A Review and Evaluation of Thermal Insulation Materials and Methods For Thermal Energy Storage Systems

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

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A review and evaluation of thermal insulation materials and methods for T

thermal energy storage systems
Willy Villasmil , Ludger J. Fischer, Jörg Worlitschek

School of Engineering and Architecture, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 6048 Horw, Switzerland


Keywords: As thermal energy storage (TES) technologies gain more significance in the global energy market, there is an
Thermal insulation increasing demand to improve their energy efficiency and, more importantly, reduce their costs. In this article,
Thermal energy storage (TES) two different methods for insulating TES systems that are either incorporated inside residential buildings or
Thermal conductivity buried underground in direct vicinity of the building are reviewed and discussed. Boundary conditions are
Vacuum insulation panel (VIP)
storage volumes in the range 10 – 1000 m3 and storage temperatures up to 90 °C. The first method involves the
Vacuum superinsulation
Evacuated powders
application of thermal insulation materials on the outside of the storage. Thermophysical properties and costs of
conventional materials (such as mineral wools and organic foams) are compared against those of state-of-the-art
products such as vacuum insulation panels and aerogels. A parametric comparative analysis is conducted to
evaluate the combined costs of thermal insulation and living space occupied by the thermal insulation for TES
systems integrated inside buildings. It is shown, for example, that the use of vacuum insulation panels becomes
advantageous when the economic value of saving living space outweighs the extra cost of the insulation itself.
The second method discussed is the so-called evacuated powders, in which the insulation is realized by creating
an evacuated double-wall powder-containing envelope around the storage. The theoretical foundations of this
method are discussed and the properties of commonly used powders – such as expanded perlite and fumed silica
– are provided. Reference costs of double-wall vacuum-insulated TES tanks are provided and the use of evac-
uated powders is compared against the application of conventional insulation materials.

1. Introduction power plants [7–9], large underground water tanks in DH networks

[10], and borehole thermal energy storage in district heating systems to
In combination with thermal energy storage, renewable energy store industrial waste heat [11–13].
technologies offer a vast potential for the supply of residential space There are essentially three methods for thermal energy storage:
heating and the production of domestic hot water (DHW). Space and chemical, latent, and sensible [14]. Chemical storage, despite its po-
water heating are responsible for a large portion of the energy needs of tential benefits associated to high energy densities and negligible heat
residential buildings: 79% in Europe [1] and 62% in the United States losses, does not yet show clear advantages for building applications due
[2]. While solar thermal collector technologies are becoming wide- to its complexity, uncertainty, high costs, and the lack of a suitable
spread, cheaper, and increasingly more efficient [3], the intermittent material for chemical storage that satisfies all the requirements for
nature of solar energy poses a challenge in the route toward increasing building operations [15]. While chemical storage technology is still at
the solar fraction during the winter season. This limitation can be laboratory stage, sensible and latent heat technologies are matured and
overcome by incorporating seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) to already at industrial stage [16]. In addition to their lower energy
balance – on a yearly basis – the temporal mismatch between high solar densities, one of the major shortcomings of latent and sensible storage
yield in summer and high heat demand in winter [4]. The potential of is that they store thermal energy at higher temperatures and thus incur
applying STES in combination with renewable energy sources has been unavoidable heat losses. Moreover, when heat is stored over a long
investigated for a number of different configurations, including ther- period of time, such as in seasonal storage systems, heat losses can
mally stratified hot-water tanks incorporated in residential buildings to become substantial if the storage container is not properly insulated.
store solar energy [5,6], pit storage in district heating (DH) systems in Heat losses represent, in fact, the greatest concern in seasonal sensible
combination with waste heat utilization, solar thermal and biomass storage systems [17].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: willy.villasmil@hslu.ch (W. Villasmil).

Received 31 July 2018; Received in revised form 5 December 2018; Accepted 17 December 2018
Available online 28 December 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

Nomenclature STES Seasonal thermal energy storage

T Temperature [°C]
A Area [m2] TES Thermal energy storage
d Diameter of the storage container [m] V Volume [m3]
DHW Domestic hot water VIP Vacuum insulation panel
dp Mean pore size [m] XPS Extruded polystyrene
EPS Expanded polystyrene
GW Glass wool Greek symbols
h Height of storage container [m]
L Thickness of insulation layer [m] λ Thermal conductivity [mW m–1 K–1]
MVBEP Market value of real estate at break-even point [€ m–2] ρ Density [kg m–3]
p Pressure [Pa] σcc Compressive stress at 10% deformation [kPa]
PUR-PIR Polyurethane-polyisocyanurate

The problem of reaching an increased market diffusion of sensible insulated on the external walls [27–29], and the internal walls [30,31].
STES is not attributed to a lack of knowledge of these technologies, In the field of TES, similar studies and review articles are not widely
which is considered to be high, but rather to their high cost [18]. Thus, available in the literature.
minimizing the annual heat losses while ensuring the economic viabi- The primary objective of this paper is to present a thorough review
lity of the storage becomes a task of increasing importance in the path and discussion on thermal insulation materials and methods suitable for
towards sustainable-energy buildings. These conflicting requirements TES applications up to 90 °C. By providing relevant material char-
typically lead to an optimization problem in which the costs of the acteristics, thermophysical properties, and reference material costs, it
insulation system and the storage container need to be balanced against aims to serve as a concise reference tool in an endeavor to bring to-
the penalty costs associated to the annual heat losses and the space gether the many studies available in the literature related to thermal
occupied by the storage. The latter is particularly relevant when the insulation methods for energy storage, energy-efficient buildings and
storage is placed inside a residential or commercial building, given that related fields. This article also presents a straightforward comparative
the volume of currently available storage systems is still considerable analysis that evaluates the economic potential of applying state-of-the-
and represents a critical factor in the cost optimization problem [19]. art thermal insulation (such as vacuum insulation panels) in seasonal
One of the most significant aspects in the cost optimization of a TES systems integrated inside residential buildings. This potential is
storage system is its thermal insulation. The selection and specification quantified through comparison of the combined cost of (1) the thermal
of the insulation system (material/method and thermal resistance) not insulation material, and (2) the living space occupied by the thermal
only determines the associated investment costs, but more importantly, insulation. A more detailed economic assessment including dynamic
it largely governs the thermal efficiency of the storage system over its simulations is beyond the scope of this study. The economic analysis
lifetime. Moreover, in thermally stratified hot water tanks, avoiding presented here aims at estimating the magnitude of potential savings
heat losses is even more important given that such losses enhance and to stimulate additional research in thermal insulation techniques
convective mixing, which deteriorate the thermal stratification and for thermal energy storage.
ultimately reduce the exergetic efficiency of the storage [20–22]. In the
building sector, thermal insulation continues to receive significant at-
tention in the literature as there is well-established knowledge about 2. Scenarios and boundary conditions
the strong correlation between the energy consumption of a building
and the characteristics of its envelope [23–26]. In terms of the eco- In this work, the focus is on STES systems above 60 °C for direct
nomic aspect of thermal insulation, several studies have presented supply of space heating and production of domestic hot water in single
different methods to optimize the thermal insulation of buildings buildings. Storage volumes between 10 and 1000 m3 are regarded for
this application. The concepts and data presented here can nevertheless

Fig. 1. Scenarios considered for the incorporation of seasonal thermal energy storage systems in buildings.

