states are
shown in Table 25-2. The fluoridation laws have
been generally successful, because in all states
with them a high proportion of the population
The Division of Oral Health of the Centers for is receiving fluoridated water. Some of the states
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in listed in Table 25-2, however, have provisions in
Atlanta maintains fluoridation surveillance for their laws that can frustrate progress. These pro-
the United States. The Water Fluoridation visions reflect the political compromises neces-
Reporting System, a voluntary program, for- sary to get the law passed. For example, the
wards data from the states to the CDC, which California law, passed after a vigorous political
then publishes the information periodically on battle in 1996, cannot be enforced unless out-
its website. Extent of fluoridation is one of the side funds (i.e., state or federal funds) are made
eight indicators used in the National Oral available to the local community for the pur-
Health Surveillance System (see Chapter 4). chase, installation, and operation of the fluori-
At the end of 2000, the CDC estimated that dation system.
fluoridated water was reaching some 162 The U.S. Public Health Service, initially
million people in the United States, 57% of through its Division of Dental Health (now
the total population and 66% of those receiv- defunct) and later through the CDC, has pro-
ing municipal water.125 About 10 million of vided funds and consultative expertise to pro-
these people were receiving water naturally mote fluoridation through several mechanisms.
fluoridated at 0.7 ppm F or more; the greatest Federal funds were available through the
concentrations of naturally fluoridated com- Division of Dental Health in 1965-67, and 13
munities are found in Texas, Illinois, and New states used them to begin fluoridation projects.
Mexico.128 In the year 2000 there were over These funds were specifically earmarked for
10,000 water systems with controlled or natural fluoridation but were cut repeatedly as the cost
fluoride levels of 0.7 ppm F or more; these rep- of the Vietnam War (1955-75) increased.
resent 18% of all public water systems in the Funding was revived from 1978 to 1981, when
country. This may not sound like much, but a the CDC had a budget of up to $9 million per
large majority of public water systems serve year for distribution to states and communities
communities with fewer than 1000 people, so for fluoridation. Some 765 communities, with a
that fluoridation is not cost effective. Drinking population of nearly 11 million, benefited
water is fluoridated in 42 of the 50 largest directly during this period.
American cities. Over 700 communities in the In 1981 seven block grants were initiated as a
United States have been fluoridating the water method of distributing federal health funds to
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 331

Table 25-2 States of the United States with fluoridation laws requiring fluoridation in 2004*
Size of Community Exemption Maximum Natural F Level to Be
State Year Started Affected Provision? F Level (ppm) Maintained

CT 1965 20,000+ No 0.8 0.8-1.2

MN 1967 All No — 0.9-1.5
IL 1967 All No 0.8 0.9-1.2
SD 1969 500+ No 0.9 0.9-1.7
OH 1969 5,000+ No — 0.8-1.3
GA 1973 All incorporated Public vote — No higher than
1.0 ppm
NE 1973 All political subdivisions Public vote 0.7 0.8-1.5
CA 1996 10,000 service connections No 0.7 0.7-1.2
DE 1998 All No — 0.8-1.2
NV 1999 Counties with 400,000+, No — 0.7-1.2
with either a water system
serving 100,000+ or a
water authority
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, personal communication, 2004.
*Three states have laws that require a favorable vote of the local community before fluoridation can be implemented; these are ME (1957),
NH (1959), UT (1976, revised 2003).

BOX 25-3 Sources of Federal Government Funding for Fluoridation

Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant funds are awarded to states, although in 2002 only 2% of the
$128 million granted to states was used for fluoridation.126

Health Resources and Services Administration in 1998 funded six projects in six states for 3 years to develop their
fluoridation programs and promote fluoridation. Four of these six awards were to state health departments, one was
to a county health department, and one was to a nonprofit organization.123

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1999 awarded 3-year grants to 13 states or tribes for
fluoridation. In 2001 and 2002, the CDC funded 5-year cooperative agreements with 12 states and one territory for
state oral health program core capacity, including administration of state fluoridation programs. These jurisdictions
were Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South
Carolina, Texas, and the Republic of Palau. Four of these (Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Texas) were also among the
1999 recipients. Two of these states received additional funds for fluoridation equipment.127

the states. The philosophy behind block grants federal funding for fluoridation are listed in Box
is that funds to finance a host of federal categor- 25-3. Future funding remains uncertain.
ical programs that have grown up over the years
are lumped together in specific blocks, and Drinking Water Standards
recipient states can determine for themselves to The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
which programs they will allocate the funds. (EPA) is the regulatory agency with responsibility
The Preventive Health and Health Services for setting national standards for acceptable
Block Grant includes funds for fluoridation, but drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act
fluoridation projects then have to compete at (Public Law 93-523; see Box 25-1). This act was
the intrastate level against other worthy preven- first passed in 1974 and has been renewed sev-
tion causes such as hypertension control and eral times since. Most of these standards deal
emergency medical services. Recent sources of with defining acceptable levels of bacterial and
332 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

chemical contaminants. In the 1975-76 National was a nonenforceable recommended maxi-

Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations, in mum, in effect a guideline. This secondary stan-
the standards promulgated soon after passage of dard was justified on the grounds that “2 mg/L
the legislation, the EPA referred to naturally would prevent the majority of cases of water-
occurring F above 2 ppm as a “contaminant” related cosmetically objectionable dental fluo-
requiring removal from drinking water. This lat- rosis while still allowing for the beneficial
ter requirement was intended to reduce dental effects of F (prevention of dental caries).”43
fluorosis in affected areas, but it was criticized by Although some aspects of this debate resem-
many of the local authorities concerned on the bled a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, it raised
grounds of cost (defluoridation is more expen- the serious question of whether control of den-
sive than fluoridation). Many communities that tal fluorosis should be a subject for national
used drinking water naturally fluoridated at standards or whether the issue should be left to
more than 2 ppm were small and could not states or localities to handle. State dental direc-
afford the cost of meeting the standard. In addi- tors have to carry much of the regulatory load,
tion, few of them seemed interested in defluori- and many are unhappy with the requirement
dating: the resulting fluorosis did not concern that local communities must be notified when
them and they were not aware of any other ill their F levels are between 2 and 4 ppm, espe-
effects, so why bother? cially since the EPA mandates that the word con-
The Interim Primary Drinking Water Regula- taminant (again!) must appear in the letters of
tions of 198040 left the recommended maximum notification.44
contaminant level (RMCL) at 2 ppm F but Standards of this sort quite properly need
included an explanatory statement that this reexamination from time to time. In 1992, the
standard did not contradict the beneficial effects EPA requested the National Research Council to
of F in reducing dental decay. Whether this state- review the issue of primary and secondary stan-
ment really helped clarify things, especially dards for F in drinking water. An expert com-
because that unfortunate word contaminant was mittee whose members had a variety of
retained, is doubtful. Public discussion on estab- backgrounds (most were from outside dentistry)
lishing the final standards became intense dur- worked for more than a year and concluded that
ing the mid-1980s; the EPA was deluged with there was no current evidence to justify a change
demands from both proponents and opponents in the standards.90 The committee recom-
of fluoridation. The state of South Carolina, for mended that the issue of the relationship of F
whom compliance with the RMCL of 2 ppm F exposure to health be revisited at regular inter-
would have been very expensive, brought suit vals because new evidence was appearing con-
against the EPA in 1981 to attempt to force it to tinuously. Following this report, the EPA
revoke the interim RMCL. The EPA, in response, decided in late 1993 not to change what was
promised to rule on the issue when its studies then called the maximum contaminant level goal
were complete. South Carolina sued again in of 4.0 ppm F.45 This standard still holds.46
1984, seeking faster action from the EPA, and
this led to issuance of a consent decree in January
Eventually the EPA settled this seemingly
irresolvable issue by ducking underneath it. For many years, the statement that “water fluor-
Concluding after its studies that dental fluorosis idation reduces dental caries experience by half”
in the United States was a cosmetic defect rather was hardly questioned within dentistry. At a
than a health problem, the EPA proposed an time when drinking water was the only signifi-
RMCL for F of 4.0 ppm F, on the grounds that cant source of F, that statement was probably
this level was sufficiently low to protect against true enough. Its basis was Dean’s 21 cities epi-
crippling skeletal fluorosis.42 By late 1986, this demiologic study of naturally fluoridated
RMCL became the maximum contaminant level areas,29,31 supplemented by the results of
for 4.0 ppm F, meaning that the EPA now had a the initial four controlled fluoridation projects
standard to enforce. The original level of 2.0 begun in 1945-46. A summary of the results of
ppm F became a secondary standard; that is, it these four pioneering studies is presented in
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 333

Table 25-3 Decayed, missing, and filled (DMF) teeth per child ages 12-14 years and missing teeth per
child at the end of the study term in four pioneer fluoridation communities5
Mean DMF Teeth Percent Missing Teeth Percent
Community Year per Child Difference per Child Difference

Grand Rapids (F) 1944-45 9.58 55.5 0.84 65.6

1959 4.26 0.29
Evanston (F) 1946 9.03 48.4 0.19 68.4
1959 4.66 0.06
Sarnia (non-F) 1959 7.46 0.75
Brantford (F) 1959 3.23 56.7 0.22 70.7
Kingston* (non-F) 1960 12.46 0.92
Newburgh* (F) 1960 3.73 70.1 0.10 89.1
Note: Fluoridated communities are designated by F, nonfluoridated by non-F, after city name.
*Children in Kingston and Newburgh were ages 13-14 years.

Table 25-3. The table shows that after 13-15 the systematic review was that the large body of
years of fluoridation, DMF (decayed, missing, literature on the effectiveness of water fluorida-
and filled) scores in 12- to 14-year-old perma- tion was generally of poor quality, as was the lit-
nent-resident children favored fluoridation by erature claiming harm from fluoridation.)
48% to 70%. In absolute terms, average DMF It would thus be unreasonable to expect con-
levels in the fluoridated communities dropped tinuation of 50% reductions in caries levels
from 7-9 teeth at the start of the studies to 3-4 from fluoridated water alone; the generally
teeth per child after 13-15 years. reduced caries levels we enjoy are today a result
Since those studies, exposure to F from of total F exposure from all sources. The contin-
toothpaste, other dental products, and food and uing importance of water fluoridation as a cor-
drink has become universal. As a result, water nerstone of public policy, however, is indicated
fluoridation has moved from being the sole F by the fact that the CDC lists it as one of the top
exposure, as it was in those early days, to one of 10 public health achievements of the twentieth
a number of F exposures. Caries status overall century.124
has continued to improve, and overall F expo-
sure has to take much of the credit for that. Reducing the Disparities
Another reason for the inability to attribute Disparities refers to the differences in health sta-
50% reductions in caries to water fluoridation tus between favored and unfavored groups in
today is that the effects of F in drinking water our society, usually racial-ethnic groups and
diffuse into surrounding communities and raise those of different socioeconomic status (SES).
the baseline. Nonetheless, 12-year-old children Disparities are a complex and persistent prob-
living in states where more than half of lem, with economic costs as well as political
the communities have fluoridated water have and moral overtones. Fluoridation has the
26% fewer decayed tooth surfaces per year than major social advantage of benefiting children in
12-year-old children living in states where less lower SES areas relatively more than those in
than one quarter of the communities are fluori- higher SES areas.10,19,57,73,97,100 An example is
dated.61 A rigorous systematic review in Britain, shown in Fig. 25-1, which presents data from
carried out by an expert group at the University the most recent clinical examinations in the
of York, concluded that the median increase in Newburgh-Kingston studies in New York. When
the proportion of persons with DMFT score caries levels found in 7- to 14-year-old poor and
(number of decayed, missing, and filled perma- nonpoor children in the 1995 examinations
nent teeth) of 0 attributable to water fluorida- were compared, the greatest disparity was seen
tion was 15%.85 Because the review had strict between the poor and nonpoor in nonfluori-
criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies, dated Kingston rather than between poor
this conclusion was reached from a fairly small groups in the two cities. Reducing the disparities
number of studies. (One of the conclusions of in health status between high- and low-SES
334 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

1.6 when caries severity was the measure. Data for

ages other than 5 years were too limited to per-
Mean no. permanent teeth affected

mit conclusions.
1.2 Caries Reductions in Children
Studies of the effectiveness of fluoridation in
reducing caries experience in children far out-
0.8 number studies of its effectiveness in adults. The
many fluoridation studies conducted in different
parts of the world have varied in quality of
design and operation, but their results have still
been remarkably uniform. Differences in oral
health between fluoridated and nonfluoridated
areas are easier to demonstrate when there are
0 relatively few fluoridated areas, so that the diffu-
Newburgh Newburgh Kingston Kingston sion effect (see earlier) has less impact. In
non-poor poor non-poor poor Britain, where water fluoridation is not wide-
Fig. 25-1 Caries experience, expressed as covariate- spread, reductions of around 50% are still found
adjusted mean decayed, missing and filled surfaces per child in primary and mixed dentitions.15,47,58,74,116,120
in 7- to 14-year-old children in Newburgh and Kingston, New Similar results have been reported in Brazil27; in
York, by poverty status (“poor” children were defined as those
participating in the school lunch program).77 (From Burt BA:
Australia, where comparisons were based on
Fluoridation and Social Equity. J Public Health Dent 2002; school dental service data for groups of 9000 or
62:195–200. Reproduced by permission of the Journal of more children111,112; in New Zealand121; and in
Public Dentistry.) Ireland.93
Where fluoridation is widespread, as in the
areas is a United States national health objective United States, differences in caries experience
for 2010, and fluoridation does its part to help between children in fluoridated and nonfluori-
achieve this goal. dated communities are now estimated to be
The most searching assessment of fluorida- more on the order of 18%-35%.17,26 However,
tion’s effectiveness, including its effectiveness how much of F’s benefits is due to water fluori-
in reducing disparities between groups, came dation, rather than to overall F exposure, really
with the systematic review carried out by the cannot be estimated with any precision now for
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the the following reasons:
University of York in Britain in 2000 and ●
The development and almost universal use
referred to earlier.85 This review is the most rig- of fluoridated toothpaste and other dental
orous scrutiny of existing data on fluoridation products containing F, plus the presence of
yet carried out. It has been criticized by both F in food and beverages processed with
proponents and opponents of fluoridation fluoridated water, means that there are
because the stringent inclusion and exclusion many different F exposures for the average
criteria led to the omission of many reports American.
from consideration. One of the aims of this ●
The extreme mobility of the U.S. popula-
exhaustive review was to determine if fluorida- tion means that most people have had
tion reduced the disparity in caries experience varied exposures to fluoridated water
between higher and lower SES groups. Most of at different times of life. When this is
the 15 papers selected to examine this question added to the diffusion effect (described
reported data for 5-year-old children. The earlier), it is clear that there is no way of
review found no difference between fluori- finding true control subjects in the United
dated and nonfluoridated areas in the magni- States.
tude of the disparities between children of ●
History of exposure to fluoridation is diffi-
different SES groups when caries prevalence cult to document in research studies. There
was measured. However, a favorable reduction are no biomarkers for lifetime exposure,
in differences between social groups was seen and interview data can be unreliable.
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 335

ing tooth retention in an aging population the

Caries Reductions in Adults amount of root caries would otherwise be
The caries-inhibitory effects of F are not con- expected to increase and become a greater treat-
fined to childhood. Contrary assumptions were ment problem in the future. It is not yet clear
surprisingly common in light of the evidence in whether F’s protective effect against root caries
Chapter 24 and stemmed from beliefs that (1) is due to topical action on exposed root sur-
the primary cariostatic action of F was preerup- faces, to incorporation of F into cementum
tive, and (2) caries was a disease of childhood. before root exposure in the oral cavity, or to a
Neither of these beliefs is viewed as true today. combination of both.
Over a lifetime, fluoridation reduces coronal
and root caries.60,91 Prenatal Benefits
Studies of fluoridation’s effects in adulthood The policy issue of whether prenatal exposure
began early with McKay’s recognition that to F actively promotes caries resistance in the
45-year-old adults benefitted from consum- infant is related to the use of supplements and
ing fluoridated water.86 Adults born and raised is discussed in Chapter 26. F ingested by the
in naturally fluoridated Colorado Springs were mother crosses the placenta and enters the fetal
found to have 60% lower mean DMF scores than circulation.94,114 The fetal plasma F level is cor-
their counterparts in nonfluoridated Boulder. related with the maternal level, although it is
Residents of Colorado Springs also had far fewer somewhat lower, probably because much of
teeth missing.104,106 Similar findings among the F is taken up by the rapidly mineralizing
adults came from Aurora, Illinois, a city with 1.2 skeleton and teeth of the fetus.94 The pertinent
ppm F naturally occurring in its drinking question is whether the developing primary
water.39 Both the Colorado Springs and the dentition has enhanced resistance to caries
Aurora studies went to considerable lengths to because of this additional F.
confine the analysis to permanent residents, to Some support for a prenatal exposure benefit
assess lifetime effects of exposure to fluoridated came from the Evanston fluoridation study, in
water. In light of today’s questions about which children who were exposed to fluori-
preeruptive and posteruptive cariostatic effects dated water in utero as well as postnatally were
of F, it is a pity that the deliberate exclusion of reported to have fewer carious lesions than
study subjects who moved into the fluoridated those who received it only postnatally.11 Other
areas after childhood precluded any considera- authorities, however, did not find this effect.8,67
tion of this issue. It is also unfortunate that nei- A comprehensive 1981 review concluded that
ther study assessed the SES of the people there was probably no benefit in prenatal F
concerned. In fairness, sensitivity to the impact exposure, though it was not ruled out com-
of SES on health status (see Chapters 20 and 21) pletely.34 If the offspring derives any benefit at
was not as sharp at the time of these studies as it all from prenatal F exposure, such benefit
is today, but the net effect is to diminish their would be slight.
value in the perspective of history. The absence of prenatal exposure benefits is
A later study did use more detailed statistical a part of the discussion of preeruptive versus
analysis in evaluating data from Lordsburg (3.5 posteruptive effects in determining how F
ppm F) and Deming (0.7 ppm F), New Mexico. works. Benefits or lack of them aside, it is clear
SES status was higher in Deming. Results still that fluoridation is quite safe for the developing
favored the community with the higher F level. fetus. No special precautions are therefore nec-
After other important variables were controlled essary for expectant mothers in fluoridated
for, Deming adults were found to have two areas.
more restored teeth per person than did those
in Lordsburg, although fluorosis was naturally Effects on the Primary Dentition
more severe in Lordsburg.36 The DMFT data for Early fluoridation studies reported caries reduc-
these two communities are shown in Fig. 25-2. tions in the primary dentition of about the same
Root caries is also less prevalent in fluori- range as was found in the permanent den-
dated areas than in nonfluoridated areas.21,115 tition.5,66,119 More recent British data show
This finding is important, because with increas- that this range of caries reduction attributable to
336 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions


Filled D D




27-40 41-50 51-65 All ages


Fig. 25-2 Decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) in adults ages 27-65 in Deming (D; 0.7 ppm F in drinking
water) and Lordsburg (L; 3.5 ppm F in drinking water), New Mexico.36

fluoridation is being maintained.15,24,25,35,50,72,89 partial exposure to fluoridated water in adult-

The primary dentition clearly benefits from expo- hood has not been documented, but there is
sure to fluoridated drinking water. evidence that partial exposure in childhood
reduces caries experience in proportion to
Partial Exposure to Fluoridation the length of exposure.5,6 In nonfluoridated
A concentration of about 1.0 ppm F is regarded Coldwater, Michigan, children who had moved
as optimum for caries prevention in a moderate to Coldwater after some residence in a fluori-
climate. What happens in those communities dated area had lower caries experience than did
with water naturally fluoridated at suboptimum those who had lived in Coldwater all their
levels, such as 0.4-0.7 ppm F? Dental benefits lives.20 A British study demonstrated a 27%
still are found and are generally proportional to reduction in caries incidence over 4 years
the F concentration. A decision as to whether among children who were 12 years old when
fluoridation is worthwhile in a community fluoridation began in their community, relative
whose water contains, say, 0.6 ppm F is not eas- to the incidence in control children in nonfluo-
ily made, for it is not certain whether the cost of ridated areas.64
fluoridating is worth the additional dental ben- The evidence regarding partial exposure to
efits expected. fluoridated water indicates that a cariostatic
The United States and Canada are highly benefit will be received that is more or less
mobile societies. Many people have therefore proportional to the extent of the exposure.
spent part of their lives in a fluoridated area and Maximum benefit naturally comes with lifetime
part in a nonfluoridated area. The benefit of exposure.
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 337

United States, cessation of fluoridation for 11

Caries Patterns When Fluoridation months led to no discernible change in caries
Ceases patterns. Again, this was in a high-SES commu-
At the time when drinking water was the only nity in which regular use of F toothpaste was
important source of F, there was evidence from the norm.22
four communities in which fluoridation was Fluoridation ended in 1973 in Tiel, the test city
started and stopped some years later that caries in the landmark Tiel-Culemborg study in the
diminished with fluoridation and then increased Netherlands. At the time, caries experience was far
again after fluoridation stopped. Two of these more favorable in fluoridated Tiel than in
four communities were in Scotland, one was Culemborg. But 15 years after fluoridation ended
in Germany, and one in Wisconsin.32,78,81,117 In in Tiel, the caries experience of Culemborg chil-
Wick, Scotland, there was a particularly notice- dren looked better.75 This finding illustrates the
able increase in caries prevalence after fluorida- importance of constant exposure to F (in this case
tion ceased in 1979.117 through fluoridated water) for full dental bene-
More recent instances of caries patterns fol- fits, as well as the effectiveness of other F expo-
lowing the cessation of fluoridation, all in the sures, most notably the widespread use of F
modern era of multiple exposures to F, have toothpaste since the mid-1970s. (Because
given rather different results. In British Culemborg was of higher SES than Tiel, it would
Columbia, Canada, caries in a high-SES city con- be expected that use of F toothpaste among its
tinued to decline after fluoridation ended, a inhabitants would be greater.) These changes in
finding largely attributed to the anticariogenic caries among children in Tiel and Culemborg, rel-
effects of other F sources.84 Similar patterns have ative to fluoridation and subsequent exposure to
been reported in Europe, both in the permanent F toothpaste, are shown in Fig. 25-3. Had water
dentition79,107 and in the primary dentition,108 fluoridation continued in Tiel, we would expect
and these patterns are consistent with those of caries experience in that city still to be better than
the Tiel-Culemborg study (see Fig. 25-3). In the that in Culemborg, but we will never really know.

1953-1973 Tiel
25 Culemborg




1968-69 1979-80 1981-82 1983-84 1985-86 1987-88

Year of examination

Fig. 25-3 Decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces (DMFS) in 15-year-old children in Tiel and Culemborg, the
Netherlands, before fluoridation ended in Tiel and for 15 years thereafter. The drinking water of Tiel was fluoridated
between 1953 and 1973.75
338 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

The continued decline in caries experience ing exposure to fluoridated water has tradition-
after fluoridation ceases would be expected in ally been ecologic: that is, if you live in a fluori-
communities in which there is regular and fre- dated community you drink fluoridated water;
quent exposure to F from toothpaste and other if you live in a nonfluoridated community
sources, whereas a caries increase would be you do not. This may have been adequate in
expected if drinking water were the only F earlier days, but in today’s world of high mobil-
source. These findings emphasize yet again that ity, heavy consumption of soft drinks and bot-
regular exposure to low-concentration F is what tled water, extensive use of water softeners
leads to reduced caries experience, not necessar- (which can take F from water), and high con-
ily exposure to any one F vehicle. Water fluori- sumption of processed foods, the ecologic
dation is the most efficient way to bring F to a approach becomes increasingly questionable in
community, but other exposure methods work research design.
as well. With differences in caries levels between
fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities
becoming increasingly blurred, the decision to
fluoridate a water supply is not always as auto-
matic as it once was. It can be argued that, when
With caries levels at their lowest ever and F caries experience is already low, good F expo-
available from a variety of sources, the question sure comes from other sources, and the eco-
arises of whether water fluoridation is still nomic cost of installing fluoridation is high,
needed. The answer is clearly, “Yes, it is.” then fluoridation is unnecessary. However,
Although overall caries experience in the popu- there are two good reasons to argue for fluorida-
lations of the United States, Canada, western tion except in the most exceptional circum-
European nations, Australia, and New Zealand stances. One is the cost effectiveness of the
continues to diminish, we have noted that the measure compared to other methods of caries
caries-preventive effects directly attributable to control (discussed in the next section), and the
water fluoridation are not as high as they once second is the social equity benefits of fluorida-
were. The pioneering four studies reported tion. Alone among caries control strategies,
caries reductions of 50%-70% (see Table 25-3), fluoridation reaches everyone in a community,
whereas more recent studies of fluoridation’s and as described earlier it has been shown to
effects produce less clearcut differences.33,70,82 reduce the strong SES gradient (see Chapter 20)
The prime reason that effects attributable to usually seen in caries distribution. Caries is still
water fluoridation are reduced while overall more prevalent and severe in lower SES groups
caries experience still continues to decline is than in higher SES groups in fluoridated com-
that an increase has occurred in exposure to F munities, but the differences are much less
from other sources. The main such source is F marked than they are in nonfluoridated com-
toothpaste, but there are also possibly signifi- munities (see Fig. 25-1). This factor of social
cant amounts of F in processed foods and bever- equity alone is a strong argument for fluoridat-
ages. The rise in the prevalence of fluorosis (see ing a community’s drinking water.
Chapter 22) also attests to a broad increase in F
On the other hand, some recent studies of
fluoridation’s effects in Britain and Australia People look at the costs of fluoridation in differ-
have yielded results that still show caries experi- ent ways. A city manager will be concerned
ence to be significantly lower in fluoridated about the impact of equipment and operating
communities.38,47,101,111 One theory put for- costs on the city’s budget—a subject that can
ward to explain these mixed results is that the make any city council nervous. Proponents of
clear benefits of water fluoridation tend to be fluoridation stress the impressive cost effective-
seen more in places where fluoridation is less ness of the measure over the long term. Dental
common, which thus reduces the diffusion practitioners usually support fluoridation
effects61 and emphasizes the impact from water because it is the right thing to do, even though
fluoridation. The standard method of measur- some have had reservations about diminished
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 339

practice income as a result. People opposed to each. Where natural F content is relatively high,
fluoridation may claim that “costs” include less F needs to be added, which thus reduces the
social costs such as alleged ill health and envi- cost of supplies.
ronmental damage. An economic analysis of Although additional personnel costs for
water fluoridation, under modern conditions of fluoridation at a water treatment plant are virtu-
widespread availability of fluorides, found that ally negligible in a large city, they can be a
under typical conditions the annual per person significant factor in the running costs of fluori-
cost savings in fluoridated communities ranged dation in a small community. The CDC recom-
from $15.95 in small communities (fewer than mends that water plant operators receive at least
5000) to nearly $18.62 in larger communities 1 day/year of training to allow them to remain
(more than 20,000). This analysis took into efficient and up-to-date. This training may be
account the costs of installing and maintaining provided through the CDC’s technical assis-
necessary equipment and operating water tance program or may be given by health
plants, the expected effectiveness of fluorida- department water supply personnel or univer-
tion, estimates of expected cavities in nonfluori- sity faculty.
dated communities, cost of treatment of
cavities, and time lost visiting the dentist for Savings in Treatment Costs
treatment.62 Data have been available for years to show that
A 1989 workshop found that per capita cost the costs of restorative care for children
was affected by the following: are sharply reduced by fluoridation. In the

The size of the community: the bigger the Newburgh-Kingston study, initial dental care
population to be reached, the lower the per for 6-year-old children cost 58% less in fluo-
capita cost ridated Newburgh than in nonfluoridated

The number of F injection points required Kingston.3 These savings came from the reduc-
in the water system tion in the number of extractions and restora-

The amount and type of equipment used tions needed, and the smaller proportion of

The amount and type of F chemical used, complex restorations required. Comparable
its price, and the cost of transportation and findings in British studies, which reported a sav-
storage ings of 49% for children ages 4-5 and 54% for

