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- 2019/2020 Biology department

Scope and sequence of biology for grade 11 in the first term:

- Theme ; Reproduction, Growth, Change & Equilibrium
- SEPUP book “Genetics – Feeding the World” Unit
- Year 2: Semester 1 - Teacher of the course; MRs. Esraa Ali Mohammed / MR: yousif Nagah
- Age of experience in this course ; 7 years

Course description:

The course is focused on using the genetically modified food as solution, students will learn through investigation how to make
GMO's, interpreting GMO's using genome and different activities to express the ideas. In addition students will use
mathematical equation and statistical information to complete their investigation.

Genetically modified food issue is introduced that involves local community, and global sustainability issues. Students are
eventually asked to make a decision about that issue which means learning about the associated science. The relevancy of the
science content becomes obvious, eliminating the question, “Why are we learning this?”

Students will learn through inquiry, investigation to promote learning, within four principles:

1. Relate the science to students’ current knowledge.

2. Emphasize the science focus of the lesson
3. Allow students to reflect on new knowledge.
4. Use assessments to build understanding.
Knowledge with understanding

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

1. Scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts, theories

2. Scientific vocabulary, terminology, conventions (including symbols, quantities and units)

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

3. Scientific instruments and apparatus, including techniques of operation and aspects of safety

4. Scientific quantities and their determination

5. Scientific and technological applications with their social, economic and environmental implications.

Learning Outcome: BI.2.01

Learning Outcome: BI.2.02

Learning Outcome: BI.2.03

Learning Outcome: BI.2.04

Learning Outcome: BI.2.05

Learning Outcome: BI.2.06

Learning Outcome: BI.2.07

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.01- Use evidence to evaluate the trade-offs of using genetically modified food to support economic, social
and environmental sustainability.
● Describe the tradeoffs of the use of genetically modified food
● Explain the intended and unintended consequences of the use of GMO’s
Mont No. of The big The Activity Activity planned & skills No. of Resource used. concepts & skills
h weeks concept title period
Should A Genetically ACTIVITY 1:a genetically modified 2 Science and global issue 1.Genetically modified
Week 1 people modified solution ? session book SEPUP(Activ.1)p.261 organisms
engineer solution? Investigation: Students consider 2. Beneficial
organisms? the use of Genetically Modified is genetically modified corn
characteristics (example:
22/9 Organisms by looking at it from the eating you ?
to perspective of a country trying to disease resistance,
26/9 decide if they should grow Bt corn. Bt corn drought tolerance, higher
nutritional value).

GMO truth or myth 4. Unintended consequences for
es/videos/default.asp humans and ecosystems.
Crop Biotech Update Skills:
1. Evidence-based debate
2. Identify and describe
3. Argue a stance and
support it with evidence

Assessment for the learning outcome two; Quizzes and make A padlet form for comparing biofuel with other solutions to solve the
problem of energy or water (Benefit and risks )
Other resource book: You could study it from SEPUP and Genetically-Modified-Foods-Benefits-and-Risks.pdf

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.02: Create a model to show the process of genetically modifying organisms and how the new genetic material is
1)conduct experiments on the process of creating GMO's; and
2) model inheritance by mitosis.
Month No. of The big The Activity Activity planned & skills No. of Resource used. concepts
weeks concept title period
Week 2 How can 2-Creating Students investigate the conditions 2 session SEPUP( Activ.2) P269 1. Bacterial
GMO's Genetically necessary for genetically modified bacteria Practical transformation
affect our Modified To express an inserted gene Genetic engineering technique.
29/9 lives? Bacteria Use this : Bacterial transformation lab How are Gmo created 2.Plasmids
T0 simulation Genetically modified corn 3.Genes and
3/10 the idea of transformation chromosomes (as a
Students play blind dating to understand definition only)
the purpose of donor and host Sepup genetics Act. (2)/Act. 4. Mitosis
Skills :
(3)Transformation of E. coli -Make and record
with Plasmid DNA: observation
- use good laboratory
tch?v=slY4qrnZIM8 - Identify and describe
Week 3 3- Mitosis Students work on online simulation to 1 session Activity 3: (Students p 278 -281) trends
6/10 &Meiosis understand mitosis &meiosis and predict Activity 14: - Make prediction
To and Asexual the percentage of offspring that will inherit mitosis and meiosis simulation
reproduction the inserted gene. from sepup
- Students use their understanding of
meiosis to explore the question, “What is comparison between Mitosis
the chance an inserted gene will be passed and Meiosis
onto a daughter cell through the process of Nicholl - Introduction to
Sexual reproduction Genetic Engineering 3e
Assessment for the learning outcome two; Quizzes and delivering the required Assignments

Other resource book : In Modern Biology Cell reproduction (Ch 8 in the book ) p258- 259

