Computational Simulation and Optimization of Functionally Graded Auxetic Structures Made From Inverted Tetrapods

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Auxetics and Other Systems of Anomalous Characteristics

Computational Simulation and Optimization of

Functionally Graded Auxetic Structures Made From
Inverted Tetrapods
Nejc Novak,* Matej Vesenjak, and Zoran Ren

deformation behavior and are thus

Auxetic cellular materials show great potential for improved properties in difficult to fabricate with conventional
case of impact loading. Due to this potential, auxetic structures made from methods (e.g., casting, milling). Thermo-
inverted tetrapods are extensively analyzed experimentally and computation- mechanical[3] or chemo-mechanical[13] pro-
cedures were developed for fabrication of
ally. The built samples are compressed in two orthogonal directions to
auxetic material. However, with these
determine their base mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms. procedures it is impossible to fabricate
The lattice computational model is developed and validated using the structures with user defined arbitrary 3D
experimental results. A new shape optimization procedure to develop new geometry. With Kirigami techniques com-
auxetic structures with functionally graded geometry is proposed and tested bined with glass, carbon, or kevlar fabrics it
is possible to fabricate 2D auxetic struc-
in a case study. With introduction of the functionally graded geometry the
tures, which are extended in the third
response of the auxetic structure can be tailored to a particular loading dimension.[14] Unfortunately, these techni-
condition, which is especially important in impact or ballistic performance of ques cannot be used to fabricate the
modern composite materials. advanced arbitrary 3D structures. A very
promising way to fabricate complex 3D
auxetic structures with arbitrary geome-
tries is by using the layer additive
manufacturing.[15] Consequently, if there
1. Introduction is a possibility to fabricate any arbitrary
Auxetic materials are modern materials which exhibit negative auxetic structure, then such a structure can be optimized for a
Poisson’s ratio, that is they get wider when stretched and thinner particular application. Only a few optimization techniques were
when compressed.[1] The name originates from Greek word used so far for optimization of the auxetic structures geometry:
“auxetos” and means “tends to increase”.[2] The effect of negative development of the 3D auxetic structure with mathematical
Poisson’s ratio can be a consequence of the internal structure optimization,[16] optimization of the Poisson’s ratio of 2D and 3D
deformation,[3,4] inter-particle interactions (many body inter- re-entrant auxetic structures with genetic algorithm,[17] optimi-
actions)[5,6] or special conditions applied to the system[7,8] and zation of the 2D geometry of auxetic structure with mixed integer
can be found in some natural materials.[9,10] Auxetic materials programming,[18] topology optimization of the auxetic structure
have enhanced properties in: stiffness, fracture toughness, core in sandwich structure.[19]
energy absorption and damping.[11] They have an improved A step forward in the development of complex auxetic
indentation resilience, since the auxetic materials converge geometries is the introduction of a graded internal geometry.
towards the impact zone, while non-auxetic materials “flow” The idea of functionally graded materials is based on the
away from it. This behavior could be used to enhance properties combination of different mechanical properties in different
in ballistic protection, because materials become denser in the sections of the structure where particular mechanical properties
impact area and offer greater resistance to impact.[12] are needed for desired response of the structure. This can be
Most common 2D geometries of auxetic structures are: re- easily achieved using layers with different geometrical and
entrant, chiral, rotating units and some others described in mechanical properties, which are connected into a composite
Ref. [11]. The three dimensional geometries of the auxetic plate or structure. In the case of cellular materials this can be
structures are very complicated due to required complex achieved even easier, as the layered graded geometry can be
obtained by changing only the strut diameters. In the case of
arranged auxetic structures built from hexagons or inverted
N. Novak, Prof. M. Vesenjak, Prof. Z. Ren tetrapods,[15,20,21] the gradation can be also achieved by changing
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova the geometry of each layer in the auxetic structure. This was
ul. 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
E-mail: originally presented by Lim et al.[22] and later extended by other
researchers for different fields of interest. In Refs. [23] and [24]
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article researchers analyzed vibroacoustic performance of a gradient
can be found under
geometry, development and tensile tests of graded open-cell
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201600753

Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 1600753 1600753 (1 of 7) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

foams are reported in Ref. [25], bending properties of sandwich

plates with graded and conventional auxetic core in Ref. [26], the
V-shaped auxetic material for blast protective deflector was
developed, optimized and tested in compression testing, drop
tower and in shock tube (based on these experiments
functionally graded structure concept was presented) in
Ref. [27], compression testing of sandwich plates with graded
and conventional auxetic core made with Kirigami technique in
Ref. [14].
In the case of an impact, functionally graded geometry is more
important at above-critical strain rates, where the main
deformation occurs only in the deformation front at contact
region with the impacting body due to inertia effects.[28]
Consequently, even if the material is the stiffest in the contact
region, the first deformation of structure will occur there and not
in the less stiff region elsewhere. The behavior at below-critical
strain rate is presented in Ref. [29], where graded structures with Figure 1. Geometry of inverted tetrapod and the design parameters for
changing strut thicknesses were fabricated by the Electron Beam optimization.
Melting method and tested in compression. A significant layer-
wise collapse mechanism (with the layer with the thinnest struts
collapsing first) has been observed. The structures with The six specimens were fabricated from the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
functionally graded geometry have many advantages in case powder by the selective electron-beam melting method (SEBM)
of dynamic loading, especially for tailoring the response of the at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology (WTM),
structure. This can be achieved using the optimization University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.[15]
algorithms for optimization of different geometry parameters The investigated auxetic structure is inherently anisotropic
of auxetic structures, which has already been demonstrated for due to the ABAB stacking order. To determine its mechanical
quasi-static loading,[8–11] but not yet for the case of dynamic properties it is therefore necessary to apply the load in different
loading. Proper material models and boundary conditions for directions. The loading of the auxetic structure in directions X1
computational models should be developed very precisely to and X2 results in similar response of the structure, which has
achieve good correlation between optimization results and already been determined in Ref. [15] and also confirmed by
experimental validation in case of dynamic loading. The computer simulations. For determination of the compressive
mechanical characterization of material properties is much response of the tested auxetic structure in three characteristic
more complicated in the case of dynamic loading than in the case orthogonal directions (i.e., X1, X2, and X3) it is therefore
of quasi-static loading. necessary to test the samples only in two different loading
Due to brittle collapse of the base material of the investigated direction, that is directions X2 and X3, because the responses in
auxetic structure (Ti-6Al-4V fabricated with selective electron- directions X1 and X2 are very similar.
beam melting method), the quasi-static and dynamic responses
in case of compression loading are very similar, which justify the
use of quasi-static mechanical properties for preliminary
optimization task in development of new functionally graded

2. Experimental Section
2.1. Specimen Fabrication

The inverted tetrapods, Figure 1, are assembled in a particular

way to define the geometry of the investigated specimens,
Figure 2.
The tetrapods are connected at vertices (marked with the grey
dot in Figure 1) in building blocks that fill a plane. The planes are
stacked on top of each other by rotating the stacked layers by 60 .
This results in a typical ABAB stacking order with periodic
symmetry (Figure 2). The specimen’s inverted tetrapod dimen-
sions were (Figure 1): a ¼ 3.5 mm, h ¼ 3 mm, dh ¼ 0.5 mm, while
the circular cross-section diameter of the struts was 0.5 mm. The
whole specimen’s dimensions were 16.2  19.5  21.3 mm
(6  9  9 unit cells) in the X1, X2, and X3 directions, respectively. Figure 2. Auxetic structure assembled from inverted tetrapods.

Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 1600753 1600753 (2 of 7) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2.2. Compression Testing Table 1. Material parameters for material model MAT_153.

