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APRIL 2011


Published Monthly
Altrusa International, Inc.
Of Montrose, Colorado
PO Box 3184
Montrose, CO. 81402-3184 President’s Report
Betty Lundgren
Editor & Publisher
by Kaye Hotsenpiller
970 252-3610 Hello Altrusans:
Kaye Hotsenpiller—President I spent a wonderful few days in San Diego, California. Fourteen hours in a car
970 249-7929 with four children taught me patience and seeing the ocean reminded me of how
Diane Winger— thankful I am to live in this beautiful country.
President Elect The Spring Luncheon was a fantastic event. It always amazes me the manpower
970 765-8885 that goes into the event. I also appreciate getting to know different members. I
Linda Riba— tried a new duty this year as a table server. It allowed me to learn something new
First Vice President and to help in ways that I am comfortable with. Great job Lorie and Committee Members.
970 240-5489
Ginny Spaven— District Ten Conference is right around the corner. Please get your entry forms
Second Vice President in. Altrusa can help reimburse you for a large amount of the cost. Conference is
970 964-4379 a great way to get to know our own members, other clubs, but also to learn more
about Altrusa.
Lorie Bollig—Secretary
970 249-6823 Club surveys are being tallied and results will be presented to the Board and Club
Allison Nadel—Treasurer in May. We would like to have a continued funding conversation in May as well. It sounds as if the discussions were around leaving the Spring Luncheon as it
970 240-3091 currently is, but focus on less money as a goal. Other topics were the possibility
Roberta Hoey—Past President around not having the Holiday Festival every year and should we be doing a golf tournament when it competes with so many other golf tournaments that happen
970 249-3873 in our community. I am thrilled with the overall push to get away from handing
Martha Dusio— out money and more emphasis on providing service to our community.
Director/Parliamentarian I hope to see a big showing at Conference.
970 249-7469
Lita Sargent—Director Sincerely—Kaye
970 417-1145
Page 2 Martha’s Parliamentary Quiz, May Birthdays & Upcoming Programs
Page 3 Conference Reminder & Events
Pages 4 & 5 Luncheon Recap & Photos!
Page 6 & 7 Altrusa Business Meeting Minutes—April 19, 2011
Martha’s Parliamentary Presentation…
TRUE or FALSE. Circle T if the statement is true or F if it is false.

T F 71. A two-thirds vote means two-thirds of those present.

T F 72. A series of meetings leading up to the organization of a society are in the nature of mass meetings.

T F 73. The bylaws of a local organized society should establish a procedure for calling
special meetings.

T F 74. Boards have no minimum size.

T F 75. If a society has a corporate charter, it is not necessary to have a constitution or bylaws.

Answers are located on page 3 of this newsletter.

Reprinted with permission of: National Association of Parliamentarians®

213 S Main Street
Independence, MO 64050-3808
"" ""

Mark Your Calendar For These Other Upcoming Programs or Events

May 3—Hospice Care Center
May 24—Service Commi ee Grants
May 31—Installa on of Officers
July 22—25—Altrusa Interna onal Conven on in Rapid City, SD. Let Kaye know if you are
interested in a ending since lists of delegates/alternates are due very soon!

May Birthdays! Marianne Cross May 7

Joey Huskey May 15
Judy Copeland May 16
Ginny Spaven May 18
Connie Trosper May 18
Linda Riba May 21
Pat MacTiernan May 23
Dena Brooks May 31

Please Put On Your Calendar and
Plan to Attend!

Parliamentary Presentation Quiz Answers

Group 7 answers: 71-F, 72-T, 73-T, 74-T, 75-F

Music Makes Memories—Luncheon Update by Lorie Bollig

Music Makes Memories -- what a memorable occasion this turned out to be for me.
The 2011 Altrusa Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show was a huge success due to the combined efforts of our club mem-
bers. Going into this as chairperson I was scared to death . . . but, in short time I realized that Altrusans make things happen
"together." The members on the committee took their duties seriously and just as my predecessors had promised the event
fell into place like clockwork. It was definitely one of those "Proud Altrusa Moments."

The final report to the club will be available soon. At that time, I anticipate reporting a substantial profit over what was
budgeted. There will be a wrap up committee meeting on Tuesday, April 26. I would encourage all committee members to
attend and be prepared with final reports to pass along to next year's committee. At that time the theme and suggestions for
changes to next year's event will be discussed as well. Therefore, even if you were not part of the committee for this year
please plan to attend if you want to be part of this wonderful committee for next year.

