1st Quarter Philo Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
City of Koronadal

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

First Quarter Examination

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ___________

Grade & Section: ___________________________________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of your best answer on
the space provided.

________1. Which of the following is the correct etymological meaning of Philosophy?

a. Greek. Philos- Love; Sophia- Wisdom
b. Latin. Philos- Love; Sophia- Wisdom
c. Greek. Philos- God; Sophia- Think
d. Latin. Theos- God; Sophia- Think

________2. Which of the following is a correct description of holistic thinking?

a. It focuses on certain areas or aspects of the problem.
b. It requires a person to develop sense belongingness to others
c. It refers to the a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in a system
d. It considers decision making by analyzing the smaller picture of events

________3. Which of the following distinguish a holistic thinking from partial point of view?
a. Holistic thinking focuses on certain areas while partial thinking considers decision making
b. Holistic thinking requires a person to solve problems while partial thinking does not.
c. Partial thinking focuses on certain aspects of the problem while holistic thinking considers
large-scale patterns in a problem
d. Partial thinking means to philosophize while holistic thinking is to solve problems

________4. How does one engage in reflection?

a. When thinking about the past life events and begin to record it
b. when a person is willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions
c. When a person is thinking partially into the situation he is in to solve problems
d. When philosophizing is no longer a need for man’s daily existence

________5. Which of the following statement that shows human activity that comes from the
deliberate reflection of man?
a. Riding a bicycle going to school
b. Solving mathematical problems
c. Carrying out errands from your mother
d. Thinking about what is good in studying

________6. Cardo rides his bicycle in going to school but unfortunately chased by dogs. He fell from
his bicycle and got some bruises but not serious wounds. When he got up to grab his bike, a fast
moving car hit and destroyed it. He filed a case to the driver for destroying his bike. What is
something in the driver that is not present in the dog?
a. Love and Hope c. Intellect and Will
b. Curiosity and Sense of wonder d. Truth and Wisdom

________ 7. The following are the results when we engage into reflection, EXCEPT:
a. Coming up with good suggestions
b. Forgetting about essential things
c. Helped you avoid making bad decisions
d. Learning from experience

________ 8. The following are the practical uses of philosophy in our lives, EXCEPT:
a. It improves problem-solving and decision making
b. It can contribute to self-development
c. It helps us to adequately present our ides clearly
d. It hone our skills in destroying others in an argument

_______9. What Socrates means in loving wisdom?

a. Loving one’s own wisdom is to be wise.
b. Loving one’s own wisdom is to know nothing.
c. To love wisdom is to doubt of everything.
d. To know everything.

________ 10. Which of the following situations distinguish a philosophical reflection from a holistic
a. A doctor views the patient’s illness in the aspect of his or her lifestyle and personal
circumstances and advise the patient to make changes in his habits to improve his well-
b. A doctor views on a specific set of symptoms to determine the cause of a patient’s illness
and prescribe a medicine that will regain his physical well-being
c. A politician wanted to end illegal drug use by killing drug sellers and users as well as to
destroy the existing black market that organizes the distribution of it.
d. A boss punishing his worker by implementing monetary penalties and giving extra work
load to carry out the objective of the company to be the best in the industry.

________ 11. The following are true about opinion, except:

a. Statements have advance belief about a certain thing or person
b. Statements go beyond providing facts
c. Provide hasty conclusions or perspectives regarding certain situation
d. Series of statements that provide reasons to convince the listener

________ 12. The following are description of truth, except:

a. Basing on the personal view of the person
b. The statement is based on facts
c. It can be justified or proven through the uses of one’s senses
d. Getting a consensus or having people agree on a common belief

13 – 14. Analyse each statement. Choose your answer inside the box

a. Belief c. Explanation
b. Claim d. Fact

________ 13. It is a proposition or statement that are observed to be real or truthful by providing
________ 14. These are statements that assume the claim to be true and provide reasons why the
statement is true.