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

be applied also to larger STES systems suitable for clusters of buildings development of a robust and cost-effective vapor barrier capable of pro-
or district heating. In larger systems, however, the energetic and eco- tecting the thermal insulation against moisture over the lifetime of the
nomic relevance of the thermal insulation is usually not as important as storage system – typically between 20 and 50 years. The second challenge
in smaller storage systems. This follows from the smaller surface-to- is to limit the long-term creep deformation of the thermal insulation that
volume ratio of larger systems and consequently their fundamentally results from the simultaneous effects of temperature and hydrostatic
different thermal behavior and economic characteristics. pressure. Identifying suitable materials for this application is not dis-
The scenarios considered here for the application of the thermal cussed here, but will be the subject of a subsequent paper.
insulation are shown in Fig. 1. In these scenarios, a typical STES system For the scenario in which the storage is located outside the building,
consists of a thermally stratified water tank with a maximum tem- a hot water tank completely buried underground is considered. An
perature in the range 60 – 90 °C [32]. Lower storage temperatures may example of such a system is the 23 m3 elliptical concrete tank buried
allow a reduction of heat losses, however at the expense of a larger next to a 215 m2 single-family house in Galway, Ireland [40]. The heat
storage volume and the cost of incorporating supporting equipment input to the storage is provided by a solar collector array with a total
(e.g. a heat pump) to increase the temperature to a useful level [33]. aperture area of 10.6 m2. The building, constructed to low-energy
The benefits of limiting the storage temperature below 100 °C include: Passive House standards, has a specific annual heating demand of 9.5
(1) lower thermal losses from the heat storage, (2) lower cost and vo- kWh m–2 a–1 (space heating only: 5.6 kWh m–2 a–1). With a maximum
lume of the thermal insulation, (3) lower thermal stress, (4) the possi- storage temperature of about 65 °C, the STES system allows achieving a
bility of realizing the STES system with an unpressurized water tank total heat demand solar fraction of 47%.
made of low-cost materials, and (5) the possibility of incorporating As compared to a storage system incorporated in the building, an
thermal insulation on the inside of an unpressurized water reservoir. underground storage system located outside can be expected to be more
In new constructions, the most common practice for the realization economically favorable in locations where the cost of giving up usable
of STES is to integrate a cylindrical steel tank in the middle of the living space for the storage system is higher than the additional com-
building with the aim of making use of the thermal losses from the tank plexities and excavation costs associated to the underground storage.
[34]. With this configuration, thermal losses from the storage can Furthermore, an underground STES system allows conserving available
contribute to cover as much as 20% of the space heating demand in land space, helps insulating the storage by virtue of the more stable and
winter [35]. The disadvantage, on the other hand, is that thermal losses less severe underground conditions in winter [41], and avoids the vi-
from the storage continue to supply heat during the summer season, sual impact on the landscape. The latter aspect is crucial in locations
which might lead to an undesirable increase in the indoor room tem- where landscape is especially valued, considering that visual impact is
perature. The storage tank sits typically on the building foundation as frequently an important reason for opposition to renewable energy
shown in Fig. 1(a). An example of an integrated STES system is the projects [42,43].
205 m3 cylindrical steel tank incorporated in a 900 m2 multi-family While large-scale hot-water STES systems (> 10,000 m3) have been
house in Berne, Switzerland [36,37]. The heat input to the storage is realized in numerous projects in Germany and Denmark for district
exclusively provided by an array of solar collectors with a total aperture heating [44,45], only a limited storage capacity based on small-scale
area of 276 m2. The house, constructed to the low-energy Swiss Mi- STES systems has been installed so far. This is likely the result of the
nergie-P standard, has a specific annual heating demand of 21 kWh m–2 high costs associated with small STES systems, as investment costs are
a–1. With a maximum storage temperature of 90 °C [38], the hot-water known to increase dramatically when the storage volume is reduced
STES system allows achieving a solar fraction of 100%. [17,39]. The economic hurdle of small-scale systems highlights the
One method to be explored to allow the integration of a STES system importance of developing cost-effective thermal insulation solutions
in an existing building is the retrofit of an unused underground room that allow the storage structure to be built of low-cost materials and,
enclosure. The retrofit would consist of applying appropriate vapor bar- more importantly, to reduce the space required by large storage systems
rier and thermal insulation materials to the walls, floor, and ceiling of the incorporated inside buildings.
room to allow the entire space to be transformed in a hot water reservoir
for thermal energy storage. The challenges of incorporating the insulation
material on the inside wall of the storage are similar to those faced in the 3. Thermal insulation methods and materials
construction of hot water pit storages [39]. The first challenge is the
For the application of thermal insulation under the scenarios shown

Fig. 2. Cross-section of a thermal storage showing the arrangements considered in this work for the incorporation of thermal insulation. (a) on the outside of the
storage wall (e.g. using conventional thermal insulation materials); (b) double-wall vacuum filled with powder particles (also known as evacuated powders).