I wanted to write this article not only to THANK our club for always coming through but to also encourage those of you
who might not feel qualified to take on leadership positions within our club. As it has been mentioned before, I was an ex-
tremely shy person lacking the confidence to want to take on any chairperson role. But as indicated in Mamie L. Bass'
“Principles of Altrusa,” Altrusa is a Builder of Women. And yes, it does work. Start small within a committee and work your
way up. You will soon realize that your fellow members will never leave you high and dry and the reward of self-satisfaction
is a great payoff. Another excuse often heard is the "lack of time." We are all busy, but the reward for making time to help
oneself grow and improve is priceless.

Going forward, I am anticipating great things for our club with newer members taking on more responsibilities. With new
leadership comes innovative ideas and energy. What a great opportunity for Altrusa International Inc. of Montrose, CO!!

(Right) Jana Ackerman at

the table she decorated
with Lita Sargent

(Left) Carolee Hawkins

and Alison Nadel’s Table

(Right) Margaret
Goodhue’s Table

Magic Circle Players’ Table

Altrusa Spring Luncheon…
So Much Creativity From The Decorators!
These are only a few of the beautiful tables our hostesses decorated

Jan Musson (shown below) and Alice Vest

Decorated a “Teddy Bear” Table

Carol Parker and Val Burnell’s Table had a western theme.

Ginny Spaven’s

Jeanne Kuchynka
((right) at the table
she decorated with
Debby Curtis

Rose Price’s Table


President Kaye Hotsenpiller called the mee ng to order at 12:05 pm. A quorum was present.

Joyce Loss introduced her guest Sherry Faith from Re red Senior Volunteer Program. Sherry thanked the club for our dona on to them
last year.
Susan Woody announced that the sprinkler system is in place and opera ng at the Valley Garden in the Botanical Gardens.
Susan Woody also advised that during last week’s Apple Teacher Award, Dr. Call from Mesa State College donated his $25 in MAMA
bucks back to Joey Montoya Boese for student assistance at Mesa State.
Kaye Hotsenpiller advised the membership that a copy of the Nina Faye Calhoun Award Applica on was at the check in table for view-
ing. This is an award based on Interna onal Rela ons efforts.

Literacy Commi ee will be mee ng today
Jewelry Assembly for District Conference Show and Sell will be today
Zero Waste Luncheon hosted by the Environmental Commi ee will be 4/26
Elaine Moore -- District Ten Conference May 6-8. The following updates were given to the club: a) Expeditors will be wearing pink
boas. b) To date there are 57 registered a endees. c) Twelve volunteers will be sewing tote bags tomorrow at 9:00 at Powder-
horn Industries. d) If member businesses would like to donate items for the guest bags they are welcome to do so. e) David
Mangum will provide the necessary music for the flag procession and opening/closing ceremonies. f) The commi ee is in need of
a podium with a Public Address system if anyone has access to one. g) The Holiday Inn will be flocked by ASTRA as a welcome –
$100 is needed from the club or private dona ons.
Michelle Go lieb – Fun Night, District Ten Conference. Michelle announced that she needs approximately 30 empty soda cans, 6 plas-
c yo-yo’s and a large stop watch for the Minute to Win It compe on.
Joyce Loss invited the club to the Colona Tea on Sunday, May 1.
Sandra Tyler reminded the club to turn in Service hours.
Diane Winger announced that the commi ee sign up notebook is circula ng.
Cheryl Gibson wanted to make sure that the club did not have any ques ons in regard to the recycling field trips available.

The minutes of the March 15, 2011 mee ng were approved as presented.
Lorie Bollig presented correspondence that included Thank You Notes from the following: Pat Vitela, Montrose Elementary A er
School Program, Community Op ons, Hilltop on behalf of Tri-County Resource Center, MHS Gradua ng Class, Passage Charter

Allison Nadel presented the Treasurer Report and Financial Statements. They will be filed as presented.

Founda on Financials presented by Alice Vest. She indicated that Spring Luncheon totals are not final yet; The Sushi ni generated $882
net profit; final pledges have been paid on Montrose Community Stadium and Montrose Medical Mission; Lifeline will have 31 units
that will need to be re red at the end of 2012.


PROGRAMS – Diane Winger

4/26/11 Earth Day Luncheon - Environmental Commi ee
5/03/11 Hospice Care Center
5/24/11 Service Commi ee Funding Recap
6/07/11 Internal Program for Brainstorming Session


One resigna on by Carolyn Otero was received. Current membership is at a total of 79 including 2 emeritus.