Probably the expertise of water plant per- children ages 11-12, have been maintained even
sonnel99 after the caries decline was recognized.7
Although city managers may well be im- Some caveats are required, however, in inter-
pressed by the low per capita cost, they will be preting these findings on cost savings. First,
more immediately interested in the total front- whereas restorative costs for children are cer-
end expenditures. This information will best tainly decreased, the effect of fluoridation on
come from the state health department’s water the costs of adult dental care is less clear. It
supply division, because each community has could be hypothesized, for example, that dollar
its own characteristics. The CDC can also help. savings achieved early in life are lost in later life,
Per capita cost is generally inversely propor- because greater tooth retention increases the
tional to the size of the population to be served, need for periodontal treatment and the place-
although total expenditures on equipment ment of crowns and bridges in later years. The
and material are naturally greater in larger greater the degree of tooth retention, the more
communities. dental services may be needed in the later years
F compounds used in fluoridation are of life. (Of course, this argument applies to
sodium fluoride and sodium silicofluoride, monetary expenditures only: the worth of a
both solids, and hydrofluosilicic acid, a liquid. healthy dentition throughout life will vary from
The availability, and hence price, of all three is one individual to another—virtually beyond
highly variable, and prices can also be greatly price for some, of little value to others.)
affected by fluctuations in transportation costs. A second caveat concerns the provision of
If a water system has several sources, such as a diagnostic and preventive services to children in
river plus a number of wells, a separate set of a fluoridated area. If many of these services are
fluoridation equipment may be required for only marginally necessary, supplying them will
340 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

add to the cost of services without providing water fluoridation; opposition to fluoridation is
much in the way of benefits. With declining reported by 10%-20% of the U.S. population.
caries and the associated diminished need for For example, a national Gallup poll in 1991
restorations, diagnosis and prevention assume a found that 78% approved of fluoridation,
greater proportion of the total cost of dental although the sample was confined to parents.92
care. Children with an obviously low caries The 1990 National Health Interview Survey
attack rate in a fluoridated area do not need to found that 76% of those with more than 12
visit the dentist as often as they used to, and years of education knew what water fluorida-
they require bitewing radiographs less fre- tion was for, compared to 36% of those with
quently. Data have also shown that F gel appli- less than 12 years of education.56 Approval rat-
cations in an insured population, most of ings vary considerably in different regions and
whom lived in a fluoridated area, bore no rela- communities, often according to whether fluor-
tion to caries experience.37 If dentists continue idation has been a recent local issue or not.
to see such children twice a year and apply the Although national and local studies find that
full battery of diagnostic and preventive services opponents of fluoridation constitute a minor-
each time (all in the name of “good preventive ity,49 history has shown repeatedly that even a
dentistry”), the substantial savings that can be small single-issue group, when dedicated and
realized in the cost of restorative treatment will well organized, can sway political decisions.
be drastically reduced.18 Many of those who say they are in favor are
really passively so, and a sizable proportion of
people polled in public opinion surveys are just
not particularly interested in fluoridation one
Despite the powerful evidence in favor of water way or the other. This factor immediately evens
fluoridation as public policy, its implementa- out the numbers in most political campaigns.
tion has been sporadic in the United States and Social scientists were first attracted to the
even slower in most other countries. Frequently fluoridation issue because of the community
it has been the subject of vigorous opposition. conflict it generated, and much of their research
Although the major arguments of opponents dates from the 1960s. Since then the volume of
have varied down the years, opposition remains social science research has diminished. That is
a persistent fact of life. to be regretted, for common sense tells us that
Whose job is it to see that fluoridation is some issues that dictate today’s attitudes toward
implemented in a community in which the con- fluoridation, such as environmental concerns,
ditions are right for it? The ultimate decision is must have changed since the 1960s.
made by mayors, town councils, state legisla- Some of this social science research attempted
tures, or the electorate. But these decisions do to “profile” antifluoridationists, the rationale
not just happen by themselves. Dental profes- being that opposition could then be predicted
sionals must make the main commitment to and countered during promotional efforts.
promoting fluoridation, for without their sup- Unfortunately, the infinite complexities of
port the issue will almost certainly fail. human beliefs and behavior resulted in a picture
However, the inherent problem is that this com- that is anything but clear. Some of the studies on
mitment can demand a kind of leadership with the attitudes of persons who voted against fluori-
which dental professionals are often not com- dation in referenda, for example, concluded that
fortable: political action, public speaking, and a opponents felt a sense of deprivation or power-
level of visibility that can have troubling ethical lessness, and that they held a grudge against
undertones. Dental and dental hygiene schools “them,” the people whom they saw to be direct-
do not train their graduates for political action. ing society. In this view, a general discontent with
The detailed role of dental professionals in pro- society at large can be conveniently expressed by
moting fluoridation is discussed in Chapter 5. opposing fluoridation.59,63,96,110
Although opponents of fluoridation have
Public Attitudes and Knowledge been characterized as more likely to be older,
Polls of public opinion down the years have childless people of lower than median income
shown that the majority of Americans support and education, a referendum can also fail in a
25 Fluoridation of Drinking Water 341

young, high-income, and highly educated com- spring to life to oppose fluoridation when the
munity.109 The prevailing image of the profluo- question arises in a community. There is also a
ridationist from the 1960s research is one of a handful of PhDs, physicians, and dentists, who
younger married person with small children tend to appear anywhere in the country (or in
and with above-median income and education. the world, for that matter) to support a local
Even at that time, however, this image was antifluoridation group.
blurred by a finding of support in all SES
groups55 and by a Californian study that found Court Decisions on Fluoridation
greater opposition to fluoridation among non- Many communities that have begun water
manual than among manual workers.63 fluoridation have had legal suits brought
This confused picture of attitudes to fluori- against them in an effort to stop it. Although
dation still pertained in more recent times. lower courts have ruled against fluoridation in a
A study in Norway, where there is no water few of these many suits, fluoridation has never
fluoridation, found a 20% rise in public oppo- been ruled against in appellate court. Lower
sition to fluoridated water between 1973 and courts that have found against fluoridation have
1983. Pinpointing the cause was difficult, but it usually done so on the basis of personal liberty
was thought to stem from a perception that and religious beliefs.14,23,118
dental health was improving anyway so that By as early as 1965 state supreme courts had
fluoridation was an unnecessary risk.102 In a upheld the legality and constitutionality of
Massachusetts study 60% of the state’s voters fluoridation on 13 occasions.103 By 1984, 13
said they favored fluoridation in a telephone appeals had reached the U.S. Supreme Court,
survey, but this figure was at odds with the fact which on every occasion either dismissed the
that 61% voted against it in a referendum.129 appeal or refused review.14 No American court
Some have always opposed fluoridation on of last resort has ever ruled against fluoridation
the basis of freedom of choice71; that is, they for any reason.
believe that the dichotomous nature of fluori- The most searching courtroom scrutiny of
dation (the community either fluoridates its water fluoridation, especially with respect to its
water or it does not) removes individual choice. impact on human health, occurred in Glasgow,
This issue remains alive and well, as some Scotland, in 1983. Known as the Strathclyde
would argue it should in a healthy society. case, it was the longest court case in British legal
However one looks at it, the evidence is that history. The presiding judge, Lord Jauncey, ruled
public attitudes toward fluoridating water have that the evidence for the safety of fluoridation
become more accepting since opinions were was convincing.87
first measured in the 1950s.
Fluoridation Decisions at the Community
Opposition to Fluoridation Level
The dichotomous nature of fluoridation ensures Unless state law dictates otherwise, a decision to
that there will be organized political opposition fluoridate is made by the local entity under
to its adoption. Even apart from specific argu- whose jurisdiction the water supply falls. This
ments on effectiveness and health effects, skilled can be a city council, county commission, water
opponents can easily exploit the issues of “over- board, or board of health. Even when a city pro-
regulation,” increasing environmental sensitiv- vides water to suburban areas and surrounding
ity, and cynicism about governmental policies townships, the decision remains that of the city
and officials. council, although the issue becomes more com-
Tactics of those opposed to fluoridation have plicated in these cases. In locations where the
become more sophisticated in recent years. issue is volatile, however, many councils do not
Opponents, though small in number, have want to make the decision without a clear indi-
learned how to exploit society’s concerns about cation of public feeling, and that often means
health, whether real or imagined, and how to holding a referendum.
work effectively with legislatures and city coun- The first referendum on fluoridation was
cils. Most states have small “pure water coun- in 1950, in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.88 It
cils,” loosely affiliated with each other, which lost. McNeil’s entertaining description of that
342 The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions

campaign shows how quickly fluoridation can McClure generation gave us. Proponents of
flare up into a major issue and how an unpre- fluoridation have also made honest mistakes
pared dental community, no matter how well in promoting it. What appeared to some, in
intentioned, can make some serious political retrospect, as arrogance and complacency in
errors. The outcomes of referenda had not past years can still present problems in pro-
improved much until recent times. It was esti- moting fluoridation today. In a free society,
mated in 1970 that two-thirds of the first 900 water fluoridation can only continue as public
referenda were lost,76 and 33 of the 41 held in policy if the public accepts it.
1980 were also lost.48 The CDC records show
that in 2000-03 referenda were successful 58%
of the time, and in cities with more than REFERENCES
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26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries


Caries Prevention by Fluoride FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTES
Supplementation Quality of the Fluoride Toothpaste Trials
Dosing Schedules Fluoride Concentrations in Toothpastes
Fluorosis Risk from Fluoride Standards for Toothpaste Efficacy
Supplementation Global Impact of Fluoride Toothpastes
Appropriate Use of Fluoride Supplements MULTIPLE FLUORIDE EXPOSURES
Prenatal Fluoride Supplementation

Fluoride (F) was first used to prevent dental

caries by adding it to drinking water, but it was
not long before alternative methods were put Salt fluoridation is the controlled addition of
into practice. The result today is that F is used F to domestic salt (F salt) for the purpose of pre-
in a variety of ways to control caries in public venting dental caries. Salt fluoridation follows
health programs, individual patient care, and the same public health principle as water fluori-
self-care. Dental professionals today must use dation: namely, that a small amount of F in a
F with the knowledge that there is extensive dietary staple serves to inhibit dental caries with
background exposure to F through drinking little conscious action on the individual’s part.
water, toothpaste, mouthrinses, and processed The concept of adding F to salt followed the suc-
food and drink. We stated in Chapter 24 that cess of iodization of salt, which had been initi-
F works best to control caries when low ambi- ated in Switzerland in 1922 to prevent goiter,
ent levels are constantly present in the oral the thyroid condition endemic to the Swiss
cavity (in plaque, saliva, enamel surface, soft Alpine region at the time.
tissues). Any use of F rinses, professionally F salt was first used in Switzerland in 1955.
applied gels, or F dietary supplements should There is no water fluoridation in Switzerland,
be aimed toward achieving that condition, and the nation has only one salt processing and
either for the individual patient or for the distribution company. Switzerland is a prosper-
public. ous, highly developed country, and there have
This chapter examines the evidence to sup- been few problems with safety and control of
port the use of F in salt, school drinking water, the procedure. The reduction in caries incidence
milk, dietary supplements, professionally in Swiss communities in which F salt has a good
applied gels and varnishes, and F mouthrinses, market share, although measured only in
and makes recommendations for their use. The before-after designs, appears similar to that
chapter closes with an assessment of multiple found with water fluoridation.38,110,146 F salt
F exposures. has been well accepted by the Swiss public and
348 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

now accounts for approximately 80% of the salt should benefit as a result, although consumer
market. The effects of salt fluoridation have also choice is curtailed.
been studied in Colombia65 and Hungary150 Some concerns have been expressed that
with generally favorable results, and good use of F salt may promote increased salt con-
results have been reported in Jamaica58,112 and sumption with possibly detrimental effects on
Mexico.81 Worldwide, it is estimated that hypertension, although there is no evidence
approximately 40 million people consume F that this has happened. Nothing in the use of
salt daily.125 F salt encourages people to consume more salt
Although the evidence for the effectiveness than usual.
of F salt is consistent, it comes from only a lim- By the mid-1990s use of F salt was established
ited number of observational studies rather in France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, and the
than from clinical trials. The results of the Czech Republic, as well as in Switzerland. In
observational studies have been contaminated Switzerland the market share is around 80%,
by the concurrent use of F toothpaste, so that and in Germany it is over 60%. In the western
not all of the observed reduction in caries can hemisphere, F salt use is established in 14 coun-
be attributed to consumption of F salt.165 In tries of South America and the Caribbean, most
terms of how F salt works to inhibit caries, sali- notably Costa Rica, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador,
vary F concentration has been found to show Uruguay, Venezuela, and Jamaica. Further
a small but significant increase for at least growth in Latin America is planned. F salt has
5 minutes after ingestion of the F salt, and these never been used in the United States or Canada,
levels return to baseline in 20 minutes.103 Given and given the mass distribution of food, the
the role of salivary F as a reservoir (see Chapter multiple salt production companies, and the
24), this appears to be how F salt produces its extent of water fluoridation, salt fluoridation
beneficial effects. would not be appropriate in either country.
The concentration of F in salt is based on
estimates of salt consumption and is evaluated
by studies of urinary F concentration. The
material most commonly used to fluoridate
salt is potassium fluoride (KF), although In rural areas in which community water fluor-
sodium fluoride (NaF) is also used. The early idation is not possible, the approach of
Swiss studies began with salt fluoridated to 90 fluoridating the schools’ drinking water was
parts per million (ppm), but it soon became promoted for some years. The procedure was
clear that this level was too low. In the early reported to reduce dental caries among school-
1970s the concentration was increased to children by about 40%,75 although none of
250 mg KF/kg salt (or 225 mg NaF/kg salt), a these studies was conducted blind and there
level based on estimated adult salt consump- were no concurrent controls.
tion of some 8-10 g/day. Although patterns of Relative to community water fluoridation,
salt consumption vary from one country to the disadvantages of school water fluoridation
another,80 250 or 350 mg KF/kg salt now are that children do not receive the benefits
appears to be the standard in Switzerland and until they are old enough to begin school, and
other countries as well. of course they drink the water only when school
Salt fluoridation has political appeal because is in session. To compensate for this reduced
it gives consumers a choice in a way that water exposure, the recommended concentration is
fluoridation does not. In most places using 4.5 times the optimum for community-wide
F salt, it appears alongside nonfluoridated salt water fluoridation. At its peak, school water
on the supermarket shelves, and purchasers can fluoridation was introduced in 13 states in the
make their own choices. The Swiss canton of United States. Data reported by states to the
Vaud, interestingly enough, removes that choice Division of Oral Health of the Centers for
by fluoridating all salt available on the super- Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show
market shelves as well as the salt delivered in that in 1981 school water fluoridation was
bulk to restaurants, bakeries, food processors, established in 470 schools serving some
hospitals, and other institutions. Oral health 170,000 children. Its current extent is not
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 349

known but is much lower than the 1981 peak. as a 1-mg F pill to be dissolved in a liter of the
There is no record of the procedure’s being used infant’s drinking water, an approach which in
in countries outside the United States. time gave way to the simpler once-a-day inges-
Despite the CDC’s issuance of safety guide- tion of the tablet. Later, chewable tablets and
lines, a number of overspill mishaps have lozenges were manufactured for older children,
occurred, fortunately without lasting ill to be chewed or sucked 1-2 minutes before
effects.3,72,163 The CDC no longer promotes swallowing, the intent here being to obtain
school water fluoridation. both topical and systemic effects. Most tablets
contain neutral NaF, although acidulated phos-
phate F (APF) tablets have been tested. There
are also F-vitamin drops for infants, often
Milk fluoridation is the addition of a measured prescribed by pediatricians.
quantity of F to bottled or packaged milk
(F milk) to be drunk by children. The rationale Caries Prevention by Fluoride
is that this procedure targets F directly to chil- Supplementation
dren, and thus it should theoretically be more Early studies of the preeruptive caries-preven-
efficient than fluoridating the drinking water. tive effects of F supplementation in children
Having both fluoridated and nonfluoridated were often seriously deficient and thus yielded
milk available also maintains consumer choice. questionable results. Some of the highest caries
The mode of action seems to be from salivary reductions, around 80% over several years, were
return of F to the oral cavity.160 Salivary F levels reported by American studies in the mid-
are raised 45 minutes after ingestion,26 and 1970s,1,105 but flaws in these studies included
plaque F levels are raised threefold over resting self-selection into test and control groups or the
levels for up to 4 hours after ingestion.57,126 absence of concurrent controls, high attrition
Urinary F levels in children are similar to those rates, and nonblinded examiners. The associa-
found in a community with water fluoridated tion that practitioners have observed between
at 1 ppm.88 conscientious use of F supplements and free-
Only one randomized double-blind trial has dom from caries also cannot be taken as evi-
been conducted to test the efficacy of consump- dence of efficacy, because compliance with the
tion of F milk,147 although a test of F milk read- F supplementation regimen is naturally higher
ily fits the randomized design. Other studies among dentally aware people who also have
examining the efficacy of milk fluoridation other good oral health habits.
have been seriously flawed. A few public health Evidence to favor a preeruptive benefit from
programs using fluoridated milk have become F supplementation remains limited to retro-
established, such as in Bulgaria119 and in St. spective analyses. Positive results have been
Helens, near Liverpool.97 However, it is hard to reported retrospectively,5,32,40,41,60,108,166,167
recommend further research into milk fluorida- but self-selection bias was evident in all of these
tion for the United States in view of the large studies. Other retrospective studies found no
number of F vehicles available today. difference in caries experience between those
children who reported using F supplements and
those who did not.14,17,64,74,86,155
Although the evidence for preeruptive
Because the assumption in the 1940s was that benefits from F supplementation is weak, well-
the effect of fluoridated water was mainly conducted randomized clinical trials using
preeruptive, dietary supplements were intended placebos and blinded examiners have shown
to mimic the observed action of fluoridated that it can have posteruptive benefits in school-
water. F supplements in the form of tablets, age children. Studies in which the supplements
lozenges, drops, liquids, and F-vitamin prepara- were chewed, swished, and swallowed under
tions have been used around the world since supervision have reported caries reductions of
the 1940s. 20%-28% over 3-6 years.43,50 Caries reductions
F supplements have F quantities of 1 mg, of 81% were reported in a Glasgow study in
0.5 mg, or 0.25 mg. They were originally made which children from lower socioeconomic
350 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

groups who were initially 5.5 years of age

sucked a 1-mg F tablet or a placebo under super- Fluorosis Risk From Fluoride
vision in schools every school day for 3 years.148 Supplementation
In summary, F supplements have a posterup- Reduction of the early AAP recommendation of
tive effect because they meet the goal of main- 0.5 mg/day for children under 2 years of age was
taining ambient F in the oral cavity. However, overdue, for this dosage probably led to a con-
there is no good evidence to demonstrate a siderable degree of fluorosis. One study in the
preeruptive benefit. Boston area that used the old AAP schedule, for
example, was successful in terms of caries reduc-
Dosing Schedules tion, but 67% of the children developed very
To obtain F supplements in the United States mild or mild fluorosis.2 Excess F ingestion in
and Canada, a prescription by a dentist or infancy and early childhood through inappro-
physician is required; both the American Dental priate prescription of F supplements is unfortu-
Association (ADA) and the American Academy nately more common than it should be. A 1980
of Pediatrics (AAP) maintain schedules of rec- national survey of pediatricians found that
ommended doses of F supplements. However, around 20% of them who practiced in fluori-
before 1979 the two schedules did not coincide: dated areas were prescribing F supplements for
the AAP first recommended 0.5 mg/day6 for child patients who lived in the same communi-
children under 2 years of age, whereas the ADA ties,104 a clearly inappropriate action that
recommended 0.25 mg/day. The AAP altered its increases the risk of dental fluorosis. Things
earlier recommendations7 in 1979 to bring were no better 15 years later.124 These studies
them into line with those of the ADA and reaf- have emphasized the need for continuing edu-
firmed these new recommendations in 1986.8 cation of both physicians and dentists. If sup-
As the dosing schedules for F supplements are plements are to be prescribed at all, they should
revised periodically, the trend has been to make certainly not be prescribed for patients who
them ever more conservative. In response to the consume fluoridated water.
growing evidence that use of F supplements is a The major concern now associated with sup-
risk factor for fluorosis, the ADA revised its plement use is that of dental fluorosis.
schedule in 1994 to reduce the amount of Although fluorosis can develop at any preerup-
F ingested by young children, and the AAP tive stage, late secretion and early maturation
accepted this schedule a year later.9 The current have been identified as the developmental
ADA-recommended schedule, based on the times when dental enamel is especially sensitive
age of the child and the concentration of F in to ingested F.42,59,95 Although some studies
the water supply, is shown in Table 26-1. The found no association between supplement use
thinking in Europe is similarly conservative: a and the development of fluorosis,15,171 con-
European Community group recommended that siderably more have reported a clear associa-
a supplement of 0.5 mg F be used only for “at- tion.2,39-41,74,86,94,96,133,153,155,169,170 A series of
risk” individuals from the age of 3 years onward. excellent case-control studies has provided
This group also declared that F supplementation strong evidence for a cause-and-effect relation
had no place as a public health measure.34 between use of F supplements and dental fluo-
rosis,121-123 and a comprehensive meta-analysis
also concluded that use of F supplements is a
risk factor for fluorosis.83
Table 26-1 Recommended dosage levels of The weight of evidence is that F supplements,
supplemental fluoride as established by the American when ingested prior to tooth eruption, are a risk
Dental Association in 1994 (in mg F/day)12 factor for dental fluorosis in both fluoridated
Concentration of Fluoride in Water (ppm) and nonfluoridated areas.
Age <0.3 0.3-0.7 >0.7
Appropriate Use of Fluoride
6 mo–3 yr 0.25 — — Supplements
3-6 yr 0.50 0.25 —
Although F supplements are reportedly used by
6-16 yr 1.00 0.50 —
some 16% of American children under 2 years
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 351

of age,117 their continued prescription in North ally they are lower. F is taken up in the mineral-
America needs to be thoughtfully reviewed. As izing tissues of the fetus; fetal enamel levels
often is the case in public health, their use go up with an increase in maternal plasma F lev-
requires trade-off decisions: F supplements have els.120 The most critical time for F uptake in
some beneficial impact on oral health, but there enamel, as noted earlier, is the late secretion
is also the hazard of fluorosis when they are and early maturation phase. As a result, prenatal
used in an era of wide exposure to F. The reasons F exposure will have little effect, especially since
why prescription of F supplements for infants mineralization of even primary teeth is not far
and young children needs to be considered advanced at birth.
carefully can be spelled out as follows: Collectively the research evidence suggests

Evidence to support a preeruptive anticari- that prenatal F administration cannot be sup-
ogenic effect for F supplementation is ported. As long ago as 1966, the U.S. Food and
weak. Drug Administration banned advertisements

F supplementation has been identified as a which claimed that prenatal F administration
risk factor for dental fluorosis, and the would increase the caries resistance of off-
prevalence of fluorosis is increasing. spring.161 No convincing research has emerged

The prevalence of caries continues to since then to change that picture, and hence the
decline, which reduces the need to pursue a ban still pertains. Although there is nothing to
strategy that carries documented risks with suggest that prenatal F supplementation will
little counterbalancing benefit.30 harm either fetus or mother, no evidence exists
In light of the advantages and disadvantages to support claims of prenatal benefit.
of F supplements in a time of widespread
F exposure, calls have been made for a reevalua-
tion of their use among young children.14,82,132
They have a place when used to achieve a
posteruptive effect in children older than The F compounds that dental professionals rou-
7 years, and it is likely that they would be useful tinely use in tray applications are highly con-
in the growing population of older dentate peo- centrated, and careful attention to technique
ple who are at risk of both coronal and root and to the amounts used is required. Table 26-2
caries, although this issue has not yet been stud- lists the quantities and concentrations of the
ied. At the very least, when F supplements are F compounds most frequently used in dental
prescribed for infants and young children, practice, as well as those used in public health
parents or guardians should be informed of the programs and self-applied by individuals.
fluorosis risk that accompanies the limited car- Box 26-1 is a guide to estimating the amounts
iostatic benefits. of F in dental products, and Box 26-2 brings
together the information on toxic exposure to F.
Prenatal Fluoride Supplementation Early work on professionally applied F began
The question of whether to prescribe F supple- even before the first water fluoridation proj-
ments for an expectant woman to increase ects21,91 and within a few years the Knutson
caries resistance in the offspring has been technique was developed.90 In this method, a
debated for years. In light of the discussion on 2% solution of NaF is applied in a series of four
dietary F supplements in general, it is not sur- treatments over a period of several days, follow-
prising that current views are that any enhanced ing an initial prophylaxis. In the 1950s the
resistance to caries will be only minor at best. annual application of 8% stannous fluoride
The only prospective randomized trial of prena- (SnF2) was reported to give beneficial results
tal F supplementation found no significant similar to those achieved with NaF. But staining
difference in the caries experience of the off- problems were reported, and the material had
spring.100 Therefore use of prenatal supple- an unpleasant taste. Since the early 1960s, APF
ments is not recommended. has become the most widely used F compound
F can cross the placental barrier and enter the for professional application. This material has a
fetal circulation.31,120 Fetal plasma F levels are pH of about 3.0 and was developed after experi-
correlated with maternal levels, although gener- mental work showed that the topical uptake of
352 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

Table 26-2 Concentration and quantity of fluoride in commonly used topical fluoride compounds
Compound Concentration (ppm) Quantity

Topically applied agents

2% NaF 9050 45 mg in 5 ml*
1.23% APF solution, gel, or prophylactic paste 12,300 62 mg in 5 g
8% SnF2 solution 19,363 97 mg in 5 ml
0.4% SnF2 gel 968 4.9 mg in 5 g
5% NaF varnish (2.26% F) 22,600 51 mg in 5 ml

0.2% NaF—weekly 905 9 mg in 10 ml†
0.05% NaF—daily 226 2 mg in 10 ml
0.1% SnF—daily 242 2 mg in 10 ml
APF rinse (0.1% fluoride)—weekly 1000 10 mg in 10 ml
APF rinse (0.022% fluoride)—daily 200 2 mg in 10 ml
1 mg in 5 ml of oral rinse supplement
(rinse and swallow)

0.76% Na2 FPO3 1000 1 mg/g‡
0.243% NaF 1105 1.1 mg/g
1.14% NaF 1500 1.5 mg/g
0.4% NaF 966 1 mg/g
0.4% Na2 FPO3 526 0.5 mg/g
0.304% Na2 FPO3 401 0.4 mg/g
Note: Some figures are rounded.
APF, Acidulated phosphate fluoride.
*A topical application or prophylactic treatment uses about 5 ml or 5 g of material.
†Amounts of 5 and 10 ml are used in supervised mouthrinsing.
‡An average load of toothpaste on the brush is about 1 g.

F by enamel was greater in an acidic environ- The nature of this calcium fluoride–like mate-
ment.28 The agent has been tested in several rial is still debated by scientists, but as a result of
concentrations, the most common being 1.23% its formation, a prophylaxis before a profes-
F, usually as NaF, in orthophosphoric acid. The sional F application is unnecessary because it is
material is nonirritating and nonstaining, will no more beneficial than toothbrushing and
tolerate the addition of flavorings, and is well flossing by the patient.79,134,137 This finding
accepted by patients. allows a considerable time savings in office F
Procedures for the professional application applications. Professional gel-tray applications
of F agents were originally developed on the have long been considered not to be cost effec-
assumption that the F would form a fluorapatite tive for public health programs, although they
in the crystalline structure of the enamel. A might be a reasonable approach for highly sus-
prophylactic treatment was thus considered ceptible special groups in targeted programs.99
mandatory before the application of the F to F-containing prophylactic pastes are widely
maximize this reaction. Subsequent research, used in dentistry; the reasoning behind their
however, shows that high-concentration F such development was that the prophylaxis and
as that in APF gels tends to form a “calcium flu- the professional F application could be carried
oride–like” material on the enamel surface46 out at the same time. However, results from
and thus serves as a reservoir of F that becomes clinical trials that tested this procedure were
available for remineralization when pH drops. disappointing. When a prophylactic paste is to
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 353

BOX 26-1 How To Estimate the Amount of Fluoride in a Dental Product

Basic information

1 oz = 28.4 g

“Percent” means g or ml per 100 g or ml; e.g., 2% NaF solution means 2 g NaF per 100 ml water

Atomic weights: Na = 23; F = 19, Sn = 119; P = 31; O = 16

Fluoride compounds most often used are NaF, SnF2, Na2FPO3

Example 1: How much F is in 10 ml of 0.05% NaF mouthrinse?

The mouthrinse has 0.05 g of NaF per 100 ml of rinse

= 50 mg of NaF, or 5 mg of NaF per 10 ml

Amount of F = 5 × 19/42 = 2.26 mg

Example 2: How much F is in a 6.4-oz tube of Colgate MFP toothpaste? (6.4 oz = 181.8 g)

Colgate with sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) is 0.76% Na2FPO3, so it has 0.76 g of MFP per 100 ml of

Grams of Na2FPO3 in a 6.4-oz tube = 0.76 × 181.8/100 = 1.38 g, which is 1380 mg Na2FPO3

Amount of F in the tube = 1380 × 19/144 = 182.1 mg

Example 3: How much F is in an 8.2-oz tube of Crest toothpaste? (8.2 oz = 232.9 g)

Crest contains 0.243% NaF, so it has 0.243 g of NaF per 100 ml of toothpaste

Grams of NaF in an 8.2-oz tube = 0.243 × 232.9/100 = 0.566 g, which is 566 mg NaF

Amount of F in the tube = 566 × 19/42 = 256 mg

BOX 26-2 Data on Toxic Fluoride Intake Levels in Humans29,69

Certainly lethal dose (CLD) = 32-64 mg F/kg body weight.

Death is likely in a child who ingests more than 15 mg F/kg body weight.

Probably toxic dose (PTD), defined as the minimum dose that could cause toxic signs and symptoms, including
death, and the ingestion of which should trigger immediate intervention and hospitalization = 5 mg F/kg body
The 10th and 90th percentiles of weight for children at various ages are as follows:
Age Weight
1 year 8-12 kg
2 years 10-15 kg
3 years 12-17 kg
4 years 14-20 kg
6 years 17-27 kg
8 years 22-34 kg
So for a child about 7 years of age, who would weight approximately 20 kg, the PTD would be around 100 mg F.
354 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

be used it should routinely be an F-containing venting decalcification beneath orthodontic

paste, but such use is not by itself a substitute bands.4
for a professional F gel application. Several interesting public health programs
in the United States use F varnish to bridge the
gap between dental and medical practice. One
program is working to bring appropriate use
F varnish is not intended to be as permanent as of F varnish into the medical school curricu-
a fissure sealant (see Chapter 27); rather it is a lum,66 whereas in another, physicians in most
vehicle for holding F in close contact with the of North Carolina use F varnish to prevent
tooth for a period of time. A theoretical advan- early childhood caries in their at-risk young
tage for varnishes over other methods of pro- patients.139 This latter program is premised on
fessional F application is that varnishes are the fact that a much higher proportion of
adhesive and hence should maximize F contact infants visit a physician’s office than visit a
with the tooth surface. Varnishes are a way of dental office (see Chapter 2). Contrary to
using high F concentrations in small amounts some expectations, the physicians and their
of material. F varnishes are widely used in staff have reacted positively, which offers
Europe and Canada, and were accepted for use exciting prospects for the prevention of this
in the United States in 1994. distressing condition, as well as closer cooper-
Early European clinical trials on the efficacy ation between the professions.
of F varnishes gave mixed results,73,93,116 and a
large clinical trial in Quebec, which ran for
nearly 5 years in communities chosen for their
high caries experience, reported only moderate The idea of preventing caries by rinsing the
efficacy.33 As with most modern clinical trials in mouth with dilute F solutions has been around
North America, the study was conducted in an for decades,21 but it was some years before
environment of extensive F exposure from F mouthrinsing became a standard procedure in
toothpaste, which always makes the impact of preventive dentistry. A Swedish report in 1965
any one F vehicle difficult to discern. Later stud- that found a nearly 50% reduction in caries
ies in Europe demonstrated the efficacy of F var- increment over 2 years157 naturally sparked
nishes.37,71 They have been shown to slow the interest in the procedure. Since then, NaF rinses
progression of existing enamel lesions127 and to have been extensively tested; other rinses tested
be at least as effective as APF gel when applied to a lesser extent include those containing APF,
semiannually.142 A systematic review found SnF2, ammonium fluoride, and amine fluoride.
that there was a substantial caries-preventive NaF rinses became the most widely used of
effect from F varnishes, although this conclu- these products because of lower expense and
sion was based mostly on studies that used no better taste.
concurrent controls.106 NaF formulations have been tested as a
Varnishes must be reapplied at regular weekly rinse at 0.2% F and as a daily rinse at
intervals to maintain their cariostatic effect,141 0.05% F. School-based programs have found
and investigations continue into the optimum the weekly regimen to be the most convenient,
application frequency. Varnishes are clearly whereas daily rinsing is most appropriate for
effective, although as a professionally applied individual use. The caries reductions from daily
agent they are inherently more expensive than rinsing are only slightly greater than those from
self-applied preventives. It is not yet clear weekly rinsing,52,70 and the slight differences do
whether varnishes can be most efficiently used not compensate for the greater practicality and
in clinical programs in high-caries popula- lower cost of weekly rinsing in a school-based
tions or whether their use is best reserved for program. For home use, dentists can advise
treatment of individual patients on an ad hoc patients to buy an F mouthrinse from the drug-
basis. In any event, they are a useful addition store or supermarket. Products come and go;
to the dental practitioner’s F armamentarium a list of current products with ADA approval can
for use in caries-susceptible patients. They be found on the ADA’s website (http://www.
have, for example, been found effective in pre-
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 355