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

in Fig. 1, the two arrangements schematically represented in Fig. 2 are building and TES applications in today’s market. These materials are
considered: (a) thermal insulation applied on the outside wall of the usually produced in the form of mats or boards, and the fact that they
storage (e.g. using organic foams, or vacuum insulation panels), dis- can be perforated and cut without deteriorating their insulating cap-
cussed in Section 3.1, and (b) a double-wall vacuum envelope packed ability makes them easy and robust to handle and install. Similar to
with powder particles (also known as evacuated powders), discussed in other fibrous and foamy materials, their density – and consequently
Section 3.2. their thermal conductivity – can vary over a wide range (e.g. 8–150 kg/
m3 for glass wool). This characteristic allows the density to be used as a
tuning parameter in the manufacturing process to produce materials
3.1. Thermal insulation applied to the storage outside wall
with specific thermal and mechanical properties.
The thermal performance of insulation materials can be evaluated
Whenever possible, applying thermal insulation on the outside wall
by comparing either the thermal conductivity (λ) or the material
of the storage is usually the simplest and most cost-effective option. One
thickness (L) required to provide a given thermal resistance (R-value =
of the main advantages of this arrangement is that the thermal in-
L/λ). Here, a reference R-value of 10 m2 K W–1 (suitable for STES) is
sulation is neither subject to the pressure of the storage, nor directly
used to allow a direct cost comparison of the various insulation mate-
exposed to the hot water reservoir. In contrast to systems in which the
rials. This comparison is presented in Table 2 and Fig. 4, in which the
thermal insulation is applied on the inside of the storage, this config-
required material thicknesses (L) were computed using the thermal
uration allows the use of a pressurized hot-water tank and the max-
conductivities listed in Table 2 – the latter being mean λ-values derived
imum storage temperature to be set independently of the compressive
from the ranges shown in Table 1. As compared to the group of su-
strength of the thermal insulation material. The downside is the need to
perinsulators, the unit costs of conventional insulation materials fall
build the storage structure out of corrosion-resistant materials given its
within a relatively narrow range – from 32 €/m2 for EPS to 59 €/m2 for
direct exposure to the hot water reservoir.
PUR-PIR foams. The insulation thickness – another parameter of major
A selection of thermal insulation materials that can be applied on
relevance in the optimization of STES systems integrated inside build-
the storage outside wall is presented in Table 1, along with their most
ings – ranges from 25 cm for PUR-PIR to 40 cm for rock wool. It will be
relevant thermophysical properties. The selection was made on the
shown in Section 4 that this difference in thickness can have a sig-
basis of commercially available materials with maximum service tem-
nificant impact on the volume occupied by the thermal insulation and
peratures adequate for thermal energy storage in the range 60 – 90 °C.
ultimately on the penalty costs associated to the space occupied by the
Foam glass, in spite of its high thermal conductivity and high cost, has
storage inside a residential building.
been included in this list because of its superior compressive strength –
Specific applications of conventional thermal insulation materials to
up to 1600 kPa according to EN 826 [46] – which makes it an ideal
STES systems include the hot-water tanks produced by Jenni
candidate for insulating the foundations of a large storage system. From
Energietechnik [57,58]. Their steel tanks operate at 3 bar and a max-
the perspective of energy efficiency, the thermal conductivity is typi-
imum temperature of 95 °C, with storage volumes up to 200 m3. The
cally the most important property to be considered in the evaluation of
tanks are insulated either with glass wool (thickness: 13–30 cm, leading
insulating materials. The thermal conductivity, λ, largely depends on
to R-values in the range 3.4–7.9 m2 K W–1) or with a foam-type in-
the density, internal structure (pore fraction and pore size), tempera-
sulation, the technical details of which could not be found. The cost of a
ture, and moisture content of the insulation material [47–51]. For the
32 m3 tank – with integrated internal heat exchangers for the solar and
sake of providing a concise overview, thermal conductivity values re-
DHW circuits – is about 38,000 € (excl. VAT) or roughly 1200 €/m3
ported here (Table 1 and Fig. 3) correspond to dry materials at 20 °C
[59]. At a tank diameter of 2.4 m, the cost of insulating this tank with
and do not include the dependence on the aforementioned variables.
glass wool (assuming a 30-cm thick layer and the specific cost given in
Table 2) would be about 2400 € – i.e. roughly 6% of the total cost of the
3.1.1. Conventional thermal insulation materials tank. Another example of conventional insulation materials applied to
The European market of insulating materials is characterized by the STES systems is the 23 m3 hot water tank that was briefly described in
domination of two groups of products, namely inorganic fibrous ma- Section 2 – an elliptical concrete tank completely buried underground
terials (glass wool and rock wool), which account for 60% of the next to a single-family house in Galway, Ireland [40]. An economic
market, and organic foamy materials (EPS and XPS and to a lesser ex- analysis of this system revealed that the total costs of the thermal in-
tent PUR-PIR), which account for 27% of the market [52]. The high- sulation adds up to 3060 €, or roughly 25% of the total costs of the
performance rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foam storage tank [60]. As of 2016, the total cost of the tank (including ex-
[53–55] is sometimes regarded as a transitional material between cavation costs and pipework) was 10,300 € (excl. VAT) or 450 €/m3.
conventional materials and the group of so-called “superinsulation” The tank is externally insulated with 20 cm of PUR spray insulation and
products, which includes vacuum insulation panels (VIP) and aerogels 40 cm of EPS on the walls. The top of the tank is insulated with 40 cm of
[56]. As shown in Fig. 3, conventional insulation materials can offer EPS and 8 cm of PUR spray insulation. Additionally, the tank sits on
thermal conductivities in the range 19–46 mW m–1 K–1, and their 60 cm of EPS to insulate the bottom. The overall R-value of the thermal
characteristic low cost makes them the preferred option in many

Table 1
Thermophysical properties of thermal insulation materials. λː thermal conductivity at 20 °C, dry material; ρ: bulk density; Tmax: maximum service temperature. σcc
compressive stress at 10% deformation. VIP: vacuum insulation panels; XPS: extruded polystyrene; EPS: expanded polystyrene; PUR-PIR: polyurethane-poly-
isocyanurate foam.
Insulation material Type λ [mW m–1 K–1] ρ [kg m–3] Tmax [°C] σcc [kPa] Refs.

VIP Superinsulation 4–8 65–300 90 45–120 [61,86,113–115]

Silica aerogels Superinsulation 4–20 3–350 750 ~0–5000 [61,86,90,113,114,116,117]
PUR-PIR Organic, foamy 19–30 25–100 120 100–500 [31,52,54,86,114,115,118]
XPS Organic, foamy 25–35 20–80 75 150–700 [52,86,115,118,119]
EPS Organic, foamy 29–41 10–50 80 60–260 [52,86,115,118–120]
Glass wool Inorganic, fibrous 30–46 8–150 500 15–80 [50,52,86,114,115,118]
Rock wool Inorganic, fibrous 33–46 13–240 750 15–80 [50,52,115,121]
Foam glass Inorganic, foamy 38–61 100–200 > 400 400–1600 [86,122–126]

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

Fig. 3. Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials (dry, at 20 °C). The dots represent average values and the bars indicate the range of values found in the
literature. Numerical values and references are given in Table 1.