Uniaxial compression tests under quasi-static loading conditions ρ [kg m3] E [MPa] ν [] rd [] S [] t [] Dc []
were performed using a servo-hydraulic INSTRON 8801 testing 4430 60000 0.3 0.028 3.75 1 0.5
machine with position controlled cross-head rate of 0.1 mm s1,
according to the standard ISO 13314: 2011.[30] Three specimens
were tested in each direction with the maximum applied 3. Computational Modeling
macroscopic strain of 75–80%, where the specimens were able
to slide freely along the surface of compression plates of the Computational models were analyzed using the finite element
testing machine. The recorded load-displacement data were software system LS-DYNA R7.1.2 with an explicit solver. The Ls-
converted to engineering stress-strain data, using the initial PrePost system was used for pre- and post-processing.
specimen’s dimensions. The absorbed energy per unit volume
(strain energy density) was calculated by integrating the stress-
strain relationship. 3.1. Material Model
The results of compression testing in two different directions
are shown in Figure 3. The auxetic structure material behavior was described with the
As it can be seen from experimental testing results, the MAT_DAMAGE_3 (MAT_153) material model, which enables
response and the stress values at the stress plateau region in modeling of damage and failure also for beam finite elements.[31]
both loading directions are similar. However, a more detailed This material model is pressure-independent plasticity model with
analysis of the experiments showed that deformation mecha- isotropic and kinematic hardening. Linear isotropic hardening
nisms are quite different. The structure deforms controllably option was used in this work with the hardening law defined as:
and collapses mostly in the plane of maximum shear stress
when loaded in the direction X2. In contrast, a brittle layer-by- σ y ¼ σ y;0 þ Hr; ð1Þ
layer collapse was observed in the case of structure loading in
direction X3. This behavior is attributed appearance of local where σy,0 is the initial yield stress, H the isotropic hardening
buckling and sudden brittle failure of vertical struts after critical modulus and r the damage plastic strain. The material damage is
local buckling load is reached. introduced with isotropic damage scalar D, ranging between 0
The absorbed energy per unit volume results are given in and 1. D ¼ 0 represents a damage-free material RVE (Represen-
Table 3 (see Section 3.3). The amount of absorbed energy per tative Volume Element), while D ¼ 1 represents a fully fractured
unit volume (area under stress-strain curve) is comparable in material RVE. The evolution of the isotropic damage value
both directions. However, due to brittle layer-by-layer collapse related to ductile damage and fracture is defined as:
the energy absorption is lower in case of loading in X3 direction.  t
_ ¼ Y pl σm 1
D e when r > r d and > ; ð2Þ
S σ eq 3

where σσeqm is the stress triaxiality, rd is the damage threshold, S and

t are material constants and Y is the strain energy release rate
computed from the elasticity tensor Del and the elastic strain eel.
If two conditions given in Eq. (2) are not satisfied, there is no
evolution of the isotropic damage. The material model assumes
associated plastic flow.
The material parameters for the material model MAT_153
in Tables 1 and 2 were determined by inverse parametric
computational simulations to retrieve the same macroscopic
simulation results as those recorded in experimental testing. The
default values were used for material constants S, t and Dc.[31]
The top and bottom compression plates were modeled simply
as linear-elastic (material model MAT_ELASTIC) with the
following material parameters: the density ρ ¼ 7850 kg m3,
the Young’s modulus E ¼ 210 000 MPa and the Poisson’s
ratio ν ¼ 0.3.

Table 2. Effective stresses and strains defining the plastic behavior for
material model MAT_153.

σyield [MPa] σpeak[MPa] epl, peak []

700 750 0.05
Figure 3. Experimental results of compressive testing.

Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 1600753 1600753 (3 of 7) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4. Boundary conditions of the computational model.

