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Energy 133 (2017) 843e850

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Accelerometer measurement for MFB evaluation in multi-cylinder

diesel engine
Giancarlo Chiatti a, Ornella Chiavola a, *, Erasmo Recco a, Agnese Magno b,
Ezio Mancaruso b, Bianca M. Vaglieco b
Engineering Department, ‘Roma Tre’ University, Via della Vasca Navale, 79, 00146 Rome, Italy
Istituto Motori e CNR, Via G. Marconi, 4, 80125 Naples, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Indirect methods have great potential for engine diagnosis. Several methodologies have been proposed
Received 29 December 2016 in the past in which indirect measurements are used for combustion sensing.
Received in revised form This paper presents the results of the application of a methodology developed by the authors in which
26 March 2017
an accelerometer mounted on the engine block is used to characterize the combustion development in a
Accepted 27 April 2017
Available online 28 April 2017
multi-cylinder common rail diesel engine. The high correlation between accelerometer and in-cylinder
pressure data allowed to use the vibration signals to evaluate the angular positions where: the com-
bustion starts, 50% of fuel is burned over an engine cycle (MFB50) and the combustion process ends
Diesel engine
(MFB95) in two of the engine cylinders. The great accuracy of the predictions (the square value of the
Combustion correlation coefficient was always higher than 0,97) demonstrated that a single accelerometer can be
Vibration used in control algorithms for the optimal positioning of the combustion process in more than one
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction accelerometers have been used to provide information about the

combustion progress (start of combustion, centre of combustion,
The real time monitoring and control of combustion effective- end of combustion). The employment of these sensors offers the
ness has been recognized as a valid tool to reduce pollutant emis- advantages of being placed externally to the engine, thus allowing
sions and fuel consumption from diesel engines. The control can be no modification of the engine structure and avoiding any possible
performed by means of closed loop algorithms able to provide in- interaction with the engine operation.
formation about the quality of combustion events through the The monitoring of crankshaft acceleration has drawn much
evaluation of measured burn parameters (e.g. start of combustion, attention in the past; crankshaft angular speed variations have
location of the 50% of mass fraction burn point). Most of the been used to get information about the combustion pressure that
developed strategies to this purpose is based on the in-cylinder produced them. [3] presents a procedure to evaluate the position
pressure signal with the aim to maintain the combustion phasing where the 50% of mass is burned inside the cylinder starting from
at an optimized value, despite changes due to engine ageing, fuel an analysis of the instantaneous engine speed fluctuations. [4] uses
properties variation [1,2]. The drawback of direct measurements of the engine angular crankshaft speed and the crankshaft speed
in-cylinder pressure for on-board installation is related to long- derivative to determine the in-cylinder pressure peak and its
term reliability caused by the harsh environment and cost. angular location. [5] is devoted to develop a method to diagnose
Literature demonstrates that indirect methods have great po- combustion-related faults.
tential for engine diagnosis. Several methodologies have been The employment of microphones has received scant attention in
proposed in the past in which indirect measurements are used for the past, mainly due to difficulties in the processing of the acoustic
combustion sensing. Signals from speed sensors, microphones and emission signal from the engine, where the combustion related
components are corrupted by the high concentration of over-
lapping sources: injection, valves, piston slap, combustion, turbo-
charger, oil pump, intake and exhaust systems. More recently, some
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (O. Chiavola).
methodologies have been proposed and have demonstrated that
0360-5442/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
844 G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850

