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School Based Assessment

Information Technology
Spreadsheet Management
Database Management
Word Processing
Problem Solving
Program Implementation

Question Title:

Preface from the Teacher

This is the current draft of the School Based Assessment (SBA) which you will be required
to complete and submit. You should read through the entire assignment and review the
mark scheme before you begin. Doing so will give you an overall idea of what you need to
do a prevent you having to constantly make changes to already complete

This SBA is for students sitting the examinations from McGrath High School in May/June
2016. This document is still in draft and may incurred changes.

Propriety Statement
Parts of this publication are intellectual property of other and have been used with
permission. Their work remains their property. Portions of this work have been adopted
to suit the context for which it will be used.
Originally adopted from Heinemann Information Technology for CSEC by Oral Gayle

The Boutique is a prominent clothes store in the town of Ocho Rios in St. Ann in the island of
Jamaica. The store has been using the manual method of operations in all areas of their business.
This year the company’s management team has decided to computerize its operations for the
efficient running of the business. The computer system they purchased came with general purpose
software that has a word processor, spreadsheet and database management components.

As a test, the owner of the store would like to use the software to carry out the following tasks
for the month of September:

1. Generation of a Flyer that informs the public about clothes store and details of the
Christmas Sale.
2. Analysis of the salary details of the employees for the month.
3. Storage of personal information of clients and their purchase details.
4. Preparation of invoice letters for the client with outstanding balances.

You are in charge of setting up the word processing, spreadsheet and database templates that
will permit all employees of the store to efficiently carry out these activities.

Gross Income / Gross Pay is calculated by the following formula: Basic Salary +
Allowances (remember Sales Commission is also considered an allowance)

Net Income is calculated by the following formula: Gross Income – Deductions

The spreadsheet package will be used to create a model that will allow the owner of the
store to manipulate and monitor the monthly salary details of the employees. Your work
should be limited to only one (1) workbook.

Currently, there are 15 employees in the Boutique. There are THREE (3) categories of
employees and EACH category attracts a different basic monthly salary. There are SIX
(6) supervisors, ONE (1) Manager at the store and SALES STAFF. The categories of
employment with current rates are given in the table below. This table should be on a
separate worksheet named Keys.

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Category Code Basic Monthly Salary
Manager M $44000
Supervisor S $35000
Sales Staff SS $24000

There are allowances and deductions in the employee’s salaries. The allowances are
Communication Allowance, Travel Allowance and Entertainment Allowance and the
deductions are Education Tax, National House Trust Tax, and National Insurance Scheme
Tax which is calculated based on the basic salary. There is also an Income Tax which
is only paid if the employee earns more than $25,000.00 in gross pay. The Travel
Allowance and Entertainment Allowance are available to the Manager and Supervisors
ONLY. The rate of payments of these allowances and deductions also need to be kept on
the worksheet with the basic salary rate.

Allowance Code Rate (%)

Communication Allowance DA 12 %
Travel Allowance TA 4%
Entertainment Allowance EA 7.5 %
Sales Commission SC 5%

Deductions Code Rate (%)

Education Tax ED 5%
National House Trust NHT 3%
National Insurance Scheme NIS 2%
Income Tax INT 5%

You are required to:

Create one or more worksheets that will enable the owner of the store to easily
analyze, modify and monitor the salary details of his staff. The following is a sample
section of the worksheet. If you have already attempted the database task you can copy
the information from the database to form the worksheets.

First Last Category Basic Total Sales Allowances Deductions

Name Name Code Salary DA TA EA ED NHT NIS INT
John Brown SS $5000 $7000 600 200 375 250 150 100 0
Task A
(a). Create the information for the 15 employees’ salary details for the month of September
2014. The allowances and deductions must be calculated using cell references only as
there may be changes in their rates.

(b). Add column in an appropriate place to calculate the total allowances and total

(c). Add a column at an appropriate place to store the total sales made by employees. Enter
a total sales amount for each employee between $1000.00 and $50,000.00.

(d). Add a column to calculate the Sales Commission at a rate of 5% of the total sales
for each employee.

(e). Add columns to include the Gross Income and Net Income.