Most studies testing the efficacy of NaF rinses F mouthrinses in public health programs.47 At
date from the 1970s. Collectively they showed the same time, the NPDDP itself was criticized
that regular use of NaF mouthrinses reduces on the grounds of faulty design and analysis.61
caries increments in children by 20%-35% over The atmosphere of uncertainty was dissipated
periods of 2-3 years.23,44,63,76,136,140 Positive to some extent at a workshop on the cost effec-
benefits were also reported in the primary den- tiveness of preventive procedures in 1989,
tition.136 APF rinse-and-swallow rinse is also where it was concluded that F mouthrinsing is a
beneficial,1 although given the potential for flu- reasonable procedure to use in high-risk indi-
orosis from systemic absorption, this product viduals or groups, though of questionable cost
should be prescribed with caution in younger effectiveness as a population-based strategy.99
children. A limited number of tests with 0.1% This debate emphasizes the need for clinical
SnF2 rinse have demonstrated positive caries trials to be conducted with due regard for
reductions,111,128 and SnF2 has also demon- the principles of experimental studies (see
strated antibacterial properties not possessed by Chapter 13) and the dangers in extrapolating
NaF.154,156 Continuing caries reductions over data from demonstrations and other noncon-
long-term use of 10 years or so were reported,22 trolled projects to public policy. F mouthrinsing
and retained benefits have also been found in continues to be used in public health projects,
children some years after they completed a although program directors are taking more
school rinsing program.67,98 care in the selection of communities in which to
F mouthrinsing became established as a conduct them: for example, such projects are no
major caries-preventive public health program longer promoted in fluoridated communities.
in the United States, Canada, and other coun- F mouthrinsing is now seen as appropriate for
tries during the 1970s. According to the CDC, high-risk groups rather than as a population
3.25 million American schoolchildren were in F strategy.
mouthrinsing programs in 1988, spread over
11,000 sites. This number has dropped consid-
erably since then because cost effectiveness
is hard to maintain with declining caries levels. Toothpastes without active ingredients, mean-
Despite all these seemingly favorable results, ing those that contain abrasive and flavoring
a systematic review found that there were not agents only and thus are intended for oral
enough high-quality trials from which to reach hygiene and cosmetic benefits, have no anti-
a conclusion on the efficacy of F mouthrinses.16 caries action by themselves. But because tooth-
However, it was the National Preventive brushing is a social norm in high-income
Dentistry Demonstration Program (NPDDP), a countries, a variety of preventive and thera-
large program conducted in 10 U.S. cities during peutic agents (both known and hypothetical)
1976-81 to compare the costs and effectiveness have been added to toothpastes over the years.
of a series of preventive mechanisms, that raised Early efforts to produce anticariogenic tooth-
most doubts about F mouthrinsing as a public pastes included the addition of ammonia,
health procedure. antibiotics, chlorophyll, and various other
The NPDDP found that the effectiveness of agents to toothpastes. None of these agents was
F mouthrinsing was poor, both in overall effective. To date, F is the only nonprescription
results89 and in separate assessments of first- toothpaste additive that has been shown to
grade children with high and low caries incre- prevent caries.
ments.48 Earlier reviews by the NPDDP The earliest attempts to add F to toothpaste
researchers had reported serious flaws in the were unsuccessful because of the incompatible
conduct of many earlier studies that did not use abrasives used in the products, which bound
concurrent control groups25 and in some of the the F and thus made it biologically unavailable.
economic analyses that led to the assumption The first successful clinical trials of an F additive
of cost effectiveness.145 Quite strong criticism used SnF2 with a calcium pyrophosphate abra-
was also leveled at the way in which the sive.115 These positive results were repli-
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial cated during the 1960s in other American and
Research had used its data to promote the use of British studies using the same formulation, and
356 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

caries reductions in children in the 15%-30%

range over 2-3 years were reported.77,84,85,114,144 Quality of the Fluoride Toothpaste Trials
Clinical trials of F toothpastes in fluori- It must be stated at this point that many of the
dated areas have demonstrated an additive clinical trials for F toothpaste are among the
effect,101,109,164 and there is some evidence that most elegant trials to be found in dentistry, or in
use of F toothpaste prevents root caries in older all of biomedicine for that matter, to demon-
adults.18 strate the efficacy of a product. All of the essen-
In all, more than 90 clinical trials have been tial features of the best clinical trials (see
conducted with various F compounds as the Chapter 13) can be found in many of these
active ingredient: SnF2, NaF, sodium monofluo- studies: randomized groups, double-blind
rophosphate (MFP), and amine fluoride have designs, placebo controls, meticulous proce-
all been successfully tested.35 Even more dural protocols. Because the water fluoridation
compatible abrasives have been developed field trials have inherent design limitations (see
and tried: insoluble metaphosphate, sodium Chapter 25), opponents of fluoridation can
trimetaphosphate, hydrated silica gel, calcium attack their validity. But if the issue is the effi-
carbonate, dicalcium dihydrate, and calcium cacy of F exposure, the F toothpaste trials collec-
pyrophosphate are the main ones. New formu- tively include many studies that meet the gold
lations are constantly under investigation and standard for such trials. Taken together, the
are soon marketed when found effective. toothpaste trials provide the strongest evidence
There is some laboratory evidence that tooth- we have that F exposure is efficacious in control-
pastes with NaF are more efficacious than those ling caries.
with MFP, although clinical data on this subject
are hard to interpret. Analyses of data available in Fluoride Concentrations in Toothpastes
the early 1990s were split on the issue, with dis- The F toothpastes that first became widely
cussion often becoming pedantic. Subsequent marketed contained about 1000-1100 ppm F.
clinical trials that gave a slight edge to NaF When introduced into the oral cavity, F in
required very large groups to show statistical sig- toothpaste is taken up directly by demineral-
nificance,107,149 and another trial found no dif- ized enamel,129,152 although its retention on
ference between NaF and MFP products.45 Given sound enamel is thought to be of relatively
the size of the market, this sort of dueling is likely minor importance. It also increases the F con-
to continue, although it seems unlikely that there centration in dental plaque,54,55,143 thus leav-
will be a serious difference between the products ing a store of F available for remineralization
at the population level. when pH drops. Salivary F levels, normally low
Serious marketing of F toothpastes was in resting saliva, rise 100- or even 1000-fold
underway by the early 1970s, and public accept- after toothbrushing with F toothpaste.138 This
ance was immediate in virtually all of the high- level drops over the next few hours, with some
income nations. By the 1990s, F toothpastes of the salivary F being taken up by plaque.
accounted for well over 90% of the toothpaste Postbrushing levels of intraoral F are affected by
market in the United States, Canada, and many the amount and vigor of rinsing after brush-
other countries. Their use in low-income coun- ing53; the best advice for adults is to rinse gently
tries, where F toothpastes could potentially fill after brushing.
an important preventive role, is inhibited by Because laboratory studies showed that the
their relatively high cost and poor distribution, uptake of F into demineralized enamel and into
and often by the relative absence of oral hygiene plaque was proportional to the concentration
methods that are taken for granted in the devel- of F in the toothpaste, a natural next step was
oped world. The FDI World Dental Federation the testing of toothpastes with higher concen-
is looking for ways to develop affordable trations. Toothpastes with 1500 ppm F have
F toothpastes (, been found slightly more efficacious than
but progress is slow. The development of afford- the 1000-ppm F products.36,62,118 A review of
able F toothpaste for the low-income world is a the action of these higher-concentration tooth-
challenge to the manufacturers and to dentistry pastes concluded that an MFP toothpaste with
in general. 1500 ppm F reduced the caries increment by
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 357

another 12% over that achieved by the standard higher-F toothpaste, then the prevalence and
F toothpastes with 1000-1100 ppm F,134 although severity of fluorosis may get worse. On the other
the results of studies with toothpastes contain- hand, higher-F toothpastes are likely to be more
ing mixed F compounds were more equivocal. beneficial in preventing coronal and root caries
Clinical trials have also been conducted with in adults than the first-generation products.
toothpastes of 2500 ppm F or more with mixed Perhaps the market could manage both forms
results. Studies in Scotland, testing several of toothpaste with appropriate color coding
products, found that caries reductions were pro- and warning labels on the high-F products.
portional to the F concentration in the tooth-
pastes,149 but two North American studies Standards for Toothpaste Efficacy
found no difference between the 2500-ppm The toothpaste market is a multibillion-dollar
F MFP products and standard-strength F tooth- industry in the United States, so competition
pastes.102,135 between major manufacturers is keen. Compa-
At the other end of the spectrum, concerns nies incur much research and development
about the fluorosis risk from the swallowing of expense to secure the ADA’s seal of approval
toothpaste by children have led to the testing for their products; the logo on the package
of toothpastes with lower than standard levels improves marketing and is a guide for con-
of F for use by children. The first clinical trials sumers as well. Because of the multitude of for-
compared products with 250 ppm F against mulations of F plus abrasive available, the ADA
those with 1000 ppm F and yielded conflicting developed guidelines for use in judging applica-
results.92,113 Findings from later studies of 500- tions for its seal of approval for F toothpastes.10
to 550-ppm F products, however, suggested that With newer formulations replacing earlier prod-
they may be no less efficacious than 1000-ppm ucts and advertising claims being made of supe-
F toothpastes.159,168 Because children can swal- riority over rival products, the ADA went further
low between 0.12 and 0.38 mg of toothpaste in 1988, conducting a workshop to determine
per brushing,20 the marketing of lower-F tooth- what evidence would be adequate to substanti-
pastes is likely to reduce the risk of fluorosis ate claims of equivalency or superiority of a par-
while substantially retaining caries-preventive ticular formulation (i.e., F ingredient with
benefits. Toothpastes containing 400 ppm compatible abrasives) relative to other formula-
F have been available in Europe, Australia, and tions.11 The workshop determined that such
New Zealand for years, although these 400- claims always had to be backed by rigorous clin-
ppm F products have not been tested in clinical ical trials in human populations and that such
trials. They are not available in the United States trials required the use of the rival product as a
and Canada, despite strong calls to market these positive control. The trials had to be designed to
child-strength toothpastes in North America. show a 10% difference in caries increment with
Use of F toothpastes has just about been a power of 80% (see Chapter 13). The ADA’s
institutionalized in the United States and in seal of approval goes to particular formulations
many other countries. It is hard to find a tooth- rather than to products. The list of toothpastes
paste that does not contain F, and manufactur- that carry the seal, which can be found on the
ers no longer bother to use F content as part ADA website, is now quite long and seems to be
of their advertising. Further research can be constantly growing.
expected to focus on determining the most
favorable formulations of F plus abrasive and Global Impact of Fluoride Toothpastes
the most appropriate F concentrations. A wel- The impact of F toothpaste use on global caries
come development, alluded to already, would experience has been profound. F exposure is
be the marketing of children’s toothpastes of accepted as the main reason for the decline of
500-550 ppm F separately from adult-strength dental caries over recent years, and most author-
products, which might be 1500-2500 ppm F. ities believe that F toothpaste has been the most
The principal reason for the absence of adult- important F vehicle on a global scale.27 The
strength F toothpastes is that the swallowing of caries reductions of 15%-30% achieved in most
F toothpaste by children is a risk factor for fluo- clinical trials may appear modest compared to
rosis (see Chapter 22); thus, if children swallow those attributed to water fluoridation, but it
358 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

must be remembered that these were trials of Caries reductions above those expected from
2-3 years’ duration, whereas water fluoridation fluoridated water alone have been found
studies usually measured lifetime exposure. among children in fluoridated areas who
Because, as we know, F works most effectively to (1) underwent annual topical applications of
prevent caries when small amounts are in the SnF2,76 (2) received F mouthrinses and gel-tray
oral cavity at all times, there is no reason why applications in combination,68 or (3) per-
regular lifetime use of F toothpaste should not formed intensive self-application of F using cus-
give results that are similar to those of lifetime tom-made trays.56 An 11-year demonstration
use of fluoridated water. project, begun by the National Institute of
Dental Research in 1972, provided F supple-
ments, F mouthrinses, and F toothpastes to chil-
dren in a poor rural area. The intention was to
The majority of clinical trials of F products test show that school-based combined F programs
only a single agent. In the modern world, how- could reduce caries experience in rural areas.78
ever, exposure to multiple sources of F is the Cohorts of 1983 participants had MF (decayed,
rule rather than the exception. People who missing, and filled) scores that were 65% lower
live in fluoridated areas brush their teeth than those in baseline cohorts in 1972. The
with F toothpastes and are periodically given demonstration was unfortunately not designed
professional F applications by their dentists. to permit identification of the individual effects
F mouthrinsing is used in public health pro- of the different F regimens, and the absence of
grams, and some cosmetic mouthwashes con- concurrent controls made interpretation of the
tain F. Then there are dietary supplements, caries reductions uncertain.
whether used appropriately or not, as well as In the context of cost effectiveness, the data
the poorly quantified F exposures from food on the use of F mouthrinses in fluoridated areas
and drink. When these are added together, it are worth examining in detail: Table 26-3 pres-
becomes readily apparent that people in most ents these data for five North American stud-
high-income countries are being exposed to ies. A beneficial effect can be seen in each case,
much more F than they used to be. although even in the earlier studies the effects
This phenomenon of multiple F exposures were limited in terms of absolute caries reduc-
can be viewed from several perspectives. In one tions. A later study of multiple F exposures
way it is beneficial because, with the several dif- measured the comparative impact of F tablets
ferent anticaries actions of F (see Chapter 24), and F rinses. 51 After 8 years children who
fuller advantage is being taken of F’s potential. both ingested the F tablets (after chewing)
On the other hand, the increasing prevalence of and rinsed weekly with neutral 0.2% NaF
fluorosis (see Chapter 22) is almost certain to be solution had a caries increment that was
a product of these multiple and poorly con- 33% lower than that for children who rinsed
trolled F exposures. Dentistry’s goal, though not only and 15% lower than that for those
an easy one to achieve for either an individual who took the supplements only. However, in
patient or the community, is to maximize the the age of low caries experience the largest
benefits from F exposure while avoiding an unac- absolute difference between groups was only
ceptable level of the undesirable side effects. 1.17 DMFS (decayed, missing, or filled tooth
Multiple F therapies, whether in fluoridated surfaces) over the 8 years. Cost-effectiveness
or nonfluoridated areas, are clearly beneficial issues arise given results such as these: when a
for patients who are unusually susceptible to new F program is instituted among children
caries. For example, excellent results in prevent- who already have some F exposure and low
ing caries were achieved in patients who had caries experience, is the additional benefit
received radiation treatment for oral cancer, worth the cost?
a treatment that can produce dysfunction of the The last two lines of Table 26-3 showing data
salivary glands and hence loss of salivary buffer- from the NPDDP provoked the subsequent crit-
ing capacity. The therapy included F gel-tray icisms of F mouthrinsing mentioned earlier
applications, daily F mouthrinsing, and routine in this chapter. Table 26-4 gives the results of
use of F toothpaste.49 studies in which supervised brushing with an
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 359

Table 26-3 Summarized results of studies of fluoride mouthrinses in fluoridated areas

Material Age-Groups Duration % Reduction DMFS Reduction Reference

0.1% SnF2 daily 8-13 yr 20 mo 33.1* 1.00 Radike et al128

43.3† 1.22
0.05% NaF daily 12 yr 30 mo 27.9* 0.72 Driscoll et al52
49.7* 0.94
0.2% NaF weekly 12 yr 30 mo 22.1* 0.57 Driscoll et al52
55.0† 1.04
0.2% NaF weekly 9 yr 24 mo 33.8 0.52 Kawall et al87
0.2% NaF weekly Grades 1-2 48 mo Not given‡ 0.29 Bell et al19
Grade 5 24 mo Not given‡ 0.03
DMFS, Decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces.
*First of two examiners.
†Second of two examiners.
‡Could not be determined from the data provided.

Table 26-4 Summarized results of studies of additive effects of fluoride mouthrinsing and supervised brushing
with fluoride toothpastes DMFS Increments
Rinse +
Age-Groups Duration F Rinse* F Toothpaste† Toothpaste‡ Placebo Reference

Approximately 24 mo 4.81 4.44 4.12 5.61 Ashley et al13

13 yr (13.1%)§ (17.9%)§ (22.7%)§
11 yr 30 mo 4.79 5.14 5.30 6.51 Ringelberg et al131
(23.4%)§ (17.8%)§ (15.2%)§
10-13 yr 30 mo None 6.30 5.60 None Triol et al158
11-12 yr 36 mo 4.72 4.60 4.76 6.25 Blinkhorn et al24
(24.5%)§ (26.3%)§ (26.8%)§
DMFS, Decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces.
*0.05% NaF daily at school.
†0.76% Sodium monofluorophosphate except for Ringelberg et al79 (0.4% stannous fluoride, unsupervised).
‡All conducted supervised rinse immediately after brushing.
§Percentage reduction compared to placebo control.
¶Percentage reduction compared to sodium monofluorophosphate toothpaste alone.

F toothpaste was combined with supervised areas, especially where frequent use of F tooth-
daily F mouthrinsing at school, and the results paste is common. This conclusion was confirmed
were compared with those for each procedure at the 1989 workshop on cost effectiveness of pre-
alone. The results for the combined procedures ventive programs.130
are, at best, only slightly superior to the use of Cost effectiveness is a less important issue
either alone. Scandinavian studies, not included for the private patient than for public health
in Table 26-4 because they tested weekly or fort- programs, but selection of a preventive regimen
nightly rinsing and unsupervised home use of for an individual patient should still take
an F toothpaste, also reported little added bene- into account the likely added benefit of
fit from the rinsing programs at school.15 multiple exposures. To illustrate, professional
Because caries experience in North American F applications are of dubious additional value to
children has generally reached lower levels than the individual patient in a fluoridated area who
those at which the results in Tables 26-3 and 26-4 brushes daily with F toothpaste and who has lit-
were produced, it is hard to argue for the cost tle caries problem. However, even in a fluori-
effectiveness of F mouthrinsing in fluoridated dated area, more caries-susceptible patients may
360 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

get reasonable additional benefit from profes- 12. American Dental Association, Council on Dental
sional F gel applications or prescribed daily use Therapeutics. New fluoride schedule adopted; thera-
peutics council affirms workshop outcome. ADA News
of F mouthrinses. In these decisions, the clinical 1994 May 16;25:12, 14.
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Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 1989;99:897-901. oride to prevent and control dental caries in the
147. Stephen KW, Boyle IT, Campbell D, et al. Five-year United States. MMWR Recomm Rep 2001;50(RR-
double-blind fluoridated milk study in Scotland. 14):1-42.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1984;12:223-9. 163. Vogt RL, Witherell L, LaRue D, Klaucke DN. Acute flu-
148. Stephen KW, Campbell D. Caries reduction and cost oride poisoning associated with an on-site fluoridator
benefit after 3 years of sucking fluoride tablets daily in a Vermont elementary school. Am J Public Health
at school. A double-blind trial. Br Dent J 1978;144: 1982;72:1168-9.
202-6. 164. Von der Fehr FR, Möller IJ. Caries-preventive fluoride
149. Stephen KW, Creanor SL, Russell JI, et al. A 3-year oral dentifrices. Caries Res 1978;12(Suppl 1):31-7.
health dose-response study of sodium monofluo- 165. Warpeha R, Beltran-Aguilar E, Baez R. Methodolo-
rophosphate dentifrices with and without zinc citrate: gical and biological factors explaining the reduction
Anti-caries results. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol in dental caries in Jamaican school children between
1988;16:321-5. 1984 and 1995. Pan Am J Public Health 2001;10:
150. Stephen KW, Macpherson LM, Gorzo I, Gilmour WH. 37-44.
Effect of fluoridated salt intake in infancy: A blind 166. Widenheim J, Birkhed D. Caries-preventive effect on
caries and fluorosis study in 8th grade Hungarian primary and permanent teeth and cost-effectiveness of
pupils. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol an NaF tablet preschool program. Community Dent
1999;27:210-5. Oral Epidemiol 1991;19:88-92.
26 Other Uses of Fluoride in Caries Prevention 365

167. Widenheim J, Birkhed D, Granath L, Lindgren G. 169. Woltgens JH, Etty EJ, Nieuwland WM. Prevalence of mot-
Preeruptive effect of NaF tablets on caries in children tled enamel in permanent dentition of children partici-
from 12 to 17 years of age. Community Dent Oral pating in a fluoride programme at the Amsterdam dental
Epidemiol 1986;14:1-4. school. J Biol Buccale 1989;17:15-20.
168. Winter GB, Holt RD, Williams BF. Clinical trial of a 170. Woolfolk MW, Faja BW, Bagramian RA. Relation of
low-fluoride toothpaste for young children. Int Dent J sources of systemic fluoride to prevalence of dental
1989;39:227-35. fluorosis. J Public Health Dent 1989;49:78-82.
27 Fissure Sealants

HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT Sealants Are of Uncertain Value on Primary

SEALANT PRODUCTS AND PROCEDURES Sealants Are an Important Part of Public
All ADA-Approved Sealant Types Have Similar COST EFFECTIVENESS OF SEALANTS
Sealants Can Be Safely Placed over Incipient TOWARD SEALANTS

A fissure sealant is a plastic, professionally dentistry,58 but it led to widespread use of the
applied material used to occlude the pits “preventive restoration,” meaning a full Black’s
and fissures of teeth. The purpose is to provide cavity restoration with “extension for preven-
a physical barrier to the impaction of sub- tion” in sound fissures, placed on the grounds
strate for cariogenic bacteria in those crevices that without intervention such areas would
and hence to prevent caries from developing. soon decay anyway. For many years, this type of
Sealants also can halt the carious process after it restoration was considered good preventive
has begun and can be used as a form of treat- practice, and perhaps it was when there were
ment for early lesions. All sealants are applied few other preventive options. Although we have
to the tooth in liquid form and polymerize (or no way of knowing just how much caries this
“cure”) in place a short time later. method “prevented,” the extensive use of the
The correct name for this group of materials preventive restoration served to artificially
is pit-and-fissure sealants, but they are more com- inflate DMF (decayed, missing, and filled)
monly referred to as fissure sealants, or just scores (see Chapter 15).55
sealants (the term we will use). This chapter dis- In the prefluoride era, various chemicals
cusses the use of sealants in caries prevention, were painted onto the tooth surface in an effort
examines the issue of their cost effectiveness, to prevent caries, but none proved success-
and makes recommendations for their use. ful.11,57 Even after fluoride entered dental prac-
tice, interest in a specific preventive agent
for pit-and-fissure caries persisted, but it proved
difficult to find a material that adhered success-
The idea of physically occluding pits and fis- fully to enamel in the oral environment. The
sures is hardly new, for as long ago as 1923 breakthrough came in 1955 with Buonocore’s
Hyatt suggested a technique he called “prophy- development of the acid-etch technique.21 By
lactic odontotomy.”52 Developed in an age of the mid-1960s cyanoacrylates had been used
severe and seemingly universal caries, Hyatt’s as sealant materials with some success,30
technique involved minimal operative pre- but their production was not continued.91
paration of sound fissures and restoration In the late 1960s the “bis-GMA” formulation
with amalgam. The idea was not fully accepted (a sealant that is the reaction product of bisphe-
even before the days of modern preventive nol A and glycidyl methacrylate with a methyl
27 Fissure Sealants 367

methacrylate monomer) was developed and currently available. Third-generation sealants

proved successful in a feasibility trial.22 The bis- are those cured by visible light, which gives the
GMA formulation became the basis of a num- operator the advantage of curing the sealant
ber of other products that soon came onto the only when satisfied that it is all correctly
market. The American Dental Association in place. That advantage also applied to first-
(ADA) issued provisional acceptance of the generation UV-cured sealants, but the visible
first bis-GMA material, Nuva-Seal, in 19724 light sources are far more compact and less
and full acceptance in 1976.5 The number and expensive than the original UV light sources.
types of accepted materials have grown steadily Some second- and third-generation sealants are
since then and will likely continue to grow in colored or opaque to make them more visible at
the future. Currently, the most widely used clinical examination.
sealant materials are either bis-GMA resin or It should also be noted that in 1996 a
urethane based.109 There is also considerable research report from Spain concluded that,
interest in the potential use of glass ionomer– shortly after placement of sealants, bisphenol A
based materials and fluoride-containing var- and bisphenol A dimethacrylate monomers
nishes as sealant materials, but the research could be detected in saliva and that these
literature to date shows their retention to be monomers showed estrogen-like activity when
inferior to that of the conventional sealant tested in in vitro cultures of human breast cell
materials.9,16,17,56,69-71,96,97,105,116 tumors.68 This effect is of concern, because it
theoretically could result in increased tumor
cell growth. To date there is no evidence that the
transient amounts of these chemicals in saliva
It has been recognized for years that fissured represent an important exposure in humans. In
occlusal surfaces are the most vulnerable to addition, none of the sealants that currently
caries. With the continuing caries decline carries the ADA seal of acceptance produces
among children, caries is more and more a dis- detectable levels of bisphenol A.1 However, the
ease of the fissured surfaces as the rate of inter- Spanish finding does point out that any mate-
proximal caries development continues to rial used in dentistry must be thoroughly evalu-
decline faster than the overall rate of caries ated for potential risk and that, regardless of
experience.13,99 Occlusal surfaces are also those how safe it appears to be, practitioners must
least protected by fluorides,12 so the case for take care to use any procedure or material only
sealant application as a complementary proce- when the patient is likely to benefit from it.
dure to fluoride use is even stronger. As of the The ADA provides continual updates on these
early 1990s, at least 83% of all decayed or filled and related matters on its website (http://www.
surfaces in the permanent teeth of 5- to 17-year-
olds were in pit-and-fissure surfaces.19 In fact, dex.asp).
the appropriate delivery of fluorides and Sealant application is a simple though metic-
sealants together, in theory at least, presents the ulous procedure that requires attention to all
prospect of controlling caries to low levels pre- details of technique, especially moisture con-
viously unimaginable. trol. Even slight moisture contamination during
sealant application and curing will result in fail-
ure. When applying a sealant, the operator
begins by washing and drying the tooth surface,
then etching with acid to demineralize the
The original bis-GMA materials, now referred to surface layers of enamel in and around the
as first-generation sealants, polymerized under fissures. The etchant is supplied as either a
ultraviolet (UV) light, a procedure that required liquid or a gel; 35%-37% orthophosphoric acid
a bulky UV light source in the oral cavity. is the most commonly used agent.109 Acid etch-
Second-generation sealants are chemically ing dissolves out some of the inorganic fraction
polymerized; that is, when they are mixed, the of the enamel, which subsequently allows
operator has a fixed time to apply the sealant “tags” of sealant to penetrate and thus enhances
before it hardens. A number of such sealants are retention. Some of these tags can extend up to
368 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

100 μm into enamel, although tags of 15-20 μm ●

Examiners could not be blinded in a trial
are more common.92 After etching, the tooth with a passive control, for they could see
surface is again washed and dried thoroughly, the sealant on the test tooth.
and the liquid sealant is applied and worked Because of the overwhelming weight of the
into the fissures and pits. The sealant is then evidence for the efficacy of sealants, recent trials
polymerized (by visible light or by self-curing) testing new products now most commonly
and trimmed if necessary. Detailed descriptions apply an accepted sealant as a positive control
of the application process are available.109 on the control tooth or individual dentition.
By the early twenty-first century, the applica- Because positive controls are used in compara-
tion of sealants as a purely caries-preventive tive studies, the examiners should be blind as to
procedure was merging into the popularity of which sealant is the test product and which is
conservative restoration procedures, many of the positive control. Because differences in effi-
which also used the acid-etch technique. The cacy between the test product and the control
trend was stimulated by the caries decline, are expected to be small, the numbers of sub-
which meant that practitioners increasingly jects needed is fairly high.
had to manage small, slowly developing lesions
rather than large cavities, and by the rapid devel-
opments in composite materials. Dentistry
began moving away from placement of amal- A large number of well-conducted sealant stud-
gams in traditionally prepared Black’s cavities ies have been carried out, which allows conclu-
with extension for prevention and toward mini- sions on their efficacy to be stated with some
mum-preparation restorations, which were far confidence. The panel at the National Institutes
less invasive, lasted longer, and were more of Health Consensus Conference on dental
esthetic.35 The preventive resin and sealed com- sealants in 1983, one of the relatively few such
posite restoration,49,63,110 sealed glass ionomer conferences held on dental procedures, con-
restoration,46 “tunnel” restoration for small cluded that sealants were highly efficacious.67
proximal restorations,28 and even sealed amal- The panel also noted, however, that practitioners
gams63,64 are changing the face of restorative were slow to adopt their use and that insurance
dentistry. The distinction between a purely pre- carriers were also hesitant about adding sealant
ventive sealant placed on a sound tooth, sealant application to their list of benefits. The Medicaid
placed on an incipient lesion, and a minimum- programs in all 50 states now cover sealant
preparation sealed restoration is becoming application, and although precise numbers are
increasingly blurred. The challenge is to under- unavailable, the number of privately insured
stand the indications for each and to use each groups with sealant coverage continues to grow.
appropriately. The first clinical sealant studies in the 1960s
yielded spectacular results, with caries reduc-
tions of 99% reported.22 These initial studies,
however, carefully selected both the patients
The initial clinical trials for testing the efficacy and the teeth to be sealed. By the end of the
of sealants necessarily differed from the 1970s, there was clear evidence from numerous
classical model (see Chapter 13) in several clinical trials in different populations that
respects: sealants were highly efficacious when applied

The study design was usually “half- correctly.76 Studies since then using second-
mouth,” in which the analytic unit is a con- and third-generation sealants have almost all
tralateral pair of teeth, usually first or yielded results highly favoring their use; reviews
second molars. Because test and control of what is now an extensive literature have all
teeth are in the same mouth, the required reached highly favorable conclusions regarding
number of study subjects (see Chapter 13) their efficacy.77,78,100,113 Well-controlled clinical
could be reduced. trials have shown good results after 5 years,48

There was no placebo sealant; the control 7 years,65 and 10 years78; and 10-year and
tooth of each pair in these earlier trials was 15-year retrospective reports also showed
simply left untreated (a passive control). encouraging results.94,95 The favorable evidence
27 Fissure Sealants 369

has led the ADA to strongly support the appro- ●

Retention of sealant is synonymous with
priate use of sealants in general practice.2,3 freedom from caries. An early concern was
Evidence for the efficacy of sealant applica- how the caries status of a tooth could be
tion in private practice, although scanty, also judged beneath intact sealant, but subse-
appears favorable. In an observational study in quent clinical research has shown that
Canada, sealed first permanent molars had a caries does not progress beneath intact
75% lower incidence of new restorations than sealant.
originally sound but unsealed molars.53 The ●
Loss of sealant is greatest in the first
authors acknowledged that use of sealants was 6 months after application. The sealant is
more common in caries-free children and in probably lost very early in that period,
children whose parents had higher levels of however, because the data suggest that the
education, which could account for some of the rapidly lost sealants are those that never
lower caries increment, but the differences in properly adhered in the first place. The
caries experience were so large that sealants had most likely reason for this kind of failure is
to have played a substantial role. It is neverthe- moisture contamination. A properly placed
less important to be cautious in interpreting sealant will gradually wear down after a
outcomes from observational studies in which period of years, but protection from caries
patients are not randomly assigned to receive or seems to remain, perhaps because of the
not to receive sealants. As has been pointed out sealant tags. The quickly lost sealant almost
in a study of the use of sealants in a Medicaid certainly has no tags, so the tooth con-
program, the children who actually received cerned becomes vulnerable again.
sealants tended to be at lower risk; that is, they These results demonstrated unequivocally
were more likely to have been caries free ini- the considerable efficacy of sealants; they also
tially and were more likely to have been classi- gave hints of the more recent realization that
fied by the study examiners as not needing sealants are more difficult to successfully apply
sealants.80 The authors pointed out that this and maintain on the very teeth that are most
pattern of nonrandom use of sealants in the vulnerable, that is, the early-erupting molars in
least caries-prone children could lead to overes- caries-prone children. On the other hand,
timates of sealant effectiveness. Nevertheless, sealants seem to be retained best on teeth that
there is ample reason to think that, with appro- are least caries prone (e.g., bicuspids) and in
priate patient selection, sealant application is children with low caries risk.18 This realization
highly effective in private practice. is part of what has lead to efforts to target
Findings from the earlier clinical studies of sealant use to the most susceptible groups, indi-
sealants that have been supported by later viduals, and teeth, an issue discussed later in
research include the following: this chapter.