acoustic signals may be used for combustion sensing. [6] presents engine specifications are listed in Table 1.
an acoustic approach for the diagnosis of abnormalities in the The engine is equipped with an electronically controlled com-
pressure signal, caused by faults. In Ref. [7], an experimental mon rail (CR) injection system characterized by an unit pump
methodology is presented to extract from the microphone trace the operated by a three-lobe cam that allows to reach a maximum in-
components caused by the combustion events. Some indices are jection pressure of 1400 bar. The injection strategy consisted of two
used to correlate the noise emission to the combustion injections per cycle, pilot and main. The torque output was
development. measured using a dynamometer load cell with a resolution of 1 Nm
The pressure increase caused by the combustion process in the (STIPAF L3B160M). Engine was fueled with commercial diesel and
chamber gives rise to the engine structure vibrations. The vibra- fuel consumption was measured by a gravimetric balance (AVL730)
tions contain information about the combustion phenomenon but at a frequency of 10 Hz and with an accuracy of 0.12%. Inlet air mass
also comprise non-combustion related components; therefore it is flow rate was measured by a hot-wire sensor. In order to monitor
necessary to process the signal in order to extract the combustion the combustion evolution, in-cylinder pressure signals were
related components and reduce the signal-to-noise ratio. Block detected by quartz transducers (AVL GH14P) characterized by
vibration based diagnostic methods have drawn a lot of attention in sensitivity of 15.6 pC/bar and natural frequency of 130 kHz. They
the past. were flush-mounted in the head of all the cylinders by means of
In Ref. [8], the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used to glow plug adaptors. The engine vibration measurements were
analyze the correlation between the vibration from a 1.6-L diesel carried out by means of a mono-axial piezoelectric accelerometer
engine and the maximum heat release rate. [9] is devoted to Endevco 7240C. The accelerometer was firmly mounted on the
investigate the relationship between in-cylinder pressure and block surface by means of a threaded pin oriented in line with the
accelerometer signal by means of the application of frequency cylinder axis. The transducer was placed on one side of the block,
response function via a single-input single-output and a multiple- close to the cylinder #1 (looking at Fig. 1, the cylinders have been
input single-output model. [10] and [11] use the block vibration numbered starting from left side, i.e. number 1, 2 and 3). Such a
to determine the in-cylinder pressure peak and its angular location position was selected basing on previous experimental activity
both in single cylinder and multi cylinder engines. devoted to investigate different positions and orientations of the
Literature highlights that most of research activity has been transducer able to guarantee high sensitivity as regards the com-
devoted to the application of accelerometer based techniques for bustion events [12,13]. The sensor sensitivity was 3 pC/g while the
the analysis of the combustion process in single cylinder diesel resonance frequency was 90 kHz. The vibration signal was condi-
engines; alternatively, in the case of multi-cylinder engines, tioned by means of the B&K Nexus device (amplifier and low pass
methodologies have been proposed focused on individual com- filter at 22.4 kHz).
bustion process. For each tested engine operating condition, the cylinder pres-
Prior research activity was devoted to investigate the effect of sure signal of 150 cycles was recorded by a high-speed data
combustion process on the engine vibration. Different positions of a acquisition system (AVL Indimodul) synchronized with the crank-
mono-axial accelerometer were tested and the most sensitive shaft position through the signals transmitted by an optical shaft
location for the transducer as regards the combustion process was encoder (AVL365C) at 0.5 crank angle degree increments.
selected during experimentation on a mono and a two-cylinder Accelerometer and crankshaft position signals were acquired by
diesel engines [12,13]. A methodology was developed in which NI boards type 6110 and 6533 by means of a software developed by
the engine block vibration signal is windowed with the aim of the authors in LabVIEW environment [13].
selecting the contribution due to one of the cylinders and is pro- All the acquired signals were averaged based on 25 cycles, in
cessed in order to remove all components due to sources other than order to attenuate the cyclic irregularities of the engine.
the combustion event. The obtained signal is then used to charac- Before starting the experiments, the engine was warmed up
terize MFB development in one of the cylinders [14]. until the coolant temperature reached 80  C. For all test cases, the
The main novelty of this paper consists in the application of the inlet air temperature and humidity were about 23  C and 45%,
above described accelerometer-based methodology to a three- respectively. The engine was tested in several steady-state oper-
cylinder diesel engine with the aim of obtaining information ating points. In particular, measurements were taken at several
about the combustion progress in more than one cylinder via the engine speeds from 1600 to 3600 rpm with a step of 400 rpm, and
signal from a single accelerometer. The transducer was mounted on at three different loads corresponding to 50, 70 and 100% of the
the engine block close to one cylinder in order to favor the com- maximum torque output (Fig. 2).
bustion process sensing related to one cylinder, whose pressure
development was investigated by extracting information from the 3. Results and discussion
acquired vibration signal. Then, the accelerometer data were used
to extend the combustion characterization procedure to the next The first part of this section presents the results obtained by
cylinder, too. applying the developed methodology to the characterization of the
The results obtained in the complete engine operative field combustion process in the cylinder located close to the acceler-
proved that the developed vibration-based methodology is effec- ometer placement (cylinder #1). Then, results are presented related
tive for remote sensing of combustion process in multi-cylinder to the identification of combustion phasing in the cylinder placed
diesel engines. close to cylinder #1 (cylinder #2).
Fig. 3 shows the pressure development in cylinder #1 over-
2. Experimental apparatus and procedures lapped to the accelerometer trace. It is possible to observe that the
acceleration signal is characterized by low frequency oscillations on
2.1. Engine setup which high frequency components are superimposed. The ampli-
tudes of these last components suddenly increase when the com-
The investigation was carried out on a three-cylinder, six valves, bustion event takes place. The vibration trace is characterized by
1028 cm3, CI engine (Fig. 1) manufactured by KOHLER Engines. It is the same behavior also in the crank angle domains where com-
compact in size and of high performance: maximum torque and bustion process takes place in cylinder #2 and cylinder #3. It has to
maximum power are available at low rotational speeds. The main be pointed out that the pressure development during combustion
G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850 845

