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Animal Feed Bag Tote

I measure and make sure the top of the bag is straight. Measure from a point on the bag that you want center (I
used the bottom square of the goat pic to check square, I had to trim just a little off the top left) and then
measure the other side to make sure it is straight, if not I trim it so it is.

I wanted a 16” tall bag so I cut it 20” this allows a 1” double fold at the top and a 1” closed seam on the bottom.
The height can be however you want it.

I liked this length it allows the animal pic on the front and goat on the bottom of the bag.

I cut the handles from scrap from the bottom of the bag. I cut a 2” loop and cut that in half to make two handles.
I folded each side into the middle and sewed that down. You can just fold in half and stitch a seam on the one
side if you want a different strap.
I did a double fold on the top seam and sewed that sometimes I use a straight stitch and sometimes zigzag, it’s
just how you want it to look. (I did not turn the back inside out because I wanted the bobbin thread on the
inside, you can turn the back if you don’t have a messy bobbin like I do sometimes)

I attached the straps to the inside of the top of the bag. You can put there where ever you want them. I eyeballed
where I wanted them based on the pic on the front. I sewed a box and sometimes I put an X in the box.

I used another scrap of the excess bag 1” wide and pinned this to the bottom of the bag. With the bag inside out
I sewed the bottom closed.
To make the boxed corners so the bag can stand on its own you need to stand the bag up and push out the sides
while flattening down the corners so they make a triangle. Measure from the tip of the triangle up each side 4”
and mark. Draw a line from the mark on each side, sew across this line. (Yes this pic does not have the scrap
ribbon closing the bottom. This was the first bag I made as a trial.)

Once sewn turn the bag right side out and flatten the bottom of the bag, use your fingers to push the corners out
so the bag has a flat bottom and can stand on its own.

All done

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