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Describing my kitchen

Presentado por

Luisa Fernanda Caviativa Salamanca


English Dot Works 2


Daniel Yepes Urdinola


My kitchen is integral and
green there is a
refrigerator and a
microwave oven

In the freezer
there are two
pounds of green
beans, there is
meat, chicken
wings, there are
also two bags of
guava, one bag of
curuba, two bags
of tree tomato, I
put the fruit in the
freezer so that it is
not damaged, and
then when I will
use it what I do is
boil it
In the fridge, there is ham, cheese in the first
drawer, there is also coriander, there is a sprite
soda, there is a papaya, there are two ears, in the
second drawer there are many eggs and two boxes
of milk, in the third drawer there are many
cucumbers, there are two carrots, one lettuce and
one celery, the fourth drawer is divided into two, in
the right drawer there are many tomatoes and in
the left drawer there are many onions.

On the door of the fridge there is a container for

water, the water that is in that container is boiled, if
I do not spend much change four days, on the first
shelf there are many sauces, there is a pink sauce, a
mayonnaise sauce with mustard, a tomato sauce,
there are two mayonnaise sauces, there is a BBQ
sauce and there is a vinaigrette sauce.
On the second shelf are lots of lemons, two garlic
pastes, and a jar of chili

On the first shelf there are 6

glasses and many glasses

On the second shelf is a bag of

bread, there are two ducal tacos,
two sachets of coconut lemonade, a
package of soy milk, there are some
toasts and a bag of breadcrumbs.

On the third shelf is a jar of tree

tomato juice that I make today,
there is also a blender and a little
red jar
In this drawer that is below the one I
explained earlier, in this drawer is
the garbage and behind there are
many clothespins

In this drawer that is under

the dishwasher there are
three jugs for the juice, there
are many black potatoes,
there is a jar of gourmet oil,
there are five oranges, at the
bottom there are many
bananas and too many
pounds of rice

This section is divided into

three parts, the first
drawer contains all the
cutlery and there are
many knives for different
types of meat and a juicer
for lemons

In the second drawer there

are many containers to carry
food, also juice bottles and
The third drawer there is a lot of mess,
there is also a hammer to break panela,
there is a package with baking soda,
there are many napkins and aluminum

In this drawer I have all the pots and

chopping boards, there are also a
couple of pans that I use to prepare
Wok (which is my favorite food),
there are also two pots for making

In this bottom drawer there are

toiletries, so there is liquid laundry
soap, there is a great one for the floor,
there are also too many wax liquids for
the floor, and there are two fabric

In the top drawer is a jar of

wheat flour and another jar
of corn flour

In the bottom drawer, in the first jar

there is coffee, in the second one there is
salt and in the third sugar, there are also
a couple of bottles of soy sauce

In this drawer are the plates

and glasses

In this drawer there are

several pounds of sugar,
some bags of pasta, there is
also a package of corn bag
to make in the microwave
oven, there is a jar of lentils
another one of beans and
corn to cook
In this last top drawer, on the first shelf
there are a couple of jelly sachets,
there are many bags of wheat flour (I
am a fan of arepas) and a jar of
chocolate, on the second shelf there is
a box of lasagna and there is a lot of

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