a b
Fig. 1. a: Engine setup, the arrow indicates the accelerometer location; b: top view of the engine (without the tappet cover), the circle indicates the accelerometer.

Table 1 together with the accelerometer trace acquired during motored

Engine specifications. and fired tests. The comparison between accelerometer trends
highlights the sensitivity of the sensor as regards the combustion
Engine Compression Ignition
process: the traces initiate to differentiate only when the com-
Number of Cylinders 3, in-line
bustion process starts; when the combustion is completed, the
Bore [mm] 75.0
Stroke [mm] 77.6 traces return to be characterized by the same trend.
Displacement [cm3] 1028 Aimed at processing the accelerometer signal in order to select
Compression Ratio 17.5:1 the components mainly caused by the combustion process, an
Max. Power [kW] 15 @ 3600 rpm analysis of the acquired data in the frequency domain was per-
Max. Torque [Nm] 51 @ 2000 rpm
formed. Coherence function between in-cylinder pressure (input
Injection System Direct, CR with electronic control
Max injection pressure [bar] 1400 signal) and vibration trend (output signal) was computed via the
Aspiration Naturally Aspirated power spectral densities and the cross power density of the signals.
Coherence function is bounded between zero and one: if input and
output signals are uncorrelated, coherence function is zero; one
indicates a linear relationship between the spectral components of
the input/output signals.
Fig. 5 shows the coherence function trend related to the engine
condition 3200 rpm, full load.
The plot highlights that a frequency band exists (550e800 Hz),
in which coherence function exhibits the highest values. The
coherence function was computed for the signals acquired during
tests in the engine complete operative field and the analysis of the
obtained trends highlighted that, no matter which the engine
operating condition is, it is always possible to select a frequency
band in which coherence is characterized by very high values, thus
highlighting a good correlation between the frequency components
of in-cylinder pressure and block vibration signals. Table 2 reports
the upper and lower frequency bounds in which high values of
coherence were obtained; each line is related to a specific value of
engine speed, since the processing of the acquired data demon-
Fig. 2. Tests conditions. strated that load condition has a weak effect on the frequency band,
in agreement with results obtained during previous experimental
activity [12].
process in cylinder #3 is responsible for a reduced contribution on Basing on the results of the coherence function analysis, the
the vibration as regards combustion processes in cylinder #1 and acquired accelerometer signals have been band-pass filtered and
#2. The reduction in amplitude has shown to be depend on the the vibration components related to the combustion process have
engine operating condition and on the accelerometer position, that been selected in the signals. The obtained traces have been
was selected in order to favor the sensing of in-cylinder #1 pressure normalized by dividing the data for the maximum value and have
development. The combustion contribution of cylinder #3 to the been overlapped to the crank angle evolution of the in-cylinder
overall signal is highly contaminated by components of other pressure. Fig. 6 shows the normalized filtered accelerometer trace
sources thus to do not allow the use of accelerometer signal to and the in-cylinder pressure curve obtained for the condition of
extract information about the combustion progress. 3200 rpm, 100% load. The circle drawn in the plot highlights a zero
The effect of the pressure development during the combustion crossing of the accelerometer curve, whose angular position can be
process on the accelerometer trend is highlighted in Fig. 4. In order used to detect the beginning of the combustion process. The zero
to show the combustion related components, the difference be- crossing corresponds to the start of the negative vibration oscilla-
tween pressure during fired and motored condition is plotted, tion that precedes the oscillation characterized by the maximum
846 G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850

Fig. 3. In-cylinder pressure trend , accelerometer trace at 3200 rpm, 100% load.