(f). Include a row to calculate the totals of each of the numeric

columns. (g). Name this worksheet as IncomeSheet

Task B

1. Make a copy of IncomeSheet.

2. The fifth employee on your list got a new job and he resigned from his post at THE
BOUTIQUE. Remove him from the spreadsheet.

3. Sort the worksheet by category (manager, supervisor then sales staff), then by last name
then by first name. Save the spreadsheet as IncomeSheet2.

4. Make a copy of IncomeSheet2. Use a filter to select all information on all

employees whose last name begins with ‘B’ and are in the Sales Staff category.
Name the spreadsheet FilteredIncome.

5. Create a chart to compare the total allowances and total deductions paid by the store
for the month of September.
Database Management

The database management component of the software that THE BOUTIQUE

purchased will be used to store personal details of the clients, and their
purchase details (used to determine the number of items sold).

Currently, there are 5 clients on record. This data must be stored in a table called
On record are a set of purchases and payments from the first week of
Septembers. These records must be stored in a separate table called
PURCHASES. Ensure that this table has fields to store the amount
due for that purchase as well as the amount paid.
Find below also a list of most items sold by the store. The records should be in
a separate table with an appropriate name. The table with the items sold
must list the item description and an appropriate field for identifying
and link the items to other record in the database.

Table 1: Showing clients and purchases for week ending September 12.
Name Telephone Item Bought Cost of Item Amount Paid
Thomas Aquinas 345-6733 Prado Shirt 5660.00 5000.00
Thompson, Dorothy 221-2225 Prado Handbag 6700.00 6700.00
Thompson, Dorothy 221-2225 Gucci Dress 11,000.00 10,000.00
Lennon, John 655-9555 Gucci Wrist Watch 5400.00 5400.00
Lennon, John 655-9555 Dior Slim Pants 5430.00 0.00
Lennon, John 655-9555 Dolce & Gabbana Shirt 4900.00 4900.00
Lenin, Vladimir 324-9825 Dolce & Gabbana Shirt 4900.00 0.00
Lenin, Vladimir 324-9825 Dior Slim Pants 5430.00 5430.00
Lee, Bruce 324-1234 Prado Shirt 5660.00 5000.00
Lee, Bruce 324-1234 Dolce & Gabbana Shirt 4900.00 4900.00
Lee, Bruce 324-1234 Gucci Wrist Watch 5400.00 5000.00
Aaron, Hank 999-3466 Prado Shirt 5660.00 5660.00
Aaron, Hank 999-3466 Gucci Wrist Watch 5400.00 5400.00
Thompson, Dorothy 221-2225 Gucci Dress 11,000.00 11,000.00

You are required to:

1. Set up a database with THREE (3) tables with appropriate field names, data types and
field sizes.

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2. Populate the database with all relevant information containing all the information
given above.

3. Add 10 clients. Ensure that for each client you also store an address.

4. Add at least 20 more purchase records. All purchase records must have a date in

5. Test your database by performing the following queries:

a. List the ID, Full Name, Address and Telephone Number of clients whose
surname begin with “L”. Save it as qry_surname_L.

b. List all clients with outstanding balances. This query should show the
fullname, address, and total amount outstanding [total amount
outstanding= SUM (amount due – amount paid) ]. Name this query

c. Using query summary features calculate:

i. The total amount outstanding. Save the query as


ii. Number of items sold which cost over $7500.00. Save it as


d. Prepare a report listing the items sorted alphabetically and showing the
number of each item sold. Group the report by the first word of the item
description. It should have the following title: “Products List” and the
sported should be saved with an appropriate name.

The owner of The Boutique plans to have a Christmas Sale.

The Supervisor of the store also would like to send an invoice to clients who have
outstanding balances informing them of the total they have outstanding.

You are required to:

1. Create a flyer to inform the public about the variety of clothes available at the store and
also about the Christmas Sale. The text in the brochure must be fully justified with 1.5
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line spacing. Use columns to create a leaflet that can be folded. Use appropriate
margins and layouts so that folding of the brochure can be easily done. Be creative!!

2. Prepare a letterhead with the name, address and logo of the store. The logo can be a
suitable graphic. Using mail merge facilities, prepare a letter on the letterhead for the
clients members who have outstanding amounts.