SERVICE – Ginny Spaven

On behalf of the Service Commi ee, Ginny MOVED to grant $300 to Montrose Rock Climbing Team for the renova on of the ex-
is ng rock climbing wall. To date $35,000 has been raised for this project with approximately $2,000 remaining. MOTION
PASSED. Con nued

On behalf of the Service Commi ee, Ginny MOVED to fund $350 to Daughters of American Revolu on for a history wri ng con-
test first place prize money. MOTION PASSED.
Due to addi onal informa on received since the Board Mee ng, a request from Friends of the PowWow has been tabled pend-
ing more discussion and informa on.
Ginny advised that the club received an invita on from MAPA to par cipate in their annual Trivia Night contest. Due to a sched-
uling conflict with our District Ten Conference it was decided not to par cipate.
On behalf of the Service Commi ee, Ginny MOVED to grant $70 to We Bead Connected to supplement $430 granted from Inter-
na onal Rela ons Commi ee for educa onal expense of students in Uganda. MOTION PASSED.
Ginny announced that Run for Shelter walk/run is 4/30/2011 for anyone interested in par cipa ng.
On behalf of the District Ten Conference Planning Commi ee, Elaine Moore MOVED to spend $80 of club funds to be combined
with a $20 private dona on for the flocking at the Holiday Inn. Becky Wolford moved to amend the mo on to indicate the
funds come from the Service Budget. Further discussion included Martha Dusio advoca ng for Club Funds. The amended
mo on to use Service Funds DID NOT PASS. The original MOTION FOR CLUB FUNDS BEING USED PASSED.
On behalf of the District Ten Conference Planning Commi ee, Elaine Moore wanted to know if anyone had included the $10
Show/Sell fee in their registra on – she also reminded the club to not forget the Baby Items for the Hands On Service Pro-

MHS ASTRA – Lori Michaels

Lori advised that MHS ASTRA is currently conduc ng their Baby Food Drive. Any dona ons should be brought to next
week’s mee ng. Ini a on is scheduled for May 1 at 4:00 at the Holiday Inn. A signup sheet is going around for appe zers
and Joyce Loss will be baking and decora ng a cake.

OLATHE ASTRA – Michelle Gotlieb

Michelle advised that Olathe ASTRA has scheduled their Literacy Nights and they seem to be a success. They will be serving
dinner at the Senior Sports Banquet. They are also looking for addi onal fundraising ideas.

Member Survey results will be presented at the May Business Mee ng.


Kaye announced that according to the by-laws, the following individuals would represent our club as Delegates to District Ten Confer-
ence: President – Kaye Hotsenpiller; President Elect – Diane Winger; First Vice President – Linda Riba; Treasurer Elect – Mari-
anne Cross; Secretary-Elect – Elaine Hale-Jones. The following individuals would be the Alternates: First Vice President Elect –
Allison Nadel; Secretary – Lorie Bollig; Second Vice President – Ginny Spaven; Second Vice President Elect – Dorinda Elder; Di-
rector – Martha Dusio. Becky Wolford MOVED to approve these individuals. MOTION PASSED.
Kaye ques oned who was planning on a ending Interna onal Conven on. Eight members indicated a possibility. Kaye will report
back to the club at May Business mee ng for a vote on those Delegates and Alternates.
On behalf of the Literacy Commi ee Jana Ackerman presented a request from the Montrose Library Summer Reading Program: One
World Many Stories to foster children’s philanthropy. The program is set up with three different benchmarks: The first one is at
200,000 combined reading minutes and the award is a dona on from the Library Staff to Heifer Int’l for an animal to be pur-
chased for a needy country. They are reques ng a dona on of $200 to be used as the second goal achieved with a total of
400,000 accumulated reading minutes. This money would also be used to purchase an animal through Heifer, Int’l and donated
to needy country. The third benchmark is combined 600,000 reading minutes and the award is $1000 dona on by Montrose
Community Founda on to KidsAid Backpack program. The Literacy Commi ee has the funds available in their budget. Mari-
anne Cross MOVED to adopt this new project. MOTION PASSED.
Linda Riba announced the opportunity to par cipate in American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Sandra Tyler has volunteered to be
the team contact if anyone is interested.
Diane Winger MOVED to approve the par cipa on of the club at the Mission to Ride Aide Sta on on Sunday, May 15. MOTION
Sandra Tyler MOVED to provide two Par al Registra on Scholarships at $65 each to ASTRA for a endance at District Ten Conference
with one being awarded to MHS and one to Olathe. A er much discussion about how the District Board was missing an oppor-
tunity to showcase and involve the five local ASTRA clubs but the realiza on that our club had no control, the MOTION PASSED.

There being no further business, the mee ng was adjourned at 1:25 pm.

Respec ully submi ed,

Lorie Bollig

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