15-19. Analyse each statement and identify the fallacy corresponds to each situations. Choose from the list of fallacies
inside the box.
a. Argumetum ad Hominem
b. Argumentum ad Populum
c. Argumentum ad Baculum
d. Argumentum ad Misericordiam
e. Fallacy of Composition

________15. “This man should not be charged with stealing because he was only trying to feed his
starving children.”
________16. “I can’t believe Mr. Enriquez’s idea of justice. How can I when I know he had been
divorced twice.”
________17. “This is the new policy of the school! Those who are in favour you say “I agree”, and
those who are not in favour, transfer to another school of your choice.”
________18. “You should use Papaya soap for the lovely, silky-soft skin as confirmed by Kuko
________19. “You come from a family of doctors and intellectuals! Surely, you can be a doctor also.”

20-22. Evaluating Opinions: Determine what bias corresponds correctly to each situation. Choose from the list of biases
inside the box.
a. Cultural bias c. Conflict of Interest
b. Framing d. Confirmation bias

________20.My father did not commit such crime! How can he rape such innocent child when he
loved me this much as a daughter?
________21. Government’s corruption is the only cause of the downfall of this country
________22. I am sick of seeing this western practice. How can they kiss each other publicly when
many of the people are watching them?

________23. Which one is true about the limitations of humans?

a. Embodied existence of age, sex, race, relationships, etc.
b. Ability to perceive one’s self, including his thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions
c. From tears to enlightenment (Nirvana) for Buddhism
d. Thinking about how one thinks and acts

________24.The following explains transcendence EXCEPT:

a. It is the ability to surpass limits
b. The ability to exercise our imaginations and reflection to go beyond our thoughts and
c. Overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of our certain
d. It is the innate right to be valued and respected

________25. All statements are opinions EXCEPT:

a. Living near the school is better because we don’t have to spend much for food and
b. My sister is a selfish person because she ate the last piece of pizza pie and did not share it
with me
c. The aggressive manner by which the policeman arrested the suspect is an example of the
brutality that characterizes our police force.
d. Wheels of the motorcycle are round in shape

________26. “Lucia sees to it that she engages in meditation once a day at work. She finds the
activity relaxing, she is able to quiet down her thoughts and devote a moment for herself.” Meditation
is an action that expresses the concept of ____________.
a. Dignity
b. Transcendence
c. Morality
d. Self-determination

________27. We can be free from all forms of bondage and attachment from material things if we
a. Deprive ourselves of what we need.
b. Indulge ourselves with material things now so we don’t seek it later.
c. Be contented and appreciate the things that we have.
d. None of these

________28. Being an embodied spirit, the body limits us to seek righteousness because _____.
a. Our body desire pleasurable things that sometimes distract us to do good.
b. Goodness is what our body wants.
c. Righteousness is only for those church leaders.
d. We do not how to do it.

________29. Life and death is one of the mysteries of life. How do we live our life meaningfully?
a. Curse life because these mysteries are not revealed fully with our own knowledge and
b. Live life easily without caution.
c. Develop oneself with the sense of responsibility for all actions and other persons.
d. Live life as if there are no limitations.

________30. Free-will is one of the faculties of man. How do we exercise it?

a. Choose subjectively because we are free to do it.
b. Use it in order to gain more confidence in attaining any end.
c. Choosing what we want regardless of its effect in order to attain absolute freedom.
d. To discern between right and wrong with the sense of responsibility.

________31. Desires are destructive because_________.

a. It bound us to the materiality of this world.
b. It causes bodily ailment and diseases.
c. It limits us to seek righteousness and surrender to pleasures.
d. It makes us more developed individual.
________32. Which of the following human activity causing disastrous flash floods that destroy
human lives and properties?
a. Cutting down age old tress in the mountains without replacing it.
b. Throwing our wastes anywhere.
c. Building factories that emit dark smoke that pollute our air.
d. Construction of residential houses to farm lands.

________33. Which of the following is NOT an effect of global warming?

a. Extinction of more species.
b. Inhabitable place due to rise of sea level.
c. Depletion of the ozone layer
d. Cooling of earth’s temperature.