Table 2
Specific material cost of an insulating layer with an R-value of 10 m2 K W–1.
Except for VIP, listed λ-values correspond to means from the range specified in
Table 1. For VIP, a long-term value (> 25 years of aging) of 8 mW m–1 K–1 is
typically deemed representative for commercial VIPs.
Insulation material λ [mW m–1 K–1] Cost [€ m–2] Refs.

EPS 35 32 [47,114,127]
Rock wool 40 36 [127–131]
Glass wool 38 43 [129–131]
XPS 33 46 [47,127]
Foam glass (gravel) 50 50 [125,132]
PUR-PIR 25 59 [47,114,128]
Foam glass (slab) 50 131 [124,125,132]
VIP 8 247 [56,75,114,133–135]
Silica aerogels 12 547 [56,87,114]

is comprised of an open, highly porous core that is evacuated and

wrapped in a sealed envelope of several metallized polymer laminate
layers. Some of the most commonly used core materials include fiber
glass, PUR-foam, polystyrene foam, expanded cork, expanded perlite,
precipitated silica, fumed silica, and aerogels [62,63]. Among these,
fumed silica is by far the most commonly used core-material for VIPs in
the building sector by virtue of its high life expectancy (> 50 years) and
Fig. 4. Material cost (top) and insulation thickness (bottom) required to its very low thermal conductivity [64] – the latter as a result of the very
achieve an R-value of 10 m2 K W–1 with various thermal insulation materials. small pore size. VIPs are characterized by their fragile nature and re-
Solid dots represent average cost values, while the bars indicate the range found
quire protection against perforation of the foil; puncturing the VIP
in the literature. Numerical values and the corresponding references can be
envelope causes an increase in thermal conductivity to about
extracted from Table 2.
20 mW m–1 K–1 [65]. As experience in the building sector has shown,
the effective thermal conductivity of VIPs not only depends on their
insulation was calculated at 17 m2 K W–1 [40]. construction (core material and envelope), but also on installation-de-
pendent thermal bridging effects [66,67]. A study on vacuum-insulated
building facades has shown that the effect of thermal bridges strongly
3.1.2. Vacuum insulation panels depends on the thermal contact of the VIPs with the wall [68]. TES
Among the materials listed in Table 1, vacuum insulation panels systems based on cylindrical tanks will thus require the use of curved
(VIP) exhibit the lowest thermal conductivity (as low as 4 mW m–1 K–1) VIPs to allow a good thermal contact between the panels and the tank
and represent one of the most promising high-performance thermal wall. Table 3 shows a list of commercial VIP products available in
insulation solutions on today’s market [61]. A commercial VIP product

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

curved or flexible shapes that may be suitable for TES applications. wavelengths between 3 and 8 µm [80,81]. Infrared opacifier doping
In addition to its high cost (247 €/m2), one of the major drawbacks (e.g. with carbon black, SiC, ZrO2 and TiO2) can reduce the radiative
of VIPs is the irreversible increase of thermal conductivity due to dif- component and improve the insulating capability of silica aerogels
fusion of water vapor and air through the envelope into the VIP core. [82]. The advantage of using aerogels for low-temperature thermal
Numerous studies have been conducted with the aim of predicting the energy storage (< 100 °C) is that the radiative component is still small
service life of VIPs as a function of a variety of climate factors such as enough to eliminate the need for opacifier doping. This in turn reduces
temperature, humidity, and pressure [69–71]. In spite of the irrever- the complexity and consequently the cost of synthesizing the material.
sible increase of thermal conductivity, VIPs continue to demonstrate Silica aerogels are particularly attractive as insulation material in
their ability to offer improved long-term thermal performance as windows [83] because of their high visual transmittance and in solar
compared to conventional thermal insulation materials. In Canada, for collectors [84] because of their high solar energy transmittance (88%
example, VIP composites used for a roofing application performed for a 10-mm-thick packed bed of highly-translucent aerogel granulate
consistently over a period of 5 years (within a 10% margin of its ori- [85]). By virtue of the Knudsen effect and because of their intrinsic
ginal condition) even though operating temperatures as high as 58 °C small characteristic pore diameter (typically 5–100 nm [86]), aerogels
were reached during the summer season [72]. Similarly, a 5-year in-situ exhibit thermal conductivity values as low as 14 mW m–1 K–1 at ambient
experimental assessment conducted in Sweden showed no sign of per- pressure and 4 mW m–1 K–1 at 50 mbar [87]. Silica aerogels are char-
formance degradation of VIPs installed in a retrofitted exterior wall acterized by their vulnerability to moisture, extreme fragility, and low
operating at maximum temperatures exceeding 35 °C [73]. Monitoring tensile strength. Their mechanical properties can be improved by
data from another flat roof with VIP insulation showed that – assuming methods of mechanical reinforcing, however, usually at the expense of
a realistic initial thermal conductivity of 4.5 mW m–1 K–1 – a long-term increasing their density and thereby their thermal conductivity [88].
value (after 25 years) of 7 mW m–1 K–1 can be deemed representative for Aerogels are very strong in compression, which is why they are typi-
commercial fumed-silica VIPs with polymer-based barrier [74]. In a cally used in a sandwich construction, e.g. between two sheets of glass
further recent experimental study, the thermal performance of com- [89]. Their compressive strength (σcc), as shown in Table 1, is very
mercially available fumed silica based VIPs was estimated between 7.9 sensitive to the material density. Aerogels with densities greater than
and 8.1 mW m–1 K–1 after 25 years of service [75]. 200 kg/m3 or smaller than 100 kg/m3 have been found to be either too
So far, only a limited number of studies have been conducted to brittle or too ductile, while only those with intermediate densities ex-
investigate the thermal performance of VIPs at higher temperatures. An hibit elastic properties that allow them to recover their original di-
experimental study conducted with a 32-month-aged fumed-silica VIP mensions after being compressed [90].
specimen showed that the thermal conductivity of a 10-mm-thick panel By far the biggest hurdle in the application of silica aerogels as
increased from 5.4 mW m–1 K–1 at 23 °C to 7.0 mW m–1 K–1 at 53 °C [76] thermal insulation is their very high cost. As shown in Table 2, the cost
– in absolute terms a small increase of 1.6 mW m–1 K–1 due to the 30 °C of silica aerogels (547 €/m2) is roughly between 10 and 20 times higher
temperature increase. Prototype VIPs that are compatible with high- than that of traditional thermal insulation materials such as EPS, glass
temperature applications above 100 °C have been developed by em- wool, or PUR (32–59 €/m2). Compared to VIPs (247 €/m2), aerogels
ploying HR-CPP (polypropylene) and PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) cost twice as much for the same thermal resistance. Increasing com-
films for the panel envelope [77]. By using a PBT film, the authors mercialization is expected to drop the market price of aerogels below
demonstrated that even when keeping a VIP specimen at temperatures the 1200 €/m3 mark [56], which would bring their price to the current
as high as 105 °C for 200 days (λinitial = 3.5 mW m–1 K–1), it was pos- levels of VIPs. Meanwhile there is no significant advantage of using
sible to maintain a thermal conductivity lower than 6.5 mW m–1 K–1 at aerogels instead of VIPs (similar λ values) for TES systems under the
the end of the test. Furthermore, when using PBT in combination with scenarios illustrated in Fig. 1. Aerogels may however find a niche
hydrophobic zeolite (an adsorbent able to perform better at high tem- market in directly-irradiated solar TES concepts capable of exploiting
peratures), the final thermal conductivity of the panel could be limited their translucent nature and high solar transmittance characteristics. An
to 5 mW m–1 K–1. In contrast, the thermal conductivity of a conven- example of such an application has been described in [91], where a 12-
tional aluminum-coated VIP exposed to 105 °C deteriorated very ra- mm-thick silica aerogel tile applied to the upper surface of a solar tank
pidly, reaching 20 mW m–1 K–1 after only 80 days of testing. (a shallow solar-pond water heater) allowed the water to be heated to
The only documented application of VIPs in a STES system appears temperatures as high as 56 °C during a typical summer day.
to be a 100 m3 hot-water tank built in Sengenthal, Germany [78]. The
heat storage was made out of eight precast concrete elements forming
3.2. Double-wall vacuum envelope packed with powder particles (evacuated
an inner octagon that allowed flat VIPs to be installed on the inside
walls of the storage. Thermal insulation consisted of two 1-cm thick EPS
layers and a 5-cm thick VIP core. An ethylene propylene diene
Traditionally, TES tanks have been insulated by applying thermal
monomer (EPDM) film sack was used to store the water at a maximum
insulation materials on the storage walls. The disadvantage of this ap-
temperature of 82 °C and avoid the direct contact between the thermal
proach – especially when using conventional materials – is that a large
insulation and the hot water. Theoretical analysis prior to the storage
insulation thickness is required to achieve the low R-values required in
construction had predicted a total R-value of 9.1 m2 K W–1. Measured
data led to a calculated R-value of 2.8 m2 K W–1 – i.e. only about 30% of
Table 3
the original estimation. The large discrepancy was attributed to thermal Commercial VIP products available in curved or flexible shapes.
bridges and defects in the thermal insulation.
Manufacturer Product λ [mW m–1 K–1] Tmax [°C] Refs.

