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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Miss Czubek (Natalia Czubek)

Date: September 21st-22nd Group Size: 24 Allotted Time: 45-60 minutes

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject or Topic: Farmers/ Farm to Table Process

Common Core/PA Standard(s): 4.5.3.A- Identify resources humans take from the environment for
their survival.
Learning Targets/Objectives: Students will be able to identify and describe the resources that
humans use from the environment for daily life by creating a knowledge poster explaining one of the
four Farm to Table Process.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Observational (the teacher will write down
1. Anchor Chart (An essential question will the students’ responses on the chart and
be written in the middle of the board and will be referenced back during the lesson)
the teacher will ask the class to share
their responses to the question) 2. Collect the posters at the end of the lesson
to display around the classroom and grade
2. Knowledge Poster (students will work on the posters based on the rubric
this poster with a partner and pick one of
the steps of the Farm to Table process to
demonstrate their knowledge)

Assessment Scale:
See Below for Rubric

Subject Matter/Content: Environmental Heroes Farmers and Farm to Table Process

-Have knowledge about environmental heroes
-Be able to explain/share their knowledge about other environmental heroes
-Be about to name and describe farmers equipment

Key Vocabulary: 
 Agriculture: the cultivating of the soil, producing of crops, and raising of livestock
 Consumers: a person who purchases and uses things and services
 Distribution: the act of giving out something
 Cultivate: to prepare land for the raising of crops
 Farmer: a person who raises crops or animals: a potato farmer; a dairy farmer
 Farmhouse: a house attached to a farm, especially the main house in which the farmer lives
 Fertilizer: a natural or chemical substance that is added to soil to make it richer for growing
 Harvest: the act of gathering a crop
 Producers: someone or something that grows or makes a product
 Production: the act or process of making, building, or raising something; the production of
 Tractor: a powerful vehicle with large, heavy rear tires or two continuous metal belts for
moving. It is used to pull farm machinery or other heavy loads.
 Transportation: the process of means of carrying people of things from one place to another

a. What is a farmer
-a person who raises crops or animals
b. What type of jobs does a farmer do?
-plants seeds
-harvest crops
-take care of animals
-plow the fields
c. Where do farmers work/live?
-they live in a farmhouse which is located next to the farm where they work
d. What is the farm to table process?
-Food on the table that came directly from a specific farm and goes through a process to get to
your plate at home
e. Types of Farms Examples
-Pig Breeding Farm
-Dairy Farm
-Crops Farm
-Poultry Farm
f. What are the steps involved in the Farm to Table Process?
-Step 1: Production of Goods
-Step 2: Processing Agricultural Products
-Step 3: Transportation Food to Distribution Center
-Step 4: Ship Produce to the Store
-Step 5: Food Ends up on Plate
g. What is involved in step 1? (Production of Goods)
-farmers plants the seeds in the fields and take care of the produce to then harvest when ready to
be picked
-farmers also taking care of the produce by watering the seeds
-adding fertilizer
-rotating the cops (change where the crops are planted each season)
-farm waste concerns can appear in this step such as throwing produce that is not up to standards
with the Food and Drug Administration Standards
-health concerns such as bacteria getting in the milk or milk not stored in 39F for no more than
48 hours
h. What is involved in step 2? (Processing Agricultural Products)
-Farmers gather or harvest the crops from the fields to prepare the products to move to step 3
of the farm to table process
-Examples include:
-washing the produce
-chopping the produce
-sorting the produce
-turning milk into cheese (included a video about how to turn milk into cheese)
i. What is involved in step 3? (Transportation Food to Distribution Center)
-Produce that comes from different farms are packaged correctly and stored in temperature-
controlled truck to be transported to step 4 (produce being shipped to stores)
j. What is involved in step 4? (Ship Produce to the Store)
-Produce from farms are transported to stores, for people to buy at either a grocery store,
farmers market, or an actually farmer
k. What is involved in step 5? (Food Ends up on Plate)
-Parents bring the food that they bought from the grocery store, farmers market, or from a farm
back home to make food
-Which then you can eat!
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies: 

Day 1:

-In the beginning of this week, we learned about a variety of environmental community heroes/helpers

and how to be become a helper in the classroom. As well taking about the type of equipment that

farmers use on a daily basis.

-Students will be given out a vocabulary list with key important words which will be read aloud to the

class and displayed on the word wall.

-Students will be shown a few pictures of farming equipment, farmhouse, farm animals, and the jobs

that farmers do on the farm. (Recap of lesson 1) (Slides 3-8)

-Before showing the video, the teacher will be asked a question of “Why do you think farmers use

combines instead of doing it all by hand?”

-Then the students will be shown a short video on how a certain equipment called a Combine is used

in the fields to harvest the crops. (1:49 minutes)

(Slide 5)

-Next, an anchor chart will be displayed on the board with an essential question of “What is the farm

to table process?”