________34. Who among the following is doing the right thing inside the classroom?
a. Erica eats candy and inserts the wrapper inside the chair’s hole.
b. Niko collects some food left over for his dog.
c. Lori collects all the plastic bottles and makes some useful things out of it.
d. Dominic throws all kinds of waste in the trash bin.

________35. Maria observed that their trash can inside the classroom is always full and smell bad. If
you were Maria, what would you do?
a. Ask the class mayor to appoint someone to throw it.
b. Report this matter to the class adviser.
c. Throw the garbage in the proper disposal area, clean the bins and label each with non-
biodegradable and biodegradable.
d. Tell the cleaners of the day to dispose it.

________36. Kaye went to her grandmother’s place for vacation. She notices that most of the plants
in front of the house are dying. What do you think is the best thing to do?
a. Pull out the plants and throw them away.
b. She will tell her grandmother and let them take care about it.
c. Ignore the thing and have a relaxing vacation.
d. Seek assistance to rearrange the plants for landscaping and water it regularly.

________37. The new nationwide smoking ban law contributes to health and environment
a. It mitigates the causes of lung disease and other health problems.
b. It lessens the traces of air pollution.
c. It promotes healthy and conducive environment to live.
d. All of these.

________38. What is the best way of showing our care to the environment in our own little way?
a. Ask your classmates to stage a rally to stop large scale mining.
b. Clean your trash and segregate them always.
c. Write a letter to the President Duterte to imprison those people who are littering.
d. Run for the Student Council’s president in order to impose your rules in waste management.

________39. In a society, which attitude suits toward the environment?

a. Trying to reduce greed, hate, and illusions as much as possible.
b. Being contented to less.
c. Trying to be caring when someone is watching.
d. Willingness to offer help for the sake of having.

________40. How is nature connected to human life?

a. Nature gives life to man by giving the necessary things for living.
b. Nature is all knowing and ultimate.
c. Nature is not a friend to man for it takes what man had.
d. None of these.

________41. Man as an embodied spirit means that he has . . .

a. A spirit that is capable of possessing any bodies.
b. A body and a spirit which has a dual identity that sometimes negate one another.
c. A body and a spirit which are united and integrated with each other.
d. A body that receives only the experience and the spirit is out of it.
________42.”Ramon plays into the room and bumps into the table. Vase falls to the floor and breaks.
However, his mother asks him if he broke the vase.” The answer to be of Ramon is under the concept
of ______________.
a. Dignity
b. Morality
c. Transcendence
d. Self-determination

________43. Environmental ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned about_____

a. The moral relationship of man to the extra-terrestrial environment
b. The transformation of the world due to regularities in the environment
c. The moral relationship of man with the environment and humanity’s role in the natural world
d. The relationship of animals and it habitat they live in.

43-45 identify the major views regarding the relationship of man and the environment it
portray. Choose from the choices inside the box.
a. Anthropocentrism c. Eco-centrism
b. Biocentrism d. Environmental aesthetics

________44. A fisherman uses cyanide and dynamite in fishing.

________45. An Non-government organization saves endanger species for a balance eco system.
________46. Scientist trying develop alternative source of clean energy.

________47. How can you demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environment?
a. Choose household products carefully and be thrift in using earth’s resources.
b. Implement clean-up drive in your barangay.
c. Reflect on the destruction caused by mankind.
d. Use earth’s resources as long as it contribute to modernization.

________48. Which of these statements is not related to sustainable development?

a. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment.
b. Natural resources must not be used wisely and efficiently.
c. Resources must be conserved for other people.
d. Humankind must use up all natural resources.

________49. Which of these statements does not reflect environmental ethics?

a. Man must take action to solve environmental problems
b. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities
c. We should reflect on how our actions show regard to nature.
d. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it.

________50. This concept refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burden of
addressing environmental challenges.
a. Environmental aesthetics
b. Environmental justice
c. Environmental ethics
d. Environmental philosophy

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