3.1.3. Silica aerogels va-Q-tec va-Q-pro < 3.5a 70 [136]

Together with VIPs, aerogels are regarded as one of the most pro- Unifrax Excelfrax 200 4.3b 90c [137]
mising state-of-the-art thermal insulation materials, although their Porextherm Vacupor NT 4.8d 80 [138]
commercial availability is still very limited [79]. Silica aerogel is a TURNA TURVAC Si < 4.5a 80 [139]
NanoPore VIP 4.0a 120 [140]
highly translucent material consisting of a nanostructured SiO2 net-
work, with porosities of up to 99.8% and low thermal conductivity a
No specific information given.
values. At high temperatures (typically above 200 °C), radiative heat b
4.3 mW m–1 K–1 @ 90 °C / 4.0 mW m–1 K–1 @ 20 °C.
transfer is known to become dominant and deteriorate the insulating c
VIPs for applications up to 1000 °C available on a non-standard basis.
capability of silica aerogels due to their low extinction coefficient at d
4.7 mW m–1 K–1 @ 90 °C / 4.0 mW m–1 K–1 @ 20 °C.

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

Table 4
Properties of selected evacuated powder mixtures. λeff represents the total effective thermal conductivity at 20 °C and pg < 0.01 mbar. Densities are of powders
compacted at 1 bar. Data for ρ, p1/2, and λ from [102]. The mean pore size (dp) was computed using the measured p1/2 values and Eq. (2).
Powder contents ρ [kg m–3] p1/2 [mbar] dp [μm] λeff [mW m–1 K–1]

Perlite 219 5 20 6.5

Perlite + c.b. + p. SiO2 220 20 5 5.9
Perlite + Fe3O4 + f. SiO2 306 150 0.7 5.4
p. SiO2 180 220 0.5 4.2
p. SiO2 + FeTiO3 213 200 0.5 3.2
p. SiO2 + c.b. 182 190 0.5 2.5
f. SiO2 + TiO2 240 590 0.2 4.2

c.b.: carbon black; p. SiO2: precipitated silica; f. SiO2: fumed silica.