Table 2
Frequency bounds.

Engine speed [rpm] Frequency [Hz]

1600 550e800
2000 600e900
2400 650e950
2800 850e1150
3200 900e1200
3600 110e1400

the combustion process.

With the aim of using the accelerometer transducer in a com-
bustion control methodology, the attention was devoted to eval-
uate the existence of a correlation between the processed
accelerometer signal and the parameters that usually are used in
combustion control algorithms. Among these, the angular position
Fig. 4. Difference between fired and motored in-cylinder pressure trace , where 50% of fuel is burned over an engine cycle (MFB50) is used
accelerometer trace in fired conditions (3200 rpm, 100% load) , accelerometer
for control purposes in order to evaluate the combustion effec-
signal in motored test .
tiveness (in terms of fuel consumption, pollutant emission, noise
radiation) through its optimal positioning. MFB50 was evaluated by
amplitude. Such a result may be ascribed to the filtration process computing the cumulated heat release curve, starting from the
that allowed to keep into the signal only the components caused by acquired in-cylinder pressure trace. Fig. 7 shows the cumulated
heat release (CHR) curve and the filtered accelerometer trace, both
normalized by dividing the data by the corresponding maximum
In the figure, circles have been used to highlight the points on
the accelerometer trace that correspond to the start of the com-
bustion process (SOC), MFB50 and MFB95, that was used to indicate
the crank angle value at which the combustion process was
completed. SOC corresponds to a zero crossing of the filtered
accelerometer trace. MFB50 and MFB95 correspond to minimum
points in the accelerometer oscillation (MFB50 corresponds to an
absolute minimum in the vibration, MFB95 corresponds to the
following third minimum). Such a result may be justified by
considering that the accelerometer sensor is very sensitive to the
combustion process, as highlighted by the comparison between
accelerometer signal during fired and motored condition (Fig. 4).
The filtration process allowed to maintain into the signal only the
combustion related components, thus the obtained oscillation is
Fig. 5. Coherence function at 3200 rpm, 100% load. linked to rise rate of pressure caused by the initial ignition of air-
G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850 847

Fig. 6. In-cylinder pressure trace , normalized filtered accelerometer trace (3200 rpm, 100% load).

Fig. 7. Cumulated heat release curve and filtered accelerometer trace (3200 rpm, 100% load).

fuel mixture; when the combustion process is completed, the select the combustion contribution of cylinder #1 (Table 2).
excitation ends and the law characterizing the variation of oscilla- The filtration process allowed to keep into the accelerometer
tion amplitude changes. trace the frequency components caused by the combustion events
Once the accelerometer was used to extract information about in the cylinders (the maxima amplitude of oscillations are in the
the combustion development in one cylinder (cylinder #1), the crank angle intervals in which combustions take place). It is
possibility of using the same accelerometer signal to provide a possible to observe that the amplitude of the signals is affected by
characterization of the combustion event in the adjacent cylinder the accelerometer position (the amplitudes related to cylinder #1
(cylinder #2) was investigated. are higher than those related to cylinder #2; combustion contri-
Fig. 8 shows the in-cylinder pressure signals and the acceler- bution of cylinder #3 cannot be detected).
ometer trace. The filtered vibration trace was used to evaluate SOC, MFB50
The effect of combustion on the vibration trend is noticeable, and MFB95 in the engine operative field. The same parameters
even if the amplitude of the high frequency components during the were computed basing on the cumulated heat release curve that
combustion event of cylinder #2 is smaller than that related to was evaluated starting from the pressure in cylinders #1 and #2.
cylinder #1. The ROHR for cylinder #2 was computed starting from Following Figures from 10 to 12 show the effect on the combustion
the pressure measurement and MFB50 and MFB95 were evaluated indicators of the engine speed variation when the load condition is
in the complete engine operative field. Fig. 9 presents the traces constant: plot of Fig. 10 presents the values related to full load
obtained for the condition of 3200 rpm, full load. In the plot, the condition; Fig. 11 displays the data obtained at 70% of load and
filtered accelerometer signal is also shown. The filtration was per- Fig. 12 shows the indicators related to 50% of load. In all plots, data
formed by using the same frequency band that was employed to on x axis show the data computed starting via ROHR, while crank
848 G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850