-Each student will be given a sticky note to write their response to the essential question and to come

up to the board to place on the anchor chart. (Pink Sticky Notes)

-As a class, we will go over the sticky notes to see what background knowledge the students know

about this topic.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies

-Then the students will be shown a PowerPoint presentation teaching the following content….
PowerPoint Link:


- Farmers/Equipment (brief recap of lesson 1) This will be already introduced in the introduction

of this lesson

-Essential Question Repeated (Slide 9)

-Farm to Table Process Definition (Slide 10)

-Examples of Farms

-On this slide, the students will be asked if they can think of other types of farms. (Slide 11)

-Details about Each Step in the Farm to Table Process Along with real photos

-Students will be shown a brief introduction of the farm to table process with a diagram and

labels for each step. (Slide 12)

-Step 1 (Production of Goods)

-Students will be asked a brain-pop question of “At what temperature, do you think that

cow milk needs to be stored in order for it to be kept under certain guidelines? (Slide 13)

-Step 2 (Processing Agricultural Products)

-Ask students to raise their hands if they like cheese, any kind of cheese

-Here is a quick video that will be shown to students about how milk is turned into cheese

Cracking Cheese: how is milk turned into cheese? - Bing video (1:17 minutes) (Slide 15)

-Step 3 (Transportation Food to Distribution Center)

-This is the kind of truck that you might see on the highway that are transporting food to

the distribution center and then to the store, leading into step four (Slide 17)

-Step 4 (Ship Produce to the Store)

-Connects to how sometimes Walmart will put stickers on their produce such as “Use By”
or Best by” to prevent food waste. (Slide 18)

-The teacher will ask students is anyone has been to a farmers’ market before. Farmers

markets can be outside or inside a big building. This is what they can sometimes look like with lots of

tents and produce from local farms with price tags. (Slide 19)

-Step 5 (Food Ends up on Plate)

-Students are asked the question of “Who do you think can be the consumers?” (Slide 20)

-As the teacher is presenting the information, there will be a real photos and labels on the board with

magnets that the students will be asked to volunteer to move the pictures with the correct labels.

-There will also be arrows for the students to visually see how the farm to table process goes from step

1 through step six and how each of them connects with one another.

-This diagram will be displayed on the board for day 2 for students to use as a reference when creating

the poster explaining the farm to table process.

Day 2: Performance Assessment Poster

-Today, the teacher will read a book called “Right This Very Minute: A Table-to-Farm Book About

Food and Farming” by Lisl H. Detlefsen and will ask the students before, during, and after questions

connected to the reading and topic of the lesson.

-Next, the teacher will introduce the performance assessment poster by telling the students they will

be creating a poster on how a fruit or vegetable goes through each step of the farm to table process.

-Each student will be given a fruit or vegetable (can be canned) that they will use for the poster


-The teacher will also explain to the students that they are welcome to use any type of writing

materials, scissors, glue sticks, colorful construction paper, rulers, or anything available to them in the

classroom for this poster.

-The teacher will also display an example of the poster that students will create on their own with a

different fruit or vegetable.

-Each student will be given a checklist that they can use as they are completing parts of their poster.

-When students are finished with their poster, they can be placed on a table to then be displayed in the

classroom or in the hallway after being graded.

-Each poster will be graded based on the Farm to Table Process Poster Rubric.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies: 
-Before students are given a confidence ticket, we will go over the anchor chart with our essential

question of “What else did we learn about farmers and the farm to table process?

-Each student will be given another sticky note to put something new that they learned based on the

essential question (Green Sticky Notes)

-As a class we will circle information on our anchor chart that we already knew and that was also

talked about today in our lesson.

Confidence Tickets:

-Students will be given a confidence ticket with three different prompts that will be collected at the

end of the day to check the student’s understanding of what they learned during from this lesson.

-The teacher will also say to students that tomorrow they will be learning about fossil fuels and

renewable energy to see what background knowledge they have about this topic which is asked of

them in one of the prompts in the confidence ticket.

-The following three prompts are….

1) What are three things you learned today about the Farm to Table Process?
2) Write or draw one of the pieces of equipment that farmers use in the production of goods.
3) What do you know about fossil fuels and renewable energy?
Follow all IEPs

Word Book Student Dictionary
Variety of Writing Materials (markers, colored pencils, crayons)
1 fruit or vegetable (can be canned)
Colorful Construction Paper
Glue Stick (Articles) (Articles) (Articles)

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

Farm to Table Process Poster

3 2 1

Content/Explainin Content on the Content on the Content on the  

g Each Step of the poster explains poster explains poster does not
Farm to Table the fruit or almost each step explain each
Process vegetable goes of the farm to step of the farm
through each table process to table process
step of the farm and is connected
to table process
and is all
Pictures in Each Includes at least Includes at least Did not include  
Farm to Table two or more one picture under a picture under
Process pictures under each step each step
each step connected to the connected to
connected to the fruit or vegetable the fruit or
fruit or vegetable given of the farm vegetable given
given of the farm to table process of the farm to
to table process table process
Organization Each step is Most of the steps Some of the  
labeled and are labeled and steps are
includes a title includes a title on labeled and
front of the the front of the includes a title
poster poster on the front of
the poster


Confidence Ticket Date:

Directions: Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences.

1.What are three things you learned today about the Farm to Table Process?

2.Write or Draw one of the pieces of equipment that farmers use in the production of goods.

3.What do you know about fossil fuels and renewable energy?

Farm to Table Process Poster Checklist

Include a title on the front of the poster connected to the topic

Include the name of the fruit or vegetable on the poster

Draw a picture of your fruit or vegetable under each step of the farm to table


Include all five of the steps of the farm to table process

Provide a sufficient amount of detail about how the fruit or vegetables goes

through each step of the process

Write your name on the front of the poster (first and last name)
Vocabulary List:

 Agriculture: the cultivating of the soil, producing of crops, and raising of

 Consumers: a person who purchases and uses things and services
 Cultivate: to prepare land for the raising of crops
 Distribution: the act of giving out something
 Farmhouse: a house attached to a farm, especially the main house in which
the farmer lives
 Fertilizer: a natural or chemical substance that is added to soil to make it
richer for growing plants
 Harvest: the act of gathering a crop
 Producers: someone or something that grows or makes a product
 Production: the act or process of making, building, or raising something;
the production of corn
 Transportation: the process of means of carrying people of things from one
place to another

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