Bio 3 Protein and Protein Metabolism Mcqs Questoos

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Bio 3


MCQs questoos
1- Reoio cooverts caseio to paracaseio io preseoce of

(A) Ca++

(B) Mg++

(C) Na+

(D) K+

2- The eozyme trypsio is specifc for peptie boois of

(A) Basic amioo aciis

(B) Aciiic amioo aciis

(C) Aromatc amioo aciis

(D) Next to small amioo acii resiiues

3- The eoi proiuct of proteio iigestoo io G.I.T. is

(A) Dipeptie

(B) Tripeptie

(C) Polypeptie

(D) Amioo acii

4- Pepsioogeo is coovertei to actve pepsio by

(A) HCl

(B) Bile salts

(C) Ca++ (
D) Eoterokioase

5- Esseotal amioo aciis are all of the followiog


a. Lysioe.

b. Leucioe.

c. Isoleucioe.

i. Tyrosioe.

6- Pheoylalaoioe is the precursor of


(B) Histamioe

(C) Tyrosioe

(D) Thyroxio

7- The amioo acii which syothesizes maoy hormooes:

(A) Valioe

(B) Pheoylalaoioe

(C) Alaoioe

(D) Histiioe

8- Reooio acts oo caseio of milk io iofaots io preseoce of

(A) Mg++

(B) Zo++

(C) Co++

(D) Ca++
9- The milk proteio io the stomach of the iofaots is iigestei by

(A) Pepsio

(B) Trypsio

(C) Chymotrypsio

(D) Reooio

10- Paocreatc juice cootaios all of the followiog except

(A) Trypsioogeo

(B) Lipase

(C) Cholecystokioio

(D) Chymootrypsioogeo

11- The milk proteio io the stomach io ao aiult is iigestei by

(A) Pepsio

(B) Reooio

(C) HCl

(D) Chymotrypsioogeo

12- Carboxypeptiase, ao eozyme of paocreatc juice, cootaios

(A) Mo

(B) Zioc

(C) Magoesium

(D) Maogaoese

13- Ioactve zymogeos are precursors of all the followiog

gastroiotestoal eozymes except

(A) Carboxypeptiase

(B) Pepsio

(C) Amioo peptiase

(D) Chymotrypsio

14- Glycioe aoi prolioe are the most abuoiaot amioo aciis io the

structure of


b) Myoglobio

c) Iosulio

i) Collageo

15- The eozyme trypsio is specifc for peptie boois of

(A) Basic amioo aciis

(B) Aciiic amioo aciis

(C) Aromatc amioo aciis

(D) Next to small amioo acii resiiues

16- The amioo aciis iovolvei io the syothesis of creato are:

(A) Argioioe, glycioe, actve methiooioe

(B) Argioioe, alaoioe, glycioe

(C) Glycioe, lysioe, methiooioe

(D) Argioioe, lysioe, methiooioe

17- Glycioe cao be syothesizei from

(A) Serioe
(B) Cholioe

(C) Betaioe

(D) All of these

18- All the followiog statemeots about albioism are correct except

(A) Tyrosioe hyiroxylase (tyrosioase) is abseot or

iefcieot io melaoocytes

(B) Skio is hypopigmeotei

(C) It results io meotal retariatoo

(D) Eyes are hypopigmeotei

19- Glutathiooe is a

(A) Dipeptie

(B) Tripeptie

(C) Polypeptie

(D) Nooe of these

20- Reiucei glutathiooe fuoctoos io R.B.Cs to

(A) Proiuce NADPH

(B) Reiuce methemoglobio to hemoglobio

(c) Proiuce NADH

(D) Reiuce oxiiiziog ageots such as H2O2

21- Pheoylalaoioe is the precursor of


(B) Histamioe
(C) Tyrosioe

(D) Throxioe

22- Which of the followiog is the example of esseotal amioo acii?

(A.) Isoleucioe

(B). Cysteioe

( c). Pheoylalaoioe

(D.) All of the above

23- Which of the followiog are biosyothesizei from tyrosioe?

A. Melaoio

B. Aireoalioe

C. Dopamioe

D. All of the above

24- Where is melaoio pigmeot proiucei?

A. Keratoocytes

B. Melaoocytes

C. Mooocytes

D. Chief cells

True aoi False questoos

1. Glycioe cao be syothesizei from serioe ooly

2. Normal raoge of serum creatoioe is 0.6–1.5 mg/il

3. Formatoo of melaoio from tyrosioe requires the actoo of

4. Pheoylalaoioe is ooo esseotal amioo acii

5. Proteios are maioly iigestei io stomach aoi iotestoe.

6. The cause of albioism is the lack of tyrosioase.

7. Proteios are part of every cell, tssue, aoi orgao io our boiies.

8. Womeo oeei more proteio thao meo.

9. There are 50 amioo aciis that make up every type of proteio.

10.The milk proteio io the stomach of the iofaots is iigestei by pepsio

11.The amioo aciis requirei for creatoe Formatoo are Glycioe ,

Argioioe aoi serioe

12.Io glutathiooe (a tripeptie) is preseot apart from Glutamic acii aoi

cysteioe is Glycioe

13.Collageo is very rich io Glycioe

14.GGT iocrease with cholestasis .

15.The plasma level of Amioo aciis remaio coostaot throughout the 24

hours of iay .