Fig. 8. Pressure trend in cylinder #1 , cylinder #2 , accelerometer trace at 3200 rpm, 100% load.

angle values in y axis were computed via filtered accelerometer

curve. Each plot reports the data related to cylinder #1 (blue
rhombs) and to cylinder #2 (red squares). In all plots the interpo-
lation lines are drawn. In order to determine how certain one can be
in making prediction from the accelerometer measurement, the
correlation coefficient was computed. It gives a measure of the
strength of the linear association between data computed via the
non-intrusive measure and via the in-cylinder pressure signal. The
square of correlation coefficient (R2) was computed (it represents
the percent of the data that is the closest to the line of best fit) and it
is shown in the plots next to the interpolation lines.
The obtained R2 coefficients were grouped and are presented in
Table 3. In each line, the values are related to a fixed value of engine
speed. The table highlights that the obtained coefficients are every
close to the unity in all tested conditions, giving a measure of the
very high reliability of the relationship between the data.
Fig. 9. Rate of heat release curve for cylinder #1 , cylinder #2 , filtered
Aimed at obtaining a measure of the deviation of predictions
accelerometer trace (3200 rpm, 100% load). from their values computed by in-cylinder pressure measurements,

Fig. 10. SOC, MFB50, MFB95: cylinder #1 , cylinder #2 , 100% load, 1600, 2000, 24000, 2800, 3200 and 3600 rpm.
G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850 849

the mean absolute error values (MAE) of the obtained data were
computed. For each rating-computed pair, the absolute error was
evaluated. By first summing these absolute errors of the pairs and
then computing the average, MAE was estimated. Tables 4 and 5
report the MAE values obtained for cylinder #1 and #2,

4. Conclusions

This paper presents the experimental results of the application

of a methodology developed by the authors in which the signal
from an accelerometer is used to obtain information about the
combustion development in the cylinders of a CR diesel engine.
Although the accelerometer signal is affected by the contribu-
tion of many sources, the filtration in a specified frequency band
allows to insulate the contribution due to the combustion events in
Fig. 11. SOC, MFB50, MFB95: cylinder #1 , cylinder #2 , 70% load, 1600, 2000, 24000, two of the three cylinders of the engine. It was not possible to apply
2800, 3200 and 3600 rpm. the methodology also to the third cylinder since the signal-to-noise

Fig. 12. SOC, MFB50, MFB95: cylinder #1 , cylinder #2 , 50% load, 1600, 2000, 24000, 2800, 3200 and 3600 rpm.

Table 3 ratio did not allow to obtain information about the combustion
Square of correlation coefficient - R2. progress.
Engine speed [rpm] Cyl#1 Cyl#2

1600 0,9995 0,9982 Table 5

2000 0,9989 0,9988 Mean absolute error e cylinder#2.
2400 0,9994 0,9966 - the error for SOI predictions of cylinder #1 was always less than 0,74 crank angle
2800 0,9992 0,983 degree; for cylinder #2 it was always less than 1,38 crank angle degree;
3200 0,9989 0,9713 - the error for MFB50 predictions of cylinder #1 was always less than 1,1 crank
3600 0,9982 0,9965
angle degree; for cylinder #2 it was always less than 1,32 crank angle degree;
- the error for MFB95 predictions of cylinder #1 was always less than 1,1 crank
angle degree; for cylinder #2 it was always less than 1,29 crank angle degree.

Table 4 Engine speed [rpm] SOI MFB50 MFB95

Mean absolute error e cylinder#1. 1600 0,72 0,35 0,91
2000 1 1,19 0,67
Engine speed [rpm] SOI MFB50 MFB95
2400 1,37 1,2 1,29
1600 0,39 0,63 0,48 2800 1,38 1,32 1,16
2000 0,47 1 1,01 3200 0,84 1,1 1,02
2400 0,67 0,45 1,11 3600 1,22 0,45 0,76
2800 0,24 0,65 0,79
The tables highlight:
3200 0,53 0,81 0,78
The obtained values provide evidence of the accuracy of the methodology in the
3600 0,74 1,1 0,75
predictions of combustion indicators for both cylinders.
850 G. Chiatti et al. / Energy 133 (2017) 843e850

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