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.03 Discuss how the chemical and structural properties of DNA and its replication result in the creation of a
new genotype:
1) design a model to show the structure of DNA; and
2) determine how DNA replicates
3) gene expression and protein synthesis

Mo No. of The big The Activity planned & skills No. of period Resource used. concepts
nth weeks concept Activity
domain title
Week Unit 1-DNA Students compare DNA 2session SEPUP (Activ9 ) 1. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
4 three isolation isolated from spinach, pea P.324 a. Macromolecule with
or banana to DNA from Practical work nucleotide subunits.
13/10 How does various other samples to DNA Extraction b. Double helix and
to DNA's
investigate the universal Complementary strands
17/10 structure of DNA c. Sugar–phosphate backbone
structure and nitrogenous bases.
enable its (Adenine, guanine, cytosine,
function? and thymine represented as A,

Week 2- Students work with several 1 session SEPUP (Activ.10) 328 G, C, and T).
5 Modeling different representation and Practical work d. Nucleotide sequences-
DNA model of DNA to learn DNA Structure (Coded instructions)
20/10 Structure about its molecular 2. DNA replication by semi
To structure. conservative template
how to calculate
24/10 mechanism.
percentages of bases 3. Transcription and translation.
4. RNA types and structure
5. Protein Synthesis.

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Week 3-DNA Investigation: Students use 1 session SEPUP ( Activ12)

5 replicatio online simulation& DNA p.343
20/10 n model to gather evidence to Skills :
To support one of three DNA Replication Exp 1. Perform DNA isolation.
24/10 hypothesis of DNA 2. Make and record observations
replication–conservative, 3. Identify, describe trends and
semi-conservative or Interpret in data
dispersive – in historical 5. Develop claims based on
exploration of DNA evidence and reasoning
replication experiment 6. Recognize and analyze
conduct by Meselson and alternative explanations and
Stahl. models
Experiment simulation 7. Express and defend a scientific
Week 4- Protein computer simulation: Students 1 session SEPUP-Act 16 (366- arguments
6 synthesis work through the stages of 375) Unit 4
protein synthesis. Then they protein synthesis
work through a model to
show the steps involved at
each stag
protein synthesis simulation

Assessment of the learning outcome 3: Quizzes and Analysis questions

Other resources book: modern biology - Section 2 p. 156
-Section 3 p. 200 to 201
Campbell 9 edit : -concept 17.2 p 328 - 331

Calculate the percentage of DNA

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.04 Describe the key steps in the creation of genetic modifications and analyze the DNA of
organisms to determine whether it is modified or not using electrophoresis.
Mont No. of The big The Activity Activity planned & skills No. of Resource used. concepts
h weeks concept title period
obWe Are GMO 1- Evaluate the Student produce 1 session 1. Genetically modified
ek Is A genetically informational posters that Activity (15) organisms
6 solution ? modified food highlight the development student p.361 2. Desirable traits (e.g.:
27/10 of and issues related to a pest or disease resistance,
31/10 genetically modified drought tolerance, or
organism. Information enhanced nutritional
gained through a poster qualities).

session is used to develop 3. Genetic manipulation for

criteria to evaluate GM new combinations of traits
organisms that will be
used in the final activity

Students play blind dating to

understand the purpose of
donor and host -
Are GMO 1 session SEPUP book - 4. DNA electrophoresis

Is A Laboratory investigation Activity 18

Week solution ? Which corn is students run and interpret r p.583) student
7 - genetically a DNA electrophoresis gel p.385
3/11 modified to determine which corn What is gel
To samples contain Electrophoresis

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

genetically modified corn. gel

Lab bench animation

Week Are GMO 3- Reading: Students read 1 session SEPUP - 5. Steps in GMO:
7 Is A Biopharming about the engineering of Activ.19 a. identification of
10/11 solution ? Edible plants that are genetically (students desirable gene;
To - Vaccines modified to produce .p 393) b. isolation of gene;

14/11 proteins that induce a c. preparation of a DNA

vaccine response in Edible vaccine construct - adding
d. delivery of the desired
(Assign Reading gene into target organism;
previously) e. raising the transformed
organisms using a
selective medium
6. DNA constructs insertion
a. shooting with gene gun,
b. bacterial transformation,
c. viral delivery-

Assessment of the learning outcome 7 : -Quizzes and GMO poster to deliver

Other resources book s : Modern biology book
CH.13,p257 to 259 + the resources of electrophoresisl
-Concerning ACT 19 ,read it from SEPUP .
 Look at the concept in Campbell 9th editionCh.20 page 399 + P.405 to 409