STES systems. This in turn translates into a large volume occupied by influence of the pore size on the thermal conductivity is also sub-
the thermal insulation, leading to important penalty costs that result stantial. At 100 mbar, the thermal conductivity obtained with 10-μm
when the STES system is placed inside a residential building. In con- expanded perlite powder would be 23 mW m–1 K–1 as compared to
ventional insulation materials like glass wool, rock wool or organic 0.72 mW m–1 K–1 obtained with 30-nm fumed silica powder. Achieving
–1 –1
foams, the total heat transfer is dominated by the contribution of the g = 0.72 mW m K with 10-μm expanded perlite would require the
gas within the hollow spaces. gas pressure to be reduced to 0.3 mbar.
Alternatively, the thermal insulation can be realized within the wall In many cases, the total heat transfer within porous materials can be
of the storage as illustrated in Fig. 2b. Here, the insulation layer is described by the superposition of the single contributions of the various
realized by creating an evacuated powder-containing envelope between heat transfer mechanisms, leading to the following expression for the
two concentric vessels. Similarly to a conventional Dewar flask, an total effective thermal conductivity, eff [100]:
evacuated envelope makes use of vacuum to suppress the heat transfer
due to gaseous conduction. The concept of filling the vacuum space eff = g (T , pg ) + s (T ) + r (T ) + c ( s, pg ) (3)
with powders was patented by Stanley back in 1912 [92], driven by the
motivation to achieve a given degree of insulation at a much softer where s is the thermal conductivity of the solid phase, r is the ra-
vacuum (i.e. a less reduced pressure in the evacuated space). A softer diative thermal conductivity, and c is the solid–gas coupling thermal
vacuum alleviates the mechanical stress to which the tank is subjected conductivity. Suppressing the heat transfer in the gaseous phase, g , has
and consequently reduces its construction cost. This type of thermal a substantial impact on the reduction of the total thermal conductivity
insulation – also known as evacuated powders – has been proven and of an evacuated powder. For example, with fumed silica powder com-
widely used in the field of cryogenic engineering [93,94]. In an evac- pressed to about 200 kg/m3 and pg < 1 mbar, the heat transfer is limited
uated powder, the effective thermal conductivity is reduced by virtue of to solid conduction (2–3 mW m–1 K–1), and thermal radiation
the so-called Knudsen effect, which describes the gaseous conduction in (~1 mW m–1 K–1 when adding an opacifier), which leads to a total
a porous media as a function of the gas pressure and the characteristic thermal conductivity of about 4 mW m–1 K–1 [101]. The potential of
pore size [95]. According to the Knudsen equation, the gaseous con- using other materials is illustrated in Table 4, which summarizes the
ductivity can be suppressed if the mean free path of the gas molecules is measured eff -values for fully evacuated powders of various composi-
constrained by individual pore walls. This condition is met when the tions at 20 °C and pg <0.01 mbar – at such low pressures, g ~ 0 for up to
pore size becomes smaller or comparable to the mean free path of the d p ~100 µm as shown in Fig. 9. Densities of the listed powders (com-
gas molecules (~70 nm for air [96]), which is for example the case for pacted at 1 bar) range roughly between 180 and 300 kg/m3. Here, the
fumed silica powder (pore size: 30–100 nm [36]). In this case, the radiative component ( r ) was suppressed by adding carbon black, iron
collisions between the gas molecules and the pore wall dominate over oxide, or TiO2 as opacifiers. The mean pore size, d p , ranges between
the collisions between the gas molecules, resulting in a reduction of the 200 nm (f. SiO2 + TiO2) and 20 µm (perlite), as estimated using the p1/2
thermal conductivity of the confined gas, g . The latter can be described values measured in [102] and Eq. (2). Total thermal conductivities as
by [97]: low as 2.5 mW m–1 K–1 can be achieved by using precipitated silica
powders (p. SiO2) opacified with carbon black. The highest thermal
g =
g conductivity was obtained with pure perlite (no opacifier, d p ~ 20 µm)
1+ at 6.5 mW m–1 K–1. In spite of its higher thermal conductivity as com-
pg (1)
pared to the other powders, expanded perlite is an attractive material
where is the thermal conductivity of the non-confined gas, pg is the
g for this application due to its low cost. The price of fumed silica, for
gas pressure, and p1/2 is a characteristic gas pressure at which g is half example, can be up to 10 times higher than expanded perlite [63,103].
of g0 . The latter can be computed from [98]: An example of evacuated powders applied in the field of TES is a
12 m3 hot-water experimental storage built by ITW [103]. The storage
kB T
p1/2 = tank was insulated with a mixture of 70 wt% coarse-grained expanded
2 0 dp (2) perlite (ρ = 73 kg/m3, 2 mm maximum grain size) and 30 wt% fumed
where is a gas-dependent factor (1.6 for air), kB is the Boltzmann silica (ρ = 43 kg/m3, 10–15 nm grain size) evacuated to 1.1 mbar. The
constant, T is the gas temperature, 0 is the collision cross section density of the mixture was 97 kg/m3 and its thermal conductivity – as
(4.3·10–19 m2 for air [99]), and d p is the mean pore diameter. Corre- measured previously using a guarded cylinder apparatus – was found in
lations to compute g0 and can be found in [98]. Fig. 9 shows the the range 10–11 mW m–1 K–1 for pressures between 0.02 and 1 mbar.
thermal conductivity of air ( g ) – as calculated using Eq. (1) – as a The hot water was stored at a mean temperature of 57 °C and the mean
function of the gas pressure ( pg ) and the mean pore size (d p ). For a given temperature difference between the storage and the surroundings was
d p , the plot shows how g can be decreased by reducing the gas pres- 38 °C. The mean temperature drop of the storage over a period of 17
sure. For example, using expanded perlite (dp= 10 µm), g could be days was about 0.25 K per day. The authors suggested that pressures of
decreased from 23 mW m–1 K–1 at 100 mbar to about 2 mW m–1 K–1 at 1 at least 1 mbar would be most suitable for large thermal energy stores
mbar. As illustrated with the various curves of different d p , the as their experience with the 12 m3 tank showed the difficulties of