Sealant is generally retained better on Later studies of sealant efficacy have led to
mandibular than on maxillary molars. This four additional conclusions that have an impor-
is attributed to better accessibility and tant bearing on the way sealants are used in
more favorable tooth morphology. clinical practice. These conclusions are dis-

Sealants are better retained when placed in cussed in the following sections.
older children. This is thought to be due to
the ability to achieve better isolation in All ADA-Approved Sealant Types Have
more completely erupted teeth and the Similar Efficacy
ability of the older child to cooperate in With the evolution of sealant systems and the
maintaining a dry field. large number of brands now available, it is

Retention seems better on bicuspids than logical for dentists to ask which type is best.
on molars. This too is likely to come from The response from clinical studies is that
better accessibility, plus the fact that in all accepted sealants are effective when
studies in which children have had bi- applied properly. Results of numerous trials
cuspids sealed they were obviously older have demonstrated that the retention of the
than children who had only their first light-cured sealants is equivalent to that of the
molars available for sealing. chemically polymerized products.50,81,102,117
370 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

No UV-cured sealants have been among the

list of ADA-approved sealants for a number of Sealants Are of Uncertain Value
years, because they have been superseded by the on Primary Teeth
chemically polymerized and visible light–cured Some early research showed poorer retention of
sealants. The dental practitioner’s choice thus sealant on primary tooth enamel, although
comes down to personal taste: an autopolymer- results were better in some later studies.75,93
ized sealant hardens a specified time after The different enamel structure of primary teeth
preparation, just like many other products used was thought to be a possible reason, although
in dentistry. The visible light–cured resins moisture contamination may also have been
require the handling of an extra piece of equip- greater with younger children. Subsequent lab-
ment, the light source, but setting time is con- oratory studies have shown that a short etch
trolled by the operator. time is effective for primary enamel,106 and
sealant retention on primary molars in a large
Sealants Can Be Safely Placed Head Start program in Tennessee was equiva-
over Incipient Caries lent to that on permanent molars.43 What is not
A conclusion of the National Institutes of clear, however, is whether the usual caries pat-
Health consensus panel in 1983 was that tern in primary molars is compatible with opti-
evidence supported the use of sealants to mal sealant effectiveness, despite retentive
arrest the progress of incipient lesions.67 success. In many children, the occlusal surfaces
Nothing has occurred since then to alter that of primary molars are not highly fissured and
conclusion. thus are not especially caries prone. Further,
Modern sealants were developed as a pri- when caries is a problem in primary molars, the
mary preventive procedure—that is, to be first lesion is often interproximal. Sealants are
placed on sound surfaces—but shades of not effective in these circumstances.
Hyatt’s philosophy soon emerged. Given that
sealants occluded the fissures, it was logical to Sealants Are an Important Part of Public
question whether caries could progress beneath Health Programs
a sealant. The answer, after a number of studies, With the decline of dental caries among chil-
is now clear. When a sealant is placed over an dren, especially interproximal caries, sealant
incipient carious lesion, meaning a stained fis- programs are becoming more appropriate
sure in which softness at the base can be choices in public caries prevention programs for
detected but in which cavitation has not yet children. Although many dental public health
occurred, caries does not progress provided initiatives are directed toward encouraging the
the sealant remains intact. Sealant is retained use of sealants in private practice, there is also
on the carious teeth just as well as on sound considerable activity in the development of
teeth,42 and neither lesion depth nor microbio- projects to actually place sealants in public pro-
logic counts progresses under intact sealant.41,66 grams. In 2002 29 states reported having
Reviews of these and other studies have con- school-based or school-linked sealant pro-
cluded that the evidence is strong that caries- grams, serving 193,000 children.108 These
active lesions become caries inactive beneath programs operate either in schools, usually with
intact sealant.38,103 As restorative philosophy portable equipment, or in community clinics.
continues to evolve toward increasingly conser- How effective these programs can be both in
vative cavity preparations, more recent reports increasing sealant prevalence and in reducing
confirm that even carious dentin, when isolated racial disparities in sealant use is demonstrated
under a minimal restoration and sealant, does by the data in Fig. 27-1. In the Ohio sealant pro-
not progress.63 These results provide further grams, the overall prevalence of sealants in
assurance that the clinician need not fear the third-grade students was approximately twice as
placement of sealant over incipient caries. high in schools with a sealant program as in
Indeed, as discussed later in this chapter, con- those without such a program, and the absolute
sensus is developing that the placement of and relative racial disparities also dimin-
sealants over incipient lesions is one of their ished.107 The philosophy behind these public
most effective uses. sealant programs is almost always to bring this
27 Fissure Sealants 371

70 found 67% retention of one-time sealant appli-

White cations after 6 years. In sixth-graders who had
60 African-American received sealants on their first molars in grades
1, 2, or 3, only 5.6% of those surfaces subse-
quently become carious, compared with 26.9%
Percent with sealants

of the same surfaces in children who were not in

the sealant program.24 Even allowing for some
40 self-selection bias, those figures are impressive.
In the Canadian province of Saskatchewan,
30 79% of sealants applied by dental therapists
were retained 3 years later, and sealed teeth
20 developed 46% less caries than their unsealed
counterparts after 4 years.54 In Canada’s Prince
Edward Island program, there is annual reseal-
ing when needed. In that province, 85% of
sealants were successful after 8-10 years,83 simi-
lar to results reported for a 10-year study in
Sealant program No sealant program
Fig. 27-1 Dental sealant prevalence in third-grade children In addition to providing geographic targeting
in Ohio, in schools with and without a dental sealant program, (see Chapter 4) of sealant programs to schools in
1998-99.107 more deprived communities, most public
sealant programs also treat only children at spe-
preventive procedure to children who otherwise cific stages of dental development (i.e., soon after
would be unlikely to receive comprehensive eruption of the first and second molars). In the
dental care. School-based and school-linked United States, where children begin school at
programs are targeted to schools with a high age 6, grades 1-2 are the best times for sealing
proportion of children from low-income fami- first molars, and grades 6-7 for sealing second
lies or schools with a high number of children molars.14,59 Sealing of bicuspids and primary
with untreated dental needs, or to areas in teeth is not usually a part of public programs
which there is a shortage of dentists.10 because far fewer bicuspids decay than do
molars,6,33 and a primary molar that is sound in
grade 1 will probably stay that way. A good body
of experience in the operation of programs with
Research has shown that trained auxiliaries sealant teams has now accumulated,24,53 and
can apply sealant just as successfully as can den- excellent guides to the development and opera-
tists.25,61 This is an important finding in public tion of public sealant programs are available.26,72
health, for the cost effectiveness of sealant We referred earlier in this chapter to the
programs virtually depends on deployment of prospect of using sealants and fluoride together
auxiliaries.23 It is unfortunate that regulations to reduce caries-associated problems to lower lev-
in some states do not permit auxiliaries to apply els than could even have been imagined only a
sealant, a provision that is hard to defend few decades ago. Sealant placement is an obvious
as being in the public interest. The on-site pres- adjunct to water fluoridation; a comprehensive
ence of a dentist will obviously add to the 1989 review found that sealants were more effec-
cost of a public program without necessarily tive in fluoridated areas than in nonfluoridated
improving its outcome. Several public health areas, although the difference was slight.113
sealant programs have managed to deal with Sealants also have been tested in combination
these problems and have subsequently flour- with fluoride mouthrinsing. In a New York study,
ished. One is in New Mexico, which required after 2 years the 84 children in grades 2-3 with
revision of its dental practice act to permit auxil- sealants had an increment of only 0.03 DMFS
iaries to apply sealant in the state-administered (decayed, missing, and filled surfaces), compared
program.87 The New Mexico program, which with an increment of 0.47 DMFS in the control
uses mobile teams with portable equipment, group. In the 84 children in the sealant-rinse
372 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

group, there were only 3 new decayed or filled objective is to reduce caries experience in a child
surfaces over the 2 years, 2 of them occlusal, population by a specified amount over a speci-
whereas in the 51 controls, there were 24 new fied time considers the use of water fluorida-
decayed or filled surfaces, 15 of them occlusal.79 tion, sealant placement, application of fluoride
In another study that used a sequential cross- varnish, use of fluoride mouthrinses, or dental
sectional comparison group, a 23% decline in health education to meet that objective. The
occlusal caries over a 4-year period in 14- to 17- director weighs the costs of each program
year-olds was attributed to the addition of sealant against the anticipated benefit. (In a fluoridated
placement to an ongoing school-based fluoride community in which people routinely use fluo-
program.85 These data suggest that nearly ride toothpastes, have high utilization of dental
complete prevention of caries at levels that services, and have very low caries levels, intro-
require invasive restorations is indeed theoreti- ducing no new program might also be a rational
cally possible, but its achievement might be alternative.) Thinking in terms of cost effective-
costly. As we saw with topical fluoride applica- ness has moved dentistry away from an attitude
tion in Chapter 26, there comes a point at which of “the more prevention the better” to careful
the underlying risk of caries in some individuals selection of which programs are likely to be the
is so low that additional fluoride exposure is not most efficient. Cost effectiveness is also at the
warranted. The same is likely to be true for root of discussions on targeting preventive pro-
sealant placement. In those individuals (and grams to the most susceptible groups and indi-
teeth, in the case of sealants) in whom the risk of viduals rather than applying them across the
occlusal caries is very low, the cost of placing and board (see Chapters 4 and 20).
maintaining sealants may outweigh the potential Are sealants expensive? That depends on what
benefit that sealants can be expected to provide. they are compared with. For example, compared
This is the biggest question a public health to fluoridated water and other types of self-
administrator has to deal with when considering applied fluorides, sealants are a relatively expen-
sealant programs: can we afford it, and is the ben- sive alternative requiring application by a
efit from sealants worth the cost? professional. In terms of fees charged by dentists
in private practice, the average fee for a sealant
application has remained at approximately 50%
of the fee for a one-surface amalgam restoration.
Questions arose about the cost effectiveness of The ADA’s 2001 survey of fees charged by general
sealants in public programs almost from their practitioners in private practice found that the
first use. A public health community that con- mean fee for sealant application was $31.89 per
sidered water fluoridation to be the gold stan- tooth, whereas the mean fee for placement of a
dard in terms of the cost effectiveness of public one-surface amalgam in a posterior permanent
programs naturally looked askance at this one- tooth was $73.21 and for a one-surface composite
on-one procedure, and an early economic resin restoration on a posterior tooth was $98.17.7
assessment was not encouraging.36 However, in In public programs, it has been shown that sealant
this review dentists, rather than auxiliaries, application can be even less expensive. The aver-
applied the sealant, and retention of the first- age cost of providing a sealant in public programs
generation sealant was not high. in the mid-1990s was $8.17 per tooth, well under
Cost effectiveness is defined as use of the least the average of $24.42 charged in private offices
expensive way, from among competing alterna- as of 1995.10 The ability to provide sealants at
tives, of meeting a defined objective.112 It differs lower cost in public programs is attributable in
from cost benefit, which is the ratio of an activ- part to the economies that are possible through
ity’s cost to the monetary benefit it produces, treating large numbers of children in a “captive”
although it is conceptually similar to efficiency, setting in schools and through the extensive use of
which is the return on effort expended.111 The auxiliary personnel to place the sealants.
term a cost-effective program is virtually synony- The other side of expense is effectiveness. The
mous with an efficient program. evidence cited earlier shows that sealants are
The cost-effectiveness issue arises in public highly effective; their widespread use can
dental programs when a dental director whose have an immediate and substantial impact on
27 Fissure Sealants 373

the caries experience of a group that would indicate that, over a 5-year period, in surfaces
otherwise experience occlusal caries. Although that were initially diagnosed as sound, 8.1% of
there are few specific studies on the relative those that were sealed and 12.5% of those that
cost effectiveness of sealants and other pre- were not sealed became carious. On the other
ventive procedures, a 1989 workshop gave hand, of those teeth initially diagnosed as hav-
sealants a favorable cost-effectiveness review, ing incipient caries (i.e., they had dark staining
rating them slightly higher in nonfluoridated or a chalky appearance, or caused a slight “stick”
areas because of the higher probability of caries of the explorer but had no visible enamel sur-
attack.73 This means that sealant application is face defect), 10.8% of those that were sealed
not only a logical public health program to became carious, compared with 51.8% of those
choose in light of caries distribution in the that were not sealed. Similarly, interim results
early twenty-first century, but it may well be from a clinical trial44 in which teeth determined
one of the more efficient ones as well. However, not to require restorations were randomly
it must be stated that the cost-effectiveness assigned to receive or not receive sealants
issue is far from settled and is really wide showed the same type of gradient according to
open for additional research. To illustrate, baseline diagnosis. Fig. 27-2 shows that, after an
readers may have noted the vexing conundrum average of 26 months of enrollment in the
that, whereas sealants may be more effective study, 3% of the sealed teeth that were initially
in fluoridated areas,113 the 1989 workshop diagnosed as sound required restorations,
concluded that they are likely to be more whereas 6% of sound teeth not sealed required
cost effective in nonfluoridated areas.73 This restorations. In the case of teeth initially rated
is the case because, although in a fluoridated as having a questionable area, 20% of the
area a higher percentage of carious lesions will sealed teeth required restoration, whereas 41%
be on occlusal surfaces and thus prevent- of such teeth that were unsealed required
able with sealants, in a nonfluoridated area, restorations. Of those diagnosed as having
there will actually be a higher total number incipient, noncavitated lesions, 39% and 60%
of occlusal lesions that could potentially be of sealed and unsealed teeth, respectively,
prevented. required restoration. Finally, in a retrospective
In the context of the targeting issue, it follows study of an insured population, which was nec-
that sealants would be more cost effective if essarily an observational study, it was found
they could be applied to the teeth with the that, in the 5 years after eruption, both first and
greatest probability of decaying, so that they second molars that were sealed were restored
would not be “wasted” on teeth that would not slightly over one-half as often as unsealed teeth
decay anyway. Although prediction methods are (Fig. 27-3).31
not yet precise enough to accomplish this for Taken together, the data from these various
sound teeth, an obvious approach with sealants studies show two things very clearly: first, that ini-
is to take advantage of their demonstrated effi- tial diagnosis makes a very large difference, at
cacy when applied to early lesions. The cost least in the short term, with regard to the value of
advantage of this approach was demonstrated
more than 20 years ago62: sealant application
showed a benefit-cost ratio of only 0.3:1 in
caries-inactive subjects but of 1.02:1 in caries- Table 27-1 Percentage of surfaces (absolute
active subjects. In another study, the most favor- numbers in parentheses) becoming carious after 5
able cost-effectiveness ratios were found when years in sealed and unsealed first permanent molars,
sealant placement was limited to children who by initial diagnosis45
already had restorations in one or more first Initial Diagnosis
permanent molars.114 In yet another school- Sound Incipient
based study, although sealants were effective
overall, their effect was especially striking on Sealed 8.1% 10.8%
surfaces that were initially diagnosed as having (24/297) (41/380)
Nonsealed 12.5% 51.8%
incipient lesions.45 Table 27-1 summarizes
(8/64) (29/56)
some of the data from that report. These data
374 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health


No sealant

Percent restored 50





Sound Questionable Incipient

Fig. 27-2 Requirement for restoration of permanent molars in children by initial diagnosis and sealant placement,
after 26 months of enrollment in the study.44

comes of three sealant strategies: sealing all, none,
or a targeted subset of permanent molars. In this
No sealant
20 analysis, if caries increments were high and
sealant costs were low, a strategy of sealing all
would be most cost effective. On the other hand,
Percent restored

15 if caries levels were low and sealant costs were

high, a targeted strategy would be preferable.
These results suggest strongly that applying
sealants only to those teeth with early lesions or
to the teeth of children with a history of caries is
5 likely to be much more efficient than a blanket
sealing of all potentially at-risk teeth. It is worth
remembering, too, that if caries incidence con-
0 tinues to decline, the need for selective use of
First molars Second molars sealant in this way becomes even greater if the
material is to be used efficiently. Use of sealant
Fig. 27-3 Restoration prevalence after 5 years in sealed
and unsealed first and second permanent molars in an only on incipient lesions is, in effect, using it as
insured population.31 an early restoration rather than as primary pre-
vention, an approach that may require a differ-
sealants; and, second, that in the “real world” ent mindset in prevention-oriented dentists. It
sealants are not successful 100% of the time. also further blurs the distinction between the
Although the placement of a sealant reduced the use of sealants as primary preventive agents
risk that a subsequent restoration would be and their various uses in minimal-preparation
required in all cases, some risk of needing a future restorations, as discussed earlier.
restoration still existed, especially when the initial There are cost-effectiveness issues in private
diagnosis was of a questionable or incipient practice too, although they differ from those in
lesion. These observations are also in agreement public programs.2,6 After all, the value of pre-
with the findings of a simulation and sensitivity ventive care eventually depends on what the
analysis40 that compared the likely costs and out- individual thinks it is worth. A dentist is proba-
27 Fissure Sealants 375

bly justified in sealing a number of teeth in a also expressed a sublime faith in the longevity
patient who wants prevention at any price, even of amalgams, a faith that research shows is seri-
if the dentist believes, for example, that the ously misplaced.6
bicuspids being sealed are unlikely to decay. Even though the trend to more widespread
The more pertinent issue facing a practitioner is use of sealants has developed slowly, it is
whether to seal or restore a deeply fissured consistent. Some growth in the numbers of den-
molar with a suspicious fissure. Is it valid to tists using sealants was evident through the
compare these two options on a cost-effective- 1980s,29,51,82 and by the early 1990s several
ness basis? Some commentators have said no, states reported that more than 90% of general
because one is a preventive procedure and the dentists were using sealants.15,39,90 Growing
other is restorative.47,77,98 Perhaps, but if a acceptance of the use of sealants over incipient
sealant is viewed as a noninvasive restoration, lesions was also evident. In a 1985 survey in
then it becomes a valid comparison. One study Washington state, only 18% of dentists who
directly compared the costs of sealing a caries- used sealants reported doing so over incipient
free molar with the costs of restoring the carious lesions,27 but in 1992 more than 77% of Ohio
contralateral molar with amalgam. When all dentists reported a willingness to seal over
maintenance care was taken into consideration, incipient caries, at least under some circum-
including necessary replacements of both stances.90 This trend toward more widespread
sealant and amalgam, the average cumulative use of sealants is likely to continue, because the
time to place and maintain a sealant over dentists most likely to use sealants are the
7 years was 10 minutes 45 seconds; for an amal- younger, more recent dental school graduates,90
gam it was 14 minutes 26 seconds.101 Another and the acceptance of sealants by patients
small-scale follow-up of 12 pairs of children appears to be heavily influenced by the recom-
concluded that treatment costs in children who mendations of their dentists.60,84,90
did not receive sealant was 1.64 times greater Data on the prevalence of sealants in national
than the costs in a group who had sealant main- surveys also show that their use is increasing.
tained over the period.94 Although these data Data from the 1986-87 national survey of
are not conclusive, collectively they suggest that U.S. schoolchildren ages 5-17 years indicated
appropriate use of sealants on early lesions is that 7.6% had one or more dental sealants
efficacious, conserves tooth structure, and is on permanent teeth.20 By 1991, however, the
likely to be cost effective. As caries experience results from the first part of the third National
continues to decline, the use of sealants is likely Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
to be focused even more on the early lesion (NHANES III) showed that this proportion
rather than the totally sound tooth. had risen to 18.5%.86 Although this increase is
encouraging and is likely to continue, a note of
caution is in order because this higher level of
sealant application will be most helpful if the
sealants are being placed in children who are
The slow adoption of sealants by practitioners, most likely to develop carious lesions.89 For
despite the excellent results in many studies, has maximum benefit, it is important that dentists
been puzzling. Even the main pediatric dental in private practice, as well as those in charge of
organizations in the United States did not public programs, target their sealant applica-
adopt policies to encourage the use of sealants tions to the patients most likely to profit from
until 1983.8 In a series of conferences and sym- them.
posia in the early 1980s that addressed the slow The evidence is also consistent regarding the
adoption of sealants, the reasons given for characteristics of patients who receive sealants.
dentists’ hesitancy included skepticism about Higher levels of parental education and income,
efficacy, fear of “sealing in decay,” and failure of and enrollment in a dental insurance program
many third-party carriers to cover sealant repeatedly have been shown to be associated
application. Virtually identical reasons were with sealant use.60,84,104 These characteristics
still given by dentists who were not using are associated with greater use of virtually all
sealants as recently as 1992.90 Many dentists forms of dental care.
376 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

Lack of dental insurance coverage has been sealants is also likely to remain somewhat dif-
cited as a major factor in the slow acceptance of ferent in public health programs than in private
sealants,37,67,90 although this situation, too, practice. In public programs, sealants should
appears to be improving. By 1994 all 50 states continue to be highly effective in reducing the
had included sealant placement as a benefit in burden of caries in high-risk children. This is
their Medicaid programs,88 and although exact because the children are selected on the basis of
numbers are unavailable, it is evident that an untreated disease and limited access to routine
increasing proportion of private insurers are dental care, and large numbers of children can
including sealant placement as a benefit. be treated under the traditional approach of
However, the economic picture for insurers is sealing large numbers of teeth, including many
not clear, because adding sealant placement to a that are sound. On the other hand, for patients
benefit package usually requires an increase in who are available for regular care in private
premiums, especially because caries experience, practice, the trend is toward a more selective,
and thus the need for restorations, continues to individual approach to sealant use. Here the
fall.32,34 decision to treat is made on the basis of the
Although it is evident that dentists and expected risk for the individual child and tooth
patients are becoming increasingly comfortable surface, and with the knowledge that sealants
with the use of sealants, it is also true that the are part of a conservative approach to restora-
view as to their most appropriate use continues tive care. The role of sealants and the related
to evolve. In the earliest days, sealants were restorative materials in improving the oral
thought of almost exclusively as a material to be health of the public is substantial. The chal-
used on sound pit-and-fissure surfaces to prevent lenge for the practitioner is to be alert for the
the development of a carious lesion. As the tech- inevitable evolution of the recommendations
nology has developed and the overall caries pat- for the most appropriate use of these materials.
tern has changed, there has been an evolution in
thinking. It is now widely accepted that not all
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98. Stamm JW. The use of fissure sealants in public health Administration Press, 1982:46-50.
programs: A reactor’s comments. J Public Health Dent 113. Weintraub JA. The effectiveness of pit and fissure
1983;43:243-6. sealants. J Public Health Dent 1989;49:317-30.
99. Stamm JW. Is there a need for dental sealants? 114. Weintraub JA, Stearns SC, Burt BA, et al. A retrospec-
Epidemiological indications in the 1980s. J Dent Educ tive analysis of the cost-effectiveness of dental sealants
1984;48:9-17. in a children’s health center. Soc Sci Med 1993;
100. Stephen KW, Strang R. Fissure sealants: A review. 36:1483-93.
Community Dent Health 1985;2:149-56. 115. Wendt LK, Koch G. Fissure sealant in permanent first
101. Straffon LH, Dennison JB. Clinical evaluation com- molars after 10 years. Swed Dent J 1988;12:181-5.
paring sealant and amalgam after 7 years: Final report. 116. Winkler TM, Deschepper EJ, Dean JA, et al. Using a
J Am Dent Assoc 1988;117:751-5. resin-modified glass ionomer as an occlusal sealant: A
102. Sveen OB, Jensen OE. Two-year clinical evaluation of one-year clinical study. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:
Delton and Prisma-Shield. Clin Prev Dent 1986; 1508-14.
8(5):9-11. 117. Wright GZ, Friedman CS, Plotzke O, Feasby WH. A
103. Swift EJ Jr. The effect of sealants on dental caries: A comparison between autopolymerizing and visible-
review. J Am Dent Assoc 1988;116:700-4. light-activated sealants. Clin Prev Dent 1988;10(1):
28 Diet and Plaque Control



Probably more effort has been expended over concerned with the absorption and metabolism
the years in trying to prevent caries by dietary of nutrients from dietary sources. We stated in
control and toothbrushing than by any other Chapter 20 that there is little evidence to show
method. These efforts have been a major part of that nutritional deficiencies, either during tooth
traditional dental health education, and they development or subsequently, cause dental
are aimed at changing personal behavior by caries. Similarly, in Chapter 21 we discussed
exhorting people to voluntarily restrict their how periodontitis cannot be treated as a nutri-
consumption of sugars and to brush faithfully. tional disorder. Malnourishment is unusual
America’s response is to eat more sugar than in the well-fed societies of North America,
ever, although oral hygiene is also probably bet- although it is occasionally seen among some
ter than ever. who live in deprived circumstances and among
The ingestion of sugars and other highly individuals with eating disorders. Where mal-
refined carbohydrates is a necessary condition nutrition is more widespread, as it is in some
for dental caries to begin (see Chapter 20). low-income countries, there is a potential link
Although mass education to restrict sugar con- between malnutrition and the oral diseases, as
sumption clearly has not worked, restriction of was discussed in Chapters 20 and 21.
dietary sugars remains an appropriate part Despite the infrequency of nutritional distur-
of the strategy for controlling caries in a caries- bances among North Americans, some well-
susceptible patient. Development of low- and meaning dentists have extolled the virtues of
noncariogenic sugar substitutes also provides a controlling dental caries and periodontal dis-
few more options for these patients. eases through nutritional counseling. In cases
Sugars as a risk factor for dental caries were of rare metabolic diseases that can disrupt
discussed in Chapter 20. This chapter takes a the immune system, oral conditions may be
critical look at the role of dietary approaches to improved when the patient’s nutritional status
preventing oral disease, at the potential for is improved, but in healthy, well-nourished
caries control through the use of sugar substi- patients there is no basis for treating existing
tutes, and at the most appropriate place for oral dental disease through nutritional (as distinct
hygiene in caries control. from dietary) counseling.
The nutritional status of a patient is rightly
the concern of the attending dental professional,
and all dentists and hygienists should be
Diet refers to the food and drink that pass sensitive to the signs of nutritional distur-
through the mouth, whereas nutrition is bances. When a nutritional disturbance or
28 Diet and Plaque Control 381

eating disorder is suspected, referral to a physi- eaten in isolation or with other foods, and the
cian or nutritionist is the correct course of nature of any accompanying foods. We there-
action. Even when such a patient is treated fore cannot be certain whether a particular aci-
successfully for the nutritional problem, dogenic food is cariogenic or not for a particular
improvement in oral status is likely to follow as patient, even if the risk seems high. However, we
a consequence only in the most severe cases. can be confident about the converse: because
acidogenesis is a necessary condition for caries,
a nonacidogenic food must also be a noncario-
genic food.
The concept of a cariogenic food was too
The sugars or other readily fermentable broad to be of practical use in caries control,
carbohydrates (Box 28-1) in any food can be so attempts were made to determine the cario-
metabolized by cariogenic bacteria in plaque. genic potential of a food, defined as the food’s
Food with this property is termed acidogenic. ability to foster caries in humans under condi-
Acidogenesis is a necessary, though not suffi- tions conducive to caries formation.49 The
cient, condition for the development of caries. underlying idea in defining cariogenic potential
The ubiquity of sugars in processed foods was to draw up a rank order of cariogenic foods,
means that a wide range of foods and drinks are but a 1986 workshop on food cariogenicity
acidogenic. Whether an acidogenic food is cari- concluded that this approach was unproduc-
ogenic or not will depend greatly on a number tive. Although efforts to identify cariogenic
of factors specific to the individual who eats it, foods were not followed up because that cate-
factors such as predominant bacterial flora, gory was so broad, the workshop agreed
flow rate and buffering capacity of saliva, fluo- that there was value in identifying nonaci-
ride availability, and individual immune fac- dogenic foods, which by definition have no car-
tors. Whether caries develops or not also iogenic potential.30 Such foods can then be
depends on how much of the food is eaten and confidently recommended to patients who
how frequently it is consumed, whether it is need a sugar-restricted diet.

BOX 28-1 What Are Cariogenic Foods?