3.2. Finite Element Mesh and Boundary Conditions

The Hughes-Liu beam finite elements with cross-section

integration (2  2 Gauss quadrature) were used to model the
tubular struts of the specimens. The mesh sensitivity analysis
was performed with three different finite element meshes. The
Belytschko-Tsay shell finite elements with two through shell
thickness integration points and the thickness of 1 mm were Figure 5. Comparison between computational and experimental results
used to model the compression plates. (upper: loading direction X2, lower: loading direction X3).
The following boundary conditions were used: the bottom
compression plate has all degrees of freedom (DOF) fixed, the comparison using engineering stress-strain data is shown in
top compression plate has prescribed velocity of 200 mm s1 Figure 5, where the load displacement data were converted to
toward the bottom plate (Figure 4). The node to surface contact engineering stress-strain data, using the initial specimen’s
with friction (mfr,stat ¼ 0.36 and mfr,dyn ¼ 0.34) is defined between dimensions.
plates and the auxetic structure. The general contact with friction A very good correlation between the experimental and
is defined between struts (beam finite elements). computational data can be observed in case of loading in direction
The explicit time-integration was chosen to solve the problem X2. In the case of loading direction X3 there is some discrepancy
due to excessive amount of contact regions in the structure between the computational and experimental results, since the
during the deformation. This necessitates increase of the loading layer-wise collapse due to local strut buckling is much more
plate velocity to reduce the accumulation of numerical difficult to capture in the computational model. However, the
calculation error in the case of longer simulation time. The overall response, except the initial yield stress, shows similar
velocity of the loading plate was chosen based on the verification trends, which is also observed in the amount of absorbed strain
analysis of reaction forces on support and loading plate at energy density, Table 3.
different impacting plate velocities (50 mm s1, 100 mm s1,
200 mm s1, 400 mm s1). The reaction forces on both plates
should be equal if quasi-static conditions during compression 4. Optimization of the Auxetic Structure
testing are prescribed and additionally varying the velocity of the
loading plate should not affect the response (reaction force on
fixed plate) significantly. The mass scaling option was used to Validated computational models were used for further optimi-
increase the critical time step, with adding non-physical mass to zation of auxetic structure geometry to obtain user defined
finite elements. Mass is added only to those smallest elements response during compression loading by applying the concept of
whose time step would otherwise be less than user defined time functionally graded internal geometry. The structure does not
step size. The user defined time step size was determined using need to be auxetic to achieve such behavior. However, in the case
additional parametric simulations.

Table 3. Absorbed energy per unit volume (strain energy density).

3.3. Results of Computational Simulations and Comparison
With Experimental Data Absorbed energy [J kg1]
Loading direction Experiment Simulation
A comparison between the results of the computational model
X2 9.66 10.13
(reaction force on the support plate) and average experimental
X3 9.19 10.24
results was performed to validate the computational model. The

Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 1600753 1600753 (4 of 7) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 4. Optimization parameters definition. prepares a complete input file for the LS-DYNA simulation based
on these parameters. The optimization parameters of auxetic
Parameter Starting value [mm] Min. [mm] Max. [mm] structure built from tetrapods comprise the three geometry
a2–a10 2 1.5 2.5 parameters defined in Figure 1 in each layer of inverted tetrapods
of the auxetic structure and additionally also the struts diameter
h1–h10 2 Constant value
in every layer. This results in four optimization parameters in
dh1–dh9 0.5 0.1 0.8
every layer of the auxetic structure. However, the parameter h
d1–d10 0.4 0.2 0.6 (Figure 1) can be changed only simultaneously in all layers to
obtain cuboid shape of the structure and was therefore defined as
constant during the optimization.
of impact, the auxetic structure has a much more favorable
stiffening behavior than non-auxetic since the material is
moving toward the impact zone. The optimized auxetic 4.2. Case Study
structures with functionally graded geometry were developed
using the LS-OPT optimization software system.[32] The progressive rise of the reaction force on the support plate in
case of impacting the structure with the loading plate in the
direction X3 was chosen as the case study. The boundary
4.1. Optimization Task conditions were the same as presented in section 3.2, only the
velocity of the impacting plate was increased to 200 m s1. This
The optimization task was defined using a curve-matching velocity results in the above-critical strain rate, which means that
composite in the LS-OPT software. There are two different curve- the main deformation occurs at the deformation front in the
matching composites built in the LS-OPT software: the ordinate- contact area with the impacting loading plate. This is also
based curve matching and the curve mapping. While the the same impacting velocity as planned to be used in future
ordinate based curve-matching computes only the mean squared experimental testing.
error for the discrepancy between two curves, the curve mapping Definition of the optimization parameter domains for
composite incorporates the ordinate and the abscissa into the optimization was determined based on the visual analysis of
curve-matching metrics. The curve mapping composite is more structure geometry and fabrication capabilities (Table 4).
appropriate to find optimum solutions faster for the responses A progressive load-carrying behavior due to densification at
with non – monotonic and steep regions.[33] higher strains can always be observed during crushing of the
The curve mapping composite in the LS-OPT software cellular structures and for that reason the progressive second
compares the test and the computed curve from the order function was chosen as the test target function, defined
computational model and minimizes the volume (area) with two points in the force-time space: (0 kN, 0 ms) and (20 kN,
between the two curves during the optimization procedure. 0.06 ms).
The test curve can be any arbitrary user defined function or The results of reaction force on support plate in the
experimental results. For the computed curve user can choose computational model and comparison of optimized response
any output quantity of the particular numerical model.[34] Many with the target function after 12 iterations (529 simulations) are
other applications in engineering can also be optimized with shown in Figure 6. From Figure 6 it can be clearly observed that
this feature in the LS-OPT software, for example spring back the response to the same loading conditions of the functionally
effect[35] and material parameters identification.[36] graded auxetic cellular structure is much different from the
For the purpose of parametrizing the computational model non-graded structure and very similar to the target function. The
for the optimization task, the code in C þ þ was developed. This geometry of functionally graded auxetic structure with optimized
code reads designated parameters from the LS-OPT files and