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

achieving lower vacuum pressures at high temperatures. insulation is shown for a cylindrical storage tank. Thermal insulation is
Another example of an application of evacuated powders in a STES assumed to be applied uniformly (i.e. constant thickness) on the cy-
system is a 16.4 m3 hot-water tank prototype built by the Bavarian lindrical wall as well as at the top and bottom of the storage. Results in
Center for Applied Energy Research [104–107]. The prototype consists Fig. 5 are shown for a tank with a height-to-diameter ratio (h/d) in the
of two concentric cylindrical steel containers separated by an annular range 2.7–6.0, insulated with glass wool or VIP such that R-value
gap (dgap ) of 20 cm, leading to a total insulation volume of 8.4 m3. The = 10 m2 K W–1. Glass wool is considered as reference material in this
gap was filled with expanded perlite (Technoperl® – C 1,5; unit price ~ analysis as it is the most common insulation used in buildings and
50 €/m3) and evacuated to 0.08 mbar. The hot water was stored in the thermal energy storage applications. The h/d ratio of the tank is cal-
inner tank at a maximum temperature of 90 °C. The storage tank had a culated as a function of the storage volume such that: (1) h/d is as close
total height of 6 m and a ratio h/d of 2.5. The expanded perlite had an as possible to 4, which can be regarded as a suitable aspect ratio for the
uncompressed bulk density of 53 kg/m3 and a typical pore size in the scenario depicted in Fig. 1a, and (2) the total height of the tank (i.e.
range 10–50 µm. In the evacuated gap, the actual bulk density of the including the insulation at the top and bottom) equals a multiple of the
powder was about 92 kg/m3 as a result of the self-compression during floor-to-floor height of the building. The latter constraint is introduced
the perlite filling process. Based on heat loss measurements conducted to minimize the total area of living space lost through the incorporation
over a period of 10 days, the effective thermal conductivity of the of the storage. Here, the tank is assumed to be incorporated in a
evacuated tank envelope was estimated at 9.2 mW m–1 K–1. building with a characteristic floor-to-floor height of 3 m. The resulting
Using measured data, the contributions of the various heat transfer h/d ratio is shown in Fig. 6 as a function of the storage volume, for a
mechanisms to the total effective thermal conductivity (see Eq. (3)) tank insulated with VIP or glass wool. Note that the steps in Figs. 5 and
were estimated in [105]: g / eff = 0.17, s / eff = 0.55, r / eff = 0.27, 6 are the result of shifts in the number of floors occupied by the storage
and c / eff = 0.003. While the solid phase contributed with more than (indicated by the circled numbers in Fig. 6). For example, a 45 m3
50% of the total heat transfer, the solid-gas coupling effect accounted storage tank insulated with glass wool would occupy 3 floors at htank
for less than 1% of the total heat transfer. Given the direct dependence = 8.24 m, dtank = 2.64 m, and h/d = 3.1, whereas a slightly larger tank
of g and c on the gas pressure (see Eq. (3)), it becomes of major with 46 m3 would extend through 4 floors at htank = 11.24 m, dtank
importance to minimize gas leakages into the evacuated space to avoid = 2.28 m, and h/d = 4.9. The difference in the h/d ratio depending on
a significant pressure increase and consequently a detriment in per- the insulation material is a consequence of the difference in thickness of
formance. The leakage rate of the tank prototype was estimated at the insulation layer at the top and bottom of the tank (glass wool:
2.3·10–8 mbar m3 s–1, which is expected to lead to an annual pressure 38 cm, VIP: 8 cm).
increase of 0.085 mbar. At this rate, the authors estimated that the Fig. 5 shows how the volume fraction of the thermal insulation
contribution of g + c would increase from 1.6 to 16 m2 K W–1 (i.e. (Vinsulation/Vtotal) becomes increasingly small for increasing storage
2 –1
eff ~14 m K W ) over a period of 20 years [105], which would volumes, as a result of the decreasing surface-to-volume ratio (A/V).
translate into a decrease of the R-value from 22 to 8.5 m2 K W–1. As While a 10 m3 storage exhibits an A/V ratio of 2.9, this ratio reduces to
compared to vacuum insulation panels, an important advantage of a 0.7 for a 1000 m3 storage. The space taken by thermal insulation can be
double-wall vacuum insulation jacket is that it can allow a periodic re- expected to represent a significant fraction of the total volume occupied
evacuation of the evacuated volume in order to maintain the low by the storage when using conventional materials – as high as 61% for a
thermal conductivity of the envelope during the entire lifetime of the 10 m3 storage insulated with glass wool, as shown in Fig. 5. For a
storage system. 100 m3 storage, the volume fraction of a glass wool insulation layer
would be 38%. In this case, the use of VIP can drastically reduce this
4. Comparative analysis and discussion fraction to 10%, leading to space savings of 49 m3 or 14.5 m2 (3.6 m2
per floor). Using this figure and a VIP cost of 247 €/m2 (see Table 2), it
Based on the material properties and cost parameters presented in is estimated that the use of VIP becomes economically advantageous
the previous sections, a parametric economic analysis was conducted to when the value of living space exceeds 1960 €/m2 – this is the market
quantify the potential savings that may be achieved by using state-of-
the-art insulation materials in thermal energy storage applications.
Among the group of materials investigated (see Fig. 4), VIP and silica
aerogels stand out as those with lowest thermal conductivity. Compared
to VIP, aerogels cost twice as much for the same thermal resistance and
offer no advantages for the applications considered in this study.
Compared to traditional thermal insulation materials such as EPS, glass
wool, or PUR (32–59 €/m2), VIP costs between four and eight times
more (247 €/m2). As illustrated in Fig. 4, the main advantage of VIP is
the reduced thickness required to achieve a given thermal resistance.
While a VIP requires a thickness of 8 cm to provide a thermal resistance
of 10 m2 K W–1, a layer of glass wool would require a thickness of
38 cm, i.e. roughly five times more. The use of VIP becomes thus ad-
vantageous when the economic benefit of saving living space – by
virtue of the thinner insulation – outweighs the extra cost of VIP itself.
To this conclusion came [30,31] when assessing the economic potential
of using VIP in the interior of passive houses and zero energy buildings.
By conducting an analogous analysis under the scenario illustrated in
Fig. 1a, it can be expected that potential space savings in thermal en-
ergy storage applications are even more significant than in building
applications, given that the thickness required to insulate a hot-water
storage tank is about two to three times greater than the insulation Fig. 5. Fraction of the total volume occupied by the thermal insulation in a
required in passive houses [108]. cylindrical TES tank. Results are shown for glass wool and VIP, for a tank with a
The benefit of using VIP to insulate a TES system is illustrated in height-to-diameter ratio h/d ~ 4. The actual h/d ratios are shown in Fig. 6. Vtotal
Fig. 5, in which the fraction of the total volume occupied by the thermal = Vstorage + Vinsulation; R-value = 10 m2 K W–1.

