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This research is trying to make a comparative analysis on three types of regimes

democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian before analysis it is important to point out

the difference between the three regimes

Democratic regimes is called also government of the people where people vote to
elect the president as well as the people represent and people is considered the
source of political power where

The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community
while authoritarian regime

a government that concentrates political power in an authority not responsible to th
e people and at last the totalitarian regime is  a form of government in which the
political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life,
the individual is subordinated to the state

According to the report of the freedom house institution I will select Tunisia as it is
considered a free country and china as not free and Nigeria as a partly free

When talking about Tunisia as a totally free country according to the report after it
is flowered with the Arab spring with one in the political rights and 3 in the
civilian liberties in my opinion it might be like that because of the revolution that is
happened and there is a new elected president and a new constitution and
parliament but if we look closer we will find that this is not true as the political
party that is ruling Tunisia is a political party related to the Muslim brother hood
ad they try to control all the country organization that is why we will find people in
Tunisia revolt and resist against them and the new constitution is try to control the
rights of people so it is yes it might be score no. 1 in political rights but it is
control in civilian liberties which will not make is considered as a free country
Inn china as it is considered a country that is not free I can agree with the report as
china is considered as a totalitarian regime that try to control all aspects of life and
not give a freedom to its people that is why it is considered a non-free country but
in the same time I would say even though it is not a free country due to their
regime they are considered one of the country that have a strong political position
worldwide and is competing united states and is considered the inheritance of the
position of USSR

Nigeria is considered a partly free country as one of the country that receive aid
and support from the freedom house and it scored 4 in political freedom and 5 in
civil liberties as there is a interference from the military to stand against the
terrorist whom are called boko Haram group and that is why freedom house
considered this country not freedom

In my opinion I am not with the report totally coe from all the 9 countries selected
we will find that all the countries that is not applying the American democracy is
considered as a not free country or partly free country and to take example of that
is china which is the opposing of the united states and nigeria as it try to stand
against terrorist who is considered as one of the creation of USA while it consider
a free country to those who the American democracy succeed to be implemented or
what we call the new middle east so I think this report is not a credible one to rely
on in measuring the freedom of countries as it depend on certain crtieria that
benefit the interest of a certain country

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