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ISSN 0204-8906

2021 Bulgarian
Revue bulgare
Research Quarterly, Organ of the Institute for Historical
Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences



Деница Петрова  – Неизвестная сокращенная редакция рас-

сказа о нападениях на Царьград
Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu, Eugen Străuțiu – The Bulgarians
from the Sibiu Region. Documents and Testimonials on the Communi-
ties from Bungard and Rusciori 16
Shtelian D. Shterionov  – Spezifika der Demographischen Ent-
wicklung Bulgariens in der Zeit 1878–1912 38
Zorka Parvanova – The Bulgarian-Greek Easter in 1911: Festive
Spirit and Daily Politics 64
Lenka J. Budilová, Marek Jakoubek – Vojvodovo – ein vergesse-
nes Kapitel der tschechischen Gegenwart in Bulgarien 82
Victor Rogozenski  – The Idea of Self-Determination of Nations
Applied in Cieszyn Silesia in 1920 and the Reaction of the Press in the
Affected Countries 111
Nadya Filipova – Bulgarian Temporary Labour Migration in Iraq
during the 1960s and 1970s 130
Evgenia Kalinova  – The “Revival Process” in Bulgaria and the
Soviet Participation – Myths and Realities 158
Petya Dimitrova – “Was ist in der Tat das Internet...” Wahrheiten
und Mythen über den zweiten Weltkrieg im Cyberspace 194
Lütfi Üredi, Sait Akbaşlı, Pelin Kosece, Gürsen Vural  – Social
Forces and Main Factors Influencing the Education in Turkey: A His-
torical Perspective 226

Reviews of Books

Tsvetelin Stepanov  – Антон К. Салмин. Савиры, булгары

и тюр­ ко-монголы в истории чувашей. Санкт-Петербург, ‘Не-
стор-История’, 2019. 296 с. (Anton K. Salmin. Savirs, Bulgari-
ans and Turko-Mongols in the History of the Chuvash. St. Petersburg,
‘Nestor-History’, 2019. 296 p.) 245
Elena Kostova – Сашка Георгиева. Брачната дипломация на
средновековните български владетели. Пловдив, 2019, Фондация
„Българско историческо наследство“, vi + 473 с. + 39 илюстр. и 1
карта. (Sashka Georgieva. Marital Diplomacy of Medieval Bulgari-
an Rulers. Plovdiv, 2019, PH Foundation Bulgarian Historical Heritage,
vi + 473 pp., 39 ill., 1 map.) 249
Ivan Roussev  – Contribution to the Study of the Bulgarian
Municipality during the National Revival Period: Тихомир Тонков.
Търновската община 1763–1878 г. В. Търново, Народна библиоте-
ка „Петко Р. Славейков“, 2020. 392 с. (Tihomir Tonkov. The Munici-
pality of Tarnovo 1763–1878. V. Tarnovo, Petko R. Slaveykov National
Library, 2020. 392 p.) 256

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