Sugars and other fermentable carbohydrates are part of noncariogenic because they break down very little in the
the etiologic chain in dental caries. The phrase other oral cavity.60,75 These sugars are part of the structure of
fermentable carbohydrates is used a lot in the literature, fruits, vegetables, and milk, and as such are called
and it sounds both broad and vague. What are these intrinsic sugars. Intrinsic sugars are considered virtually
“other fermentable carbohydrates”? The term refers to noncariogenic when eaten in moderate amounts. Added
the cooked or milled starches in the refined flours used sugars, sometimes called extrinsic sugars, are held to be
in making cookies, biscuits, sweet rolls, croissants, and the sugars that are metabolized by cariogenic plaque
other processed foods. Their dental significance is that bacteria and trigger the events that lead to
as simple carbohydrates they can be broken down demineralization. Some of the literature on this subject
further by the salivary enzyme amylase while still in the expands the term sugars to nonmilk extrinsic sugars.
mouth and then metabolized by cariogenic bacteria just There is no important difference in cariogenicity
as sugars are. For that reason these simple between refined sugars and brown sugar. Despite the
carbohydrates are considered potentially cariogenic. earlier comment on intrinsic sugars, adherence to a
Some evidence suggests that starch-sugar mixtures are high-fruit diet does not necessarily protect from
more cariogenic than sugars alone.19,20,35,71 caries.41 However, as an after-school snack, fruits have
Starch is a branched or unbranched polysaccharide considerably more nutritional value than the average
chain of glucose molecules. The term usually refers to candy bar.
the complex, large-molecule carbohydrates such as A diet that is generous in vegetables and fruits and is
those found in potatoes, broccoli, other fruits and light in processed food is recognized universally as
vegetables, and whole grains. These are all compatible with general health. It is also compatible
carbohydrates that have long been viewed as essentially with dental health.
382 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

The cariogenic potential of a single food can- promote that message. One obstacle is
not be satisfactorily tested in human studies America’s insatiable thirst for carbonated soft
because of the “background noise” from other drinks and the nonstop advertising that goes
uncontrolled consumption of food compo- along with it. Even though soft drink consump-
nents in a normal mixed diet.24 As one example, tion has leveled out in the United States over
studies to determine whether the consumption recent years, it averaged 54.2 gallons per person
of presweetened breakfast cereals increased in 2002.18 For years all of this sugar consump-
caries incidence were unable to control for tion was seen as a matter of no concern, but
other crucial variables.26 The 1986 workshop more recently the high consumption of soft
suggested guidelines for testing the cariogenic drinks has been linked with the global obesity
potential of foods using a combination of sev- epidemic,67 an epidemic that is well recognized
eral testing regimens, including animal models in the United States. One response to such a
and in vitro procedures.30 These protocols were problem should be promotion of good nutri-
intended to identify foods with no cariogenic tion in infancy, but instead the trend in recent
potential, especially snack foods, but they have years has gone the other way, with juices and
not received much attention. soft drinks replacing breast milk, formula, and
The Swiss government has been testing the cow’s milk. This change generally is not benefi-
cariogenic potential of snack foods since 1982 cial,68 and too many children are already over-
and has permitted snack foods there to be weight when they begin school. Soft drink
labeled Zahnfreundlich (which means “tooth- companies have been aggressively marketing
friendly” and implies nonerosiveness as well) if their products by contracting with cash-poor
they do not lower the pH of interdental plaque school districts for the exclusive right to stock
below 5.7 for up to 30 minutes after consump- the vending machines in the schools, known as
tion.48 Under this well-accepted program, tests “pouring rights.” This, too, is a trend that is not
of food products are carried out telemetrically in the public health interest, and it has been vig-
with a plaque electrode. Accepted products are orously opposed by the American Academy of
usually confectionery items sweetened with the Pediatrics.4
sugar alcohols xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, or When we discussed health promotion in
maltitol, or with Lycasin, a hydrogenated starch Chapter 5 we talked about the necessity for an
derivative. Fructose does not pass the test. environment in which people could choose
The impact of this program on the dental to be healthy. Aggressive marketing of soft
health of the Swiss people is difficult to docu- drinks, together with what to a child’s eyes is the
ment, however. It is likely to be positive because apparent blessing that school districts give to
a high proportion of Swiss children and adults unrestricted consumption of a particular brand
have learned to recognize the “tooth-friendly” of soft drink, threatens that environment.
logo and to understand that it indicates oral Health professionals in general agree that soft
health benefits.74 The concept has spread to a drinks have little, if any, place in the infant’s diet
number of other countries, including the and should be consumed only moderately in
United States, where the Food and Drug later childhood. This is an issue on which it is
Administration (FDA) in 1996 permitted the logical for dental professionals to join their
claim “does not promote tooth decay” to be medical and public health colleagues in pro-
made for sugar-free foods that met specified test moting healthy diets for children, for clearly
conditions.46 both dental and general health concerns are
In view of these issues, it came as a surprise in
2003 when the American Academy of Pediatric
We noted in Chapter 20 that soft drink con- Dentistry (AAPD) received a grant from the
sumption is associated with caries and that high Coca-Cola Company for research into dental
consumption of soft drinks increases the risk of decay.5 Among the concerns raised by this
caries.50 Therefore caries control calls for mod- action, the main one is that this alliance will be
est consumption of soft drinks, but in the cur- seen as an endorsement of soft drink consump-
rent social environment it is difficult to tion in early childhood by the AAPD. This
28 Diet and Plaque Control 383

action also puts the AAPD at odds with its med- years. It exceeded 120 pounds (54.5 kg) per
ical colleagues in the American Academy of capita per year in the 1920s8 and has risen
Pediatrics, which has a clear policy of asking steadily since then. Fig. 28-1 graphs data from
schools to reconsider these pouring-rights con- the U.S. Department of Agriculture for 1972-
tracts in the interests of children’s health.4 The 2002 to show that, although average consump-
AAPD liaison with Coca-Cola also is contrary to tion of all sugars rose steadily over that period,
the long-standing policy of the American sucrose consumption declined through 1984
Dental Association to oppose promotion of and has leveled out since then. Consumption of
low-nutrient foods and drinks to children.6 monosaccharides continues to increase. Average
per capita consumption of all sugars in the
United States reached 146.1 pounds (66.4 kg)
in 2002, one of the highest levels of national
The material known by the lay term sugar is consumption in the world. For contrast, some
sucrose, a disaccharide that is the most com- international values for consumption of sucrose
mon form of sugar consumed by humans. (not necessarily of total sugars) are shown in
Sucrose and other sugars, both monosaccha- Fig. 28-2. These data do not include the mono-
rides and disaccharides, are added to a wide saccharides that account for more than half of
variety of processed foods; labels on supermar- consumption in the United States, although
ket staples like canned soups, salad dressings, monosaccharides are a much smaller fraction of
and processed meats frequently put sugars high the sugars consumed in other countries.
on the list of ingredients. The ingredients on a Most monosaccharide now consumed in the
label are listed in order of relative proportions, United States is high-fructose corn syrup
so the higher on the list an ingredient appears, (HFCS), widely used in place of sucrose in
the more of it there is in the product. processed foods and soft drinks. HFCS consists
Consumption of sugars in all forms has con- mostly of fructose, glucose, and other oligosac-
tinued to rise in the United States for many charides. It is used by food manufacturers


Pounds per capita



1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002


Fig. 28-1 Mean annual consumption of total sugars, sucrose, and high-fructose corn syrup plus other monosac-
charides in the United States, 1972-2002.94
384 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health



Sucrose (kg)




USA Mexico Europe China India Australia

Country or region
Fig. 28-2 Mean annual consumption of sucrose in the United States, Europe, and four other countries in 1996.
(Data are for sucrose only and do not include consumption of high-fructose corn syrup and other monosaccha-

instead of sucrose because it is cheaper and is themselves most likely overestimate human con-
produced domestically, so that it is available sumption. Still, these data are collected in the
from a stable market. Corn is a cheap and abun- same way from year to year, so the trends repre-
dant crop in the United States. But sucrose has sented are accurate enough, even if the absolute
such a variety of desirable characteristics from amounts should not be taken too literally.
the food manufacturer’s point of view that it is In addition to the considerable shift from
difficult to replace. Not only does it have a sweet sucrose to HFCS and other syrups in processed
taste, but sucrose can be baked and boiled with- food, two other major changes have taken place
out losing its desirable properties of adding in sugar consumption patterns since the early
body, luster, and texture to a food product, pro- twentieth century28:
moting the emulsification of fats, and acting as ●
The proportion of energy intake from car-
a preservative. When HFCS is used instead of bohydrate foods has swung from a prepon-
sucrose in processed foods, the other desirable derance obtained from complex starches
qualities of sucrose must come from additives, (bread, potatoes, whole grain cereals) to a
the use of which arouses anxiety in many peo- preponderance obtained from simple car-
ple. To complicate the potential health issues, bohydrates (principally sugars).
sucrose can be more harmful to human health ●
The main use of sugars has changed from
than was once thought because evidence exists discretionary consumption (i.e., from the
that it contributes directly to the global epi- sugar bowl on the table) to consumption
demic of obesity.67 by way of processed foods, the “hidden
A caveat regarding the data in Figs. 28-1 and sugars.” By the mid-1970s, three quarters of
28-2 is that they are all “disappearance” data all sugars consumed came from processed
(i.e., they are derived from the amount of sugar foods.
that is produced and then distributed from stor-
age warehouses). Disappearance data do not
account for industrial use, wastage, and other
losses. Just how much of the “disappeared” sug-
ars actually is consumed by humans is a matter Sucrose for years was billed as the “archcrimi-
of speculation, but disappearance figures by nal” of dental caries because it was considered
28 Diet and Plaque Control 385

to be so much more cariogenic than other sug- sweeteners known as the sugar alcohols. The
ars.72 However, later research has suggested that most commonly used sugar alcohol in the
the differences between sucrose and the various United States has been sorbitol, which is the
monosaccharides in terms of cariogenic poten- standard sweetener in several “sugarless” chew-
tial are less than originally believed.48,59 This is ing gums and over-the-counter medicines. The
a difficult issue to study in humans because of advantage of sorbitol over sugars, in terms of
the variability of the human diet, so views are cariogenesis, is that in small amounts it does
based principally on extrapolations from ani- not lower the pH of plaque to the point at
mal studies and laboratory research. One study which enamel demineralization occurs.21
in Sweden involving a small number of pre- Sorbitol is considered to have low cariogenicity
school children found that those consuming rather than to be noncariogenic, however,
invert sugar (a mixture of glucose and fructose) because when larger amounts are consumed
in place of sucrose had a lower caries increment both the acid production in plaque and the
over 2 years,36 although the differences did not number of sorbitol-fermenting microorganisms
reach statistical significance. However, one can increase.22 Cariogenic microorganisms
could speculate whether America’s reduced “learn” to metabolize sorbitol when their sugar
consumption of sucrose (see Fig. 28-1) has supply is restricted, a form of adaptation to sor-
been a factor in the sharp reduction in approxi- bitol that has also been demonstrated in ani-
mal and smooth surface caries relative to the mals.34 Several clinical trials of sorbitol chewing
overall caries decline (see Chapter 20). This gum, however, have shown that these problems
speculation is based on the fact that the produc- do not occur when consumption levels are low,
tion of extracellular polysaccharides in plaque around two sticks of gum per day. Use of sor-
depends on sucrose73 and that smooth surface bitol gum at this level at least does not promote
caries will only develop with plaque that adheres caries39 and may help to reverse early deminer-
by means of extracellular polysaccharides. alization of a lesion.32,58,62
The sugar alcohol that has received most
research attention is xylitol. Xylitol, like other
sugar alcohols, is caloric but has been shown to
be noncariogenic and to possess the properties
The development of noncaloric sugar sub- of a marketable sweetener. In the late 1960s and
stitutes, marketed for weight control, is big early 1970s, xylitol was the subject of interesting
business in the United States. Commercial experiments in the Finnish city of Turku, known
development of these products, from the labo- as the Turku sugar studies.86 In the first of the
ratory to marketing, is time consuming and Turku studies, a small group of volunteer adults
expensive. This is mainly because manufactur- made virtually complete substitution of xylitol
ers must meet stringent FDA requirements for for sucrose in their diets, a change made possi-
demonstrated safety before such products go to ble by having food manufacturers prepare spe-
market. However, despite the sometimes formi- cial nonsucrose, xylitol-sweetened foods for the
dable costs involved, sugar substitutes continue 2 years of the study. A second test group con-
to be developed. Some, such as the noncaloric sumed fructose-sweetened foods under the
saccharin, have been in common use in the same protocol, and a third group acted as con-
United States and elsewhere for years. trols by consuming a conventional sucrose-
Aspartame, a dipeptide composed of two natu- containing diet. By necessity, this study deviated
rally occurring amino acids, became available in from the requirements of an ideal clinical trial
the United States in 1982. in that the participants were self-selected and
Research into the dental applications of were aware of their group assignment. Still, the
sugar substitutes goes back several decades. The magnitude of the differences among the groups
rationale is that Streptococcus mutans and in new caries experience was impressive. Over 2
Streptococcus sobrinus emerge in plaque flora years there were practically no new carious
when sugar substrate is plentiful but can be sup- lesions in the xylitol group, whereas there were
pressed when the diet is low in sugars. A widely more than seven per person in the group eating
used group of sugar substitutes are the caloric the usual sucrose diet and four per person in the
386 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

fructose-consuming group. Lesions in the adult mild laxative effects in some study participants,
test subjects, whose average age was 27.5 years, but this was not reported in more recent trials
were almost all of the “white spot” variety (i.e., when lower dosages were used. Xylitol has been
reversible early demineralization) on smooth approved for “special dietary use” in the United
surfaces.84 The quantity of plaque formed in the States since 1963, although it remains hard to
xylitol group was also significantly lower.86 find in chewing gums and other snack products.
In a separate 1-year clinical trial in Turku, Xylitol is much more expensive than sucrose,
young adult subjects consumed an average of however, and because it is destroyed by heat it
four sticks a day of xylitol-sweetened chewing cannot be used in cooked food products. Thus
gum, with no other changes in conventional its use may be restricted to products such as
diet. Control group subjects consumed the same chewing gum that require only small amounts
amount of sucrose-sweetened gum. After a year of sweetener. With the FDA’s acceptance of the
the test group subjects averaged 0.3 new DMF “tooth-friendly” logo,46 it is hoped that more
(decayed, missing, or filled) surfaces compared xylitol-sweetened products will be seen in the
with nearly 4 surfaces in the sucrose group.85 United States. Currently xylitol is much more
The lesions were again mostly white spots, common in chewing gum in Canada and
which is why the caries incidence appears high. Europe.
Subsequent field trials of xylitol-sweetened
gum and confectionery products have contin-
ued to give impressive results.2,10,52,56 Other
field studies, in one instance with fluoride
added to xylitol gum, have yielded acceptable As discussed in Chapter 20, long-held and stren-
positive results only slightly clouded by ques- uously asserted beliefs about the anticariogenic
tionable study design and data analysis. 15,55,83 properties of “cleansing” foods have little sub-
In comparisons between sorbitol and xylitol, stance. The thinking here was that chewing a
xylitol has yielded better results, probably fibrous food (apple, carrot, celery) would clean
because of its antibacterial properties.31,37,45 plaque from tooth surfaces and thus prevent
Maternal consumption of xylitol has also been caries; however, research has long since shown
shown to block the transmission of mutans that chewing fibrous foods does not remove
streptococci from mother to child.51,88 plaque. Of course, there is obvious nutritional
Xylitol cannot be metabolized by cariogenic merit in snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables
microorganisms16,40 and thus does not reduce rather than on candy bars: more fiber, more vita-
the pH of plaque. The counts of salivary S. mins and minerals, less fat. But unless the sugar
mutans drop as a consequence of consistent use intake of persons eating fibrous snacks is drasti-
of xylitol gum, probably because replacement of cally reduced in addition, which as stated earlier
sucrose by xylitol in plaque starves the cariogenic is difficult to do without a radical move away
microorganisms. Further analysis of data from from processed foods, the impact on caries will
the Turku studies,77,78 in addition to the results be minimal. Even that very symbol of oral
of laboratory studies,87 suggests that xylitol may health, the apple, has been shown to lower
promote remineralization, and there are also plaque pH soon after ingestion38 and to induce
reports that xylitol can arrest established dentin caries in rats when eaten ad libitum.91
caries.66 This evidence has led to the possibility One food with reported protective factors is
that xylitol may be more than noncariogenic and cheese; there is evidence in humans to show
may actually be therapeutic or anticariogenic. that finishing a meal with cheese reduces the
Although these claims require further confirma- acidity of plaque79 and therefore presumably its
tion before they can be accepted, research sup- cariogenicity. Animal studies, which of course
ports the conclusion that even partial can be more tightly controlled than studies in
substitution of xylitol for sucrose, such as in con- humans, support this finding.61
fectionery products, is an effective means of In addition to fluoride, other dietary trace
caries prevention at the public health level.82 elements have been associated with caries expe-
In terms of general health consequences, rience: molybdenum with low disease levels81
some of the earlier xylitol studies reported some and selenium with high levels.43 However,
28 Diet and Plaque Control 387

evidence for an important etiologic role is weak, In Chapter 20 we discussed how the Vipe-
and these reports have no practical implications hölm study42 influenced dental health educa-
for caries control. Among the various food addi- tion and how application of the results of that
tives intended to reduce the carious attack, landmark study may have become misdirected.
phosphates have probably received most atten- In normal-living populations, there is no epi-
tion. In numerous animal studies phosphates demiologic evidence that consumption of
have been shown to reduce caries when added sticky foods is more strongly associated with
to the diet, but studies in humans have yielded caries experience than is consumption of sug-
disappointing results.54,63 The reductions in ared drinks, although this conclusion depends
caries have been too small to be of any signifi- on the quantities consumed (i.e., food cario-
cance, and the phosphate tends to give the food genicity rather than cariogenic potential).
an unpleasant taste. Sugared rinses served very well to demonstrate
Nutritious and fibrous foods are naturally to the Stephan curve, the first laboratory demon-
be recommended for good general health. stration that ingestion of sugars caused an
Although the impact on oral health of a bal- immediate sharp drop in plaque pH, followed
anced diet high in unprocessed foods can only by a gradual return to normal pH due to salivary
be good, it cannot be demonstrated under mod- buffering action.90 The Stephan curve is shown
ern conditions of fluoride exposure that such a in Fig. 28-3. Sugared rinses were also the basis
diet, by itself, will improve oral health status. of experimental caries studies in humans,96 so
Nor is there any evidence to support chewing of advice to “take your sugars in drinks rather than
carrots, celery, or apples as a means of cleaning sticky foods” can hardly be recommended given
plaque from teeth. This form of dietary counsel- this evidence. Another aspect of this subject is
ing should not become the centerpiece of den- that consumer perceptions of “sticky” foods are
tal health education, although dental personnel poorly related to objective measures of food
should always encourage healthy food choices retention.57
by their patients. We also discussed in Chapter 20 how pro-
spective studies in the 1980s could not demon-
strate a relationship between caries experience
and frequency of eating among children, and
that the conclusion of the Vipehölm study on
A dietary regimen that involved strict control of the importance of frequency of consumption
carbohydrate intake was developed for caries may have been based on a distorted eating pat-
control in the immediately prefluoride years.53 tern that is rarely seen in the general popula-
Success was based on reducing counts of Lacto- tion. Health educators today are advised to
bacillus acidophilus, and this regimen demanded concentrate on reducing total intake of sugars
almost total abstinence from all forms of carbo- by caries-susceptible people rather than to
hydrate for a short period, with a gradual return focus on “sticky” foods or details of snacking
to limited carbohydrate intake. This draconian frequency.
regimen of dietary control was too much for Research studies in humans have identified
most patients, however, and it had little broad- many people who get little caries even though
scale success. Of more concern in today’s world, they consume a lot of sugars25,80; extensive
drastic reduction of all forms of carbohydrate, dietary counseling for such individuals is clearly
which include fruits and vegetables, is clearly not time well spent. The philosophy behind
unwise because it could lead either to excessive extensive effort to obtain major reductions in
intake of fat and protein or to energy depriva- such individuals’ consumption of sugars to
tion. Dietary guidelines from the U.S. Depart- prevent a small amount of disease must be
ment of Agriculture urge the consumption of seriously questioned. Patients who are more
more unrefined carbohydrates (e.g., fruits, veg- susceptible to caries, however, can benefit con-
etables, and whole grains) but retain the recom- siderably. Therefore extensive dietary counsel-
mendation for restrained consumption of ing in the dental office should be concentrated
refined carbohydrates (sugars and other fer- on patients who show an obvious susceptibility
mentable carbohydrates).92 to caries.
388 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

Water rinse


Sucrose rinse
Plaque pH



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Minutes after rinse

Fig. 28-3 Data from Stephan’s experiments showing the Stephan curve. In the group using the sucrose rinse, a
sharp and immediate drop in plaque pH was seen; in the control group using a water rinse, no change occurred.90

On a community level, dietary advice in den- equal cariogenicity and should therefore be
tal health education should be linked with gen- removed. It also stems from the pioneering
eral efforts to educate the public regarding wise work of Stephan in the 1940s (see Fig. 28-3),
food choices for healthy living and judicious which quickly became the basis for dental
use of the national dietary guidelines. High- health education aimed at promoting brushing
sugar foods are often high-fat foods as well, so immediately after eating to neutralize the
dentally oriented advice is completely in har- impact of “acid attacks.”
mony with broad advice to enhance the public Even with all the knowledge gained from
health. Drastic reductions in sugar consump- modern research, however, the relation between
tion, even if feasible in the United States, may or caries incidence and level of oral hygiene can
may not have much impact on caries levels but still be confusing. Plaque harbors cariogenic
would likely lead to replacement of lost energy and periodontopathogenic bacteria, but it also
by consumption of fat.27 This would clearly not is the main intraoral repository of fluoride and
be a move to enhance the public health. other remineralizing substances. Presumably
the human race evolved plaque for some bene-
ficial purpose, although one would doubt it
from the message given out by most dental
Dietary restriction has historically been used in health education materials.
conjunction with frequent plaque removal to Despite historically mixed research evidence
prevent caries. From the time of Miller in the linking oral hygiene to caries incidence,7,17,69
1880s, caries was seen as theoretically preventa- interest in stringent oral hygiene was piqued by
ble by regular and careful oral hygiene proce- a series of reports in the 1970s which concluded
dures to remove plaque. Countless hours of that caries incidence in children could be virtu-
dental health education have been devoted to ally eliminated by meticulous plaque removal
promoting that end, based on the adage that “a carried out by trained dental auxiliaries at fre-
clean tooth never decays.” This approach to quent intervals.11-13,64 These reports are known
controlling caries by focusing on oral hygiene is collectively as the Karlstad studies after the
based on the “nonspecific plaque hypothesis,” Swedish county in which they were conducted.
which in turn was based on the incorrect Intervals between professional cleanings were
assumption that all bacteria in plaque are of 2 weeks in younger children, whereas in older
28 Diet and Plaque Control 389

children spectacular results were maintained of the Karlstad approach therefore makes it
when the time between cleanings was extended unrealistic for most public services; caries pre-
to 8 weeks after an initial 2 years at 2-week inter- vention efforts are far better channeled into fluo-
vals.65 The procedures involved in the profes- ride and sealant programs. The main purpose of
sional cleaning of children’s teeth are detailed regular toothbrushing, in terms of caries preven-
in Chapter 29. tion, is to introduce fluoride into the mouth reg-
Benefits of this protocol probably came from ularly via the toothpaste. The plaque-removal
a combination of (1) plaque control, (2) inten- effect appears secondary in caries prevention,
sive use of topical fluoride paste, and (3) dental although it can have primary benefits in control-
health education and oral hygiene practices at ling gingivitis (see Chapter 29). Regular tooth-
home, although the researchers concluded that brushing with a fluoride toothpaste should be
most benefit came from the oral hygiene proce- encouraged as a regular daily routine for all peo-
dures.12 Caries reductions of 98% were reported ple, whether susceptible to caries or not.
over 2 years,11 although attempts by others to
replicate the Karlstad regimen were not able
to achieve the same level of success.1,9,14,44
1. Agerbaek N, Poulsen S, Melsen B, Glavind L. Effect of
More recently, studies on the Danish island of professional toothcleaning every third week on gingivi-
Bornholm have reported great caries-preventive tis and dental caries in children. Community Dent Oral
success through rigorous control of plaque Epidemiol 1978;6:40-1.
deposits on erupting first molars.29 Like the 2. Alanen P, Isokangas P, Gutmann K. Xylitol candies in
caries prevention: Results of a field study in Estonian
Karlstad regimen, the Bornholm approach is
children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28:
resource intensive, so much so that it is of 218-24.
doubtful utility in places that do not have 3. Aleksejuniene J, Arneberg P, Eriksen HM. Caries preva-
Scandinavian-level resources in a school dental lence and oral hygiene in Lithuanian children and ado-
services. lescents. Acta Odontol Scand 1996;54:75-80.
4. American Academy of Pediatrics. AAP says soft drinks in
Studies carried out by Scandinavian researchers
schools should be restricted, website: http://www.
with small groups of children continue to Accessed
relate good oral hygiene to low caries experi- February 4, 2004.
ence.3,23,47,70 Poor oral hygiene is also a clear 5. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Partnership
risk factor for root caries in older people.89,95 to promote pediatric dental health, website: http://
On the other hand, despite extensive improve-
Accessed February 4, 2004.
ments in the caries status of Quebec children 6. American Dental Association. Oral health topics A–Z:
between 1977 and 1990, no improvement in Diet and oral health, website:
oral hygiene could be found,76 and oral hygiene public/topics/softdrink_faq.asp#1. Accessed March 4,
levels were not associated with the progression 2004.
7. Andlaw RJ. Oral hygiene and dental caries; a review. Int
of white spots to dentinal lesions.33 Even if a
Dent J 1978;28:1-6.
poor level of oral hygiene does promote caries, 8. Antar MA, Ohlson MA, Hodges RE. Changes in retail
extensive professional care to clean up a dirty market food supplies in the United States in the last
mouth may not be time well spent if the under- seventy years in relation to the incidence of coronary
lying reasons for poor oral hygiene are not heart disease, with special reference to dietary carbohy-
drates and essential fatty acids. Am J Clin Nutr 1964;
Good oral hygiene is so clearly a desirable 9. Ashley FP, Sainsbury RH. The effect of a school-based
goal for social and periodontal reasons (see plaque control programme on caries and gingivitis. Br
Chapter 29) that education or treatment to Dent J 1981;150:41-5.
achieve it cannot be simply dismissed. The ques- 10. Autio JT. Effect of xylitol chewing gum on salivary
Streptococcus mutans in preschool children. ASDC J Dent
tion, however, is one of cost effectiveness, of the
Child 2002;69:81-6.
best use of a professional’s time. The intensity of 11. Axelsson P, Lindhe J. The effect of a preventive pro-
the Karlstad protocol, in education and home gramme on dental plaque, gingivitis and caries in
care as well as in the professional treatments school children. Results after one and two years. J Clin
themselves, demands a high investment in Periodontol 1974;1:126-38.
equipment and personnel and absorbs some 3 12. Axelsson P, Lindhe J. Effect of fluoride on gingivitis and
dental caries in a preventive program based on plaque
hours of chair time per child each year.9 The cost
390 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

control. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1975;3: 34. Firestone AR, Navia JM. In vivo measurements of sulcal
156-60. plaque pH after topical applications of sorbitol and
13. Axelsson P, Lindhe J, Waseby J. The effect of various sucrose in rats fed sorbitol or sucrose. J Dent Res
plaque control measures on gingivitis and caries in 1986;65:1020-3.
schoolchildren. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 35. Firestone AR, Schmid R, Muhlemann HR. Effect on the
1976;4:232-9. length and number of intervals between meals on caries
14. Badersten A, Egelberg J, Koch G. Effect of monthly pro- in rats. Caries Res 1984;18:128-33.
phylaxis on caries and gingivitis in schoolchildren. 36. Frostell G, Birkhed D, Edwardsson S, et al. Effect of par-
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1975;3:1-4. tial substitution of invert sugar for sucrose in combina-
15. Barmes D, Barnaud J, Khambonanda S, Infirri JS. Field tion with Duraphat treatment on caries development in
trials of preventive regimens in Thailand and French preschool children: The Malmö study. Caries Res
Polynesia. Int Dent J 1985;35:66-72. 1991;25:304-10.
16. Beckers HJ. Influence of xylitol on growth, establish- 37. Gales MA, Nguyen TM. Sorbitol compared with xylitol
ment, and cariogenicity of Streptococcus mutans in den- in prevention of dental caries. Ann Pharmacopother
tal plaque of rats. Caries Res 1988;22:166-73. 2000;34:98-100.
17. Bellini HT, Arneberg P, von der Fehr FR. Oral hygiene and 38. Geddes DA, Edgar WM, Jenkins GN, Rugg-Gunn AJ.
caries: A review. Acta Odontol Scand 1981;39:257-65. Apples, salted peanuts and plaque pH. Br Dent J
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19. Bibby BG. The cariogenicity of snack foods and confec- tal properties of lactitol compared with five other
tions. J Am Dent Assoc 1975;90:121-32. bulk sweeteners in vitro. Caries Res 1989;23:
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29 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases


NATURE OF DENTAL PLAQUE Prophylactic Treatment for Adults
Frequency of Toothbrushing Chlorhexidine
Type of Toothbrush Other Antibacterial Compounds
Toothbrushing Methods Anticalculus (“Tartar-Control”) Toothpastes

Although our understanding of periodontal vention of periodontitis (as opposed to its con-
conditions is growing rapidly (see Chapter 21), trol through clinical treatment) is to prevent
prevention and control of periodontal con- and control gingivitis.
ditions still must be based on the periodic
removal of plaque and calculus, whether by the
individual or by a dental professional. There is
no parallel in prevention of periodontal dis- The rationale for controlling periodontal condi-
eases to a public health measure such as water tions by regular plaque removal is based on the
fluoridation. premise that supragingival plaque, if undis-
Our current understanding that only some turbed, will become subgingival plaque,92 and
5%-15% of the population suffers from serious subgingival plaque has the potential to be colo-
periodontitis has led some to downplay the nized by periodontopathogenic bacteria.
importance of prevention; this is the view that Although relatively few gingivitis sites progress
“periodontal disease doesn’t matter anymore.” to periodontitis (see Chapter 21), we still can-
This view is clearly faulty, because this level not identify those sites that will. Accordingly,
of prevalence still means that some 30 million the principle for prevention has not changed for
Americans suffer from serious periodontitis. years: the regular and consistent control of
Based on the data given in Chapter 21, eight plaque buildup, supragingival and subgingival,
times that number have moderate adult perio- soft and mineralized (calculus), on the teeth
dontitis, much of which requires treatment and and in the gingival crevices. This approach is
could probably be prevented. Prevention of bacteriologically nonspecific, for it seeks to con-
periodontitis still is clearly a worthwhile public trol the buildup of all plaque. It also depends
health endeavor; the problems and the frustra- strongly on individual motivation for success.
tions come with our limitations in how to Plaque control is therefore unlikely ever to be
accomplish it. Even though our understanding completely effective in preventing periodontal
of periodontitis has expanded greatly over diseases in a population, although individual
recent years, the only practical approach to pre- success is common. Until research produces
394 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

methods of controlling periodontal infection, diverse bacterial flora.24 Although microbial

enhancing host response, and identifying sus- adhesion is how plaque formation begins,
ceptible individuals, however, mass plaque con- microbial multiplication is thought to be the
trol by personal, professional, or chemical dominant factor in the buildup of dental
means is the best we can do. plaque, and the nature of this microbial prolif-
This chapter deals with methods for control- eration is highly dependent on the local envi-
ling the deposition of dental plaque, an ronment. Because environmental conditions
approach that can effectively prevent gingivitis. vary from place to place within the oral cavity,
As was detailed in Chapter 21, however, the role each site with plaque represents its own distinct
of plaque in periodontitis is not so straightfor- ecosystem, and the dominant microbial com-
ward. Plaque deposits may be a necessary con- position at the site depends on the outcome of
dition for periodontitis, but clearly they are not numerous host-microbe and microbe-microbe
sufficient. In other words, susceptible people interactions.106
may have to be stringent about oral hygiene, but The clinical picture of all this activity has
there are millions of people with poor oral been well described. After plaque has been com-
hygiene who do not have serious periodontitis. pletely removed, it re-forms slowly on the
There is an analogy here with the role of con- supragingival tooth surface for about 3 days,
sumption of sugars in the development of and then if left undisturbed it increases rapidly
caries: caries-susceptible persons have to restrict to reach a maximum bulk after 7 days. The vari-
their intake of sugars, but there are many people ous microbial interactions actually keep the
who consume a lot of sugars but have little or bacterial composition of plaque relatively sta-
no caries as a consequence. ble, but when this homeostasis breaks down,
the shifts in microbial balance can set up con-
ditions for caries or gingivitis to begin. Plaque
accumulation around the gingival margin
Although dental plaque is commonly depicted leads to an inflammatory host response and an
as the root cause of both caries and periodonti- increased flow of gingival crevicular fluid.88 Few
tis, one should remember that it must have bacteria can be isolated from around healthy
evolved in humans for some purpose. gingival tissue, although with gingivitis there
Commercial advertising would have us believe is a considerable increase in the numbers
that oral health depends on the complete and complexity of bacteria as the lesion devel-
removal of all plaque at all times, but clearly that ops.92 Subgingival plaque microflora shift from
is not only not possible but also not desirable. being predominantly gram positive to includ-
Dental plaque forms naturally on the teeth and ing increased levels of anaerobic gram-negative
benefits the host by helping to prevent intraoral organisms; the character of subgingival plaque
colonization by exogenous species.88 Plaque’s is thus quite different from that of supragingival
role in promoting remineralization of deminer- plaque. Specifically, the gram-negative anaer-
alized lesions was described in Chapter 20. obes Porphyromonas gingivalis and Bacteroides
Dental plaque is a natural biofilm that forms forsythus in subgingival plaque have been associ-
on the tooth surface and consists of a diverse ated with both loss of periodontal attachment
microbial community embedded in a polymer and bone loss.48,49 Frequent professional
matrix of bacterial and salivary origin.89 After a supragingival cleaning, added to good personal
tooth surface is cleaned, the pellicle, a condi- oral hygiene, has a beneficial effect with regard
tioning film of proteins and glycoproteins, is to subgingival microbiota in moderately deep
adsorbed rapidly onto the tooth surface. The pockets.54,120 Subgingival plaque is also char-
interactions between pellicle and early bacterial acterized by oral spirochetes, whose role in
colonizers are the first steps in plaque forma- periodontitis is still not clear, although their
tion. Secondary bacterial colonizers adhere to presence in the subgingival plaque is seen as a
these early colonizers through specific molecu- marker for disease.118
lar interactions, a process that contributes to the Calculus was formerly viewed only as an
pattern of bacterial succession. The biofilm “irritating factor” in the development of peri-
character of plaque allows the survival of a odontitis64 and did not get much research
29 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases 395

