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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ‘Minutes of Board Meeting Wednesday November 10, 2021 ‘The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on Wednesday November 10 at the Cedar City Library. J. CALL TO ORDER ‘Members present were Terri, Sharon, Joe, Clarissa, Shane Meeting called to order at 9:30 am 2. FINANCIAL REPORT ‘A. Operating Account Debbie reported that there is currently $8327.12 in the operating account and $4353.41 in the reserve account as of November 10. There are currently184 recorded homeowners. MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the finanéial report. Shane seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B, Delinquent Homeowners twas reported that there are currently 23 delinquent homeowners. Sharon indicated that she would post notices. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the August 16 minutes, Teri seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MOTION: Joe motioned to approve the annual meeting minutes of September 27. Shane seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MOTION: Clarissa motioned to approve the special meeting minutes of October 19. Shane seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4, OLD BUSINESS ‘A. Shed Approval (Lot 25, Phase 3) ‘The board reviewed the rendition of the shed presented by homeowner via email. There was discussion as to this lot being a comer lot and the city ordinances were reviewed. Due to the city ordinance setback requirements, the board was unable to approve the location of the shed. Homeowner was notified, 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Appointment of Offices MOTION: It was motioned to appoint Teri as the President, Sharon as the Vice President and all others to be members at large. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. B. Solar System Approval ‘The board has received numerous requests to have solar system panels approved. The board discussed potential rules or policies to enforce upon approval. Various topies were aesthetics, location, roof mounted and professionally installed. Each request would need to have board approval. MOTION: Joe motioned to implement a policy for solar panels approval that would include that they be aesthetically pleasing, roof mounted, and professionally installed. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed by majority. Shane did not approve. MOTION: Clarissa motioned to approve the solar panels of Lot 54, Phase 2 as presented. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, C. Follow Up from Annual Meeting The Board reviewed the various issued brought up at the annual meeting. Speed bumps — The HOA does not own streets and therefore would be a city issue, Park or donated green space ~ it was determined that the developer will not donate any land in future Phases and this is now a mute point. Speeding signs — it was again determined that the HOA does not have jurisdiction over the streets and encourage homeowners to report to the city. D. Follow Up from Special Meeting ‘There was discussion as to the Board obtaining a breakdown of work performed from McArthur. Teri agreed to speak to McArthur again. E. Web Page Clarissa put together a web page. We would like to implement CC&R’s, Bylaws, Meeting Minutes, budget, and newsletters. MOTION: Sharon motioned to implement the new web page for Crescent Hills HOA. Joe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. F. Other 6, ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:10 am. Next meeting will be February 9 at 1:00 at the city library.

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