Multicultural Personality Scale

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Multicultural Personality Scale

Van Der Zee et al., 2013

The aim of this study is to explore multicultural awareness and attitude of participants aged between 15-30.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete the
following questionnaire and follow up interview questions.

Answer the survey questions in the research not as you think they should be, but in a way that reflects your
thoughts with all their reality. Your sincere answers are very important for the reliability of the study. You will
not be asked for any identifying information to be specified on the questionnaire. Your answers will only be
used scientifically in accordance with the purpose of the research and will be kept confidential.

You can either accept or decline to participate in this study. You also have the right to withdraw your consent
anywhere in the study. However, it is important for this research to be valid, that you fill out the forms
completely. If you want to get any information about the study, you can reach it from the electronic
communication address below.

Country of Origin:

___Female ___ Male




Languages Spoken:

Please evaluate the appropriacy of the following 1=Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree

statements. How 3= Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
1. I pay attention to the emotions of others
2. I am a good listener
3. I sense when others get irritated
4. I get to know others profoundly

5. I enjoy other people’s stories

6. I notice when someone is in trouble
7. I sympathize with others
8. I set others at ease
9. I work according to strict rules
10. I work according to plan
11. I work according to strict scheme
12. I look for regularity in life
13. I like routine
14. I want predictability
15. I function best in a familiar setting
16. I have fixed habits
17. I take the lead
18. I leave initiative to others to make contacts

19. I find it difficult to make contacts

20. I take initiative
21. I am inclined to speak out
22. I am often the driving force behind things
23. I make contacts easily
24. I am reserved
25. I worry
26. I get upset easily
27. I am nervous
28. I am apt to feel lonely
29. I keep calm when things don’t go well
30. I am insecure
31. I am under pressure
32. I am not easily hurt

33. I try out various approaches

34. I am looking for new ways to attain his or her goal
35. I start a new life easily
36. I like to imagine solutions to problems

37. I am a trendsetter in societal developments

38. I have a feeling for what’s appropriate in culture
39. I seek people from different backgrounds
40. I have a broad range of interests
Scale of Labelling the Refugees:
(Önder, 2020)

1=Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree

3= Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
1. Our country economy has deteriorated because of refugees.
2. Refugees steal.
3. Refugees fraud.
4. Our people are aggrieved by refugees.

5. Refugees increased the crime events.

6. Refugees corrupt the morals of the society.

7. Refugees disrupting the social order.

8. I see refugees as a danger to the society.


Below are examples of news from social media. Please read and respond to the questions that

Those who left their homeland and fled...

Refugees in our country...
And yet over time...
Getting pretty weird...
These Syrian refugee friends of yours...
The fact that the real citizens of the country
cannot buy and eat bananas due to economic
To mock them in such a disgraceful way...
Even though he says I say a lot...
Then Instagram deletes my post...
And yet if they're not ashamed of what they've
Am I ashamed to say you are dishonest to them,
You bastards...
Shame on you…

What do you see in this post? Please describe the news.

What message does this post try to give specifically? Please write it in detail.

Do you agree with the message of this post?

How do you feel about this news?

How would you respond to this news if you saw it in social media?

a. I would read all the comments written under the post.

b. I would read only some of the comments written under the post.
c. I would not read the comments written by other people.

Why would you do so? Please explain to justify your answer.

How would respond to this news?

a. I would immediately write a comment under the post.

b. I would somehow write a comment.
c. I would not write any comment.

Please explain why:

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