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Pediculosis Capitis
Parasitic infection of the head and scalp (bugs do not fly or

Transmission = DIRECT: hair to hair OR INDIRECT: Brush

Hat etc

Incubation Period = 6-8 days

Signs & Symptoms

 Intense pruritus’ (itching)
 Parents may think its dandruff, but it sticks to head

Inspection revels nits

o Silvery-white, yellow, or dark
o 1mm (teardrop)
o Adheres to one side of the hair shaft
o Usually found behind the ears and near the scalp

Inspection reveals lice

 Wingless insects’ size of sesame seed
 Not easily seen d/t moving quickly

Nursing Diagnosis
 Contamination
 Risk for infection (itching)
 Self-esteem
 Itching

 Initial pediculicide shampoo (OTC or Rx)
o Do not wash hair prior to medication
 Second Treatment pediculicide shampoo recommended (7
days later)
Nursing Care
 Assess for presence of lice or nits
 Administer treatment
 Provide reassurance that anyone can be effected

 Educate family on transmission and treatment
 Machine wash all clothing, towels, bed linen etc with hot
water and then dryer 20 min or more
 Vacuum carpets, car seats, stuffed animals, rugs
 Non washable items should be sealed in plastic bag for 14
days if unable to dry-clean or vacuum
 Soak combs, brushes and other hair items in lice killing
products for one hour
 Can boil items for 10 min
 When children are not at home, they should always have
hats scarfs etc. in different cubbies
Otitis Media

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