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Task V

Félix Antonio Brito Santana


Professional internship

Evelyn Cynthia Pérez Salgado


In this project I will be doing a brushing on a tourist agency which aims to provide a professional service and a wide variety
of services to offer to our clients.
It should be noted that our agency was created in 2000 in order to facilitate the services we offer such as immigration
advice, air ticket purchases, maritime ticket purchases, hotel reservations, national and international tours

I will also have the opportunity to express my experience, opinion and sense regarding the professional practice from
home in my experience about the practice has been very good because I have been able to develop the practice from the
comfort of my home which I thought impossible.

Consequently, I had the opportunity to participate in a conference on a very important topic such as animation, which
proposed seven fundamental steps to carry out this activity.I also planted that, according to the world tourism organization,
tourist animation is all the action carried out in or about a group, a community or a medium, with the intention of
developing communication and guaranteeing social life.
what we offer
Consular visa service
At Felix A. Brito TRAVEL we have a wide range of
accommodations. Trust our travel agency and find in our
search engine more than 500,000 hotel establishments
Our agency also has an immigration service.
around the world belonging to the main hotel chains. We
Although these types of services are help you compare the best hotel deals and choose the About us?
processed directly by the secretaries of ideal accommodation for your next vacation.
foreign relations or international consulates, Your door to incredible adventures
our travel agency can be a means of Transportation
Felix A. Brito TRAVEL was founded in 2000 with the
information and link to obtain them more  maritime goal of establishing a truly exceptional Travel Agency
immediately.  aerial in the BONAO area. Our team of experienced agents
 railway are passionate about making our customers happy,
 land
and we go above and beyond to ensure excellent
Food our service includes breakfasts, lunches, dinners (in customer service.
different plans), lunches, or coffee breaks.
Since we opened our doors, we have dedicated
But our excursion I don't know what they give ourselves to planning trips that will provide our
we organize trips so that the client has the opportunity to
clients with beautiful memories for years to come. So
enjoy our culture, our landscapes and our tourist whatever type of trip you dream of, we can plan it.
attractions. Get in touch today, and we'll do the rest.
Mission Values
Our company provides professional
assistance to all those who need a travel
service. The effort is focused on providing
OUR VISION To promote the sustainable
fast, precise and efficient answers, seeking growth of the organization, based on The company is based on honesty, mutual
to satisfy our clients with our service, permanent innovation both in the provision respect, teamwork, responsibility,
advice, commitment, price, solution of of services, the approach to customers, the professionalism, transparency in actions,
possible inconveniences (before, during or quality of the information provided, the commitment, growth, constant innovation
after each trip). We provide a tailored appropriate advice for each need. and the importance of our clients for the
service, both for companies and individual vitality of the company
passengers, whether traveling for pleasure
or business. Achieve a flexible organization to the
changes that the market requires,
The ability of our staff to provide adequate anticipate trends to generate differentiating
responses is part of our strength, constantly and varied proposals.
monitoring the operations that are carried out.
At the end, make a small section where you will talk about your personal experience regarding this practice carried out
from home, your opinion and feelings about it.

My experience has been very good because I have been able to develop the practice from the comfort of my home, which
I thought was impossible, but with the help of the professional practice facilitator and coordinator, all very dynamic and
productive acid, it is worth mentioning that at the time she was telling me how to I was going to be able to carry out the
activities that were assigned to me, per week, where every day they asked me to do a simulation of in a hotel doing some
activities related to a hotel on many occasions I felt without idea to create my assignments but thanks to the materials
uploaded to the platform and my wife who was the support because two or three people were always needed to make the
videos, I was able to successfully carry out all my assignments.
In my opinion, I think that we should always look for a solution to the problems that arise because if we had not seen it, we
would not have been able to develop this subject because it is impossible for Asia to do professional practice, and
because of the contagion rate that we had At that time in the country it was very high and it was impossible to find a hotel
that did not give the opportunity to develop the face-to-face practice, again to thank the UAPA as well as the coordinators
and teacher for looking for a way out of this situation, I was from which I said that I did not want to do virtual practice
because I thought that nothing would be learned but they removed that blindfold from my eyes. but I reiterate that we as
future professionals must be willing to adjust to the changes that are coming.

My feeling about it, as I have already mentioned, is that we must always look for a solution to the problems, it is also worth
mentioning that a light will always appear at the end of the road for that reason we must not put ourselves in the way if we
do not continue moving towards our dream.
On the other hand, you should make a one-page summary in English about the conference you attended.

Regarding the conference of Mr. Anissio de Jesús in his speech, he was stating that according to the world tourism
organization, tourist animation is all the action carried out in or on a group, a community or a medium, with the intention of
developing communication and guaranteeing social life.
He also pointed out that the profile of an animator must have:
Broad domain of universal culture
It empowers to live and work in a group
Knowledge of three languages as a pussycat
Communication and contact possibilities
Ability to perform sports, body language and dance
Be able to motivate participation
Broad sense of responsibility

Another issue cataloged as the main course by Mr. Anissio de Jesús was the 7 steps involved in the preparation and
execution of recreational and sports activities in the tourist company, in his first step he did not say that preparing the area
of activity is fundamental and It must be done live that the client is watching because automatically you start the
organization of your area of activity, the client draws your attention that it is going to happen air and this will allow that
when and you go to make the invitation to form the client interested in going.
Now, in step number 4 it does not say that the animator must gather the participants to explain the rules of the activity, but
without applying so much rule that they lead the participant to stress and, above all, make it clear how long the activity will
last and if you have a prize for the winners
At the closing of the activity, the gift must be given to the winning person or group, it is also important that the animator
invites them to other activities that will be carried out as a show at night so that this show is a success
Finally, the cleaning of the activity area, the animator must avoid being called to attention due to being disharmonized.The
animator must return all the equipment used to its accustomed place.It is also important that the area where the activity
was made is impeccable because it It will help the participants to say that the department is very organized, this will lead
to the client speaking well of the company and the animator
Finally, it fills me with great satisfaction that I have been able to finish this professional practice, however, I can say that
thanks to the facilitators and the coordinators of said practice they were able to draw from us skills that I had not planned
to develop, it was a number of activities that can develop


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