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Seven Demons

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A Collection of NPCs for Fate accelerated


Traditionally appearing as a large toad, she has an infamous appetite and Traditionally appearing as a bearded old man, he is a philosopher often Traditionally appearing as a crow or a black-clothed humanoid, he is a
can consume and destroy even powerful artefacts. invoked to assist as a mediator in conflicts and disputes. chaotic figure that collects treasures and secrets.

HIGH CONCEPT: Enormous Toad Demon HIGH CONCEPT: Demonic Philosopher HIGH CONCEPT: Demonic Shadow Thief
TROUBLE: Infamous Appetite TROUBLE: Bound by Decorum TROUBLE: Insatiable Avarice
OTHER: Portal Stomach; Anti-Reality Poison Glands OTHER: Chain Stratagems; Knife Behind the Smile; Devilish Pride OTHER: I Can Steal Anything; Trickster Figure

APPRCH: (+4) Forceful. (+3) Flashy. (+2) Clever APPRCH: (+5) Clever. (+4) Careful, Sneaky. APPRCH: (+3) Sneaky. (+2) Clever, Quick.
(+1) Quick. (+0) Careful. (-1) Sneaky. (+3) Flashy, Quick. (+2) Forceful. (+1) Flashy, Careful. (+0) Forceful.
STUNTS: Anti-Magic (Gain +2 to defend against magic-based attacks) STUNTS: Duke of Hell (Unless restrained by magical means—or already in your STUNTS: Murk (When in at least low light, Weapon: 2)
Tongue-Lash (When you Forcefully attack and succeed, you can force native hell dimension—you can always spend a FP to teleport there) Shade (+2 to Sneakily creating advantages related to being hidden)
the defender to move into an adjacent zone of your choice) Tempt (When you successfully and Cleverly create an advantage by Shadow Clones (When someone successfully makes an attack against
Swallow (When you Flashily attack with style, instead of a boost promising something the target desires, gain +1 free invoke) you, spend a FP to reveal they mistakenly hit a shadow clone instead.
you can place a Swallowed aspect on your target with one free invoke) Wise Counsel (When you create an aspect representing your advice, Swap places with a nearby shadow clone, who takes that hit for you)
those who invoke it gain a +3 bonus instead of +2)
STRESS: [1] [2] [3] STRESS: [1] [2] [3]
CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2), Moderate (-4) STRESS: [1] [2] [3] CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2)
CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2), Moderate (-4), Severe (-6)
An enormous, demonic toad, Goab has an insatiable appetite and a stomach SOCIAL NOTES: Raum is a classic trickster, more interested in causing chaos and mischief
capable of breaking down even the most powerful magics. The rarest “In important matters, one should use several stratagems applied simultaneously than outright evil (though evil is often a byproduct of his actions). A master
delicacies and valuables can buy her favor and stave off her hunger, if only after another as in a chain of stratagems. Keep different plans operating in an thief, he hoards treasures and secrets stolen from throughout the multiverse
overall scheme; if any one strategy fails, apply the next strategy.” – 36 Stratagems for no other reason than to say he has them—and the thrill of having stolen
for a short while. Despite her simple desires, however, she isn’t stupid—
many a now-eaten fool has underestimated Goab at their own peril. Despite his demonic heritage, Barbatos is far from an agent of chaos. In them in the first place. Perhaps the party can find itself a dubious ally if they

If entered into a pact with, she can open a temporary portal to any location fact, some would argue that the world is safer and more stable place from can offer him a treasure, secret, or score valuable enough to tempt him.

the party wishes, as long as they don’t mind clambering into her mouth. his actions, frequently summoned as he is to assist as a mediator in conflicts If entered into a pact with, he can assist the party with, or perform himself,
Alternatively, she makes a perfect magical artefact disposal unit. and disputes between the rich and powerful. Despite that, however, his one impossible theft.
enemies would argue that Barbatos is just playing the long game, setting up
COMBAT NOTES: the board perfectly to achieve some ultimate and terrible goal. COMBAT NOTES:
When agitated, Goab’s glands secrete a poison that tears at the very fabric If entered into a pact with, he can reveal the location of any item or person When confronted, Raum either
of reality. Nearby zones are temporarily replaced with pieces of other that is currently hidden by magic. flees or summons a number of
locations—from this plane, or even others. She can make use of this difficult shadowy duplicates of himself
terrain to separate her enemies, while she spawns ravenous little monsters COMBAT NOTES: to attack and confuse his foes.
from eggs on her back to fight and die for her. Barbatos is not one for direct confrontation; he prefers to keep his conflicts
ASPECT: Shadow Clone
strictly social or psychological. Due to his ability to retreat to his home plane
ASPECT: Goab Spawn – STRESS: [1] GOOD AT (+2): Acting as Raum
unless magically restrained, forcing a physical conflict is extremely difficult
GOOD AT (+2): Consuming – BAD AT (-2): Intelligent Thought BAD AT (-2): Everything Else
too—not to mention the many powerful allies he has in the mortal realm, as
STRESS: none
BLOCK: Good (+3) Dimensional Disturbance well as the legions of demons he has under his command at home.
HAZARD: Good (+3) Dimensional Breakage, Weapon: 2 Unravelling Barbatos’ schemes, let alone slaying him permanently, could
easily require careful planning and heroics worthy of a campaign.
Traditionally appearing as a phoenix or red-clothed woman, she is a Traditionally appearing as a raven or many-limbed humanoid, they are a Traditionally appearing as a strongman, he is an expert in logic, ethics, and
repentant scientist who wishes to ascend to a more heavenly plane. master crafter and artificer who can read the thoughts of others. all manner of herbs and precious stones.