Table 5. The final optimized auxetic structure geometry parameters.

Param. Value [mm] Param. Value [mm] Param. Value [mm]

d1 0.57 dh1 0.64
a2 1.63 d2 0.55 dh2 0.25
a3 1.53 d3 0.53 dh3 0.49
a4 1.63 d4 0.43 dh4 0.37
a5 1.74 d5 0.58 dh5 0.64
a6 2.11 d6 0.23 dh6 0.38
a7 1.99 d7 0.42 dh7 0.49
a8 2.09 d8 0.58 dh8 0.41
a9 1.93 d9 0.32 dh9 0.52
Figure 6. Comparison of reaction force on fixed plate results between
a10 1.63 d10 0.36
computational model of graded, non-graded structure and the target function.

Phys. Status Solidi B 2017, 1600753 1600753 (5 of 7) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

A new methodology for development of functionally graded

auxetic structures was presented. The method is based on
optimization task in LS-OPT software where the responses of the
computational model and the target function are compared
using the curve-mapping technique. The difference in response
is minimized with shape optimization of the auxetic structure
with functionally graded geometry. The case study of tailoring
the functionally graded geometry of auxetic structure to desired
reaction force function at support plate proves the usefulness of
the proposed method. The method offers a possibility to alter the
geometry of any cellular structure to introduce functionally
graded porosity to achieve user defined response for particular
loading conditions. Future studies are not limited to observation
of reaction forces, but can also consider other parameters, that is
decelerations, velocities of plate/projectile or any other interest-
ing parameter in crashworthiness and ballistic protection.
It is planned that some novel auxetic geometries with
Figure 7. Undeformed geometry of the functionally graded auxetic functionally graded internal geometry will be developed using
structure with progressive response characteristic built from inverted the presented procedure, fabricated with different base materials
tetrapods in X2–X3 plane and deformation behavior at 15 and 25% and then tested with various impact and ballistic experiments at
engineering strain with marked areas with auxetic behavior. different strain rates.

response is based on parameters in Table 5 and shown in

Figure 7. Acknowledgements
Maximum strain during compression varied between 75 and The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian
80% for different geometries. The final optimized geometry Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0063). The paper was also
(Table 5) was compressed to 76% deformation. produced within the framework of the basic research project J2-8186
The local auxetic deformation behavior (material flows toward entitled “Development of multifunctional auxetic cellular structures”,
the impact area) can be clearly observed from Figure 7, even after which is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency “ARRS”.
optimization and in case of dynamic loading, where the main
deformation occurs in the contact zone between impacting plate
and the structure.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.

5. Conclusions
The experimental mechanical characterization of the auxetic Keywords
structure built from inverted tetrapods was performed for up to auxetic materials, cellular materials, finite element method, tetrapods
80% of compression strain. Two different deformation
mechanisms were observed in two different loading directions.
Received: November 2, 2016
The structure deforms controllably with distinct stress-plateau Revised: September 17, 2017
region and collapses mostly in the plane of maximum shear Published online:
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