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Thomas’ School, Gopiganj

Class XI – Entrance Exam
Duration: 30 min. Subject – Chemistry M.M-25

Q.1 Write IUPAC names of following organic compounds- {3}




Q.2 Complete the following reactions – {3}

a. Al + H2SO4 (dil) ----->
b. Zn + NaOH (hot & conc) ----->
c. NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 ----->
Q.3 What happens when water is added to following – {3}
a. Aluminium Nitride
b. Calsium Carbide
c. Aluminium Carbide
Q.4 Find the weight of 12 molecules of water. {3}
Q.5 Explain the following by suitable example- {8}
a. Easterification (reaction also)
b. Dehydrohelogenation reaction (with reaction)
c. Dehydration of alcohol (with reaction)
d. Decarboregtation of sodium ethanoate (with reaction)
Q.6 Write observation and reaction of following – {5}
a. FeCL3 + NaOH --->
b. FeSO4 + NH4OH ---->
c. CuSO4 + NH4OH (small amount) ----->
d. CuSO4 + NH4OH (excess amount) ----->
e. CO2 + Ca(OH)2 ----->

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