You are required to:

1. Write a short narrative statement describing the problem.

2. Develop an algorithm pseudo-code or flowchart that will accept the names of each sales
staff members and their total sales for the month. The algorithm must calculate the
commission at 5 % of their total sales amount. It should display only the name, total
sales and commission of the staff member with the highest commission.

3. Design a trace table with the column headings corresponding to each variable name and
one column for ‘Output’. Using the trace table test the algorithm with the details for 5

Program Implementation
4. Using the programming language Pascal, write program code to implement the
algorithm in the task above.


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Summary of Submission

Place the complete project on a CD. From your completed project print or provide the
1. Your cover page

2. The spreadsheet IncomeSheet and FilteredIncome.

3. The formula sheet for IncomeSheet2
4. ALL GRAPHS (pivot table if used and charts) created in the spread sheet section.

5. The tables populated with appropriate data from the database section
6. SQL statement for qry_client_balance
7. The design view (screen shot of table definition) for each data table
8. The design view or SQL statement for all database queries
9. The resulting (screen shot or print out) view for qry_surname_L and qry_client_balance
10. The report form database

11. The flyer form (Word-processing number 1)

12. The master document from the mail merge showing the merge fields (Word-
processing number 2)
13. The merged letters addressed to the first three and last client only (Word-processing
number 2)

14. The problem statement (Problem Solving number 1)

15. The algorithm (Problem Solving number 2)
16. The trace table (Problem Solving number 3)
17. The Pascal code (Problem Solving number 4)
18. At least 3 screen shot of the program while it is running. (Problem Solving number 4)

19. A copy of the mark scheme with your name, centre number and candidate number filled

Place your printed work in a folder/file jacket with your name, centre number and candidate
number on the outside cover or cover page. The cover should also show the title, date of the project
and year of examinations.

Submit the CD and the printed work as required.

Submission 1 Due
To Dates
include database, Softcopy (VLE upload) + November 5, 2015
spreadsheet and word- printed mark scheme
processing. + printed mark
Submission 2 To include everything Softcopy (VLE upload) + December 5, 2015
except Pascal Code + printed mark scheme
printed mark scheme
Submission 3 Everything + printed mark Softcopy (on CD) + December 25, 2015
scheme printed mark scheme
Final Submission Everything + printed mark Softcopy (on CD) December 31, 2015
scheme Selected students will be
required to print.
The guidelines for conducting the SBA which consists of a practical project set by the teacher are
shown below.

1. AIM
To provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their problem solving and
programming skills as well as their ability to use productivity tools effectively in:
(i) entering, manipulating and presenting text data;
(ii) simulating a worksheet;
(iii) entering data, performing simple analysis on data and presenting data using a
database management tool.

The School Based Assessment consists of one practical project consisting of four related
components, prepared and marked by the teacher in accordance with CXC guidelines.

The components will test Problem Solving and Programming as well as the application of
processes involved in the use of Database Management, Spreadsheets and Word-
processing. The four components will therefore cover the Specific Objectives in Sections 2, 3,
6, 7 and 8.


The role of teacher is to:
(i) assign the project for the School Based
(ii) provide guidance throughout the life of the projects. The teacher should work with
candidates to develop a project management chart with definite time lines for
achieving clearly identified objectives, from project inception to project completion.
(iii) guide the candidate through the SBA by helping to clarify the problem or by
discussing possible approaches to solving the problem. Teachers, while giving guidance,
should guard against providing a complete solution to the problem for the candidate or
prescribing a specific format that should be followed.
(iv) assess each student’s skills in problem solving and algorithm development
flowcharts or pseudo-code, coding an algorithm in Pascal and the effective use of
productivity tools to perform prescribed activities. The development of the
project is a continuous exercise that occurs during scheduled class hours as well as
outside class times. At a time to be determined by the teacher the relevant
component will be assessed and the marks recorded. Hardcopies of the completed
documents should be kept by both the teacher and student. The teacher should use
the mark scheme provided by CXC and include any comments pertinent to
the conduct of the assessment.
(v) guide the candidate through the SBA by helping to clarify the problem or by
discussing possible formats.
(vi) ensure that students are allowed sufficient access to equipment to allow
successful completion of their projects.

Please see the supplementary mark scheme document.

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