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Year 10

Psychology half term homework booklet

Design your own experiment

Class teacher:
Half term psychology experiment
 We will be conducting our very own experiment into ‘the affect of social
media on student wellbeing.’
 We will be planning this together in class and then you will complete this
write up as part of your half term homework.
The deadline for this is the SECOND week back after half term (8 th November)
State the aim of the study (e.g. the aim of the study is to investigate…)

State the alternate hypothesis (e.g. There will be a significant difference in the…)

State the null hypothesis (e.g. there will be no significant difference in the…)

Identify your two IV’s
Identify your DV and say how this was measured

Sample and sampling method

Which sampling method did you use? Outline details of your sample including how you
gathered them, the target population and the amount in your sample.

Type of Experiment and Experimental Design

Include details on the type of experiment and the experimental design.
Measures of control
Which measures of control did you use in your experiment? What kind of extraneous
variable has this helped to reduce and how has this affected your results?

One of the ethical guidelines you need to consider is ‘Informed consent’. Write the consent
letter you will read to participants before they do you experiment. (Should be in first person)
Standardised Procedure
Outline the procedure you followed in detail so that someone else would be able to repeat
your investigation. Include details on where you completed it and how and on whom -
describe exactly how it was conducted. What did you have control of? How did you keep it
Using the data and evaluation issues
Using the data

1. Summarise the findings from your experiment into an appropriately labelled summary
table. You could put the data from each participant in each condition or a mean total
for each condition.

2. Explain two findings from the data you collected

Condition 1

Condition 2

3. Outline a conclusion that can be made from your findings

Evaluation issues

1. Identify which type of experiment you used and state one advantage and one
disadvantage of using this method (refer to your experiment)

2. Identify which experimental design you used and state one advantage and one
disadvantage of using this design (refer to your experiment)

3. Identify which sampling method you used and state one advantage and one
disadvantage of using this method
4. Explain at least two ways you could have improved your experiment (4 marks)

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