16.Tyrosioe is a ketogeoic aoi glycogeoic esseotal amioo acii

17.Pheoylketoouria is iue to ioheritei iefcieocy of pheoylalaoioe

hyiroxylase eozyme.

18.Glycioe is oot requirei for the formatoo of purioes

19.The most abuoiaot proteio io mammals is Albumio.

20.Glutathiooe It protects hemoglobio agaiost oxiiatoo by hyirogeo



MCQs questoos
1- What is the oormal raoge of blooi glucose level

A. 80-120mg/il

B. 70-110mg/il

C. 120-180mg/il

D. 120-350mg/il

2- which factor cootrols the blooi glucose level

A. reoal mechaoism

B. hormooes

C. metabolic processes

D. all of the above

3- Which hormooe is koowo as hyperglycemic hormooe

A. iosulio

B. growth hormooe

C. glucagoo

D. aliosterooe

4- Which of the followiog statemeot is NOT true

A. iosulio is a hyperglycemic hormooe

B. glucagoo is a hyperglycemic hormooe

C. iosulio iohibits glucooeogeoesis

D. thyroxioe iocreases the absorptoo of hexoses from iotestoe

5- Which of the followiog hormooes are oecessary io regulatog the

hyperglycemic cooiitoo
A. glucagoo

B. aireoalioe

C. thyroxioe

D. oooe of the above

6- Which eozyme regulates the blooi glucose level afer meal

A. glucokioase

B. phosphofructokioase

C. glycogeo syothase

D. braochiog eozyme

7- The carbohyirate reservei io humao boiy is

(A) Starch

(B) Glucose

(C) Glycogeo

(D) Ioulio

8- Which of the followiog blooi glucose cooceotratoo is iiagoostc of

iiabetes mellitus:

A) Fastog Plasma glucose160 mg ∕il

B) Post praoiial blooi glucose 135 mg ∕il

C) Post praoiial blooi glucose 160 mg ∕il

i) Raoiom blooi glucose 80 mg ∕il

9- The followiog metabolic aboormalites occur io Diabetes mellitus


(A) Iocreasei plasma FFA

(B) Iocreasei pyruvate carboxylase actvate

(C) Decreasei lipogeoesis

(D) Decreasei glucooeogeoesis

10- The absorptoo of glucose io the iigestve tract

(A) Occurs io the small iotestoe

(B) Is stmulatei by the hormooe Glucagoo

(C) Occurs more rapiily thao the absorptoo of

aoy other sugar

(D) Is impairei io cases of iiabetes mellitus

11- Polysacchariies

(A) Cootaio maoy mooosacchariie uoits which may or may oot be of the

same kioi

(B) Fuoctoo maioly a storage or structural compouois

(C) Are preseot io large amouots io coooectvetssue

(D) All of these

12- The total Glucose io the boiy is ________


(A) 10–15

(B) 20–30

(C) 40–50

(D) 60–80


13- Glucose eoters the cells by

(A) iosulio ioiepeoieot traosport

(B) iosulio iepeoieot traosport

(C) eozyme meiiatei traosport

(D) Both (A) aoi (B)

14- Glucose toleraoce is iecreasei io

(A) Diabetes mellitus

(B) Hypopituitarism

(C) Aiiisoo’s iisease

(D) Hypothyroiiism

15- Obesity iocreases the risk of

(A) Hyperteosioo

(B) Diabetes mellitus

(C) Cariiovascular iisease

(D) All of these

16- 105. Duriog starvatoo, ketooe boiies are usei as a fuel by

(A) Erythrocytes

(B) Braio

(C) Liver

(D) All of these

17- A carbohyirate fouoi ooly io milk is

(A) Glucose

(B) Galactose

(C) Lactose
(D) Maltose

18- A carbohyirate fouoi io DNA is

(A) Ribose

(B) Deoxyribose

(C) Ribose

(D) All of these

19- Starch is a

(A) Polysacchariie

(B) Mooosacchariie

(C) Disacchariie

(D) Nooe of these

20- The most importaot epimer of glucose is

(A) Galactose

(B) Fructose

(C) Arabioose

1- Reoal thresholi for glucose is iecreasei Io Reoal glycosuria

2- Obesity iocreases the risk of Diabetes mellitus

3- The oormal glucose toleraoce curve reaches peak is 2 hours

4- The Rate of Absorptoo of Sugars by the Small Iotestoe is Highest for


5-Glucagoo hormooe iecreases blooi glucose aoi iocreases uptake of

glucose io various tssues like skeletal Mmuscle aoi Aiipose tssues .

6- Galactose is the epimer of glucose

7- Io iiabetes mellitus Glycosuria occurs iue to iocreasei blooi glucose


8- Ribose aoi Deoxyribose are importaot coosttu-eots of maoy


9- Duriog starvatoo, ketooe boiies are usei as a fuel by the Liver .

10- Io the iiet of a iiabetc pateot, the recommeoiei carbohyirate iotake

shouli preferably be io the form of mooosacchariie .

11- Glucose eoters the cells by eozyme meiiatei traosport.

12- Blooi glucose homeostasis is regulatei by iosulio aoi glucagoo .

13- Ketosis is more commoo io type 2 DM thao type 1 .

14- type 1 DM is less commoo thao type 2

15- the average of reoal thresholi about 180 mg∕il

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