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

thermal insulation.
Further cost reduction of the TES system can be achieved by opti-
mizing the R-value as a function of the economic value of the energy
stored, the material and installation costs of the tank and thermal in-
sulation, and the market value of real estate. Such an optimization is
not included in this paper. Instead, a straightforward parametric ana-
lysis is presented here with the aim of estimating the magnitude of the
potential savings that may be achieved through the use of novel thermal
insulation materials. Fig. 7 (left) shows the market value of real estate at
the break-even point (MVBEP) as a function of the storage volume for
two different R-values. Given the uncertainty in the long-term perfor-
mance of VIPs at higher temperatures, results are presented for λVIP
= 8 mW m–1 K–1 (baseline reference value shown in Table 2) and for
λVIP = 12 mW m–1 K–1 (i.e. 50% degradation) with the aim of quanti-
fying the sensitivity of the analysis to this parameter. Note that the
impact of increasing λVIP is two-fold, since both volume and specific
cost of the thermal insulation increase (C10,VIP increases to 371 €/m2
with λVIP = 12 mW m–1 K–1) as a result of the increased insulating
thickness required to achieve the same thermal resistance. The results
presented in Fig. 7 show that higher R-values and smaller storage vo-
lumes favor the use of VIP, as the use of thermal insulation – in terms of
m3 insulation per m3 effective storage – is more intensive in these cases.
Fig. 6. Height-to-diameter ratio of a cylindrical storage tank incorporated in-
Fig. 7 (right) shows the cost savings that could be achieved by using VIP
side a building with a characteristic floor-to-floor height of 3 m. The tank is
sized such that the total height (i.e. including the insulation layer at the top and instead of glass wool to insulate a TES system incorporated in a re-
bottom of the tank) equals a multiple of the floor-to-floor height. Circled sidential building in Zurich. At λVIP = 8 mW m–1 K–1, using VIP to in-
numbers indicate the number of floors occupied by the storage tank. Results are sulate a 100 m3 TES tank with an R-value of 10 m2 K W–1 would lead to
shown for a tank insulated with VIP and glass wool. savings of about 1100 €/m3 or 110,000 € in absolute terms. At λVIP
= 12 mW m–1 K–1, the cost savings would be about 760 €/m3 – still
value of real estate at the break-even point (MVBEP). This condition significant, but 30% lower compared to the baseline due to the 50%
would easily be satisfied, for example, in Madrid (3353 €/m2), Berlin increase in the thermal conductivity of VIP.
(3510 €/m2), Zurich (9600 €/m2), or London (7145 – 16538 €/m2) As a final economic evaluation, Fig. 8 provides a comparative
[109,110]. The MVBEP represents the minimum value of real estate overview of the combined costs of (1) the thermal insulation material
above which the use of VIP leads to cost savings as compared to the use (excl. installation costs) and (2) the space occupied by the thermal in-
of glass wool: sulation for a 100-m3 cylindrical TES tank integrated inside a re-
sidential building. The insulation thermal resistance corresponds to the
(Atank,VIP ·C10,VIP Atank,GW · C10,GW )·
R-value reference R-value of 10 m2 K W–1, while λ and cost values correspond to
MVBEP = 10 m2 K W 1
those presented in Table 2. Results in Fig. 8 are shown for two market
Areal estate,GW Areal estate,VIP (4) values of real estate: 3000 €/m2 and 6000 €/m2. As compared to VIP
and PUR-PIR, the combined costs that result from using conventional
where Atank represents the area of the tank covered with thermal in-
thermal insulation materials (XPS, EPS, glass wool, and rock wool) are
sulation, Areal-estate is the area of real estate occupied by the thermal
rather unfavorable due to the high cost fractions associated to the in-
insulation (lost living space), C10 is the material cost of thermal in-
tensive utilization of living space in the building. In contrast – and in
sulation given in Table 2 for a reference thermal resistance of 10 m2 K
spite of its high material cost – VIP arises as the most cost-effective
W–1, and R-value is the actual thermal resistance to be provided by the

Fig. 7. Left: market value of real estate at break-even point (MVBEP), as a function of the storage volume, the insulation thermal resistance (R-value), and λVIP. MVBEP
represents the real estate value (€/m2) above which the use of VIP becomes economically advantageous against glass wool. Right: cost savings (€ per m3 of storage
volume) achieved in Zurich (real estate value = 9600 €/m2) when using VIP instead of glass wool to insulate a TES.

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

Fig. 8. Combined costs of thermal insulation (light grey area) and living space occupied by the thermal insulation (dark grey area) for a 100-m3 cylindrical TES tank
incorporated inside a residential building. Percentage values inside the bars indicate the cost fraction associated to living space. Percentage values on top of the bars
indicate the change in the combined cost as compared to glass wool. R-value = 10 m2 K W–1, while λ and cost values correspond to those presented in Table 2. Results
are shown for two market values of real estate: 3000 €/m2 (left) and 6000 €/m2 (right).

materials, the method of evacuated powders reviewed in Section 3.2

offers the possibility to bury a storage tank underground (scenario
shown in Fig. 1b), thereby eliminating the need for valuable living
space inside the building. Thermal insulation materials applied on the
outside of the storage cannot offer this solution because of the intake of
soil moisture that would lead to significant degradation in thermal
conductivity. On the other hand, if the tank is to be incorporated inside
the building (scenario illustrated in Fig. 1a), the method of evacuated
powders can offer the potential of substantially reducing the volume
fraction of the thermal insulation. Experiments with a 16.4 m3 hot-
water tank equipped with a double-wall vacuum insulation jacket
showed that an effective thermal conductivity of 9.2 mW m–1 K–1 can be
achieved across the evacuated envelope [105]. At an envelope gap
thickness of 20 cm, this translates into an R-value of 22 m2 K W–1. Using
an analysis analogous to that applied above for VIP, Fig. 10 shows the

Fig. 9. Thermal conductivity of air (λg) at 20 °C calculated using Eq. (1) as a

function of the air pressure (pg) and the mean pore diameter of the powder (dp).
The shaded regions show λg when the powder is expanded perlite (dp =
10–50 µm [105]) and fumed silica (dp = 30–100 nm [113]).

option by virtue of the significant space that can be saved due to its low
thermal conductivity. Using VIPs when the value of real estate is 6000
€/m2 could allow reducing the combined costs by as much as 52%
(59,000 € savings in absolute terms) as compared to the use of con-
ventional insulation materials. Alternatively, the high-performance
PUR-PIR foams (regarded as a transitional material between conven-
tional insulation materials and the so-called “superinsulation” pro-
ducts) could be an attractive alternative to VIP, especially for scenarios
in which the value of real estate falls in a lower range. For a real estate
value of 3000 €/m2 (see Fig. 8), the use of PUR-PIR can even lead to
greater cost savings (30%) as compared to VIP (25%), with the addi-
tional benefit of better thermal stability and longer lifetime. The use of
Fig. 10. Fraction of the total volume occupied by the thermal insulation in a
silica aerogels, as compared to the more established VIP and PUR-PIR
cylindrical TES tank (h/d ratio = 2.5). Results are shown for an evacuated
products does not appear to be economically favorable under these envelope [105] as compared to the use of glass wool. Vtotal = Vstorage
scenarios. + Vinsulation; R-value = 22 m2 K W–1. Insulation is applied on the cylindrical
In contrast to VIP, PUR-PIR, and conventional thermal insulation wall as well as at the top and bottom of the tank.

W. Villasmil et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 71–84

in the field of cryogenics, its application at higher temperatures can

offer significant advantages for TES. First, and most importantly, it can
allow the storage to be buried underground, thereby eliminating the
need for valuable living space inside residential buildings. Conventional
insulating materials cannot offer this solution because of the intake of
soil moisture that would lead to a significant increase in thermal con-
ductivity. In contrast to VIP, the use of evacuated powders in a double-
wall tank construction can allow maintaining the low thermal con-
ductivity of the insulating jacket through a periodic re-evacuation of
the vacuum chamber.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Swiss Federal Office of

Energy for financial contributions to this work. This research is part of
the activities of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research on
Heat and Electricity Storage (SCCER HaE), which is financially sup-
ported by the Swiss Innovation Agency – Innosuisse.


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