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.05 Compare and contrast selective breeding and genetic modification to breed a new type of wheat in
Egypt with a minimum of two desired traits
Month No. of The big The Activity planned & skills No. of Resource used. concepts
weeks concept Activity period
domain title
Week 8 What are 1- Breedi Investigation : Students observe the 1 session - Science and Distinguish between genes and
the ng phenotypes of several ears of corn global issue book- alleles.
2. Use Punnett squares to
17/11 Genetic Corn and use their observations and SEPUP (Activ.4) predict outcomes of genetic
To Mechanis Punnett squares to determine the P 282 crosses.
21/11 ms of genotypes of the parents used to 3. Phenotypic and genotypic
traits? produce the resulting corn ears results (Heterozygote -
4. Selective breeding
5. Gregor Mendel’s
2- Genes Students read about basic genetics 1session SEPUP (Activ.5 contributions to our
understanding of genetics.
and concepts as they relate to the ( P.290 6. Patterns of inheritance

Traits heredity of traits. Non-mendelian a. Simple dominance

traits Pattern of (Laws of simple
inheritance dominance- first and
second Mendelian
Mendelian VS laws)
Non mendalian b. Incomplete
traits dominance
Week 9 3- Breedi Students use Punnet squares to 1 session SEPUP (Activ.6) c. Co-dominance
24/11 ng corn predict the outcome of a cross p.300 Skills :
To for two between corn plants for two traits. Breeding corn of
1-Collect, record and
28/11 traits Students create a plan to determine two traits
the genotype of a parent based on interpret data
observing the results of crosses for
two traits.
Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

4-Breedi Students use Allele Cards to apply 1 session SEPUP (Activ.7) 2-Develop conclusions
ng their knowledge of genetics to the p.307 based on evidence

better breeding Of a desirable strain of Selective 3- Identify and describe

Rice rice. breeding of plants
trade-offs in genetic
pros and cons of modifications
selective breeding

Assessment of learning outcome three: Project to deliver

Design a Prezi form presentation about a type of plant that was selectively breaded and mention the trade of using selective
breeding and whether it’s better to use genetic engineering ways
Other resource book: In the Modern in Ch(9) page 172 and Ch ( 12) Section 1 : from page 235- 237 -

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.06 Interpret how sex linked chromosomes and abnormalities of chromosomes affect the inheritance of
traits and solve problems about sex-linked traits.

Month No. of The big The Activity planned & skills No. of Resource concepts
weeks concept Activity period used.
domain title
Week Why and Genes Reading: Students read about the 2 session Activity 13. Student review all the previous
10 and passing of chromosomes from the concepts about meiosis and
how there (student mitosis and chromosomes.
1/12 chromo parents to offspring during the 1. Genes
is variation p.346-352).
TO somes process of sexual and asexual 2. Chromosomes
5/12 among reproduction. Activity 14. 3. Mitosis
living (student 4. Crossing over

5. Hybrid/Dihybrid crosses
organism? p.353-360). 6. Haploid
7. Diploid
8. Gametes
9. Fertilization
10. Karyotype( definition and
11. Independent segregation
12. Segregation and cross over
13. Abnormalities (chromosomal

Assessment of the learning outcome 6 : Quizzes and Analysis questions

- Newspaper report to investigate a pattern of inheritance in your family what tools are going to use (group work
Other resources book:: in modern biology Cell reproduction (Ch 8 in the book ) p.150

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

Learning Outcome: BI.2.07 Explain how genomics has the potential to contribute in solving sustainability problems to
infer the genetic mechanism of inheritance for a given trait-
Mont No. of The big The Activity planned & skills No. of Resource concepts
h weeks concept Activity period used.
domain title
Week How Has 1- Investigation: Students trace traits in 1 SEPUP -Analyze and interpret
11 genomics Interpretin pedigrees to determine their mechanism of session (Activ.8) pedigrees.
8/12 contribut g Pedigree inheritance. P.316 - Develop conclusions
TO ed to our pidegree and based on evidence
12/12 understan family history -. Apply logic, knowledge
Week ding of Huntington and reasoning to
genetic? disease construct explanations
How genetic

disorders are
sex Linked
How Has 2- Reading: Students read about the history of 1 SEPUP 1. Genomics
genomics Genomics genomics and how the science is session (Activ.11) 2. The Human Genome
contribut Developing. P. 334 3. Genomics and
ed to our What is biodiversity, alternative
understan Genome energy, and human and
ding of What is animal health.-
genetic? genomics

Assessment of the learning outcome 7: Quizzes + solve analysis question

Other resources book: - Section 2: 241 to 245
-Study the genome from book

Made by : Esraa Ali
- 2019/2020 Biology department

The Assessment:
Quiz every session will be held
Mid term exam 10- NOV-2019
Practical 24- NOV- 2019
Final exam 11 - 23RD of JAN

Made by : Esraa Ali

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