HIGH CONCEPT: Repentant Demon Scientist HIGH CONCEPT: Demonic Raven Artificer ASPECTS: Demonic Philosopher-Wrestler; Master of All Kinds of Battles
TROUBLE: Loosely Contained Temper TROUBLE: Sensory Overload
APPRCH: (+3) Flashy. (+2) Clever, Forceful.
OTHER: Part-Time Necromancer; Desperate for Ascension OTHER: Wheels Within Wheels; Mind-Reader (+1) Quick, Careful. (+0) Sneaky.
APPRCH: (+3) Clever. (+2) Flashy, Forceful. APPRCH: (+3) Careful. (+2) Clever, Sneaky. STUNTS: Strongarm (Weapon: 2; when you succeed at creating an advantage
(+1) Quick, Sneaky. (+0) Careful. (+1) Forceful, Quick. (+0) Flashy. representing a grapple, gain +1 free invokes)
STUNTS: Fiery Shift (As part of your regular movement during an exchange, STUNTS: Guerilla Warfare (If you have created an advantage representing a Strong Mind (+2 to Cleverly debate logic or ethics)
you can teleport up to three zones, ignoring any obstacles in your way) trap, you can make an attack that targets everyone in the traps zone.
STRESS: [1] [2] [3]
Flame Aura (Can attack up to two zones away with Will, Weapon: 2) Using a trap this way removes its aspect)
Necromancy (Once per scene for free, or by spending a FP, you can It’s a Trap! (By spending a FP, you can reveal a trap in any zone.
summon a GHOSTLY SPECTRE to the scene) This isn’t an action, allowing you to reveal and instantly spring a trap)
Mind Reader (By reading the minds of others, you gain Armor: 2
STRESS: [1] [2] [3] Forrasis is a demon whose purpose was supposed to be destruction and
against premeditated attacks)
CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2) murder, but over the years he has found that he loves debating logic and
STRESS: [1] [2] [3] ethics just as much as he loves killing. He’d also love to tell you about his
SOCIAL NOTES: CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2) extensive precious stone and flower collection!
Pheneron is a demon who wishes to transcend her unholy nature and He can reveal the location of anything that has been lost, as long as the
become a celestial being. Because of this, she travels the world, performing person requesting his help can beat him in a wrestling match or battle of
good acts in repentance and the hope some deity will take pity on her, Malthas is likely to be found on a mortal plane for one of two reasons: they’re
wits first (preferably both!).
though she still struggles with her unruly and destructive temper. on a research expedition, or they’ve been bound here by a demonologist.
Although unable to directly betray their master in the latter case, they are
If entered into a pact with, she can help contact a spirit of the dead.
likely to try and make an alliance with a party they deem strong enough.
A demonic canine bounty hunter wreathed in flames.
COMBAT NOTES: If entered into a pact with, they can conjure the plans or schematics to any
Pheneron’s first approach to conflict is fleeing, but when pushed to it (or building, weapon, or artefact, either existing or theoretical. ASPECTS: Hellhound Bounty Hunter; Relentless Pursuer
provoked to anger) she uses her necromantic powers to summon the spirits
COMBAT NOTES: GOOD AT (+2): Being a Hellhound
of the dead to assist her. While the ghost protects her, she teleports to a safe
In a conflict, Malthas displays a preternatural ability to conjure or have set BAD AT (-2): Everything Else
distance and shoots fire at her opponents. It is possible to deescalate an
up booby traps such as a Spring Gun, Land Mine, Trip Wire and Pit Trap. Keep STUNTS: Hellfire (Weapon: 2; spend 1 FP to attack an entire zone)
enraged Pheneron but given her quick temper, this isn’t an easy task.
in mind that aspects ‘revealed’ via the It’s a Trap! stunt have no free invokes. STRESS: [1] [2] [3]
ASPECTS: GHOSTLY SPECTER; Fearful of the Holy To emphasize Malthas’ danger to a larger or more competent party, you CONSEQUENCES: Mild (-2)
GOOD AT (+2): Spooking, Lashing Out could allow their Guerilla Warfare stunt to act as a ‘free attack’, allowing them
to effectively take multiple actions per round. NOTES:
BAD AT (-2): Complex Planning
STUNTS: Terrifying (When you successfully create an advantage related to fear, A favorite hire of demonologists and demons alike, Zoray is a hellhound with
Additional factors could include mooks or traps as obstacles:
you gain one additional free invoke) an immaculate track record for finding (and usually killing) its prey.
BLOCK: Good (+2) Pit Trap, Weapon: 2
In a combat scenario, Zoray can attack at a distance with hellfire or in close
STRESS: [1] [2]
HAZARD: Great (+3) Spring Gun, Weapon: 2 range with bone-shattering teeth. If this combat occurs in a flammable area
ASPECT: Clockwork Automaton – STRESS: [1] and Zoray uses its flame attack, it’s likely the zone catches fire too.
Seven Demons is by A.C. Luke © 2021 ( GOOD AT (+2): Their Specific Purpose – BAD AT (-2): Everything Else HAZARD: Great (+2) Hellfire, Weapon: 4
This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition (found at,
products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard,
Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue,
and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

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