attention. Today, however, calculus is recog- gingivitis can be maintained over time, subse-
nized as a calcified matrix that can harbor peri- quent loss of periodontal support is likely to be
odontopathogenic bacteria, and subgingival minimized. This is true for the majority of
calculus is closely associated with gingivitis and patients who are at low risk of severe periodon-
periodontitis.33 Therefore, the initial formation titis. It is less the case for those patients with
and continued presence of both supragingival aggressive periodontitis who fit the compro-
and subgingival calculus are to be prevented to mised host model described in Chapter 21.
the extent possible. The only known method is Prevention of disease in these patients is diffi-
to control the initial formation of supragingival cult because we do not yet have the means of
plaque and calculus. influencing the deficient host response to a
periodontal challenge.
As long as plaque accumulation remains
supragingival, it can be controlled by mechani-
Because plaque has some identifiable health cal or chemotherapeutic means.101 Once
functions and because disease comes more plaque becomes established subgingivally,
from an upset in the homeostatic balance than however, the individual patient cannot remove
from infection with exogenous organisms, dis- it by self-care, and professional intervention is
ease prevention should be geared more toward necessary. The goal of prevention of periodon-
plaque control than plaque eradication. This tal conditions through plaque control by the
concept is referred to as the ecologic plaque individual is to keep supragingival plaque from
hypothesis.87 The goal in preventing periodonti- accumulating.
tis is to prevent fresh plaque from becoming There are essentially three approaches to pre-
established plaque, which permits the growth of venting the build-up of dental plaque, each of
specific periodontopathogenic bacteria,102,123 which is assessed in turn. They are:
and to prevent supragingival plaque from ●
Mechanical plaque removal by the
becoming established subgingivally. individual
Several approaches to plaque control can be ●
Mechanical plaque removal by the dental
quickly ruled out as having no scientific basis: professional
rinsing with water and chewing a fibrous food ●
Chemotherapeutic methods of plaque
(e.g., remove loose food debris but do not affect control
plaque). There is no evidence to alter the long-
held view that preventive benefits cannot be
achieved by changes in diet or nutrition,74,110
although, given the importance of the host
response in periodontitis and the fact that nutri- Self-care is a fundamental part of periodontal
tion is a vital part of the immune reaction, the health. Unless the individual is able to main-
role of nutrition in periodontitis should con- tain at least a reasonable level of oral cleanliness
tinue to be studied. by regular and consistent home care, the bene-
Primary prevention of gingivitis requires fits of treatment by dental professionals will be
consistent, thorough control of plaque accumu- limited. Individual effort means mechanical
lation on a lifetime basis. The rationale is to pre- plaque removal with a toothbrush and aids
vent plaque from reaching the stage of maturity such as dental floss, an interproximal brush,
at which gingivitis begins. Some people are and wood points.
capable of maintaining an adequate oral Although individual oral hygiene practices
hygiene status largely by their own efforts, but are fundamental to the promotion of oral
many are not. The dental professional will con- health, it is surprising how little is really known
sistently see some level of gingivitis in the latter about such basic things as the most efficient
patients and may become frustrated in the effort type of toothbrush and how often the teeth
to eliminate gingivitis entirely. For these should be brushed. Research studies in these
patients, the dental professional’s goal should areas have often been run for only short periods
be to maintain the gingivitis at as low a level as and with atypical populations, such as dental or
possible. As long as the lowest possible level of dental hygiene students. Long-term effects and
396 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

the validity of projecting results to the general may be particularly useful for handicapped per-
population are thus difficult to assess. sons or others with low manual dexterity.
Frequency of Toothbrushing Toothbrushing Methods
The limited information that is available indi- A variety of toothbrushing methods, some
cates that a thorough oral cleansing should be requiring a lot of manual gymnastics, have been
carried out at 24- to 48-hour intervals.61,66 described in the dental literature down the
Considering the time needed for plaque to years. Proponents of one method or another
mature bacteriologically, brushing after every have traditionally been vehement in the defense
meal, which was usually impractical anyway, is of their method’s efficacy, a good example of
unnecessary to prevent gingivitis. But because the rule that the level of passion that people
toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste is also have about an issue is inversely proportional to
a major source of fluoride exposure for caries its scientific basis. In fact there is little difference
prevention, it is best carried out at least twice per between the various methods in their ability to
day to maintain oral health. Brushing in the remove dental plaque.42,52,100,103 From these
morning and evening fits with most peoples’ studies, limited though some of them are, the
daily routines and should be the basis for educa- scrub method emerges as the simplest tech-
tion of the public and dental patients. Of course, nique available and one that is no less effective
patients who have received treatment for peri- than any other. It requires minimal manual dex-
odontitis are likely to be at high risk for further terity and patient concentration, and generally
disease, and more stringent home care regimens seems best for most persons.
may be required for them.120
Interdental Cleaning
Type of Toothbrush The rationale for supplementing toothbrushing
Little research has been carried out on the best with use of dental floss, interdental brushes, or
type of toothbrush; what evidence there is sug- wood points to clean below the contact areas is
gests that it really does not matter much. that even assiduous use of the toothbrush usu-
Children clearly should use a smaller brush, ally cannot penetrate these areas efficiently.
and the dentist or hygienist may want to recom- There is some limited evidence that interdental
mend different sizes and degrees of softness, cleaning, by floss or interdental brushes,
depending on each patient’s manual dexterity, reduces interdental gingivitis and plaque more
enthusiasm, and oral health. Soft brushes gen- than toothbrushing alone.27,78
erally are preferred to minimize gingival dam- Many dental health education materials
age with enthusiastic brushing. Manufacturers extol the efficacy of dental floss: “brush and
are constantly coming out with new designs, floss” long ago replaced the exhortation to just
so anyone can find a toothbrush that is com- “brush.” There is still little evidence, however, to
fortable and efficient. However, these recom- show that flossing, as practiced by the individ-
mendations are based on common sense rather ual with normal interdental spaces, adds much
than on firm evidence. to the efficiency of brushing,55,100,107 nor are the
Electric toothbrushes with a rotary action limited research studies able to find a difference
have been found to be more effective plaque between waxed and unwaxed floss in cleaning
removers in closely supervised clinical trials,117 efficiency.22,30,40,78 In cases in which papillae
although it is uncertain how well these findings have diminished to leave open interdental
reflect everyday effectiveness. Both manual and spaces, interdental brushes are superior to
power-driven toothbrushes are effective if used floss.23,32 Many people prefer wood points to
properly; differences between individuals’ floss because floss can break and become stuck
brushing efficiency are likely to be much greater in awkward contact areas, and wood points can
than inherent differences between types of be effective interdental cleaners.
toothbrushes. New versions of power-driven
brushes are constantly being marketed, some Individual Motivation
with heavy advertising, and most have not been The individual practice of regular, thorough,
subjected to rigorous testing. Power brushes and consistent oral hygiene procedures depends
29 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases 397

largely on the interest of the individual in his or of the individual’s efforts seem to be important
her oral health. Dentally conscious people factors. Oral health professionals must work
have this interest already, but many others within the limitations of the individual patient,
do not. Oral hygiene practices must fit into and within their own limitations too.
the lifestyle of each individual, and lifestyles are Oral hygiene in the United States is consid-
rarely changed by exhortation. To illustrate the ered by most experts to be constantly improv-
lifestyle issue, a British study found that school- ing, a trend thought to result from heightened
children who reported more frequent tooth- awareness, heavy advertising, and constantly
brushing also reported more frequent bathing, improving oral hygiene products. Public health
use of deodorant, and hand washing after visit- education programs intended to produce mass
ing the toilet.85 Information like this comes as improvement in oral hygiene have had little
no surprise. measurable impact on this trend.43,53 Time
Knowledge is usually thought to pre- given to this form of education in public health
cede action, although a study of periodontal programs, especially in populations bom-
patients in North Carolina found poor correla- barded by television commercials about oral
tion between knowledge of the disease process hygiene, could probably be much better spent
and periodontal health.16 Carefully thought- on primary prevention or on providing dental
out and well-organized motivational programs care to needy people. This may not be the case,
aimed at schoolchildren have produced poor however, in a low-income country, where basic
results in the United States.53,56 A typical find- knowledge of oral hygiene may be lacking.
ing came from a study of supervised daily “Toothbrush drills” are quite properly a com-
toothbrushing by schoolchildren in Sweden: mon part of dental public health education in
gingivitis was reduced for the duration of the such countries, whereas they may be unneces-
program, but the improvement disappeared sary in high-income nations.
when the supervision ended.70,71 Although
compliance with periodontitis treatment
instructions is related to health beliefs,65 the
effects of individual chairside instruction are
usually weak.115,122 Doubts are thus raised Professional care is necessary to remove subgin-
about what motivational programs really do; gival plaque and calculus; the patient cannot
they may succeed only in reinforcing existing remove plaque from deep pockets. The benefits
favorable attitudes and not in altering negative of professional plaque removal have been
ones. 90 A Danish longitudinal study found shown in studies of children and adults who
that oral hygiene behavior in youth was found were in reasonable periodontal health to begin
to predict periodontal health in adulthood,73 a with, as well as in studies of adults receiving
finding which confirms that attitudes and oral treatment for advanced disease.
health behavior are principally determined by
factors outside the dental office. (Issues in Karlstad Studies
health promotion are discussed more fully in The discussion of the Karlstad studies in
Chapter 5.) Chapter 28 was related principally to caries; this
For dental professionals who try to induce section discusses the studies in relation to peri-
individual patients to improve their daily odontal diseases. Among children, spectacular
oral hygiene performance, greatest success success in preventing gingivitis was reported by
may come from a personal and common the Axelsson-Lindhe group in their investiga-
sense approach by the dentist or hygienist. tions in Karlstad, Sweden.10,11,13,69 Studying
Some patients will respond better than others. children ages 7-14 years, this research group
Objective monitoring by measurement of gin- set out to show that a regimen of intensive pro-
gival bleeding, pocket depth, periodontal phylactic procedures that went considerably
attachment levels, calculus deposits, and plaque beyond routine prophylaxis would be effective
is important because subjective impressions of in preventing both caries and gingivitis. The
progress can be misleading. Reinforcement of detailed protocol for the Karlstad regimen is
simple messages and constant encouragement given in Box 29-1.
398 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

BOX 29-1 Protocol for the Oral Cleaning Carried American cultural grain of individualism. One
Out in the Children Ages 7-14 Who Participated
study in the United States found that perform-
in the Karlstad Studies10,69
ing prophylactic procedures twice per year in
children ages 10-11 produced neither beneficial

Detailed initial explanations of oral disease etiology reductions in gingivitis nor improvements in
and purpose of treatment by the dentist or auxiliary oral hygiene levels,99 although this schedule is
carrying out the treatment. Involvement of the family much less intense than the Karlstad regimen.
was considered integral to the program’s success. Another study of a Karlstad-type regimen in

Identification of plaque in the patient’s mouth by young Brazilians found that the intensive
disclosing tablet, then demonstration of correct preventive care did not slow down the progres-
toothbrushing technique for removing the stain. The sion of periodontitis when compared to either
patient then used dental floss under supervision. routine oral hygiene instruction or to no
These oral hygiene instructions were repeated instruction.3 The authors speculated that they
throughout the course of treatment as necessary. may have been dealing with a compromised

Rubber cup cleaning of accessible surfaces and use host type of periodontitis (see Chapter 21).
of engine-mounted pointed bristle to clean fissures Periodontitis would not be expected to respond
in occlusal surfaces. A fluoride-containing much to even intensive oral hygiene if the cause
prophylactic paste was used for these procedures. lies in a deficient host response, whereas peri-

Interdental cleaning, again by the dentist or auxiliary odontitis caused by local factors would show a
providing the treatment, with dental floss and response.
reciprocating interproximal tips. Again, the
Prophylactic Treatment for Adults
fluoridated prophylactic paste was forced
interdentally and kept in close contact with the Routine prophylactic care of nondiseased adults
proximal surfaces by the floss and the tips. is discussed here, rather than the treatment of
These procedures were carried out by professionals patients with periodontitis, which is a different
every 2 weeks over a 2-year period. In the third year, issue. Patients, by definition, are either suscepti-
the time between these “professional cleanings,” as ble to periodontitis or not, so all clinical studies
the Karlstad researchers called them, was extended to showing the value of maintenance prophylactic
4 weeks for the 7- to 11-year-olds and to 8 weeks for care in treated patients are carried out in suscep-
the 13- to 14-year-olds. The continuing good results tible populations.96,97
with this reduced frequency of cleaning was attributed Studies that examined the value of routine
to the background effects of the first 2 years. These prophylaxis in adult populations in the com-
researchers were firm in their contention that munity (i.e., in adults who were not patients)
professional cleanings five to eight times per year are are now many years old. Qualified success from
still not enough by themselves to control gingivitis. routine prophylactic treatments in adults (on a
less intense schedule than the Karlstad regimen)
was reported in Norway.84 For 5 years factory
workers received a prophylactic treatment
Other European groups who carried out plus oral hygiene instruction at 6-month inter-
studies using the Karlstad protocols also vals, or at 3-month intervals for “more severely
achieved good results, although none of them affected” individuals. The greatest benefits were
quite reached the Karlstad heights.1,7,17,62 A gained by persons whose oral hygiene status
British study followed up its participants a year was best to begin with, and least success was
after the study ended, and it is probably not sur- achieved among those with initially poor oral
prising that the 3-year reduction in plaque mass hygiene. This difference in results emphasizes
of 54% had by then declined to 26%.8 the importance of self-care and the limitations
No studies of the Karlstad regimen have been of professional cleaning without it.
carried out in the United States or Canada In Axelsson and Lindhe’s study of adults in
because the expense of this personnel-intensive Karlstad over 15 years, the professional clean-
regimen is beyond the capacity of public health ings were carried out every 2-3 months for the
agencies. In addition, the implied paternalism first 6 years, and one or two times per year for
of the regimen probably cuts against the North a subsequent 9 years for most participants.14
29 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases 399

A small subgroup of persons who had devel- reemphasized, however, that the best results
oped caries or further loss of attachment during were obtained when excellent personal oral
the study were retained on a more intensive hygiene status was maintained by the individ-
professional cleaning regimen for the entire 15 ual, which raises questions about the value of
years. All participants exhibited almost no fur- regular professional prophylactic treatments for
ther loss of periodontal attachment during this periodontally healthy adults with good oral
period. In line with the philosophy of these hygiene.
researchers, intensive oral hygiene instruction The conclusions from these studies suggest
for self-care accompanied the professional that a thorough professional prophylactic pro-
cleanings. The authors concluded that self-per- cedure at 2- to 4-month intervals (longer in
formed oral hygiene (with a fluoride toothpaste some patients), combined with a high level of
of course) together with a stringent regimen of individual oral hygiene, is enough to prevent
professional treatment maintained oral health. the destructive periodontal disease that leads to
The stringency of the regimen was increased tooth loss. It might also be overtreatment.
for patients considered to be at greater risk for Whether the same results could be achieved in
periodontitis. periodontally healthy adults without the pro-
In the United States a study involving office fessional intervention is an open question.
workers in California found that a professional Questions also arise in view of the epidemio-
prophylactic treatment plus intensive oral logic studies in untreated populations (see
hygiene instruction every 2-4 months reduced Chapter 21), which show that some people with
levels of plaque and gingivitis relative to a con- virtually no oral hygiene practices, and hence
trol group and greatly slowed the rate of loss of extensive gingivitis, develop little serious peri-
attachment.111 A separate study of young men odontitis. It could be concluded that persons
found a tendency toward improved gingival susceptible to periodontitis may need frequent
health accompanying greater frequency of pro- professional maintenance care, but the need for
phylactic procedures, although differences such care for nonsusceptible persons is by no
resulting from prophylactic treatments at means so clear.
12-month, 6-month, and 4-month intervals
were not pronounced.113 An Air Force study68
found that beneficial results were proportional
to the frequency of the prophylactic treatment
received; best results were achieved in the group The inability of many persons to remove their
that received four prophylactic treatments per own dental plaque consistently results from
year plus oral hygiene instruction at each insufficient knowledge, poor mechanical dex-
appointment. None of these American studies terity, or lack of opportunity or motivation. The
achieved Karlstad-type results, but they did not idea of a chemical method of plaque removal, a
test nearly so intensive a regimen. Collectively, mouthrinse or toothpaste that does it all, is
they demonstrated modest across-the-board therefore highly attractive. Research over many
results. In light of our current views, it would years has led to the development of products
have been helpful if the authors had reported that show some plaque-control success in spe-
their results in terms of distributional patterns; cific circumstances. Commercial competition in
it is likely that, as other similar studies have the marketing of plaque-preventive products is
shown, best results were achieved in those keen, so much so that the American Dental
patients who were best motivated to begin with. Association (ADA) has established guidelines
for conducting clinical trials of products claim-
ing to control plaque to support their accept-
ance by the Council on Dental Therapeutics.4
These guidelines are listed in Box 29-2, and they
The studies just described have some limita- conform well to the requirements of acceptable
tions, but collectively they indicate that profes- clinical trials given in Chapter 13. If consistently
sional prophylactic treatment can help with applied, they will serve professionals as well as
plaque control in many people. It must be the public in their choice of both prescription
400 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

BOX 29-2 Criteria for Clinical Studies To Test

periodontal pockets. When introduced into the
Efficacy of Products Claiming To Control Plaque
oral cavity, CHX adheres to anionic substrates
Formation To Support Their Acceptance by the
and is released over 8-12 hours. Mucosal and
American Dental Association4
gingival penetration is minimal, and it is poorly
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.46 CHX

Characteristics of the study population should has a wide range of bactericidal action, and its
represent those of typical product users. selective effect against Streptococcus mutans

Active products should be used in a normal regimen makes it of value in caries control in patients
and compared with placebo control or, where with special problems.28,124,125
applicable, an active control. Early short-term studies found that CHX

Crossover or parallel design studies are acceptable. rinses inhibited the formation of plaque almost

Studies should last a minimum of 6 months. completely.81,82 However, because these initial

Two studies conducted by independent investigators studies were conducted with periodontally
are required. healthy dental students who ceased routine oral

Microbiologic sampling should estimate plaque hygiene procedures for the study duration, the
qualitatively to complement indexes that measure generalizability of these findings is doubtful.
plaque quantitatively. Results of short-term studies by other researchers

Plaque and gingivitis scoring and microbiologic using CHX in gels and toothpastes were less
sampling should be conducted at baseline, at 6 clear-cut and revealed some undesirable side
months, and at an intermediate period. effects.19,38 Staining of teeth and restorations, for

Microbiologic profile should demonstrate that example, was a persistent problem.
pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms do not Results of longer-term studies, conducted
develop over the course of the study. over 2 years, showed that the routine use of

The toxicologic profile of products should include CHX was not appropriate. One study found
the results of carcinogenicity and mutagenicity no changes in plaque and gingivitis levels
assays in addition to generally recognized tests for among the dental students who were the test
drug safety. subjects, although again their initial excellent
oral hygiene status could have masked any ben-
eficial effects of the CHX.59 Another found
reduced levels of plaque and gingivitis in a
2-year study (also involving dental and medical
and over-the-counter oral hygiene products. students), although one perplexing finding
These testing guidelines do not, however, apply was that supragingival calculus deposition
to those toothpastes marketed as “anticalculus” increased in the test group.83 Other 6-month
products, because the ADA considers the action studies have also reported increased deposition
of these toothpastes in inhibiting the re-forma- of supragingival calculus,50,67 although in
tion of supragingival calculus after a prophylac- both studies it was considered of no clinical
tic treatment (discussed later) to be cosmetic consequence.
rather than therapeutic. By the end of the 1970s, the limitations in
Day-to-day plaque control in the healthy the routine use of CHX were widely accepted,
individual must be separated from the use of although it was clear that CHX could play a use-
antibiotics or other medications in the treat- ful role in plaque control. The side effect of
ment of established disease. Antibiotics have no staining, plus the chance that resistant organ-
place in prophylactic control. isms could develop, were enough to produce
warnings from leading periodontists against the
Chlorhexidine indiscriminate use of CHX.80 In addition, CHX
Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) has been used does not affect subgingival plaque, which
effectively in the form of a mouthrinse (10 ml means that its preventive effect in periodontal
0.2%, once or twice daily), a topical gel applied diseases is limited to preventing the deposition
by dental professionals (1.0% to 2.0% daily), a of supragingival plaque after a professional
toothpaste (0.4% to 1.0%), a chewing gum with cleansing. Subsequent research has confirmed
xylitol,108 a spray,34 and a direct injection into these earlier findings. European and American
29 Prevention of Periodontal Diseases 401

studies of 6 months’ duration confirmed that in restricting the buildup of supragingival

use of CHX, whether as a twice-daily rinse with plaque.20,95
a 0.12% formulation or applied in other forms Toothpastes with baking soda and peroxide
and concentrations, reduced gingivitis, gingival (together) are marketed as plaque inhibitors,
bleeding, and plaque deposits.2,12,50,67 but clinical trials and in vivo testing have pro-
CHX has been used for years in much of vided no evidence for efficacy in reducing
Europe as an antiseptic rinse before oral sur- plaque buildup and gingivitis following a pro-
gery, to improve plaque control up to 3-4 weeks phylactic treatment.15,21,114 The performance of
after periodontal surgery, and as an oral a baking soda and peroxide toothpaste was
hygiene aid for patients with immobilized jaws notably inferior to that of a stabilized stannous
recovering from fractures. This limited and fluoride product in the same test.21
selective application of CHX, because of its
well-documented undesirable side effects, is Anticalculus (“Tartar-Control”)
also its recommended role in the United States Toothpastes
and Canada. Efforts to find a toothpaste ingredient that pre-
CHX is marketed in the United States under vents the formation of calculus on teeth go back
the brand name of Peridex. It has been accepted a long way,57,112 and until recently they were
by the ADA6 as a safe and effective antiplaque not successful. However, research during the
agent under the 1986 ADA guidelines (see Box 1960s found that pyrophosphate prevented cal-
29-2). Its use should be restricted to patients cification by interfering with the conversion of
with periodontitis, and it has no public health amorphous calcium phosphate to hydroxy-
applications. apatite.41 When this was added to the finding
that the concentration of pyrophosphate in the
Other Antibacterial Compounds plaque of low calculus formers was higher than
In short-term studies, alexidine dihydrochloride in the plaque of high calculus formers,37 the
mouthrinse (10-15 ml, 0.035%-0.05%) has stage was set for testing the anticalculus effect of
yielded results similar to those found for CHX. pyrophosphate in toothpaste.86 Commercially
Reductions in plaque and gingivitis were marketed anticalculus toothpastes mostly con-
recorded,36,77,119 although some reductions tain a mix of soluble pyrophosphates at 3.3%
were of little clinical importance.29,109 Mild concentration, with or without additional
staining was also reported in all of these studies. ingredients. These compounds are not part of
Mouthrinses using octenidine94 and cetylpyri- the abrasive system of the toothpaste, and they
dinium chloride9 have been tested with mixed are independent of the fluoride added for caries
results; sanguinarine has been tested with control.
some reported success.47,63,116 The over-the- A number of studies have demonstrated that
counter mouthrinse Listerine, in which essential pyrophosphates can effectively inhibit the
oils are the active ingredients, as been accepted formation of supragingival calculus after it
by the ADA as a safe and effective antiplaque has been removed by a prophylactic proce-
rinse5 under its 1986 guidelines. Mouthrinses dure.26,31,75,76,79,121 These studies were all of
combining CHX and essential oils are also fairly similar design. They ran for 2-6 months in
effective.104 groups of adult subjects, mostly selected for
Stannous fluoride also seems to have anti- their propensity to form calculus quickly. All
plaque properties, probably because it affects subjects received a thorough prophylactic treat-
the growth and adherence of bacteria rather ment to remove all calculus and were then ran-
than because it exerts a direct bactericidal domly allocated to test and control groups. In
action. Stabilization of stannous fluoride in an all of the studies, test subjects exposed to the
anhydrous formulation, instead of in an aque- pyrophosphates were found to have consider-
ous preparation, has increased its efficacy.91 ably less supragingival calculus formation than
Stabilized stannous fluoride at 0.454% in a was seen in the control subjects.
toothpaste reduces gingivitis, although this Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that
product was found to be no better than a inhibits plaque buildup by adsorbing to the
control toothpaste (with sodium fluoride only) tooth surface and perhaps by exerting direct
402 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

antiinflammatory effects on mediators of gingi- always be a minority of individuals who are at

val inflammation.45 It has been shown to be special risk of losing teeth from periodontitis.
highly effective at preventing plaque deposition Oral hygiene is especially important in such
after a professional prophylactic treatment and individuals, even though periodontal infections
reducing gingival bleeding, especially when it is may represent only part of the disease problem
combined with a copolymer of methoxyethyl- (compromised host response is the rest of it and
ene and maleic acid.44 Studies have shown the is little affected by oral hygiene).
efficacy of triclosan (compared to a toothpaste Public programs of dental health education
with only sodium fluoride as an active ingredi- aimed at improving general standards of oral
ent) when used as a mouthrinse at 0.1% or hygiene have long been a mainstay of dental
0.2%,58 or at 0.3% concentration in a tooth- public health. Their effectiveness is hard to
paste with 2% copolymer.25,60,93,98 Efficacy of demonstrate, even though it is likely that public
the triclosan-copolymer formulation is inde- standards of oral hygiene are continuing to
pendent of the type of fluoride used in the improve. Because oral hygiene is of high cul-
toothpaste, and it is more effective than a fluo- tural value, extensive and sophisticated com-
ride-only dentifrice at reducing existing plaque mercial advertising must have made a strong
and gingivitis.72 Studies of triclosan-copolymer impact on public oral hygiene behavior. As a
and other ingredients such as pyrophosphates result, the potential additional impact of organ-
and zinc citrate have given generally positive ized programs of oral hygiene education need
results,18,35,39,51,105 and work on these formula- to be carefully thought through before such
tions is continuing. programs are launched. They are likely to be of
What these anticalculus toothpastes do and most value when directed at populations that
do not do must be noted. They inhibit the dep- have little exposure to commercial advertising
osition of new supragingival calculus after a or that do not espouse the middle-class values
professional cleaning, and do so without of oral hygiene assumed by media advertising.
adverse tissue reaction. Triclosan-copolymer Public education in oral hygiene is useful in
has been shown to reduce existing plaque and many developing countries, although the pro-
gingivitis.72 These toothpastes do not remove grams should always be monitored periodically
existing supragingival calculus, and they have for effectiveness.
no effect on existing subgingival calculus. The
ADA’s website lists a number of toothpastes that
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30 Restricting the Use of Tobacco

PREVALENCE OF TOBACCO USE Restricting Cigarette Smoking


Tobacco use is a major risk factor for many dis- responsible for half of the periodontitis and
eases, and it is the leading cause of preventable three quarters of the oral cancer seen in the
mortality.34 The bare statistics are brutal: more United States.58 Even dental caries in children
than 430,000 deaths occur each year attributa- has been associated with exposure to second-
ble to tobacco use in the United States, and hand smoke.4
some 3000 children and adolescents become Political action to reduce exposure to
new smokers every day. More than 10 million tobacco is not easy because the tobacco industry
Americans lost their lives prematurely to is a formidable opponent. Likewise, inducing
tobacco-caused diseases during the twentieth patients to change established tobacco habits is
century.54 The annual global death toll was over difficult because tobacco addictions are power-
4 million in 1998, and at current rates will ful and there are usually strong social or psycho-
exceed 8 million by 2020.62 There is some hope logical reasons why a tobacco habit was
that tobacco control measures will be having an adopted in the first place. However, as described
effect by then, because in 2003 the World here, programs are in place that can help.
Health Organization (WHO) concluded a In this chapter, we do not detail the patho-
remarkable worldwide Framework Convention logic effects of cigarette smoking because this
on Tobacco Control. This convention calls for information is readily available elsewhere. For
health promotional activities among member example, the most recent of four reports on the
nations to control tobacco use by a variety of health consequences of tobacco from the
methods.63 Surgeon General of the United States describes
Controlling exposure to tobacco is a public the ills that come with tobacco use in remorse-
health issue that involves all health profession- less detail (
als. Dentists and hygienists stand together with library/smokingconsequences). However, we
their medical colleagues to do what they can to do review the evidence for the pathologic effects
reduce exposure to tobacco, including engaging of smokeless tobacco, because these have not
in health promotional activities on the political received the same degree of research attention.
front and counseling patients one to one. With This chapter describes the prevalence of smok-
regard to oral effects, tobacco use of all kinds is ing and smokeless tobacco use and then looks
a major risk factor for oral cancer (see Chapter at the various initiatives that aim to reduce
23), and the degree of risk is proportional to the exposure to tobacco in all its forms. These
extent of use. It is also a major risk factor for include the programs that dental professionals
periodontitis (see Chapter 21), so much so that can use in their practices to help patients quit.
it may have been a major reason for high levels Attention is also given to the specific public
of periodontitis throughout much of the twenti- health issue of reducing the use of smokeless
eth century.30 Estimates are that tobacco use is tobacco among young people. The abbreviation
408 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

ST is used for smokeless tobacco products; read- mon among African-Americans than among
ers can take it as standing for either “smokeless whites.21 Usage of ST is highest in the South, in
tobacco” or “spit tobacco,” according to taste. rural areas, and declines with increasing educa-
tion.49 Women users of ST are predominantly in
the South.59
Use of ST is extensive in the military8,26 and is
Prevalence of cigarette smoking in the United particularly heavy among Native Americans; a
States is now around 23% among adults and has study conducted in seven western states found
remained around that figure for some years.52 that 56% of Native Americans in the ninth and
Smoking prevalence has been cut in half since tenth grades reported that they were regular
the first Surgeon General’s report on smoking users,11 as were 28.1% of sixth-graders.7 ST use
and health in 1964, and this progress is rightly among Native American women is substantially
considered one of the 10 greatest public health above the national rate for women.44 Native
achievements of the twentieth century.56 The Americans emerge as the ethnic group with the
sobering aspect of this achievement is that most heaviest relative use of ST and the only one in
of those who intend to quit have probably which there is almost equivalent use among
already done so, and those who are left are the males and females.11,61 In one study of Navajo
hard-core smokers, plus the 3000 new young adolescents, over 25% of ST users were found to
people who start smoking each day. (It is a fair have leukoplakia, compared to only 4% of
bet that few current smokers in the United States nonusers. The duration and frequency of use were
have even heard of WHO’s framework conven- highly significant risk factors for leukoplakia.61
tion.) Data on smoking in the United States are Prevalence of ST use is also widespread
presented in Box 30-1. The report is mixed, with among highly visible professional baseball
the main concerns now centered on youth players; surveys carried out with major and
smoking and the concentration of tobacco use minor league teams found that 39%-46% of
in lower socioeconomic groups. players were regular users.19,60 Another study of
Heavy marketing of ST products, principally baseball players in 1988 found that ST users
targeted to adolescent and young adult males, had 60 times the risk of developing leukoplakia
has coincided with the national decline in ciga- compared with nonusers.25
rette smoking. Marketing of ST seems to have The remarkably high occurrence of oral can-
been successful; consumption of ST products in cer in India (see Chapter 23) is thought to result
the United States almost tripled between 1972 from the high prevalence of tobacco chewing in
and 1991.49 It was estimated from a national several forms. Because the rate of conversion of
survey that, in 1991, 5.3 million American leukoplakia and other precancerous lesions to
adults (2.9% of the population) were using ST: oral cancer is no higher in India than else-
4.8 million men and 533,000 women.49 This where,45 it seems to be the high exposure to
percentage had risen slightly to 3.2% of the tobacco, rather than any inherent characteristics
population by 1999.53 of Indian people, that leads to the high preva-
The concerns about ST’s appeal to youth lence of leukoplakia, and subsequently oral
seem well founded: 1995 national survey data cancer, in that country.
revealed that 11.4% of high school students had Since the pathologic effects of cigarette
used ST within the previous 30 days, 19.7% of smoking are now extensively documented,
males and 2.4% of females. ST use among tobacco marketing aims to foster the perception
whites was 14.5%, among African-Americans that ST is a less risky substitute for cigarettes.
2.2%, and among Hispanic students 4.4%.31 However, ST is far from harmless.
The 1991 national survey found that 8.2% of
males ages 18-24 years were regular ST users, the
highest proportion of any age-group. Even if
there is some overreporting,15 presumably by
individuals who wish to appear more “macho,” ST is a particularly worrisome form of tobacco,
these figures are high. Among adults 45 years of because its current use by young people
age or older, however, ST use was more com- has the potential to increase the incidence of
30 Restricting the Use of Tobacco 409

BOX 30-1 Facts on Smoking Prevalence in the United States, 200154

In 2001, 46.2 million adults (22.8%) in the United ●
In 2000-01, for the first time, smoking prevalence
States were current smokers: 25.2% of men and among African-American men was similar to that
20.7% of women. among white men. Since 1970-74, prevalence has

Among racial and ethnic groups, smoking prevalence declined more rapidly among African-American men
was highest among American Indians and Alaskan than among white men.
natives (32.7%) and lowest among Hispanics (16.7%) ●
In 2000-01, smoking prevalence also declined more
and Asians (12.4%). rapidly among African-American women than

Among income groups, smoking prevalence was among white women. Prevalence among African-
higher among adults living below the poverty level American women has been generally lower than
(31.4%) than among those at or above the poverty among white women since 1993-95. Before 1993-
level (23%). 95, prevalence of current smoking generally was

Smoking prevalence was highest among those ages comparable among African-American and white
18-24 (26.9%) and 25-44 (25.8%) and lowest among women.
those age 65 and older (10.1%). ●
The overall decline in cigarette smoking prevalence

Among current adult smokers, 37.8 million (81.8%) in the adult U.S. population is not occurring at a rate
smoked every day, and 8.4 million (18.2%) smoked that will meet the national health objective for 2010
some days. of 12%.

