Project ETwinning 2021 2022 Battle Against Lies

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eTwinning 2021-2022

Batalla contra la mentira / Battle against lies /

Kampf gegen Lügen


The use of new technologies has promoted the creation and dissemination of fake news in
many areas of society. The result is a context of misinformation of which we are victims, but
sometimes also participants when we share dubious content on social networks. Behind this,
there are various reasons, mainly economic and ideological.

Education is essential in the battle against lies. To combat misinformation, media literacy and
digital education that promote the formation of an informed and critical citizenship are

This project arises with the aim of offering our students training in this regard, learning to
question the information disseminated on social networks and other media and to use basic
tools to verify the information we receive from various media.


• Promote media literacy and digital competence education

• Manage basic tools to verify content
• Develop skills in the use of foreign languages
• Promote collaboration between students
• Form a critical and committed citizenship


October: Collaborative project design (Google Docs). Project opening (TwinSpace). Registration
of members (teachers and students)

November - April: Development of activities. Follow-up meetings (online).

May-June: Results. Diffusion. Evaluation. Final report. Project closure.


1. LOGO SELECTION. Participation open to any student member of the project.

2. COLLABORATIVE TEST. Create a bank of multiple choice questions to practice
discriminating fake news from truthful information. Each member proposes a question
(for example, identify the fake new among several truthful information; or the
opposite, identify the true information among several hoaxes). With the questions
bank we can make a Test that randomly selects 10 questions from all the proposals.
Students play online the test. Tool: Kahoot.
3. THE FAKE NEWS DETECTOR. The objective of the activity is to collaborate by
contributing content and clues to disprove fake news in a collaborative way. A
member of the project throws information that he has seen or heard and it sounds a
little strange to him and he thinks it may be a hoax. The community (set of project
members) can provide clues (news, sources) to help the team to verify content. The
teams in charge of verifying contents are made up of several students and will
preferably be mixed. The anti-lying team verifies the content and categorizes it as (1)
hoax, (2) under investigation, or (3) verified. In its response, the team shows the
content of the verification (justifies the decision made). The final result can be the
“Fake News Detector” and make it public in the TwinSpace.


We can create a “page” with useful resources in the TwinSpace:

• Newtral.
• Damn Bulo.;
• Manual so they don't strain you.
• The whole truth about misinformation.
• Toolbox to verify contents.
• Test Raise your head.

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