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UPDRS Summary

1. Intellectual Impairment (0 points)

No intellectual impairment

2. Thought Disorder (0 points)

No thought disorder

3. Depression. (0 points)
No depression.

4. Motivation and Initiative. (0 points)

Normal motivation, initiative.

Mentation, Behavior and Mood Subscore:

0/16=0.0 percent.
Graphical Mentation, Behavior and Mood Subscore:

5. Speech. (0 points)
Normal speech

6. Salivation. (0 points)
Normal salivation

7. Swallowing. (0 points)
Normal swallowing

8. Handwriting. (0 points)
Normal handwriting

9. Cutting food and handling utensils. (0 points)

Normal cutting food and handling utensils

10. Dressing. (0 points)

Normal dressing

11. Hygiene. (0 points)

Normal hygiene

12. Turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes. (0 points)

Normal turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes

13. Falling (unrelated to freezing) (0 points)

No falling.

14. Freezing when walking (0 points)

No freezing when walking
15. Walking (0 points)
Normal walking

16. Tremor. (0 points)

Tremor absent

17. Sensory complaints related to parkinsonism (0 points)

No sensory complaints

Activities of Daily Living Subscore:

0/52=0.0 percent.
Graphical Activities of Daily Living Subscore:

18. Speech. (0 points)

Speech normal

19. Facial Expression. (1 points)

Minimal hypomimia, could be normal 'Poker Face'

20.a. Tremor at rest, head: face, lips, chin. (1 points)

Head tremor at rest slight and infrequently present

20.b. Tremor at rest, right hand. (1 points)

Right hand tremor at rest slight and infrequently present

20.c. Tremor at rest, left hand. (0 points)

Left hand tremor at rest absent

20.d. Tremor at rest, right foot. (0 points)

Right foot tremor at rest absent

20.e. Tremor at rest, left foot. (0 points)

Left foot tremor at rest absent

21.a. Action or Postural Tremor of right hand. (0 points)

Action or postural tremor of right hand absent

21.b. Action or Postural Tremor of left hand. (0 points)

Action or postural tremor of left hand absent

22.a. Rigidity of neck (1 points)

Neck rigidity slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements

22.b. Rigidity of right upper extremity (1 points)

Right upper extremity rigidity slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.
22.c. Rigidity of left upper extremity (0 points)
Left upper extremity rigidity absent

22.d. Rigidity of right lower extremity (0 points)

Right lower extremity rigidity absent

22.e. Rigidity of left lower extremity (0 points)

Left lower extremity rigidity absent

23.a. Finger Taps, right hand (0 points)

Right hand normal finger taps

23.b. Finger Taps, left hand (1 points)

Left hand mild slowing and or reduction in amplitude of finger taps

24.a. Hand Movements right hand (1 points)

Right hand mild slowing and or reduction in amplitude of movements

24.b. Hand Movements left hand (1 points)

Left hand mild slowing and or reduction in amplitude of movements

25.a. Rapid Alternating Movements of Hands right hand (0 points)

Right hand normal rapidly alternating movements

25.b. Rapid Alternating Movements of Hands left hand (0 points)

Left hand normal rapidly alternating movements

26.a. Leg Agility right leg (1 points)

Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude of right leg agility

26.b. Leg Agility left leg (1 points)

Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude of left leg agility

27. Arising from chair (1 points)

Slow arising from chair

28. Posture. (2 points)

Moderately stooped posture, definitely abnormal

29. Gait. (1 points)

Walks slowly, may shuffle with short steps, but no festination or propulsion

30. Postural Stability (2 points)

Absence of postural response with postural stability task (would fall if not caught by examiner)

31. Body Bradykinesia and Hypokinesia. (1 points)

Minimal slowness of movement, giving movement a deliberate character

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.
Motor Examination Subscore:
17/108=15.7 percent.
Graphical Motor Examination Subscore:

32. Duration: What proportion of the waking day are dyskinesias present? (0 points)
Dyskinesias not present

33. Disability: How disabling are the dyskinesias? (0 points)

Dyskinesias not disabling

34. Painful Dyskinesias: How painful are the dyskinesias? (0 points)

No painful dyskinesias

35. Presence of Early Morning Dystonia (0 points)

No presence of early morning dystonia

36. Are 'off' periods predictable. (1 points)

'Off' periods are predictable

37. Are 'off' periods unpredictable? (0 points)

'Off' periods are not unpredictable

38. Do 'off' periods come on suddenly, within a few seconds? (0 points)

'Off' periods do not come on suddenly

39. What proportion of the waking day is the patient 'off' on average? (0 points)
None of the day is spent 'off'

40. Does the patient have anorexia, nausea, or vomiting? (0 points)

No anorexia, nausea, or vomiting

41. Any sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or hypersomnolence? (0 points)

No sleep disturbance

42. Does the patient have symptomatic orthostasis? (0 points)

No symptomatic orthostasis

Complications of Therapy Subscore:

1/23=4.3 percent.
Graphical Complications of Therapy Subscore:

UPDRS Score:
18/199=9.0 percent.
Graphical UPDRS Score:
The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.
Stage 0 Hoehn and Yahr: No sign of disease

Modified Hoehn and Yahr Staging Score:

0/5=0.0 percent.
Graphical Modified Hoehn and Yahr Staging Score:

Schwab and England Scale 100 percent

Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Score:

100/100=100.0 percent.
Graphical Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Score:

Pertinent Negative Pertinent Positive Pertinent Positive

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.

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