An estimated 44.7 million adults were former ●
In 2000, the Surgeon General concluded that the 2010
smokers in 2001, representing 49.2% of all those objective could be attained only if comprehensive
who had ever smoked. An estimated 15.3 million approaches to tobacco control were implemented.
adult smokers had stopped smoking for at least 1 day Sustained or increasing implementation of
during the preceding 12 months because they were comprehensive tobacco-control programs to meet the
trying to quit. funding levels recommended by the Centers for

Adults who had earned a General Educational Disease Control and Prevention are necessary to
Development (GED) diploma (47.8%) and those with a attain the 2010 national objective.
grade 9-11 education (34.3%) showed the highest ●
Comprehensive programs that focus on reducing
prevalence of smoking; those with master’s, tobacco use among those in different socioeconomic
professional, and doctoral degrees showed the lowest strata, those in different racial and ethnic populations,
prevalence (9.5%). and groups with different educational levels could

Smoking prevalence data for combined years 1965-66 help reduce cigarette smoking and tobacco use in
through 2000-01 indicate a slow but steady decrease general and reduce the extensive morbidity, mortality,
among both African-Americans and whites. and economic costs associated with tobacco use.

oral cancer in the future. 40 The American gestive tract.35 A consensus panel of the
Dental Association (ADA) has firmly stated National Institutes of Health found strong evi-
policies opposing any use of ST, and the ADA dence that use of snuff causes oral cancers,38 a
clearly rejects ST as a substitute for regular conclusion for which there was ample support
tobacco.5 at the time47,57 and subsequently.3,17,27,29
ST is sold in several forms. The main concern Nicotine is absorbed from ST in amounts simi-
is with snuff, a powdered tobacco product, lar to those absorbed from cigarette smoke,9
which is used by placing a “dip” between the which makes ST a potential risk factor for the
cheek and gum. Dry snuff contains high con- same diseases that result from smoking. That
centrations of N-nitrosamines2,27; evidence is could be why ST users face a relative risk of 2.1
strong that compounds in this group are for cardiovascular disease compared to
carcinogens, especially for oral cancers.27,39 nonusers. The relative risk for smokers com-
The N-nitroso compounds found in snuff are pared to nonsmokers in the same study was
DNA-damaging agents in cancers of the aerodi- 3.2.10
410 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

The continued use of snuff leads to localized ment with the tobacco companies seemed to
tissue changes, most commonly the develop- ensure seemingly infinite funding to the states
ment of leukoplakia, which is characterized by for cessation programs.24 At a time when court
the appearance of white, wrinkled mucosa at actions against the tobacco industry were accu-
the site where the snuff is placed. Leukoplakia mulating, the Master Settlement Agreement was
can become cancerous in 3%-5% of cases,45 negotiated between the tobacco industry, on the
although there is also evidence that these one hand, and a group of state attorneys gen-
lesions can be reversed if the ST habit is eral, private lawyers, and public health advo-
ended.22,33 With regard to oral conditions other cates on the other. Under the terms of the
than precancerous soft tissue changes, no good settlement, the tobacco industry would get
evidence exists that ST can cause caries and peri- relief from present and future litigation pay-
odontal diseases. Gingival recession at the site ments, and in exchange would accept some
where the quid or dip is placed is common, additional regulation of advertising and would
however. It has also been found that poor oral make substantial cash payments to state govern-
hygiene among ST users contributes to the for- ments. These payments were intended to be
mation of nitrosamines in the oral cavity.35 used for tobacco control programs, although
Further evidence for the carcinogenic poten- few states have used these funds for that pur-
tial of chewing tobacco comes from studies of pose—because of many states’ budgetary prob-
women smokers and dippers in the South59 lems soon after the settlement, the funds were
which found that the relative risk of developing diverted to become a general-purpose emer-
cancer of the gums and buccal mucosa was 4.6 gency revenue stream.23 Among other funding
for smokers (i.e., smokers developed oral cancer problems, in only 36 states do Medicaid pro-
at 4.6 times the frequency of nonsmokers). grams pay for smoking cessation treatment,
However, for users of ST the relative risk was 13- including pharmacotherapy, nicotine nasal
48, with higher risk found in those with longer sprays, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, and
ST use. nicotine gum.28 This is despite the fact that a
higher proportion of Medicaid recipients
smoke than do members of the general
Restricting Cigarette Smoking Despite these stumbling blocks, progress
There are good reasons why the early twenty- continues to be made on tobacco control.
first century is a good time for a national Smoke-free indoor air, especially in bars and
campaign for smoking cessation (Box 30-2). restaurants, has been mandated in many local
Funding for such a program looked promising communities and even at the state level in six
in 1998, when the Master Settlement Agree- cases (California, Connecticut, Delaware,

BOX 30-2 Reasons Why the Early Twenty-First Century Is an Ideal Time for Bold Steps To Reduce Tobacco
Use in the United States20

Although health care funding is scarce, tobacco- shortfalls rather than to promote smoking
related diseases cost $150 billion each year. cessation.

Although numerous effective tobacco-dependence ●
Although the devastating impact of tobacco use on
treatments exist, millions of tobacco users are unable health has been exhaustively documented, the
to obtain or afford such treatments. tobacco industry continues to lure adolescents and

A major funding source, the 1998 Master Settlement adults into tobacco dependence through an $11
Agreement between the states and the tobacco billion advertising and promotional effort.
companies, is being used to plug states’ budgetary
30 Restricting the Use of Tobacco 411

Florida, Maine, and New York). Although the drop the habit or, preferably, not to begin in the
Master Settlement Agreement is not working as first place. The public health efforts of the
its backers intended, the public discussions it various professions involved received a boost
sparked have served to increase public knowl- with the passage of Public Law 99-252, the
edge and awareness. Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health
The research attention devoted to smoking Education Act, in February 1986. The most rele-
has lead to development of some effective inter- vant details of this legislation are shown in
ventions.50 These have been put into program Box 30-3.
plans, intended for both private practice and Ironically, this national legislation was sup-
public health applications, that are built on the ported by the tobacco industry, which was
tobacco-related objectives of Healthy People 2010 spurred to do so because of the likelihood that a
(see Chapter 5). One plan for community majority of states would pass more severe laws
interventions came from the Task Force on of their own.13 The growth of public concern
Community Preventive Services, an independ- about the marketing of ST was stimulated by the
ent (though Centers for Disease Control and publicity generated by the 1985 case of Marsee v
Prevention–supported) group of health experts US Tobacco Company. Sean Marsee, a top high
that is developing a guide to community serv- school athlete, died of oral cancer at age 19 after
ices on a variety of health issues. The task force years of ST use. The suit was brought by Sean’s
goals were to direct interventions toward mother, who charged that the tobacco company
(1) reducing overall exposure to environmental engaged in misleading advertising and failed to
tobacco smoke, (2) reducing tobacco use initia- place warnings on its products.13 Although Ms.
tion, and (3) increasing the cessation of tobacco Marsee’s suit was not successful, the case engen-
use.48 The Task Force has conducted a series of dered a great deal of sympathy and concern.
systematic reviews to identify the most effective Voluntarily breaking the ST habit, given that
interventions, and its work is continuing. nicotine addiction is involved, seems to be no
Strongly recommended interventions to date easier than breaking the cigarette habit. Of 25
include establishment of smoking bans and adolescent habitual ST users who participated
restrictions, increase in the unit price for in an intensive program of ST cessation, only
tobacco products, and mass media education.48 4 had remained successful in quitting 3 months
after the program.18 On the other hand, in
Restricting Smokeless Tobacco Use another intervention study the number of
Preventive efforts against the diseases that come young male ST users who quit was 50% above
with ST use are based principally on public and the normal rate when participants viewed a
individual education to convince people to 9-minute videotape, were given a self-help

BOX 30-3 Major Provisions of Public Law 99-252, the Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education
Act (February 1986)32

Development and implementation of health education ●
Disclosure to the Secretary of Health and Human
programs and materials to inform the public of health Services of the ingredients used in the production of
risks resulting from the use of smokeless tobacco smokeless tobacco as well as the quantity of nicotine
products. in such products.

Inclusion of health warning labels on all smokeless ●
Technical assistance in public health education for the
tobacco products and advertisements, except those states.
on outdoor billboards. ●
Authorization of research on the effects of smokeless

Prohibition of radio and television advertising, tobacco.
beginning in August 1986.
412 Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health

manual, and received an explanation of the about the hazards of ST use and in helping
risks and “unequivocal advice” to quit.46 patients who are already addicted to quit. The
With this mixed evidence on quitting, strat- task sounds daunting, but it can be done. The
egy should be aimed at preventing young peo- National Cancer Institute, one of the National
ple from starting to use ST, although it is Institutes of Health, funds the National Dental
obvious that health education programs need Tobacco-Free Steering Committee, a broadly
to go well beyond the admonition to “just say based group whose mission is to promote
no” if they are to be successful. In the 1991 tobacco use cessation activities through the
national survey, 22.9% of current ST users dental office. Oral Health America sponsors
reported that they currently smoked, and the National Spit Tobacco Education Program
another 33.3% had formerly smoked.49 Many (NSTEP;,
ST users report using ST concurrently with alco- funded largely by the Robert Wood Johnson
hol, cigarettes, and marijuana, and peer pres- Foundation, a group that achieved national
sure is a strong influence in getting started.6 The prominence largely through its charismatic,
relationship between cigarette smoking and ST highly visible national honorary chairman,
use, as well as other correlates of the habit, is baseball legend Joe Garagiola. Mr. Garagiola
complex and needs further study if education to hammers the message that ST use is not a tradi-
discourage commencement of either habit is to tional part of the great American pastime, no
be successful.43 Ignorance of the health conse- matter how the tobacco companies try to make
quences is common. A Pennsylvania study it appear so.
reported that nearly half the males in grades 7- For practitioners helping a patient to quit
12 did not believe that ST was harmful.14 As in smoking, there is the clinical practice guideline
any health education for adolescents, the Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence sponsored
immediately negative effects of ST use (stained by the U.S. Public Health Service in collabora-
teeth, bad breath) can make a greater impres- tion with an array of governmental agencies,
sion than the long-term health hazards.16 educational associations, and practitioner
Multifaceted strategies were needed to imple- groups.51 The initial recommendations of this
ment the provisions of Public Law 99-252 (see group are shown in Box 30-4, and the website
Box 30-3), and a leading role was played by provides a highly detailed approach to working
state and local public health agencies.12 Some with patients in their attempts to quit
states established programs of media advertis- (
ing and school health education aimed specifi- pack.html). The clinical practice guideline is
cally at discouraging the start of ST use. interactive and constantly being updated as new
Monitoring the impact of these educational research is completed. The National Cancer
efforts requires considerable survey effort. The Institute has a special website devoted entirely
monitoring process is proceeding through a to providing a wealth of how-to-quit informa-
series of institutionalized surveys,21,31 but tion that both health professionals and patients
progress toward reducing ST use is slow. Trends can use.36 An abundance of information on
in ST use in Indiana, Iowa, Montana, and West interventions at both the individual and
Virginia between 1988 and 1993 showed little community levels can also be found in The Guide
change over that period, a finding attributed to to Community Preventive Services.55 The ADA, with
increased advertising and promotion by the assistance from some grant funding, has also
tobacco industry, despite the existence of Public committed a lot of resources to training dentists
Law 99-252.37 Minors still seem to have rela- in tobacco use cessation techniques. When pro-
tively little trouble obtaining ST, even in states tocols are finalized, these training sessions
where such sales are prohibited by law.1 should become readily available to all dentists.
Use of these sources of information should
be part of the routines of every dental office, for
tobacco use cessation must be seen as the first
treatment priority for almost any oral disease.
Dental professionals obviously have a poten- After all, tobacco use is a serious matter—in
tially major role to play in educating patients fact, it is a matter of life and death.
30 Restricting the Use of Tobacco 413

BOX 30-4 Conclusions and Recommendations on Ways Health Professionals Can Help Patients Stop

1. Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition that often c. Help in securing social support outside of
requires repeated intervention. However, effective treatment (extratreatment social support).
treatments exist that can produce long-term or even 7. Numerous effective pharmacotherapies for smoking
permanent abstinence. cessation now exist. Except in the presence of
2. Because effective tobacco dependence treatments contraindications, these should be used with all
are available, every patient who uses tobacco should patients attempting to quit smoking.
be offered at least one of these treatments: a. Five first-line pharmacotherapies have been
a. Patients willing to try to quit tobacco use should identified that reliably increase long-term
be provided with treatments identified as effective smoking abstinence rates:
in this guideline. (1) Bupropion sustained release
b. Patients unwilling to try to quit tobacco use (2) Nicotine gum
should be provided with a brief intervention (3) Nicotine inhaler
designed to increase their motivation to quit. (4) Nicotine nasal spray
3. It is essential that clinicians and health care delivery (5) Nicotine patch
systems (including administrators, insurers, and b. Two second-line pharmacotherapies have been
purchasers) institutionalize the consistent identified as efficacious and may be considered
identification, documentation, and treatment of every by clinicians if first-line pharmacotherapies are
tobacco user seen in a health care setting. not effective:
4. Brief tobacco dependence treatment is effective, and (1) Clonidine
every patient who uses tobacco should be offered at (2) Nortriptyline
least brief treatment. c. Over-the-counter nicotine patches are effective
5. There is a strong dose-response relation between the when compared to placebo, and their use should
intensity of tobacco dependence counseling and its be encouraged.
effectiveness. Treatments involving person-to- 8. Tobacco dependence treatments are both clinically
person contact (via individual, group, or proactive effective and cost effective relative to other medical
telephone counseling) are consistently effective, and and disease prevention interventions. Because of
their effectiveness increases with treatment intensity this, insurers and purchasers should ensure that the
(e.g., minutes of contact). following occur:
6. Three types of counseling and behavioral therapies a. All insurance plans include as a reimbursed
have been found to be especially effective and should benefit the counseling and pharmacotherapeutic
be used with all patients attempting tobacco treatments identified as effective in this guideline;
cessation: and
a. Provision of practical counseling (problem- b. Clinicians are reimbursed for providing tobacco
solving and skills training); dependence treatment just as they are reimbursed
b. Provision of social support as part of treatment for treating other chronic conditions.
(intratreatment social support); and

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A American Dental Association (ADA) Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 93
Access, patient. See Dental care, access (Continued) Bodily fluids. See Infection control;
problems in. antiplaque agent guidelines of, 399- Standard precautions.
Acidogenicity 402, 400b Bone mineral density, fluoride not
of apple, 386 dental auxillaries opposed by, 122 affecting, 316-317
of sugars, 381b, 387, 388f dentistry role of, 7-8, 7b BOP (bleeding on probing), 203,
Acquired immunodeficiency founding of, 7-8 204b
syndrome. See AIDS (acquired public image promoted by, 8 Bradford Hill criteria, 173-174, 174b
immunodeficiency syndrome). structure of, 7-8 Brushes. See Toothbrushes.
ADA. See American Dental American Dental Hygienists Burst theory, 262
Association (ADA). Association (ADHA), 9-10
ADHA (American Dental Hygienists AIDS in code of ethics of, 29 C
Association). See American founding of, 9-10 CAL (clinical attachment loss), 204-
Dental Hygienists Association American Society of Dental 205, 204b
(ADHA). Surgeons, 4 periodontal disease and, 204-205,
Advertising, journals with, 156 Amylase, 381b 205f, 206b, 263-266, 264f,
African-Americans. See also Race. Anthropology, caries studies in, 248 265f
life-expectancy of, 14 Apple Calculus, 394-395
NDA founded by, 8 acidogenicity of, 386 anticalculus toothpaste effect on,
population demographics for, 14, plaque not removed by, 386 401-402
17, 17f Areca nut, 298 epidemiology of, 207, 207b
Age Asians. See also Race. measurement and diagnosis of, 207,
baby-boomer distribution by, 15, population demographics of, 17, 207b
15f, 16f 17f Candidiasis, oral, AIDS/HIV with, 142
caries distribution related to, 239- Aspartame, 385 Capitalism, 27
241, 240f, 250-251, 250f, 251f Association of State and Territorial Capitation reimbursement plan, 89-90
dental care utilization related to, Dental Directors (ASTDD), 40 Carbohydrates, 233-252. See also
19-20, 20f, 21f, 23f, 130-132 Attachment loss. See CAL (clinical Starches; Sugars.
oral cancer related to, 295, 295f-297f attachment loss). caries role of, 245-250
periodontal disease and, 264f-268f, Australia, population growth rate in, fermentable, 381b
268-269 16f Cardiovascular disorders,
population distribution by, 15, 15f, Auxillaries. See Dental auxillaries. periodontitis with, 276-277
16f, 130-132, 131f, 132f Caries, 194-200, 233-252. See also
root caries distribution by, 250-251, B Fluoridation.
250f, 251f Baby-boomers age group with, 239-241, 240f, 250f
tooth loss by, 224f, 227f-229f age distribution of, 15, 15f, 16f bacterial strains and
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency population demographics of, 14- predictions related to, 46
syndrome) 15, 15f, 16f risk factor role of, 245
dentists with, 142-143 Bacteria cavitation in, 197b
drug treatment for, 141 caries prediction role of, 46, 245 coronal, 196-198, 197b
ethics standards for care in, 28-29 fluoride inhibition of, 319, 319b, diet role in, 245-250, 380-389
global extent of, 141-142, 141b 401 distribution of
oral manifestations of, 142-143 periodontitis role of, 272 by country, 233-236, 234t, 235f,
T lymphocytes in, 140-141 plaque associated with, 394-395, 235t
timeline of, 141 400-401 children and, 233-245, 236f-
transmission of, 141-142 risk factor role of, 245 238f, 240f, 242f
Alcohols, “sugar,” 382, 385-386 Bandura’s social learning theory, 52 global, 233-236, 234t, 235f, 235t
Alexidine dihydrochloride, 401 Belmont Report, 32 regional U.S., 238-239, 240f
Amalgam restorations Betel nut, 298 secular variations in, 236-237,
ADA recommendations related to, Biomedical databases, 160-161 236f
147-149 bis-GMA formulation, 366-367 socioeconomic status in, 243-
mercury leakage from, 147-149 Black, G.V., 4 245, 244f
American Dental Association (ADA), Bleeding, gingival, 203-204, 204b uneven, 237-238, 238b, 238f-
7-8 Blood, standard precautions related 240f
AIDS-related code of ethics of, 28-29 to, 138-140 early childhood, 199, 199t, 252
amalgam mercury Bloodborne pathogen precautions, epidemiologic aspects of, 194-200,
recommendations of, 28-29 139-140 195b, 197b, 198b, 199t

Index 417

Caries (Continued) Climate, fluoridation affected by, 326- Dean’s Fluorosis Index (Continued)
examination of tooth for, 196-198, 328, 327t criteria used in, 211t
197b Clinical attachment loss (CAL), 204- fluorosis measurement using, 210,
genetic factors affecting, 245 205, 204b 211f, 211t, 212f
hidden, 198 periodontal disease and, 204-205, history of, 307-311, 310f, 312f
history of, 233 205f, 206b, 263-266, 264f, water supply fluoride related to, 212f
measurement and diagnosis of, 265f def index, 194-195
194-200 Clinical Queries database, 160 Delta Dental Plans, 90-93, 92f
D1-D3 Scale in, 196-198, 197b Cochrane Collaboration Database, reimbursement mode in, 91-93, 92f
Dichotomous Scale in, 196-198, 167-168, 167b Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), 217
197b Code of ethics. See also Ethics. Dental assistants, 111-113, 112b, 120
DMF Index in, 194-196, 195b AIDS/HIV patient and, 28-29 Dental auxillaries. See also Dental
newer techniques for, 198 professionalism requirement for, 4 hygienists.
nutrition role in, 245-250, 380-389 Commercial model, 3 ADA position on, 122
race factors in, 239-241, 240f Community dental practice activities of, 71-72,
reversibility of, 196 amenities provided by, 51-52, 51b 111-113, 112b
root, 198-199, 198b, 250-251, 250f, dentistry profession history in, 3-10 denturists as, 123
251f health promotion based in, 50-53, expanded function type of, 120-
sugars and starches role in, 245- 51b 122, 121b
250, 380-389, 381b, 383f, service to, ADA code for, 29-30 fissure sealants applied by, 371
384f, 388f Community Fluorosis Index (CFI), laboratory technicians as, 113, 122-
treatment needs assessment of, 199- 210, 211f, 212f 123
200 Community Periodontal Index (CPI), nurses as, 113
Causality 206-207, 206b supervision for, 112, 112b
Bradford Hill criteria for, 173-174, Compromised host. See Dental care
174b Immunodeficiency. access problems in, 128-136
research studies role of, 173-176, Control groups dentist/population ratio in, 129-
174b active vs. passive, 179 136, 129f
Cavitation, caries with, 197b research studies use of, 178-179 ethics of, 33-34
Census. See Population. Corn syrup, high fructose, 383-384, reasons for, 128, 129-134, 129f,
Centers for Disease Control, 383f, 384f 133b, 134b
fluoridation oversight by, 330- Coronal caries, 196-198, 197b scope of, 128-134
331, 331b Costs strategies for correction of, 134-
CFI (Community Fluorosis Index), dental care (national), 83-85, 85f, 136
210, 211f, 212f 86f costs of nationally, 83-85, 85f, 86f
Cheese, anticariogenicity of, 386 fissure sealant use and, 372-375, ethical standards in. See Ethics.
Chemotherapeutic oral hygiene 373t, 374f financing of, 81-108. See also
products, 399-402, 400b fluoridation programs with, 331b, Financing; Insurance plans.
Children 338-340 expenditures targeted by, 84-85,
baby bottle caries affecting, 199, health care (national), 83-85, 83f- 85f, 86f
199t, 252 86f legislated programs related to,
caries distribution in, 233-245, CPI (Community Periodontal Index), 26-28, 102-108
236f-239f, 238b, 240f 206-207, 206b public programs in, 83-85, 85f,
dental care financing aid for, 103- 86f, 102-108, 104f, 105f
108 D social responsibility for, 26-28,
fissure sealant use in, 370-375, DAI (Dental Aesthetic Index), 217 102-108
373t, 374f Databases third-party payment in, 86-108
fluoridation with caries reduction biomedical, 160-161 history of development of, 3-10
in, 317-318, 334, 347-360, Cochrane Collaboration Database population demographics and, 18-
350t, 353t, 359t in, 167-168, 167b 23, 19f-23f, 113t, 115t
Chlorhexidine journal articles in, 158-161 utilization of, 18-23, 19f-23f
dental products containing, 400- PubMed, 160 age in, 19-20, 20f, 21f, 23f
401 D1-D3 Scale caries assessment, 196- dentate-edentulous status in, 20,
oral hygiene use of, 400-401 198, 197b 20f
Cholera epidemic, historic London in, DDE (Developmental Defects of education status in, 20-21, 21f
184, 185f Dental Enamel Index), 213- future of, 22-23
Cleft lip and palate, 299-300 215, 214t gender in, 18-19, 19f
epidemiologic measurement of, Dean, H. Trendley, 210, 308-311 geographic region in, 22, 22f
216, 300 Dean’s Fluorosis Index, 210, 211f, 211t, insurance status in, 22, 23f
genetic factors in, 299-300 212f need category in, 18
public resources for, 107 cities’ water fluoride using, 211f, race and ethnicity race in, 21-22
risk factors for, 299-300 212f, 328 socioeconomic status in, 20-21, 21f
418 Index

Dental education Dental public health (Continued) Dentists (Continued)

AIDS/HIV issues in, 146-147 accreditation for practice of, 41 legislation affecting, 118, 123-
career destination option in, 12 core functions and services of, 40, 125
continuing, 29 41b projected to 2020, 129-136, 129f
debt level of graduate of, 69 current issues in, 45-47 shortage-trending factors
dentist numerosity related to, 116- data collection and use in, 42-45, affecting, 132-134, 133b, 134b
118, 117f, 129, 129f 44b, 45f surplus-trending factors affecting,
early dentistry in, 3-4 definition of, 40-42, 41b 133b, 1334b
Gies report on, 5 global data for, 44 Dentition. See Edentulism; Primary
National Health Service Corps in, planning cycle in, 45, 45f dentition; Teeth; Tooth loss.
123-124 preventive strategies aspects of, 46-47 Dentures, oral cancer link to, 299
school founding for, 4-5 private care goals and, 47 Denturists, 123
subsidies available for, 124-125 surveillance process used in, 42-45, Depression, temporomandibular joint
twentieth century changes in, 5-6 44b dysfunction with, 301-302
Dental health. See Oral health. surveys used in, 43-45, 44b Developmental Defects of Dental
Dental hygiene practice targeting concept in, 46-47 Enamel Index (DDE), 213-215,
ADHA role in, 9-10, 29-30 Dental technicians, 113, 122-123 214t
ethical standards in. See Ethics. Dentin, caries affecting, 197, 197b df index, 195
history of development of, 6-7, 9-10 Dentistry. See also Dental care; Dental Diabetes mellitus, periodontitis with,
Dental hygienists, 118-120 practice. 274-275
career destination options for, 10-12 ADA role in, 7-8 Dichotomous Scale
duties of, 110 career destination options for, 10-12 caries assessment using, 196-198,
education requirements for, 6-7 education for. See Dental education. 197b
independent practice by, 119-120 ethics role in. See Ethics. Diet
number of in U.S., 118, 119t evidence-based, 162-170. See also caries role of, 245-250, 380-389
Dental implant success rates, 168 Journals, systematic reviews of. cariogenic foods in, 381-385, 381b,
Dental practice, 67-78. See also clinician responsibilities in, 168- 383f, 384f, 388f
Dentistry; Dentists. 169 “cleansing” foods in, 386-387
ADA role in, 7-8, 7b definition of, 162-163 early studies related to, 247-250,
affluent areas attraction for, 68-69, examples of use of, 167-168, 167b 248b
68f limitations of, 169-170 high fructose corn syrup in, 383-
auxiliaries’ duties in, 71-72, 111-113, literature review role in, 164-169, 384, 383f, 384f
112b 167b periodontitis role of, 273
debt level at start of, 69 history of development of, 3-10 processed foods in, 381, 381b, 384
dental unit waterline issues in, 147 journals related to. See Journals. snack foods in, 382
hospital-based, 70-71 patient population demographics soft drinks in, 382-383
infection control in. See Infection for, 18-23, 19f-23f, 113t, 115t sugars and starches in, 245-250,
control. professionalism models applied to, 380-389, 381b, 383f, 384f,
personnel related to, 71-72, 111-123 3-4 388f
primary health care worker twentieth century growth in, 5-6 Dietary supplements
activities in, 71-72 Dentists, 113-118. See also Dental dosage levels for, 350-351, 350t
private, 67-69, 69f practice. fluoride in, 289, 347-351, 350t
department store clinics in, 70 AIDS/HIV transmission by, 142 risk due to, 350
franchised, 70 distribution of, 115-116, 115t, 118 DMF Index, 194-196, 195b
group vs. solo, 69, 69f State Practice Acts affecting, 118 caries assessment using, 194-196,
salaried vs., 10-12 female proportion of, 114 195b
public programs history in, 71-73, foreign-trained, 114 definition of, 196
101-108 hepatitis transmission by, 144-145 half-mouth, 194
quality assurance in, 73-78, 74b population ratios for limitations of, 195b, 196
activities aimed at, 76-77 dental care access problems and, sealant teeth in, 195b, 196, 366
cost control role of, 77-78 129-136, 129f DMFS index, 196
evolution of, 74-75 other countries, 113, 113b DMFT index, 194
recent issues in, 75 states, 115-116, 115t Drinking water. See Water supply.
structure-process-outcome model U.S., 113-114, 113t, 115-116, 115t,
for, 73-74, 74b 129f E
terminology of, 73-74, 74b supply of, 113-118 Economic status. See also
specialty fields in, 115 access problems related to, 129- Socioeconomic status.
Dental Practice Parameters, 31 136, 129f dental care utilization related to,
Dental public health, 40-47. See also analysis of adequacy of, 129f, 20-21, 21f
Fissure sealants; Fluoridation; 130-135, 131f, 132f population distribution by, 17
Public Health. education affecting, 116-118, tooth loss related to, 224, 224t,
access to care factors in, 45-46 117f, 129, 129f 225, 227f
Index 419

