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Date:______________________________ Name:  ________________________

Class: ________________________ Total score: _________/60

1 [Track 2] Listen and write the sentences that you hear.






2 Complete the missing words. The first and the last letters have been given. The total number of letters in
each word has been given in brackets.
1 Relationships are not fixed; they s_______________t and evolve. (5 letters)
2 She’s such a loving mother, so d________________d to her children. Do you think she spoils them? (7 letters)
3 I can hardly express how much I a_____________________e your friendship. (10 letters)
4 Their relationship is not at all simple; there are some very c___________________x feelings involved. (7 letters)
5 It’s normal to experience r_________________________t when you’ve been treated unfairly. (10 letters)
3 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 The book offers interesting insights ________________ the nature and sources of prejudice against people
perceived as different.
2 She’s a nice enough person, but I’d never trust her ___________________ a secret.
3 I’m not sure I approve of the people you associate ____________________.
4 You can count ________________ me; just give me a ring if you need anything.
5 The bond __________________ identical twins is said to be unusually strong and intense.

4 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are more words than you need.

alert lifelong minor praises split

1 A close friendship started in childhood can be a(n) ____________________________ bond.
2 I’d always thought of our neighbour as a(n) ___________________________ citizen, so the news that he was
wanted for a crime shocked me a good deal.
3 He was briefly arrested for a(n) _____________________________ crime at the age of sixteen.
4 To be honest, I’m a bit tired of the way she keeps singing her boyfriend’s __________________________ .
5 The pain only lasted a(n) ________________________ second, but it was very sharp.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct continuous, perfect or perfect continuous forms of the verbs in
1 I’ve been ill and right now I ____________________________ (find) it difficult to run for more than a few minutes.
2 This time tomorrow we _____________________________________ (get) ready for a trip to Spain.
3 I hope by the time you finish school you ______________________________________ (discover) what you want
to study.
4 What’s wrong with Ed? He used to be so cheerful, and now he ________________________________ (become)
so bad-tempered that it’s difficult even being around him.
5 At the end of this month I ___________________________________________ (work) here for two years.

6 Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets. Use the verbs in continuous, perfect or perfect
continuous forms.
1 My friend and I met when (we / both / try) _________________________________ to get tickets for Frankenstein.
2 No, I can’t go out, I’m sure (I / not / finish) __________________________________ my homework by seven p.m.
3 (he / prepare) ________________________________________ for the contest for months, and then he was
forced to give it up.
4 How long (they / know) ______________________________________ each other? They seem to be very close.
5 My cousin became much fitter after (she / learn) ____________________________________________ to cycle.
Language in Focus
7 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is one extra word.
about point supposed was wasn’t
1 She was on the ______________________________ of leaving the party when ten more of her friends arrived.
2 I was ________________ to start packing when I got a phone call informing me that my flight had been cancelled.
3 The doctors thought that he _________________________ never be able to walk again.
4 She wasn’t _________________________ to go out on Friday evening, but she did.
5 I __________________________ going to call you later, but since you’re here, let’s talk.
Use of English
8 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
My neighbour has had quite a difficult life – the kind of life in which you could be excused for blotting out the bad
memories. She’s had more than 1____________ fair share of hardship and suffering. But she 2____________
always shown great courage. When faced 3____________ a challenge, she doesn’t complain. She tends to just get
____________ with it. For example, when she was suddenly and unfairly fired from work at the age of forty, she
didn’t bat 5____________ eyelid; she started her own small business. Next month she will 6____________ been
running it for seven years.
9 Complete the text with words formed from the words in CAPITALS.
I’ve just read a novel I found really captivating. I enjoyed it despite its 1_______________________ (LONG) – 700
pages – and even though you could say not much happens in it, as it’s mostly about emotions. The main character,
Elisabeth, is a rebellious young girl who constantly gets into trouble for what is seen as a
_______________________ (RESPECT) attitude towards adults, especially teachers. She has a friend, Mike,
whom other boys see as weak because of his gentle, 3________________________ (THOUGHT) personality. His
________________________ (CONSIDER) behaviour helps Elisabeth come to terms with her difficult emotions.
These two friends with different temperaments support each other 5_________________________________
(CONDITION) and grow to be self-aware, well-balanced adults. The convincing
_______________________________ (PORTRAY) of this unlikely friendship was what made the book
unforgettable for me.
10 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than six words
including the word in CAPITALS.
1 We were going to call off the trip in another moment when we got some new information. VERGE
We were _________________________________________ the trip when we got some new information.
2 My dad insisted on picking me up after the party. FOOT
My dad put _______________________________________ and said he would pick me up after the party.
3 I started participating in the meetings last month. PART
I’ve _______________________________________________________ in the meetings since last month.
4 Next Saturday is the third anniversary of the day my boyfriend and I first met. KNOWN
Next Saturday my boyfriend and I ________________________________________ each other for three years.

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