Edentulism, 224-226. See also Tooth Ethics, 25-34 Fissure sealants (Continued)
loss. access to care challenge in, 33-34 DMF Index affected by, 195b, 196,
dental care utilization related to, 20, guideline frameworks derived from, 366
20f, 224, 226, 230 25-26, 26b efficacy of, 368-370
other countries’ percentage of, 224t, human subject standards in, 31-33, fluoride combined with, 361-373
225t 32b, 33b history of, 366-367
patient choice role in, 55, 55b individual vs. societal responsibility longevity and retention of, 369,
race and ethnic differences in, 224t, in, 26 374f
225t, 226, 227f physician’s oath as, 30b products for, 367-368
states’ rates of, 224-226, 226t professionalism role of, 25-26, 26b public health programs using, 370-
U.S. rate of, 224-226, 224f, 226t, puritan, 27, 40 372, 371f
227f regulatory standards based on, 26, Floss
Education. See also Dental education. 28-33, 30b, 32b, 33b interdental cleaning with, 396
dental care utilization related to, research role of, 31-33, 32b, 33b waxed vs. unwaxed, 396
20-21, 21f Ethnicity. See Race. Fluoridation, 326-342
oral health promotion role of, Evidence-based dentistry, 162-170, caries reduction with, 307-312, 332-
57-58, 58b 167b 342, 347-360
Enamel. See also Caries; Fluorosis. Examiner, reliability attribute of, 180, adults in, 335, 336f, 347-360
caries affecting, 197b 189-190, 190f cessation patterns in, 337-338,
fluoride effect on, 287-288, 307- Explorer, caries diagnosis using, 197, 337f
308, 319-320 197b children in, 317-318, 334, 347-
mottling of, 287-288, 307-308, 319- Exposure, risk factor role of, 174b, 360, 350t, 353t, 359t
320 175, 175b dietary supplements in, 289, 349-
Environmental Protection Agency, Extent and Severity Index (ESI), 205 351, 350t
fluoride guidelines of, 327b Extractions, patient choice role in, 55, early studies on, 307-312, 310f,
Epidemics 55b 312t, 314-316, 332-334, 333t
London cholera in, 184, 185f Eyewear, standard precautions using, gel with fluoride in, 351-354,
public health aspects of, 38-39, 40 139 352t
Epidemiology, 173-218 mechanism of action of, 318-320,
basic concepts of, 183-192 F 319b, 347-360
cancer measurement for, 217. See Fauchard, Pierre, 4 milk with fluoride in, 347-349
also Oral cancer. FDI World Dental Federation, 9 mouthrinse fluoride in, 352t,
caries measurement for, 194-200, Fees. See Financing; Insurance plans; 353t, 354-355, 359t
233-252. See also Caries. Reimbursement. partial-exposure effect in, 336
cleft lip and palate measurement Females, dentistry proportion of, 114 poor economic status role in,
for, 216, 300 Fetus, fluoridation affecting, 335, 351 333-334, 334f
definition of, 173 Financing salt with fluoride in, 347-348
factors affecting, 183-186, 185f, expenditures targeted by, 84-85, school drinking water in, 348-
186-192 85f, 86f 351, 350t
fluorosis measurement for, 210-215. fee-for-service in, 86, 87f toothpaste fluoride in, 289, 319-
See also Fluorosis. for-profit plans in, 93 320, 352t, 353t, 356-358, 359t
historic aspects of, 184-186, 185f individual vs. societal responsibility varnish with fluoride in, 351-354,
malocclusion measurement for, for, 26-28, 102-108 352t
216-217, 300 insurance principles related to, 81-83 child development not affected by,
measurement methods in, 187-189. managed care role in, 94-99 317-318, 348-351
See also under specific diseases. not-for-profit plans in, 90-93 climate and temperature effect on,
count of cases in, 187 public programs in, 102-108, 104f, 326-328, 327t
index in, 187-188, 188b 105f “contaminant” level in, 332
proportions in, 187 dental care in, 83-85, 85f, 86f, Dean’s early studies on, 308-309,
rates in, 187 102-108, 104f, 105f 310f
scales in, 188-189, 188b health care in, 83-84, 83f-84f, Down syndrome not increased by,
sensitivity and specificity in, 191, 101-108, 102f, 103f 316
191f history of, 71-73, 101-102 early studies of cities related to,
periodontal disease measurement third-party payment in, 86-108 211f, 212f, 314-316, 328, 333t
for, 203-208. See also Fissure sealants, 366-376 economics (costs) of, 331b, 338-340
Periodontal disease; acid etch of tooth surface for, 367- fetus affected by, 335, 351
Periodontitis. 368 future of, 342
purposes of, 186b, 191-192 applied over caries, 370, 374f global distribution of, 329-330,
research studies design for, 173- attitudes toward, 375-376 329b, 357-358
182. See also Research studies. clinical trial design related to, 368 legal decisions regarding, 341
Erythroplakia, oral cancer role of, 299 cost effectiveness of, 372-375, 373t, McKay’s early assessment of, 307-
ESI (Extent and Severity Index), 205 374f 308
420 Index

Fluoridation (Continued) Fluorosis (Continued) Gingiva

natural occurrence of, 211f, 212f, Developmental Defects of Dental crevicular fluid of, 206
307-312, 310f, 312t Enamel Index in, 213-215, index related to, 203-204
non-water sources of, 347-360 214t overhangs of, 273
optimal levels for, 313-314, 326- diagnostic criteria used in, 211b, plaque and calculus under, 207,
328, 327b, 327t 212b, 213b, 214t 207b
oral health promotion campaigns Fluorosis Risk Index in, root caries and, 198-199
for, 59-60 212-213 Gingivitis
politics of, 340-342 Thylstrup-Fejerskov index in, 212, definition of, 259
prenatal, 335, 351 213b, 214f epidemiology of, 203-204, 204b
primary dentition affected by, 335- Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis measurement and diagnosis of,
336 in, 210-211, 212b 203-204, 204b
public attitude toward, 340-342 physiology in, 287-288 natural history of, 259-262, 261b,
standards and oversight for, 326- primary vs. permanent dentition in, 262b
328, 327b, 327t 287, 307-308, 318-320 periodontitis role of, 259, 262b
state and local governments in, 330- risk factors for, 287-288 plaque control in prevention of,
331, 331b, 331t Fluorosis Risk Index (FRI), 212-213 395
U.S. standards for, 330-332, 331b, Fones, Alfred, 6 prevalence of, 262-263
331t Food. See Diet. Gloves, standard precautions role of,
Fluoride, 287-292, 307-320, 326-342, Fractures, fluoride not affecting, 316- 139
347-360 317 Glycolysis, fluoride inhibition of, 319,
bone mineral density not affected FRI (Fluorosis Risk Index), 212-213 319b
by, 316-317 Fructose Grainger’s hierarchy scale, 195
dietary supplements of, 289, 349- in high fructose corn syrup, 383- Gross domestic product
351, 350t 384, 383f, 384f dental care percentage of, 83, 86f
enamel mottling caused by, 287- intolerance of, hereditary, 248 health care percentage of, 83, 83f
288, 307-308, 319-320 FS-T Scale, 195 Guild model, 3
first-aid for, 317-318 Future
health effects of, 314-318, 318t dental care utilization related to, H
historic aspects of, 210, 307-311, 22-23 Hairy leukoplakia, AIDS/HIV with, 142
310f fluoridation in, 342 HDA (Hispanic Dental Association), 9
kidney affected by, 313 Health care. See also Dental public
mortality rate not affected by, 315 G health; Oral health; Public
multiple sources of, 311-312, 312t, Gels, fluoride, 351-354, 352t health.
334, 338, 347, 358-360, 359t Gender costs of nationally, 83-85, 83f-86f
natural occurrence of, 211f, 212f, dental care utilization related to, national insurance proposals for,
307-312, 310f, 312t 18-19, 19f 107-108
optimal intake amount for, 313- life expectancy related to, 14-15, public financing of, 83-84, 83f-84f,
314, 326-328, 327b, 327t 15f 101-108
osteosarcoma associated with, 315- oral cancer related to, 294-296, Health maintenance organizations
316 295f, 295t, 296f (HMOs), 95-97
physiology of, 287-288, 312-314 periodontitis role of, 264f, 266, dental personnel in, 95-96
plaque and calculus affected by, 266f, 267f Health promotion, 50-60
207, 207b population distribution by, 14-15, Canadian, 51, 51b
toxicities of, 312-313, 317-318, 318t, 15f community-based aspects of, 50-53,
353t root caries distribution by, 250-251, 51b
Fluorosis, 287-292 250f definition of, 50-51
crippling skeletal form of, 317, 318t Genetic factors oral and dental, 53-60, 56b, 58b
dietary supplement risk of, 350 caries affected by, 245 social amenities role in, 51-52, 51b
distribution of, 211f, 287-288, 307- cleft lip and palate with, 299-300 Stanford Five-Cities study in, 52-53
311 periodontitis role of, 260, 271-272 Healthy People 2010, oral health
enamel mottling in, 287-288, 307- Geneva declaration, physician’s oath objectives in, 55, 56b
308, 319-320 in, 30b Helsinki Declaration, 31
epidemiologic aspects of, 210f, 211f, Geographic regions Hepatitis
287-292, 307-311, 310f dental care utilization related to, A, 144
historic aspects of, 210, 307-311, 22, 22f B, 143-145, 144f
310f non-U.S., population growth rate C, 143-145, 144f
measurement of, 210-215 in, 15, 16f dentists with, 144-145
Community Fluorosis Index in, population distribution in, 15-17, incidence of, 143, 144f
210, 211f, 212f 16f non-A, non-B, 144
Dean’s Fluorosis Index in, 210, GI (Gingival Index), 203-204 symptoms of, 143
211f, 211t, 212f, 308-309, 310f Gies report, dental education in, 5 transmission of, 143-145
Index 421

High fructose corn syrup, 383-384, Infection control (Continued) L

383f, 384f hepatitis in, 143-145, 144f
Laboratory technicians, 113, 122-123
Hispanic Dental Association (HDA), 9 legal issues in, 146-147
Legionnaires’ disease, dental unit
Hispanics. See also Race. OSHA guidelines for, 139-140
waterline issues in, 147
population demographics for, 17, public perceptions related to, 145-
17f 146
hairy, AIDS/HIV with, 142
History. See also under specific dental Institute of Medicine (IOM), public
oral cancer role of, 298, 299
topics. health defined by, 37-38
Life expectancy, U.S. population,
dental hygiene in, 6-7, 9-10 Insurance plans
14-15, 15f
dentistry in, 3-10 Delta, 90-93, 92f
Literature. See also Journals.
HIV infection, 140-143 dental care utilization status related
systematic reviews of, 164-170,
dentists with, 142-143 to, 22, 23f
164t, 165t, 167b
drug treatment for, 141 for-profit, 93-100
textbooks as, 154-155
ethics standards for care in, 28-29 growing use of in dentistry, 86-88,
Loansome Doc system, 161
global extent of, 141-142, 141b 87f
London cholera epidemic, 184, 185f
legal issues in, 146-147 managed care form of, 94-99
oral manifestations of, 142-143 administrative services only plan M
periodontitis with, 275-276 in, 98-99
Malocclusion, 300
T lymphocytes in, 140-141 discount plans in, 98
epidemiologic aspects of, 216-217,
timeline of, 141 HMO’s in, 95-97
transmission of, 141-142 personal savings accounts in, 99
race related to, 300
HMOs (health maintenance PPO’s in, 97-98
Malthusian theories, 39
organizations), 95-97 not-for-profit, 90-93, 92f
Managed care, 94-99
Hopewood House study, 247-248 reimbursement forms used by, 88-
administrative services only plan in,
Hospitals, dental care programs in, 90
70-71 risk-taking principles guiding,
direct reimbursement in, 98
Host response, in periodontal disease, 81-83
discount plans in, 98
260, 262 Interactive model, 3
historical emergence of, 28
Human immunodeficiency virus. See Interdental Bleeding Index, 203-204
HMO’s in, 95-97
HIV infection. Interdental cleaning, 396
personal savings accounts in, 99
Human research subjects, ethical International Association for Dental
PPO’s in, 97-98
standards for, 31-33, 32b, 33b Research, 32, 32b, 33b
risk assumption in, 96-97
Interval scale, 188b
I Markers
J gingival crevicular fluid in, 206
IADR (International Association for
periodontitis with, 206
Dental Research), 32, 32b, 33b Journals
Masks, standard precautions using,
Immunodeficiency databases of, 158-161
acquired syndrome of, 141-143 finding reports in, 158-161
Maternal and Child Health Services,
HIV infection with, 140-143 internal vs. external validity in, 157
periodontal disease model based kinds of papers found in, 157-158
McClure, Frank, 313-314
on, 260, 262 peer review of, 154-155
McKay, Frederick, 307-308
Income level. See Economic status; quality assessment related to
Medicaid, 103-106, 103f-105f
Socioeconomic status. clinical decision-making affected
dental care expenditures by, 103-
Index Medicus, journals in, 160-161 by, 163-164, 164t, 165t, 168-
106, 103f-105f
Indexes. See also specific index. 170
Medical indigence, definition of, 101
epidemiologic measurement using, critical reading role in, 156-161,
Medical waste, standard precautions
187-188, 188b 157b, 159b, 160b
related to, 140
ideal, 188, 188b issues in, 156-158, 157b, 159b,
Medicare, 102-103
reversible vs. irreversible, 188 160b
Indian Health Service, dental care presenters qualifications in, 155-
financing by, 106 156
ADA recommendations related to,
Indigents, 101. See also Poverty. scales designed for, 156-158,
Individualism 157b, 159b, 160b
amalgam restoration leakage of,
American character role of, 26-28 systematic reviews of, 164-170,
social responsibility vs., 26-28 164t, 165t, 167b
toxic properties of, 147-149
Infant “throw-aways,” 156
MGI (Modified Gingival Index), 204
baby bottle caries affecting, 199,
K Microbiota. See Bacteria.
199t, 252
Military personnel, dental care for, 107
fluoride in formula for, 289 Kaposi’s sarcoma, AIDS/HIV with, 142
Military service, dentistry career in, 11
Infection control, 138-147 Kappa statistic, 189
Mineralization, calculus formation in,
ADA guidelines for, 139 Karlstad Studies, 397-399, 398b
AIDS/HIV in, 140-143, 141b Kidney, fluoride effects in, 313
Minorities. See Race.
422 Index

Modified Gingival Index (MGI), 204 Oral cancer (Continued) Patients (Continued)
Molybdenum, low caries levels and, race and, 294-296, 296f-298f, 296t, selection of, 28-31, 30b
386 298t turnaway of, 28-29, 134, 135, 146
Monosaccharides, in diet, 383-384, risk factors for, 298-299, 407-412 Payment. See Financing; Insurance
383f, 384f site of occurrence of, 294, 296t plans; Reimbursement.
Morality. See Ethics. tobacco role in, 298-299, 407-412. PDI (Periodontal Disease Index), 204-
Mortality rate See also Tobacco use. 205, 205f
fluoride not affecting, 315 Oral disease. See Epidemiology; specific Peer review, journals subject to, 154-
oral cancer with, 294-296, 295f- disease. 155
298f, 295t, 296t Oral health. See also Dental public Pepys, Samuel, 184
Mouthrinses health; Public health. Percentile fees, 92, 92f
antiplaque chemicals in, 399-401, indicators of, 43 Periodontal disease, 203-208, 259-
400b promotion of, 53-60, 56b 278. See also Periodontitis.
fluoride in, 352t, 353t, 354-355, attitudes and knowledge attachment loss in, 204-205, 205f,
359t affecting, 55-57 206b, 263-266, 264f, 265f
fluoridation of water in, 59-60 classification of, 260-262, 261b
N goals for, 54-55, 55b, 56b distribution of, 262-266, 264f, 265f
National Dental Association (NDA), 8 methodology efficacy in, 53-54, epidemiologic aspects of, 203-208,
National Health Service Corps, 57-58, 58b 204b, 205f, 206b, 207b
scholarship program of, 123- other countries role in, 55, 55b measurement and diagnosis of,
124 patient education role in, 57-58, 203-208, 204b, 205f, 206b,
Native Americans, population 58b 207b
demographics for, 17, 17f quality of life aspects of, 217-218 gingivitis in, 203-204, 204b, 259-
NDA. See National Dental Association surveys of, 43-44 263, 261b
(NDA). Oral hygiene. See also Plaque. partial mouth approach to, 204,
Nicotine brushing, flossing, and wood point 207-208
addictive quality of, 407, 413b use for, 395-397 periodontitis in, 204-206, 205f
patches containing, 413b chemical products used in, 399- plaque and calculus in, 207, 207b
snuff content of, 409 402, 400b treatment criteria in, 206-207,
Nitrosamines, snuff content of, 409 diet and food types affecting, 380- 206b
Nominal scale, 188b 389 models of, 260-262, 261b, 262b
Nonprobability, sampling role of, professional treatment for, 397-399, natural history of, 260-262, 262b
186-187 398b prediction of, 278
Norway, population growth rate in, 16f self-care methods in, 395-397 risk factors for, 266-278
Null hypothesis, 180-181 sugar affecting, 381-389, 381b, severe vs. moderate, 260-262, 261b
Nuremberg Code, 31 383f, 384f, 388f Periodontal Disease Index (PDI), 204-
Nurse, dental, 113 Ordinal scale, 188b 205, 205f
Nutrition, 245-246. See also Diet. OSHA Periodontal Index (PI), 204
caries role of, 245-246, 380-388 infection control regulations of, Periodontitis, 259-278
oral diseases role of, 273, 380-388 139-140 bacteria in, 272
standard precautions guidelines cardiovascular disorders with, 276-
O from, 139-140 277
Oath, physician’s, 30b Osteoporosis, periodontitis with, 277 cytokine marker for, 206
Obesity, soft drinks role in, 382 Osteosarcoma, fluoride associated definition of, 259
Occupational Safety and Health with, 315-316 diabetes mellitus with, 274-275
Administration epidemiology of, 204-206, 205f
infection control regulations of, P gender role in, 264f, 266, 266f, 267f
139-140 Pacific Islanders, population genetic factors in, 260, 271-272
standard precautions guidelines demographics for, 17, 17f HIV infection with, 275-276
from, 139-140 Papillary hyperplasia, 299 incidence of, 264-266
Office environment, infection control Pathfinder (survey), 44 measurement and diagnosis of,
in. See Infection control. Pathogens. See Bacteria. 204-206, 205f
Oral cancer, 294-302 Patients natural history of, 260-262, 262b
age and, 295, 295f-297f AIDS/HIV issues related to, 146-147 nutrition and diet in, 273, 380-388
distribution of, 294-296, 295f-298f, bad health behaviors of, 135 oral hygiene role in, 272
295t, 296t ethical standards in care of, 28-32, osteoporosis with, 277
epidemiologic aspects of, 217 30b, 32b, 33b plaque role in, 272, 388-389
gender and, 294-296, 295f, 295t, oral health promotion for, 57-58, pregnancy affected by, 277-278
296f 58b prevalence of, 263
leukoplakia related to, 298, 299 personal savings account plans for, psychosocial stress in, 274
mortality rates for, 294-296, 295f- 99 race role in, 266-268, 268f
298f, 295t, 296t research using, 31-33, 32b, 33b risk factors for, 266-278
Index 423

Periodontitis (Continued) Population (Continued) Public financing programs

severe vs. moderate, 260-262, 261b other countries, 113, 113b dental care in, 83-85, 85f, 86f, 102-
socioeconomic status and, 267, state distribution as, 115-116, 115t 108, 104f, 105f
267f, 269-271, 270f, 271f U.S., 113t health care in, 83-84, 83f-84f, 101-
systemic disorders affecting, 274- economic distribution in, 17, 17f 108, 102f, 103f
278 ethnic and racial composition of, Indian Health Service in, 106
tobacco use role in, 273-274 17, 17f Medicaid in, 103-106, 103f-105f
Personnel. See Dental auxillaries; gender distribution in, 14-15, 15f Medicare in, 102-103
Dental hygienists; Dentists. geographic distribution of, 15-17, Public health, 36-47. See also Dental
Peru, population growth rate in, 16f 16f public health.
Physician’s oath, 30b other countries, 15, 16f core functions and services in, 38, 38b
PI (Periodontal Index), 204 public health aspects of, 37-39. See definition of, 36-38
Placebos also Public health. development of in U.S., 38-40
ethical standards for use of, 31-32 size and growth of, 14-15, 15f, 16f epidemics in, 38-39, 40
research studies use of, 179 survey sampling of, 186-187 history of, 39-40
Plagiarism, 33 U.S., 14-18, 15f-17f identifying problems in, 38-39
Plaque, 303-402 Pott, Percival, 184 population health in, 37
bacteria associated with, 394-395 Poverty purpose and practice of, 38b
brushing, flossing, and wood point edentulism related to, 227f, 229f Public Health Service
use for, 395-397 legislated programs in response dentistry career destination in, 11-12
chemical products used against, to, 27 fluoridation guidelines of, 326-328,
399-402, 400b medically indigent defined in, 101 327b, 327t
control and removal of, 393-402, population distribution of, 17 Public programs. See also Fluoridation;
398b PPO (preferred provider Social welfare.
approaches to, 395 organization), 97-98 dental practice history in, 71-73
chemotherapeutic agents for, Preauthorization, insurance plans use fissure sealant use in, 370-372, 371f
399-402, 400b of, 92-93 Publications. See also Journals.
dietary constraint used in, 387- Precautions. See Standard precautions. textbooks as, 154-155
389, 388f Preeruptive teeth, fluoride in, 287- PubMed database, 160
fluoride inhibition in, 319, 401- 288, 318-320, 319b, 349-350 Pulp, caries affecting, 197b
402 Preferred provider organization Pyrophosphates, anticalculus effects
professional treatment for, 397- (PPO), 97-98 of, 401
399, 398b Pregnancy, periodontitis affecting,
public education about, 402 277-278 Q
rationale for, 393-394 Primary dentition Quality assurance. See also Scales.
self-care methods for, 395-397 def index and, 194-195 activities aimed at, 76-77
definition of, 394 fluoridation effects in, 335-336 cost control role of, 77-78
ecologic aspects of, 388, 395 fluorosis affecting, 287, 307-308, dental practice in, 73-78, 74b
epidemiology of, 207, 207b 318-320 on-site evaluation for, 76
evolutionary benefits of, 388, 395 sealant use on, 370 recent issues in, 75
measurement and diagnosis of, 207, Private practice, 10 structure-process-outcome model
207b dental public health goals and, 47 for, 73-74, 74b
natural history of, 394-395 salaried practice vs., 10-12 terminology of, 73-74, 74b
periodontal disease role of, 259- Probability, sampling role of, 186-187 Quality of life, oral health affecting,
263, 272, 388-389 Probes, periodontal treatment 217-218
pH of, 381, 381b, 387, 388f assessment with, 206, 206b Questionnaires, oral health telephone
Plaque Index, 207, 207b Procedure codes, insurance plans use surveys using, 43-44
P-M-A (Papillary-Marginal-Attached) of, 93
Index, 203 Professionalism R
Pockets characteristics of, 3-4, 4b Race
balled and marked probe for, 206, definition of, 3 caries distribution by, 240f, 241,
206b ethics related to. See Ethics. 242f
periodontal attachment loss with, model types for, 3-4 dental care utilization related to, 21-
204-205, 205f, 206b Profiling, dental providers 22
Politics, fluoridation and, 340-342 undergoing, 77 fissure sealant use and, 370, 371f
Poor Laws, 39-40 Prophylactic treatment, oral hygiene malocclusion related to, 300
Population, 14-23 role of, 398-399 oral cancer related to, 294-296,
age distribution of, 15, 15f, 16f, Psychosocial factors. See also 296f-298f, 296t, 298t
130-132, 131f, 132f Socioeconomic status. periodontitis role of, 266-268, 268f
dental care utilization related to, periodontitis affected by, 274 population composition by, 17, 17f
18-23, 19f-23f temporomandibular joint root caries distribution by, 251, 251f
dentists per 100,000 of dysfunction with, 301-302 tooth loss related to, 226, 227f
424 Index

Ramfjord teeth, 204-205, 205f Reviews of literature. See also Significant Caries Index (SiC), 195
Random allocation, research studies Dentistry, evidence-based. Smokeless tobacco, 298, 408-412. See
use of, 178-179 systematic, 164-170, 164t, 165t, also Tobacco use.
Ratio scale, 188b 167b pathologic effects of, 408-410
Regulation, ethical standards used for, components of, 166-167 restrictions placed on, 411-412,
25-26, 26b, 28-33, 30b, 32b, examples of use of, 167-168, 413b
33b 167b Snow, John, 184, 185f
Reimbursement Risk factors, 173-176, 175b Snuff. See Smokeless tobacco.
capitation basis in, 89-90 definition of, 175 Social Security Act, 101-102
Delta Dental Plans in, 91-93, 92f demographic, 176 Social welfare
direct form of, 98 exposure role in, 174b, 175, 175b access for everyone challenge in, 33-
fee schedules for, 88-89 indicator, marker, and predictive, 34
managed care form of, 98 175-176 history of, 26-28
percentile fees in, 92, 92f research studies role of, 173-176, individual vs. public responsibility
table of allowances in, 88-89 175b in, 26-28
third part plan forms of, 88-90 Root caries, 198-199, 198b, 250-251, Socioeconomic status
usual, customary, and reasonable, 250f, 251f caries distribution and, 233-245,
88-89 age group with, 250-251, 250f, 251f 234t, 235f, 235t, 244f
Reliability gender with, 250-251, 250f dental care utilization related to,
examiner attribute of, 180, 189- gingival recession with, 198-199 20-21, 21f
190, 190f index formula for, 198 fluoridation caries reduction and,
negative and positive reversals race factors and, 251, 251f 333-334, 334f
affecting, 189-190, 190f health promotion role of, 51-52,
research studies role of, 180, 188b, S 51b
189-190, 190f Saccharin, 385 periodontitis role of, 267, 267f,
Research Safe Drinking Water Act, fluoridation 269-271, 270f, 271f
analytic vs. descriptive, 173, 174b, standards in, 331-332 population distribution related
176 Salaried practice, 10-11 to, 17
case-control form for, 176-177 Saliva, fluoride level in, 320 Soft drinks
causality and risk criteria for, 173- Sampling caries role of, 240-250
176, 175b errors in, 186 diet content of, 382-383
critical reading of articles on, 157, probability vs. nonprobability form marketing of, 382-383
157b, 159b of, 186-187 Sorbitol, 382, 385
cross-sectional vs. longitudinal, 176 survey use of, 186-187 Specialization, dental practice with,
ecologic (community data) form of, Sarcoma, Kaposi’s, 142 115
177 Savings account insurance plans, 99 Standard precautions, 138-140
epidemiologic design of, 173-182, Scales ADA guidelines for, 139
174b, 175b caries assessment using, 196-198, AIDS/HIV prevention by, 142
ethical standards and principles in, 197b hepatitis prevention by, 144-145
31-33, 32b, 33b dichotomous, 196-198, 197b OSHA regulations for, 139-140
experimental, 177-182 epidemiologic measurement using, Standards
blinding in, 179 188-189, 188b ethical, 25-26, 26b, 28-33, 30b,
choice of population for, 177-178 journal quality assessment by, 156- 32b, 33b
control groups in, 178-179 158, 157b, 159b, 160b fluoridation role of
duration role in, 180 potential treatments graded in, 163- oversight, 326-328, 327b, 327t
ethical factors for, 182 164, 164t, 165t state and local, 330-331, 331b,
examiner reliability in, 180, 189- T-Health, 195-196 331t
190, 190f types of, 188-189, 188b U.S, 330-332, 331b, 331t
field trial vs. clinical trial in, 177- SCHIP (State Children’s Health regulatory, 25-26, 26b, 28-33, 30b,
178 Insurance Program), 106 32b, 33b
placebo use in, 179 Schools. See also Dental education; research principles in, 31-33, 32b,
random allocation in, 178-179 Education. 33b
statistical significance of, 180-181 drinking water fluoridation in, 348- Stanford Five-Cities study, 52-53
human subject standards in, 31-33, 351, 350t Stannous fluoride, oral hygiene use of,
32b, 33b fissure sealant programs in, 370- 401
journal reports on. See Journals. 372, 371f Starches
nonexperimental (survey), 176-177 Sealants. See Fissure sealants. 233-252,381b. See also Sugars.
prospective vs. retrospective, 176 SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, caries role of, 245-250
protocol features for, 173, 174b and End Results), 42 cariogenicity of, 381b
review board for, 32-33 Selenium, high caries levels and, 386 complex, 384
Reversals, negative and positive, 189- Self-care, plaque control and removal enzymatic conversion of, 381b
190, 190f by, 395-397 sugars produced from, 381b
Index 425

State Children’s Health Insurance, Temporomandibular joint Toothpastes

106 dysfunction, 300-302 anticalculus agents in, 401-402
States depression related to, 301-302 fluoride in, 289, 319-320, 352t,
dental practice legislation by, 118 prevalence of, 301 353t, 356-358, 359t
dentist distribution in, 115-116, symptoms of, 300-302 Toxicity, of fluoride, 312-313, 317-318,
115t T-Health scale, 195-196 318t, 353t
Statistical significance Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index, 212, Triclosan, antiplaque effects of, 401-
research studies role of, 180-182 213b, 214f 402
type I vs. type II error related to, Tobacco use, 298-299, 407-412 Tristan da Cunha study, 247
181-182 control programs for, 410-412, 411b,
Stephan curve, 387, 388f 413b U
Stomatologist, definition of, 5 Master Settlement Agreement on, U.S. Public Health Service, career
Structure-process-outcome model, 73- 410, 410b options in, 11-12
74, 74b oral cancer role of, 298-299, 407-412 Usual, customary, and reasonable
Sucrose, consumption per capita of, periodontitis role of, 273-274 (UCR) fees, 88-89
383-384, 383f, 384f prevalence of, 408, 409b
Sugar alcohols, 382, 385-386 quitting difficulties of, 411-412, V
Sugars, 233-252, 380-389. See also 413b Varnish, fluoride with, caries
Starches. risks and consequences of, 407-408 reduction by, 354
acidogenicity of, 381b, 387, 388f smokeless tobacco in, 298, 408-410 Veterans, dental care for, 107
caries role of, 245-250, 381-385, Tooth loss, 223-230. See also Vipehí4lm study, 248, 248b, 387
381b, 383f, 384f, 388f Edentulism. Volpe-Manhold Index (VMI), 207
consumption per capita of, 383- causes of, 228-230
384, 383f, 384f dental care utilization related to, 20, W
enzymatic conversion source of, 20f, 230 Waste, medical, standard precautions
381b gender differences in, 225-226, 228, for, 140
intake frequency of, 248, 249 229f Water supply. See also Fluoridation;
intrinsic vs. extrinsic, 381b historical aspects of, 223-228, 224f, Fluoride; Fluorosis.
invert form of, 385 227f Dean’s Fluorosis Index role of, 211f,
oral hygiene effects of, 381-389, income status and, 224, 224t, 225, 212f, 310f, 312t
381b, 383f, 384f, 388f 227f fluoride content of, 211f, 212f, 289,
Sun Belt, population migration to, oral health promotion goals for, 55, 307-312, 310f, 312t
16-17 55b, 56b natural occurrence of, 211f, 212f,
Surveillance process partial, 226-228, 228f, 229f 307-312, 310f, 312t
active vs. passive, 43 patient choice role in, 55, 55b optimal levels for, 326-328, 327b,
dental public health use of, 42-45, race and ethnic differences in, 226, 327t
44b 227f school drinking water with, 348-
Surveys total (edentulous), 224-226, 224f, 351, 350t
dental public health use of, 43-45, 224t-226t, 227f standards and oversight for, 326-
44b, 186-187 Tooth surface 328, 327b, 327t
research studies design using, 176- caries related to, 237 Sun Belt migration effect on, 16-17
177, 186-187 fluoridation effect linked to, 320, Waterlines, infection control issues
sampling of human population for, 349-350 for, 147
186-187 sealants applied to. See Fissure Wood points, plaque removal using,
Sweeteners, sugar alcohols as, 382, sealants. 396
385-386 Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis World Dental Federation, 9
Syria, population growth rate in, 16f (TSIF), 210-211, 212b World Health Organization,
Toothbrushes fluoridation guidelines of,
T frequency of use of, 396 327
T lymphocytes, in AIDS, 140-141 interdental cleaning with, 396 World Medical Association
Teaching. See Dental education. method of application of, 396 Geneva declaration of, 30b
Teeth. See also Edentulism; Primary motivation related to use of, 396- Helsinki declaration of, 31
dentition; Tooth loss. 397 World War II Studies, 247
preeruptive, fluoride in, 287-288, plaque removal methods using, World Wide Web, journal contents on,
318-320, 319b, 349-350 395-397 160-161
Ramfjord, 204-205, 205f powered vs. manual, 167-168, 396
Temperature, fluoridation affected by, self-care role of, 395-397 X
326-328, 327t types of, 396 Xylitol, 382, 385-386

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